#include "migwiz.h"
#include "migwnprc.h"
#include "migeng.h"
#include "migutil.h"
#include "miginf.h"
#include "shellapi.h"
#include "resource.h"
HINSTANCE g_hInstance = NULL; BOOL g_fLastResponse; // did the user hit ok to the last callback message?
extern MigrationWizard* g_migwiz; extern BOOL g_fHaveNet; // OLD COMPUTER ONLY: this means we can use the network
extern BOOL g_fReadFromNetwork; // NEW COMPUTER ONLY: this means go ahead and read from the network immediately
extern BOOL g_fStoreToNetwork; // OLD COMPUTER ONLY: this means we've selected to store to the network
extern HWND g_hwndCurrent; extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_csDialogCritSection; extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_AppInfoCritSection; extern BOOL g_fUberCancel; DWORD g_HTMLErrArea = 0; DWORD g_HTMLErrInstr = 0; PCTSTR g_HTMLErrObjectType = NULL; PCTSTR g_HTMLErrObjectName = NULL;
TCHAR g_szMultiDests[20 * MAX_PATH]; BOOL g_fReceivedMultiDest = FALSE; // we only respond to the first multi-dest message we receive
extern MIG_PROGRESSPHASE g_AppInfoPhase; extern UINT g_AppInfoSubPhase; extern MIG_OBJECTTYPEID g_AppInfoObjectTypeId; extern TCHAR g_AppInfoObjectName [4096]; extern TCHAR g_AppInfoText [4096];
MigrationWizard::MigrationWizard() : _fInit(FALSE), _pszUsername(NULL) { }
MigrationWizard::~MigrationWizard() { CloseAppInf();
// Destroy the fonts
if (_hTitleFont) { DeleteObject(_hTitleFont); DeleteObject(_h95HeaderFont); }
if (_pszUsername) { LocalFree(_pszUsername); }
if (_fDelCs) { DeleteCriticalSection (&g_csDialogCritSection); _fDelCs = FALSE; } }
HRESULT MigrationWizard::Init(HINSTANCE hInstance, LPTSTR pszUsername) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fWinXP = FALSE;
_hInstance = hInstance; if (pszUsername) { _pszUsername = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (lstrlen(pszUsername) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (_pszUsername) { lstrcpy(_pszUsername, pszUsername); } }
__try { InitializeCriticalSection (&g_csDialogCritSection); } __except (EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION) { // Might raise an out of memory exception
// -1 ignores
} _fDelCs = TRUE;
__try { InitializeCriticalSection (&g_AppInfoCritSection); } __except (EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION) { // Might raise an out of memory exception
// -1 ignores
// do we run in OOBE mode? check for oobemode.dat in the curr dir
_fOOBEMode = FALSE; // default
TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; if (GetCurrentDirectory(ARRAYSIZE(szPath), szPath)) { PathAppend(szPath, TEXT("oobemode.dat")); HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(szPath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { _fOOBEMode = TRUE; CloseHandle(hFile); } }
// do we run in legacy mode? (collect-only)
UINT uiVer = GetVersion(); _fLegacyMode = (uiVer >= 0x80000000 || LOBYTE(LOWORD(uiVer)) < 5); _fWin9X = (uiVer >= 0x80000000); _fWinNT4 = (uiVer < 0x80000000 && LOBYTE(LOWORD(uiVer)) == 4); fWinXP = ((uiVer < 0x80000000) && (LOBYTE(LOWORD(uiVer)) == 5) && (HIBYTE(LOWORD(uiVer)) >= 1));
// in release mode, run legacy on for Win2k
if (HIBYTE(LOWORD(uiVer)) < 1) { _fLegacyMode = TRUE; } #endif
// do we run with old-style wizard?
