* basesnap.hxx * * * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation * * PURPOSE: Defines the snapin base class. * * * OWNER: ptousig */ // ---- Pragmas ----
#pragma once
// ---- Declarations / references ----
class CBitmap; class CComponent; class CColumnInfoEx; class CComponentData; class CBaseSnapinItem; class CSnapinContextMenuItem; class CBaseMultiSelectSnapinItem; struct SnapinMenuItem;
// ---- STL based classes ----
// A less operator for GUIDs (avoid comparing pointers, compare real values)
class GUIDLess { public: bool operator()(const GUID &a, const GUID &b) const { return ::memcmp(&a, &b, sizeof(GUID)) < 0; } };
// A set of guids
typedef set<GUID, GUIDLess> GUIDSet;
// A list of cookies
typedef set<LONG_PTR> CCookieList;
// A list of CBaseSnapinItems
typedef list<CBaseSnapinItem *> ItemList;
// A vector of CBaseSnapinItems
typedef vector<CBaseSnapinItem *> CItemVector;
// A vector of pointers to wrapper of menu items
typedef vector<CSnapinContextMenuItem *> CSnapinContextMenuItemVector;
// ---- Wrapper classes for menu items and menu item collections ----
// A wrapper class for CONTEXTMENUITEM - so that we can keep the strings around (MMC asks for szpointers in CONTEXTMENUITEM!!!)
// Write as a struct
class CSnapinContextMenuItem { public: // Member variables
CONTEXTMENUITEM cm; // cm sz members will point to the associated strings
tstring strName; tstring strStatusBarText;
// Constructor
CSnapinContextMenuItem(void); };
// A wrapper class for a CSnapinContextMenuItemVector - so that we can delete all the referenced items
// Write as a struct
// $REVIEW (dominicp) May want to write accessors in the future - many level of indirections to get to an element of a referenced CONTEXTMENUITEM
class CSnapinContextMenuItemVectorWrapper { public: // Member variables
CSnapinContextMenuItemVector cmiv;
// Constructor
CSnapinContextMenuItemVectorWrapper(void) { ;} virtual ~CSnapinContextMenuItemVectorWrapper(void); };
// $REVIEW (ptousig) Move this to basestr.hxx
#define CSZ(_x) (sizeof(_x)/sizeof(SZ))
// MMC verbs bit masks, we want each verb to be given
// a unique bit.
enum VerbMask { vmNone = 0x00000000, vmOpen = 0x00000001, vmCopy = 0x00000002, vmPaste = 0x00000004, vmDelete = 0x00000008, vmProperties= 0x00000010, vmRename = 0x00000020, vmRefresh = 0x00000040, vmPrint = 0x00000080, vmCut = 0x00000100 };
// A mapping between VerbMasks and MMC_CONSOLE_VERBs
struct VerbMap { VerbMask verbmask; MMC_CONSOLE_VERB mmcverb; };
// The next three constants are the default values to use for menu items definitions. If used, they cause
// the menu item to always show up, ungrayed, and unchecked.
#define dwMenuAlwaysEnable 0
#define dwMenuNeverGray 0
#define dwMenuNeverChecked 0
// The maximum stream size needed to store persistent information into a .msc file.
#define cMaxStreamSizeLow 200
#define cMaxStreamSizeHigh 0
// Similar to CONTEXTMENUITEM but uses IDS's instead of SZ's. Also implements
// an enabling/disabling mechanism
struct SnapinMenuItem { LONG idsName; LONG idsStatusBarText; LONG lCommandID; LONG lInsertionPointID; LONG fSpecialFlags;
// overrides for fFlags
DWORD dwFlagsDisable; // if the disable parameter has any of these flags set, item is disabled.
DWORD dwFlagsGray; // if the gray parameter has any of these flags set, item is grayed.
DWORD dwFlagsChecked; // if the checked parameter has any of these flags set, item is checked.
#define CMENUITEM(_a) (sizeof(_a)/sizeof(SnapinMenuItem));
// These are the "hints" passed to MMCN_VIEW_CHANGE.
ONVIEWCHANGE_LAST_HINT, // last predefined hint -- snapin specific hints must be greater than this
inline LPWSTR CoTaskDupString (LPCWSTR pszSrc) { if (pszSrc == NULL) return (NULL);
int cbAlloc = (wcslen(pszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); LPWSTR pszDup = (LPWSTR) CoTaskMemAlloc (cbAlloc);
if (pszDup != NULL) CopyMemory (pszDup, pszSrc, cbAlloc);
return (pszDup); }
// Allocates & copies string.
