Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if "%1" == "" ( echo No build number given, exiting. goto :End ) set /a BuildNumber=%1 if "!BuildNumber!" == "0" ( echo Invalid build number given, exiting. goto :End )
if "%2" NEQ "" ( set BuildQly=%2 ) else ( set BuildQly=tst echo assuming TST quality ... )
set BadList= for %%a in (%BuildNumber% latest.%BuildQly%) do ( for %%b in (x86fre x86chk amd64fre amd64chk ia64fre ia64chk) do ( set ThisPlat=%%b if /i "!ThisPlat:~0,3!" == "x86" ( set TheseFlavors=per pro bla sbs srv ads dtc ) else ( set TheseFlavors=pro ads dtc ) for %%c in (!TheseFlavors!) do ( set ThisBad= if not exist \\winbuilds\release\main\usa\%%a\%%b\%%c\win51 ( if not exist \\winbuilds2\release\main\usa\%%a\%%b\%%c\win51 ( if not exist \\winbuilds3\release\main\usa\%%a\%%b\%%c\win51 ( echo %%a %%b %%c bad set BadList=!BadList! %%a.%%b.%%c set ThisBad=TRUE ) ) ) if not defined ThisBad echo good on %%a %%b %%c ) ) )
if defined BadList ( echo Bad dfs points are: %BadList% )
:End endlocal