Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@setlocal enableextensions @if not defined verbose @echo off rem Author: a-lloydj rem rem Purpose: This is the installation test for both upgrades and fresh installs rem rem %1 should be the build number that you intend to download rem %2 Optional switch to force no wait period only has one usable variation (override) rem %3 Optional switch used to edit txtsetup.sif files (edit) (a-donagu) rem 11/6/98 (antha) rem 1 modify clean.bat to not delete idw and mstools rem 2 release build installation to run as seperate process rem 3 modified bvt.ini rem set the targetdrive (clean installs only) rem wait 90 seconds after download before reboot rem 4 wait 30 seconds after build download starts and start symbols download rem %windir%\symbols for upgrades rem %tempdrive%\symbols for clean install
if "%1"=="" goto ErrNoBuildNumber
:Configure set copycmd=/y set LocationTools=c:\tools set ConfigurationFile=bvt.ini rem If we're in the safe build, assume a clean install. Otherwise, assume upgrade: echo.& echo Current system dir is %windir% | findstr /i safe IF errorlevel 1 ( echo ... not the safe build, assuming upgrade set SetupType=upgrade ) ELSE ( echo ... safe build, assuming clean install format d: /q <c:\tools\format.txt set SetupType=clean ) echo. xcopy /r %LocationTools%\bvt.ini.%SetupType% %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile% if not exist %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile% goto ErrNoConfigurationFile if not defined Quality set Quality=bvt.qly if defined BVTID set Quality=bvt.qly set CheckGranularity=15 set Language=usa set ReleasePoint=\\ntbuilds\release set BuildToDownload=%1 rem Get previous information for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%f in ('findstr OSType %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile%') do set OSType=%%f for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%f in ('findstr BuildType %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile%') do set BuildType=%%f for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%f in ('findstr TargetDrive %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile%') do set Targetdrive=%%f for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%f in ('findstr OptionalSwitches %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile%') do set OptionalSwitches=%%f for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%f in ('findstr DebuggerName %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile%') do set DebuggerName=%%f for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%f in ('findstr StatusPoint %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile%') do set StatusPoint=%%f if /i "%2"=="Override" goto Download if /i "%3"=="Override" goto Download goto WaitingForQuality
:WaitingForQuality rem if /i exist %ReleasePoint%\%Language%\%Quality%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%BuildToDownLoad%.bld goto Download if /i exist %ReleasePoint%\%Language%\%BuildToDownLoad%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%Quality% goto Download echotime /t Waiting for %BuildToDownLoad% to reach %Quality%... sleep %CheckGranularity% goto WaitingForQuality
:DownLoad rem start /wait cmd /c clean 1 rem start cmd /k "@echo Sending update to debugger %DebuggerName%&echo %ReleasePoint%\%Language%\%BuildToDownLoad%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%BuildType%.%OSType% > \\%DebuggerName%\%StatusPoint%\%computername%" if /i "%2"=="Edit" start sifeditor if /i "%3"=="Edit" start sifeditor
if /i ""=="%TargetDrive%" (
start %ReleasePoint%\%Language%\%BuildToDownLoad%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%BuildType%.%OSType%\winnt32\winnt32 %OptionalSwitches% /#8:%Language%\%BuildToDownLoad%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%BuildType%.%OSType% /#t sleep 30 start getbld %BuildToDownLoad% %BuildType% %OSType% %windir% nobase
) else (
start %ReleasePoint%\%Language%\%BuildToDownLoad%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%BuildType%.%OSType%\winnt32\winnt32 %OptionalSwitches% /tempdrive:%TargetDrive% /#8:%Language%\%BuildToDownLoad%\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%\%BuildType%.%OSType% /#t sleep 30 start getbld %BuildToDownLoad% %BuildType% %OSType% %TargetDrive% nobase )
sleep 45 echo "net use" > c:\netconnect.log net use >> c:\netconnect.log echo "" >> c:\netconnect.log netstat >> c:\netconnect.log
goto End
:ErrNoConfigurationFile echo . echo A configuration file is required at %LocationTools%\%ConfigurationFile% with the following echo information: echo [InstallTest] echo InstallationType= echo BuildType=fre|chk echo OSType=wks|srv echo OptionalSwitches={your choice of switches to use} echo DebuggerName={Name of your debugger} echo StatusPoint={share point on the debugger for putting machine state} echo . goto End
:ErrNoBuildNumber echo . echo %0 needs a buildnumber to work echo . goto HlpMsg
:HlpMsg echo . echo Script to download the build using quality identifiers of BVT or TST that are determined echo by the environment on the machine echo . echo Syntax %0: %0 Buildnum [Override] echo Buildnum -- this should be the build number that you wish to install (mandatory) echo Override -- overrides checking for build quality (optional) echo .