/* @doc INTERNAL
* * @module _HOST.H Text Host for Window's Rich Edit Control | * * * Original Author: <nl> * Christian Fortini * Murray Sargent * * History: <nl> * 8/1/95 ricksa Revised interface definition */ #ifndef _HOST_H
#define _HOST_H
#include "textserv.h"
#include "textsrv2.h"
#include "dynarray.hxx"
// Need to include this file int the project
#include "oleacc.h"
* TXTEFFECT * * @enum Defines different background styles control */ enum TXTEFFECT { TXTEFFECT_NONE = 0, //@emem no special backgoround effect
TXTEFFECT_SUNKEN, //@emem draw a "sunken 3-D" look
// @doc EXTERNAL
// ============================ CTxtWinHost ================================================
// Implement the windowed version of the Plain Text control
* CTxtWinHost * * @class Text Host for Window's Rich Edit Control implementation class * */ class CTxtWinHost : public ITextHost2 #ifndef NOACCESSIBILITY
, public IAccessible #endif
public: HWND _hwnd; // control window
HWND _hwndParent; // parent window
ITextServices *_pserv; // pointer to Text Services object
ULONG _crefs; // reference count
// Properties
DWORD _dwStyle; // style bits
DWORD _dwExStyle; // extended style bits
unsigned _fBorder :1; // control has border
unsigned _fInBottomless :1; // inside bottomless callback
unsigned _fInDialogBox :1; // control is in a dialog box
unsigned _fEnableAutoWordSel :1; // enable Word style auto word selection?
unsigned _fIconic :1; // control window is iconic
unsigned _fHidden :1; // control window is hidden
unsigned _fNotSysBkgnd :1; // not using system background color
unsigned _fWindowLocked :1; // window is locked (no update)
unsigned _fRegisteredForDrop :1; // whether host has registered for drop
unsigned _fVisible :1; // Whether window is visible or not.
unsigned _fResized :1; // resized while hidden
unsigned _fDisabled :1; // Window is disabled.
unsigned _fKeyMaskSet :1; // if ENM_KEYEVENTS has been set
unsigned _fMouseMaskSet :1; // if ENM_MOUSEEVENTS has been set
unsigned _fScrollMaskSet :1; // if ENM_SCROLLEVENTS has been set
unsigned _fUseSpecialSetSel :1; // TRUE = use EM_SETSEL hack to not select
// empty controls to make dialog boxes work.
unsigned _fEmSetRectCalled :1; // TRUE - application called EM_SETRECT
unsigned _fAccumulateDBC :1; // TRUE - need to cumulate ytes from 2 WM_CHAR msgs
// we are in this mode when we receive VK_PROCESSKEY
unsigned _fANSIwindow :1; // TRUE - window created as "RichEdit20A"
unsigned _fTextServiceFree :1; // TRUE - Text Services freed at shutdown.
COLORREF _crBackground; // background color
RECT _rcViewInset; // view rect inset /r client rect
HIMC _oldhimc; // previous IME Context
// TODO: the following could be a two-bit field as part of the unsigned field above
DWORD _usIMEMode; // mode of IME operation
// either 0 or ES_SELFIME or ES_NOIME
HPALETTE _hpal; // Logical palette to use.