_fOldStyle = (uiVer >= 0x80000000 || LOBYTE(LOWORD(uiVer)) < 5); // hack, for now win9x is old-style
// Init common controls
icex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); if (fWinXP) { icex.dwICC = ICC_USEREX_CLASSES | ICC_LINK_CLASS; } else { icex.dwICC = ICC_USEREX_CLASSES; } InitCommonControlsEx(&icex);
// Init the imagelist
//Create the Wizard pages
hr = _CreateWizardPages();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Create the property sheet
_psh.hInstance = _hInstance; _psh.hwndParent = NULL; _psh.phpage = _rghpsp; if (!_fOldStyle) { _psh.dwSize = sizeof(_psh); _psh.dwFlags = PSH_WIZARD97|PSH_WATERMARK|PSH_HEADER; _psh.pszbmWatermark = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_WATERMARK); _psh.pszbmHeader = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BANNER); } else { _psh.dwSize = PROPSHEETHEADER_V1_SIZE; _psh.dwFlags = PSH_WIZARD; } _psh.nStartPage = 0; _psh.nPages = NUMPAGES;
//Set up the font for the titles on the intro and ending pages
NONCLIENTMETRICS ncm = {0}; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(ncm); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, 0, &ncm, 0);
//Create the intro/end title font
LOGFONT TitleLogFont = ncm.lfMessageFont; // ISSUE: we don't want to do this, this can break us on non-English builds.
TitleLogFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; lstrcpy(TitleLogFont.lfFaceName, TEXT("MS Shell Dlg"));
HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL); //gets the screen DC
TitleLogFont.lfHeight = 0 - GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) * 12 / 72; _hTitleFont = CreateFontIndirect(&TitleLogFont);
CHAR szFontSize[MAX_LOADSTRING]; DWORD dwFontSize = 8; if (LoadStringA(g_hInstance, IDS_WIN9X_HEADER_FONTSIZE, szFontSize, ARRAYSIZE(szFontSize))) { dwFontSize = strtoul(szFontSize, NULL, 10); }
TitleLogFont.lfHeight = 0 - GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY) * dwFontSize / 72; lstrcpy(TitleLogFont.lfFaceName, TEXT("MS Shell Dlg")); _h95HeaderFont = CreateFontIndirect(&TitleLogFont);
ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc);
g_hInstance = _hInstance; // HACK: allows message callback to get an hinstance to load strings
return hr; }
HRESULT MigrationWizard::Execute() { //Display the wizard
return S_OK; }
#define WIZDLG(name, dlgproc) \
psp.dwFlags = _fOldStyle ? PSP_DEFAULT : PSP_DEFAULT|PSP_USEHEADERTITLE;\ psp.pszHeaderTitle = _fOldStyle ? NULL : MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_##name##TITLE);\ psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = NULL;\ psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_##name##);\ psp.pfnDlgProc = ##dlgproc##;\ _rghpsp[uiCounter++] = CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp)
#define WIZDLG_TITLE(name, dlgproc) \
psp.dwFlags = _fOldStyle ? PSP_DEFAULT : PSP_DEFAULT|PSP_HIDEHEADER;\ psp.pszHeaderTitle = NULL;\ psp.pszHeaderSubTitle = NULL;\ psp.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_##name##);\ psp.pfnDlgProc = ##dlgproc##;\ _rghpsp[uiCounter++] = CreatePropertySheetPage(&psp)
HRESULT MigrationWizard::_CreateWizardPages() { UINT uiCounter = 0;
PROPSHEETPAGE psp = {0}; //defines the property sheet page
psp.dwSize = sizeof(psp); psp.hInstance = _hInstance; psp.lParam = (LPARAM)this;
//Opening page
if (_fOOBEMode) { WIZDLG_TITLE(INTROOOBE, _IntroOOBEDlgProc); } else if (!_fLegacyMode) { WIZDLG_TITLE(INTRO, _IntroDlgProc); } else { WIZDLG_TITLE(INTROLEGACY, _IntroLegacyDlgProc); }
// Interior pages
//Final pages
return S_OK; }
// this lets us know if the user cancelled
void MigrationWizard::ResetLastResponse() { g_fLastResponse = TRUE; }
BOOL MigrationWizard::GetLastResponse() { return g_fLastResponse; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK _WaitDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK _DisplayPasswordDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static PPASSWORD_DATA passwordData = NULL; DWORD waitResult;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { passwordData = (PPASSWORD_DATA) lParam; if (passwordData) { if (passwordData->Key) { SendMessageA (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DISPLAY_PASSWORD), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)passwordData->Key); } } SetTimer (hwndDlg, NULL, 100, NULL); }
return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; } break;
case WM_TIMER: if (passwordData) { waitResult = WaitForSingleObject (passwordData->Event, 0); if (waitResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; } } }
return 0; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK _GatherPasswordDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static PPASSWORD_DATA passwordData = NULL; DWORD waitResult;
switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : { passwordData = (PPASSWORD_DATA) lParam; if (passwordData) { if (passwordData->Key) { SendMessageA (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_GATHER_PASSWORD), WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)passwordData->Key); } Edit_LimitText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_GATHER_PASSWORD), passwordData->KeySize - 1); } }
return TRUE;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: if (passwordData && passwordData->Key) { SendMessageA (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_GATHER_PASSWORD), WM_GETTEXT, passwordData->KeySize, (LPARAM)passwordData->Key); EndDialog(hwndDlg, TRUE); } else { EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE); } return TRUE; case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; } break; }
return 0; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK _ChooseDestDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_NOTIFY : switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case NM_DBLCLK: // On this dialog, this message can only come from the listview.
