Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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471 lines
17 KiB

  1. @REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  2. @REM
  3. @REM migwiz.cmd - JThaler, CalinN
  4. @REM This will call iexpress to generate a self-extracting CAB that
  5. @REM will be used when running our tool off the installation CD's
  6. @REM tools menu.
  7. @REM This also copies shfolder.dll into valueadd/msft/usmt
  8. @REM for use in our command line distribution
  9. @REM
  10. @REM Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  11. @REM
  12. @REM -----------------------------------------------------------------
  14. @if defined _CPCMAGIC goto CPCBegin
  15. @perl -x "%~f0" %*
  16. @goto :EOF
  17. #!perl
  18. use strict;
  19. use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH} . "\\PostBuildScripts";
  20. use lib $ENV{RAZZLETOOLPATH};
  21. use PbuildEnv;
  22. use ParseArgs;
  23. use Logmsg;
  24. sub Usage { print<<USAGE; exit(1) }
  25. migwiz.cmd [-l <language>]
  26. This is for the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard (aka Migration
  27. Wizard, or migwiz). It runs iexpress to generate a self-extracting
  28. CAB and install into support\tools.
  29. This will also copy shfolder.dll into valueadd\\msft\\usmt for
  30. distribution with the command line tool.
  31. USAGE
  32. sub Dependencies {
  33. if ( !open DEPEND, ">>$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\..\\build_logs\\dependencies.txt" ) {
  34. errmsg("Unable to open dependency list file.");
  35. die;
  36. }
  38. \[$0\]
  39. IF {
  40. valueadd\\msft\\usmt\\...
  41. support\\tools\\fastwiz.exe
  42. }
  43. ADD {}
  45. close DEPEND;
  46. exit;
  47. }
  48. my $qfe;
  49. parseargs('?' => \&Usage,
  50. 'plan' => \&Dependencies,
  51. 'qfe:' => \$qfe);
  52. if ( -f "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\..\\build_logs\\skip.txt" ) {
  53. if ( !open SKIP, "$ENV{_NTPOSTBLD}\\..\\build_logs\\skip.txt" ) {
  54. errmsg("Unable to open skip list file.");
  55. die;
  56. }
  57. while (<SKIP>) {
  58. chomp;
  59. exit if lc$_ eq lc$0;
  60. }
  61. close SKIP;
  62. }
  64. $ENV{"_CPCMAGIC"}++;exit(system($0)>>8);
  65. __END__
  66. :CPCBegin
  67. set _CPCMAGIC=
  70. REM
  71. REM x86 only!
  72. REM
  73. if not defined x86 goto end
  74. REM temporarily create the migwiz.exe.manifest file
  75. if exist %_NTPostBld%\ (
  76. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\ %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe.manifest"
  77. )
  78. set migpath=
  79. @REM
  80. @REM if the EXE already exists, we are probably in SP tree case,
  81. @REM where not all the files are available. We are going to need
  82. @REM to extract the files from the EXE and work from there.
  83. @REM
  84. copy %RazzleToolPath%\sp\data\GoldFiles\%Lang%\%_BuildArch%%_BuildType%\fastwiz.exe %_NTPostBld%\support\tools\fastwiz.exe
  85. goto SPScript
  86. set WorkingDir=%_NTPostBld%
  87. set SEDPath=%_NTPostBld%
  88. :common
  89. REM
  90. REM Use iexpress.exe to generate the self-extracting executable;
  91. REM
  92. set doubledpath=%WorkingDir:\=\\%
  93. REM
  94. REM build the CAB that is placed inside the exe
  95. REM
  96. REM first update the sed file with the proper binaries directory
  97. set migcab.sed=%temp%\migcab.sed
  98. perl -n -e "s/BINARIES_DIR/%doubledpath%/g;print $_;" < %SEDPath%\migcab.sed > %migcab.sed%
  99. REM Validate that the sed file exists
  100. if not exist %migcab.sed% (
  101. call errmsg.cmd "File %migcab.sed% not found."
  102. popd& goto end
  103. )
  104. REM Cleanup leftover CAB file if there
  105. if exist %WorkingDir%\ del /f %WorkingDir%\
  106. REM
  107. REM Munge the path so we use the correct iexpress.exe to build the package with...
  108. REM NOTE: We *want* to use the one we just built (and for Intl localized)!
  109. REM
  113. REM call iexpress on the new sed
  114. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "start /min /wait iexpress.exe /M /N /Q %migcab.sed%"
  115. REM
  116. REM Return the path to what it was before...
  117. REM
  119. REM Validate that the CAB file exists
  120. if not exist %WorkingDir%\ (
  121. call errmsg.cmd "IExpress.exe failed on %migcab.sed%."
