* abc95wp.c * * * * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Inc. * * * *************************************************/
#include "windows.h"
#include "winuser.h"
#include "immdev.h"
#include "abc95def.h"
#include "abcbx.h"
struct INPT_BF kbf={40,0,{0}}; INT_PTR WINAPI OpenDlg(HWND,UINT,WPARAM,LPARAM); int word_select_bx(int input_char);
int word_long; int unit_length=2; /* single word */ int disp_tail=0; int disp_head=0; int group_no=24; int current_no;
/* CharProc(ImeChar,wParam,lParam,hIMC,lpIMC,lpImcP) *
/*****************************************************************/ extern HWND hCrtDlg; int WINAPI CharProc(ImeChar,wParam,lParam,hIMC,lpIMC,lpImcP) WORD ImeChar; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; HIMC hIMC; LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; { int x; ghIMC=hIMC; glpIMCP=lpImcP; glpIMC=lpIMC; TypeOfOutMsg = 0; waitzl_flag = 0; //waitzl 3
if (cap_mode){ if(ImeChar<0x8000){ //for mouse message pass
send_one_char(ImeChar/*wParam*/); // changed 94/8/6
return(0); } }
if(lpIMC->fdwConversion&IME_CMODE_NATIVE){ switch(kb_mode){ case CIN_STD: //stand change
if (V_Flag) v_proc(ImeChar); // V fuction
else { if (sImeG.cbx_flag==1) { if (bx_allow) { if (BX_MODE(ImeChar,wParam)) return(0); } } //if (sImeG.cbx_flag)
STD_MODE(ImeChar); } break;
case CIN_SDA: //double hit inputing
for (x=0; x<(sizeof sda_trans)/2; x++) //Note sizeof!! 1992 2
sda_trans[x]=0; //clear the transport buffer
if(((!step_mode)||(step_mode==RESELECT))&&((ImeChar == 0x60)||(ImeChar == 0x27))) return (STD_MODE(ImeChar));
if (sImeG.cbx_flag==1) { if (bx_allow){ if (BX_MODE(ImeChar,wParam)) return(0); } //if (bx_allow)
} //if (sImeG.cbx_flag)
if ((step_mode==ONINPUT)&&(I_U_Flag==1)){ STD_MODE(ImeChar); return(0); }
if ( if_zimu_or_not((BYTE)ImeChar)/*||(wParam == 0x60)*/||(wParam == 0x27) ) { if ((step_mode==START)||/*(Return==NULL)||*/(step_mode==RESELECT)) { if (((wParam&0xdf)=='U')||((wParam&0xdf)=='I')) { I_U_Flag=1; STD_MODE(ImeChar); return(0); } else { I_U_Flag=0; }//else...
}//if (step_mode....
if (!Sd_Open_flag){ if(KeyBoardState){ SdaPromptOpen=1; tran_data( 0, ghIMC, Sd_Open_flag); }//if Key
}//if (Sd_Open_flag)
}//if (if_zimu_...
if ((wParam==VK_BACK)&&(step_mode==ONINPUT) &&(Return==NULL)&&(!Sd_Open_flag)){ if(KeyBoardState){ SdaPromptOpen=1; tran_data( 0, ghIMC, Sd_Open_flag); } }//if (wParam)
sda_proc(ImeChar, (LPWORD)sda_trans, step_mode, ghIMC); //change the key into standed
if (sda_trans[0]==0xff) //change error or input more than 40 chars
if (sda_trans[0]==0xf0){ //if free the dialog?
if(KeyBoardState){ tran_data( 2, ghIMC, Sd_Open_flag); }//if key
SdaPromptOpen=0; sda_trans[0]=sda_trans[1]; sda_trans[1]=0; }
x=0; //chinese spelling
while (sda_trans[x]){ if (wait_flag && (sda_trans[x]=='h')) //waitzl 4
waitzl_flag = 1; STD_MODE(sda_trans[x++]); } break; } }else send_one_char(ImeChar/*wParam*/);
return (0); }
v_proc(): produce the V fuction *****************************************************************/ int WINAPI v_proc(input_char) WORD input_char; { int i, n;
if (V_Flag==1) { switch (input_char) { case '0': case VK_BACK: cls_inpt_bf(0); step_mode = START; V_Flag = 0; return(1); } }
if ((if_number_or_not((BYTE)input_char)) && (V_Flag!=2)){ input_char &= 0x000f; //get the QUMA
for (i=1; i<=94; i++){ //get WEIMA
if (input_char==2){ if (i==1) i=17; if (i==67) i=69; if (i==79) i=81; } out_svw[n++]=input_char+0xa0; out_svw[n++]=i+0xa0; }
group_no=94; if (input_char==2) group_no=72; unit_length=2; current_no=0; disp_tail=0; V_Flag=0; msg_type=2; //94/8/22
fmt_transfer(); SetToIMC(ghIMC,(LPSTR)&out_svw,(WORD)group_no,(WORD)(unit_length+0x1000)); move_result(); prompt_disp(); word_back_flag=0x55; //93,9,4
step_mode=SELECT; } //if (if_number_or_not)
else { V_Flag=2; step_mode=ONINPUT; STD_MODE(input_char); }
return (1);
int ReDrawSdaKB(hIMC, KbIndex, ShowOp) HIMC hIMC; DWORD KbIndex; DWORD ShowOp; { //return 0;
if (KbIndex) // if not PC KB
return 0; if (kb_mode != CIN_SDA) return 0; // if not SDA mode
if (ShowOp==SW_HIDE) return 0; // if SW_SHOW....
if (SdaInst){ tran_data( 0x5678, //Return,
Sd_Open_flag); return 1;} return 0; }
void WINAPI DispModeEx() { cls_inpt_bf(0); step_mode=START; }
FUNCTION: disp_mode(hW) PORPUSE: display the mode item at the input window. *****************************************************************/ void WINAPI DispMode(HIMC hIMC) { LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; UINT fdwConversion;
if (!hIMC) return; lpIMC =(LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) return; lpImcP =(LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!lpImcP) return;
DispModeEx(); //zl#3(hW);
if (SdaInst&&(kb_mode!=CIN_SDA)){
Sd_Open_flag=0; SdaPromptOpen=0; SdaInst=0; } if ((kb_mode==CIN_SDA)&&(!SdaInst)) {
SdaInst = 1; // The ABCSDA.DLL is Load In.
} ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); }
void WINAPI DispSpecChar(c,n) int c,n; { int i; for (i=now_cs;i<n+now_cs;i++) InputBuffer[i]=(BYTE)c; ImeSetCompositionString(ghIMC,SCS_SETSTR,NULL,0, &InputBuffer,now_cs+i);
void WINAPI show_char(string,count) unsigned char *string; int count; {
int i; BOOL fdwImeMsgKeep;
if(count==0) { ImeSetCompositionString(ghIMC,SCS_SETSTR,NULL,0, &InputBuffer,now_cs); return ; }
for(i=0; i<count; i++) InputBuffer[now_cs+i]=string[i]; now_cs+=count; if (!(wait_flag | waitzl_flag )){ //waitzl 5
ImeSetCompositionString(ghIMC,SCS_SETSTR,NULL,0, &InputBuffer,now_cs); }
disp_jiyi(): display the word "jiyi" in the windows *******************************************************/ void WINAPI disp_jiyi(xxx) HANDLE xxx; { }
PROMPT_DISP(): display the result of changing. **********************************************************************/ void WINAPI prompt_disp() {
int i;
n=0; for(i=0; i<now.fmt_group; i++){
if (disp_tail>=group_no){ pass_word=1; if (disp_head==0) pass_word=2; break;} }//for (i=...
if (pass_word<1){ pass_word=3; if (disp_head==0) pass_word=4; }
cls_prompt *****************************************************/ int WINAPI cls_prompt() { int i;
for (i=0;i<sizeof InputBuffer;i++) InputBuffer[i]=0x20; //Clear the display buffer.
now_cs = 0; //DispSpecChar((BYTE)0x20,sizeof InputBuffer);
SetCloseCompWinMsg(0); cls_prompt_only();
return 0;
int WINAPI cls_prompt_only(){ int i; LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP;
if (!ghIMC) return (0); // The IMC must be a valid one.
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(ghIMC); if(!lpIMC) return 0; lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if ( lpImcP != NULL ) lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE) & ~(MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC);
return 0; }
if (!ghIMC) return (0); // The IMC must be a valid one.
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(ghIMC); if(!lpIMC) return 0; lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!ClsFlag ) { if ( lpImcP != NULL ) lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_END_COMPOSITION ) & ~(MSG_COMPOSITION) ; }
ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC);
return 0; }
void WINAPI ABCstrnset(bufferd,value,n) LPSTR bufferd; BYTE value; { int i; for (i=0; i<n; i++) bufferd[i]=value; return; }
LPSTR WINAPI ABCstrstr(str1,str2) LPSTR str1,str2; { int i,m,n,j,pos; m=lstrlen(str1); n=lstrlen(str2); if(!n) return str1;
pos=0xffff0; for(i=0;i<m-n; i++){ pos=i; for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if (str1[i+j]!=str2[j]) { pos=0xffff0;break;}} if (pos!=0xffff0) break; } if (pos==0xffff0) return NULL; return str1+pos; }
back_a_space(x): do a BACKSPACE command ******************************************************/ int WINAPI back_a_space(x) int x; {
if (x<=0){ x=0; MessageBeep(0);} else{ x--; InputBuffer[x]=' '; cs_p(x); } return(x); }
cs_p *******************************************************/ int WINAPI cs_p(x) int x; { int xx,yy,zz,kk,i; now_cs=x;
cur_hibit=1; hDC=GetDC(hInputWnd); kk=(WORD)(GetText32(hDC, InputBuffer, x)) +CUR_START_X; cur_start_ps=(WORD)(GetText32(hDC, InputBuffer,cur_start_count )) +CUR_START_X; zz=kk-cur_start_ps;
if (x<cur_start_count){ cur_start_count=(WORD)x; now_cs_dot=CUR_START_X; ReleaseDC(hInputWnd,hDC); UpdateCompCur(hInputWnd); cur_hibit=0; return 0;}
if (zz>=(CUR_START_X+(lpImeL->rcCompText.right-4))){ xx=CUR_START_X; for (i =now_cs; i>0; i--) { yy=GetText32(hDC, &InputBuffer[i-1], 1); if ( (xx+yy) >= (CUR_START_X+(lpImeL->rcCompText.right-4))) break; else xx+=yy; } cur_start_count=(WORD)i;
// Adgust for Chines Word Display
kk=0; for (i=0; i<cur_start_count; i++){ if (InputBuffer[i]>0xa0){ kk++; kk&=1; } else kk=0;} if (kk){ xx=xx- GetText32(hDC, &InputBuffer[cur_start_count], 1); cur_start_count++; }
cur_start_ps=(WORD)GetText32(hDC, &InputBuffer[0], i); now_cs_dot=xx; ReleaseDC(hInputWnd,hDC); UpdateCompCur(hInputWnd); cur_hibit=0; return 0; }
cur_hibit=0; ReleaseDC(hInputWnd,hDC);
if (zz<(CUR_START_X+(lpImeL->rcCompText.right-4))){ now_cs_dot=kk-cur_start_ps; DrawInputCur(); } return 0;
} /********************************************************************
Function:DrawInputCur ********************************************************************/ void WINAPI DrawInputCur() {
HDC OldDC; if (!hInputWnd) return;
if ((WORD)now_cs_dot!=old_curx) { if (cur_flag) { hDC=GetDC(hInputWnd); OldDC=SelectObject(hMemoryDC,cur_h); BitBlt(hDC,old_curx+lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top+3, CUR_W,CUR_H,hMemoryDC,0,0,SRCINVERT); SelectObject(hMemoryDC,OldDC); ReleaseDC(hInputWnd,hDC); cur_flag=!cur_flag; } old_curx=(WORD)now_cs_dot; } hDC=GetDC(hInputWnd); OldDC=SelectObject(hMemoryDC,cur_h); BitBlt(hDC,now_cs_dot+lpImeL->rcCompText.left, lpImeL->rcCompText.top+3, CUR_W,CUR_H,hMemoryDC,0,0,SRCINVERT); SelectObject(hMemoryDC,OldDC); ReleaseDC(hInputWnd,hDC); cur_flag=!cur_flag;
return; }//#0
UpdateUser(): if the user.rem has changed, clear the tmmr.rem_area and read the user.rem's index once again. *************************************************************/ void WINAPI UpdateUser() { // 94/4/16 HANDLE hd;
int hd; int i; WORD op_count; OFSTRUCT ofs;
if (UpdateFlag) { //increase the user.rem
for (i=0; i<0x200; i++) //1993.3
tmmr.rem_area[i] = 0; last_item_name=0; //clear the date in memory flag
UpdateFlag = 0;
hd = OpenFile (user_lib, &ofs, OF_READ); //1993.4.15
if (hd==-1) err_exit_proc(jiyi_wenjian_cuo); _llseek(hd,0xa000l,0); op_count=(WORD)_lread(hd,&kzk_ndx,NDX_REAL_LENGTH); if (op_count!=NDX_REAL_LENGTH) err_exit_proc(jiyi_wenjian_cuo); _lclose(hd); } }
//##!!extern void AddExtLib();
// Deels with stdandard Chinese Pinyin input with some written_stroke
// attributes when neccerry.
int WINAPI STD_MODE(input_char) WORD input_char; { int leibie,input_char_type,i; sImeG.InbxProc = 0; wait_flag=0; if (input_char==BACKWORD_KEY) return(backword_proc()); if (input_char==FORWORD_KEY){ if ((step_mode!=ONINPUT)&&(group_no>1)) step_mode=SELECT; return(0);}
switch(step_mode){ //step_mode indicate the input step
// step_mode take this value:
// START=0 first input pinyin
// SELECT=1 can select/cansel the result
// ONINPUT=3 just in inputing step
case SELECT: if ((input_char==VK_HOME*0x100)|| (input_char==VK_END*0x100)|| (input_char==VK_PRIOR*0x100)|| (input_char==VK_NEXT*0x100)){ word_select(input_char); break;}
if (input_char>=0x8000) input_char-=0x8000;
if ((input_char==VK_SPACE)||(input_char==VK_RETURN)){ if(!out_result(0)) step_mode=RESELECT; //92/12/14 SZ
break; }
if (input_char==VK_ESCAPE){ cls_inpt_bf(0); step_mode=START; break; }
if (input_char==VK_BACK){ if (word_back_flag!=0x55) del_and_reconvert(); break; }
if (if_zimu_or_not((BYTE)input_char)){ wait_flag=1; while(out_result(0)); step_mode=START; } else{ word_select(input_char); break; }
case RESELECT: case START:
if (input_char >= 0x8000){ input_char -= 0x8000; if ( word_select(input_char) == 1 ) return(0); else return(send_one_char(input_char)); }//if (input_char)
else{ if (if_first_key(input_char)){ if (input_char=='v') V_Flag = 1; else { V_Flag = 0; } //93,9,3
step_mode=ONINPUT; sent_back_msg(); if (wait_flag) cls_inpt_bf(1); else cls_inpt_bf(1); //1993. cock
else{ if ((kb_mode==CIN_SDA)&&(input_char==0x27)){ //1993. cock
step_mode=ONINPUT; //1993. cock
sent_back_msg(); //1993. cock
if (wait_flag) cls_inpt_bf(1); else cls_inpt_bf(1); //1993. cock
}//if(kb_mode) //1993. cock
else return(send_one_char(input_char)); } }
case ONINPUT: input_char_type=sent_chr1(input_char);
switch(input_char_type){ case REINPUT: ImeSetCompositionString(ghIMC,SCS_SETSTR,NULL,0,&InputBuffer,now_cs);//#52224
step_mode=START; return(0); break;
case CLC: return(0); // Continue input.
