@echo off if defined _echo echo on if defined verbose echo on setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION ENABLEEXTENSIONS
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Template for the postbuild scripts: REM SD Location: %sdxroot%\tools\postbuildscripts REM REM (1) Code section description: REM PreMain - Developer adaptable code. Use this model and add your script params REM Main - Developer code section. This is where your work gets done. REM PostMain - Logging support code. No changes should be made here. REM REM (2) GetParams.pm - Usage REM run perl.exe GetParams.pm /? for complete usage REM REM (3) Reserved Variables - REM lang - The specified language. Defaults to USA. REM logfile - The path and filename of the logs file. REM logfile_bak - The path and filename of the logfile. REM errfile - The path and filename of the error file. REM tmpfile - The path and filename of the temp file. REM errors - The scripts errorlevel. REM script_name - The script name. REM script_args - The arguments passed to the script. REM CMD_LINE - The script name plus arguments passed to the script. REM _NTPostBld - Abstracts the language from the files path that REM postbuild operates on. REM REM (4) Reserved Subs - REM Usage - Use this sub to discribe the scripts usage. REM ValidateParams - Use this sub to verify the parameters passed to the script. REM REM REM (8) Do not turn echo off, copy the 3 lines from the beginning of the template REM instead. REM REM (9) Use setlocal/endlocal as in this template. REM REM (10)Have your changes reviewed by a member of the US build team (ntbusa) and REM by a member of the international build team (ntbintl). REM REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM PreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMain REM Begin PreProcessing Section - Adapt this section but do not remove support REM scripts or reorder section. REM PreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMainPreMain
REM REM Define SCRIPT_NAME. Used by the logging scripts. REM Define CMD_LINE. Used by the logging scripts. REM Define SCRIPT_ARGS. Used by the logging scripts. REM
for %%i in (%0) do set SCRIPT_NAME=%%~ni.cmd set CMD_LINE=%script_name% %* set SCRIPT_ARGS=%*
REM REM Parse the command line arguments - Add your scripts command line arguments REM as indicated by brackets. REM For complete usage run: perl.exe GetParams.pm /? REM
for %%h in (./ .- .) do if ".%SCRIPT_ARGS%." == "%%h?." goto Usage REM call :GetParams -n <add required prams> -o l:<add optional params> -p "lang <add variable names>" %SCRIPT_ARGS% call :GetParams -o l:c -p "lang cleanbuild" %SCRIPT_ARGS% if errorlevel 1 goto :End
REM REM Set up the local enviroment extensions. REM
call :LocalEnvEx -i if errorlevel 1 goto :End
REM REM Validate the command line parameters. REM
call :ValidateParams if errorlevel 1 goto :End
REM REM Execute Main REM
call :Main
:End_PreMain goto PostMain REM /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ REM Begin Main code section REM /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ REM (5) Call other executables or command scripts by using: REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "<command>" REM Check for errors by using: REM if errorlevel 1 ... REM Note that the executable/script you're calling with ExecuteCmd must return a REM non-zero value on errors to make the error checking mechanism work. REM REM Example REM call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /f foo1 foo2" REM if errorlevel 1 ( REM set errors=%errorlevel% REM goto end REM ) REM REM (6) Log non-error information by using: REM call logmsg.cmd "<log message>" REM and log error information by using: REM call errmsg.cmd "<error message>" REM REM (7) Exit from the option routines with REM set errors=%errorlevel% REM goto end REM if errors found during execution and with REM goto end REM otherwise. :Main REM Main code section REM <Start your script's code here>
REM REM Only official build machines need to run this script REM
set langroot=%_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\%lang% set symbolcd.txt=%_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\%lang%\symbolcd.txt set ml=perl %RazzleToolPath%\makelist.pl
if not defined OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE ( if /i not "!__BUILDMACHINE__!" == "LB6RI" ( call logmsg.cmd "OFFICIAL_BUILD_MACHINE is not defined ... script is exiting" goto end ) )
if /i "!Comp!" == "No" ( call logmsg.cmd "Compression disabled ... script is exiting" goto end )
if /i "%lang%" == "psu" ( call logmsg.cmd "PSEUDOLOC build ... script is exiting" goto end )
if /i "%lang%" == "mir" ( call logmsg.cmd "Mirrored build ... script is exiting" goto end )
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" goto SymLists
REM Fix the localized eula for international builds REM If dbg_x86.msi and/or dbg_ia64.msi is not a retail build, then we REM don't localize the eula. Sometimes this will be commented out.
set MyPath=%_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\cd\tools set X86Eula=%_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\dbgeula\retail\eula.rtf set IA64Eula=%_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\dbgeula\beta\eula.rtf
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" ( REM call dbgeula -m %MyPath%\dbg_x86.msi -e %X86Eula% -b %lang% REM call dbgeula -m %MyPath%\dbg_ia64.msi -e %IA64Eula% -b %lang% )
REM REM Munge the public symbol files. We put selected type info in some of the public REM pdb files so that retail customers can run more debugger commands. REM call :MungePublics if defined ThereWereErrors goto End_Main
REM REM Coverage builds do not have stripped public symbols REM so don't check if they are stripped when building the symbolCD REM set PUB_SYM_FLAG=/p if defined _COVERAGE_BUILD ( call logmsg.cmd "Coverage build ... turning off public symbol checking" set PUB_SYM_FLAG= )
REM REM Symbolcd.cmd keeps breaking due to coverage changes REM and I don't catch them in time because I never build as offical build machine REM so lets pretend if this test flag is set REM if defined _COVERAGE_BUILD_TEST ( call logmsg.cmd "Coverage build test ... treating as offical build machine" set RunAlways=1 )
:Symbad REM Skip this for now goto EndSymbad
REM ******************************************************************** REM Owner: Barb Kess REM REM This script finds out which files in symbad.txt are either not found REM or pass symbol checking. REM REM It creates a new symbad.txt based on this build machine. REM To check in a new symbad.txt, take the union of symbad.txt.new on all REM build machines. REM REM ********************************************************************
set SymDir=%_NTPostBld%\symbad set NewSymbad=%SymDir%\symbad.txt.new set SymchkLog=%SymDir%\symchk.log
if EXIST %NewSymbad% goto EndSymbad
if EXIST %SymDir% rd /s /q %SymDir% md %SymDir%
REM Find out which files pass for /f "tokens=1* delims= ; " %%a in (%RazzleToolPath%\symbad.txt) do (
if exist %_NTPostBld%\%%a ( symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% %_NTPostBld%\%%a /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail>>%SymchkLog% if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 1 ( echo %%a ; %%b>>%NewSymbad% ) ) )
REM Add the international files back in findstr /i "INTL" %RazzleToolPath%\symbad.txt>> %SymDir%\symbad.txt.new
REM Add back files that error during a clean build REM This happens because they have a private placefil.txt that REM binplaces them to "retail". These are files not in the product
findstr /i "clean" %RazzleToolPath%\symbad.txt>> %SymDir%\symbad.txt.new
call logmsg "New symbad.txt = %SymDir%\symbad.txt.new"
REM ********************************************************************* REM Create the lists for the symbol cabs and do symbol checking REM REM *********************************************************************
REM Now, create the symbol cabs REM Add any cab generation processing here. REM If myerrors, goto end REM ThereWereSymchkErrors is a special variable to determine if there were REM symbol checking errors. If it is "yes", then mail gets sent, but REM postbuild does not record the errors --- then BVT's will continue.