  122. popd& goto end
  123. )
  124. REM Delete the temporary sed file
  125. if exist %migcab.sed% del /f %migcab.sed%
  126. REM
  127. REM Now build the self-extracting EXE
  128. REM
  129. REM first update the sed file with the proper binaries directory
  130. set migwiz.sed=%temp%\migwiz.sed
  131. perl -n -e "s/BINARIES_DIR/%doubledpath%/g;print $_;" < %SEDPath%\migwiz.sed > %migwiz.sed%
  132. REM Validate that the sed file exists
  133. if not exist %migwiz.sed% (
  134. call errmsg.cmd "File %migwiz.sed% not found."
  135. popd& goto end
  136. )
  137. REM Cleanup leftover EXE file if there
  138. set outpath=%WorkingDir%\support\tools
  139. if exist %outpath%\fastwiz.exe del /f %outpath%\fastwiz.exe
  140. REM
  141. REM Munge the path so we use the correct iexpress.exe to build the package with...
  142. REM NOTE: We *want* to use the one we just built (and for Intl localized)!
  143. REM
  147. REM call iexpress on the new sed
  148. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "start /min /wait iexpress.exe /M /N /Q %migwiz.sed%"
  149. REM
  150. REM Return the path to what it was before...
  151. REM
  153. REM Validate that the EXE file exists
  154. if not exist %outpath%\fastwiz.exe (
  155. call errmsg.cmd "IExpress.exe failed on %migwiz.sed%."
  156. popd& goto end
  157. )
  158. popd
  159. REM Delete the temporary sed file
  160. if exist %migwiz.sed% del /f %migwiz.sed%
  161. REM Cleanup CAB file used to create the EXE
  162. if exist %WorkingDir%\ del /f %WorkingDir%\
  163. REM
  164. REM Now copy shfolder.dll into the loadstate/scanstate distribution
  165. REM
  166. set shfolder.dll=%_NTPostBld%\shfolder.dll
  167. if not exist %shfolder.dll% (
  168. if not defined migpath (
  169. call errmsg.cmd "File %shfolder.dll% not found."
  170. goto end
  171. )
  172. ) else (
  173. if exist %_NTPostBld%\valueadd\msft\usmt\shfolder.dll del /f %_NTPostBld%\valueadd\msft\usmt\shfolder.dll
  174. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /fd /Y %shfolder.dll% %_NTPostBld%\valueadd\msft\usmt\"
  175. )
  176. REM
  177. REM create the ansi subdirectory inside valueadd\msft\usmt
  178. REM
  179. set valueadd=%_NTPostBld%\valueadd\msft\usmt
  180. set ansidir=%valueadd%\ansi
  181. if exist %ansidir% rd /q /s %ansidir%
  182. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "md %ansidir%"
  183. if exist %valueadd% call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /fd /i /Y %valueadd%\*.inf %ansidir%"
  184. if exist %valueadd%\iconlib.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /fd /i /Y %valueadd%\iconlib.dll %ansidir%"
  185. if exist %valueadd%\log.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /fd /i /Y %valueadd%\log.dll %ansidir%"
  186. if exist %valueadd%\shfolder.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "xcopy /fd /i /Y %valueadd%\shfolder.dll %ansidir%"
  187. REM
  188. REM Hey guess what? I can't MOVE stuff, or it'll break PopulateFromVBL
  189. REM Either binplace to the final destination or use [x]copy
  190. REM
  191. if exist %valueadd%\scanstate_a.exe call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %valueadd%\scanstate_a.exe %ansidir%\scanstate.exe"
  192. if exist %valueadd%\migism_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %valueadd%\migism_a.dll %ansidir%\migism.dll"
  193. if exist %valueadd%\script_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %valueadd%\script_a.dll %ansidir%\script.dll"
  194. if exist %valueadd%\sysmod_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %valueadd%\sysmod_a.dll %ansidir%\sysmod.dll"
  195. if exist %valueadd%\unctrn_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %valueadd%\unctrn_a.dll %ansidir%\unctrn.dll"