case STC: // input finished
if (V_Flag){ msg_type=2; //94/8/22
send_msg(&in.buffer[1], in.true_length-1); //1993.3 skip the 'v'
V_Flag = 0; step_mode = 0; return(0);}
step_mode=4 ; // enter proccessing step
leibie=analize(); if (leibie==BIAODIAN_ONLY){ out_result_area[0]=(BYTE)biaodian_value; out_pointer=2; // may not used
msg_type=0; out_result(0); step_mode=0; return(0); } //only bioadian case
return(call_czh(leibie)); }// switch (sent_chr1)
} //switch step_mode
return 0; } /*******************************************************************
&2: DealWithSH(): ********************************************************************/ void WINAPI DealWithSH() { int len,p;
if (group_no <= 1) return; if (unit_length > 2) return; if (in.true_length != 2) return; if (in.buffer[0] != 's') return; if (in.buffer[1] != 'h') return ;
current_no = 1; }
&2: call_czh(): ********************************************************************/ int WINAPI call_czh(mtype) int mtype; { int x; unsigned char prompt_flag_wu[]="�ޣ�";
jiyi_mode=0; in.buffer[in.true_length]=0; sImeG.cp_ajust_flag = 0; group_no=0; unit_length=0;
if (cwp_proc(mtype)!=1){ MessageBeep((UINT)-1); MessageBeep(0); //word exchange is wrong
MessageBeep(0); MessageBeep(0); //word exchange is wrong
if (result_area_pointer>=0){ // jiyi_mode=0;
// group_no =0;
// cls_prompt_only();
// unit_length=result_area_pointer;
// out_result(1);
// step_mode=0;
// return(9);
// }//result_area
// show_char(prompt_flag_wu,4);
step_mode=ONINPUT; return(0); } } //cwp_proc=-1
disp_jiyi(0); if (msg_type==2){ current_no=0; move_result(); out_result(1); /* special change*/ return(0); } if_jlxw_mode(); fmt_transfer(); current_no=0; DealWithSH(); if (group_no==1){ if (sImeG.cp_ajust_flag!=0) result_area_pointer-=unit_length; move_result(); step_mode=1; return(0); }//if (group_no=1)
disp_tail=0; if (sImeG.cp_ajust_flag==1) AutoMoveResult(); else move_result();
SetToIMC(ghIMC,(BYTE *)&out_svw,(WORD)group_no,(WORD)unit_length); prompt_disp(); step_mode=1; return(0); }//else
/**********************************************************************/ /* MoveWordIntoCand() */ /**********************************************************************/ void WINAPI MoveWordIntoCand( LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList, LPBYTE srcBuffer, BYTE srcAttr, WORD perLength ) { int i;
if (lpCandList->dwCount >= MAXCAND) { return; }
// add this string into candidate list
for (i=0; i<perLength; i++) *(LPBYTE)((LPBYTE)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[ lpCandList->dwCount]+i) =srcBuffer[i] ; // null terminator
*(LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[ lpCandList->dwCount] + i ) = '\0';
*(LPTSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[ lpCandList->dwCount] + i+1 ) = srcAttr;
lpCandList->dwOffset[lpCandList->dwCount + 1] = lpCandList->dwOffset[lpCandList->dwCount] + i + sizeof(TCHAR)+1; lpCandList->dwCount++;
return; }
/**********************************************************************/ /* SetToIMC() */ /* Return vlaue */ /* the number of candidates in the candidate list */ /**********************************************************************/ UINT WINAPI SetToIMC(ghIMC,srcBuffer,srcCount,perLength) HIMC ghIMC; BYTE *srcBuffer; //soarce buffer (normal for out_svw)
WORD srcCount; //How many candidates are.
WORD perLength; //How long of each of that?
{ LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPCANDIDATEINFO lpCandInfo; LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList; LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; INT i,j,nRecord,where; WORD temp[20],xx,yy; LPSTR ppt; static int CandiCount;
where = 0 ; if (perLength>0x1000){ perLength -=0x1000; // if where = 1, msg_type = 2
where = 1;}
if (!ghIMC) return (0); // The IMC must be a valid one.
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(ghIMC); if(!lpIMC) return 0; if (srcBuffer) ClearCand(lpIMC);
if (!lpIMC->hCandInfo){ ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (0); } // The CandInfo must...
lpCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); if (!lpCandInfo) { ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (0);}
lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST) ((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[0]); if(srcBuffer){ CandiCount = srcCount; lpCandList->dwCount = 0; for (i=0; i<(int)srcCount; i++){ if ( where ) { ppt = (LPSTR)temp; for (j=0; j<perLength; j++) ppt[j] = srcBuffer[i*perLength+j]; } else { for(j=0; j<perLength; j=j+2){ xx = srcBuffer[i*perLength+j]; yy = srcBuffer[i*perLength+j+1]*0x100; yy = yy + xx; temp[j/2]=(WORD)find_hz(yy); } // for j loop
} // else loop
MoveWordIntoCand(lpCandList, (LPSTR)temp, 0,//NULL,
perLength); } //for i loop
// default start from 0
lpCandList->dwSelection = 0; // for showing phrase prediction string(s)
nRecord = lpCandInfo->dwCount;
} else {
lpCandList->dwSelection = perLength; //Hack for IME aware application 9/13/96
lpCandInfo->dwCount = CandiCount; // for showing phrase prediction string(s)
nRecord = lpCandInfo->dwCount; }
lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if ( lpImcP != NULL ) { if ((lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & (MSG_ALREADY_OPEN|MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE)) == (MSG_ALREADY_OPEN|MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE)) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_CHANGE_CANDIDATE) & ~(MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE); } else if (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & MSG_ALREADY_OPEN) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg |= MSG_CHANGE_CANDIDATE; } else { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE) & ~(MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE); } }
ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (nRecord); /* The real number of being moved */ }
word_select(wParam): select the word or turn to the next or up page *********************************************************************/ int WINAPI word_select(input_char) int input_char; { int x;
switch (input_char){
case VK_END*0x100: case VK_NEXT*0x100: case '=': //94/8/22
case ']': if (disp_tail>=group_no) MessageBeep(0); else{
if(input_char == VK_END*0x100 ){ disp_head = (group_no - 1)/now.fmt_group*now.fmt_group; disp_tail = disp_head;}
fmt_transfer(); current_no=disp_tail; result_area_pointer-=unit_length; //if recall, unit_length=8
if (in.info_flag==1) //result_area_pointer maybe small
result_area_pointer=0; //than zero, so reset it =0
move_result(); prompt_disp();} return(1); //means break the STD MODE
case VK_HOME*0x100: case '-': //94/8/22
case '[': case VK_PRIOR*0x100: if (disp_head==0)
MessageBeep(0); else{ if(input_char == VK_HOME*0x100 ) disp_head = 0; else disp_head=disp_head-now.fmt_group; disp_tail=disp_head; fmt_transfer(); current_no=disp_tail; result_area_pointer-=unit_length; //if recall, unit_length=8
if (in.info_flag==1) //result_area_pointer maybe small
result_area_pointer=0; //than zero, so reset it =0
move_result(); prompt_disp(); } return(1);
default: if (if_biaodian((BYTE)input_char)){ //1993.1.15 cock
if (!biaodian_value){ sent_chr1(input_char); //this produce the situation
bd_proc(); //when the result had display
while(out_result(0)); //94-4-22
step_mode=START; return(1); //1993.1.15 cock
} }
if ( !if_number_or_not((BYTE)input_char)) { //1993.4.22
while(out_result(0)); //94-4-22 //if input is not number
step_mode = START; //send the result and set start step
return(1); } //1993.4.22
if(input_char=='0') x=disp_head+9; //92/12/21 SZ
else x=(input_char-0x30-1)+disp_head;
if (x>=group_no) //1994.4
current_no=group_no-1; else current_no=x; result_area_pointer-=unit_length; //if recall, unit_length=8
if (in.info_flag==1) //result_area_pointer maybe small
result_area_pointer=0; //than zero, so reset it =0
else{ if((step_mode==RESELECT) &&biaodian_value &&(result_area_pointer>=biaodian_len)) result_area_pointer-=biaodian_len; }
move_result(); pindu_ajust(); step_mode=RESELECT; //Note: pindu_ajust
out_result(0); // must above out_result
return(1); // step_mode must be set to 2(Re..)
} }
del_and_reconvert() **********************************************/ int WINAPI del_and_reconvert() { int x;
if (word_back_flag==0xaa) return(same_as_backwords());
wp.dw_count--; x=wp.dw_stack[wp.dw_count+1]-wp.dw_stack[wp.dw_count]; if (x==1){ //if the single word exchange
if (!wp.dw_count) return(same_as_backwords()); else{ wp.dw_count--; x=wp.dw_stack[wp.dw_count+1]-wp.dw_stack[wp.dw_count]+1; } } result_area_pointer-=x*2; word_back_flag=x-1; wp.xsyjw=wp.dw_stack[wp.dw_count]; return(call_czh(13));
backword_proc() ************************************************/ int WINAPI backword_proc() { switch(step_mode){ case SELECT: return(same_as_backwords()); break;
case RESELECT: case START: if ((!msg_type)&&((kb_mode==CIN_STD)||(kb_mode==CIN_SDA))) return(same_as_backwords()); else send_msg(msg_bf,msg_count); break; case ONINPUT: return(call_czh(14)); break; }
return 0; }
same_as_backwords() ************************************************/ int WINAPI same_as_backwords() { int i;
if (in.buffer[0]!='v'){ cls_prompt_only(); if (in.true_length>=1) if (in.buffer[0]!='U') if (!cap_mode){ cs_p(input_msg_disp); show_char(in.buffer,in.true_length); cs_p(input_msg_disp+in.true_length); half_init(); if (kb_mode==CIN_STD||kb_mode==CIN_SDA){ //STD_MODE
step_mode=ONINPUT; return(0); }//if (kb_mode)
return(read_kb()); //double hit input_mode
}//if (cap_mode)
}//if (in.buffer[0])
out_length=last_out_length; return(REINPUT);
} /*******************************************
AutoMoveResult() ********************************************/ void WINAPI AutoMoveResult() { int i,j,ct; WORD x; BYTE *ps,*pd;
x=(WORD)unit_length; j=unit_length*current_no;
for (i=0;i<group_no;i++){ ct=0; for (j=0; j<x; j++) if (result_area[result_area_pointer+i]==out_svw[j*unit_length+i]) ct++; if (ct == x){ current_no=i; break;} }
move_result() ********************************************/ void WINAPI move_result() { int i,j; WORD x; BYTE *p;
p=(BYTE *)msx_area; if (in.info_flag==1){ // recall statue
x=*(p+current_no*22); j=current_no*22+1; for (i=0; i<x; i++) result_area[result_area_pointer++]=*(p+j+i); } else{ x=(WORD)unit_length; j=unit_length*current_no; for (i=0; i<x; i++) result_area[result_area_pointer++]=out_svw[j+i]; }
if (now.fmt_start!=12) disp_auto_select();
pindu_ajust() ********************************************/ int WINAPI pindu_ajust() { if (sImeG.auto_mode!=1) return(0); //if the pindu_ajust mode is set
if (group_no<=1) return(0); if (unit_length>6) return(0); if (msg_type&2) return(0);
switch (unit_length){ case 2: rem_pd1((WORD *)&out_svw[current_no*unit_length]); break; case 4: rem_pd2((WORD *)&out_svw[current_no*unit_length]); break; default: rem_pd3((WORD *)&out_svw[current_no*unit_length]); break; } return (0); }
cls_inpt_bf(): inputing information init. clear the display area, and give the init_value to processing paraments. ************************************************************/ void WINAPI cls_inpt_bf(int hFunc) { int i; cls_prompt_only(); input_cur=0;//input_msg_disp;
for (i=0;i<in.max_length;i++) in.buffer[i]=0;
for (i=0;i<sizeof InputBuffer; i++) InputBuffer[i]=' '; SetCloseCompWinMsg(hFunc); cs_p(0/*input_msg_disp*/);
pass_word=0; group_no=0; now.fmt_group=0; disp_head=0; disp_tail=0;
in.true_length=0; in.info_flag=0;
msg_type=0; jiyi_mode=0; new_no=0; end_flg=0;
void InitCvtPara(void){ int i;
for (i=0;i<in.max_length;i++) in.buffer[i]=0;
for (i=0;i<sizeof InputBuffer; i++) InputBuffer[i]=' '; now_cs = 0; cs_p(now_cs); step_mode = 0; pass_word=0;
in.true_length=0; in.info_flag=0;
msg_type=0; jiyi_mode=0; new_no=0; end_flg=0;
V_Flag = 0; bx_inpt_on = 0; }
half_init() ******************************************/ void WINAPI half_init() { step_mode=ONINPUT; result_area_pointer=0; biaodian_value=0; new_no=0; msg_type=0; word_back_flag=0; jiyi_mode=0; input_cur=now_cs; }
sent_chr1(): send the string received from the keyboard to the received buffer. "JMP K1": return(REINPUT) "JMP RECALL": return(RECALL) "STC": return(STC) "CLC": return(CLC) ********************************************************/ int WINAPI sent_chr1(input_char) int input_char; { int bd_find=0,i;
if ((input_char < 0x21)||(input_char == 0x12e)){ switch(input_char){
case VK_ESCAPE: //VK_ESCAPE=0x1b:
cls_inpt_bf(0); return(REINPUT); /* JMP K1 */
case VK_SPACE: //CK_SPACE=0x20
in.info_flag=BY_WORD; return(STC); /* STC */
case VK_DELETE+0X100: if (in.true_length>input_cur){ for (i=0;i<in.true_length-input_cur-1;i++) in.buffer[input_cur+i] =in.buffer[input_cur+i+1]; in.true_length--;
in.buffer[in.true_length]=0x20; cs_p(0); show_char(in.buffer,in.true_length+1); cs_p(input_cur); return(CLC);} /* CLC */ else{ MessageBeep(0); return(CLC);}
case VK_BACK: //VK_BACK=0x08
if (!input_cur){ if (in.true_length){ MessageBeep(0); return(CLC); } //1993.4 oringal return(CLC)
else { MessageBeep(0); return(REINPUT); } //1993.4 oringal return(CLC)
in.true_length--; //1993.4.16
if ( !in.true_length ) { //1993.4.16
end_flg=0; //????
