Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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65 lines
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  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f2\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
  2. {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green0\blue128;}
  3. \viewkind4\uc1\pard\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800\cf1\b\f0\fs20 From:\b0\tab Chris Steck (Exchange)\par
  4. \b Sent:\b0\tab Monday, November 15, 1999 2:07 PM\par
  5. \b To:\b0\tab Michele Freed (Exchange); John Delo (Exchange); Alex Armanasu (Exchange); Murthy Srinivas (Exchange)\par
  6. \b Cc:\b0\tab NTW Migration Services Team\par
  7. \b Subject:\b0\tab Odyssey DSM Next Steps Mtg Mins.\par
  8. \pard\cf2\b\i Action Items below for To Line.\par
  9. ==========================\cf0\b0\i0\par
  10. To line met to discuss next steps in Desktop State Management planning for Odyssey.\cf2\b\i\par
  11. \cf0\b0\i0 - If you aren't on the To line this is fyi purposes only until you are explicitly assigned an action item below by someone the to line.\par
  12. Please send mail if I have left anything out.\par
  13. \par
  14. \b\fs24 Status\b0\fs20\par
  15. Bharat is excited by John and Alex's progress with the DSM architecture, and believes we are headed in the right direction. -Our mandate now is to put together a formal demo and supporting documents to enable us to sell our vision beyond our immediate group. Below are the components, deliverables and deadlines we agreed upon.\par
  16. \par
  17. \b\fs22 Milestone\b0\fs20 : Demo and supporting vision docs\b\par
  18. \fs22 Deadline: \b0\fs20 Nov 29th, which is BShah's return date.\par
  19. \par
  20. \b\fs24 Deliverables: \b0\fs20\par
  21. \fs22\par
  22. \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-380\li380\b\fs20 DSM\fs22 Demo\b0\fs20\par
  23. \pard\li760\b Script/Flow\b0 \cf2\b\i ChrisSte/Mfreed\cf0\par
  24. \i0 Utilities Code\b0\par
  25. \pard\li1140 P1\tab -INI Handler for State Mgr.\tab\cf2\b\i JohnDelo\par
  26. \cf0\b0\i0 P1\tab -File Handler for State Mgr. \tab\cf2\b\i JohnDelo\cf0\par
  27. \b0\i0 P2\tab -Conversion of Seagate Repackager MSI packages to our XML format.\tab\cf2\b\i JohnDelo \cf0\par
  28. \pard\li760\i0 Legacy Application Manifests\par
  29. \pard\li1140 Manifest Creation\par
  30. \b0 MS Products\tab\cf2\b\i AlexArm team +CMarl\cf0\b0\i0\par
  31. \pard\li1520 P1 -Office 2000\tab\tab\par
  32. P1 -Office 97\tab\tab\par
  33. P1 -Visio\tab\par
  34. P1 -IE5\tab\par
  35. P1 -Money Investor \par
  36. P1 -Raid\par
  37. P2 -Money \tab\tab\par
  38. P2 -Project\par
  39. \pard\li1140\par
  40. 3rd Party Apps\tab\par
  41. \pard\li1520 P1 Adobe Photoshop\tab\cf2\b\i ChrisSte\par
  42. \cf0\b0\i0 P2 Adobe Illustrator\tab\cf2\b\i ChrisSte\par
  43. \par
  44. \pard\li1140\cf0\i0 Training\par
  45. \b0 XML and Manifest Creation Overview class\b \cf2\i JohnDelo 11/17\cf0\i0\par
  46. \pard\b0\par
  47. \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-380\li380\b\fs22 Slides\par
  48. \pard\li380\b0\fs20 P1 -Unified Architecture PPT\tab\tab\tab\cf2\b\i AlexArm/JohnDelo\par
  49. \cf0\b0\i0 P1 -Odyssey DSM/Intellimirror Vision PPT\b\i \cf2\tab MFreed/ChrisSte\par
  50. \cf0\b0\i0\par
  51. \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-380\li380\b\fs22 Docs\b0\fs20\par
  52. \pard\li760 P1 -Unified Architecture Doc\tab\tab\cf2\b\i AlexArm/JohnDelo\cf0\b0\i0\par
  53. P1 -Scenarios Document\tab\tab\cf2\b\i ChrisSte due COB 11/17\par
  54. \cf0\b0\i0 Usage Documentation \par
  55. \pard\li1140 P1 -in email\cf2\b\i\tab\tab\tab JohnDelo due by 11/16\cf0\b0\i0\par
  56. P2 -full documentation\tab\tab\cf2\b\i TBD\par
  57. \pard\li760\cf0\b0\i0 P2 -Competitive Analysis\cf2\b\i\tab\tab ChrisSte\cf0\b0\i0\par
  58. \pard\li380\par
  59. \pard{\pntext\f2\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf2\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-380\li380\b\fs22 Other\b0\fs20\par
  60. \pard\li380 Create standard drop point for DSM utility builds\tab\cf2\b\i ChrisSte\cf0\b0\i0\par
  61. \pard\nowidctlpar\cf3\i\f1\fs28 -Chris\par
  62. \pard\cf0\i0\f0\fs20\par
  63. \par
  64. \pard\fi-1800\li1800\tx1800\cf1\par
  65. }