#include "stdafx.h"
#include <winldap.h>
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "EaLen.hpp"
#include "exldap.h"
CLdapConnection::CLdapConnection() { m_exchServer[0] = 0; m_LD = NULL; m_port = LDAP_PORT; m_bUseSSL = FALSE; // try to dynamically load the LDAP DLL
m_hDll = LoadLibrary(L"wldap32.dll"); ldap_open = NULL; ldap_parse_result = NULL; ldap_parse_page_control = NULL; ldap_controls_free = NULL; ber_bvfree = NULL; ldap_first_entry = NULL; ldap_next_entry = NULL; ldap_value_free = NULL; ldap_get_values = NULL; ldap_create_page_control = NULL; ldap_search_ext_s = NULL; ldap_count_entries = NULL; ldap_msgfree = NULL; ldap_modify_s = NULL; LdapGetLastError = NULL; ldap_bind_sW = NULL; ldap_unbind = NULL; ldap_get_option = NULL; ldap_set_option = NULL; LdapMapErrorToWin32 = NULL; ldap_init = NULL;
if ( m_hDll ) { ldap_open = (LDAP_OPEN *)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_openW"); ldap_parse_result = (LDAP_PARSE_RESULT *)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_parse_resultW"); ldap_parse_page_control = (LDAP_PARSE_PAGE_CONTROL*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_parse_page_controlW"); ldap_controls_free = (LDAP_CONTROLS_FREE*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_controls_freeW"); ber_bvfree = (BER_BVFREE*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ber_bvfree"); ldap_first_entry = (LDAP_FIRST_ENTRY*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_first_entry"); ldap_next_entry = (LDAP_NEXT_ENTRY*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_next_entry"); ldap_value_free = (LDAP_VALUE_FREE*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_value_freeW"); ldap_get_values = (LDAP_GET_VALUES*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_get_valuesW"); ldap_create_page_control = (LDAP_CREATE_PAGE_CONTROL*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_create_page_controlW"); ldap_search_ext_s = (LDAP_SEARCH_EXT_S*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_search_ext_sW"); ldap_count_entries = (LDAP_COUNT_ENTRIES*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_count_entries"); ldap_msgfree = (LDAP_MSGFREE*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_msgfree"); ldap_modify_s = (LDAP_MODIFY_S*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_modify_sW"); LdapGetLastError = (LDAPGETLASTERROR*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"LdapGetLastError"); ldap_bind_sW = (LDAP_BIND*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_bind_sW"); ldap_unbind = (LDAP_UNBIND*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_unbind"); ldap_get_option = (LDAP_GET_OPTION*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_get_option"); ldap_set_option = (LDAP_SET_OPTION*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_set_option"); LdapMapErrorToWin32 = (LDAPMAPERRORTOWIN32*)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"LdapMapErrorToWin32"); ldap_init = (LDAP_INIT *)GetProcAddress(m_hDll,"ldap_initW"); } }
CLdapConnection::~CLdapConnection() { Close(); if ( m_hDll ) { FreeLibrary(m_hDll); ldap_open = NULL; ldap_parse_result = NULL; ldap_parse_page_control = NULL; ldap_controls_free = NULL; ber_bvfree = NULL; ldap_first_entry = NULL; ldap_next_entry = NULL; ldap_value_free = NULL; ldap_get_values = NULL; ldap_create_page_control = NULL; ldap_search_ext_s = NULL; ldap_count_entries = NULL; ldap_msgfree = NULL; ldap_modify_s = NULL; LdapGetLastError = NULL; ldap_bind_sW = NULL; ldap_unbind = NULL; ldap_get_option = NULL; ldap_set_option = NULL; LdapMapErrorToWin32 = NULL; ldap_init = NULL; } }
DWORD CLdapConnection::Connect(WCHAR const * server, ULONG port = LDAP_PORT) { DWORD rc = 0;
// m_LD = CLdapConnection::ldap_open(m_exchServer,LDAP_SSL_PORT);
//replace ldap_open(servername,..) with ldap_init and set LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE
//flag so that the following ldap calls (i.e. ldap_bind) will not need to
//unnecessarily query for the domain controller
m_LD = CLdapConnection::ldap_init(m_exchServer,LDAP_SSL_PORT); if (! m_LD ) { // try the non-SSL port
m_LD = ldap_init(m_exchServer,port); } if ( ! m_LD ) { rc = CLdapConnection::LdapGetLastError(); } else { ULONG flags = 0; //set LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE flag so that the following calls tp
//ldap_open will not need to unnecessarily query for the domain controller
