#++ # Barbara Kess # Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation # # Module Name: # makelist.pl # # Abstract: # # #--
# # Set global vars #
#Flush output buffer for remote.exe select(STDOUT); $|=1;
# Get the parameters %Params = &GetArguments(@ARGV);
if ( exists $Params{"i"} ) { @list = &IntersectLists( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"u"} ) { @list = &UnionLists( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"d"} ) { @list = &DiffLists( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"c"} ) { @list = &CreateListFromDirectory( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"n"} ) { @list = &DosnetToList(%Params); } elsif ( exists $Params{"m"} ) { @list = &FileToList( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"a"} ) { @list = &SourceDestDiff( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"q"} ) { @list = &ExDosnetToList( %Params ); } elsif ( exists $Params{"b"} ) { @list = &MediaToList( %Params ); }
elsif ( exists $Params{"r"} ) { @list = &DrvindexToList( %Params ); }
if ( exists $Params{"h"} ) { @header=&GetHeader( @{$Params{"h"}}[0] ); &PrintListWithHeader(\@header,\@list, @{$Params{"o"}}[0]); } else { &PrintList(\@list, @{$Params{"o"}}[0]); }
sub IntersectLists { my ( %params ) = @_;
my (@file_list, @file_l, @list, %MARK);
$first = 1;
foreach $file ( @{$params{"i"}} ) { #open file put it into an array unless ( open( FHANDLE, $file)) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $file"); }
if ($first == 1) { @file_list = <FHANDLE>; close (FHANDLE);
$i=0; foreach $item (@file_list) { chop $file_list[$i]; $i++; }
$first = 0; } else { @list = <FHANDLE>; close (HANDLE);
$i=0; foreach $item (@list) { chop $list[$i]; $i++; }
foreach $item (@file_list) { $MARK{lc $item} = 1; } foreach $item (@list) { if ( $MARK{lc $item} == 1) { $MARK{lc $item} = 2; } } foreach $item (keys %MARK) { if ( $MARK{$item} == 2 ) { push @file_l, $item; } } } } return (@file_l); }
sub UnionLists { my ( %params ) = @_;
my (@file_list, @file_l, @list, %MARK);
$first = 1;
foreach $file ( @{$params{"u"}} ) {
#open file put it into an array unless ( open( FHANDLE, $file)) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $file"); }
if ($first == 1) { @file_list = <FHANDLE>; close (FHANDLE); $first = 0;
$i=0; foreach $item (@file_list) { chop $file_list[$i]; $i++; } } else { @list = <FHANDLE>; close (FHANDLE);
$i=0; foreach $item (@list) { chop $list[$i]; $i++; } foreach $item (@file_list) { $MARK{lc $item} = 1; } foreach $item (@list) { $MARK{lc $item} = 1; } foreach $item (keys %MARK) { if ( $MARK{$item} == 1 ) { push @file_l, $item; } } } } return (@file_l); }
sub DiffLists { my ( %params ) = @_;
my (@file_list, @file_l, @list, %MARK);
$first = 1;
foreach $file ( @{$params{"d"}} ) {
#open file put it into an array unless ( open( FHANDLE, $file)) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $file"); }
if ($first == 1) { @file_list = <FHANDLE>; close (FHANDLE);
$first = 0; $i=0; foreach $item (@file_list) { chop $file_list[$i]; $i++; } } else { @list = <FHANDLE>; close (FHANDLE);
$i=0; foreach $item (@list) { chop $list[$i]; $i++; }
foreach $item (@file_list) { $MARK{lc $item}=1; } foreach $item (@list) { $MARK{lc $item}=0; } foreach $item (keys %MARK) { if ($MARK{$item} == 1) { push @file_l, $item; } } } } return (@file_l); }
sub CreateListFromDirectory {
my ( %params ) = @_;
my (@dir_list, @dir_l,$dir, %MARK);
$dir = @{$Params{"c"}}[0];
unless ( opendir(DIRECTORY, $dir) ) { print "ERROR: Cannot open $dir\n"; } @dir_list = readdir(DIRECTORY); closedir(DIRECTORY); $i=0; foreach $item (@dir_list) { chop $file_list[$i]; $i++; }
foreach $item (@dir_list) {
# if this file is not a directory, put it in the list unless (opendir (DIRECTORY, "$dir\\$item") ) { $MARK{lc $item}++; } closedir(DIRECTORY); } @dir_l = grep($MARK{lc $_},@dir_list); return(@dir_l); }
sub DosnetToList { # $dosnet is the name of the dosnet file # $path is a flag telling whether or not to include path # information in the output file # (i.e., filename=d:\binaries\filename) # @search_paths tells where to search # $check is a flag. If it is 1, then check the search paths, # otherwise use the current directory as the path
my ( %params ) = @_;
$dosnet = @{$params{"n"}}[0];
my (@d_list);
