Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: This AppVerifier shim hooks all the registry APIs that change the state of the system and logs their associated data to a text file.
This is a general purpose shim.
08/17/2001 rparsons Created 09/20/2001 rparsons File I/O operations use NT APIs 09/23/2001 rparsons VLOG with log file location 10/06/2001 rparsons Open key handles are never removed from the list
--*/ #include "precomp.h"
#include "rtlutils.h"
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(LogRegistryChanges) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
#include "ShimCString.h"
#include "LogRegistryChanges.h"
// Stores the NT path to the file system log file for the current session.
UNICODE_STRING g_strLogFilePath;
// Stores the DOS path to the file system log file for the current session.
// This doesn't get freed.
LPWSTR g_pwszLogFilePath;
// Head of our open key handle linked list.
LIST_ENTRY g_OpenKeyListHead;
// Temporary buffer stored on the heap.
// Used when creating XML elements to log.
// This doesn't get freed.
LPWSTR g_pwszTempBuffer;
// Size of the temporary buffer above.
DWORD g_cbTempBufferSize;
// Stores the unique id used for NULL value names.
WCHAR g_wszUniqueId[MAX_PATH * 2];
// Temporary buffers stored on the heap.
// Used when extracting old & new data for logging.
// These don't get freed.
LPWSTR g_pwszOriginalData; LPWSTR g_pwszFinalData;
// Size of the temporary buffers above.
DWORD g_cbOriginalDataBufferSize; DWORD g_cbFinalDataBufferSize;
Writes an entry to the log file. --*/ void WriteEntryToLog( IN LPCWSTR pwszEntry ) { int nLen = 0; HANDLE hFile; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; NTSTATUS status;
// Note that we have to use native APIs throughout this function
// to avoid a problem with circular hooking. That is, if we simply
// call WriteFile, which is exported from kernel32, it will call NtWriteFile,
// which is a call that we hook, in turn leaving us in and endless loop.
// Attempt to get a handle to our log file.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &g_strLogFilePath, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[WriteEntryToLog] Failed to open log"); return; } //
// Write the data out to the file.
nLen = wcslen(pwszEntry);
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)pwszEntry, (ULONG)(nLen) * sizeof(WCHAR), &liOffset, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[WriteEntryToLog] 0x%X Failed to make entry", status); goto exit; }
Creates our log files using the local time. It goes into %windir%\AppPatch\VLog. --*/ BOOL InitializeLogFile( void ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; HANDLE hFile; SYSTEMTIME st; UINT nLen = 0; WCHAR wszFileLog[64]; WCHAR* pwszLogFile = NULL; WCHAR* pSlash = NULL; WCHAR* pDot = NULL; WCHAR wszModPathName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszShortName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszLogHdr[512]; const WCHAR wszLogDir[] = L"\\AppPatch\\VLog"; WCHAR wszUnicodeHdr = 0xFEFF; UNICODE_STRING strLogFile; NTSTATUS status; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; //
// Format the log header.
if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, wszModPathName, ARRAYSIZE(wszModPathName))) { wcscpy(wszModPathName, L"unknown"); }
if (_snwprintf(wszLogHdr, ARRAYSIZE(wszLogHdr) - 1, L"%lc<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>\r\n<APPLICATION NAME=\"%ls\">\r\n", wszUnicodeHdr, wszModPathName) < 0) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] Buffer too small (1)"); return FALSE; } //
// Get the current time and set up the log file name.
// The format of the log file name is this:
// 'processname_registry_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.xml'
// Extract the name of this module without the path and extension.
// Basically we trim off the extension first (if there is one.)
// Next we find out where the directory path ends, then grab
// the file portion and save it away.
wszShortName[0] = 0; pDot = wcsrchr(wszModPathName, '.');
if (pDot) { *pDot = '\0'; }
pSlash = wcsrchr(wszModPathName, '\\');
if (pSlash) { wcsncpy(wszShortName, ++pSlash, (wcslen(pSlash) + 1)); }
if (_snwprintf(wszFileLog, ARRAYSIZE(wszFileLog) - 1, L"%ls_registry_%02hu%02hu%02hu_%02hu%02hu%02hu.xml", wszShortName, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond) < 0) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] Buffer too small (2)"); return FALSE; } //
// Set up the path our log file.
nLen = GetSystemWindowsDirectory(NULL, 0);
if (0 == nLen) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] %lu Failed to get size for Windows directory path", GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
nLen += wcslen(wszFileLog); nLen += wcslen(wszLogDir);
pwszLogFile = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc((nLen + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pwszLogFile) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] No memory for log file"); return FALSE; }
nLen = GetSystemWindowsDirectory(pwszLogFile, (nLen + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (0 == nLen) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] %lu Failed to get Windows directory path", GetLastError()); return FALSE; }
wcscat(pwszLogFile, wszLogDir); //
// Ensure that the %windir%\AppPatch\VLog directory exists.
// If it doesn't, attempt to create it.
if (-1 == GetFileAttributes(pwszLogFile)) { if (!CreateDirectory(pwszLogFile, NULL)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] %lu Failed to create VLog directory", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } }
wcscat(pwszLogFile, L"\\"); wcscat(pwszLogFile, wszFileLog);
// Save the pointer as we'll need it later.
g_pwszLogFilePath = pwszLogFile;
// Attempt to create the new log file.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&strLogFile, pwszLogFile);
status = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(strLogFile.Buffer, &strLogFile, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] DOS -> NT failed"); return FALSE; }
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &strLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] 0x%X Failed to create log", status); goto cleanup; }
// Save away the NT path to the file.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[InitializeLogFile] Failed to save log file path"); goto cleanup; }
// Write the header to the log.
fReturn = TRUE;
return fReturn; }
Writes the closing element to the file and outputs the log file location. --*/ BOOL CloseLogFile( void ) { WCHAR wszBuffer[] = L"</APPLICATION>";
return TRUE; }
Converts from ANSI to Unicode. The caller must free the buffer. --*/ BOOL ConvertAnsiToUnicode( IN LPCSTR pszAnsiString, OUT LPWSTR* pwszUnicodeString ) { int nLen = 0;
nLen = lstrlenA(pszAnsiString);
if (nLen) { *pwszUnicodeString = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc((nLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*pwszUnicodeString) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ConvertAnsiToUnicode] Failed to allocate memory"); return FALSE; } nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszAnsiString, -1, *pwszUnicodeString, nLen + 1);
if (!nLen) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ConvertAnsiToUnicode] %lu Ansi -> Unicode failed", GetLastError()); MemFree(*pwszUnicodeString); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
Converts a list of NULL terminated strings from ANSI to Unicode. The caller must free the buffer. --*/ BOOL ConvertMultiSzToUnicode( IN LPCSTR pszAnsiStringList, OUT LPWSTR* pwszWideStringList ) { int nLen = 0; UINT uSize = 0; UINT uWideSize = 0; UINT uTotalSize = 0; LPCSTR pszAnsi = NULL; LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL;
if (!pszAnsiStringList) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ConvertMultiSzToUnicode] Invalid parameter"); return FALSE; }
pszAnsi = pszAnsiStringList; //
// Determine how large of a buffer we need to allocate.