input_cur=0; cls_inpt_bf(0); V_Flag=0; //93.9.4
return(REINPUT);} /* JMP K1 */ else{ input_cur--; for (i=0;i<in.true_length-input_cur;i++) in.buffer[input_cur+i] =in.buffer[input_cur+i+1]; in.buffer[in.true_length]= 0; //0x20; //95/8/22 zst
cs_p(0); show_char(in.buffer,in.true_length/*+1*/); //95/8/22 zst
cs_p(input_cur); return(CLC);} /* CLC */
case VK_RETURN: //VK_RETURN=0x0d:
in.info_flag=BY_CHAR; new_no=0; return(STC); /* STC */ default: MessageBeep(0); return(CLC); /* CLC */ } }
else{ switch(input_char){ case VK_LEFT+0x100: if (input_cur>0) input_cur--; cs_p(input_cur); return (CLC); case VK_RIGHT+0x100: if (input_cur<in.true_length) input_cur++; cs_p(input_cur); return (CLC); case VK_UP+0x100: input_cur=0; cs_p(input_cur); return(CLC); case VK_DOWN+0x100: input_cur=in.true_length; cs_p(input_cur); return (CLC);
case ']': case '[': if (!V_Flag) { if (input_char==']') jlxw_mode=1; else jlxw_mode=-1; in.info_flag=BY_WORD; return(STC); /* STC */ }
default: if (if_biaodian((BYTE)input_char) && (!V_Flag)) //1993,3
if (in.max_length<=in.true_length){ // in.true_length=in.max_length;
MessageBeep(0); return(CLC); //1994.4 old =STC // changed 12-12 SZ
else{ if(input_cur>=in.true_length){ in.buffer[in.true_length++]=(BYTE)input_char; show_char(&in.buffer[input_cur],1); //1994.4.5
input_cur++; cs_p(input_cur); // zst 95.54
if (bd_find==1) return(STC); /* STC */ else return(CLC);} else{
if((!input_cur)&&((input_char&0xdf)=='V')) return(CLC); //1994.7.24
for (i=0; i<in.true_length-input_cur;i++) in.buffer[in.true_length-i] =in.buffer[in.true_length-i-1]; /* CLC */ in.buffer[input_cur++]=(BYTE)input_char; if (!bd_find){ in.true_length++; cs_p(0); show_char(in.buffer,in.true_length); cs_p(input_cur); return(CLC); } else{ for(i=input_cur;i<in.true_length;i++) in.buffer[i]=0x20; //1993.4.20
cs_p(0); show_char(in.buffer,in.true_length); cs_p(input_cur); in.true_length=(WORD)input_cur; //1993.4.20
return(STC); }
}//#4 if now_cs...else
}//#3 if max...else
}//#2 case
}//#1 if..else
&4: if_biaodian(x): judge if the input is "biaodian" return(FALSE): NO return(TRUE): YES ********************************************************/ BOOL if_biaodian(x) BYTE x; { int i; if ((step_mode==ONINPUT)&&(x==0x27)) return(FALSE); //94/8/22
if (x=='$') { if((in.buffer[0]&0xdf)=='I') if((step_mode!=START)&&(step_mode!=RESELECT)) return (FALSE);}
for (i=0; i<lstrlen(biaodian_table); i++){ if (x==biaodian_table[i]){ biaodian_pos=i; /* record the porsition in biaodian_table */ return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); }
&3: analize(): analize the input information process the biaodian , and analize the first byte of the input information. return(BIAODIAN_ONLY): chinese biaodian return(0): standard change return(1): ABBR return(2): "I" change return(3): "i" change return(4): "u" change return(0xff): trun to "remember forced" *******************************************************/ int WINAPI analize() { if (bd_proc()) return(BIAODIAN_ONLY); /* only have the chinese biaodian */
switch (in.buffer[0]){ case 'I': return(2); /* special change: "l" change */
case 'i':
return(3); /* special change: "i" change */ case 'u': case 'U': //in.buffer[0]='U';
if (in.true_length==1) return(0xff); /* CTRL_F4_ENTRY: trun to the "remember forced" */ else return(4); /* special change: "u" change */ } if ((in.buffer[0]&0x20)==0) /*1992 9 5 &&->& */ return(1); /* ABBR */ else return(0); /* mark of the standard change */
&4: bd_proc(): process the chinese biaodian return(FALES): have chinese biaodian and another char return(TRUE): only have the chinese biaodian ****************************************************/ BOOL bd_proc() { BYTE x;
if(!GetBDValue(x)) return(FALSE);
in.true_length--; if (in.true_length==0) return(TRUE); else return(FALSE); }
int WINAPI GetBDValue(bd_char) int bd_char; { if (!if_biaodian((BYTE)bd_char)) return(FALSE);
biaodian_len =2; if ((bd_char=='^')||(bd_char=='^')) biaodian_len =4;
biaodian_value=cc_biaodian[biaodian_pos*2]+ cc_biaodian[biaodian_pos*2+1]*0x100; if (bd_char==0x22){ if (yinhao_flag==1) biaodian_value=cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+2)*2] +cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+2)*2+1]*0x100; yinhao_flag=!yinhao_flag; //92-12-21 SZ
} if (bd_char==0x27){ if (d_yinhao_flag==1) biaodian_value=cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+2)*2] +cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+2)*2+1]*0x100; d_yinhao_flag=!d_yinhao_flag; //92-12-21 SZ
if(bd_char=='<'){ if(book_name==1){ biaodian_value=cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+10)*2] +cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+10)*2+1]*0x100; book_name_sub++; } else{ book_name=1; book_name_sub=0; } }
if(bd_char=='>'){ if(book_name_sub){ biaodian_value=cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+10)*2] +cc_biaodian[(biaodian_pos+10)*2+1]*0x100; book_name_sub--; } else book_name=0; }
return(TRUE); }
&4: if_zimu_or_not(): judge if the input is char or number return(TRUE): is char return(FALSE): is number ********************************************************/ BOOL if_zimu_or_not(x) BYTE x; { if (('A'<=x) && (x<='Z')) return(TRUE); if (('a'<=x) && (x<='z')) return(TRUE);
return(FALSE); }
if_number_or_not(c) ****************************************************/ int WINAPI if_number_or_not(c) BYTE c; { if ((c<'0')||(c>'9')) return(STC); else return(CLC);
if_bx_number(c) ****************************************************/ int WINAPI if_bx_number(c) BYTE c; { if ((c<'1')||(c>'8')) return(STC); else return(CLC);
&3: out_result(result_type): output the change result. **********************************************************/
int WINAPI out_result(result_type) int result_type; { int i;
if ((jiyi_mode==1)){ if (word_back_flag==0x99){ word_back_flag=2; return(call_czh(13));} else{
if (call_czh(12)==9){ step_mode=START; } else step_mode=SELECT; return(1); } } // if (jiyi)
else{ if (result_area_pointer!=unit_length) if (msg_type!=2) if (in.info_flag!=1) new_no=result_area_pointer;
if (biaodian_value!=0){ result_area[result_area_pointer++]=LOBYTE(biaodian_value); result_area[result_area_pointer++]=HIBYTE(biaodian_value); if (biaodian_len==4) { result_area[result_area_pointer++]=LOBYTE(biaodian_value); result_area[result_area_pointer++]=HIBYTE(biaodian_value); }
if (!(msg_type&2)){ if (result_area_pointer>0){ temp_rem_proc(); for (i=0; i<result_area_pointer; i=i+2) out_bfb[i/2]=(WORD)find_hz((WORD)(result_area[i]+result_area[i+1]*0x100)); } // if (result_area_pointer)
last_out_length=out_length; out_length=result_area_pointer/2; AddExtLib(); send_msg((BYTE *)out_bfb,result_area_pointer); } // if (msg_type)
else{ last_out_length=out_length; out_length=result_area_pointer/2; send_msg(result_area,result_area_pointer); if (in.buffer[0]!='v'){ step_mode=0; return(0);} }
} } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void WINAPI fmt_transfer() {
if (lpImeL->wImeStyle == IME_APRS_FIX){ if (in.info_flag==BY_RECALL) { now.fmt_group=3; //5;
now.fmt_start=26; now.fmt_ttl_len=54; word_back_flag=0x55; //back convert is not allowed.
} else { now.fmt_group=(WORD)form[unit_length/2]; now.fmt_start=27; now.fmt_ttl_len=53; }
} else {
now.fmt_group = CANDPERPAGE ; if (in.info_flag==BY_RECALL) word_back_flag=0x55; }
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int WINAPI sent_back_msg() { if (new_no<=2) return(0); if (new_no>18) return(0); new_word(); return(0);
int WINAPI if_jlxw_mode() { int x,i,j; WORD *out_svw_p;
out_svw_p=(WORD *)out_svw;
if (jlxw_mode==0) return(0); if (jlxw_mode<0){ if (sImeG.cp_ajust_flag==1) result_area_pointer=result_area_pointer-unit_length+2; x=0; } // if (jlxw)
else{ if (sImeG.cp_ajust_flag==1){ x=result_area_pointer-unit_length; result_area[x++]=result_area[result_area_pointer-2]; result_area[x++]=result_area[result_area_pointer-1]; result_area_pointer=x; }// if (cp_ajust)
x=unit_length-2; }// else
jlxw_mode=0; word_back_flag=0xaa; if (unit_length<=2) return(0);
j=0; x=x/2; //out_svw_p transmit by word;
for (i=0; i<group_no; i++){ out_svw_p[j++]=out_svw_p[x]; x+=unit_length/2; }// for
for (i=0; i<group_no; i++) out_svw_p[i+100]=out_svw_p[i];
x=0; for (i=0; i<group_no; i++){ if (out_svw_p[i+100]){ out_svw_p[x]=out_svw_p[i+100]; for (j=i+1; j<group_no; j++){ if (out_svw_p[j+100]==out_svw_p[x]) out_svw_p[j+100]=0; }//for(j)
x++; }//if(out_svw_p)
group_no=x; return(0);
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int WINAPI disp_auto_select()
{ WORD x,y,lng; int i,j; BYTE disp_bf[80];
if (result_area_pointer==0) return(0); cs_p(input_msg_disp); if (msg_type==2){ show_char(result_area, result_area_pointer); cs_p(input_msg_disp+result_area_pointer); } else{ for (i=0; i<result_area_pointer; i=i+2){ x=result_area[i]+result_area[i+1]*0x100; y=(WORD)find_hz(x); disp_bf[i]=LOBYTE(y); disp_bf[i+1]=HIBYTE(y); }// for
lng=in.true_length; if (jiyi_mode!=0){ if (wp.xsyjw!=0){ if (wp.yj_ps[wp.xsyjw-1]<in.true_length){ j=wp.yj_ps[wp.xsyjw-1]; x=in.true_length-wp.yj_ps[wp.xsyjw-1]; for (n=0; n<x; n++){ disp_bf[i++]=in.buffer[j++]; }//for
}// if (yj_ps)
}// if (jiyi)
show_char(disp_bf, i);
cs_p(input_msg_disp+result_area_pointer); }// else
return (0); }
int WINAPI if_first_key(input_char) WORD input_char; {
if (input_char=='U') return(STC);
if(if_number_or_not((BYTE)input_char)) return(STC); //the first key is number,it's not allowed
if(if_zimu_or_not((BYTE)input_char)) return(CLC); //the first key is zimu
return(STC); }
temp_rem_proc(): save the output in logging_stack for recall process ********************************************************************/ int WINAPI temp_rem_proc() { int c,i;
if (in.true_length<2) if (in.info_flag!=1) return(0);
if (biaodian_value){ c=result_area_pointer-2+1; //-2 biaodian isn't consider
if ((c>=2)&&(biaodian_len==4)) c = c-2; } else //+1 logging_stack struck is
c=result_area_pointer+1; // result_area_pointer plus
// one byte counter
logging_stack[0]=c-1; //length of storing string
for (i=0; i<logging_stack[0]; i++) logging_stack[i+1]=result_area[i];
if_multi_rem(c); return(0);
if_multi_rem() ********************************************/ int WINAPI if_multi_rem(c) int c; { BYTE cmp_buffer[25]={0}; //max input is 10 chinese words
int i,cn; char *p;
for (i=0; i<c; i++) cmp_buffer[i]=logging_stack[i]; cmp_buffer[i]=0;
p=(LPSTR)ABCstrstr(&logging_stack[c],cmp_buffer); if (p!=NULL){ c=(INT)(p-logging_stack); cn=logging_stack[c]+1; //cn is the length a group in logging_stack
CopyMemory/*memmove*/(&logging_stack[c],&logging_stack[c+cn],logging_stack_size-c-cn); } return(0);
void WINAPI send_msg(bf,count) BYTE *bf; int count; { int i,j; unsigned int focus,xx;
TypeOfOutMsg = ABC_OUT_MULTY ; msg_count=count; //Keep msg for repeat.
for (i=0;i<count;i++){ msg_bf[i]=bf[i]; //send msg for Edit class W.
if (bf[i]<0x80) TypeOfOutMsg = ABC_OUT_ASCII; } SetResultToIMC(ghIMC,msg_bf,(WORD)count);
Popurse: To send a single char as message . *******************************************/ int WINAPI send_one_char(chr) int chr; { int scn; if(glpIMC->fdwConversion&IME_CMODE_SYMBOL) if(GetBDValue(chr)){ unsigned char buffer[4]; int num = 2;
buffer[0]=LOBYTE(biaodian_value); buffer[1]=HIBYTE(biaodian_value); if ((chr == '_')|| (chr == '^')) { buffer[2]=LOBYTE(biaodian_value); buffer[3]=HIBYTE(biaodian_value); num = 4 ; } send_msg(buffer,num); return(0); }
if(glpIMC->fdwConversion&IME_CMODE_FULLSHAPE) cap_full((WORD)chr); else TypeOfOutMsg = ABC_OUT_ONE ; return(0);
int WINAPI send_one_char0(chr) int chr; { TypeOfOutMsg = ABC_OUT_ONE ; return (0); }
/**********************************************************************/ /* SetResultToIMC() */ /* Return vlaue */ /* the number of candidates in the candidate list */ /**********************************************************************/ UINT WINAPI SetResultToIMC( HIMC ghIMC, LPSTR outBuffer, //soarce buffer (normal for out_svw)
WORD outCount) //How many candidates are.
if (!ghIMC) return (0); // The IMC must be a valid one.