@d_list = &MakeListFromDosnet($dosnet);
return (@d_list); }
sub MediaToList { # $media is the name of the _media file # $path is a flag telling whether or not to include path # information in the output file # (i.e., filename=d:\binaries\filename) # @search_paths tells where to search # $check is a flag. If it is 1, then check the search paths, # otherwise use the current directory as the path
my ( %params ) = @_;
$media = @{$params{"b"}}[0];
my (@d_list);
@d_list = &MakeListFromMedia($media);
return (@d_list); }
sub ExDosnetToList { # $exdosnet is the name of the dosnet file # $path is a flag telling whether or not to include path # information in the output file # (i.e., filename=d:\binaries\filename) # @search_paths tells where to search # $check is a flag. If it is 1, then check the search paths, # otherwise use the current directory as the path
my ( %params ) = @_;
$exdosnet = @{$params{"q"}}[0];
my (@d_list);
@d_list = &MakeListFromExDosnet($exdosnet);
return (@d_list); }
sub DrvindexToList { # $drvindex is the name of the drvindex file # $path is a flag telling whether or not to include path # information in the output file # (i.e., filename=d:\binaries\filename) # @search_paths tells where to search # $check is a flag. If it is 1, then check the search paths, # otherwise use the current directory as the path
my ( %params ) = @_;
$drvindex = @{$params{"r"}}[0];
my (@d_list);
@d_list = &MakeListFromDrvindex($drvindex);
return (@d_list); }
sub PrintList { my ($list,$outfile) = @_;
# Print the items in the list open( OUTFILE, ">$outfile"); $count=0; for ($i=0; $i<@{$list};$i++) { $item = lc $list->[$i]; print OUTFILE "$item\n"; $count++; } # print "$outfile has $count items\n"; close (OUTFILE); }
sub PrintListWithHeader { my ($header,$list,$outfile) = @_;
# Print the items in the list open( OUTFILE, ">$outfile");
for ($i=0; $i<@{$header};$i++) { print OUTFILE "$header->[$i]\n"; } $count=0; for ($i=0; $i<@{$list};$i++) { $item = lc $list->[$i]; print OUTFILE "$item\n"; $count++; } print "$outfile has $count items\n\n"; close (OUTFILE); }
sub SourceDestDiff { my ( %params ) = @_; my ( @file_list, @diff_list );
$file_name = @{$params{"a"}}[0];
#Open file and put it into an array unless ( open( FHANDLE, $file_name) ) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $file_name\n"); }
@file_list = <FHANDLE>; close (FHANDLE); $i=0; foreach $item (@file_list) { $item =~ /(\S+),(\S+)/; if ($1 ne $2) { push @diff_list, $1; } } return (@diff_list); }
sub FileToList {
my ( %params ) = @_; my (@file_list, $path, @final_list);
$file_name = @{$params{"m"}}[0];
#Open file and put it into an array unless ( open( FILENAME, $file_name) ) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $file_name\n"); }
@file_list = <FILENAME>; close (FILENAME); $i=0; foreach $item (@file_list) { chop $file_list[$i]; $i++; }
# Put the path info in if ( $params{"p"} ) {
# Look for the file in the search path if ( $params{"x"} ) { foreach $item (@file_list) { $found = 0; foreach $search (@{$params{"s"}}) { if ( !$found && (-e "$search\\$item") ) { $found = 1; push @final_list, "<HASH>$search\\$item=$search\\$item"; } } } } # Use the first search path as the path else { $path = @{$params{"s"}}[0]; foreach $item (@file_list) { push @final_list, "<HASH>$path\\$item=$path\\$item"; } } return(@final_list); } else { return (@file_list); } }
sub LogFileInit #+ # Initialize the log file # { $ThisScript = "makelist"; $logfile=$ENV{"TMP"}."\\$ThisScript.log"; system("del $logfile"); }
sub MakeListFromDosnet #+ # Accepts a dosnet.inf file and returns an array # of all the files that occur under the [Files] sections # #- { my($FileName)=@_; my(@dosnet,@return_array);
#Open Dosnet File and put it into an array unless ( open( DOSNET, $FileName) ) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $FileName\n"); }
@dosnet = <DOSNET>; close (DOSNET);
$found = 0; foreach $item (@dosnet) { # Search for [Files] if ( $item =~ /\[Files\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[Files\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
undef($file_name); # Return the non-white space characters that occur # after "d1," $item =~ /d\d,(\S+)/; if ($1) { $file_name = $1; }