TCHAR _chPassword; // Password char. If null, no password
TCHAR _chLeadByte; // use when we are in _fAccumulateDBC mode
SHORT _sWidth; // Last client width given by WM_SIZE
char _yInset; char _xInset; CTxtWinHost *_pnextdel;
public: // Initialization
virtual BOOL Init( HWND hwnd, const CREATESTRUCT *pcs, BOOL fIsAnsi, BOOL fIs10Mode);
void SetScrollBarsForWmEnable(BOOL fEnable);
void OnSetMargins( DWORD fwMargin, DWORD xLeft, DWORD xRight);
virtual void SetScrollInfo( INT fnBar, BOOL fRedraw);
// helpers
HRESULT CreateTextServices(); void * CreateNmhdr(UINT uiCode, LONG cb); void HostRevokeDragDrop(void); void HostRegisterDragDrop(); void DrawSunkenBorder(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc); void OnSunkenWindowPosChanging(HWND hwnd, WINDOWPOS *pwndpos); LRESULT OnSize(HWND hwnd, WORD fwSizeType, int nWidth, int nHeight); virtual TXTEFFECT TxGetEffects() const; HRESULT OnTxVisibleChange(BOOL fVisible); void SetDefaultInset(); BOOL IsTransparentMode() { return (_dwExStyle & WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); }
// Keyboard messages
virtual LRESULT OnKeyDown(WORD vKey, DWORD dwFlags); virtual LRESULT OnChar(WORD vKey, DWORD dwFlags); // System notifications
virtual void OnSysColorChange(); virtual LRESULT OnGetDlgCode(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// Other messages
LRESULT OnGetOptions() const; void OnSetOptions(WORD wOp, DWORD eco); void OnSetReadOnly(BOOL fReadOnly); void OnGetRect(LPRECT prc); void OnSetRect(LPRECT prc, BOOL fNewBehavior, BOOL fRedraw);
public: CTxtWinHost(); virtual ~CTxtWinHost(); void Shutdown();
// Window creation/destruction
static CTxtWinHost *OnNCCreate( HWND hwnd, const CREATESTRUCT *pcs, BOOL fIsAnsi, BOOL fIs10Mode);
static void OnNCDestroy(CTxtWinHost *ped); virtual LRESULT OnCreate(const CREATESTRUCT *pcs);
// -----------------------------
// IUnknown interface
// -----------------------------
virtual HRESULT WINAPI QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); virtual ULONG WINAPI AddRef(void); virtual ULONG WINAPI Release(void);
// -----------------------------
// ITextHost interface
// -----------------------------
//@cmember Get the DC for the host
virtual HDC TxGetDC();
//@cmember Release the DC gotten from the host
virtual INT TxReleaseDC(HDC hdc); //@cmember Show the scroll bar
virtual BOOL TxShowScrollBar(INT fnBar, BOOL fShow);
//@cmember Enable the scroll bar
virtual BOOL TxEnableScrollBar (INT fuSBFlags, INT fuArrowflags);
//@cmember Set the scroll range
virtual BOOL TxSetScrollRange( INT fnBar, LONG nMinPos, INT nMaxPos, BOOL fRedraw);
//@cmember Set the scroll position
virtual BOOL TxSetScrollPos (INT fnBar, INT nPos, BOOL fRedraw);
//@cmember InvalidateRect
virtual void TxInvalidateRect(LPCRECT prc, BOOL fMode);
//@cmember Send a WM_PAINT to the window
virtual void TxViewChange(BOOL fUpdate); //@cmember Create the caret
virtual BOOL TxCreateCaret(HBITMAP hbmp, INT xWidth, INT yHeight);
//@cmember Show the caret
virtual BOOL TxShowCaret(BOOL fShow);
//@cmember Set the caret position
virtual BOOL TxSetCaretPos(INT x, INT y);
//@cmember Create a timer with the specified timeout
virtual BOOL TxSetTimer(UINT idTimer, UINT uTimeout);
//@cmember Destroy a timer
virtual void TxKillTimer(UINT idTimer);
//@cmember Scroll the content of the specified window's client area
virtual void TxScrollWindowEx ( INT dx, INT dy, LPCRECT lprcScroll, LPCRECT lprcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate, UINT fuScroll); //@cmember Get mouse capture
virtual void TxSetCapture(BOOL fCapture);
//@cmember Set the focus to the text window
virtual void TxSetFocus();
//@cmember Establish a new cursor shape
virtual void TxSetCursor(HCURSOR hcur, BOOL fText);
//@cmember Changes the mouse cursor
virtual HCURSOR TxSetCursor2(HCURSOR hcur, BOOL bText) { return ::SetCursor(hcur);}
//@cmember Notification that text services is freed
virtual void TxFreeTextServicesNotification();
//@cmember Converts screen coordinates of a specified point to the client coordinates
virtual BOOL TxScreenToClient (LPPOINT lppt);
//@cmember Converts the client coordinates of a specified point to screen coordinates
virtual BOOL TxClientToScreen (LPPOINT lppt);
//@cmember Request host to activate text services
virtual HRESULT TxActivate( LONG * plOldState );
//@cmember Request host to deactivate text services
virtual HRESULT TxDeactivate( LONG lNewState );
//@cmember Retrieves the coordinates of a window's client area
virtual HRESULT TxGetClientRect(LPRECT prc);
//@cmember Get the view rectangle relative to the inset
virtual HRESULT TxGetViewInset(LPRECT prc);
//@cmember Get the default character format for the text
virtual HRESULT TxGetCharFormat(const CHARFORMAT **ppCF );
//@cmember Get the default paragraph format for the text
virtual HRESULT TxGetParaFormat(const PARAFORMAT **ppPF);