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(ghIMC); if(!lpIMC) return 0; if (!lpIMC->hCandInfo){ ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (0); } // The CandInfo must...
lpCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); if (!lpCandInfo) { ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (0);}
lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST) ((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[0]);
if (!lpCompStr) { MessageBeep((UINT)-1); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (0); }
dwCompStrLen = 0; dwReadClauseLen = 0; dwReadStrLen = 0;
// the result reading clause = compsotion reading clause
CopyMemory((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultReadClauseOffset, (LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompReadClauseOffset, dwReadClauseLen); lpCompStr->dwResultReadClauseLen = dwReadClauseLen; *(LPSTR)((LPSTR)lpCompStr+lpCompStr->dwResultReadClauseOffset+dwReadClauseLen) = '\0';
// the result reading string = compsotion reading string
CopyMemory((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultReadStrOffset, (LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwCompReadStrOffset, dwReadStrLen); lpCompStr->dwResultReadStrLen = dwReadStrLen; *(LPSTR)((LPSTR)lpCompStr+lpCompStr->dwResultReadStrOffset+dwReadStrLen) = '\0'; // calculate result string length
lpCompStr->dwResultStrLen = outCount;
// the result string = outBuffer;
CopyMemory((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset, (LPSTR)outBuffer,outCount); *(LPSTR)((LPSTR)lpCompStr+lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset+outCount) = '\0';
lpCompStr->dwResultClauseLen = 0; *(LPUNADWORD)((LPBYTE)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultClauseOffset + sizeof(DWORD)) = 0;
lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate);
// tell application, there is a reslut string
if(TypeOfOutMsg == ABC_OUT_ASCII) lpImcP->fdwGcsFlag &=(~GCS_RESULT);
if (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg & MSG_ALREADY_OPEN) { lpImcP->fdwImeMsg = (lpImcP->fdwImeMsg | MSG_CLOSE_CANDIDATE) & ~(MSG_OPEN_CANDIDATE); }
// no candidate now, the right candidate string already be finalized
lpCandList->dwCount = 0;
lpImcP->iImeState = CST_INIT;
ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hCandInfo); ImmUnlockIMC(ghIMC); return (0) ; /* The real number of being moved */ }
FUNCTION: cap_full() PURPOES: if the full_switch on, and in the Caps status, change the English into Chinese mode ************************************************************/ void WINAPI cap_full(wParam) WORD wParam; {
if (wParam==VK_BACK){ // send_one_char(VK_BACK);
send_one_char0(VK_BACK); return; }
if (wParam==VK_SPACE){ result_area[0]=0xa1; //94-8-6!
result_area[1]=0xa1; //04-8-6!
send_msg(result_area,2); return; }
if (wParam== '~'){ result_area[0]=0xa1; //94-8-6!
result_area[1]=0xab; //04-8-6!
send_msg(result_area,2); return; }
if (wParam=='$'){ result_area[0]=0xa1; //94-8-6!
result_area[1]=0xe7; //04-8-6!
send_msg(result_area,2); return; }
if ((wParam>0x20) && (wParam<=0x7e)){ result_area[0]=0xa3; result_area[1]=((wParam-0x20)*0x100+0xa0a3)/0x100;
send_msg(result_area,2); return; }
send_one_char0(wParam); }
read_kb() **********************************************/ int WINAPI read_kb() { return(0); }
// BX_MODE //
// Deel with pure bx input //
extern WORD last_size;
BX_MODE(input_char,wParam) WORD input_char; WPARAM wParam; {
if (if_number_or_not((BYTE)input_char) &&(input_char!='9') &&(input_char!='0')){ if (step_mode==START||step_mode==RESELECT){ if (input_char >= 0x8000) //1993.4.19
return(STC); //when RESELECT use the mouse reselect result
else { if (!bx_inpt_on) { cls_bx_disp(1); sent_back_msg(); } step_mode=ONINPUT; bx_inpt_on=1; }//else
} //if (step_mode)
}//if (if_number...)
if (bx_inpt_on){ bx_proc(input_char,wParam); return(CLC); }
FUNTION: bx_proc(WORD) PURPOSE: when the pure bx were inputed, find one chinese word corespond with it and eight related words with it. ***********************************************************************/ void WINAPI bx_proc(input_char,wParam) WORD input_char; WPARAM wParam; { int i;
lib_p=(BYTE *)lib_w; //lib_p point to the lib_buffer
switch (bx_analize(input_char,wParam)) { case BX_CHOICE: if (input_char>=0x8000){ current_no=(input_char - 0x8000-0x31)+disp_head; sImeG.InbxProc = 0; }else current_no=((INT)wParam - 0x31)+disp_head; if(current_no>=group_no){ MessageBeep(0); disp_help_and_result(); }else send_bx_result(); break;
case BX_SELECT: word_select_bx(input_char); break;
case ESC: cls_bx_disp(0); break;
case OTHER: MessageBeep(0); disp_help_and_result(); break;
case SPACE: send_bx_result(); break;
case BXMA: if(!disp_help_and_result()){ if(in.true_length>1){ in.true_length--; MessageBeep(0); disp_help_and_result(); } } break;
default: break; }//swith
word_select(wParam): select the word or turn to the next or up page *********************************************************************/ word_select_bx(input_char) int input_char; { int x;
switch (input_char){
case VK_END*0x100: case VK_DOWN*0x100: case '=': //94/8/22
case ']': if (disp_tail>=group_no) MessageBeep(0); else{
if(input_char == VK_END*0x100 ){ disp_head = (group_no - 1)/now.fmt_group*now.fmt_group; disp_tail = disp_head;}
fmt_transfer(); current_no=disp_tail; prompt_disp();} return(1); //means break the STD MODE
case VK_HOME*0x100: case '-': //94/8/22
case '[': case VK_UP*0x100: if (disp_head==0)
MessageBeep(0); else{ if(input_char == VK_HOME*0x100 ) disp_head = 0; else disp_head=disp_head-now.fmt_group; disp_tail=disp_head; fmt_transfer(); current_no=disp_tail; prompt_disp(); } return(1);
default: return(1); //1993.1.15 cock
} }
FUNTION: bx_analize(WORD) PURPOSE: analize the input char. find out if it is pure bx *************************************************************************/ int WINAPI bx_analize(input_char,wParam) WORD input_char; WPARAM wParam; { if(input_char>=0x8000) return(BX_CHOICE);
if (input_char == VK_UP*0x100) return(BX_SELECT);
if (input_char == VK_DOWN*0x100) return(BX_SELECT);
if (input_char == VK_HOME*0x100) return(BX_SELECT);
if (input_char == VK_END*0x100) return(BX_SELECT);
if (input_char == ']') return(BX_SELECT);
if (input_char == '[') return(BX_SELECT);
if (input_char == '-') return(SELECT);
if (input_char == '=') return(SELECT);
if (input_char==VK_ESCAPE) return(ESC);
if (input_char==VK_SPACE) { in.info_flag=0x80; //standard end flag
return(SPACE); }
if (input_char==VK_RETURN) { in.info_flag=0x80; //standard end flag
return(SPACE); }
if (input_char==VK_BACK) { if (in.true_length==1) { input_char=VK_ESCAPE; //if it has inputed only one word
return(ESC); } //cls the display
in.true_length--; key_bx_code_long=in.true_length; return(BXMA); }
if (!if_bx_number((BYTE)input_char)) { if( ((BYTE)wParam>'0') && ((BYTE)wParam <= CANDPERPAGE+0x30)) return (BX_CHOICE); in.info_flag=(BYTE)input_char; //rest key is put into the end_flag position
return(OTHER); }
if ((input_char>0x30)||(input_char<0x39)) { if (in.true_length>6) { in.info_flag=(BYTE)input_char; return(OTHER); } else { in.buffer[in.true_length++]=(BYTE)input_char; key_bx_code_long=in.true_length; return(BXMA); } } else{ in.info_flag=(BYTE)input_char; return(OTHER); }
FUCTION: disp_help_and_result() PURPOSE: seach the bx_table and display the tishi result ENTRY: bx string is in inpt_bx.bf RESULT: display the result and tishi information **************************************************************************/ int WINAPI disp_help_and_result() { int i, pass_flag;
if (in.true_length==1) if (in.buffer[0]!=in_mem_part) //if this part of table is in memory
for (i=0; i<in.true_length; i++) key_bx_code[i]=in.buffer[i]&0x0f; // 'and' high 4 bit
search_pointer=0; current_bx_code_long=0; pass_flag=0; while (search_pointer<current_part_length) { if (cmp_bx_word_exactly()) { //search correct result
pass_flag=1; break; } } if (!pass_flag) return 0;
for (i=0; i<8*2; i++) out_svw[i]=0; //clear the prompt result buffer
search_pointer=0; current_bx_code_long=0; pass_flag=0; while (search_pointer<current_part_length) if (cmp_bx_code2()) //search the related prompt result
pass_flag=1; //if found it, set the flag and continue
if (pass_flag) { disp_bx_result(); disp_bx_prompt(); } else { if (group_no>1){ //1993.3
disp_bx_result(); //1993.3
disp_bx_prompt(); } else //1993.3
send_bx_result(); } return 1; }
FUCTION: cmp_bx_word_exactly() PURPOSE: find the correct result position, and send the result into buffer. ENTRY: the input bx is in the key_bx_code buffer RESULT: CLC--- the input bx is matched with the current bx in the table the correct result is in the out_svw buffer STC--- not match the search_pointer points the position the next bx in the table. ************************************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_bx_word_exactly() { BYTE x; int i;
for (i=0;i<20;i++) result_area[i]= 0; conbine(); //get the bx from the bx_table
result_area_pointer=0; if (key_bx_code_long==current_bx_code_long){ if (cmp_subr()){ group_no=0; search_pointer++; while (lib_p[search_pointer]>0xa0){ // result_area[result_area_pointer++]=group_no|0x40;
// result_area[result_area_pointer++]=0x2e;
result_area[result_area_pointer++]=lib_p[search_pointer++]; //save the "quma"
result_area[result_area_pointer++]=lib_p[search_pointer++]; //save the "weima"
// result_area[result_area_pointer++]=0x20;
group_no++; //sum of chinese word
return(CLC); }//if (cmp_subr())
search_pointer++; while (lib_p[search_pointer]>=0xa0) search_pointer+=2; //move the pointer to the beginning
return(STC); //of the next bx in the table
FUCTION: cmp_bx_code2() PURPOSE: search the prompt information and get the chinese word which is related with the input. **************************************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_bx_code2() { WORD x;
conbine(); //get the bx from the bx_table
if (key_bx_code_long==(current_bx_code_long-1)){ if (cmp_subr()){ bx_help_flag|=0x80;
x=(lib_p[search_pointer++]&0x0f)-1; if (x>7) //if the bx overflow
out_svw[x*2]=lib_p[search_pointer++]; //get the prompt bx
while (lib_p[search_pointer]>0xa0) search_pointer+=2; //move the pointer to the next string
return(CLC); }//if (cmp_subr())
}//if (key_bx_code_long)
search_pointer++; while (lib_p[search_pointer]>0xa0) search_pointer+=2; //move the pointer to the next string
FUCTION: conbine() PURPOSE: get the bx from the table and change the high 4 bit into the position where the last bit of bx should put in and get this string of bx's length. *************************************************************************/ void WINAPI conbine() { int x;
x=(lib_p[search_pointer]>>4)&0x0f; current_bx_code[x]=lib_p[search_pointer]&0x0f; current_bx_code_long=x+1;
FUCTION: cmp_surb() PURPOSE: compare the input bx with the bx in the table ************************************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_subr() { int i;
for (i=0; i<key_bx_code_long; i++) if(key_bx_code[i]!=current_bx_code[i]) return(STC);
void WINAPI cls_bx_disp(int flag) { if(!flag) cls_prompt(); input_cur=input_msg_disp; cs_p(input_msg_disp); in.true_length=0; in.info_flag=0; bx_inpt_on=0; group_no=0; current_no = 0; step_mode=START; }
int WINAPI load_one_part_bxtab() { int hd, close_hd; int op_count,i; WORD distance;
in_mem_part=in.buffer[0]&0x0f; //save the current first bx ma
distance=bxtable_ndx[in_mem_part-1]; //get the beginning position
current_part_length=bxtable_ndx[in_mem_part]-distance; //get the read length
hd=OpenFile("winabc.ovl",&reopen,OF_READ); if (hd==-1) { err_exit_proc("OPEN WINABC.OVL ERROR!"); return (FALSE); }
_llseek(hd,distance,0); last_size=0; last_item_name=0; op_count=_lread(hd,&lib_w,current_part_length); lib_p[op_count]=0; lib_p[op_count+1]=0; // cls the below limited
if (op_count!=current_part_length) { err_exit_proc("READ WINABC.OVL ERROR!"); close_hd = _lclose(hd); return (FALSE); }
close_hd = _lclose(hd);
return (TRUE); }
int WINAPI disp_bx_result() { BYTE buffer[50]; int keep_cs, i;
for (i=0; i<50; i++) buffer[i] = ' ' ; input_cur=input_msg_disp; cs_p(input_msg_disp); for (i=0; i<in.true_length; i++) buffer[i]= in.buffer[i];
show_char(buffer, i); now_cs= i; //restore
cs_p(now_cs); //disp cs
return (0); }
void WINAPI disp_bx_prompt() { int i,j,n; HWND hhh; int GroupCounter; BYTE buffer [100];
disp_head=0; disp_tail=8;
j=0,n=0; GroupCounter= 0; if (group_no) { //if the results are more the 5
for (i=0; i<group_no*2; i=i+2) //display the rest in the prompt area
if(result_area[i]){ buffer[j++]=result_area[i]; buffer[j++]=result_area[i+1]; buffer[j++]=0xa1; buffer[j++]=0xa1;} }
n =group_no*2; for(i=0; i<16; i = i+2){ if(out_svw[i]){ buffer[j++] = out_svw[i]; result_area[n++] = out_svw[i]; buffer[j++] = out_svw[i+1]; result_area[n++] = out_svw[i+1]; buffer[j++] = 0xa2; buffer[j++] = 0xd9+GroupCounter;} GroupCounter++; }//for
group_no = j/4;
unit_length = 4; current_no=0; disp_tail=0; V_Flag=0; msg_type=2; //94/8/22
fmt_transfer(); SetToIMC(ghIMC,(LPSTR)&buffer,(WORD)group_no,(WORD)(unit_length+0x1000)); prompt_disp(); step_mode=SELECT; }
void WINAPI send_bx_result() { out_length=1; send_msg(&result_area[current_no*2],2); cls_bx_disp(1);
// ��ʼ�������� data_init() //
// ����: ���������ļ� //
// ���� 1. ?MMR.REM //
// 2. ������������, ������Ƶ�ȱ�,�����ʻ��� //
// 3. �������ʿ����û��ʿ��IJ���. //
// 4. ����TMMR.REM, �����û��ʿⲻ����,����֮. //
// 5. �����û��ʿ� //
// ���ڲ���: �� //
// ���ڲ���: TURE ��ʼ���ɹ� //
// FALSE ��ʼ��ʧ�� //
void WINAPI data_init() {
BYTE new_flag=0; //һ�δ����û��ļ�?