flags = PtrToUlong(LDAP_OPT_ON); ldap_set_option(m_LD, LDAP_OPT_AREC_EXCLUSIVE, &flags);
flags = 0; // set version to 3
rc = ldap_get_option(m_LD, LDAP_OPT_VERSION,&flags);
if ( ! rc ) { flags = LDAP_VERSION3; rc = ldap_set_option(m_LD,LDAP_OPT_VERSION, &flags); }
if (! rc ) { if ( *m_credentials ) { rc = CLdapConnection::ldap_bind_s(m_LD,m_credentials,m_password,LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE); if ( rc ) { rc = CLdapConnection::ldap_bind_s(m_LD,NULL,NULL,LDAP_AUTH_NTLM); } } else { rc = CLdapConnection::ldap_bind_s(m_LD,NULL,NULL,LDAP_AUTH_NTLM); } } if ( rc ) { rc = CLdapConnection::LdapMapErrorToWin32(rc); } } return rc; }
void CLdapConnection::Close() { if ( m_LD ) { CLdapConnection::ldap_unbind(m_LD); m_LD = NULL; } }
DWORD CLdapConnection::UpdateSimpleStringValue(WCHAR const * dn, WCHAR const * property, WCHAR const * value) { DWORD rc = ERROR_NOT_FOUND;
if ( m_LD ) { LDAPMod * mods[2]; LDAPMod mod1; WCHAR * strVals[] = { const_cast<WCHAR*>(value),NULL }; mods[0] = &mod1;
mods[0]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[0]->mod_type = const_cast<WCHAR*>(property); mods[0]->mod_vals.modv_strvals = strVals; mods[1] = NULL;
rc = CLdapConnection::ldap_modify_s(m_LD,const_cast<WCHAR*>(dn),mods); if ( rc ) { rc = CLdapConnection::LdapMapErrorToWin32(rc); } }
return rc; }
// Helper function for SidToString - converts one BYTE of the SID into a string representation
void CLdapConnection::AddByteToString( WCHAR ** string, // i/o- pointer to current location in string
BYTE value // in - value (from SID) to add to the string
) { WCHAR hi, lo; BYTE hiVal, loVal;
loVal = value & 0x0F; hiVal = value & 0xF0; hiVal = hiVal >> 4;
if ( hiVal < 10 ) { hi=L'0' + hiVal; } else { hi=L'A' + ( hiVal - 10 ); }
if ( loVal < 10 ) { lo=L'0' + loVal; } else { lo=L'A' + (loVal - 10 ); } swprintf(*string,L"%c%c",hi,lo);
*string+=2; }
BYTE // ret- value for the digit, or 0 if value is not a valid hex digit
CLdapConnection::HexValue( WCHAR value // in - character representing a hex digit
) { BYTE val = 0; switch ( toupper((char)value) ) { case L'1': val = 1; break; case L'2': val = 2; break; case L'3': val = 3; break; case L'4': val = 4; break; case L'5': val = 5; break; case L'6': val = 6; break; case L'7': val = 7; break; case L'8': val = 8; break; case L'9': val = 9; break; case L'A': val = 0xA; break; case L'B': val = 0xB; break; case L'C': val = 0xC; break; case L'D': val = 0xD; break; case L'E': val = 0xE; break; case L'F': val = 0xF; break; } return val; }
CLdapConnection::BytesToString( BYTE * pBytes, // in - SID to represent as a string
WCHAR * sidString, // out- buffer that will contain the
DWORD numBytes // in - number of bytes in the buffer to copy
) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; WCHAR * curr = sidString;
// add each byte of the SID to the output string
for ( int i = 0 ; i < (int)numBytes ; i++) { AddByteToString(&curr,pBytes[i]); } return bSuccess; }
BOOL CLdapConnection::StringToBytes( WCHAR const * pString, // in - string representing the data
BYTE * pBytes // out- binary representation of the data
) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; int len = UStrLen(pString) / 2;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++, pString += 2 ) { // each byte is represented by 2 characters
WCHAR str[3]; BYTE hi,lo;
safecopy(str,pString); hi = HexValue(str[0]); lo = HexValue(str[1]);
pBytes[i] = ((hi << 4)+lo); }
return bSuccess; }
CLdapEnum::~CLdapEnum() { if ( m_message ) { m_connection.ldap_msgfree(m_message); m_message = NULL; } }
DWORD CLdapEnum::Open( WCHAR const * query, // in - query to execute
WCHAR const * basePoint, // in - basepoint for query
short scope, // in - scope: 0=base only, 1=one level, 2=recursive
long pageSize, // in - page size to use for large searches
int numAttributes, // in - number of attributes to retrieve for each matching item
WCHAR ** attrs // in - array of attribute names to retrieve for each matching item
) { // open and bind before calling this function
ULONG result; // PLDAPSearch searchBlock = NULL;
PLDAPControl serverControls[2]; // l_timeval timeout = { 1000,1000 };
// ULONG totalCount = 0;
berval cookie1 = { 0, NULL }; // DWORD numRead = 0;
if ( m_message ) { m_connection.ldap_msgfree(m_message); m_message = NULL; }
LDAP * ld = m_connection.GetHandle();
safecopy(m_query,query); safecopy(m_basepoint,basePoint); m_scope = scope; m_pageSize = pageSize; m_nAttributes = numAttributes; m_AttrNames = attrs;