set ThereWereErrors=no set ThereWereSymchkErrors=no set langroot=%_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\%lang% set SymCabName=symbols set build_bindiff=%_NTPostBld%\build_logs\bindiff.txt
REM REM Decide which build we are working on REM debug vs. retail and i386 vs. amd64 vs. ia64 REM
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "x86" ( if /i "%lang%" == "NEC_98" ( set SUBDIR=NEC98 ) else ( set SUBDIR=i386 ) )
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "amd64" ( set SUBDIR=amd64 )
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "ia64" ( set SUBDIR=ia64 )
if "%SUBDIR%" == "" ( call errmsg "Environment variables PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE is not recognized" goto end )
if /i "%_BuildType%" == "chk" ( set FRECHK=Debug ) else ( set FRECHK=Retail )
REM REM symbad.txt - don't write errors to the error log REM for files in symbad.txt REM set symbad.txt=%RazzleToolPath%\symbad.txt
REM REM symlist.txt - list of all files that we should REM check symbols for REM
set symlist.txt=%langroot%\symlist.txt
REM symlistwithtypes.txt - list of all the files that we REM should check symbols for, but have private type info REM in the public symbols
set symlistwithtypes.txt=%langroot%\symlistwithtypes.txt
REM REM symbolcd.txt - list of all the files to put into REM symbol cabs. This is the result of running REM symchk on symlist.txt. REM
set symbolcd.txt=%langroot%\symbolcd.txt
REM REM symbolcd.tmp - used when generating the right path REM information for symbols in alternate project targets REM set symbolcd.tmp=%langroot%\symbolcd.tmp
REM REM symerror.log - files that had errors when symchk REM was run on symlist.txt REM REM symerror.txt - the text file of errors that gets sent REM to a mail alias
set symerror.txt=%langroot%\symerror.txt set symerror.log=%langroot%\symerror.log set symerror.winnt32.log=%langroot%\symerror.winnt32.log
REM REM cabgenerr.log - error file when generating cabs REM
set cabgenerr.log=%langroot%\cabgenerr.log
REM REM exclude.txt - files that are not to be shipped REM
set exclude.txt=%langroot%\exclude.txt
REM REM symmake - program that creates the makefile and REM ddfs for cab creation REM set symmake=symmake.exe
REM REM DDFDir - directory that contains the makefile and REM ddfs for cab creation REM set DDFDir=%langroot%\ddf set USDDFDir=%_NTPostBld%\symbolCD\usa\ddf
REM REM Perl script that takes union and intersection of lists REM set MakeList=%RazzleToolPath%\makelist.pl
REM REM Perl REM set perl=perl.exe
REM REM SYMCD - root of the symbol CD. Everything under here REM will appear as is on the symbol CD. REM set SYMCD=%_NTPostBld%\symbolCD\CD
REM REM InfDestDir - final destination directory for the infs REM and the final cab REM set InfDestDir=%SYMCD%\Symbols\%SUBDIR%\%FRECHK%
REM REM CabDestDir - directory where the individual cabs are REM placed before they get merged into one cab REM set CabDestDir=%langroot%\cabs
REM REM RedistDir has cabs that are on the CD, but are not REM installed REM set RedistDir=%_NTPostBld%\symbolCD\redist
REM REM If we want to do a clean build, erase %symcabname%.inf REM
if exist %symerror.txt% ( set cleanbuild=1 call logmsg "There were errors previously -- will do cleanbuild" )
if not exist %build_bindiff% ( set cleanbuild=1 call logmsg "%build_bindiff% does not exist -- will do cleanbuild" ) if not exist %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.inf ( set cleanbuild=1 call logmsg "%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.inf does not exist -- will do cleanbuild" ) if not exist %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.cat ( set cleanbuild=1 call logmsg "%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.cat does not exist -- will do cleanbuild" )
if defined cleanbuild ( del /q %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.inf >nul 2>nul del /q %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.cat >nul 2>nul del /q %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.cab >nul 2>nul )
REM REM If this is incremental, only create the cabs REM
if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( if not defined cleanbuild ( call logmsg "Running in incremental mode" goto CreateCatalog ) ) else ( REM localized builds can skip the cab generation if exist %build_bindiff% ( goto EndSymbolCD ) )
REM REM Otherwise, do a clean build of everything REM
REM Delete the %langroot% directory call :ReMD %langroot% call :ReMD %langroot%.bak call :ReMD %DDFDir%\temp
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" goto CreateFileList
REM Make the necessary directories if not exist %InfDestDir% md %InfDestDir% call :ReMD %DDFDir%\..\ddf.bak call :ReMD %CabDestDir%
REM REM Create the exclude list. Right now exclusion list consists of the REM list of symbol files we are not supposed to ship. Symbad.txt is not REM included in the exclusion list because symbad.txt might not be up to REM data and some of the files in symbad could have correct symbols. We REM want to get as many symbols as possible, as long as they pass symbol REM checking. REM
copy %RazzleToolPath%\symdontship.txt %exclude.txt% type %RazzleToolPath%\symbolswithtypes.txt >> %exclude.txt%
if exist %symlistwithtypes.txt% del /q %symlistwithtypes.txt% for /f %%a in (%RazzleToolPath%\symbolswithtypes.txt) do ( echo %_NTPostBld%\%%a>> %symlistwithtypes.txt% )
REM REM Create the list of files. This is the list of retail files that REM we will attempt to find symbols for. REM
call logmsg.cmd "Creating the list of files to check symbols for"
REM Get the list of subdirectories that have dosnet and excdosnet in them. REM And, make it compliant with the international builds.
REM Set the first one to be workstation, which is the current directory set inflist= .