//@cmember Get the background color for the window
virtual COLORREF TxGetSysColor(int nIndex);
//@cmember Get the background (either opaque or transparent)
virtual HRESULT TxGetBackStyle(TXTBACKSTYLE *pstyle);
//@cmember Get the maximum length for the text
virtual HRESULT TxGetMaxLength(DWORD *plength);
//@cmember Get the bits representing requested scroll bars for the window
virtual HRESULT TxGetScrollBars(DWORD *pdwScrollBar);
//@cmember Get the character to display for password input
virtual HRESULT TxGetPasswordChar(TCHAR *pch);
//@cmember Get the accelerator character
virtual HRESULT TxGetAcceleratorPos(LONG *pcp);
//@cmember Get the native size
virtual HRESULT TxGetExtent(LPSIZEL lpExtent);
//@cmember Notify host that default character format has changed
virtual HRESULT OnTxCharFormatChange (const CHARFORMAT * pcf);
//@cmember Notify host that default paragraph format has changed
virtual HRESULT OnTxParaFormatChange (const PARAFORMAT * ppf);
//@cmember Bulk access to bit properties
virtual HRESULT TxGetPropertyBits(DWORD dwMask, DWORD *pdwBits);
//@cmember Notify host of events
virtual HRESULT TxNotify(DWORD iNotify, void *pv);
// FE Support Routines for handling the Input Method Context
//#ifdef WIN95_IME
virtual HIMC TxImmGetContext(void); virtual void TxImmReleaseContext(HIMC himc); //#endif
//@cmember Returns HIMETRIC size of the control bar.
virtual HRESULT TxGetSelectionBarWidth (LONG *lSelBarWidth);
// ITextHost2 methods
virtual BOOL TxIsDoubleClickPending(); virtual HRESULT TxGetWindow(HWND *phwnd); virtual HRESULT TxSetForegroundWindow(); virtual HPALETTE TxGetPalette(); virtual HRESULT TxGetFEFlags(LONG *pFlags); virtual HRESULT TxGetEditStyle(DWORD dwItem, DWORD *pdwData); virtual HRESULT TxGetWindowStyles(DWORD *pdwStyle, DWORD *pdwExStyle);
ITypeInfo *_pTypeInfo;
virtual HRESULT InitTypeInfo() {return E_NOTIMPL;} ////////////////////////// IDispatch Methods /////////////////////////////////
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT __RPC_FAR *pctinfo); STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT iTInfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppTInfo); STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR __RPC_FAR *rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID __RPC_FAR *rgDispId); STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr);
////////////////////////// IAccessible Methods /////////////////////////////////
STDMETHOD(get_accParent)(IDispatch **ppdispParent) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accChildCount)(long *pcountChildren) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accChild)(VARIANT varChild, IDispatch **ppdispChild) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accName)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszName) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accValue)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszValue) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accDescription)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszDescription) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accRole)(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarRole) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accState)(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarState) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accHelp)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszHelp) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accHelpTopic)(BSTR *pszHelpFile, VARIANT varChild, long *pidTopic) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accKeyboardShortcut)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accFocus)(VARIANT *pvarChild) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accSelection)(VARIANT *pvarChildren) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(get_accDefaultAction)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszDefaultAction) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(accSelect)(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varChild) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(accLocation)(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long *pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(accNavigate)(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT *pvarEndUpAt) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(accHitTest)(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pvarChild) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(accDoDefaultAction)(VARIANT varChild) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(put_accName)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR szName) {return S_FALSE;} STDMETHOD(put_accValue)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR szValue) {return S_FALSE;} #endif // NOACCESSIBILITY
// Work around some client's (MSN chat) problems with host deletions.