// $REVIEW (ptousig) This should be moved to basestr.hxx
inline SC ScIds2OleStr(LONG ids, LPOLESTR *lp) { DECLARE_SC(sc, _T("ScIds2OleStr")); sc = ScCheckPointers(lp); if (sc) return sc;
*lp = NULL;
tstring str; bool b = str.LoadString(_Module.GetModuleInstance(), ids); if (!b) return (sc = E_FAIL);
*lp = CoTaskDupString (T2COLE(str.data())); if (! (*lp) ) return (sc = E_OUTOFMEMORY);
return sc; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CBaseSnapin
// This is the base class of all snapins.
// BaseMMC will use some of virtual methods to find out information about
// the snapin. Other virtuals allow snapins to modify the default behavior
// of BaseMMC.
// $REVIEW (ptousig) In the long term, it would be nice to have the individual
// snapins implement two classes, directly derived from CComponent and
// CComponentData. But that would be too big a change at the moment.
class CBaseSnapin { public: CBaseSnapin(void); virtual ~CBaseSnapin(void);
// Item-related stuff
inline CCookieList * Pcookielist(void) { return &m_cookielist;} virtual SC ScCreateRootItem(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, HSCOPEITEM item, CBaseSnapinItem **ppitem) = 0; virtual SC ScReleaseIfRootItem(CBaseSnapinItem *pitem);
// This method allows a CComponentData to tell us it is being
// destroyed. Any item referring to this CD as its owner will
// have their owner pointer nulled.
SC ScOwnerDying(CComponentData *pComponentData);
// This is the 'full' version of Pitem(). Given certain parameters, it will
// do its best to find the approriate CBaseSnapinItem (creating a new one
// if necessary).
virtual CBaseSnapinItem * Pitem( CComponentData *pComponentData, CComponent *pComponent, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, HSCOPEITEM hscopeitem, long cookie);
// This is a simpler version of Pitem(). This version cannot be used if a
// new item needs to be created.
virtual CBaseSnapinItem * Pitem( LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject = NULL, HSCOPEITEM hscopeitem = 0, long cookie = 0);
// Information about this snapin
virtual const CSnapinInfo * Psnapininfo(void) = 0; virtual BOOL FIsExtension(void) { return FALSE;} // Does it have a standalone mode?
virtual BOOL FStandalone(void) { return FALSE;} virtual SNR * Psnr(INT i=0) = 0; virtual INT Csnr(void) = 0; virtual LONG IdsDescription(void) = 0; virtual LONG IdsName(void) = 0; virtual LONG Idi(void) { return 0;}
// Does it support IComponent2?
virtual BOOL FSupportsIComponent2() { return FALSE;}
// Persistence
virtual SC ScLoad(IStream *pstream) { return S_OK;} virtual SC ScSave(IStream *pstream, BOOL fClearDirty) { return S_OK;}
// Columns
// $REVIEW (ptousig) It doesn't really makes sense to have the column
// information in the snapin class. But since all the
// snapins are already built this way, I'm leaving it
// in.
virtual CColumnInfoEx * Pcolinfoex(INT icolinfo=0) { ASSERT("Should not happen" && FALSE); return NULL;} virtual INT Ccolinfoex(void) { ASSERT("Should not happen" && FALSE); return 0;}
// Bitmaps and icons
virtual SC ScInitBitmaps(void); virtual WTL::CBitmap & BmpImage16(void) { return s_bmpImage16;} virtual WTL::CBitmap & BmpImage32(void) { return s_bmpImage32;} virtual WTL::CBitmap * PbitmapImageListSmall(void) { return &BitmapSmall();} virtual WTL::CBitmap * PbitmapImageListLarge(void) { return &BitmapLarge();} virtual LONG * Piconid(void) = 0; virtual INT CIcons(void) = 0; virtual LONG * PiconidStatic(void) = 0; virtual WTL::CBitmap & BitmapSmall(void) = 0; virtual WTL::CBitmap & BitmapLarge(void) = 0; virtual WTL::CBitmap & BitmapStaticSmall(void) = 0; virtual WTL::CBitmap & BitmapStaticSmallOpen(void) = 0; virtual WTL::CBitmap & BitmapStaticLarge(void) = 0;
// Verbs
static VerbMap * Pverbmap(INT i=0); static INT Cverbmap(void); virtual MMC_CONSOLE_VERB MmcverbDefault(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject); virtual SC ScGetVerbs(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, DWORD * pdwVerbs);
// Shortcuts. These methods only forward the calls to the CSnapinInfo.