do { uSize = lstrlenA(pszAnsi) + 1; uTotalSize += uSize; pszAnsi += uSize; } while (uSize != 1); if (uTotalSize != 0) { pwszTemp = *pwszWideStringList = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(uTotalSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!*pwszWideStringList) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ConvertMultiSzToUnicode] No memory for buffer"); return FALSE; } }
// Perform the ANSI to Unicode conversion.
pszAnsi = pszAnsiStringList; do { nLen = lstrlenA(pszAnsi) + 1; uWideSize = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszAnsi, -1, pwszTemp, nLen); pszAnsi += nLen; pwszTemp += uWideSize; } while (nLen != 1);
return TRUE; }
Given a predefined key handle such as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, return a string. --*/ BOOL PredefinedKeyToString( IN HKEY hKey, OUT LPWSTR* pwszString ) { if (hKey == HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT"); } else if (hKey == HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG"); } else if (hKey == HKEY_CURRENT_USER) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_CURRENT_USER"); } else if (hKey == HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"); } else if (hKey == HKEY_USERS) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_USERS"); } else if (hKey == HKEY_DYN_DATA) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_DYN_DATA"); } else if (hKey == HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA) { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA"); } else { wcscpy(*pwszString, L"Not recognized"); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Displays the name associated with this object. --*/ #if DBG
void PrintNameFromKey( IN HKEY hKey ) { NTSTATUS status; WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_PATH]; OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION *poni = NULL;
wszBuffer[0] = 0; poni = (OBJECT_NAME_INFORMATION*)wszBuffer;
status = NtQueryObject(hKey, ObjectNameInformation, poni, MAX_PATH, NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "Key 0x%08x has name: %ls", hKey, poni->Name.Buffer); } } #endif // DBG
Given a pointer to a key node, get the original data. --*/ BOOL CLogRegistry::GetOriginalDataForKey( IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey, IN PKEY_DATA pKeyData, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; HKEY hKeyLocal; DWORD cbSize = 0, dwType = 0; LONG lRetVal; if (!pLogOpenKey || !pKeyData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetOriginalDataForKey] Invalid parameter(s)"); return FALSE; } lRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(pLogOpenKey->hKeyRoot, pLogOpenKey->pwszSubKeyPath, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyLocal);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetOriginalDataForKey] Failed to open key"); return FALSE; } //
// Query the size of the data. If the data doesn't exist, return success.
lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyLocal, pwszValueName, 0, &dwType, NULL, &cbSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lRetVal) { RegCloseKey(hKeyLocal); return TRUE; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetOldDataForKey] Failed to get data size"); goto cleanup; } }
// Update the flags to indicate that the value already exists.
pKeyData->dwFlags |= LRC_EXISTING_VALUE;
// Allocate a buffer large enough to store the old data.
if (dwType != REG_DWORD && dwType != REG_BINARY) { pKeyData->pOriginalData = (PVOID)MemAlloc(cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); pKeyData->cbOriginalDataSize = cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { pKeyData->pOriginalData = (PVOID)MemAlloc(cbSize); pKeyData->cbOriginalDataSize = cbSize; } if (!pKeyData->pOriginalData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetOriginalDataForKey] Failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; }
pKeyData->dwOriginalValueType = dwType;
// Now make the call again this time getting the actual data.
lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyLocal, pwszValueName, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)pKeyData->pOriginalData, &cbSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetOriginalDataForKey] Failed to get data"); goto cleanup; }
fReturn = TRUE;
return fReturn; }
Given a pointer to a key node, get the final data. --*/ BOOL CLogRegistry::GetFinalDataForKey( IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey, IN PKEY_DATA pKeyData, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName ) { BOOL fReturn = FALSE; HKEY hKeyLocal; DWORD cbSize = 0, dwType = 0; LONG lRetVal; PVOID pTemp = NULL; if (!pLogOpenKey || !pKeyData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetFinalDataForKey] Invalid parameter(s)"); return FALSE; } lRetVal = RegOpenKeyEx(pLogOpenKey->hKeyRoot, pLogOpenKey->pwszSubKeyPath, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKeyLocal);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetFinalDataForKey] Failed to open key"); return FALSE; } //
// Query the size of the data. If the data doesn't exist, return success.
lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyLocal, pwszValueName, 0, &dwType, NULL, &cbSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { if (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == lRetVal) { RegCloseKey(hKeyLocal); return TRUE; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetFinalDataForKey] Failed to get data size"); goto cleanup; } }
// It's possible that multiple queries were issued against the same
// key. If this is the case, the buffer to hold the data has already
// been allocated. Determine if the block is large enough.
if (pKeyData->pFinalData) { if (dwType != REG_DWORD && dwType != REG_BINARY) { //
// If MemReAlloc fails, we would lose the pointer that
// we already had in pKeyData->pFinalData. This preserves
// the pointer.
if (pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize < (cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR))) { pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize = cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR); pTemp = MemReAlloc(pKeyData->pFinalData, cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); } } else { if (pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize < cbSize) { pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize = cbSize; pTemp = MemReAlloc(pKeyData->pFinalData, cbSize); } } if (pTemp) { pKeyData->pFinalData = pTemp; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetFinalDataForKey] Failed to reallocate memory"); goto cleanup; }
} else { if (dwType != REG_DWORD && dwType != REG_BINARY) { pKeyData->pFinalData = MemAlloc(cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize = cbSize * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { pKeyData->pFinalData = MemAlloc(cbSize); pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize = cbSize; } }
if (!pKeyData->pFinalData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetFinalDataForKey] Failed to allocate memory"); goto cleanup; }
pKeyData->dwFinalValueType = dwType;
// Now make the call again this time getting the actual data.
