Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%a in (.- ./ .) do if /i ".%1." == "%%a?." goto :Usage
call logmsg.cmd /t "Beginning ..."
REM set local vars set /a ExitCode=0 set BuildName=%1 if not defined BuildName ( call errmsg.cmd "No build name given, exiting." set /a ExitCode=!ExitCode! + 1 goto :Usage )
net files >nul 2>nul if "!ErrorLevel!" NEQ "0" ( call logmsg.cmd "net file failed, exiting." set /a ExitCode=!ExitCode! + 1 goto :ErrEnd )
for /f "delims=#" %%a in ('net files') do ( if /i "%%a" == "There are no entries in the list." ( call logmsg.cmd "No files opened, exiting." goto :End ) )
for /f "tokens=1" %%a in ('net files') do ( set /a ThisFileNum=%%a >nul 2>nul if "!ThisFileNum!" NEQ "0" ( for /f "tokens=1,2" %%b in ('net file !ThisFileNum!') do ( if /i "%%b" == "Path" ( set ThisPath=%%c if /i not "!ThisPath!" == "!ThisPath:%BuildName%=!" ( REM we found the build name in the given path net file !ThisFileNum! /close ) ) ) ) )
if "!ExitCode!" NEQ "0" goto :ErrEnd
goto :End
:Usage echo. echo Usage: %0 ^<Build name^> echo. echo For instance, %0 2213.x86fre.main.000314-1935 will kill all open echo file connections which have the string 2213.x86fre.main.000314-1935 echo in the "Path" field of a call to net file. echo. goto :EOF
:End call logmsg.cmd /t "Finished." endlocal goto :EOF
:ErrEnd call logmsg.cmd /t "Finished with !ExitCode! logged error(s)." if "!ExitLevel!" == "0" set /a ExitCode=1 endlocal & seterror.exe "!ExitCode!"