  196. goto end
  197. REM
  198. REM if the EXE already exists, we are probably in SP tree case,
  199. REM where not all the files are available. We are going to need
  200. REM to extract the files from the EXE and work from there.
  201. REM
  202. :SPScript
  203. REM Let's build two directories in the %temp%
  204. set migpath=%temp%\migpath
  205. REM Delete the migpath directory if it's there
  206. if exist %migpath% (
  207. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rd /s /q %migpath%"
  208. )
  209. REM Create a new migpath directory
  210. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "md %migpath%"
  211. REM Verify that it's there
  212. if not exist %migpath% (
  213. call errmsg.cmd "Can't create directory %migpath%"
  214. goto end
  215. )
  216. REM Now extract all the files from the EXE in the migpath temporary directory
  217. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "start /min /wait %_NTPostBld%\support\tools\fastwiz.exe /Q /T:%migpath% /C"
  218. REM Now extract all the files from the CAB in the temporary directory
  219. REM
  220. REM Munge the path so we use the correct extract.exe to build the package with...
  221. REM NOTE: We *want* to use the one we just built (and for Intl localized)!
  222. REM
  226. REM call extract.exe
  227. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "start /min /wait extract.exe /L %migpath% %migpath%\ *.*"
  228. REM
  229. REM Return the path to what it was before...
  230. REM
  232. REM Now let's copy all the files that we have here on top of the extracted ones
  233. if exist %_NTPostBld%\usmtdef.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\usmtdef.inf %migpath%"
  234. if exist %_NTPostBld%\guitrn.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\guitrn.dll %migpath%"
  235. if exist %_NTPostBld%\guitrn_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\guitrn_a.dll %migpath%"
  236. if exist %_NTPostBld%\iconlib.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\iconlib.dll %migpath%"
  237. if exist %_NTPostBld%\log.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\log.dll %migpath%"
  238. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migapp.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migapp.inf %migpath%"
  239. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migism.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migism.dll %migpath%"
  240. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migism.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migism.inf %migpath%"
  241. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migism_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migism_a.dll %migpath%"
  242. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migsys.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migsys.inf %migpath%"
  243. if exist %_NTPostBld%\miguser.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\miguser.inf %migpath%"
  244. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe %migpath%"
  245. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.inf %migpath%"
  246. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migwiz_a.exe call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migwiz_a.exe %migpath%"
  247. if exist %_NTPostBld%\script.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\script.dll %migpath%"
  248. if exist %_NTPostBld%\script_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\script_a.dll %migpath%"
  249. if exist %_NTPostBld%\shfolder.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\shfolder.dll %migpath%"
  250. if exist %_NTPostBld%\sysfiles.inf call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\sysfiles.inf %migpath%"
  251. if exist %_NTPostBld%\sysmod.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\sysmod.dll %migpath%"
  252. if exist %_NTPostBld%\sysmod_a.dll call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\sysmod_a.dll %migpath%"
  253. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe.manifest call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe.manifest %migpath%"
  254. REM Next step. Let's recreate the CAB and the EXE files
  255. REM For this we are going to set the WorkingDir and go to the common label.
  256. set WorkingDir=%migpath%
  257. REM Also, we need to make sure that the SED files exist. If not, we are going to create them
  258. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.sed (
  259. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migcab.sed (
  260. set SEDPath=%_NTPostBld%
  261. goto common
  262. )
  263. )
  264. REM Yep, we must build them
  265. REM build migcab.sed
  266. ECHO [Version] 1>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  267. ECHO Class=IEXPRESS 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  268. ECHO SEDVersion=3 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  269. ECHO [Options] 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  270. ECHO PackagePurpose=CreateCAB 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  271. ECHO ShowInstallProgramWindow=0 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  272. ECHO HideExtractAnimation=0 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  273. ECHO UseLongFileName=1 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  274. ECHO InsideCompressed=0 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  275. ECHO CAB_FixedSize=0 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  276. ECHO CAB_ResvCodeSigning=0 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  277. ECHO RebootMode=I 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  278. ECHO InstallPrompt=%%InstallPrompt%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  279. ECHO DisplayLicense=%%DisplayLicense%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  280. ECHO FinishMessage=%%FinishMessage%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  281. ECHO TargetName=%%TargetName%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  282. ECHO FriendlyName=%%FriendlyName%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  283. ECHO AppLaunched=%%AppLaunched%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  284. ECHO PostInstallCmd=%%PostInstallCmd%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  285. ECHO AdminQuietInstCmd=%%AdminQuietInstCmd%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  286. ECHO UserQuietInstCmd=%%UserQuietInstCmd%% 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  287. ECHO SourceFiles=SourceFiles 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  288. ECHO [Strings] 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  289. ECHO InstallPrompt= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  290. ECHO DisplayLicense= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  291. ECHO FinishMessage= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  292. ECHO TargetName=BINARIES_DIR\ 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  293. ECHO FriendlyName=IExpress Wizard 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  294. ECHO AppLaunched= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  295. ECHO PostInstallCmd= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  296. ECHO AdminQuietInstCmd= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  297. ECHO UserQuietInstCmd= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  298. ECHO FILE0="usmtdef.