lRetVal = RegQueryValueEx(hKeyLocal, pwszValueName, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)pKeyData->pFinalData, &cbSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[GetFinalDataForKey] Failed to get data"); goto cleanup; }
fReturn = TRUE;
return fReturn; }
Given a value name, attempt to find it in the list. This function may not always return a pointer. --*/ PKEY_DATA CLogRegistry::FindValueNameInList( IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName, IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pOpenKey ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; PLIST_ENTRY pHead = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pNext = NULL; PKEY_DATA pFindData = NULL;
if (!pwszValueName || !pOpenKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FindValueNameInList] Invalid parameter(s)"); return NULL; }
pHead = &pOpenKey->KeyData; pNext = pHead->Flink;
while (pNext != pHead) { pFindData = CONTAINING_RECORD(pNext, KEY_DATA, Entry);
if (!_wcsicmp(pwszValueName, pFindData->wszValueName)) { fFound = TRUE; break; }
pNext = pNext->Flink; }
return (fFound ? pFindData : NULL); }
Given a key path, attempt to locate it in the list. This function may not always return a pointer. --*/ PLOG_OPEN_KEY CLogRegistry::FindKeyPathInList( IN LPCWSTR pwszKeyPath ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE; PLIST_ENTRY pCurrent = NULL; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pFindKey = NULL;
if (!pwszKeyPath) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FindKeyPathInList] Invalid parameter"); return NULL; }
// Attempt to locate the entry in the list.
pCurrent = g_OpenKeyListHead.Flink;
while (pCurrent != &g_OpenKeyListHead) { pFindKey = CONTAINING_RECORD(pCurrent, LOG_OPEN_KEY, Entry);
if (pFindKey->pwszFullKeyPath) { if (!_wcsicmp(pwszKeyPath, pFindKey->pwszFullKeyPath)) { fFound = TRUE; break; } } pCurrent = pCurrent->Flink; }
return (fFound ? pFindKey : NULL); }
Given a key handle, remove it from the array in the list. --*/ PLOG_OPEN_KEY CLogRegistry::RemoveKeyHandleFromArray( IN HKEY hKey ) { UINT uCount; PLIST_ENTRY pCurrent = NULL; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pFindKey = NULL;
if (!hKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[RemoveKeyHandleFromArray] Invalid key handle passed!"); return NULL; }
pCurrent = g_OpenKeyListHead.Flink;
while (pCurrent != &g_OpenKeyListHead) { pFindKey = CONTAINING_RECORD(pCurrent, LOG_OPEN_KEY, Entry);
// Step through this guy's array looking for the handle.
for (uCount = 0; uCount < pFindKey->cHandles; uCount++) { //
// If we find the handle, set the array element to NULL and
// decrement the count of handles for this entry.
if (pFindKey->hKeyBase[uCount] == hKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "[RemoveKeyHandleFromArray] Removing handle 0x%08x", hKey); pFindKey->hKeyBase[uCount] = NULL; pFindKey->cHandles--; return pFindKey; } }
pCurrent = pCurrent->Flink; }
return NULL; }
Finds a key handle in the array. --*/ PLOG_OPEN_KEY CLogRegistry::FindKeyHandleInArray( IN HKEY hKey ) { UINT uCount; BOOL fFound = FALSE; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pFindKey = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pCurrent = NULL;
if (!hKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FindKeyHandleInArray] Invalid key handle passed!"); return NULL; }
pCurrent = g_OpenKeyListHead.Flink;
while (pCurrent != &g_OpenKeyListHead) { pFindKey = CONTAINING_RECORD(pCurrent, LOG_OPEN_KEY, Entry);
// Step through this guy's array looking for the handle.
for (uCount = 0; uCount < pFindKey->cHandles; uCount++) { if (pFindKey->hKeyBase[uCount] == hKey) { fFound = TRUE; break; } }
if (fFound) { break; }
pCurrent = pCurrent->Flink; }
#if DBG
if (!fFound) { //
// Dear God - the key handle is not in the list!
// Break into the debugger on checked builds.
DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FindKeyHandleInArray] Key 0x%08x not in list!", hKey); PrintNameFromKey(hKey); DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif // DBG
return (fFound ? pFindKey : NULL); }
Given a predefined handle and a subkey path, open the key to force it into the list. --*/ HKEY CLogRegistry::ForceSubKeyIntoList( IN HKEY hKeyPredefined, IN LPCWSTR pwszSubKey ) { LONG lRetVal; HKEY hKeyRet; if (!pwszSubKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ForceSubKeyIntoList] Invalid parameter"); return NULL; }
lRetVal = OpenKeyExW(hKeyPredefined, pwszSubKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKeyRet);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ForceSubKeyIntoList] Failed to open key"); return NULL; }
return hKeyRet; }
Add a non-predefined key handle to the array. --*/ PLOG_OPEN_KEY CLogRegistry::AddKeyHandleToList( IN HKEY hKey, IN HKEY hKeyNew, IN LPCWSTR pwszSubKeyPath, IN BOOL fExisting ) { UINT uCount; DWORD dwLen = 0; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pFindKey = NULL; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pRetKey = NULL; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pExistingFindKey = NULL;
// If hKeyNew, which is the key handle the caller received
// from the function, is a predefined handle, we simply
// call FindKeyInArray, which will return a pointer to the
// list entry that contains that key handle. These handles
// were added during initialization, so there's no chance
// that the caller won't get a pointer back.
if (IsPredefinedRegistryHandle(hKeyNew)) { return FindKeyHandleInArray(hKeyNew); }
// We've got a usual case where a key has been opened, and
// now the caller is opening a subkey underneath it.
pFindKey = FindKeyHandleInArray(hKey);
// If pFindKey ever comes back as NULL, something is really
// wrong. Every OpenKey/CreateKey comes through us and goes
// into the list (with the exception of predefined handles
// which are already stored there.) Dump out as much data
// as we can to figure out what went wrong.
if (!pFindKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddKeyHandleToList] Key not found in list! Key Handle = 0x%08x New key = 0x%08x Path = %ls", hKey, hKeyNew, pwszSubKeyPath); return NULL; } pRetKey = (PLOG_OPEN_KEY)MemAlloc(sizeof(LOG_OPEN_KEY));
if (!pRetKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddKeyHandleToList] No memory available"); return NULL; }
// Make room for the subkey path that will go into the new
// node. If the node that we found has a subkey path stored,
// take that into account also.
if (pwszSubKeyPath) { dwLen = wcslen(pwszSubKeyPath); }
if (pFindKey->pwszSubKeyPath) { dwLen += wcslen(pFindKey->pwszSubKeyPath); }
if (pFindKey->pwszSubKeyPath || pwszSubKeyPath) { pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc((dwLen + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddKeyHandleToList] No memory for subkey path"); goto cleanup; } }
// If the node that we found has a subkey path, take it
// and copy it over to the new node and concatenate
// the subkey path that we got passed. Otherwise just
// store the path that was passed, if available.
if (pFindKey->pwszSubKeyPath && pwszSubKeyPath) { wcscpy(pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath, pFindKey->pwszSubKeyPath); wcscat(pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath, L"\\"); wcscat(pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath, pwszSubKeyPath); } else if (pwszSubKeyPath) { wcscpy(pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath, pwszSubKeyPath); }
// Make room for the full key path. This will store a path
// of something like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft...