result = m_connection.ldap_create_page_control(ld, pageSize, &cookie1, FALSE, // is critical
&serverControls[0] );
serverControls[1] = NULL;
result = m_connection.ldap_search_ext_s(ld, m_basepoint, m_scope, m_query, m_AttrNames, FALSE, serverControls, NULL, NULL, 0, &m_message); if ( ! result ) { m_nReturned = m_connection.ldap_count_entries(ld,m_message); m_nCurrent = 0; m_bOpen = TRUE; }
return m_connection.LdapMapErrorToWin32(result); }
DWORD CLdapEnum::Next( PWCHAR ** ppAttrs // out- array of values for the next matching item
) { DWORD rc = 0;
if ( ! m_bOpen ) { rc = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } else { if ( m_nReturned > m_nCurrent ) { // return the next entry from the current page
return GetNextEntry(ppAttrs); } else { // see if there are more pages of results to get
rc = GetNextPage(); if (! rc ) { return GetNextEntry(ppAttrs); } }
} return rc; }
void CLdapEnum::FreeData(WCHAR ** values) { for ( int i = 0 ; m_AttrNames[i] ; i++ ) { if ( values[i] ) { delete [] values[i]; values[i] = NULL; } } delete [] values; }
DWORD CLdapEnum::GetNextEntry( PWCHAR ** ppAttrs ) { DWORD rc = 0; WCHAR ** pValues = new PWCHAR[m_nAttributes+1];
if (!pValues) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
if ( m_nCurrent == 0 ) {
m_currMsg = m_connection.ldap_first_entry(m_connection.GetHandle(),m_message); } else { m_currMsg = m_connection.ldap_next_entry(m_connection.GetHandle(),m_currMsg); } if ( m_currMsg ) {
int curr;
for ( curr = 0 ; m_AttrNames[curr] ; curr++ ) { pValues[curr] = NULL;
WCHAR ** allvals = m_connection.ldap_get_values(m_connection.GetHandle(),m_currMsg,m_AttrNames[curr] ); if ( allvals ) { pValues[curr] = new WCHAR[UStrLen(allvals[0])+1]; if (!(pValues[curr])) { for (int j=0; j<curr; j++) delete [] pValues[j]; delete [] pValues; return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
UStrCpy(pValues[curr],allvals[0]); m_connection.ldap_value_free(allvals); allvals =NULL; } } } (*ppAttrs) = pValues; m_nCurrent++; return rc; }
DWORD CLdapEnum::GetNextPage() { ULONG result = 0; LDAP * ld = m_connection.GetHandle(); berval * currCookie = NULL; // berval * cookie2 = NULL;
// WCHAR * matched = NULL;
PLDAPControl * currControls = NULL; ULONG retcode = 0; // PLDAPControl * clientControls = NULL;
// WCHAR * errMsg = NULL;
PLDAPControl serverControls[2]; // Get the server control from the message, and make a new control with the cookie from the server
result = m_connection.ldap_parse_result(ld,m_message,&retcode,NULL,NULL,NULL,&currControls,FALSE); m_connection.ldap_msgfree(m_message); m_message = NULL; if ( ! result ) { result = m_connection.ldap_parse_page_control(ld,currControls,&m_totalCount,&currCookie); // under Exchange 5.5, before SP 2, this will fail with LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND when there are
// no more search results. With Exchange 5.5 SP 2, this succeeds, and gives us a cookie that will
// cause us to start over at the beginning of the search results.
} if ( ! result ) { if ( currCookie->bv_len == 0 && currCookie->bv_val == 0 ) { // under Exchange 5.5, SP 2, this means we're at the end of the results.
// if we pass in this cookie again, we will start over at the beginning of the search results.
result = LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND; } serverControls[0] = NULL; serverControls[1] = NULL; if ( ! result ) { result = m_connection.ldap_create_page_control(ld, m_pageSize, currCookie, FALSE, serverControls); } m_connection.ldap_controls_free(currControls); currControls = NULL; m_connection.ber_bvfree(currCookie); currCookie = NULL; }
// continue the search with the new cookie
if ( ! result ) { result = m_connection.ldap_search_ext_s(ld, m_basepoint, m_scope, m_query, m_AttrNames, FALSE, serverControls, NULL, NULL, 0, &m_message);
if ( result && result != LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND ) { // LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND means that we have reached the end of the search results
// in Exchange 5.5, before SP 2 (the server doesn't return a page control when there
// are no more pages, so we get LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND when we try to extract the page
// control from the search results).
} } if ( ! result ) { m_nReturned = m_connection.ldap_count_entries(ld,m_message); m_nCurrent = 0;
} return m_connection.LdapMapErrorToWin32(result); }