void DeleteDanglingHosts();
#define LBS_COMBOBOX 0x8000L
#define LBCBM_START 2
#define LBCBM_END 3
// mask for LBCBM messages
class CLbData { public: unsigned _fSelected :1; // indicates if the item has been selected
long _dwData; // Item data
struct CHARSORTINFO { WCHAR* str; int sz; };
#define CHECKNOERROR(x) if (NOERROR != x) goto CleanExit
class CCmbBxWinHost; class CLstBxWinHost : public CTxtWinHost { public: typedef enum { //kNoSel = 0, //LBS_NOSEL
kSingle = 1, //LBS_SIMPLE
kMultiple = 2, //LBS_MULTIPLESEL
kExtended = 3, //LBS_EXTENDEDSEL
kCombo = 8 //Combo box
} Listtype;
public: // -----------------------------
// IUnknown interface
// -----------------------------
virtual HRESULT WINAPI QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObject); #endif
private: short _cWheelDelta; //contains the delta values for mouse wheels
int _nTopIdx; //the item index at the top of list
//Do not touch this unless you know what you are doing!!
public: unsigned int _fOwnerDraw :1; //indicates if list box is owner draw
unsigned int _fSort :1; //determines if the list should be sorted
unsigned int _fNoIntegralHeight :1; //indicates if the size of the listbox should be readjusted according
//how many items can be fully displayed
unsigned int _fDisableScroll:1; //indicates if scroll bar should be displayed at all times
unsigned int _fNotify :1; //notifies parent dialog of activities done in list box.
unsigned int _fSingleSel :1; // Indicates the list box is a single selection item
unsigned int _fMouseDown :1; // Indicates if the mouse is down
unsigned int _fFocus :1; // determines if the control has focus
unsigned int _fCapture :1; // determines if mouse capture is set
unsigned int _fSearching :1; // indicates if we are in type searching mode
unsigned int _fDblClick :1; // flag indicating double click was received
unsigned int _fNoResize :1; // internal flag to tell us if we should ignore resize messages
unsigned int _fNotifyWinEvt :1; // Indicates only Notify Win Event (ACCESSIBILITY use)
Listtype _fLstType; //indicates current type of list box or combo box
DWORD _dwWinEvent; // Win Event code (ACCESSIBILITY use)
int _nAccessibleIdx; // Index (ACCESSIBILITY use)
UINT _idCtrl; // control's unique id
COLORREF _crSelFore; //Selected Forground color
COLORREF _crSelBack; //Selected Background color
COLORREF _crDefFore; //Default Forground color
COLORREF _crDefBack; //Default Background color
RECT _rcViewport; //drawable area for the items
long _nyFont; // Font pixel size in y direction
long _nyItem; //Height of the items in the list box
int _nViewSize; //number of items which is viewable at the same time
int _nCount; //Number of items in the list box
int _nAnchor; //Indicates the top selected item
// In a single sel list box only _nCursor is used
int _nCursor; //Indicates the current item which has the focus
int _nOldCursor; //The old cursor position for combo boxes
int _stvidx; // This is for a hack to workaround a bug when the display
// is frozen ITextRange doesn't cache to scroll change
int _nidxSearch; // Number of characters in search string
WCHAR* _pwszSearch; // pointer to allocated string
CDynamicArray<CLbData> _rgData; // Array/link list of the item data
LPARAM _nPrevMousePos; // Last position from Mousemove message
CCmbBxWinHost* _pcbHost; // pointer to combo box win host
protected: // Changes the background color
BOOL SetColors(DWORD, DWORD, long, long);
// Makes sure the top item is displayed at the top of the view
BOOL ScrollToView(long nTop);
// Sets the requested item to be at the top of the viewable space
BOOL SetTopViewableItem(long);
// Searches if a given index qualifies as a match
BOOL FindString(long idx, LPCTSTR szSearch, BOOL bExact);
// helper function for the OnMouseMove function
void MouseMoveHelper(int, BOOL);
// Set the height of each item in the list box in the given range
int SetItemsHeight(int,BOOL);
public: CLstBxWinHost(); virtual ~CLstBxWinHost();
void ResizeInset(); // initialization function
virtual BOOL Init(HWND, const CREATESTRUCT *);
// calculates the height of each item
void UpdateViewArea();
// Window creation/destruction
