Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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* slot.cpp * * * * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Inc. * * * *************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cblocks.h"
#include "dib.h"
#include "dibpal.h"
#include "spriteno.h"
#include "sprite.h"
#include "phsprite.h"
#include "myblock.h"
#include "splstno.h"
#include "spritlst.h"
#include "osbview.h"
#include "blockvw.h"
#include "blockdoc.h"
#include "slot.h"
CSlot::CSlot(int nBlockNo) { m_nBlockNo = nBlockNo; m_nCurrentLayer = 0; m_pRunningBlock = NULL; m_nIndex = -1; }
CSlot::~CSlot() { RemoveAll(); }
BOOL CSlot::IsOver() const { return (GetCount() >= m_nBlockNo); }
CBlock* CSlot::GetRunningBlock() const { return m_pRunningBlock; }
int CSlot::GetCurrentLayer() const { return m_nCurrentLayer; }
void CSlot::SetCurrentLayer(int nLayer) { m_nCurrentLayer = nLayer; }
void CSlot::ResetCurrentLayer() { m_nCurrentLayer = 0; }
void CSlot::ResetSlot() { m_pRunningBlock = NULL; m_nCurrentLayer = 0; }
void CSlot::SetIndex(int nNdx) { m_nIndex = nNdx; }
int CSlot::GetIndex() const { return m_nIndex; }
CBlock* CSlot::Hit(WORD wCode,BOOL &bRunning,int& nLayer) { CBlock* pBlock = NULL;
bRunning = FALSE; if (m_pRunningBlock) { if (m_pRunningBlock->Hit(wCode)) { nLayer = m_nCurrentLayer; pBlock = m_pRunningBlock; int iVX,iVY; pBlock->GetVelocity(&iVX,&iVY); pBlock->SetVelocity(0,iVY * -2); ResetRunningBlock(); bRunning = TRUE; return pBlock; } }
if (GetCount()) { pBlock = (CBlock*) GetHead(); if (pBlock->Hit(wCode)) { nLayer = 1; RemoveHead(); pBlock->SetVelocity(0,-500); return pBlock; } } return NULL; }
void CSlot::ResetRunningBlock() { m_pRunningBlock = NULL; m_nCurrentLayer = 0; }
void CSlot::StepCurrentLayer() { m_nCurrentLayer++; }
BOOL CSlot::IsIdle() const { return m_pRunningBlock == NULL; }
void CSlot::SetRunningBlock(CBlock* pBlock) { m_pRunningBlock = pBlock; ResetCurrentLayer(); }
int m_nBottom; CSlotManager::CSlotManager(CBlockDoc* pDoc) { ASSERT_VALID(pDoc); m_pDoc = pDoc; m_pQueue = (CQueue *) new CQueue(pDoc->GetNumofCols()); for (int i=0; i<pDoc->GetNumofCols(); i++) { CSlot* pSlot = new CSlot(pDoc->GetNumofRows()); pSlot->SetIndex(i); Add(pSlot); m_pQueue->Add(i); } m_pLayer = new int[pDoc->GetNumofRows()]; for (i=0; i<pDoc->GetNumofRows(); i++) m_pLayer[i] = pDoc->GetRowHeight() * i; m_nBottom = pDoc->GetRowHeight() * (pDoc->GetNumofRows()-1);
CSlotManager::~CSlotManager() { for (int i=0; i<GetSize(); i++) { CSlot* pObj = (CSlot*) GetAt(i); delete pObj; } RemoveAll(); m_DeadList.RemoveAll(); delete[] m_pLayer; delete m_pQueue; }
void CSlotManager::Land() { static char szBuf[100]; for (int i=0; i<m_pDoc->GetNumofCols(); i++) { CSlot* pSlot = (CSlot *) GetAt(i); CBlock* pBlock = pSlot->GetRunningBlock() ; if (pBlock) { if (pBlock->GetY() >= m_pLayer[m_pDoc->GetNumofRows()-pSlot->GetCount()-1]) { pBlock->Stop(); pBlock->SetPosition(pBlock->GetX(),m_pLayer[m_pDoc->GetNumofRows()-pSlot->GetCount()-1]); pSlot->AddHead(pBlock); pSlot->SetRunningBlock(NULL); m_pDoc->SoundGround(); if (pSlot->GetCount() == m_pDoc->GetNumofRows()) { m_pDoc->GameOver(); } else { m_pQueue->Add(i); } } else { if (pBlock->GetY() >= m_pLayer[pSlot->GetCurrentLayer()+1]) pSlot->StepCurrentLayer(); } }
if (m_DeadList.GetCount() > 0) { POSITION pPos = m_DeadList.GetHeadPosition(); for (; pPos; ) { POSITION pOldPos = pPos; CBlock* pBlock = (CBlock *) m_DeadList.GetNext(pPos); if (pBlock) { if (pBlock->GetY() <= -m_pDoc->GetRowHeight()) { m_DeadList.RemoveAt(pOldPos); m_pDoc->Remove(pBlock); } } }
} } }
#define INC(x) {x = ((x+1) > m_pDoc->GetNumofCols()) ? 0 : x+1;}
int CSlotManager::GetIdleSlot() { static int nCount=0; if (m_pQueue->IsEmpty()) return -1; else { int nTmp = m_pQueue->Get(); int nPassed = rand(); switch (m_pDoc->GetExpertise()) { case LEVEL_EXPERT: nPassed = nPassed % 2; break; case LEVEL_ORDINARY: nPassed = nPassed % 5; break; case LEVEL_BEGINNER: nPassed = nPassed % 7; break; }
if ((nPassed == 0) || (nCount > 15)) { nCount = 0; return nTmp; } else { m_pQueue->Add(nTmp); nCount++; return -1; }
} }
void CSlotManager::AddRunningBlock(int nSlotNo,CBlock* pBlock) { ASSERT((nSlotNo >=0) && (nSlotNo < m_pDoc->GetNumofCols())); CSlot* pSlot = (CSlot *) GetAt(nSlotNo); pSlot->SetRunningBlock(pBlock);
CBlock* CSlotManager::Hit(WORD wCode,int& nLayer) { BOOL bRunning = FALSE;
for (int i=0; i<m_pDoc->GetNumofCols(); i++) { CSlot* pSlot = (CSlot*)GetAt(i); CBlock* pBlock = pSlot->Hit(wCode,bRunning,nLayer); if (pBlock) { if (bRunning) { m_pQueue->Add(i); nLayer = m_pDoc->GetNumofRows() - nLayer; } m_DeadList.AddTail(pBlock); return pBlock; } } return NULL; }