// that will be used for logging purposes.
if (pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath) { dwLen = wcslen(pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath); } pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc((dwLen + 2 + MAX_ROOT_LENGTH) * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddKeyHandleToList] No memory for full key path"); goto cleanup; }
// Convert the predefined handle to a string and store it in
// the node that we're about to add to the list.
if (!PredefinedKeyToString(pFindKey->hKeyRoot, &pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddKeyHandleToList] PredefinedKey -> String failed"); goto cleanup; }
if (pwszSubKeyPath) { wcscat(pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath, L"\\"); wcscat(pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath, pRetKey->pwszSubKeyPath); }
// At this point we have a full key path.
// We attempt to find the path in the linked list.
// If we find it, we're going to update the handle array and count for this guy.
// If we don't find it, we're going to add a new entry to the list.
pExistingFindKey = FindKeyPathInList(pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath);
if (!pExistingFindKey) { //
// Fill in information about this key and add it to the list.
pRetKey->hKeyBase[0] = hKeyNew; pRetKey->hKeyRoot = pFindKey->hKeyRoot; pRetKey->cHandles = 1; pRetKey->dwFlags |= fExisting ? LRC_EXISTING_KEY : 0;
DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "[AddKeyHandleToList] Adding key: %p", pRetKey);
InsertHeadList(&g_OpenKeyListHead, &pRetKey->Entry);
return pRetKey;
} else { //
// Store this handle in the array and increment the handle count.
// Make sure we don't overstep the array bounds.
for (uCount = 0; uCount < pExistingFindKey->cHandles; uCount++) { if (NULL == pExistingFindKey->hKeyBase[uCount]) { break; } }
if (uCount >= MAX_NUM_HANDLES) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddKeyHandleToList] Handle count reached"); goto cleanup; }
pExistingFindKey->hKeyBase[uCount] = hKeyNew; pExistingFindKey->dwFlags &= ~LRC_DELETED_KEY; pExistingFindKey->cHandles++; }
if (pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath) { MemFree(pRetKey->pwszFullKeyPath); }
if (pRetKey) { MemFree(pRetKey); }
return pExistingFindKey; }
Add a value to the list. --*/ PKEY_DATA CLogRegistry::AddValueNameToList( IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName ) { PKEY_DATA pKeyData = NULL;
pKeyData = (PKEY_DATA)MemAlloc(sizeof(KEY_DATA));
if (!pKeyData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddValueNameToList] Failed to allocate memory"); return NULL; }
if (!GetOriginalDataForKey(pLogOpenKey, pKeyData, pwszValueName)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddValueNameToList] Failed to get original data"); goto cleanup; }
if (pwszValueName) { wcsncpy(pKeyData->wszValueName, pwszValueName, MAX_PATH); } else { //
// If the valuename is NULL, assign our unique id.
wcsncpy(pKeyData->wszValueName, g_wszUniqueId, wcslen(g_wszUniqueId)); }
InsertHeadList(&pLogOpenKey->KeyData, &pKeyData->Entry);
return pKeyData;
if (pKeyData) { MemFree(pKeyData); }
return NULL; }
The entry point for modifying the linked list data. --*/ PLOG_OPEN_KEY CLogRegistry::UpdateKeyList( IN HKEY hKeyRoot, IN HKEY hKeyNew, IN LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName, IN BOOL fExisting, IN UpdateType eType ) { PKEY_DATA pKeyData = NULL; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pRetKey = NULL;
switch (eType) { case eAddKeyHandle: pRetKey = AddKeyHandleToList(hKeyRoot, hKeyNew, pwszSubKey, fExisting); break;
case eRemoveKeyHandle: pRetKey = RemoveKeyHandleFromArray(hKeyNew); break;
case eStartModifyValue: case eStartDeleteValue: pRetKey = FindKeyHandleInArray(hKeyNew);
if (!pRetKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] Start Modify: Failed to find handle in array"); break; }
if (!pwszValueName) { pKeyData = FindValueNameInList(g_wszUniqueId, pRetKey); } else { pKeyData = FindValueNameInList(pwszValueName, pRetKey); }
if (pKeyData) { //
// If the caller is attempting to modify the value, and we've
// already gotten data for it, don't do it again.
// Also, if they're attempting to delete the value, and it's
// been modified, don't do it again.
if ((pKeyData->pOriginalData || pKeyData->pFinalData) || (pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_MODIFIED_VALUE) && (eStartDeleteValue == eType)) { break; }
if (!GetOriginalDataForKey(pRetKey, pKeyData, pwszValueName)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] Start Modify: Failed to get original data"); break; } } else { //
// We've never seen this value before. Insert it into the list.
if (!AddValueNameToList(pRetKey, pwszValueName)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] Start Modify: Failed to insert value"); break; } }
case eEndModifyValue: case eEndDeleteValue: pRetKey = FindKeyHandleInArray(hKeyNew);
if (!pRetKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] End Modify: Failed to find handle in array"); break; }
if (!pwszValueName) { pKeyData = FindValueNameInList(g_wszUniqueId, pRetKey); } else { pKeyData = FindValueNameInList(pwszValueName, pRetKey); }
if (!pKeyData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] End Modify: Failed to find value in list"); break; } if (eEndModifyValue == eType) { if (!GetFinalDataForKey(pRetKey, pKeyData, pwszValueName)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] End Modify: Failed to get final data"); break; }
pKeyData->dwFlags |= LRC_MODIFIED_VALUE; } else if (eEndDeleteValue == eType) { pKeyData->dwFlags |= LRC_DELETED_VALUE; }
case eDeletedKey: pRetKey = FindKeyHandleInArray(hKeyNew);
if (!pRetKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] DeleteKey: Failed to find handle in array"); break; }
pRetKey->dwFlags |= LRC_DELETED_KEY;
default: DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[UpdateKeyList] Invalid enum type!"); break; }
return pRetKey; }
Formats the data to form an XML element and logs it. --*/ void FormatKeyDataIntoElement( IN LPCWSTR pwszOperation, IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey ) { UINT cbSize = 0; PVOID pTemp = NULL;
// To make it easier to replace & ' " < and > with their
// XML entities, we convert the data to CString.