static LRESULT OnNCCreate(HWND hwnd, const CREATESTRUCT *pcs); static void OnNCDestroy(CLstBxWinHost *ped); virtual LRESULT OnCreate(const CREATESTRUCT *pcs);
////////////////////////// helper functions ////////////////////////////////////
static wchar_t * wcscat(wchar_t * dst, const wchar_t * src) { wchar_t * cp = dst; while(*cp) cp++; // find null character in first string
while( *cp++ = *src++ ); // Copy src over dst
return( dst ); }
// given a source string the destination string contains a sorted version
// separated by <CR>
int SortInsertList(WCHAR* pszDst, WCHAR* pszSrc);
// Sets the indents for the listbox
BOOL SetListIndent(int fLeftIndent);
// Equivalent to CompareString except int is a reference to an item index
int CompareIndex(LPCTSTR szInsert, int nIndex); // Returns the position a string should be in a sorted list
int GetSortedPosition(LPCTSTR, int, int);
// Updates the system color settings
void UpdateSysColors(); // Inits search string
void InitSearch(); // Prevents the window from updating itself
inline void Freeze();
// Frees the window to update itself
inline void Unfreeze();
// Retrieves the range give the top and bottom index
BOOL GetRange(long, long, ITextRange**);
// Inserts the string at the requested index
BOOL InsertString(long, LPCTSTR);
// Removes the string from the listbox
BOOL RemoveString(long, long);
// Retrieves the string at the requested index
long GetString(long, PWCHAR);
// Deselects all the items in the list box
BOOL ResetContent();
// Retrieves the nearest valid item from a given point
int GetItemFromPoint(const POINT *);
// Tells if a given points is within the listbox's rect
BOOL PointInRect(const POINT *);
// Sets the cursor position and draws the rect
void SetCursor(HDC, int, BOOL);
// Recalulates the height so no partial text will be displayed
BOOL RecalcHeight(int, int);
// returns of listbox is single selection
inline BOOL IsSingleSelection() const {return _fSingleSel;} // Returns the current top index
inline long GetTopIndex() const { return _nTopIdx;} // Checks if the mouse has been captured
inline BOOL GetCapture() const { return _fCapture;}
// return the item count
inline int GetCount() const {return _nCount;}
// returns the anchor position
inline int GetAnchor() const {return _nAnchor;}
// returns the cursor position
inline int GetCursor() const {return _nCursor;}
// returns the viewsize
inline int GetViewSize() const {return _nViewSize;}
// returns the font height
inline int GetFontHeight() const {return _nyFont;}
// returns the item height
inline int GetItemHeight() const {return _nyItem;}
// returns the displays freeze count
inline short FreezeCount() const;
// initialize mouse wheel variable to zero
inline void InitWheelDelta() { _cWheelDelta = 0;}
inline BOOL IsItemViewable(long x) const { return (GetTopIndex() <= x && (x - GetTopIndex()) * _nyItem < _rcViewport.bottom); }
// Determines if index is selected
inline BOOL IsSelected(long nIdx) { #ifdef _DEBUG
Assert(nIdx < -1 || _nCount <= nIdx); if (nIdx < -1 || _nCount <= nIdx) return FALSE; #endif
if (nIdx < 0) return FALSE; else return _rgData[nIdx]._fSelected; }
// Returns the ItemData of a given index
inline long GetData(long nIdx) { return _rgData.Get(nIdx)._dwData; }
// Returns TRUE if point is within the client area of listbox
/////////////////////ListBox Message Handling functions /////////////////////////
// Set the height of the items in the list box
BOOL LbSetItemHeight(int nHeight); // Set the selection state for the items in the range
BOOL LbSetSelection(long, long, int, long, long);
// Sets the requested item to be at the top of the list box
long LbSetTopIndex(long);
// Makes sure the requested index is visible
BOOL LbShowIndex(long, BOOL);
// Retrieves the index give a string and starting position
long LbFindString(long, LPCTSTR, BOOL);
// Inserts the string at the requested location
long LbInsertString(long, LPCTSTR);
// Range to delete
long LbDeleteString(long, long);
// Sets the Item data
void LbSetItemData(long, long, long);
// returns the item rect of a given index
BOOL LbGetItemRect(int, RECT*);
// Notifies parent when an item is deleted
