Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ REM REM bindsys.cmd REM Binds the NT system binaries REM REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. REM REM ------------------------------------------------------------------ if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin perl -x "%~f0" %* goto :EOF #!perl use strict; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts"; use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH}; use PbuildEnv; use ParseArgs;
sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) } $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} [-l <language]
Binds the NT binaries. Run during postbuild. USAGE
parseargs('?' => \&Usage);
if defined ia64 goto :EOF if defined amd64 goto :EOF
REM Don't bind on checked build machines: rem if /i "%ntdebug%" == "" goto OK rem if /i NOT "%ntdebug%" == "ntsdnodbg" goto :EOF
REM BUGBUG Don't bind on incremental for now REM if NOT defined SafePass ( REM if exist %_NTPostBld%\build_logs\bindiff.txt ( REM call logmsg.cmd "Don't bind on incremental for now." REM goto :EOF REM ) REM )
REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM BINDSYS.CMD - bind the NT binaries REM REM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if "%bindrive%" == "" goto UseNTPOSTBLD if "%binroot%" == "" goto UseNTPOSTBLD goto UseBinDriveRoot :UseNTPOSTBLD if "%_NTPostBld%" == "" echo _NTPostBld not defined && goto :EOF set binplacedir=%_NTPostBld% goto GotBinplaceDir
:UseBinDriveRoot set binplacedir=%bindrive%%binroot%
:GotBinplaceDir set bindlog=%binplacedir%\build_logs\bind.log
REM REM To work around imagehlp::BindImageEx/ImageLoad's assumption of . being in the path, REM we must not be sitting in the binaries directory, so that asms\...\comctl32.dll can REM beat retail\comctl32.dll. We must list %binplacedir%; explicitly in many paths REM where before we did not. REM REM As well, we don't want to be in some random directory that contains .dlls, like REM %windir%\system32 or %sdxroot%\tools\x86 REM REM presumably no .dlls in %binplacedir%\build_logs REM other good choices might be \ or %windir%\config or %binplacedir%\symbols or %binplacedir%\asms REM pushd %binplacedir%\build_logs
REM ------------------------------------------------ REM Exclude these crypto binaries: REM ------------------------------------------------
set Excludeexe= for %%i in (ntoskrnl ntkrnlmp ntkrnlpa ntkrpamp) do set Excludeexe=!Excludeexe! -x ..\%%i.exe
set Excludedll= for %%i in (gpkcsp rsaenh dssenh ) do set Excludedll=!Excludedll! -x ..\%%i.dll for %%i in (slbcsp sccbase ) do set Excludedll=!Excludedll! -x ..\%%i.dll for %%i in (disdnci disdnsu ) do set Excludedll=!Excludedll! -x ..\%%i.dll for %%i in (scrdaxp scrdenrl scrdsign scrdx86) do set Excludedll=!Excludedll! -x ..\%%i.dll for %%i in (xenraxp xenroll xenrsign xenrx86 ) do set Excludedll=!Excludedll! -x ..\%%i.dll
REM REM Bind TO asms, even in non usa builds.. REM set asmspath= set asmspath=%asmspath%;%binplacedir%\asms\6000\msft\windows\common\controls set asmspath=%asmspath%;%binplacedir%\asms\1000\msft\windows\gdiplus
REM REM There was some wierdness with these, so we use the unabstracted ..\ instead. REM REM set System32=%binplacedir%\System32 REM set MSTools=%binplacedir%\MSTools REM set IDW=%binplacedir%\IDW REM set Symbols=%binplacedir%\Symbols
if exist ..\System32\*.dll Bind %Excludedll% -u -s ..\Symbols\system32 -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\System32\*.dll >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\System32\*.exe Bind %Excludeexe% -u -s ..\Symbols\system32 -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\System32\*.exe >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\System32\*.com Bind % -u -s ..\Symbols\system32 -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\System32\*.com >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.dll Bind %Excludedll% -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.dll >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.exe Bind %Excludeexe% -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.exe >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.cpl Bind %Excludedll% -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.cpl >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.com Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.com >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\.ocx Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.ocx >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.ax Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.ax >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.scr Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.scr >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.tsp Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.tsp >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\*.drv Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 ..\*.drv >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\MSTools\*.dll Bind %Excludedll% -u -s ..\Symbols\mstools -p %asmspath%;..;..\MSTools;..\System32 ..\MSTools\*.dll >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\MSTools\*.exe Bind %Excludeexe% -u -s ..\Symbols\mstools -p %asmspath%;..;..\MSTools;..\System32 ..\MSTools\*.exe >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\MSTools\*.com Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\mstools -p %asmspath%;..;..\MSTools;..\System32 ..\MSTools\*.com >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\IDW\*.dll Bind %Excludedll% -u -s ..\Symbols\idw -p %asmspath%;..;..\IDW;..\MSTools;..\System32 ..\IDW\*.dll >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\IDW\*.exe Bind %Excludeexe% -u -s ..\Symbols\idw -p %asmspath%;..;IDW;..\MSTools;..\System32 ..\IDW\*.exe >>%bindlog% 2>&1 if exist ..\IDW\*.com Bind -u -s ..\Symbols\idw -p %asmspath%;..;..\IDW;..\MSTools;..\System32 ..\IDW\*.com >>%bindlog% 2>&1
REM REM ..but only bind FROM asms for usa builds. REM if /i "%LANG%" equ "usa" for /f %%i in ('dir /s/b/ad ..\asms') do Bind %Excludedll% -u -s ..\Symbols\retail -p %asmspath%;..;..\System32 %%i\*.dll >>%bindlog% 2>&1