// If there is something selected, that means the user doubleclicked on an item
// On a doubleclick we will trigger the OK button
if (ListView_GetSelectedCount(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DESTPICKER_LIST)) > 0) { SendMessage (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), BM_CLICK, 0, 0); } break; case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: if (ListView_GetSelectedCount(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DESTPICKER_LIST)) > 0) { Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), TRUE); } else { Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), FALSE); } break; } break;
case WM_INITDIALOG : { HWND hwndList = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DESTPICKER_LIST); ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwndList);
LVCOLUMN lvcolumn; lvcolumn.mask = LVCF_WIDTH; lvcolumn.cx = 250; // BUGBUG: should read width from box
ListView_InsertColumn(hwndList, 0, &lvcolumn);
LVITEM lvitem = {0}; lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
Button_Enable(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), FALSE);
LPTSTR pszPtr = g_szMultiDests;
BOOL fDone = FALSE; while (*pszPtr != NULL) { lvitem.iItem = lvitem.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndList); lvitem.pszText = pszPtr; ListView_InsertItem(hwndList, &lvitem); pszPtr += (lstrlen(pszPtr) + 1); } }
return TRUE; break;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: { UINT uiSelected = ListView_GetSelectionMark(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DESTPICKER_LIST)); ListView_GetItemText(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_DESTPICKER_LIST), uiSelected, 0, g_szMultiDests, ARRAYSIZE(g_szMultiDests)); g_szMultiDests[lstrlen(g_szMultiDests) + 1] = 0; // double-null terminate the multi-sz
EndDialog(hwndDlg, TRUE); return TRUE; } break;
case IDCANCEL: EndDialog(hwndDlg, FALSE); return TRUE; break; } break; }
return 0; }
BOOL _ExclusiveMessageBoxVaArgs ( IN PTSTR pszTitle, IN BOOL RetryCancel, IN DWORD dwResourceId, ... ) { TCHAR szErrMsg[MAX_LOADSTRING]; TCHAR szErrStr[MAX_LOADSTRING]; va_list args;
LoadString(g_hInstance, dwResourceId, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg));
va_start (args, dwResourceId); FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, szErrMsg, 0, 0, (LPTSTR)szErrStr, ARRAYSIZE (szErrStr), &args); va_end (args);
if (RetryCancel) { return (IDRETRY == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrStr,pszTitle,MB_RETRYCANCEL)); } else { return (IDOK == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrStr,pszTitle,MB_OKCANCEL)); } }
PCTSTR pGenerateNewNode ( IN PCTSTR OldNode ) { PTSTR newNode; PTSTR newNodePtr; PCTSTR result = NULL;
newNode = (PTSTR)LocalAlloc (LPTR, (_tcslen (TEXT ("%CSIDL_PERSONAL%\\")) + _tcslen (OldNode) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (newNode) { _tcscpy (newNode, TEXT("%CSIDL_PERSONAL%\\")); _tcscat (newNode, OldNode); newNodePtr = _tcschr (newNode, TEXT(':')); while (newNodePtr) { *newNodePtr = TEXT('_'); newNodePtr = _tcschr (newNode, TEXT(':')); } result = IsmExpandEnvironmentString (PLATFORM_DESTINATION, S_SYSENVVAR_GROUP, newNode, NULL); LocalFree ((PVOID)newNode); } return result; }
BOOL pForceRestoreObject ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE EncodedFileName, IN OUT POBJLIST ObjList ) { MIG_CONTENT objectContent; PCTSTR node = NULL; PCTSTR leaf = NULL; PCTSTR newNode = NULL; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE newFileName; BOOL result = FALSE;
if (IsmAcquireObject (MIG_FILE_TYPE | PLATFORM_SOURCE, EncodedFileName, &objectContent)) { // let's build the new name for this file
if (IsmCreateObjectStringsFromHandle (EncodedFileName, &node, &leaf)) { if (node && leaf) { newNode = pGenerateNewNode (node); if (newNode) { newFileName = IsmCreateObjectHandle (newNode, leaf); if (newFileName) { result = IsmReplacePhysicalObject ( MIG_FILE_TYPE | PLATFORM_DESTINATION, newFileName, &objectContent ); if (result && ObjList) { ObjList->AlternateName = (PTSTR)LocalAlloc (LPTR, (_tcslen (newFileName) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (ObjList->AlternateName) { _tcscpy (ObjList->AlternateName, newFileName); } } IsmDestroyObjectHandle (newFileName); } IsmReleaseMemory (newNode); } } if (node) { IsmDestroyObjectString (node); node = NULL; } if (leaf) { IsmDestroyObjectString (leaf); leaf = NULL; } } IsmReleaseObject (&objectContent); } return result; }