CString csFullKeyPath(pLogOpenKey->pwszFullKeyPath); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"&", L"&"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"<", L"<"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L">", L">"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"'", L"'"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"\"", L""");
// To keep allocations to a minimum, we allocate a global
// buffer one time, then reallocate if the data we're
// logging is larger than the buffer.
if (!g_cbTempBufferSize) { g_pwszTempBuffer = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!g_pwszTempBuffer) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatKeyData] Failed to allocate memory"); return; }
g_cbTempBufferSize = TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); }
g_pwszTempBuffer[0] = 0;
// Determine how large of a buffer we'll need.
cbSize += csFullKeyPath.GetLength(); cbSize += MAX_OPERATION_LENGTH; cbSize += KEY_ELEMENT_SIZE; cbSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
if (cbSize > g_cbTempBufferSize) { //
// Our global buffer is not large enough; reallocate.
pTemp = (LPWSTR)MemReAlloc(g_pwszTempBuffer, cbSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA);
if (pTemp) { g_pwszTempBuffer = (LPWSTR)pTemp; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatKeyData] Failed to reallocate memory"); return; }
g_cbTempBufferSize = cbSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA; }
wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer, L" <OPERATION TYPE=\"%ls\" KEY_PATH=\"%ls\"/>\r\n", pwszOperation, csFullKeyPath.Get());
WriteEntryToLog(g_pwszTempBuffer); }
void FormatValueDataIntoElement( IN CString& csFullKeyPath, IN LPCWSTR pwszOperation, IN LPCWSTR pwszValueName, IN LPCWSTR pwszOriginalValueType, IN LPCWSTR pwszFinalValueType ) { UINT cbSize = 0; int nChars = 0; PVOID pTemp = NULL;
// To keep allocations to a minimum, we allocate a global
// buffer one time, then reallocate if the data we're
// logging is larger than the buffer.
if (!g_cbTempBufferSize) { g_pwszTempBuffer = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!g_pwszTempBuffer) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueDataIntoElement] Failed to allocate memory"); return; }
g_cbTempBufferSize = TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Determine how large of a buffer we'll need.
cbSize += wcslen(pwszOperation); cbSize += wcslen(pwszOriginalValueType); cbSize += wcslen(pwszFinalValueType); cbSize += wcslen(g_pwszOriginalData); cbSize += wcslen(g_pwszFinalData); cbSize += csFullKeyPath.GetLength(); cbSize += VALUE_ELEMENT_SIZE;
if (pwszValueName) { cbSize += wcslen(pwszValueName); }
cbSize *= sizeof(WCHAR);
if (cbSize > g_cbTempBufferSize) { //
// Our global buffer is not large enough; reallocate.
pTemp = (LPWSTR)MemReAlloc(g_pwszTempBuffer, cbSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA);
if (pTemp) { g_pwszTempBuffer = (LPWSTR)pTemp; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueDataIntoElement] Failed to reallocate memory"); return; }
g_cbTempBufferSize = cbSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA; }
// Open the <OPERATION> element.
nChars = wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer, L" <OPERATION TYPE=\"%ls\" KEY_PATH=\"%ls\">\r\n", pwszOperation, csFullKeyPath.Get());
// Write the <VALUE_NAME> element.
if (pwszValueName) { nChars += wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" <VALUE_NAME><![CDATA[%ls]]></VALUE_NAME>\r\n", pwszValueName); } else { nChars += wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" <VALUE_NAME/>\r\n"); }
// Write the <ORIGINAL_DATA> element.
if (g_pwszOriginalData[0]) { nChars += wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" <ORIGINAL_DATA TYPE=\"%ls\"><![CDATA[%ls]]></ORIGINAL_DATA>\r\n", pwszOriginalValueType, g_pwszOriginalData); } else { nChars += wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" <ORIGINAL_DATA/>\r\n"); }
// Write the <FINAL_DATA> element.
if (g_pwszFinalData[0]) { nChars += wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" <FINAL_DATA TYPE=\"%ls\"><![CDATA[%ls]]></FINAL_DATA>\r\n", pwszFinalValueType, g_pwszFinalData); } else { nChars += wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" <FINAL_DATA/>\r\n"); }
// Close the <OPERATION> element.
wsprintf(g_pwszTempBuffer + nChars, L" </OPERATION>\r\n");
return; }
Converts binary data into a readable string. --*/ void ExtractBinaryData( IN PVOID pBinary, IN DWORD dwDataSize, IN OUT LPWSTR* pwszString ) { int nChars = 0; PBYTE pByte = NULL; DWORD dwLoop = 0;
if (!pBinary || !pwszString) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ExtractBinaryData] Invalid parameter(s)"); return; }
pByte = (BYTE*)pBinary; dwLoop = dwDataSize / sizeof(WCHAR); while (dwLoop) { nChars += wsprintf(*pwszString + nChars, L"%lx", *pByte++); dwLoop--; } }
Converts a REG_MULTI_SZ to a readable string. --*/ void ExtractMultiSzStrings( IN PVOID pMultiSz, IN OUT LPWSTR* pwszString ) { int nChars = 0; UINT uSize = 0; LPWSTR pwszTmp = NULL;
if (!pMultiSz || !pwszString) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[ExtractMultiSzStrings] Invalid parameter(s)"); return; } //
// Walk the list of NULL-terminated strings and put them in the buffer.
pwszTmp = (LPWSTR)pMultiSz; while (TRUE) { nChars += wsprintf(*pwszString + nChars, L" %ls", pwszTmp);
uSize = wcslen(pwszTmp) + 1; pwszTmp += uSize;
if (*pwszTmp == '\0') { break; } } }
Formats the value data to form an XML element and logs it. --*/ void FormatValueData( IN LPCWSTR pwszOperation, IN PKEY_DATA pKeyData, IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey ) { WCHAR wszFinalValueType[MAX_DATA_TYPE_LENGTH]; WCHAR wszOriginalValueType[MAX_DATA_TYPE_LENGTH]; LPCWSTR pwszValueName = NULL; PVOID pOriginalTmp = NULL; PVOID pFinalTmp = NULL;
// If we haven't already, allocate buffers that we'll
// use and reuse when getting original and final data.
if (!g_cbOriginalDataBufferSize) { g_pwszOriginalData = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!g_pwszOriginalData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueData] Failed to allocate memory for old data"); return; }
g_cbOriginalDataBufferSize = TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); }
if (!g_cbFinalDataBufferSize) { g_pwszFinalData = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!g_pwszFinalData) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueData] Failed to allocate memory for new data"); return; }
g_cbFinalDataBufferSize = TEMP_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR); }
g_pwszOriginalData[0] = 0; g_pwszFinalData[0] = 0;
// To make it easier to replace & ' " < and > with their
// XML entities, we convert the data to CString.