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:per -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set inflist=%inflist% perinf
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:bla -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set inflist=%inflist% blainf
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:sbs -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set inflist=%inflist% sbsinf
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:srv -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set inflist=%inflist% srvinf
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:ads -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set inflist=%inflist% entinf
perl %RazzleToolPath%\cksku.pm -t:dtc -l:%lang% if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set inflist=%inflist% dtcinf
REM Take the union of dosnet.inf and excdosnet.inf for all subdirectories for %%a in (%inflist%) do ( if /i EXIST %_NTPostBld%\%%a ( %perl% %MakeList% -n %_NTPostBld%\%%a\dosnet.inf -o %DDFDir%\temp\dosnet.lst %perl% %MakeList% -q %_NTPostBld%\%%a\excdosnt.inf -o %DDFDir%\temp\drivers.lst %perl% %MakeList% -u %DDFDir%\temp\drivers.lst %DDFDir%\temp\dosnet.lst -o %DDFDir%\temp\%%a.lst if NOT exist %DDFDir%\temp\all.lst ( copy %DDFDir%\temp\%%a.lst %DDFDir%\temp\all.lst ) else ( %perl% %MakeList% -u %DDFDir%\temp\all.lst %DDFDir%\temp\%%a.lst -o %DDFDir%\temp\all.lst ) ) )
REM People who own cabs have supplied lists of the files in the cabs REM These lists are in the directory symbolcd\cablists REM Add them to the end of the list we just created
call logmsg.cmd "Adding the files that are in cabs" if EXIST %_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\cablists ( dir /a-d /b %_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\cablists > %DDFDir%\temp\cablists.lst )
if EXIST %DDFDir%\temp\cablists.lst ( for /f %%a in (%DDFDir%\temp\cablists.lst) do ( type %_NTPostBld%\symbolcd\cablists\%%a >> %DDFDir%\temp\all.lst ) )
REM REM Find out which of these files are in %_NTPostBld% REM Put the output in %symlist.txt% REM
call logmsg.cmd "Computing which files are in %_NTPostBld%" for /f %%b in (%DDFDir%\temp\all.lst) do ( if /i EXIST %_NTPostBld%\%%b ( echo %_NTPostBld%\%%b >> %DDFDir%\temp\all2.lst ) )
sort %DDFDir%\temp\all2.lst > %symlist.txt% call logmsg.cmd "Finished creating %symlist.txt%"
REM REM Create the list of files to copy onto the symbolcd. REM Result is %symbolcd.txt% REM REM /c output list of symbols. THis is used as input to symmake for REM creating the makefile and ddfs. REM /l input list of files to find symbols for REM %_NTPostBld% - directory where files in %symlist.txt% are located REM /s symbol search path REM /e don't look for symbols for these files (i.e., files we should not REM ship symbols for REM /x Don't write errors for these files to the error log REM %symerror.log% Errors during symbol checking --- these should be REM examined because the errors are genuine. REM
REM Delete the error file that gets sent to people if exist %symerror.txt% del /q %symerror.txt%
if /i "%lang%" == "usa" (
call logmsg.cmd "Examining file headers to compute the list of symbol files ..." symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /c %symbolcd.txt% /l %symlist.txt% %_NTPostBld%\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail /e %exclude.txt% /x %symbad.txt% > %symerror.log%
call logmsg.cmd "Examining file headers for symbols that may have type info to compute the list of symbol files ..." symchk.exe /t /c %symbolcd.txt% /l %symlistwithtypes.txt% %_NTPostBld%\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail /x %symbad.txt% >> %symerror.log% ) else ( REM localized builds just need to add the binaries if exist %symbolcd.txt% del /q %symbolcd.txt% for /f %%a in (%symlist.txt%) do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) )
REM REM Recursively add files in the winnt32 subdirectory REM REM Don't use a list, just go through the subdirectories REM
call logmsg.cmd "Adding files in the winnt32 subdirectory" if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( copy %exclude.txt% %exclude.txt%.winnt32 @echo winntbbu.dll>>%exclude.txt%.winnt32 symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt% %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\winnt32 /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt%.winnt32 > %symerror.winnt32.log% ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /s /b %_NTPostBld%\winnt32\*') do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) )
REM don't log these -- there are a log of errors REM call :LogSymbolErrors %symerror.winnt32.log%
call logmsg.cmd "Adding *.sym files in the %_NTPostBld%\system32 directory" dir /b %_NTPostBld%\system32\*.sym > %DDFDir%\temp\symfiles.txt for /f %%a in (%DDFDir%\temp\symfiles.txt) do ( echo %_NTPostBld%\system32\%%a,%%a,system32\%%a,16bit>> %symbolcd.txt% )
REM REM Also add files in the wow6432 directory REM Wow6432 should only exist on x86fre and x86chk REM if exist %_NTPostBld%\wow6432 ( if /i "%lang%" == "usa" (
call logmsg.cmd "Adding files in the %_NTPostBld%\wow6432 directory" symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /c %symbolcd.tmp% %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\* /s %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\symbols\retail /x %symbad.txt% >> %symerror.log%
REM add wow6432 before the symbols directory and also before the install directory for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=," %%a in (%symbolcd.tmp%) do ( echo %%a,%%b,wow6432\%%c,wow6432\%%d>> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /b %_NTPostBld%\wow6432') do ( echo %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\%%a,,%_NTPostBld%\wow6432\%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) )
REM REM Add the asms directory REM if exist %_NTPostBld%\asms ( call logmsg.cmd "Adding the asms symbols" if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt% %_NTPostBld%\asms\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log% ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /s /b %_NTPostBld%\asms') do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) )
REM REM Add the wow6432\asms directory REM if exist %symerror.log%.wow6432.asms del %symerror.log%.wow6432.asms >nul if exist %symbolcd.txt%.wow6432.asms del %symbolcd.txt%.wow6432.asms >nul if exist %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\asms ( call logmsg.cmd "Adding the wow6432 asms symbols" if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt%.wow6432.asms %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\asms\* /s %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\symbols\retail /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log%.wow6432.asms for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=," %%a in (%symbolcd.txt%.wow6432.asms) do ( echo %%a,%%b,wow6432\%%c,%%d >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /s /b %_NTPostBld%\wow6432\asms') do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) )
REM REM Add the lang directory REM if exist %_NTPostBld%\lang ( call logmsg.cmd "Adding the lang symbols" if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt% %_NTPostBld%\lang\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\lang /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log% ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /s /b %_NTPostBld%\lang') do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) )
REM REM Add the netfx directory REM if exist %_NTPostBld%\netfx ( call logmsg.cmd "Adding the netfx symbols" if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt% %_NTPostBld%\netfx\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\netfx /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log% ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /s /b %_NTPostBld%\netfx') do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) )
REM REM Add the wms directory REM if exist %symerror.log%.wms del %symerror.log%.wms >nul if exist %_NTPostBld%\wms ( call logmsg.cmd "Adding the wms symbols" if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt% %_NTPostBld%\wms\* /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\wms /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log%.wms ) else ( for /f %%a in ('dir /s /b %_NTPostBld%\wms') do ( echo %%a,,%%a, >> %symbolcd.txt% ) ) )