ULONG_PTR MessageCallback (UINT uiMsg, ULONG_PTR pArg) { PRMEDIA_EXTRADATA extraData; PTRANSCOPY_ERROR transCopyError; PERRUSER_EXTRADATA errExtraData; PROLLBACK_USER_ERROR rollbackError; PPASSWORD_DATA passwordData; PMIG_APPINFO appInfo; PQUESTION_DATA questionData; int msgBoxReturn; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_LOADSTRING]; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_MIGWIZTITLE, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)); TCHAR szErrMsg[MAX_LOADSTRING]; TCHAR szErrStr[MAX_LOADSTRING]; POBJLIST wrnObj = NULL; PCTSTR objectType = NULL; PCTSTR objectName = NULL; static DWORD dwTypeID = 0;
switch (uiMsg) { case MODULEMESSAGE_ASKQUESTION: questionData = (PQUESTION_DATA) pArg; if (questionData) { if (MessageBox (g_hwndCurrent, questionData->Question, szTitle, questionData->MessageStyle) == questionData->WantedResult) { return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS; } else { return APPRESPONSE_FAIL; } } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case ISMMESSAGE_APP_INFO: case ISMMESSAGE_APP_INFO_NOW: appInfo = (PMIG_APPINFO) pArg; if (appInfo) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_AppInfoCritSection); g_AppInfoPhase = appInfo->Phase; g_AppInfoSubPhase = appInfo->SubPhase; g_AppInfoObjectTypeId = appInfo->ObjectTypeId; if (appInfo->ObjectName) { _tcsncpy (g_AppInfoObjectName, appInfo->ObjectName, 4096); } else { g_AppInfoObjectName [0] = 0; } if (appInfo->Text) { _tcsncpy (g_AppInfoText, appInfo->Text, 4096); } else { g_AppInfoText [0] = 0; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_AppInfoCritSection); if (uiMsg == ISMMESSAGE_APP_INFO_NOW) { SendMessage (g_hwndCurrent, WM_USER_STATUS, 0, 0); } } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_OLD_STORAGE: LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_IMAGE_OLDFORMAT, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent, szErrMsg, szTitle, MB_OK); return 0;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_IMAGE_EXISTS: LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_IMAGE_EXISTS, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDYES == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent, szErrMsg, szTitle, MB_YESNO)); return g_fLastResponse;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_RMEDIA_LOAD: case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_RMEDIA_SAVE: extraData = (PRMEDIA_EXTRADATA) pArg; if (!extraData) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_NEXT_MEDIA, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDOK == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrMsg,szTitle,MB_OKCANCEL)); } else { switch (extraData->LastError) { case RMEDIA_ERR_NOERROR: if (uiMsg == TRANSPORTMESSAGE_RMEDIA_LOAD) { g_fLastResponse = _ExclusiveMessageBoxVaArgs ( szTitle, FALSE, IDS_ENGERR_INSERT_DEST_MEDIA_NUMBER, extraData->MediaNumber ); } else { if (extraData->MediaNumber == 1) { DOUBLE sizeMB = (DOUBLE) extraData->TotalImageSize / (1024 * 1024); UINT intMB = (UINT) sizeMB; UINT decMB = (UINT) ((sizeMB - intMB) * 100); UINT sizeF = (UINT) (sizeMB / 1.44); UINT sizeZ = (UINT) (sizeMB / 100); if (sizeF < 1) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_INSERT_FIRST_MEDIA1, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wsprintf (szErrStr, szErrMsg, intMB, decMB); } else if (sizeZ < 1) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_INSERT_FIRST_MEDIA2, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wsprintf (szErrStr, szErrMsg, intMB, decMB, 1 + sizeF); } else { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_INSERT_FIRST_MEDIA3, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wsprintf (szErrStr, szErrMsg, intMB, decMB, 1 + sizeF, 1 + sizeZ); } g_fLastResponse = (IDOK == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrStr,szTitle,MB_OKCANCEL)); } else { UINT iDisks; ULONGLONG ullBytesPerDisk; ullBytesPerDisk = extraData->TotalImageWritten / (extraData->MediaNumber - 1); if (ullBytesPerDisk) { iDisks = (UINT)(extraData->TotalImageSize / ullBytesPerDisk) + 1; g_fLastResponse = _ExclusiveMessageBoxVaArgs ( szTitle, FALSE, IDS_ENGERR_INSERT_MEDIA_NUMBER, extraData->MediaNumber, iDisks ); } else { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_NEXT_MEDIA, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDOK == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrMsg,szTitle,MB_OKCANCEL)); } } } break; case RMEDIA_ERR_WRONGMEDIA: g_fLastResponse = _ExclusiveMessageBoxVaArgs (szTitle, TRUE, IDS_ENGERR_WRONG_MEDIA, extraData->MediaNumber); break; case