# Check for a comma after the file name and get everything # before the comma $file_name =~ /(\S+),/; if ($1) { $file_name=$1; }
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ($file_name) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } } return (@return_array); }
sub MakeListFromMedia #+ # Accepts a _media.inx file and returns an array # of all the files that occur under the [Files] sections # #- { my($FileName)=@_; my(@media,@return_array);
#Open _media File and put it into an array unless ( open( MEDIA, $FileName) ) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $FileName\n"); }
@media = <MEDIA>; close (MEDIA); $found = 0; foreach $item (@media) { # Search for [SourceDisksFiles] if ( $item =~ /\[SourceDisksFiles\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[SourceDisksFiles\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
undef($file_name); $file_name = $item; # Check for an '=' after the file name and get everything # before the '=' $file_name =~ /(\S+ +)=/; if ($1) { $file_name=$1; } $file_name =~ s/ //;
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ((length($file_name)>1)&&!($file_name =~ /^;/)) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } }
foreach $item (@media) { # Search for [SourceDisksFiles.x86] if ( $item =~ /\[SourceDisksFiles.x86\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[SourceDisksFiles.x86\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
undef($file_name); $file_name = $item; # Check for an '=' after the file name and get everything # before the '=' $file_name =~ /(\S+ +)=/; if ($1) { $file_name=$1; } $file_name =~ s/ //;
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ((length($file_name)>1)&&!($file_name =~ /^;/)) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } } foreach $item (@media) { # Search for [SourceDisksFiles.amd64] if ( $item =~ /\[SourceDisksFiles.amd64\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[SourceDisksFiles.amd64\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
undef($file_name); $file_name = $item; # Check for an '=' after the file name and get everything # before the '=' $file_name =~ /(\S+ +)=/; if ($1) { $file_name=$1; } $file_name =~ s/ //;
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ((length($file_name)>1)&&!($file_name =~ /^;/)) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } } foreach $item (@media) { # Search for [SourceDisksFiles.ia64] if ( $item =~ /\[SourceDisksFiles.ia64\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[SourceDisksFiles.ia64\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
undef($file_name); $file_name = $item; # Check for an '=' after the file name and get everything # before the '=' $file_name =~ /(\S+ +)=/; if ($1) { $file_name=$1; } $file_name =~ s/ //;
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ((length($file_name)>1)&&!($file_name =~ /^;/)) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } }
return (@return_array); }
sub MakeListFromExDosnet #+ # Accepts an exdosnet.inf file and returns an array # of all the files that occur under the [Files] sections # #- { my($FileName)=@_; my(@exdosnet,@return_array);
#Open ExDosnet File and put it into an array unless ( open( EXDOSNET, $FileName) ) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $FileName\n"); }
@exdosnet = <EXDOSNET>; close (EXDOSNET);
$found = 0; foreach $item (@exdosnet) { # Search for [Files] if ( $item =~ /\[Files\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[Files\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
undef($file_name); # Return the non-white space characters that occur # after "d1," # $item =~ /d\d,(\S+)/; # if ($1) { # $file_name = $1; # } $file_name = $item; chomp $file_name; # printf("\$item='%s' \$file_name='%s'\n", $item, $file_name); # Check for a comma after the file name and get everything # before the comma # $file_name =~ /(\S+),/; # if ($1) { # $file_name=$1; # }
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ($file_name) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } } return (@return_array); }
sub MakeListFromDrvindex #+ # Accepts a drvindex.inf file and returns an array # of all the files that occur under the [driver] sections # #- { my($FileName)=@_; my(@dosnet,@return_array);