REM REM Look for language's symbols REM REM if exist %symerror.log%.languages del %symerror.log%.languages>nul if /i "%lang%" EQU "usa" ( for /f "tokens=1 eol=;" %%f in (%RazzleToolPath%\codes.txt) do ( if exist %_NTPostBld%\%%f ( if exist %symbolcd.txt%.%%f del %symbolcd.txt%.%%f>nul call logmsg.cmd "Add the %%f symbols" symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt%.%%f %_NTPostBld%\%%f\* /s %_NTPostBld%\%%f\symbols\retail /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log%.languages for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=," %%m in (%symbolcd.txt%.%%f) do ( @echo %%m,%%n,%%f\%%o,%%f\%%p>>%symbolcd.txt% ) ) ) )
REM REM Look for FE symbols REM REM if /i "%lang%" EQU "usa" ( for %%f in (FE) do ( if exist %_NTPostBld%\%%f ( if exist %symbolcd.txt%.%%f del %symbolcd.txt%.%%f>nul call logmsg.cmd "Add the %%f symbols" symchk.exe /t %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /r /c %symbolcd.txt%.%%f %_NTPostBld%\%%f\* /s %_NTPostBld%\%%f\symbols\retail /x %symbad.txt% /e %exclude.txt% >> %symerror.log%.languages for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=," %%m in (%symbolcd.txt%.%%f) do ( @echo %%m,%%n,%%f\%%o,%%f\%%p>>%symbolcd.txt% ) ) ) )
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" ( call logmsg.cmd "Finished creating %symbolcd.txt%" goto EndSymbolCD )
call :LogSymbolErrors %symerror.log% call :ReportSymchkErrors call :ReportSymbolDuplicates call :FlatSymbolInstalledPath call logmsg.cmd "Finished creating %symbolcd.txt%"
REM REM We don't need a real symbol CD cab for coverage builds REM so lets save time/space and not make one REM if defined _COVERAGE_BUILD ( call logmsg.cmd "Coverage build ... skipping making the cab file" goto :Symsrv )
REM REM /i symbol inf that lists the symbol files to be cabbed REM /o directory to place the DDF files and the makefile REM /s Number of files to put into a cab REM /m Tell inf that all cabs will be merged into %SymCabName%.inf REM
REM REM Create the makefile and all the DDF's REM This also creates REM %DDFDir%\symcabs.txt - a list of all the cabs REM
call logmsg.cmd "Creating the makefile and the DDF's for creating the cabs"
REM REM This is the symmake command to use if we are planning to merge all the cabs into one REM %symmake% /m /c %SymCabName% /i %symbolcd.txt% /o %DDFDir% /s 800 /t %_NTPostBld% /x %CabDestDir% /y %InfDestDir% REM REM Create the catalog REM
REM REM Put the name of the catalog file into the header REM Symmake already output %SymCabName%.CDF REM
REM REM Incremental catalog REM if not exist %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT goto CleanCatalog
REM This echo's the files that need to be readded to REM %SymCabName%.CDF.update REM if exist %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.update del /f /q %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.update nmake /f %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.CDF.makefile if not exist %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.update ( call logmsg "%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT is up-to-date" goto CreateCabs )
REM Now, add each file to the catalog for /f %%a in (%DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.update) do (
call updcat %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT -a %%a >nul 2>nul call logmsg "%%a successfully added to %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT ) call logmsg "%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT needs to be resigned" )
goto CreateCabs
REM REM Clean Catalog generation REM
call logmsg.cmd "Creating header for %SymCabName%.CDF" %perl% %MakeList% -h %SymCabName% -o %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.CDF > nul 2>&1
call logmsg.cmd "Adding files to %SymCabName%.CDF" echo ^<HASH^>%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.inf=%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.inf>> %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.CDF type %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.CDF.noheader >> %DDFDir%\%SymCabName%.CDF
call logmsg.cmd "Creating %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT" start "PB_SymCabGen %SymCabName%.CAT" /MIN cmd /c "%RazzleToolPath%\Postbuildscripts\SymCabGen.cmd -f:%SymCabName% -s:%DDFDir% -t:CAT -d:%InfDestDir%"
if NOT EXIST %DDFDir%\cabs md %DDFDir%\cabs if /i EXIST %DDFDir%\temp\*.txt del /f /q %DDFDir%\temp\*.txt
for /F "tokens=1" %%a in (%DDFDir%\symcabs.txt) do ( sleep 1 call logmsg.cmd "%RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\SymCabGen.cmd -f:%%a -s:%DDFDir% -t:CAB -d:%CabDestDir%" start "PB_SymCabGen %%a" /MIN cmd /c "%RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts\SymCabGen.cmd -f:%%a -s:%DDFDir% -t:CAB -d:%CabDestDir%" )
call logmsg.cmd "Waiting for symbol cabs to finish" :wait sleep 5 if EXIST %DDFDir%\temp\*.txt goto wait
REM REM Verify that the Catalog is there REM
if not exist %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT ( REM call errmsg.cmd "%InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.CAT did not get created" )
REM REM Verify that all the cabs are there REM
if /i EXIST %DDFDir%\temp\*.txt del /f /q %DDFDir%\temp\*.txt
set AllCreated=TRUE call logmsg.cmd "Verifying that all the cabs got created" for /F "tokens=1" %%a in (%DDFDir%\symcabs.txt) do ( if NOT EXIST %CabDestDir%\%%a ( set AllCreated=FALSE call logmsg.cmd "%CabDestDir%\%%a didn't get created ... Trying again" sleep 1 start "PB_SymCabGen %%a" /MIN cmd /c "%_NTPostBld%\SymbolCD\SymCabGen.cmd -f:%%a -d:%CabDestDir%" ) )
if /i "%AllCreated%" == "TRUE" goto Final
REM REM Wait for cabs to finish REM
call logmsg.cmd "Trying again for symbol cabs to finish" :wait2 sleep 5 if EXIST %DDFDir%\temp\*.txt goto wait2
REM REM This time print an error message if the cabs do not exist REM
:FinalVerify call logmsg.cmd "Verifying that all the cabs got created"
set AllCreated=TRUE
if /i EXIST %cabgenerr.log% del /f /q %cabgenerr.log% for /F "tokens=1" %%a in (%DDFDir%\symcabs.txt) do ( if /i NOT EXIST %CabDestDir%\%%a ( set AllCreated=FALSE echo %CabDestDir%\%%a was not created >> %cabgenerr.log% call errmsg.cmd "%CabDestDir%\%%a was not created" ) )
if /i EXIST %cabgenerr.log% ( goto end )
REM REM Combine all the cabs into one cab REM
set first=yes for /F "tokens=1" %%a in (%DDFDir%\symcabs.txt) do ( REM Make a copy of it REM copy %CabDestDir%\%%a %InfDestDir%\%%a
if "!first!" == "yes" ( set MergeCommand=load %CabDestDir%\%%a set first=no ) else ( set MergeCommand=!MergeCommand! load %CabDestDir%\%%a merge ) ) set MergeCommand=%MergeCommand% save %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.cab
call logmsg.cmd "Merging cabs into %InfDestDir%\%SymCabName%.cab" cabbench.exe %MergeCommand%
REM REM Copy the ADC no-install cab REM :CopyRedist
if EXIST %RedistDir%\*.cab ( call logmsg.cmd "Copying cabs from %RedistDir% to %InfDestDir%" copy %RedistDir%\*.cab %InfDestDir% )
:SignFiles call logmsg.cmd "Test signing files on CD"
for %%b in (retail debug) do (
REM symbolsx.exe gets checked in as signed, so it is no longer REM test signed.
if exist %SYMCD%\Symbols\i386\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT ( call logmsg "Signing %SYMCD%\Symbols\i386\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT" call ntsign.cmd %SYMCD%\Symbols\i386\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT )
if exist %SYMCD%\Symbols\amd64\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT ( call logmsg "Signing %SYMCD%\Symbols\amd64\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT" call ntsign.cmd %SYMCD%\Symbols\amd64\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT )
if exist %SYMCD%\Symbols\ia64\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT ( call logmsg "Signing %SYMCD%\Symbols\ia64\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT" call ntsign.cmd %SYMCD%\Symbols\ia64\%%b\%SymCabName%.CAT )
call logmsg "Finished with the symbolcd!!" :EndSymbolCD
REM ********************************************************************* REM Now examine the files in symbols.pri to build a symbol server index REM file. REM *********************************************************************
call logmsg "Creating the index files for the symbol server"
set new_fork=
REM International builds and forked builds want to only index the REM difference between the original usa build. REm Determine if this is one of those cases. Also, handle the case REM where international inherits a forked build.