BYTE the_para='U'; //�����IJ���
BYTE disp_mode=0; BYTE current_dd=0; BYTE current_disk='C'; BYTE current_path[64]; HFILE hd; DWORD op_count; BYTE tmp_buffer[16]={0}; int i;
char god[]="WINABC.CWD"; char cw_ovr[]="WINABC.OVL"; char no_file[]=ERR01; //ȱ�ٴʿ��ļ�WINABC.CWD
char read_ndx_wrong[]=ERR03; //"�ļ���������";
char m_short[]=ERR14; //"�ڴ治����";
char no_cw_ovr[]=ERR04; //"ȱ�ٻ������ļ�WINABC.OVL��";
char jiyi_wenjian_cuo[]=ERR13; //"�û������ļ�������!";
char TMMR_WRITE_WRONG[]=ERR09; // "�����ļ�д��";
LPSTR cisu_1;
memset(tmmr_rem, 0, sizeof(tmmr_rem)); memset(user_lib, 0, sizeof(user_lib));
// support multi-user
lstrcpy(tmmr_rem, sImeG.szIMEUserPath); lstrcat(tmmr_rem, TEXT("\\tmmr.rem") );
lstrcpy(user_lib, sImeG.szIMEUserPath); lstrcat(user_lib, TEXT("\\user.rem") );
hd =OpenFile(god, &ofs, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_COMPAT|GENERIC_READ); if ( hd==HFILE_ERROR) err_exit(no_file); op_count = _lread(hd,&ndx,NDX_REAL_LENGTH); if(op_count!=NDX_REAL_LENGTH) err_exit(read_ndx_wrong);
hd = OpenFile(cw_ovr, &ofs, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_COMPAT|GENERIC_READ); if (hd==HFILE_ERROR) err_exit(no_cw_ovr); _llseek(hd, PTZ_LIB_START_POINTER, FILE_BEGIN); // ����ָ��
cisu_hd=GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,(DWORD)PTZ_LIB_LENGTH); if (!cisu_hd) { err_exit(ERR22); //Memory Alloc Wrong!");
_lclose(hd); return; } cisu_1=GlobalLock(cisu_hd); /*GlobalWire* for v32*/ if (!cisu_1) err_exit(ERR22); //"Memory Alloc Wrong!");
cisu=(struct TBF FAR *)cisu_1; op_count=_lread((HFILE)hd,(LPSTR)&cisu->t_bf_start,PTZ_LIB_LENGTH); // ������������
if (op_count!=PTZ_LIB_LENGTH) err_exit(ERR06); //"Read WINABC.OVL Wrong!");
_llseek((HFILE)hd, PD_START_POINTER, 0); //����ָ��
op_count=_lread((HFILE)hd,(LPSTR)&pindu.pd_bf0,PD_LENGTH); //������ӡ����Ƶ�ȱ�
if (op_count!=PD_LENGTH) err_exit(ERR06); //("Read WINABC.OVL Wrong!");
_llseek(hd, SPBX_START_POINTER, 0); //����ָ��
op_count=_lread(hd,(LPSTR)&spbx_tab,SPBX_LENGTH); // �����������α�
if (op_count!=SPBX_LENGTH) err_exit(ERR06); //("Read WINABC.OVL Wrong!");
if (CheckAndCreate(tmmr_rem,user_lib)){ hd = OpenFile(tmmr_rem, &ofs, OF_READWRITE); //1993.4.15
if (hd==HFILE_ERROR) err_exit(ERR13); //(jiyi_wenjian_cuo);
op_count=_lread(hd,(LPSTR)&tmmr,TMMR_REAL_LENGTH); if (op_count!=TMMR_REAL_LENGTH) err_exit(ERR06); //(jiyi_wenjian_cuo);
_llseek(hd,TMMR_REAL_LENGTH,0); //move the pointer to the paremeter area
op_count=_lread(hd,tmp_buffer, PAREMETER_LENGTH); //read the paremeters to the buffer
if (!op_count) { //1993.4.15 if old tmmr.rem hasn't this ten parameters
memset(tmp_buffer, 0 , PAREMETER_LENGTH);
tmp_buffer[0] = (BYTE)IfTopMost; //transfer the peremeters
tmp_buffer[1] = sImeG.auto_mode ; tmp_buffer[2] = bdd_flag; tmp_buffer[3] = sImeG.cbx_flag;
op_count = _lwrite((HFILE)hd, rem_area, PAREMETER_LENGTH); //writer the file
if (op_count!=PAREMETER_LENGTH) err_exit (ERR09); //(TMMR_WRITE_WRONG);
}//if (!op_count)
else { if (op_count!=PAREMETER_LENGTH) err_exit(ERR08); //(jiyi_wenjian_cuo);
IfTopMost = tmp_buffer[0]; //transfer the paremeter
sImeG.auto_mode = tmp_buffer[1]; //1993.4
bdd_flag = tmp_buffer[2]; sImeG.cbx_flag = tmp_buffer[3];
hd = OpenFile(user_lib, &ofs, OF_READ); //1993.4.15
if (hd==-1) err_exit(ERR10); //(jiyi_wenjian_cuo);
_llseek(hd,0xa000l,0); op_count=_lread(hd,(LPSTR)&kzk_ndx,NDX_REAL_LENGTH); if (op_count!=NDX_REAL_LENGTH) err_exit(ERR11); //(jiyi_wenjian_cuo);
_lclose(hd); }
//Popose: check user_word dictionary files "TMMR.REM"
// If they are not exist, created.
int WINAPI CheckAndCreate(tmmr_rem,user_rem) BYTE *tmmr_rem,*user_rem; { struct INDEX user_file_head; struct M_NDX mulu_head={ 0, 0, //MULU_START_LOW Ŀ¼��д���ֽ�
0x1800, //MULU_LENGTH_MAX SIZELIB+SIZELIB_KZK Ŀ¼����=�����صij���
0x10, //MULU_TRUE_LENGTH 10H Ŀ¼��ʵ�ʳ���,��ʼֻ�в���.
0xA, //MULU_RECORD_LENGTH 10 Ŀ¼ÿ����¼�ij��ȡ�
0, //DATA_START_HI 0 �����û��ļ�������64K֮��.
0x1800, //DATA_START_LOW DW SIZE LIB_W Ŀ¼�����������������ν�.
0x20}; //DATA_RECORD_LENGTH 32 ÿ����¼�ij���.
OFSTRUCT ofs; int hd,i,count; HANDLE hMem; LPSTR rem_area,p; WORD *pp;
char TMMR_OPEN_WRONG[]= ERR07; //"�����ļ���";
char TMMR_READ_WRONG[]= ERR08; //"�����ļ�����";
char TMMR_WRITE_WRONG[]=ERR09; // "�����ļ�д��";
char USER_OPEN_WRONG[]= ERR10; //"�û��ʿ���";
char USER_READ_WRONG[]= ERR11; //"�û��ʿ�����";
char USER_WRITE_WRONG[]=ERR12; // "�û��ʿ�д��";
if ( hMem == NULL ) return 0;
hd = OpenFile(tmmr_rem, &ofs, OF_READ); if (hd!=-1){ count = _lread(hd, rem_area, TMMR_LIB_LENGTH); if ((rem_area[CHECK_POINT]=='T')&& (rem_area[CHECK_POINT+1]=='X') && (rem_area[CHECK_POINT+2]=='L') && (rem_area[CHECK_POINT+3]=='N')) _lclose(hd); else _lclose(hd),hd=-1; } // if (hd!=-1)....
if (hd==-1){ hd = OpenFile(tmmr_rem, &ofs, OF_CREATE|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE); if (hd==-1) err_exit(TMMR_OPEN_WRONG); else{ for (i = 0; i<TMMR_LIB_LENGTH; i++) rem_area[i]=0; // Init the temp rem
// area by zero.
rem_area[CHECK_POINT]='T'; rem_area[CHECK_POINT+1]='X'; rem_area[CHECK_POINT+2]='L'; rem_area[CHECK_POINT+3]='N'; //give Mark!
count = _lwrite(hd, rem_area, TMMR_LIB_LENGTH); if (count!=TMMR_LIB_LENGTH) err_exit(TMMR_WRITE_WRONG);
for (i=0; i<PAREMETER_LENGTH; i++) rem_area[0]=0; //clear the buffer
rem_area[0] = (CHAR)IfTopMost; //transfer the peremeters
rem_area[1] = sImeG.auto_mode =0; rem_area[2] = bdd_flag=0; rem_area[3] = sImeG.cbx_flag=0;
count = _lwrite(hd, rem_area, PAREMETER_LENGTH); //writer the file
_lclose(hd); //close the file
} //else...
}//if (hd==-1)...
// Check or create TMMR.REM file is over. Now, deel with USER.REM.
hd = OpenFile(user_rem, &ofs, OF_READ); if (hd!=-1){ _llseek(hd,(LONG)LENGTH_OF_USER, 0); count = _lread(hd, rem_area, NDX_REAL_LENGTH);
if ((rem_area[CHECK_POINT2]=='T')&&(rem_area[CHECK_POINT2+1]=='X') &&(rem_area[CHECK_POINT2+2]=='L') && (rem_area[CHECK_POINT2+3]=='N')) _lclose(hd); else _lclose(hd),hd=-1; } // if (hd!=-1)....
if (hd==-1){ hd = OpenFile(user_rem, &ofs, OF_CREATE|OF_SHARE_DENY_NONE); if (hd==-1) err_exit(USER_OPEN_WRONG); else{ for (i = 0; i<TMMR_LIB_LENGTH ; i++) rem_area[i]=0; // Init the temp rem
// area by zero.
// First, write file para for force remenber.
p=(BYTE *)&mulu_head.mulu_start_hi; for (i=0; i<16; i++) rem_area[i]=p[i];
// Init force rem file
for (i=0; i<LENGTH_OF_USER/0x1000; i++){ count = _lwrite(hd, rem_area, 0x1000); if (count!=0x1000 ) err_exit(USER_WRITE_WRONG);}
//Init user dictionary file
p=(BYTE *)&user_file_head.body_start; for (i=0; i<sizeof user_file_head;i++) p[i]=0;
user_file_head.body_start=NDX_REAL_LENGTH/16; user_file_head.ttl_length=NDX_REAL_LENGTH/16; user_file_head.body_length=0; user_file_head.index_start=3; user_file_head.index_length=NDX_REAL_LENGTH/16-3; user_file_head.unused1=0x2000;
p[CHECK_POINT2]='T'; p[CHECK_POINT2+1]='X'; p[CHECK_POINT2+2]='L'; p[CHECK_POINT2+3]='N'; //give Mark!
count = _lwrite(hd,(LPSTR)&user_file_head, NDX_REAL_LENGTH ); if (count!=NDX_REAL_LENGTH ) err_exit(TMMR_WRITE_WRONG); _lclose(hd); } //else...
}//if (hd==-1)...
GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(hMem); return(CLC); }// create and check
// ������������,ĿǰΪģ��������, ��������Ϊһ���Ի���
// ���ص���Ϣ����: RETRY, IGNORE, CANCEL
void WINAPI err_exit(err_msg) char *err_msg; {
MessageBox(hWnd, err_msg, "ERR", MB_OKCANCEL); PostMessage(hWnd,WM_DESTROY,0,0l); }
void WINAPI err_exit_proc( err_msg) char *err_msg; {
MessageBox(NULL, err_msg, "ERR", MB_OKCANCEL); return ; }
int WINAPI GetText32( HDC hdc,LPCTSTR lpString,int cbString) { SIZE lSize; GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc,lpString,cbString,(LPSIZE)&lSize);
return lSize.cx; }
int WINAPI makep(LPARAM lParam, LPPOINT oldPoint) { POINTS newPoint; newPoint=MAKEPOINTS(lParam); oldPoint->x=(WORD)newPoint.x; oldPoint->y=(WORD)newPoint.y; return 0; }
&3: cwp_proc(): ********************************************************/ int WINAPI cwp_proc(mtype) int mtype; { int i, j, m; BYTE x; switch (mtype){ case 0: return(normal()); //normal pinyin convert
case 1: abbr(); //ABBR
case 2: // "I" capital chinese number
case 3: // "i" small chinese number
if (in.true_length==1){ in.buffer[1]='1'; in.true_length++;} if (in.true_length>20) in.true_length=20;
m=0; for(i=1; i<in.true_length; i++){ x=in.buffer[i]; if (if_number_or_not(in.buffer[i])){ if (mtype==2) x=in.buffer[i]-0x30; } if (if_zimu_or_not(in.buffer[i])){ x=in.buffer[i]&0xdf; if (mtype==2) if (x=='S' || x=='B' || x=='Q') x=x|0x20; }
for (j=0; j<160; j=j+3){ if (x==fk_tab[j]){ out_svw[m++]=fk_tab[j+1]; out_svw[m++]=fk_tab[j+2]; x=0xff; // found it
break;} }// for(j)
if (x!=0xff) goto err_back;
} // for(i)
group_no=1; unit_length=m; msg_type=2; return(1); // success!
case 4: // "u" user define word
case 12: //continue to change
case 13: // backword
case 14: return(recall());
default: err_back: return(-1);
}// switch
find_next() *************************************************/ int WINAPI find_next() { if (wp.yjs<=wp.xsyjw) return(STC);
return( normal_1(0) ); }
normal() **************************************************/ int WINAPI normal() { extb_ps=0xffff; by_cchar_flag=0; wp.yjs=0; wp.xsyjw=0; wp.dw_count=0; wp.dw_stack[0]=0;
if (in.info_flag==0x81) by_cchar_flag=1; detail_analyse(); if (!convert(0)){ zdyb(); return(STC); } wp.xsyjs=wp.xsyjw; wp.xsyjw+=word_long; wp.dw_stack[++wp.dw_count]=(BYTE)wp.xsyjw;
if (by_cchar_flag!=1){ if (wp.yjs==wp.xsyjw){ if (wp.xsyjs!=0){ sfx_attr=2; //mark for finding sfx_table
rzw();} }//if (wp.xsyjs)
else{ if (word_long<=1){ if (wp.xsyjs==0){ sfx_attr=1; //mark for finding sfx_table
rzw();}//if (wp.xsyjs)
}//if (word_long)
}//if (by_cchar...
if (wp.yjs<=wp.xsyjw) jiyi_mode=0; else jiyi_mode=1;
return(CLC); }
normal_1() ********************************************************/ int WINAPI normal_1(flag) int flag; { if (in.info_flag==0x81) by_cchar_flag=1;
if (!convert(flag)){ zdyb(); return(STC); }
wp.xsyjs=wp.xsyjw; wp.xsyjw+=word_long; wp.dw_stack[++wp.dw_count]=(BYTE)wp.xsyjw;
if (by_cchar_flag!=1){ if (wp.yjs==wp.xsyjw){ if (wp.xsyjs!=0){ sfx_attr=2; //mark for finding sfx_table
rzw();} }//if (wp.xsyjs)
else{ if (word_long<=1){ if (wp.xsyjs==0){ sfx_attr=1; //mark for finding sfx_table
rzw();}//if (wp.xsyjs)
}//if (word_long)
}//if (by_cchar...