#Open Dosnet File and put it into an array unless ( open( DOSNET, $FileName) ) { &LogMsg('err',"Unable to open $FileName\n"); }
@dosnet = <DOSNET>; close (DOSNET);
$found = 0; foreach $item (@dosnet) { # Search for [driver] if ( $item =~ /\[driver\]/ ) { &LogMsg('dbg', "Found \[driver\]"); $found = 1; }
# Quit adding files to the list when a new section is encountered elsif ( $found && ($item =~ /\[/ ) ) { $found = 0; }
elsif ( $found) {
# Return the non-white space characters that occur $item =~ /(\S+)/; if ($1) { $file_name=$1; }
# If a file was found, put it in the hash if ($file_name) { push @return_array, lc $file_name; } } } return (@return_array); }
# # Sub(routine)s below #
# Parse arguments passed to bincomp into %Parameters sub GetArguments { my(@ArgList)=@_;
# The flag_counts has tells how many arguments should follow # each flag. %flag_counts_possible=('a',1,'b',1,'c',1,'d',3,'h',1,'i','list','m',1,'n',1,'q',1, 'o',1, 'p',0,'r',1,'s','list','x',0, 'u','list'); %flag_counts_actual=('a',0,'b',0,'c',0,'d',0,'h',0,'i',0,'m',0,'n',0,'q',0,'o',0, 'p',0,'r',0,'s',0,'x',0,'u',0);
foreach $arg (@ArgList) {
# If this is a flag, set the flag variable, so # next time through it will parse the correct # argument
if( substr(lc($arg),0,1) eq "-") { $flag=substr($arg,1,1); if ($flag eq "?") { &PrintUsage; } elsif (! exists $flag_counts_possible{$flag}) { print "ERROR: $flag is an incorrect flag or switch\n"; &PrintUsage; }
# Set the flag equal to one elsif ( ( $flag_counts_possible{$flag} ne "list" ) && ( $flag_counts_possible{$flag} == 0 ) ) { push @{$params{$flag}}, 1; } } elsif ( $flag_counts_possible{$flag} eq "list" ) { push @{$params{$flag}}, $arg; $flag_counts_actual{$flag}++; } elsif ( $flag_counts_actual{$flag} < $flag_counts_possible{$flag} ) { push @{$params{$flag}}, $arg; $flag_counts_actual{$flag}++; } else { print "ERROR: Incorrect parameters\n"; &PrintUsage; } }
#&PrintParameters(%params); return %params; }
# Create Catalog header sub GetHeader { my($fname)=@_; my(@HeadA);
push @HeadA, "[CatalogHeader]"; push @HeadA, "Name=$fname"; push @HeadA, "PublicVersion=0x0000001"; push @HeadA, "EncodingType=0x00010001"; push @HeadA, "CATATTR1=0x10010001:OSAttr:2:5.X"; push @HeadA, ""; push @HeadA, "[CatalogFiles]";
return @HeadA; }
# -------------------------------------- # Print Usage info # -------------------------------------- sub PrintUsage { print <<EOT;
Usage: makelist -i lists -o outfile [-h catfile] makelist -u lists -o outfile [-h catfile] makelist -d list1 lists -o outfile [-h catfile] makelist -n dosnetfile -o outfile [-h catfile] makelist -q excdosntfile -o outfile [-h catfile] makelist -r drvindexfile -o outfile [-h catfile] makelist -c directory -o outfile [-h catfile]
-i lists Take the intersection of one or more lists and print it to outfile. Each list is in a file. -u lists Take the union of one or more lists. Each list is in a file.
-d list1 lists Subtract lists from list 1 and print the remaining elements to outfile -n dosnetfile Create a list from a dosnet.inf file -q excdosntfile Create a list from a excdosnt.inf file -r drvindexfile Create a list from a drvindex.inf file -b mediafile Create a list from media.inx file -c directory Create a list from a directory
-o outfile Output file -h catfile Make this a CDF file for catfile (catfile will be included in the header of the output file). This will work on 5.X OS's.
makelist -m file -s search_paths [-px] -o outfile [-h catfile] -h catfile
-m Create a list from a file -o Output file -p Put path info into the list -s Search paths -x Check the search paths -h Put catalog header info in the file
makelist -a source_dest -o outfile
-a List in the format source,dest -o Outputs source name for files whose source name is not the same as the destination
EOT exit; }
# Output formatting/logging sub LogMsg { my($type,$msg) = @_; my($fmsg);
$fmsg = $ThisScript."[".$type."]: ".$msg;
if( $type ne "dbg" ) { system("echo $fmsg >> $logfile"); } if( ($type ne "dbg") || $DBG ) { print $fmsg."\n"; } if($type eq "err") { exit; } return; }
# Print parameters sub PrintParameters {
my(%params)=@_; my($ar);
print "Printing input parameters\n";
foreach $item (keys %params) { print "Flag $item : "; $ar = \@{$params{$item}};
for ($i=0; $i< @{$ar}; $i++) { print " $ar->[$i] "; } print "\n"; } }