REM SymsrvDir where the current symsrv directory is REM SymsrvDir_1 where the original US symsrv directory is REM SymsrvDir_2 where the US symsrv directory is that has the REM incremental changes from the fork.
set SymsrvDir=%_NTPostBld%\symsrv\%lang% set SymsrvDir_1=%_NTTREE%\symsrv\usa.1 set SymsrvDir_2=%_NTTREE%\symsrv\usa set SymsrvMakefile=%_NTPostBld%\symsrv\%lang%\makefile set SymsrvLatest=%_NTPostBld%\symsrv\%lang%\latest.txt
REM REM coverage builds are not incremental builds, so REM wipe out any previous symsrv stuff REM if defined _COVERAGE_BUILD ( call logmsg.cmd "Coverage build ... wiping out pre-existing symsrv dir" rd /s /q %_NTPostBld%\symsrv )
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" ( if not exist %SymsrvDir_2% ( call errmsg.cmd "The USA symsrv directory does not exist - %SymsrvDir_2%" goto End_Main ) call logmsg "Will not re-index what's in %SymsrvDir_2%" if exist %SymsrvDir_1% ( call logmsg "US build was a forked build - will not re-index what's in %SymsrvDir_1%" ) )
set st=%SymsrvDir%\temp
if NOT exist %SymsrvDir% md %SymsrvDir% if NOT exist %SymsrvDir%\temp md %SymsrvDir%\temp
set SymsrvLogDir=%SymsrvDir%\Logs if NOT exist %SymsrvLogDir% md %SymsrvLogDir%
REM Requests are generated by this script REM The release script moves the requests to working before REM it copies the file to the server REM The release script moves the working to finished when the request is done
if not exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests md %SymsrvDir%\add_requests if not exist %SymsrvDir%\add_finished md %SymsrvDir%\add_finished if not exist %SymsrvDir%\del_requests md %SymsrvDir%\del_requests
REM Each request has a count associated with it in case someone REM tries to run postbuild a bunch of times. If the previous REM postbuild got indexed on the symbols server, it will be sitting REM in add_finished and the count will get incremented.
if not exist %SymsrvDir%\count ( echo ^1>%SymsrvDir%\count )
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in (%SymsrvDir%\count) do ( set /a count=%%a )
if defined new_fork ( call logmsg "Incrementing count for new forked build" set /a count=!count!+1 echo !count!>%SymsrvDir%\count )
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in ( '%RazzleToolPath%\postbuildscripts\buildname build_name' ) do ( set BuildName=%%a )
set IndexFile=%BuildName%.%lang%
REM REM coverage builds need a different index file name REM so they don't collide with any other build REM if defined _COVERAGE_BUILD ( set IndexFile=%BuildName%.cov )
REM See if this count has already been put in add_finished REM Nothing should exist in add_working
dir /b %SymsrvDir%\add_finished\%IndexFile%.!count!.* >NUL 2>NUL if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( goto NewCount ) goto CreateIndices
:NewCount set /a count=!count!+1 echo !count!>%SymsrvDir%\count
set IndexFile=%IndexFile%.!count! set SymsrvLog=%IndexFile%.log
call logmsg.cmd "Index file name is %IndexFile%"
REM ******************************************** REM Incremental Symsrv REM REM Decide if this is an incremental build REM Get set up for incremental symbol indexing REM ********************************************
set st=%SymsrvDir%\temp set bindiff=%SymsrvDir%\mybindiff.txt set ml=perl %RazzleToolPath%\makelist.pl
if exist %bindiff% del /f /q %bindiff% if defined cleanbuild ( call logmsg "Cleanbuild is defined -- will create full indexes" goto CreateFullIndex )
REM Now, use the makefile to create a list of what's has changed. call logmsg "Creating %bindiff%" nmake /f %SymsrvMakefile% %SymsrvLatest% >nul
set /a BinDiffCount=0 if exist %bindiff% ( for /f %%a in (%bindiff%) do ( set /a BinDiffCount=!BinDiffCount! + 1 if !BinDiffCount! GEQ 50 goto CreateFullIndex ) ) else ( goto CreateFullIndex )
call logmsg "Creating incremental symbol server index lists"
REM Save bindiff.txt so we can see what happened call logmsg "saving bindiff.txt in %st%\bindiff.!count!" copy %bindiff% %st%\bindiff.!count!
REM Decide if anything is even relevant REM Put the files that need to be updated into %IncrementalList%
for %%a in ( bin pri pub ) do ( if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a del /f /q %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.tmp del /f /q %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.tmp if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep del /f /q %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.remove del /f /q %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.remove if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 del /f /q %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 )
REM See which directory each file is in to determine if it goes into the pri, pub, or bin file REM Symstore does not append, so append each log file manually.
call logmsg.cmd "Creating indexes for the files in %bindiff% ..." for /f %%a in ( %bindiff% ) do (
echo %%a | findstr /ic:"%_NTPostBld%\symbols.pri" >nul 2>nul
if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call logmsg "Adding %%a to pri file" symstore.exe add /a /p /f %%a /g %_NTPostBld%\symbols.pri /x %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pri > nul
) else ( echo %%a | findstr /ic:"%_NTPostBld%\symbols" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call logmsg "Adding %%a to pub file" symstore.exe add /a /p /f %%a /g %_NTPostBld%\symbols /x %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub >nul
) else ( call logmsg "Adding %%a to bin file" symstore.exe add /a /p /f %%a /g %_NTPostBld% /x %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.bin >nul ) ) )
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" goto EndSymsrvIncrementalDiff
REM REM Munge the lists to decide which symbols to pull from symbols and REM which to pull from symbols.pri REM Subtract the pri list from the public list REM
if not exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub goto EndSymsrvIncrementalDiff if not exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pri goto EndSymsrvIncrementalDiff
call logmsg "Removing %IndexFile%.pri entries from %IndexFile%.pub ..." %ml% -d %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pri -o %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub.tmp
copy %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub.tmp %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub del %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub.tmp
for %%a in (%st%\%IndexFile%.inc.pub) do ( if %%~za EQU 0 ( del /f /q %%a call logmsg.cmd "There are no public symbols to index" ) )
REM Now, figure out which ones to keep. Only keep the ones that are actually in the REM product and being put into the symbol cabs. This is why we look at symbolcd.txt. REM set symbolcd.txt=%langroot%\symbolcd.txt
call logmsg.cmd "Verifying new indexes with files listed in %symbolcd.txt% ..."