if (wp.yjs<=wp.xsyjw) jiyi_mode=0; else jiyi_mode=1;
int WINAPI recall() { cls_prompt_only(); in.info_flag=1; wp.yjs=0; wp.xsyjw=0; by_cchar_flag=0; detail_analyse(); if (!recall_rc()) return(-1);
return (0); }
user_definition(): produce the user define word **************************************************************/ int WINAPI user_definition() { int i,rec_cnt;
kbf.max_length=in.max_length; kbf.true_length=in.true_length-1; //delete the word "u"
for (i=0; i<kbf.true_length; i++) kbf.buffer[i]=in.buffer[i+1];
read_mulu(); if (!(rec_cnt=look_for_code())) return(STC); //not found
if (!read_data(rec_cnt-1)) //-1 get the real record count
return(STC); //not found
unit_length=out_svw[0]-0x30; //plus 1 is plus the mark
word_long=(out_svw[0]-0x30)/2; group_no=1; CopyMemory/*memmove*/(out_svw,&out_svw[2],unit_length); msg_type|=2; return(CLC);
detail_analyse() ***************************************************************/
int WINAPI detail_analyse() { int i=0,j=0; BYTE *p;
p=(BYTE *)kbf.buffer; do{ if (!slbl(p)){ if (i==0) return(STC); else break; }
if (sb.length==0) break;
p+=sb.length; if (LOBYTE(sb.value)=='V') if (sb.head=='J'||sb.head=='Q'||sb.head=='X') (BYTE)sb.value='U'; wp.syj[i]=sb.head; wp.bx_stack[i]=sb.bx1; wp.tone[i]=sb.tune; wp.yj[j]=sb.value; //WORD transport
wp.yj_ps[j]=(int)(p-(BYTE *)kbf.buffer); i++, j++; if (i>=10) //10 1994.4
if (sb.flag==TRUE) break;
return (0); }
int WINAPI slbl(s_buffer) BYTE *s_buffer; {
int i=0,j; BYTE cmp_buffer[5]={0}; char *p; BYTE x,attr,y;
/* analize the SHENGMU */ x=s_buffer[i++]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x); // get char's attribute
if (!attr){ sb.length=i-1; sb.flag=TRUE; return(1);}
if (attr==NUMBER) return(0); // error
if (x=='I' || x=='U' || x=='V') return(0); // error
switch (attr) { //1993.4.22
case FIRST_T: case SECOND_T: case THIRD_T: case FORTH_T: return (0); //error
} //1993.4.22
sb.value=0; sb.head=0; sb.length=0; sb.tune=0; sb.bx1=0; sb.bx2=0; sb.flag=FALSE;
sb.head=x; if (attr==FUYIN){ if (x=='Z' || x=='C' || x=='S' ){ if ((s_buffer[i]&0xdf)==0x48){ for (j=0; j<15; j=j+5){ if (x==slbl_tab[j]){ sb.value=(WORD)slbl_tab[j+4]<<8; sb.head=slbl_tab[j+4]; break;} }// for()
i++; }// if (s_buffer)
else sb.value=(WORD)x<<8; }// if (x=='z')
else sb.value=(WORD)x<<8; }//if (attr==FUYIN)
else{ i--; sb.value=0; } //else
/* analize the YUNMU */ x=s_buffer[i]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x); if (!attr){ sb.length=(WORD)i; sb.flag=TRUE; return(1);}
if (attr==YUANYIN){ //if no YUANYIN, goto step3
(BYTE)sb.value=x; cmp_buffer[0]=x; i++; for (j=1; j<4; j++){ x=s_buffer[i++]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x); if (!attr){ for (j=j; j<4; j++) cmp_buffer[j]='0'; i--; sb.flag=TRUE; break;}
if (attr==NUMBER){ for (j=j; j<4; j++) cmp_buffer[j]='0'; i--; break; }// if
else cmp_buffer[j]=x; }//for
for (j=3; j>0; j--){ p=(LPSTR)ABCstrstr((LPSTR)slbl_tab,cmp_buffer); //search the YUNMU
if (p!=NULL){ (BYTE)sb.value=*(p+4); //get the YUNMU value
break; }// if (p)
if (cmp_buffer[j]!=0x30){ cmp_buffer[j]='0'; i--;}//if (cmp)
}// for(j)
}//if (x!=YUANYIN)
else (BYTE)sb.value=0;
/* see if the next is YUANYIN */ x=s_buffer[i]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x); if (!attr){ sb.length=(WORD)i; sb.flag=TRUE; if (sb.value<=0xff) sb.value=sb.value<<8; return(1);} if (attr==YUANYIN){ y=s_buffer[i-1]&0xdf; if (y=='R'||y=='N'||y=='G'){ i--; (BYTE)sb.value=0; for (j=3; j>0; j--){ if (cmp_buffer[j]!=0x30){ cmp_buffer[j]='0'; break;}//if
for (j=3; j>0; j--){ p=(LPSTR)ABCstrstr((LPSTR)slbl_tab,cmp_buffer); //search the YUNMU
if (p!=NULL){ (BYTE)sb.value=*(p+4); //get the YUNMU value
break; }// if (p)
if (cmp_buffer[j]!=0x30){ cmp_buffer[j]='0'; i--;}//if (cmp)
}// for(j)
if (!(BYTE)sb.value) (BYTE)sb.value=cmp_buffer[0]; }//if (y=='R')
}//if (attr==YUANYIN)
if (sb.value<=0xff) sb.value=sb.value<<8;
/* analize the tune */ x=s_buffer[i]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x); if (!attr){ sb.length=(WORD)i; sb.flag=TRUE; return(1);} if (attr==FIRST_T||attr==SECOND_T||attr==THIRD_T||attr==FORTH_T){ sb.tune=attr; i++;}
/* analize the BIXING */ for (j=0; j<6; j++){ x=s_buffer[i++]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x); if (!attr){ sb.flag=TRUE; sb.length=i-1; return(1);}
if (attr==SEPERATOR){ sb.flag=FALSE; sb.length=(WORD)i; return(1); // if the string has seperator, move the
} // pointer to the beginning of next YINJIE
if (attr!=NUMBER){ do{ //1993.4.22
if (attr==YUANYIN || attr==FUYIN){ sb.flag=FALSE; sb.length=i-1; return(1);}
x=s_buffer[i++]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x);
if (!attr){ sb.flag=TRUE; sb.length=i-1; return(1);} }while(i<100); return (1); } //1993.4.22
if (x>'0' && x<'9'){ switch(j){ case 0: sb.bx1=x<<4; break; case 1: sb.bx1+=x&0x0f; break; case 2: sb.bx2=(WORD)x; sb.bx2<<=12; break; case 3: sb.bx2=sb.bx2+(WORD)((x&0xf)<<8); break; case 4: (BYTE)sb.bx2=x<<4; break; case 5: (BYTE)sb.bx2+=x&0x0f; break; }//switch
}// for
do{ x=s_buffer[i++]; attr=(BYTE)getattr(x,&x);
if (!attr){ sb.flag=TRUE; sb.length=i-1; return(1);}
if (attr==YUANYIN || attr==FUYIN){ sb.flag=FALSE; sb.length=(WORD)i; return(1);}
return (0);
getchr(x) *******************************************************/ int WINAPI getattr(x,p) BYTE x; char *p; { if (x==0) return(FALSE);
if (if_number_or_not(x)) return(NUMBER);
if (if_zimu_or_not(x)){ x=x&0xdf; *p=x; if (x=='A'||x=='E'||x=='I'||x=='O'||x=='U'||x=='V') return(YUANYIN); else return(FUYIN); }
if (x==SEPERATOR) return(SEPERATOR);
switch(x){ case '-': return(FIRST_T); case '/': return(SECOND_T); case '~': case '^': return(THIRD_T); case '\\': return(FORTH_T);
return (FALSE); }
neg_slbl() ********************************************************/ int WINAPI neg_slbl(value) WORD value; { int i=0; BYTE x;
s_tune(); x=HIBYTE(value); if (x>=0x41) neg.buffer[i++]=x; else{ if (x!=0) i=neg_sc(i,x); }
x=LOBYTE(value); if (x>=0x41) neg.buffer[i++]=x; else{ if (x!=0) i=neg_sc(i,x); }
neg.buffer[i]=sb.tune; neg.length=i; for (x=0; x<i+1; x++) neg.buffer[x]=neg.buffer[x]|0x20; return(1);
neg_sc(i,x) *******************************************/ int WINAPI neg_sc(i,x) int i; BYTE x; { int j,n;
n=(x-1)*5; for (j=0; j<4; j++){ if (slbl_tab[n+j]!=0x30) neg.buffer[i++]=slbl_tab[n+j]; else break; } return(i); }
// if (in.buffer[2]==1)
// return(recall_rc());
// Covert
int WINAPI convert(flag) int flag; { int j;
// if (sb.bx2!=0)
// return(0);
if (!flag) word_long=wp.yjs-wp.xsyjw; else word_long=flag;
if (word_long>9) //?
word_long=9; //?
if (by_cchar_flag==1) word_long=1;
if (word_long==1) return(pre_nt_w1(wp.xsyjw));
for (j=word_long; j>1; j--){ word_long=j; prepare_search1(); abbr_s1(); if (group_no){ unit_length=j*2; return(CLC); }// if ()
}// for()
copy_input() **********************************************/ int WINAPI copy_input() { int i=0, j=0;
if (in.info_flag==VK_MULTIPLY) //if "*"
kbf.true_length=in.true_length; if (in.buffer[0]==SEPERATOR){ kbf.true_length=in.true_length-1; i=1; }// if ((in.buffer)
for (i=i; i<in.true_length+2; i++) kbf.buffer[j++]=in.buffer[i];
kbf.max_length=in.max_length; kbf.info_flag=in.info_flag;
return (0);
input_msg_type() **************************************************/ void WINAPI input_msg_type() { int i; for (i=0; i<wp.yjs; i++){ wp.cmp_stack[i]=QP_FLAG; if (LOBYTE(wp.yj[i])==0) if (wp.syj[i]==HIBYTE(wp.yj[i])) wp.cmp_stack[i]=JP_FLAG;
if (wp.tone[i]!=0) wp.cmp_stack[i]|=YD_FLAG;
if (wp.bx_stack[i]!=0) wp.cmp_stack[i]|=BX_FLAG;
}// for
pre_nt_w1() ******************************************************/ int WINAPI pre_nt_w1(ps) int ps; { unit_length=2; word_long=1; cmp_yj=wp.yj[ps]; cmp_head=wp.syj[ps]; cmp_bx=wp.bx_stack[ps]; cmp_state=wp.cmp_stack[ps];
w1_no_tune(); return(group_no);
w1_no_tune() *********************************************************/ void WINAPI w1_no_tune() { out_svw_cnt=0; sc_gb(); sc_gbdy(); group_no=out_svw_cnt; paidui(group_no);
sc_gb() **********************************************************/ int WINAPI sc_gb() { BYTE x; int cnt,i;
cnt=(87-15)*94; if (cmp_state&4){ if (cmp_bx==0){ x=HIBYTE(cmp_yj); if (x!='A'&&x!='O'&&x!='E'){ cnt=(55-15)*94; cmp_state=cmp_state|0x80; }// if (x=='A')
else cmp_state=(cmp_state&0xfb)|QP_FLAG;
}// if (!cmp_bx)
}// if (cmp_state)
for (i=0; i<cnt; i++){ if (cmp_yj==cisu->t_bf1[i]) get_the_one(i); else{ if (cmp_state&4){ if (cmp_head==HIBYTE(cisu->t_bf1[i])) get_the_one(i); else if ( cmp_head==fu_sm(HIBYTE(cisu->t_bf1[i])) ) get_the_one(i);
}// if (cmp_state)
sc_gbdy() *******************************************************/ int WINAPI sc_gbdy() { int cnt,i;
cnt=cisu->t_bf_start[2]/2; for (i=0; i<cnt; i=i+2){ if (cmp_yj==cisu->t_bf2[i]) get_the_one2(i); else{ if (cmp_state&4){ if (cmp_head==HIBYTE(cisu->t_bf2[i])) get_the_one2(i); else { if (cmp_head==fu_sm(HIBYTE(cisu->t_bf2[i]))) get_the_one2(i);} }// if (cmp_state)
get_the_one() *********************************************************/ int WINAPI get_the_one(i) int i; { BYTE x;
WORD *out_svw_p=(WORD *)out_svw; BYTE *msx_p=(BYTE *)msx_area;
if (cmp_bx1(i)!=0) return(0);
if (i>=(55-16+1)*94) x=0x20; else x=pindu.pd_bf1[i];
if (cmp_state&0x80){ if (x<=(154+50)){ return(0); }// if (x)
}// if (cmp_state)
msx_p[out_svw_cnt]=x; out_svw_cnt++; return(0);
cmp_bx1() ************************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_bx1(i) int i; { BYTE x;
if (cmp_bx==0) return(0);
x=spbx_tab[i]; if (x==cmp_bx) return(0);
x=x&0xf0; if (x==cmp_bx) return(0);
get_the_one2() *********************************************************/ int WINAPI get_the_one2(i) int i; { BYTE x;
WORD *out_svw_p=(WORD *)out_svw; BYTE *msx_p=(BYTE *)msx_area;
if (cmp_bx2(i)!=0) return(0);
if ((i/2)>=pindu.pd_bf0[2]) x=0x20; else x=pindu.pd_bf2[i/2];
if (cmp_state&0x80){ if (x<=(154+50)){ return(0); }// if (x)
}// if (cmp_state)
msx_p[out_svw_cnt]=x; out_svw_cnt++; return(0);
cmp_bx2() ************************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_bx2(i) int i; { BYTE x; WORD y;
if (cmp_bx==0) return(0);
i++; y=cisu->t_bf2[i]; y=((BYTE)y-0xb0)*94+(HIBYTE(y)-0xa1);
x=spbx_tab[y]; if (x==cmp_bx) return(0);
x=x&0xf0; if (x==cmp_bx) return(0);
paidui() ************************************************************/ int WINAPI paidui(cnt) int cnt; { int i,j,n,flag; BYTE x1,y1; WORD x,y; WORD *out_p; BYTE *msx_p=(BYTE *)msx_area;
out_p=(WORD *)out_svw; if (cnt<=1) return(0);
for (n=cnt-1; n>0; n--){ flag=0; for (i=0; i<n; i++){ if (msx_p[i]==msx_p[i+1]){ if (out_p[i]>out_p[i+1]){ x=out_p[i]; out_p[i]=out_p[i+1]; out_p[i+1]=x; flag++; }//if (out_p)
}// if (msx_p)
else{ if (msx_p[i]<msx_p[i+1]){ x1=msx_p[i]; msx_p[i]=msx_p[i+1]; msx_p[i+1]=x1; x=out_p[i]; out_p[i]=out_p[i+1]; out_p[i+1]=x; flag++; } }//else
}// for(i)
if (flag==0) break;
}// for(n)
return (0); }
void WINAPI s_tune() { }
int WINAPI fu_sm(fy) BYTE fy; { switch(fy){ case 1: return('Z'); case 2: return('S'); case 3: return('C'); default: return(fy); } }
find_one_hi() ***********************************************/ int WINAPI find_one_hi() { WORD foh_save=0; int i;
if (!cmp_bx) if (cmp_state&4) return(0);
i=0; do{ if (czcx(&tmmr.stack1[i])){ if (!foh_save) foh_save=cmp_cisu; else{ if (foh_save==cmp_cisu){ sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=1; result_area[result_area_pointer++]=LOBYTE(cmp_cisu); result_area[result_area_pointer++]=HIBYTE(cmp_cisu); return(0); }//if (foh_save)
}//if (czcx)
i++; }while(i<(sizeof tmmr.stack1)/2); //94.1 add div 2
return (0); }
czcx() **************************************************/ int WINAPI czcx(stack) WORD *stack; {
if (!cmp_cisu) return(STC);
if (cmp_bx) if (HIBYTE(cmp_cisu)&0x40) cmp_cisu&=0xbfff;
if (cmp_a_slbl_with_bx()) return(CLC);
find_multy_hi() *********************************************/ int WINAPI find_multy_hi() { if (word_long==2) find_two_hi(); if (word_long==3) find_three_hi(); return(0);
find_two_hi() *********************************************/ int WINAPI find_two_hi() { int i,j; WORD *result_p;
result_p=(WORD *)result_area;
for (i=0; i<(sizeof tmmr.stack2)/(2*2); i=i+2){ //94.1 add *2
if (!tmmr.stack2[i]){ sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=0; return(0); }
if (cmp_2_and_3(&tmmr.stack2[i])){ sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=1; for (j=0; j<word_long; j++) result_p[result_area_pointer/2+j]=tmmr.stack2[j+i]&0xbfff; result_area_pointer+=word_long*2; return(0); }//if
sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=0; return(0);
find_three_hi() *********************************************/ int WINAPI find_three_hi() { int i,j; WORD *result_p;
result_p=(WORD *)result_area;
for (i=0; i<(sizeof tmmr.stack3)/(3*2); i=i+3){ //94.1 add *2
if (!tmmr.stack3[i]){ sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=0; return(0); }
if (cmp_2_and_3(&tmmr.stack3[i])){ sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=1; for (j=0; j<word_long; j++) result_p[result_area_pointer/2+j]=tmmr.stack3[j+i]&0xbfff; result_area_pointer+=word_long*2; return(0); }// if (cmp_2_and_3)
sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=0; return(0);
cmp_2_and_3() ************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_2_and_3(t_stack) WORD *t_stack; { int i,yj_p;
yj_p=wp.xsyjw; //1993,10,8
for (i=0; i<word_long; i++){ cmp_cisu=t_stack[i]; pre_cmp((WORD)yj_p); if (word_long==2) if (cmp_state&4) if (!(HIBYTE(cmp_cisu)&0x40)) return(STC); else cmp_cisu&=0xbfff;
if (!cmp_a_slbl_with_bx()) return(STC); yj_p++; } return(CLC);
void WINAPI find_that() { }
int WINAPI find_hz(x) WORD x; { if (x>0xa000 || x<0x2020) return(x);
if (x>=0x8000){ x=(x-0x8000)+1; return(cisu->t_bf2[x]); }
prepare_search1() **************************************************/ int WINAPI prepare_search1() { BYTE f_ci1,f_ci2,x;
f_ci1=wp.syj[wp.xsyjw]; f_ci2=wp.syj[wp.xsyjw+1]; f_ci1=(BYTE)fu_sm(f_ci1); f_ci2=(BYTE)fu_sm(f_ci2);
if(f_ci1<0x41) f_ci1=0x41; if (word_long>=5) f_ci2=(BYTE)word_long;
search_and_read(f_ci1,f_ci2); //
// After reading, counting the search place is needed
// First, count the STD dictionary buffers
search_start=6; search_end=6; if (word_lib_state&1){ x=word_long-2; if (x>=3){ x-=3; search_start+=4;}
if (x>0) { if (sizeof lib_w<lib_w[x-1]) search_start=sizeof lib_w; else search_start=lib_w[x-1]; }
search_end=lib_w[x]; if (sizeof lib_w<search_end) search_end=sizeof lib_w;
}//if (word_lib_state)
// Second, count the User dic. area.