CString csFullKeyPath(pLogOpenKey->pwszFullKeyPath); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"&", L"&"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"<", L"<"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L">", L">"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"'", L"'"); csFullKeyPath.Replace(L"\"", L""");
switch (pKeyData->dwOriginalValueType) { case REG_SZ: wcscpy(wszOriginalValueType, L"REG_SZ"); break; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: wcscpy(wszOriginalValueType, L"REG_EXPAND_SZ"); break; case REG_MULTI_SZ: wcscpy(wszOriginalValueType, L"REG_MULTI_SZ"); break; case REG_DWORD: wcscpy(wszOriginalValueType, L"REG_DWORD"); break; case REG_BINARY: wcscpy(wszOriginalValueType, L"REG_BINARY"); break; default: wcscpy(wszOriginalValueType, L"Unknown"); break; }
switch (pKeyData->dwFinalValueType) { case REG_SZ: wcscpy(wszFinalValueType, L"REG_SZ"); break; case REG_EXPAND_SZ: wcscpy(wszFinalValueType, L"REG_EXPAND_SZ"); break; case REG_MULTI_SZ: wcscpy(wszFinalValueType, L"REG_MULTI_SZ"); break; case REG_DWORD: wcscpy(wszFinalValueType, L"REG_DWORD"); break; case REG_BINARY: wcscpy(wszFinalValueType, L"REG_BINARY"); break; default: wcscpy(wszFinalValueType, L"Unknown"); break; }
// If our temporary buffers are not large enough to store the data, reallocate.
if (pKeyData->cbOriginalDataSize > g_cbOriginalDataBufferSize) { pOriginalTmp = (LPWSTR)MemReAlloc(g_pwszOriginalData, pKeyData->cbOriginalDataSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA);
if (pOriginalTmp) { g_pwszOriginalData = (LPWSTR)pOriginalTmp; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueData] Failed to reallocate for original data"); return; }
g_cbOriginalDataBufferSize = pKeyData->cbOriginalDataSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA; }
if (pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize > g_cbFinalDataBufferSize) { pFinalTmp = (LPWSTR)MemReAlloc(g_pwszFinalData, pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA);
if (pFinalTmp) { g_pwszFinalData = (LPWSTR)pFinalTmp; } else { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueData] Failed to reallocate for new data"); return; }
g_cbFinalDataBufferSize = pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize + BUFFER_ALLOCATION_DELTA; }
// Store the original and new data in the buffers.
// Note that operations are performed differently based on the data type.
if (pKeyData->pOriginalData) { switch (pKeyData->dwOriginalValueType) { case REG_DWORD: wsprintf(g_pwszOriginalData, L"%lu", (*(DWORD*)pKeyData->pOriginalData)); break; case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: wcscpy(g_pwszOriginalData, (const WCHAR*)pKeyData->pOriginalData); break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: ExtractMultiSzStrings(pKeyData->pOriginalData, &g_pwszOriginalData); break;
case REG_BINARY: ExtractBinaryData(pKeyData->pOriginalData, pKeyData->cbOriginalDataSize, &g_pwszOriginalData); break;
default: DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueData] Unsupported value type"); break; } }
if (pKeyData->pFinalData) { switch (pKeyData->dwFinalValueType) { case REG_DWORD: wsprintf(g_pwszFinalData, L"%lu", (*(DWORD*)pKeyData->pFinalData)); break;
case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: wcscpy(g_pwszFinalData, (const WCHAR*)pKeyData->pFinalData); break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: ExtractMultiSzStrings(pKeyData->pFinalData, &g_pwszFinalData); break;
case REG_BINARY: ExtractBinaryData(pKeyData->pFinalData, pKeyData->cbFinalDataSize, &g_pwszFinalData); break;
default: DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[FormatValueData] Unsupported value type"); break; } } //
// Ensure that our unique id doesn't show up in the log.
if (_wcsicmp(pKeyData->wszValueName, g_wszUniqueId)) { pwszValueName = pKeyData->wszValueName; }
// Put the data into an XML element and log it.
FormatValueDataIntoElement(csFullKeyPath, pwszOperation, pwszValueName, wszOriginalValueType, wszFinalValueType); }
Determines the changes that took place on the specified key and if applicable, writes it to the log. --*/ BOOL EvaluateKeyChanges( IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey ) { if (!pLogOpenKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[EvaluateKeyChanges] Invalid parameter"); return FALSE; }
// 1. Check for deletion of an existing key.
if ((pLogOpenKey->dwFlags & LRC_DELETED_KEY) && (pLogOpenKey->dwFlags & LRC_EXISTING_KEY)) { FormatKeyDataIntoElement(L"Deleted Key", pLogOpenKey); return TRUE; }
// 2. Check for creation of a new key.
if (!(pLogOpenKey->dwFlags & LRC_EXISTING_KEY) && (!(pLogOpenKey->dwFlags & LRC_DELETED_KEY))) { FormatKeyDataIntoElement(L"Created Key", pLogOpenKey); return TRUE; }
// 3. Check for deletion of a non-existing key.
// This is an indicator that we should not look for
// changes to values below this key.
if (pLogOpenKey->dwFlags & LRC_DELETED_KEY) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Determines the changes that took place on the specified value and if applicable, writes it to the log. --*/ void EvaluateValueChanges( IN PKEY_DATA pKeyData, IN PLOG_OPEN_KEY pLogOpenKey ) { if (!pKeyData || !pLogOpenKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[EvaluateValueChanges] Invalid parameter(s)"); return; }
// 1. Check for deletion of an existing value.
if ((pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_DELETED_VALUE) && (pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_EXISTING_VALUE)) { FormatValueData(L"Deleted Value", pKeyData, pLogOpenKey); return; }
// 2. Check for modification of an existing value.
if ((pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_EXISTING_VALUE) && (pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_MODIFIED_VALUE)) { FormatValueData(L"Modified Value", pKeyData, pLogOpenKey); return; }
// 3. Check for creation of a new value value.
if ((pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_MODIFIED_VALUE) && (!(pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_DELETED_VALUE) && (!(pKeyData->dwFlags & LRC_EXISTING_VALUE)))) { FormatValueData(L"Created Value", pKeyData, pLogOpenKey); return; } }
Write the entire linked list out to the log file. --*/ BOOL WriteListToLogFile( void ) { PLIST_ENTRY pKeyNext = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pValueHead = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY pValueNext = NULL; PKEY_DATA pKeyData = NULL; PLOG_OPEN_KEY pOpenKey = NULL; //
// Write out modifications for keys.
pKeyNext = g_OpenKeyListHead.Blink;
while (pKeyNext != &g_OpenKeyListHead) { pOpenKey = CONTAINING_RECORD(pKeyNext, LOG_OPEN_KEY, Entry);
// EvaluateKeyChanges will return TRUE if the key was not
// deleted. If this is the case, continue the search and
// evaluate changes to values within this key.
if (EvaluateKeyChanges(pOpenKey)) { //
// Write out modifications for values.
pValueHead = &pOpenKey->KeyData; pValueNext = pValueHead->Blink; while (pValueNext != pValueHead) { pKeyData = CONTAINING_RECORD(pValueNext, KEY_DATA, Entry); EvaluateValueChanges(pKeyData, pOpenKey); pValueNext = pValueNext->Blink; } } pKeyNext = pKeyNext->Blink; }
return TRUE; }
// Begin implementation of the class.