for %%a in ( bin pri pub ) do (
if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a (
for /f "tokens=1* delims=," %%b in ( %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a ) do (
REM Only keep the ones that are in %symbolcd.txt%. REM then add it to what we are indexing
if "%%a" == "bin" ( findstr /ilc:"%_NTPostBld%\%%b" %symbolcd.txt% >NUL if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "Keeping %%b in bin file" echo %%b,%%c>>%st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep ) )
REM If its in symbols.pri and its public counterpart REM is in symbolcd.txt go ahead and index it.
if "%%a" == "pri" ( findstr /ilc:"%%b" %symbolcd.txt% >NUL if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "Keeping %%b in pri file" echo %%b,%%c>>%st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep )
) if "%%a" == "pub" ( findstr /ilc:"%%b" %symbolcd.txt% >NUL if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call logmsg.cmd "Keeping %%b in pub file" echo %%b,%%c>>%st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep )
) ) ) )
REM Now what's left is to replace the old entries with the new entries REM If there is no file in add_requests, copy the file with the latest date REM from add_finished. If there is a file in add_requests, then use that as REM the starting point.
for %%a in ( bin pri pub ) do (
if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep (
call logmsg.cmd "Creating the new %%a file ..."
if not exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a (
set LatestFile= for /f %%b in ('dir /b /od %SymsrvDir%\add_finished\*.%%a') do ( set LatestFile=%%b ) if defined LatestFile ( call logmsg "Starting with %SymsrvDir%\add_finished\!LatestFile! " copy /y %SymsrvDir%\add_finished\!LatestFile! %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp >nul ) else ( call logmsg "No previous file to update in add_requests or add_finished" )
) else (
call logmsg "Starting with %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a " copy /y %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp >nul )
REM What we need to do next is take out the old entry and replace it with the new one REM For example, if we rebuild advapi32.dll, we don't need to index the advapi32.dll with the REM old timestamp.
REM First, make a file with entries for everything that needs to be removed
if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp ( call logmsg "Removing old files from previous list ..."
for /f "tokens=1* delims=," %%c in (%st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep) do (
REM Find its corresponding entry in the old list and add it to REM the list of things to remove findstr /ilc:"%%c" %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp >>%st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.remove if !ERRORLEVEL! EQU 0 ( call logmsg "Remove %%c" ) )
REM Now, remove it by subtracting it from the index file
if exist %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.remove ( for %%b in ( %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.remove ) do (
if %%~zb GTR 0 ( %ml% -d %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.remove -o %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 ) else ( copy %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 >nul )
) else ( copy %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 >nul ) ) REM Put the keep stuff at the end call logmsg "Add new files we are going to keep" type %st%\%IndexFile%.inc.%%a.keep >> %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 sort %st%\%IndexFile%.%%a.tmp2 > %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a call logmsg.cmd "Update finished for %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a" ) else ( call logmsg.cmd "There are no new %%a files to index" ) )
goto EndSymsrv
REM ******************************************************************* REM Full indexing for symbol server REM REM International builds will always subtract what is already indexed by REM the US build. REM REM ********************************************************************
call logmsg "Creating full symbol server index lists"
REM Delete initial files
for %%a in ( bin pri pub ) do ( if exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a del /f /q %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a if exist %SymsrvDir%\temp\%IndexFile%.%%a del /f /q %SymsrvDir%\temp\%IndexFile%.%%a )
REM REM Use symbolcd.txt as a list of what to index REM
:IndexSymbolcdFiles call logmsg "Creating %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.bin"
set ShareDir=%_NTPostBld% set IndexDir=%_NTPostBld%
if not exist %symbolcd.txt% ( call errmsg.cmd "%symbolcd.txt% does not exist" goto end )
if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( set LastBinaryFileSpec= for /f "tokens=1,3 delims=," %%b in (%symbolcd.txt%) do ( REM store the binaries and symbols via symstore to .bin, .pri, .pub file call :StoreSymbol %%b %%c ) ) else ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%b in (%symbolcd.txt%) do ( REM store the binaries and symbols via symstore to .bin, .pri, .pub file call :SymStoreRoutine %%b %ShareDir% bin ) )
REM Store the binaries and private symbols for files that we don't ship publicly on REM the symbol server.
if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( call logmsg "Adding files in %RazzleToolPath%\symdontship.txt to symbol server lists" set LastBinaryFileSpec= for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%b in (%RazzleToolPath%\symdontship.txt) do ( REM store the binaries and symbols via symstore to .bin, .pri, .pub file set ext=%%~xb set ext=!ext:~1,3! if exist %_NTPostBld%\%%b ( if exist %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!\%%~nb.pdb ( call :StoreSymbol %_NTPostBld%\%%b symbols\retail\!ext!\%%~nb.pdb ) ) ) ) else ( for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%b in (%RazzleToolPath%\symdontship.txt) do ( REM store the binaries and symbols via symstore to .bin, .pri, .pub file call :SymStoreRoutine %_NTPostBld%\%%b %ShareDir% bin ) )
if exist %ShareDir%\symbols.pri\instmsi\dll\msi_l.pdb (
call :SymStoreRoutine %ShareDir%\symbols.pri\instmsi\dll\msi_l.pdb %ShareDir%\symbols.pri pri
REM Now, use these to create a makefile for incremental builds :CreateSymsrvMakefile
if exist %SymsrvMakefile% del /f /q %SymsrvMakefile% echotime /n "%SymsrvLatest%: " >> %SymsrvMakefile%
for %%a in ( bin pri pub ) do ( if exist %SymsrvDir%\temp\%IndexFile%.%%a ( copy %SymsrvDir%\temp\%IndexFile%.%%a %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a>nul 2>nul )
if exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=," %%b in ( %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a ) do ( echotime /N " \\" >> %SymsrvMakefile% if /i "%%a" == "bin" ( echotime /N /n " %_NTPOSTBLD%\%%b">> %SymsrvMakefile% ) if /i "%%a" == "pri" ( echotime /N /n " %_NTPOSTBLD%\symbols.pri\%%b">> %SymsrvMakefile% ) if /i "%%a" == "pub" ( echotime /N /n " %_NTPOSTBLD%\symbols\%%b">> %SymsrvMakefile% ) ) ) else ( call logmsg "%SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a does not exist" ) )
echo.>> %SymsrvMakefile%
setlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION echo !echo $?^>^> %bindiff%>> %SymsrvMakefile% setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
REM if this is a usa forked build, subtract the original symbols that are already REM indexed.