kzk_search_start=6; kzk_search_end=6; if (!(word_lib_state&2)) //Note exp: !word...&2
return(1); // and !(word&2)
x=word_long-2; if (x>=3){ x-=3; kzk_search_start+=4;}
if (x>0) { if (sizeof kzk_lib_w<kzk_lib_w[x-1]) kzk_search_start=sizeof kzk_lib_w; else kzk_search_start=kzk_lib_w[x-1]; }
kzk_search_end=kzk_lib_w[x]; if (sizeof kzk_lib_w<kzk_search_end) kzk_search_end=sizeof kzk_lib_w;
return (0); }
search_and_read() entry: LOBYTE(f_ci)=the first letter, HIBYTE(f_ci)=the second letter, exit: NC success; C not success; **********************************************/ int WINAPI search_and_read(f_ci1,f_ci2) BYTE f_ci1,f_ci2; { if (if_already_in(f_ci1,f_ci2)) return(0);
count_basic_pera(f_ci1,f_ci2); if (item_length!=0) if (read_a_page(0,r_addr,item_length)) word_lib_state=word_lib_state|1; read_kzk_lib();
return (1); }
if_already_in(): adjust if the page has already in the memory *****************************************************************/ int WINAPI if_already_in(f_ci1,f_ci2) BYTE f_ci1,f_ci2; { WORD x;
(BYTE)x=f_ci2; x=x*0x100+f_ci1;
if (x==last_item_name) return(CLC);
if (f_ci1==(BYTE)last_item_name) if (f_ci2>9) return(STC); else if (HIBYTE(last_item_name)>9) return(STC); else return(CLC);
count_basic_pera(): count the sub_library address; count the page address; count the read_write length; ********************************************************/ int WINAPI count_basic_pera(f_ci1,f_ci2) BYTE f_ci1,f_ci2; { BYTE x;
word_lib_state=0; item_addr=0xffff; item_length=0; (BYTE)last_item_name=f_ci2; last_item_name=last_item_name*0x100+f_ci1;
if (f_ci1>'I'&& f_ci1<'U') slib_addr=(f_ci1-0x41-1)*27; else if (f_ci1>'V') slib_addr=(f_ci1-0x41-3)*27; else slib_addr=(f_ci1-0x41)*27;
r_addr=ndx.dir[slib_addr+1]; r_addr+=ndx.body_start; r_addr=r_addr*16;
if (f_ci2<'A') item_addr=slib_addr+MORE_THAN_5; else if (f_ci2>'I' && f_ci2<'U') item_addr=slib_addr+(f_ci2-0x41-1); else if (f_ci2>'V') item_addr=slib_addr+(f_ci2-0x41-3); else item_addr=slib_addr+(f_ci2-0x41);
r_addr=r_addr+ndx.dir[item_addr+1+1]; item_length=ndx.dir[item_addr+1+1+1]; item_length-=ndx.dir[item_addr+1+1]; return(0);
read_kzk_lib(): search the expended lib ************************************************************/ int WINAPI read_kzk_lib() { r_addr=kzk_ndx.dir[slib_addr+1]; r_addr+=kzk_ndx.body_start; r_addr=r_addr*16+KZK_BASE; r_addr=r_addr+kzk_ndx.dir[item_addr+1+1]; kzk_item_length=kzk_ndx.dir[item_addr+1+1+1]; item_length-=kzk_ndx.dir[item_addr+1+1]; if (kzk_item_length<0) kzk_item_length=0; if (!kzk_item_length) return(STC); if (!read_a_page(1,r_addr,kzk_item_length)) return(STC); word_lib_state|=2; return(CLC);
// ���ʿ� READ_A_PAGE() //
// ����: ����Ҫ�Ĵʿ�ҳ����ָ���Ļ����� //
// ����: START_PS ���ʿ�����ʼλ�� //
// FILE_FLAG =0 ������ //
// =1 ��չ�� //
// SIZE ����ҳ��(�ֽ���) //
// ����: TRUE �ɹ� //
// FALSE ʧ�� //
// ע��:������Ҫ�ж�SIZE�Ĵ�С�Ƿ�Խ��,�Է�ֹ����. //
// ����Խ��,�����ջ������Ĵ�С�ض�. //
int WINAPI read_a_page(file_flag, start_ps, size) BYTE file_flag; LONG start_ps; WORD size; { // 94/4/16 HANDLE hd;
int hd = -1;
if ((last_flag==file_flag)&&(last_start_ps==start_ps)&&(last_size==size)) return(1); //���ζ�д���ʹ���ȫ��ͬ,�����������̲���;
if (file_flag==0) { if (size> sizeof lib_w) size=sizeof lib_w; hd=OpenFile(std_dct,&openbuf,OF_READ); if (hd == -1) return(0); _llseek(hd,start_ps,0); if(_lread(hd,(LPSTR)lib_w,size)<=0) { _lclose(hd); return(0); } }
if (file_flag==1) { hd=OpenFile(user_lib,&openbuf_kzk,OF_READ); if (hd == -1) return(0); if (size>sizeof kzk_lib_w) size=sizeof kzk_lib_w; //�жϻ������Ƿ�Խ������
_llseek(hd,start_ps,0); if(_lread(hd,(LPSTR)kzk_lib_w,size)<=0) { _lclose(hd); return(0); } }
if ( hd != -1 ) _lclose(hd);
last_flag=file_flag; last_start_ps=start_ps; // ����������
last_size=size; return(1); }
Name: abbr_s1() Popurse: Find match words arrcoding to the given input message. Search order is: Temp_rem area Standard Dictionary User Dictionary If there are more than one words, judge what is the suitable one.
**********************************************************************/ int WINAPI abbr_s1() { group_no=0; msx_area_cnt=0; out_svw_cnt=0;
find_new_word(); // Search temp rem_area
abbr_entry((BYTE *)kzk_lib_w+kzk_search_start,(BYTE *)kzk_lib_w+kzk_search_end,4); // Search User dic.
abbr_entry((BYTE *)lib_w+search_start, (BYTE *)lib_w+search_end,0); // Search stndard dic.
if (!group_no) return(STC); // Without any results...
if (group_no==1) return(CLC); // Only one!
order_result2(); // Results more than one...
if (sImeG.auto_mode) find_multy_hi(); // If in frenquency ajust mode...
return(CLC); // Return OK.
find_new_word() *********************************************************/ void WINAPI find_new_word() { fczs1((LPSTR)tmmr.temp_rem_area,sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area,2); fczs1((LPSTR)tmmr.rem_area,sizeof tmmr.rem_area,0x82);
fczs1() ******************************************************/ int WINAPI fczs1(rem_p,end,area_flag) BYTE *rem_p; //92-12-18 SZ
int end,area_flag; { int i=0,w_long,j; WORD *p;
while(i<end){ if (w_long==rem_p[i]){ if (find_long_word2(&rem_p[i])){ group_no+=1; if (!trs_new_word(i,&rem_p[i],area_flag)) //
return(0); }// if (find_long_word2)
}// if (w_long)
if (rem_p[i]==0) return(0);
if (rem_p[i]>18||(rem_p[i]&1)){ p=(WORD *)&rem_p[i]; for (j=0; j<(end-i)/2; j++){ //94.2.3 ZHU (end-i)/2
if (p[j]!=0) p[j]=0; else return(0); }// for
}//if (rem_p)
return (0); }
find_long_word2() *************************************************/ int WINAPI find_long_word2(buffer) BYTE *buffer; { int yj_p,i;
yj_p=wp.xsyjw; for (i=0; i<word_long*2; i=i+2){ cmp_cisu=buffer[i+2]+buffer[i+2+1]*0x100; pre_cmp((WORD)yj_p); if (!cmp_a_slbl_with_bx()) return(STC); yj_p++; }
trs_new_word() **************************************************/ int WINAPI trs_new_word(word_addr,buffer,area_flag) int word_addr,area_flag; BYTE *buffer; { int i;
if (out_svw_cnt>=sizeof out_svw){ group_no--; return(STC); }// if (out_svw_cnt)
for (i=0;i<word_long*2; i++) out_svw[out_svw_cnt++]=buffer[i+2];
msx_area[msx_area_cnt].pindu=0x70+(BYTE)group_no; msx_area[msx_area_cnt].from=(BYTE)area_flag; //come from temp_area
msx_area[msx_area_cnt].addr=(WORD)word_addr; if (buffer[1]&0x80) msx_area[msx_area_cnt].pindu=0x31;
return(CLC); }
pre_cmp() *****************************************/ void WINAPI pre_cmp(x) WORD x; { cmp_yj=wp.yj[x]; cmp_head=wp.syj[x]; cmp_state=wp.cmp_stack[x]; cmp_bx=wp.bx_stack[x]; }
cmp_a_slbl_with_bx() *******************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_a_slbl_with_bx() { if (cmp_cisu<0x2020) return(STC);
if (cmp_cisu>=0x8000){ if ((cmp_cisu-0x8000)>=cisu->t_bf_start[2]/2) return(STC);} else{ if ((cmp_cisu-0x2020)>=cisu->t_bf_start[1]/2) return(STC);}
if (!cmp_a_slbl()) return(STC);
if (!cmp_bx) return(CLC);
if (!yjbx()) return(STC);
cmp_a_slbl() ********************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_a_slbl() {
if (cmp_state&2) {
if (cmp_cisu>=0x8000){ if (cmp_yj==cisu->t_bf2[cmp_cisu-0x8000]) return(CLC); else return(STC); //?? return(cmp_first_letter());
} //if (cmp_cisu...
else{ if (cmp_yj==cisu->t_bf1[cmp_cisu-0x2020]) return(CLC); else return(STC); }//else
}// if (cmp_state...
cmp_first_letter() *************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_first_letter() { WORD py_nm; if (!(cmp_state&4)) //NOte!!!
py_nm=(WORD)cisu_to_py(); if ((HIBYTE(py_nm)&0x5f)==cmp_head) return(CLC); else{ py_nm=(WORD)get_head(HIBYTE(py_nm)); if ((LOBYTE(py_nm)&0xdf)==cmp_head) return(CLC); else return(STC); }
cisu_to_py() ************************************************/ int WINAPI cisu_to_py() { if (cmp_cisu>=0x8000) return(cisu->t_bf2[(cmp_cisu-0x8000)]); else return(cisu->t_bf1[(cmp_cisu-0x2020)]); }
get_head() ***************************************************/ int WINAPI get_head(first_letter) BYTE first_letter; { if (first_letter>=0x41) return(first_letter); first_letter=(first_letter-1)*5; return(slbl_tab[first_letter]); }
yjbx() *******************************************************/ int WINAPI yjbx() { BYTE bx; WORD pos;
if (cmp_cisu<0x8000) pos = cmp_cisu-0x2020; else{ pos =cisu->t_bf2[(cmp_cisu-0x8000)+1]; pos =(HIBYTE(pos)-0xa1)+(LOBYTE(pos)-0xb0)*94; } if (pos>= 94*94) return (STC); bx=spbx_tab[pos]; if (cmp_bx==bx) return(CLC); else if (cmp_bx==(bx&0xf0)) return(CLC); else return(STC);
abbr_entry() *****************************************************/ int WINAPI abbr_entry(s_start,s_end,ComeFrom) BYTE *s_start,*s_end,ComeFrom; //Search start and Ending
{ // position
int i;
while (s_start<s_end){ if (cmp_long_word2(s_start)){ //Compare word by word.
if (out_svw_cnt>=sizeof out_svw) // If buffer out_svw
// is full, sorry...
return(STC); for (i=0; i<word_long*2; i++) out_svw[out_svw_cnt++]=s_start[i]; //Move the words
msx_area[msx_area_cnt].pindu=s_start[i]; msx_area[msx_area_cnt].from=ComeFrom; //come from ...
msx_area[msx_area_cnt].addr=(WORD)s_start; // Where is the ...
msx_area_cnt++; // Increae the pointer
// for the attribue area
group_no+=1; // In case of OK, increaase
// results counter.
s_start+=(word_long+word_long+1); // Push down the search pointer
// by word_long*2+1
return(CLC); // The value of return is no
// use for the route.
cmp_long_word2() *******************************************************/ int WINAPI cmp_long_word2(buffer) BYTE *buffer; { int yj_p,i; yj_p=wp.xsyjw; for (i=0; i<word_long*2; i=i+2){ cmp_cisu=buffer[i]+buffer[i+1]*0x100; if (cmp_cisu<0x2020) return(STC); pre_cmp((WORD)yj_p); if (!cmp_a_slbl_with_bx()) return(STC); yj_p++; } return(CLC); }
order_result2() ********************************************************/ int WINAPI order_result2() { int lng,i,j,n; BYTE x,flag; WORD y;
lng=word_long*2; if (xs_flag==1){ xs_flag=0; if (!fenli_daxie()) return(0); }
if (msx_area_cnt==1) return(0);
for (i=group_no-1; i>0; i--){ flag=0; for (j=0; j<i; j++){ if (msx_area[j].pindu<msx_area[j+1].pindu){ for (n=j*lng; n<j*lng+lng; n++){ x=out_svw[n]; out_svw[n]=out_svw[n+lng]; out_svw[n+lng]=x; }//for
x=msx_area[j].pindu; msx_area[j].pindu=msx_area[j+1].pindu; msx_area[j+1].pindu=x; x=msx_area[j].from; msx_area[j].from=msx_area[j+1].from; msx_area[j+1].from=x; y=msx_area[j].addr; msx_area[j].addr=msx_area[j+1].addr; msx_area[j+1].addr=y; flag=1;
}// if (msx)
if (!flag) break; }// for(i)
return (0);
fenli_daxie() ******************************************************/ int WINAPI fenli_daxie() { int i,j,n,lng;
j=0; lng=word_long*2; for (i=0; i<msx_area_cnt; i++){ if (msx_area[i].pindu==0x31){ msx_area[j].pindu=msx_area[i].pindu; msx_area[j].from=msx_area[i].from; msx_area[j].addr=msx_area[i].addr; for (n=0; n<lng; n++) out_svw[j*lng+n]=out_svw[i*lng+n]; j++; }//if
}// for
if (!j) return(CLC); // there is no Caps;
group_no=j; return(STC); // there has Caps;
} /*************************************************
rzw() **************************************************/ int WINAPI rzw() { if (!(system_info&1)) //if strength mode, ret
sfx_proc(); return(0); }
abbr() *************************************************/ int WINAPI abbr() { int i; WORD x; WORD *kbf_p; if (in.true_length<2){ xs_flag=1; jiyi_pindu|=0x80; return(0); }
for (i=0; i<in.true_length; i++){ if (in.buffer[i]&0x20){ //if not Caps
xs_flag=1; jiyi_pindu|=0x80; return(0); }// if
kbf_p=(WORD *)kbf.buffer; x=0x2d*0x100; kbf.true_length=in.true_length*2; for (i=0; i<in.true_length; i++){ (BYTE)x=in.buffer[i]; *(LPUNAWORD)&kbf_p[i]=x; } kbf.buffer[in.true_length*2]=0; in.info_flag=VK_MULTIPLY; return(0); }
sfx_proc() ****************************************************/ int WINAPI sfx_proc() { int i,j; WORD x,save_xsyjw; WORD *result_p; BYTE *sfx_p;
result_p=(WORD *)result_area; sfx_p=(BYTE *)sfx_table; if (sImeG.cp_ajust_flag==1) return(0); if (word_long>=3) return(0);
save_xsyjw=(WORD)wp.xsyjw; wp.xsyjw=wp.xsyjs; i=0; do{ x=sfx_table[i]; if (HIBYTE(x)&sfx_attr) if (LOBYTE(x)==word_long*2) if (cmp_long_word2(&sfx_p[i*2+2])){ for (j=0; j<word_long; j++) result_p[result_area_pointer/2+j]=sfx_table[i+1+j]; result_area_pointer+=word_long*2; wp.xsyjw=save_xsyjw; sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=1; return(0); }//if (cmp_...