RMEDIA_ERR_USEDMEDIA: g_fLastResponse = _ExclusiveMessageBoxVaArgs (szTitle, FALSE, IDS_ENGERR_USED_MEDIA, extraData->MediaNumber); break; case RMEDIA_ERR_DISKFULL: LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_FULL, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDRETRY == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrMsg,szTitle,MB_RETRYCANCEL)); break; case RMEDIA_ERR_NOTREADY: LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_NOTREADY, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDRETRY == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrMsg,szTitle,MB_RETRYCANCEL)); break; case RMEDIA_ERR_WRITEPROTECT: LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_WRITEPROTECT, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDRETRY == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrMsg,szTitle,MB_RETRYCANCEL)); break; case RMEDIA_ERR_CRITICAL: g_fLastResponse = FALSE; break; default: LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_TOAST, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); g_fLastResponse = (IDRETRY == _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrMsg,szTitle,MB_RETRYCANCEL)); } return g_fLastResponse; }
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_READY_TO_CONNECT: // this message is received only on the new machine
g_fReadFromNetwork = TRUE; // this means go ahead and read from the network immediately
PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(g_hwndCurrent), PSBTN_NEXT); return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_MULTIPLE_DESTS: // this is received only on the old machine
{ if (g_fReceivedMultiDest) { return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS; } else { g_fReceivedMultiDest = TRUE; ULONG_PTR uiRetVal = APPRESPONSE_FAIL; g_fHaveNet = FALSE; // disable network unless user chooses a destination
TCHAR szDestinations[20 * MAX_PATH]; if (IsmGetEnvironmentMultiSz ( PLATFORM_DESTINATION, NULL, TRANSPORT_ENVVAR_HOMENET_DESTINATIONS, szDestinations, ARRAYSIZE(szDestinations), NULL )) { memcpy(g_szMultiDests, szDestinations, sizeof(TCHAR) * ARRAYSIZE(szDestinations)); if (_ExclusiveDialogBox(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DESTPICKER), g_hwndCurrent, _ChooseDestDlgProc)) { IsmSetEnvironmentMultiSz ( PLATFORM_DESTINATION, NULL, TRANSPORT_ENVVAR_HOMENET_DESTINATIONS, g_szMultiDests ); uiRetVal = APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS; g_fHaveNet = TRUE; // re-enable network
} else { g_fUberCancel = TRUE; Engine_Cancel(); } }
return uiRetVal; } }
case ISMMESSAGE_EXECUTE_PREPROCESS: if (!g_migwiz->GetOOBEMode()) { AppExecute (g_migwiz->GetInstance(), g_hwndCurrent, (PCTSTR) pArg); } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case ISMMESSAGE_EXECUTE_REFRESH: if (!g_migwiz->GetOOBEMode() && !g_fUberCancel) { AppExecute (g_migwiz->GetInstance(), g_hwndCurrent, (PCTSTR) pArg); } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case ISMMESSAGE_EXECUTE_POSTPROCESS: if (!g_migwiz->GetOOBEMode()) { AppExecute (g_migwiz->GetInstance(), g_hwndCurrent, (PCTSTR) pArg); } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case ISMMESSAGE_EXECUTE_ROLLBACK: rollbackError = (PROLLBACK_USER_ERROR) pArg; if (rollbackError) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_CANTROLLBACK, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wsprintf (szErrStr, szErrMsg, rollbackError->UserDomain, rollbackError->UserName); _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrStr,szTitle,MB_OK); } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_SRC_COPY_ERROR: transCopyError = (PTRANSCOPY_ERROR) pArg; if (transCopyError) { if (StrCmpI (transCopyError->ObjectType, TEXT("File")) == 0) { if ((transCopyError->Error == ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION) || (transCopyError->Error == ERROR_LOCK_VIOLATION) || (transCopyError->Error == 0x80090020) // found this on a WinME machine, when a file was locked
) { LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_ENGERR_COPYSOURCE, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wsprintf (szErrStr, szErrMsg, transCopyError->ObjectName); msgBoxReturn = _ExclusiveMessageBox (g_hwndCurrent,szErrStr,szTitle,MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | MB_DEFBUTTON2); if (msgBoxReturn == IDRETRY) { return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS; } if (msgBoxReturn == IDIGNORE) { return APPRESPONSE_IGNORE; } return APPRESPONSE_FAIL; } // we don't really know what was the problem here.