LONG CLogRegistry::CreateKeyExA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pszSubKey, DWORD Reserved, LPSTR pszClass, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, PHKEY phkResult, LPDWORD lpdwDisposition ) { LPWSTR pwszSubKey = NULL; LPWSTR pwszClass = NULL; LONG lRetVal;
// Stub out to CreateKeyExW.
if (pszSubKey) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszSubKey, &pwszSubKey)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[CreateKeyExA] Ansi -> Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (pszClass) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszClass, &pwszClass)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[CreateKeyExA] Ansi to Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
lRetVal = CreateKeyExW( hKey, pwszSubKey, Reserved, pwszClass, dwOptions, samDesired, lpSecurityAttributes, phkResult, lpdwDisposition);
if (pwszSubKey) { MemFree(pwszSubKey); }
if (pwszClass) { MemFree(pwszClass); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::CreateKeyExW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, DWORD Reserved, LPWSTR pwszClass, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, PHKEY phkResult, LPDWORD lpdwDisposition ) { DWORD dwDisposition = 0; LONG lRetVal; BOOL fExisting = FALSE;
if (!lpdwDisposition) { lpdwDisposition = &dwDisposition; }
lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegCreateKeyExW)( hKey, pwszSubKey, Reserved, pwszClass, dwOptions, samDesired, lpSecurityAttributes, phkResult, lpdwDisposition);
if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY == *lpdwDisposition) { fExisting = TRUE; }
UpdateKeyList(hKey, *phkResult, pwszSubKey, NULL, fExisting, eAddKeyHandle); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::OpenKeyExA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pszSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { LPWSTR pwszSubKey = NULL; LONG lRetVal;
// Stub out to OpenKeyExW.
if (pszSubKey) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszSubKey, &pwszSubKey)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[OpenKeyExA] Ansi -> Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } lRetVal = OpenKeyExW( hKey, pwszSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, phkResult);
if (pwszSubKey) { MemFree(pwszSubKey); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::OpenKeyExW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { LONG lRetVal; lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegOpenKeyExW)( hKey, pwszSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, phkResult); if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UpdateKeyList(hKey, *phkResult, pwszSubKey, NULL, TRUE, eAddKeyHandle); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::OpenCurrentUser( REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { LONG lRetVal;
lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegOpenCurrentUser)( samDesired, phkResult);
if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UpdateKeyList(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, *phkResult, NULL, NULL, TRUE, eAddKeyHandle); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::OpenUserClassesRoot( HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { LONG lRetVal;
lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegOpenUserClassesRoot)( hToken, dwOptions, samDesired, phkResult);
if (lRetVal == ERROR_SUCCESS) { UpdateKeyList(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, *phkResult, NULL, NULL, TRUE, eAddKeyHandle); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::SetValueA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pszSubKey, DWORD dwType, LPCSTR lpData, DWORD cbData ) { LPWSTR pwszSubKey = NULL; LPWSTR pwszData = NULL; LONG lRetVal; //
// Stub out to SetValueW.
if (pszSubKey) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszSubKey, &pwszSubKey)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[SetValueA] Ansi -> Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (lpData) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(lpData, &pwszData)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[SetValueA] Ansi to Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } lRetVal = SetValueW( hKey, pwszSubKey, dwType, pwszData, cbData * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (pwszSubKey) { MemFree(pwszSubKey); }
if (pwszData) { MemFree(pwszData); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::SetValueW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey, DWORD dwType, LPCWSTR lpData, DWORD cbData ) { HKEY hKeyLocal; LONG lRetVal;
// Call OpenKeyEx to force this key to be added to the list.
if (pwszSubKey) { lRetVal = OpenKeyExW(hKey, pwszSubKey, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, &hKeyLocal); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lRetVal) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[SetValueW] Failed to open key"); return lRetVal; } lRetVal = SetValueExW(hKeyLocal, NULL, 0, dwType, (const BYTE*)lpData, cbData); CloseKey(hKeyLocal);
return lRetVal; }
// All other cases will be handled properly.
lRetVal = SetValueExW(hKey, NULL, 0, dwType, (const BYTE*)lpData, cbData); return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::SetValueExA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pszValueName, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData ) { LPWSTR pwszData = NULL; LPWSTR pwszValueName = NULL; LONG lRetVal; BOOL fString = FALSE;
// Stub out to SetValueExW.
if (pszValueName) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszValueName, &pwszValueName)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[SetValueExA] Ansi -> Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
if (REG_SZ == dwType || REG_EXPAND_SZ == dwType || REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { fString = TRUE; }
// If the data is of type string, convert it to Unicode.
if (lpData) { if (REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType) { if (!ConvertMultiSzToUnicode((LPCSTR)lpData, &pwszData)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[SetValueExA] Multi Sz to Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if (REG_SZ == dwType || REG_EXPAND_SZ == dwType) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode((LPCSTR)lpData, &pwszData)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[SetValueExA] Ansi to Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } }
if (fString) { lRetVal = SetValueExW( hKey, pwszValueName, Reserved, dwType, (const BYTE*)pwszData, cbData * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { lRetVal = SetValueExW( hKey, pwszValueName, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData); }
if (pwszValueName) { MemFree(pwszValueName); }
if (pwszData) { MemFree(pwszData); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::SetValueExW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszValueName, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData ) { LONG lRetVal;
UpdateKeyList(NULL, hKey, NULL, pwszValueName, FALSE, eStartModifyValue);
lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegSetValueExW)( hKey, pwszValueName, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRetVal) { UpdateKeyList(NULL, hKey, NULL, pwszValueName, FALSE, eEndModifyValue); } return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::CloseKey( HKEY hKey ) { UpdateKeyList(NULL, hKey, NULL, NULL, TRUE, eRemoveKeyHandle);
return ORIGINAL_API(RegCloseKey)(hKey); }
LONG CLogRegistry::DeleteKeyA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pszSubKey ) { LPWSTR pwszSubKey = NULL; LONG lRetVal; //
// Stub out to DeleteKeyW.
if (pszSubKey) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszSubKey, &pwszSubKey)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[DeleteKeyA] Ansi -> Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
lRetVal = DeleteKeyW(hKey, pwszSubKey);
if (pwszSubKey) { MemFree(pwszSubKey); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::DeleteKeyW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszSubKey ) { LONG lRetVal; HKEY hKeyLocal;
// The caller can pass a predefined handle or an open key
// handle. In all cases, we open the key they're passing
// to force it into the list. Note that we mainly do
// this for logging purposes only.