}while(i<sfx_table_size); wp.xsyjw=save_xsyjw;
return (0); }
void WINAPI zdyb() { }
recall_rc() *************************************************/ int WINAPI recall_rc() { int i; BYTE x;
word_long=wp.yjs-wp.xsyjw; unit_length=word_long*2; i=0; do{ x=logging_stack[i]; if (!x) break; if (word_long*2>x) i+=x+1; else{ if (x>20) //if more than 10 chinese words?
break; if ((i+x)>=logging_stack_size) break; //if the last word is not completely
if (find_long_word3((WORD *)&logging_stack[i+1],(int)(x/2))){ trs_new_word3(x,i); group_no++; if (group_no>5) break; } i+=x+1; }//else
}while(i<logging_stack_size); if (group_no){ word_long=4; unit_length=8; return(CLC); } return(STC); }
find_long_word3() **********************************************/ int WINAPI find_long_word3(stack,length) WORD *stack; int length; { int yj_p,i,err_flg,m; yj_p=wp.xsyjw; m=0; while ((length-m)>=word_long){ err_flg=0; for (i=0; i<word_long; i++){ cmp_cisu=stack[m+i]; pre_cmp((WORD)(yj_p+i)); if (!cmp_a_slbl_with_bx()){ m++, err_flg=1; break; } }//for
if (!err_flg) return(CLC); } return(STC); }
trs_new_word3() **************************************************/ void WINAPI trs_new_word3(length,addr) int addr; BYTE length; { int cnt,i; char *msx_area_p;
cnt=8*group_no; msx_area_p=(BYTE *)msx_area; msx_area_p[22*group_no]=length; addr++; for (i=0; i<length; i++) msx_area_p[22*group_no+1+i]=logging_stack[addr+i]; for (i=0; i<8; i++) out_svw[cnt+i]=0xa1; if ((length/2)<=4){ for (i=0; i<length; i++) out_svw[cnt+i]=logging_stack[addr+i]; } else{ for (i=0; i<4; i++) out_svw[cnt+i]=logging_stack[addr+i]; out_svw[cnt+i]=0xa1,i++; out_svw[cnt+i]=0xad,i++; out_svw[cnt+i]=logging_stack[addr+length-2],i++; out_svw[cnt+i]=logging_stack[addr+length-1],i++; }
new_word(): *******************************************************/ int WINAPI new_word() { WORD temp_save,suc_flag,i,j;
by_cchar_flag=0; wp.xsyjw=0; temp_save=sImeG.cp_ajust_flag;
if (convert(0)){ sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=(BYTE)temp_save; if (unit_length==new_no){ for (i=0; i<group_no; i++){ suc_flag = 0; //1993 11 4
for(j=0; j<new_no; j++){ if (result_area[j]!=out_svw[i*unit_length+j]) suc_flag=1; }//for(j)
if (!suc_flag){ return(0);} }//for(i)
}//if (unit_length)
sImeG.cp_ajust_flag=(BYTE)temp_save; by_cchar_flag=1; return(rem_new_word());
rem_new_word(): fill the new word in temp_rem_area ************************************************************/ int WINAPI rem_new_word() { WORD i,count; //SZ
WORD *result_area_p;
count=(WORD)( (sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area)-(new_no+2) ); //92-12-18 SZ
CopyMemory/*memmove*/(&tmmr.temp_rem_area[(new_no+2)/2], tmmr.temp_rem_area, count);
result_area_p=(WORD *)result_area; for (i=0; i<new_no/2; i++) tmmr.temp_rem_area[i+1]=result_area_p[i];
write_new_word(1); return(0);
Function: AddExtLib() Purpose: Get a temperary rem word into high level depanding how many times it has been used. Entry: Must be called from out_result. Out : None. ***********************************************************************/ int WINAPI AddExtLib(){ int x,count,i;
if((unit_length>=4)&&(unit_length<=18)) //rem word limited
if(msx_area[current_no].from==2) { // If a rem word?
x=msx_area[current_no].addr/2; //get word addr in temp...
if (x<sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area/2) { //Insure random errof out limited
if ((tmmr.temp_rem_area[x]&0xff)!=unit_length) return(STC);
tmmr.temp_rem_area[x]+=0x100; //Increase used times.
if((tmmr.temp_rem_area[x]&0xf00)>=0x300) { count=(sizeof tmmr.rem_area) -(unit_length+2); // Push down middle rem area
CopyMemory(&tmmr.rem_area[(unit_length+2)/2], tmmr.rem_area, count);
for(i=0; i<unit_length/2+1; i++) tmmr.rem_area[i]=tmmr.temp_rem_area[x+i]; //move to middle rem area.
count=sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area-x*2 -(unit_length+2); //delete it from temp ...
CopyMemory(&tmmr.temp_rem_area[x], &tmmr.temp_rem_area[x+unit_length/2+1], count);
write_new_word(0); if(tmmr.rem_area[50]) //[400]) //1994.4.21
{ UpdateProc(); } } //write changes
else write_new_word(1); }
return (0); }
write_new_word(): *********************************************************/ void WINAPI write_new_word(flag) int flag; { int count; LONG distance; WORD *p;
distance=sizeof tmmr.stack1+sizeof tmmr.stack2+sizeof tmmr.stack3; count=sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area; p=tmmr.temp_rem_area;
if (flag!=1){ distance=sizeof tmmr.stack1+sizeof tmmr.stack2 +sizeof tmmr.stack3+sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area; p=tmmr.rem_area; if (flag<1){ distance=sizeof tmmr.stack1 +sizeof tmmr.stack2 +sizeof tmmr.stack3; //92-12-18 SZ
p=tmmr.temp_rem_area; count=(sizeof tmmr.temp_rem_area)+(sizeof tmmr.rem_area); } }
writefile(): write file in disk ********************************************************/ int WINAPI writefile(file_n,distance,p,count) BYTE *file_n; LONG distance; LPSTR p; //WORD *p;
int count; { int hd; int write_c;
hd=OpenFile(file_n,&open_tmmr,OF_WRITE); if (hd==-1) return(STC);
_llseek(hd,distance,0); write_c=_lwrite(hd,(LPSTR)p,count); if (write_c!=count) { _lclose(hd); return(STC); } hd=_lclose(hd); return(CLC); }
look_for_code(): search if the code is in the index ****************************************************************/ int WINAPI look_for_code() { int i,rec_cnt;
rec_cnt=0; for (i=0x10; i<(mulu_true_length+0x10); i=i+mulu_record_length){ if (if_code_equ(i)) return(rec_cnt+1); //find the code, rec_cnt+1 in order to avoid
else //confusing with STC
rec_cnt++; } return(STC); // not found
read_data(): read the record correspond to the code ***************************************************************/ int WINAPI read_data(rec_cnt) int rec_cnt; { int hd; int op_count;
hd=OpenFile(user_lib,&open_user, OF_READ); if (hd==-1) return(FALSE); _llseek(hd,(data_start+rec_cnt*data_record_length), 0); op_count=_lread(hd,(LPSTR)&out_svw,data_record_length); if (op_count!=data_record_length) { _lclose(hd); return(FALSE); } _lclose(hd);
if (out_svw[0]<2) return(STC); if ((out_svw[0]-0x30)>30) return(STC);
int WINAPI UpdateProc() {
UpdateFlag=1; ExeCmdLine[ParaPos]='7'; WinExec(ExeCmdLine,SW_SHOW); return(0);
rem_pd1() ************************************************/ int WINAPI rem_pd1(buffer) WORD *buffer; { WORD temp;
if (wp.bx_stack[wp.xsyjs]) temp|=0x4000; else if (wp.cmp_stack[wp.xsyjs]==4) return(0);
tmmr.stack1[0]=temp; return(0);
push_down_stack1() ***********************************************/ int WINAPI push_down_stack1() { int i;
i=(sizeof tmmr.stack1-2);
CopyMemory/*memmove*/((BYTE *)&tmmr.stack1[1],(BYTE *)&tmmr.stack1[0],i); stack1_move_counter++; if (stack1_move_counter>=4) writefile(tmmr_rem, 0l, (LPSTR)&tmmr.stack1, sizeof tmmr.stack1); return(0);
rem_pd2() ************************************************/ void WINAPI rem_pd2(buffer) WORD *buffer; {
WORD temp1,temp2;
int i;
temp1=buffer[0], temp2=buffer[1];
if (wp.cmp_stack[wp.xsyjs]!=2) temp1|=0x4000; if (wp.cmp_stack[wp.xsyjs+1]!=2) temp2|=0x4000;
i=(sizeof tmmr.stack2-4-4); CopyMemory/*memmove*/((BYTE *)&tmmr.stack2[2],(BYTE *)&tmmr.stack2[0],i); tmmr.stack2[0]=temp1; tmmr.stack2[1]=temp2; writefile(tmmr_rem, (LONG)sizeof tmmr.stack1, (LPSTR)&tmmr.stack2, sizeof tmmr.stack2);
rem_pd3() ************************************************/ void WINAPI rem_pd3(buffer) WORD *buffer; { int i; i=(sizeof tmmr.stack3-6); CopyMemory/*memmove*/((BYTE *)&tmmr.stack3[3],(BYTE *)&tmmr.stack3[0],i); for (i=0; i<3; i++) tmmr.stack3[i]=buffer[i]; writefile(tmmr_rem, (LONG)(sizeof tmmr.stack1+sizeof tmmr.stack2), (LPSTR)&tmmr.stack3, sizeof tmmr.stack3);
//this module is come from ABCWIN.EXE
BOOL CALLBACK ImeAboutDlgProc(hDlg, message, wParam, lParam) HWND hDlg; /* window handle of the dialog box */ UINT message; /* type of message */ WPARAM wParam; /* message-specific information */ LPARAM lParam; { RECT rc; LONG DlgWidth, DlgHeight;
switch (message) { case WM_INITDIALOG: /* message: initialize dialog box */ hCrtDlg = hDlg; CenterWindow(hDlg);
return (TRUE); // don't want to set focus to special control
case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE); return (TRUE);
GetClientRect(hDlg, &Rect); //get the whole window area
InvalidateRect(hDlg, &Rect, 1); hDC=BeginPaint(hDlg, &ps);
// FillRect(hDC, &Rect, GetStockObject(LTGRAY_BRUSH)); //paint the whole area
//FrameRect(hDC, &Rect, GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); //draw the frame
EndPaint(hDlg, &ps);
break; } case WM_COMMAND: switch (wParam) { case IDOK: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE); break; default: return (FALSE); break; } return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); /* Didn't process a message */ }
int CommandProc(WPARAM wParam,HWND hWnd) {
lpImeL->TempUIWnd = hWnd; switch(wParam){ case IDM_SKL1: case IDM_SKL2: case IDM_SKL3: case IDM_SKL4: case IDM_SKL5: case IDM_SKL6: case IDM_SKL7: case IDM_SKL8: case IDM_SKL9: case IDM_SKL10: case IDM_SKL11: case IDM_SKL12: case IDM_SKL13: { HIMC hIMC; LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC; LPPRIVCONTEXT lpImcP; DWORD fdwConversion;
hIMC =(HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(GetWindow(hWnd,GW_OWNER),IMMGWLP_IMC); lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (0L); }
lpImcP = (LPPRIVCONTEXT)ImmLockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); if (!lpImcP) { return (0L); }
{ UINT i;
lpImeL->dwSKWant = LOWORD(wParam) - IDM_SKL1; lpImeL->dwSKState[lpImeL->dwSKWant] = lpImeL->dwSKState[lpImeL->dwSKWant]^1; // clear other SK State
for(i=0; i<NumsSK; i++) { if(i == lpImeL->dwSKWant) continue; lpImeL->dwSKState[i] = 0; }
if(lpImeL->dwSKState[lpImeL->dwSKWant]) { if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDM_SKL1) lpImcP->iImeState = CST_INIT; else lpImcP->iImeState = CST_SOFTKB; fdwConversion = lpIMC->fdwConversion | IME_CMODE_SOFTKBD; } else { lpImcP->iImeState = CST_INIT; fdwConversion = lpIMC->fdwConversion & ~(IME_CMODE_SOFTKBD); } } ImmSetConversionStatus(hIMC, (fdwConversion & ~(IME_CMODE_SOFTKBD)), lpIMC->fdwSentence); ImmSetConversionStatus(hIMC, fdwConversion, lpIMC->fdwSentence);
ImmUnlockIMCC(lpIMC->hPrivate); ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); break; }
case SC_METHOD0: break; case SC_METHOD9: DoPropertySheet(GetActiveWindow(),hWnd); ReInitIme( hWnd , lpImeL->wImeStyle );
break; case SC_METHOD4:
WinExec("ABCWM.exe", SW_SHOW); break;
case SC_METHOD6: return 0; // 4.20 94
case SC_METHOD7: WinHelp(hWnd,"winabc.hlp", HELP_FINDER ,0l); return 0; case SC_METHOD8: MessageBeep(0); return 0;
hUIWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_OWNER);
if (!hUIWnd) { return (0L); }
hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return (0L); }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (0L); }
DialogBox(hInst,"wfc", lpIMC->hWnd, OpenDlg);
ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); break; }
case SC_METHODA: return(0);
hUIWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_OWNER);
if (!hUIWnd) { return (0L); }
hIMC = (HIMC)GetWindowLongPtr(hUIWnd, IMMGWLP_IMC); if (!hIMC) { return (0L); }
lpIMC = (LPINPUTCONTEXT)ImmLockIMC(hIMC); if (!lpIMC) { return (0L); }
DialogBox(hInst, "ABOUT",lpIMC->hWnd,(DLGPROC)ImeAboutDlgProc);
ImmUnlockIMC(hIMC); break; }
default: break; } return 0; }