// Let's just continue, at the end we will tell the
// user about this file and he will copy it manually.
case MODULEMESSAGE_DISPLAYERROR: errExtraData = (PERRUSER_EXTRADATA) pArg; if (errExtraData && !g_HTMLErrArea) { switch (errExtraData->ErrorArea) { case ERRUSER_AREA_INIT: g_HTMLErrArea = IDS_ERRORAREA_INIT; break; case ERRUSER_AREA_GATHER: g_HTMLErrArea = IDS_ERRORAREA_GATHER; break; case ERRUSER_AREA_SAVE: g_HTMLErrArea = IDS_ERRORAREA_SAVE; break; case ERRUSER_AREA_LOAD: g_HTMLErrArea = IDS_ERRORAREA_LOAD; break; case ERRUSER_AREA_RESTORE: g_HTMLErrArea = IDS_ERRORAREA_RESTORE; break; default: g_HTMLErrArea = IDS_ERRORAREA_UNKNOWN; } switch (errExtraData->Error) { case ERRUSER_ERROR_NOTRANSPORTPATH: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_NOTRANSPORTPATH; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_TRANSPORTPATHBUSY: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTEMPTYDIR: case ERRUSER_ERROR_ALREADYEXISTS: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTCREATEDIR: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTCREATESTATUS: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTWRITETODESTPATH: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_TRANSPORTNOACCESS; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTCREATETEMPDIR: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTCREATECABFILE: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTSAVEINTERNALDATA: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_TRANSPORTINTERNALERROR; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_TRANSPORTINVALIDIMAGE: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTOPENSTATUS: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTREADIMAGE: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_TRANSPORTNOVALIDSOURCE; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTFINDDESTINATION: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTSENDTODEST: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_HOMENETINVALIDDEST; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTFINDSOURCE: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTRECEIVEFROMSOURCE: case ERRUSER_ERROR_INVALIDDATARECEIVED: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_HOMENETINVALIDSRC; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_NOENCRYPTION: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_HOMENETINVALIDENC; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTUNPACKIMAGE: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_TRANSPORTINTERNALERROR; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTSAVEOBJECT: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTRESTOREOBJECT: if (errExtraData->ErrorArea == ERRUSER_AREA_SAVE) { g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_CANTSAVEOBJECT; } else { g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_CANTRESTOREOBJECT; } if (errExtraData->ObjectTypeId && errExtraData->ObjectName) { objectType = IsmGetObjectTypeName (errExtraData->ObjectTypeId); if (objectType) { objectName = IsmGetNativeObjectName (errExtraData->ObjectTypeId, errExtraData->ObjectName); if (objectName) { if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("File")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnFile; g_HTMLWrnFile = wrnObj; } else if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("RasConnection")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnRas; g_HTMLWrnRas = wrnObj; } else if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("MappedDrives")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnNet; g_HTMLWrnNet = wrnObj; } else if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("Printers")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnPrn; g_HTMLWrnPrn = wrnObj; } IsmReleaseMemory (objectName); objectName = NULL; } objectType = NULL; } } break; case ERRUSER_WARNING_OUTLOOKRULES: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_CANTRESTOREOBJECT; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_WARNING_OUTLOOKRULES, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (szErrMsg); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnGeneral; g_HTMLWrnGeneral = wrnObj; break; case ERRUSER_WARNING_OERULES: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_CANTRESTOREOBJECT; LoadString(g_hInstance, IDS_WARNING_OERULES, szErrMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szErrMsg)); wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (szErrMsg); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnGeneral; g_HTMLWrnGeneral = wrnObj; break; case ERRUSER_ERROR_DISKSPACE: g_HTMLErrInstr = IDS_ERROR_DISKSPACE; break; } } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case MODULEMESSAGE_DISPLAYWARNING: errExtraData = (PERRUSER_EXTRADATA) pArg; if (errExtraData) { switch (errExtraData->Error) { case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTSAVEOBJECT: case ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTRESTOREOBJECT: if (errExtraData->ObjectTypeId && errExtraData->ObjectName) { objectType = IsmGetObjectTypeName (errExtraData->ObjectTypeId); if (objectType) { objectName = IsmGetNativeObjectName (errExtraData->ObjectTypeId, errExtraData->ObjectName); if (objectName) { if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("File")) == 0) { // If we are restoring this file, we are going to try
// to write it to a default location where the user
// can find it later
if (errExtraData->Error == ERRUSER_ERROR_CANTRESTOREOBJECT) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); if (pForceRestoreObject (errExtraData->ObjectName, wrnObj)) { wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnAltFile; g_HTMLWrnAltFile = wrnObj; } else { wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnFile; g_HTMLWrnFile = wrnObj; } } else { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnFile; g_HTMLWrnFile = wrnObj; } } else if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("RasConnection")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnRas; g_HTMLWrnRas = wrnObj; } else if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("MappedDrives")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnNet; g_HTMLWrnNet = wrnObj; } else if (StrCmpI (objectType, TEXT("Printers")) == 0) { wrnObj = _AllocateObjectList (objectName); wrnObj->Next = g_HTMLWrnPrn; g_HTMLWrnPrn = wrnObj; } IsmReleaseMemory (objectName); objectName = NULL; } objectType = NULL; } } break; } } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_NET_DISPLAY_PASSWORD: passwordData = (PPASSWORD_DATA) pArg; if (passwordData) { DialogBoxParam ( g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DISPLAY_PASSWORD), g_hwndCurrent, _DisplayPasswordDlgProc, (LPARAM)passwordData ); } return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS;
case TRANSPORTMESSAGE_NET_GATHER_PASSWORD: passwordData = (PPASSWORD_DATA) pArg; if (passwordData) { if (DialogBoxParam ( g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GATHER_PASSWORD), g_hwndCurrent, _GatherPasswordDlgProc, (LPARAM)passwordData )) { return APPRESPONSE_SUCCESS; } } return APPRESPONSE_FAIL; } return FALSE; }
HRESULT MigrationWizard::_InitEngine(BOOL fSource, BOOL* pfNetworkDetected) { HRESULT hr;
TCHAR szAppPath[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR* pszAppPathOffset;
GetModuleFileName (NULL, szAppPath, ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath)); pszAppPathOffset = _tcsrchr (szAppPath, TEXT('\\')); if (pszAppPathOffset) { pszAppPathOffset ++; } else { pszAppPathOffset = szAppPath; } _tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("migism.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath));
hr = Engine_Initialize(szAppPath, fSource, TRUE, _pszUsername, MessageCallback, pfNetworkDetected);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _fInit = TRUE;
_tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("migwiz.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath)); hr = Engine_AppendScript(fSource, szAppPath);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("usmtdef.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath)); hr = Engine_AppendScript(fSource, szAppPath); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("migapp.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath)); hr = Engine_AppendScript(fSource, szAppPath); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("migsys.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath)); hr = Engine_AppendScript(fSource, szAppPath); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("miguser.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath)); hr = Engine_AppendScript(fSource, szAppPath); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _tcsncpy (pszAppPathOffset, TEXT("sysfiles.inf"), ARRAYSIZE(szAppPath) - (pszAppPathOffset - szAppPath)); hr = Engine_AppendScript(fSource, szAppPath); }
if (fSource) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = Engine_Parse(); } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT MigrationWizard::SelectComponentSet(UINT uSelectionGroup) { if (_fOOBEMode) { Engine_SelectComponentSet(MIGINF_SELECT_OOBE); } else { Engine_SelectComponentSet(uSelectionGroup); }
return S_OK; }