if /i "%lang%" == "usa" ( if not exist !SymsrvDir_1! ( REM This is a US build and it is not forked goto EndSymsrv )
REM Subtract previous indexes for the US build and only index REM the changes in the fork call logmsg "Removing files already indexed on symbol server"
for %%b in ( bin pri pub ) do ( if exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b ( set us_file= for /f %%c in ('dir /b /od %SymsrvDir_1%\add_finished\*.%%b') do ( set us_file=%SymsrvDir_1%\add_finished\%%c )
if defined us_file ( call logmsg "Removing !us_file! from %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b" copy %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b %st%\%IndexFile%.%%b.full del /f /q %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b %ml% -d %st%\%IndexFile%.%%b.full !us_file! -o %st%\%IndexFile%.%%b.full.unsorted sort %st%\%IndexFile%.%%b.full.unsorted > %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b
) else ( call logmsg "Nothing to subtract from %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b" )
) else ( call logmsg "%SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b does not exist -- no need to subtract" ) ) )
REM For international builds, subtract what's already been indexed by the US build
if /i "%lang%" NEQ "usa" (
call logmsg "Subtracting the US lists from the %lang% lists"
for %%b in ( bin ) do (
if exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b ( REM Subtract files from the original USA dir and from the fork - REM if they exist for %%c in ( %SymsrvDir_1% %SymsrvDir_2% ) do (
REM Get the most recent US file that was indexed. If there was a fork REM get the one that was indexed before the fork.
set us_file= if /i "%%b" == "bin" ( if exist %%c\add_finished\*.%%b ( for /f %%d in ('dir /b /od %%c\add_finished\*.%%b') do ( set us_file=%%c\add_finished\%%d ) ) ) else ( if exist %st%\us_pri_pub.txt ( set us_file=%st%\us_pri_pub.txt ) )
if defined us_file ( call logmsg "Removing !us_file! from %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b" %ml% -d %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b !us_file! -o %st%\%IndexFile%.%%b.tmp sort %st%\%IndexFile%.%%b.tmp > %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b ) )
) else ( call logmsg "%SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%b does not exist -- no need to subtract" ) ) ) :EndSymsrvDir_intl
REM Now, make sure that none of them are 0
for %%a in ( bin pri pub ) do ( if exist %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a ( for %%b in ( %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a ) do ( if %%~zb EQU 0 ( call logmsg "Deleting 0 length file - %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a" del /f /q %SymsrvDir%\add_requests\%IndexFile%.%%a ) ) ) )
REM Create the latest.txt file echo Don't delete this >> %SymsrvLatest%
REM REM Check for errors REM if "%ThereWereErrors%" == "yes" goto end goto end
REM REM Report the symbol checking errors REM
if "%ThereWereSymchkErrors%" == "no" goto EndReportSymchkErrors
if exist %symerror.txt% ( for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%a in (%symerror.txt%) do ( call errmsg.cmd "%%a" ) )
:EndReportSymchkErrors goto :EOF
REM REM Report the symbol checking errors REM
if exist %symerror.log%.duplicates del %symerror.log%.duplicates>nul call logmsg "Finding any duplicates in symbolcd.txt"
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=," %%f in (%symbolcd.txt%) do ( set duplicate_counter=0 for /f %%d in ('findstr /ilc:"%%~nxf,%%g" %symbolcd.txt%') do ( set /A duplicate_counter+=1 ) if !duplicate_counter! GTR 1 ( for /f "tokens=1,4 delims=," %%i in ('findstr /ilc:"%%~nxf,%%g" %symbolcd.txt%') do ( if /i "%%~dpj" NEQ "%cd%\" ( @echo %%i>>%symerror.log%.duplicates ) ) ) ) :EndReportSymbolDuplicates goto :EOF
REM REM Make Symbol Installed Path to be flat REM
call logmsg "FlatSymbolInstalledPath" copy %symbolcd.txt% %symbolcd.txt%.backup
if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Copy %symbolcd.txt% to %symbolcd.txt%.backup failed" goto :EndFlatSymbolInstalledPath ) del %symbolcd.txt%
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=," %%f in (%symbolcd.txt%.backup) do ( findstr /ilc:%%f %symerror.log%.duplicates >nul 2>nul REM If not found in duplicates list, we could flat the directory if errorlevel 1 ( echo %%f,%%g,%%h,%%~ni>>%symbolcd.txt% ) )
:EndFlatSymbolInstalledPath goto :EOF
rem Munge publics breaks when coverage builds are made rem since we don't really care about creating a symbol cd rem for coverage builds, let skip this part if defined _COVERAGE_BUILD ( call logmsg.cmd "Coverage build ... skipping MungePublics" goto :EndMungePublics )
set ThereWereErrors=
call logmsg "Adding type info to some public pdb files for debugging"
REM Save the values of CL, LINK, ML because they differ for VC6 and VC7
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "x86" ( set CL_Save=%_CL_% set LINK_Save=%_LINK_% set ML_Save=%_ML_% )
if exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\* (
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /ad %_NTPostBld%\pp') do (
set ext=%%a set ext=!ext:~-3!
set file=%%a set file=!file:~0,-4!
if "!file!.!ext!" NEQ "%%a" ( call errmsg "%_NTPostBld%\pp\!file!.!ext! name has wrong format" goto MungePublicsError )
call logmsg "Working on !file!.!ext!"
REM See if we need to do anything, or if the symbol file has already been updated REM If the symbol file passes symbol checking, but it fails because it has private info in it, REM then don't update it. set update=yes symchk /t %_NTPostBld%\%%a /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail | findstr /ilc:"FAILED files = 0" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 0 ( symchk /t %_NTPostBld%\%%a %PUB_SYM_FLAG% /s %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail | findstr /ilc:"FAILED files = 0" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 1 set update=no )
if "!update!" == "no" ( call logmsg "Skipping !file!.!ext! because it's public pdb already has type info in it." ) else (
if not exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original ( mkdir %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original ) if not exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated ( mkdir %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated )
REM See if the pdb, if it exists, in original matches the exe in binaries symchk /t %_NTPostBld%\%%a /s %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original %PUB_SYM_FLAG% | findstr /ilc:"FAILED files = 0" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 1 ( REM It doesn't match call logmsg "Saving a copy of !file!.pdb to %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original" copy /y %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!\!file!.pdb %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original >nul 2>nul )
REM Verify that the pdb is good symchk /t %_NTPostBld%\%%a /s %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original | findstr /ilc:"FAILED files = 0" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 1 ( call errmsg "Cannot copy the correct pdb file to %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original" goto MungePublicsError )
if exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\*.* (
if exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb del /q %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb copy /y %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original\!file!.pdb %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated >nul 2>nul if not exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb ( call errmsg "Copy failed for %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original\!file!.pdb to %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated" goto MungePublicsError )
call logmsg "Pushing type info into the stripped !file!.pdb" if exist %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\!file!.c ( set c_ext=c ) else ( set c_ext=cpp )
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "x86" ( pdbdump %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb hdr | findstr /i 0000-0000-0000-000000000000 > nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 0 ( call logmsg "This is a vc6 pdb" set _CL_=%CL_Save% set _ML_=%ML_Save% set _LINK_=%LINK_Save% ) else ( call logmsg "This is a vc7 pdb" set _CL_= set _ML_= set _LINK_= ) ) cl /nologo /Zi /Gz /c %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\!file!.!c_ext! /Fd%_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb /Fo%_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.obj if !ERRORLEVEL! NEQ 0 ( call errmsg "cl /Zi /c %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\!file!.!c_ext! /Fd%_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb had errors" goto MungePublicsError )
symchk /t %_NTPostBld%\%%a /s %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated | findstr /ilc:"FAILED files = 0" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 1 ( call errmsg "The munged %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb doesn't match %_NTPostBld%\%%a" goto MungePublicsError )
del /q %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!\!file!.pdb call logmsg "Copying %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb to %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!" copy /y %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext! >nul 2>nul
REM Verify that this pdb got copied symchk /t %_NTPostBld%\%%a /s %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated | findstr /ilc:"FAILED files = 0" >nul 2>nul if !ERRORLEVEL! == 1 ( REM Try copying the original back copy /y %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original\!file!.pdb %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext! >nul 2>nul call errmsg "The munged %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\updated\!file!.pdb didn't get copied to %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!" call logmsg "Copying the original pdb back to %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!" copy /y %_NTPostBld%\pp\%%a\original\!file!.pdb %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext! >nul 2>nul if not exist %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!\!file!.pdb ( call errmsg "Cannot get %%a symbols copied back to %_NTPostBld%\symbols\retail\!ext!" goto MungePublicsError ) goto MungePublicsError ) ) ) ) )
if /i "%_BuildArch%" == "x86" ( set _CL_=%CL_Save% set _ML_=%ML_Save% set _LINK_=%LINK_Save% )
:EndMungePublics goto :EOF
:MungePublicsError set ThereWereErrors=TRUE goto :EOF
REM ********************************************************************* REM StoreSymbol(BinaryFileSpec, PublicSymbolFileSpec) REM REM Call symstore to create the symbol link to .bin .pri and .pub REM REM *********************************************************************
set BinaryFileSpec=%1 set PublicSymbolFileSpec=%2
set PrivateSymbolFileSpec=%PublicSymbolFileSpec:symbols=symbols.pri%
if /i "%LastBinaryFileSpec%" neq "%BinaryFileSpec%" ( call :SymStoreRoutine %BinaryFileSpec% %ShareDir% bin set LastBinaryFileSpec=%BinaryFileSpec% )
REM Skip to store symbol file if symbol file name is equal to binary file name. REM It is for 16bit binaries.