void LbDeleteItemNotify(int, int); // Owner draw function
void LbDrawItemNotify(HDC, int, UINT, UINT);
// used to insert a list of strings rather than individually
int LbBatchInsert(WCHAR* psz);
///////////////////////// Message Map functions //////////////////////////////
// if subclassed then make these functions virtual
// Handles the WM_MOUSEMOVE message
LRESULT OnMouseWheel(WPARAM, LPARAM); // Handles the WM_LBUTTONDOWN message
LRESULT OnLButtonDown(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// Handles the WM_MOUSEMOVE message
// Handles the WM_LBUTTONUP message
LRESULT OnLButtonUp(WPARAM, LPARAM, int ff = 0);
// Handles the WM_VSCROLL message
// Handles the WM_TIMER message
// Handles the WM_KEYDOWN message
LRESULT OnKeyDown(WPARAM, LPARAM, int); // Hanldes the WM_CAPTURECHANGED message
// Handles the WM_CHAR message
virtual LRESULT OnChar(WORD, DWORD);
// Handles the WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE message
virtual void OnSysColorChange();
// Handles the WM_SETCURSOR message
LRESULT OnSetCursor();
//////////////////////////// overridden Tx fn's ////////////////////////////////
//@cmember Get the bits representing requested scroll bars for the window
virtual HRESULT TxGetScrollBars(DWORD *pdwScrollBar); //@cmember Bulk access to bit properties
virtual HRESULT TxGetPropertyBits(DWORD, DWORD *);
virtual TXTEFFECT TxGetEffects() const;
//@cmember Notify host of events
virtual HRESULT TxNotify(DWORD iNotify, void *pv);
//@cmember Show the scroll bar
virtual BOOL TxShowScrollBar(INT fnBar, BOOL fShow);
//@cmember Enable the scroll bar
virtual BOOL TxEnableScrollBar (INT fuSBFlags, INT fuArrowflags);
//@cmember Show the caret
virtual BOOL TxShowCaret(BOOL fShow) {return TRUE;}
//@cmember Create the caret
virtual BOOL TxCreateCaret(HBITMAP hbmp, INT xWidth, INT yHeight) {return FALSE;}
//@cmember Set the scroll range
virtual void SetScrollInfo(INT, BOOL);
/////////////////////////// Combobox helper fn's ///////////////////////////////
void OnCBTracking(WPARAM, LPARAM);
static int QSort(CHARSORTINFO rg[], int nStart, int nEnd);
HRESULT InitTypeInfo();
////////////////////////// IAccessible Methods /////////////////////////////////
STDMETHOD(get_accParent)(IDispatch **ppdispParent); STDMETHOD(get_accName)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszName); STDMETHOD(get_accChildCount)(long *pcountChildren); STDMETHOD(get_accRole)(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarRole); STDMETHOD(get_accState)(VARIANT varChild, VARIANT *pvarState); STDMETHOD(get_accKeyboardShortcut)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszKeyboardShortcut); STDMETHOD(get_accFocus)(VARIANT *pvarChild); STDMETHOD(get_accSelection)(VARIANT *pvarChildren); STDMETHOD(get_accDefaultAction)(VARIANT varChild, BSTR *pszDefaultAction); STDMETHOD(accSelect)(long flagsSelect, VARIANT varChild); STDMETHOD(accLocation)(long *pxLeft, long *pyTop, long *pcxWidth, long *pcyHeight, VARIANT varChild); STDMETHOD(accNavigate)(long navDir, VARIANT varStart, VARIANT *pvarEndUpAt); STDMETHOD(accHitTest)(long xLeft, long yTop, VARIANT *pvarChild); STDMETHOD(accDoDefaultAction)(VARIANT varChild); #endif // NOACCESSIBILITY
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Although CListBoxSelection() is based off of IEnumVARIANT.
// It will hand back the proper IDs so you can pass them to the real
// listbox parent object.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CListBoxSelection : public IEnumVARIANT { public: // IUnknown
virtual STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(REFIID, void**); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) AddRef(void); virtual STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) Release(void);
virtual STDMETHODIMP Next(ULONG celt, VARIANT* rgvar, ULONG * pceltFetched); virtual STDMETHODIMP Skip(ULONG celt); virtual STDMETHODIMP Reset(void); virtual STDMETHODIMP Clone(IEnumVARIANT ** ppenum);
CListBoxSelection(int, int, LPINT); ~CListBoxSelection();
protected: int _cRef; int _idChildCur; int _cSel; LPINT _piSel; }; #endif
#ifndef DEBUG
#define AttCheckRunTotals(_fCF)
#define AttCheckPFRuns(_fCF)
#endif // _HOST_H