hKeyLocal = ForceSubKeyIntoList(hKey, pwszSubKey);
lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegDeleteKeyW)(hKey, pwszSubKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRetVal && hKeyLocal) { UpdateKeyList(NULL, hKeyLocal, pwszSubKey, NULL, TRUE, eDeletedKey); }
if (hKeyLocal) { CloseKey(hKeyLocal); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::DeleteValueA( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR pszValueName ) { LPWSTR pwszValueName = NULL; LONG lRetVal; //
// Stub out to DeleteValueW.
if (pszValueName) { if (!ConvertAnsiToUnicode(pszValueName, &pwszValueName)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[DeleteValueA] Ansi -> Unicode failed"); return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
lRetVal = DeleteValueW(hKey, pwszValueName);
if (pwszValueName) { MemFree(pwszValueName); }
return lRetVal; }
LONG CLogRegistry::DeleteValueW( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR pwszValueName ) { LONG lRetVal;
UpdateKeyList(NULL, hKey, NULL, pwszValueName, TRUE, eStartDeleteValue); lRetVal = ORIGINAL_API(RegDeleteValueW)(hKey, pwszValueName);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == lRetVal) { UpdateKeyList(NULL, hKey, NULL, pwszValueName, TRUE, eEndDeleteValue); }
return lRetVal; }
CLogRegistry clr;
// Implemenation of the actual Registry API hooks.
LONG APIHOOK(RegOpenKeyA)( HKEY hKey, LPSTR lpSubKey, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.OpenKeyExA( hKey, lpSubKey, 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, phkResult); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegOpenKeyW)( HKEY hKey, LPWSTR lpSubKey, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.OpenKeyExW( hKey, lpSubKey, 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, phkResult); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegOpenKeyExA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.OpenKeyExA( hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, phkResult); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegOpenKeyExW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD ulOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.OpenKeyExW( hKey, lpSubKey, ulOptions, samDesired, phkResult); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegOpenCurrentUser)( REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.OpenCurrentUser( samDesired, phkResult); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegOpenUserClassesRoot)( HANDLE hToken, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.OpenUserClassesRoot( hToken, dwOptions, samDesired, phkResult); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegCreateKeyA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.CreateKeyExA( hKey, lpSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, phkResult, NULL); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegCreateKeyW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, PHKEY phkResult ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.CreateKeyExW( hKey, lpSubKey, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, phkResult, NULL); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegCreateKeyExA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Reserved, LPSTR lpClass, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, PHKEY phkResult, LPDWORD lpdwDisposition ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.CreateKeyExA( hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, lpClass, dwOptions, samDesired, lpSecurityAttributes, phkResult, lpdwDisposition); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegCreateKeyExW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Reserved, LPWSTR lpClass, DWORD dwOptions, REGSAM samDesired, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, PHKEY phkResult, LPDWORD lpdwDisposition ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.CreateKeyExW( hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, lpClass, dwOptions, samDesired, lpSecurityAttributes, phkResult, lpdwDisposition); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegSetValueA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, DWORD dwType, LPCSTR lpData, DWORD cbData ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.SetValueA( hKey, lpSubKey, dwType, lpData, cbData); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegSetValueW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD dwType, LPCWSTR lpData, DWORD cbData ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.SetValueW( hKey, lpSubKey, dwType, lpData, cbData); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegSetValueExA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.SetValueExA( hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegSetValueExW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Reserved, DWORD dwType, CONST BYTE* lpData, DWORD cbData ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.SetValueExW( hKey, lpSubKey, Reserved, dwType, lpData, cbData); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegCloseKey)( HKEY hKey ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.CloseKey( hKey); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegDeleteKeyA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.DeleteKeyA( hKey, lpSubKey); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegDeleteKeyW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpSubKey ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.DeleteKeyW( hKey, lpSubKey); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegDeleteValueA)( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpValueName ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.DeleteValueA( hKey, lpValueName); }
LONG APIHOOK(RegDeleteValueW)( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpValueName ) { CLock cLock;
return clr.DeleteValueW( hKey, lpValueName); }
Creates a unique id used to represent NULL values on registry calls.
--*/ void InitializeNullValueId( void ) { SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR* pwszSlash = NULL; WCHAR wszModPathName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszShortName[MAX_PATH];
// Because there is a NULL valuename for every key in the registry,
// we need a unique key that we can use to represent NULL in our list.
if (!GetModuleFileName(NULL, wszModPathName, ARRAYSIZE(wszModPathName))) { wcscpy(wszModPathName, L"uniqueexeidentifier"); }
pwszSlash = wcsrchr(wszModPathName, '\\');
if (pwszSlash) { wcsncpy(wszShortName, ++pwszSlash, (wcslen(pwszSlash)+1)); } GetLocalTime(&st);
// The format of our unique id will look like this:
// processname.xxx-lrc-yymmdd-default
wsprintf(g_wszUniqueId, L"%ls-lrc-%02hu%02hu%02hu-default", wszShortName, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay); }
Adds the predefined key handles to the list.
if (!pKey) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddPredefinedHandlesToList] No memory available"); return FALSE; }
pKey->pwszFullKeyPath = (LPWSTR)MemAlloc(MAX_ROOT_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR));
if (!pKey->pwszFullKeyPath) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddPredefinedHandlesToList] Failed to allocate memory"); return FALSE; }
if (!PredefinedKeyToString(rgKeys[uCount], &pKey->pwszFullKeyPath)) { DPFN(eDbgLevelError, "[AddPredefinedHandlesToList] PredefinedKey -> String failed"); return FALSE; }
pKey->hKeyRoot = rgKeys[uCount]; pKey->hKeyBase[0] = rgKeys[uCount]; pKey->pwszSubKeyPath = NULL; pKey->dwFlags = LRC_EXISTING_KEY; pKey->cHandles = 1;
InsertHeadList(&g_OpenKeyListHead, &pKey->Entry); }
return TRUE; }
Initialize the the list head and the log file.
--*/ BOOL InitializeShim( void ) { CLock cLock;
// Initialize our open key handle list head and the
// key data list head.
InitializeListHead(&g_OpenKeyListHead); //
// Add the predefined handles to the list.
if (!AddPredefinedHandlesToList()) { return FALSE; }
// Initialize our log file.
return InitializeLogFile(); }
Handle process attach notification.
--*/ BOOL NOTIFY_FUNCTION( DWORD fdwReason ) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { return InitializeShim(); } else if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { return WriteListToLogFile(); }
return TRUE; }
Register hooked functions.