if /i "%BinaryFileSpec%" EQU "%ShareDir%\%PublicSymbolFileSpec%" ( goto :EOF )
REM Store Rule REM 1. If private Symbol exist, store private symbol (in .pri) REM 2. If not under symbols.pri or symbols folder, store the file thru %ShareDir% (in .bin)
if exist "%ShareDir%\%PrivateSymbolFileSpec%" ( if /i "%PrivateSymbolFileSpec:~0,12%" EQU "symbols.pri\" ( call :SymStoreRoutine %ShareDir%\%PrivateSymbolFileSpec% %ShareDir%\symbols.pri pri goto :EOF ) call :SymStoreRoutine %ShareDir%\%PrivateSymbolFileSpec% %ShareDir% bin goto :EOF )
if exist "%ShareDir%\%PublicSymbolFileSpec%" ( if /i "%PublicSymbolFileSpec:~0,8%" EQU "symbols\" ( call :SymStoreRoutine %ShareDir%\%PublicSymbolFileSpec% %ShareDir%\symbols pub goto :EOF ) call :SymStoreRoutine %ShareDir%\%PublicSymbolFileSpec% %ShareDir% bin goto :EOF )
REM If we can not find the symbol file, we should repro the error
call errmsg.cmd "Can not find symbol file %ShareDir%\%PublicSymbolFileSpec%"
:EndStoreSymbol goto :EOF
REM ********************************************************************* REM SymStoreRoutine(FileSpec, ShareDirLoc, StoreType) REM REM Call symstore for sending the vary part REM REM *********************************************************************
:SymStoreRoutine set FileSpec=%1 set ShareDirLoc=%2 set StoreType=%3
symstore.exe add /a %RecursiveSymStore% /p /f %FileSpec% /g %ShareDirLoc% /x %SymsrvDir%\temp\%IndexFile%.!StoreType! >> %SymsrvDir%\temp\symstore.err if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "SymStore Error - symstore.exe add /a %RecursiveSymStore% /p /f %FileSpec% /g %ShareDirLoc% /x %SymsrvDir%\temp\%IndexFile%.!StoreType! )
:EndSymStoreRoutine goto :EOF
REM ********************************************************************* REM ReMD(Path) REM REM Remove directory and create a new one REM REM ********************************************************************* :ReMD call logmsg.cmd "Remove and Create directory %1" set ReMDPath=%1 if exist %ReMDPath% ( rd %ReMDPath% /s /q ) MD %ReMDPath% if errorlevel 1 ( call errmsg.cmd "Cannot create %ReMDPath% correctly." )
goto :EOF
REM This puts the symbol errors in the symbol error log into the error file REM for congeal scripts. %1 is the symbol error log that is passed in.
REM If there are errors, the script should continue on and finish, but know REM later that there were errors, so that it can goto end when the script REM is done. That's the purpose of having the ThereWereSymchkErrors variable.
goto end
:LogSymbolErrors for /f "tokens=1,2* delims= " %%f in (%1) do ( if /i not "%%g" == "FAILED" ( if /i not "%%g" == "PASSED" ( if /i not "%%g" == "IGNORED" ( echotime "%%f %%g %%h" >>%symerror.txt% set ThereWereSymchkErrors=yes ))) ) goto :EOF
:ValidateParams REM REM Validate the option given as parameter. REM goto end
:Usage REM Usage of the script REM If errors, goto end echo Usage: %script_name% [-l lang][-c] [-?] echo -l lang 2-3 letter language identifier echo -c clean build echo -? Displays usage set ERRORS=1 goto end
REM /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ REM End Main code section REM /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ :End_Main goto PostMain
REM SupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubs REM Support Subs - Do not touch this section! REM SupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubsSupportSubs
:GetParams REM REM Parse the command line arguments REM
set ERRORS=0 for %%h in (./ .- .) do if ".%SCRIPT_ARGS%." == "%%h?." goto Usage pushd %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts set ERRORS=0 for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%c in ('perl.exe GetParams.pm %*') do ( set commandline=%%c set commandtest=!commandline:~0,3! if /i "!commandtest!" neq "set" ( if /i "!commandtest!" neq "ech" ( echo %%c ) else ( %%c ) ) else ( %%c ) ) if "%errorlevel%" neq "0" ( set ERRORS=%errorlevel% goto end ) popd goto end
:LocalEnvEx REM REM Manage local script environment extensions REM pushd %RazzleToolPath%\PostBuildScripts for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%c in ('perl.exe LocalEnvEx.pm %1') do ( set commandline=%%c set commandtest=!commandline:~0,3! if /i "!commandtest!" neq "set" ( if /i "!commandtest!" neq "ech" ( echo %%c ) else ( %%c ) ) else ( %%c ) ) if "%errorlevel%" neq "0" ( set errors=%errorlevel% goto end ) popd goto end
:end seterror.exe "%errors%"& goto :EOF
REM PostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMain REM Begin PostProcessing - Do not touch this section! REM PostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMainPostMain
:PostMain REM REM End the local environment extensions. REM
call :LocalEnvEx -e
REM REM Check for errors REM
endlocal& seterror.exe "%errors%"