virtual const tstring& StrClassName(void) { return Psnapininfo()->StrClassName();} virtual const CLSID * PclsidSnapin(void) { return Psnapininfo()->PclsidSnapin();} virtual const tstring& StrClsidSnapin(void) { return Psnapininfo()->StrClsidSnapin();} virtual const tstring& StrClsidAbout(void) { return Psnapininfo()->StrClsidAbout();}
// Snapin registration
virtual SC ScRegister(BOOL fRegister = TRUE); inline IRegistrar & Registrar(void) { return s_registrar;}
// ISnapinAbout interface
virtual SC ScGetSnapinDescription(LPOLESTR *lpDescription) { return ScIds2OleStr(IdsDescription(), lpDescription);} virtual SC ScGetSnapinVersion(LPOLESTR *lpVersion); virtual SC ScGetSnapinImage(HICON *phAppIcon); virtual SC ScGetStaticFolderImage(HBITMAP *phSmallImage, HBITMAP *phSmallImageOpen, HBITMAP *phLargeImage, COLORREF *pcMask); virtual SC ScGetProvider(LPOLESTR *lpName);
// Other stuff
// These functions are here because:
// - The functionality is the same for both CComponentData and CComponent
// - The functionality can be overriden by a derived class.
// $REVIEW (ptousig) Figure out which is which.
virtual SC ScAddMenuItems(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK ipContextMenuCallback, long *pInsertionAllowed); virtual SC ScAddMenuItems(CBaseSnapinItem *pitem, long lInsertionAllowed, LPCONTEXTMENUCALLBACK ipContextMenuCallback, SnapinMenuItem *rgmenuitem, INT cmenuitem); virtual SC ScGetMenuItem(CSnapinContextMenuItem * pMenuItemReturned, CBaseSnapinItem * pitem, SnapinMenuItem * pMenuItemSource, BOOL * pfAllowed, long lInsertionAllowed); virtual SC ScIsPastableDataObject(CBaseSnapinItem * pitemTarget, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, BOOL * pfPastable); virtual SC ScIsOwnedDataObject(LPDATAOBJECT pdataobject, BOOL *pfIsOwned, CNodeType **ppnodetype); virtual SC ScGetHelpTopic(tstring& strCompiledHelpFile); virtual SC ScCompare(MMC_COOKIE cookieA, MMC_COOKIE cookieB, INT nColumn, INT * pnResult); virtual SC ScCompareObjects(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectA, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectB); virtual SC ScOnPropertyChange(BOOL fScope, LPARAM lParam, IConsoleNameSpace *ipConsoleNameSpace, IConsole *ipConsole); virtual SC ScOnRename(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, const tstring& szNewName, IConsole *ipConsole); virtual SC ScOnPaste(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectList, LPDATAOBJECT *ppDataObjectPasted, IConsole *ipConsole); virtual SC ScOnQueryPaste(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObject, LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectList, LPDWORD pdwFlags); virtual SC ScOnCanPasteOutOfProcDataObject(LPBOOL pbCanHandle); virtual SC ScOnCutOrMove(LPDATAOBJECT lpDataObjectList, IConsoleNameSpace *ipConsoleNameSpace, IConsole *ipConsole); inline const tstring& StrDisplayName(void) { return *m_pstrDisplayName;}
// Multiselect support (by default, snapin items are not enabled to allow multi support selection)
virtual SC ScCreateMultiSelectionDataObject(LPDATAOBJECT * ppDataObject, CComponent * pComponent); virtual SC ScAllocateMultiSelectionDataObject(CBaseMultiSelectSnapinItem ** ppBaseMultiSelectSnapinItem);
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Debug menu options
SnapinMenuItem * PmenuitemBase(void); INT CMenuItemBase(void); //
// Debug methods called from debug menu options
#if 0
virtual SC ScOnMenuTraces(void); virtual SC ScOnMenuSCDescription(void); virtual SC ScOnMenuMemoryDiff(void); virtual SC ScOnMenuValidateMemory(void); virtual SC ScOnMenuTotalMemory(void); #endif
protected: //
// The display name for this snapin, this gets populated by
// derived classes, so it needs to be 'protected'.
// $REVIEW (ptousig) Snapins should use an accessor.
tstring* m_pstrDisplayName;
private: // The list of root items
ItemList m_ilRootItems;
// The list of valid cookies
CCookieList m_cookielist;
private: static BOOL s_fBaseSnapinInitialized; // Has the bitmaps been initialized ?
static VerbMap s_rgverbmap[]; static CRegistrar s_registrar; static WTL::CBitmap s_bmpImage16; // Pointer to 16x16 image strip
static WTL::CBitmap s_bmpImage32; // Pointer to 32x32 image strip
#ifdef _DEBUG
// The debug menu options ("Traces", etc...)
static SnapinMenuItem s_rgmenuitemBase[]; static INT s_cMenuItemBase; #endif // _DEBUG