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  299. ECHO FILE1="guitrn.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  300. ECHO FILE2="guitrn_a.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  301. ECHO FILE3="iconlib.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  302. ECHO FILE4="log.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  303. ECHO FILE5="migapp.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  304. ECHO FILE6="migism.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  305. ECHO FILE7="migism.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  306. ECHO FILE8="migism_a.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  307. ECHO FILE9="migsys.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  308. ECHO FILE10="miguser.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  309. ECHO FILE11="migwiz.exe" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  310. ECHO FILE12="migwiz.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  311. ECHO FILE13="migwiz_a.exe" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  312. ECHO FILE14="script.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  313. ECHO FILE15="script_a.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  314. ECHO FILE16="shfolder.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  315. ECHO FILE17="sysfiles.inf" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  316. ECHO FILE18="sysmod.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  317. ECHO FILE19="sysmod_a.dll" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  318. ECHO FILE20="migwiz.exe.manifest" 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  319. ECHO [SourceFiles] 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  320. ECHO SourceFiles0=BINARIES_DIR\ 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  321. ECHO [SourceFiles0] 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  322. ECHO %%FILE0%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  323. ECHO %%FILE1%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  324. ECHO %%FILE2%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  325. ECHO %%FILE3%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  326. ECHO %%FILE4%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  327. ECHO %%FILE5%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  328. ECHO %%FILE6%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  329. ECHO %%FILE7%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  330. ECHO %%FILE8%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  331. ECHO %%FILE9%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  332. ECHO %%FILE10%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  333. ECHO %%FILE11%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  334. ECHO %%FILE12%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  335. ECHO %%FILE13%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  336. ECHO %%FILE14%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  337. ECHO %%FILE15%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  338. ECHO %%FILE16%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  339. ECHO %%FILE17%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  340. ECHO %%FILE18%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  341. ECHO %%FILE19%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  342. ECHO %%FILE20%%= 1>>%migpath%\migcab.sed
  343. REM build migwiz.sed
  344. ECHO [Version] 1>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  345. ECHO Class=IEXPRESS 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  346. ECHO SEDVersion=3 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  347. ECHO [Options] 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  348. ECHO PackagePurpose=InstallApp 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  349. ECHO ShowInstallProgramWindow=0 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  350. ECHO HideExtractAnimation=1 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  351. ECHO UseLongFileName=0 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  352. ECHO InsideCompressed=0 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  353. ECHO CAB_FixedSize=0 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  354. ECHO CAB_ResvCodeSigning=0 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  355. ECHO RebootMode=N 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  356. ECHO InstallPrompt=%%InstallPrompt%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  357. ECHO DisplayLicense=%%DisplayLicense%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  358. ECHO FinishMessage=%%FinishMessage%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  359. ECHO TargetName=%%TargetName%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  360. ECHO FriendlyName=%%FriendlyName%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  361. ECHO AppLaunched=%%AppLaunched%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  362. ECHO PostInstallCmd=%%PostInstallCmd%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  363. ECHO AdminQuietInstCmd=%%AdminQuietInstCmd%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  364. ECHO UserQuietInstCmd=%%UserQuietInstCmd%% 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  365. ECHO SourceFiles=SourceFiles 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  366. ECHO [Strings] 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  367. ECHO InstallPrompt= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  368. ECHO DisplayLicense= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  369. ECHO FinishMessage= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  370. ECHO TargetName=BINARIES_DIR\support\tools\fastwiz.EXE 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  371. ECHO FriendlyName=Files and Settings Transfer Wizard 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  372. ECHO AppLaunched=migload.exe 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  373. ECHO PostInstallCmd="<None>" 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  374. ECHO AdminQuietInstCmd= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  375. ECHO UserQuietInstCmd= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  376. ECHO FILE0="migload.exe" 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  377. ECHO FILE1="" 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  378. ECHO [SourceFiles] 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  379. ECHO SourceFiles0=BINARIES_DIR\ 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  380. ECHO [SourceFiles0] 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  381. ECHO %%FILE0%%= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  382. ECHO %%FILE1%%= 1>>%migpath%\migwiz.sed
  383. set SEDPath=%migpath%
  384. goto common
  385. :end
  386. if exist %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe.manifest del /f %_NTPostBld%\migwiz.exe.manifest
  387. REM Delete the migpath directory if it's there. Also copy the fastwiz.exe to it's proper location
  388. if defined migpath (
  389. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "copy /Y %outpath%\fastwiz.exe %_NTPostBld%\support\tools\fastwiz.exe"
  390. call ExecuteCmd.cmd "rd /s /q %migpath%"
  391. )
  392. seterror.exe "%errors%"& goto :EOF