File: ProcessExtensions.cpp
Comments: implementation of the CProcessExtensions class.
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Sham Chauthani Revised on 07/02/99 12:40:00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "Err.hpp"
#include "ErrDct.hpp"
#include "workobj.h"
#include "TReg.hpp"
#include "ProcExts.h"
#include "ResStr.h"
#include "DCTStat.h"
#include "TxtSid.h"
#include "ARExt_i.c"
//#import "\bin\AdsProp.tlb" no_namespace
#import "AdsProp.tlb" no_namespace
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
const _bstr_t sKeyExtension = L"Software\\Mission Critical Software\\DomainAdmin\\Extensions"; #ifdef OFA
const _bstr_t sKeyBase = L"Software\\Mission Critical Software\\OnePointFileAdmin"; #else
const _bstr_t sKeyBase = L"Software\\Mission Critical Software\\DomainAdmin"; #endif
extern TErrorDct err;
// Sort function for the list of interface pointers
int TExtNodeSortBySequence(TNode const * t1, TNode const * t2) { TNodeInterface const * p1 = (TNodeInterface const *)t1; TNodeInterface const * p2 = (TNodeInterface const *)t2;
if ( p1->GetSequence() < p2->GetSequence() ) return -1; else if ( p1->GetSequence() > p2->GetSequence() ) return 1; else return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Construction/Destruction
// CONSTRUCTOR : The constructor looks up all the registered COM extensions
// from the registry. For each one it creates a com object and
// puts it into a list as a IExtendAccountMigration *.
CProcessExtensions::CProcessExtensions( IVarSetPtr pVs //in -Pointer to the Varset with main settings.
) { // Store the varset that has the main settings.
m_pVs = pVs; _variant_t myVal; myVal = m_pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AREXT_NUMITEM)); if ( myVal.vt != VT_I4 || myVal.lVal < 0 ) { // GUI told us to run all the Extensions.
// Now look through the registry to get all the registered extension object ClassIDs
// for each one create a object and store the interface pointer in an array.
TRegKey key; TCHAR sName[300]; // key name
TCHAR sValue[300]; // value name
DWORD valuelen; // value length
DWORD type; // value type
DWORD retval = 0; // Loop sentinel
// DWORD len = 255;
CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr; IExtendAccountMigration * pExtTemp; retval = 0; // Open the Extensions registry key
DWORD rc = key.Open(sKeyExtension); // if no extensions then we can leave now.
if ( rc != 0 ) return;
valuelen = sizeof(sValue); // Go through all Name-Value pairs and try to create those objects
// if successful then put it into the list to be processed.
long ndx = 0; while (!retval) { retval = key.ValueEnum(ndx, sName, sizeof(sName), sValue, &valuelen, &type); if ( !retval ) { // each name in here is a Object name for the class ID. we are going to use this to
// Create the object and then put the IExtendAccountRepl * in the list member0
::CLSIDFromProgID(sName, &clsid); hr = ::CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IExtendAccountMigration, (void **) &pExtTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { TNodeInterface * pNode = new TNodeInterface(pExtTemp); long num; hr = pExtTemp->get_SequenceNumber(&num); if ((pNode) && (SUCCEEDED(hr))) { pNode->SetSequence(num); } if (pNode) m_listInterface.InsertBottom(pNode); } } if ( retval == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) retval = 0; ndx++; } } else { WCHAR strKey[500]; _variant_t var; CLSID clsid; HRESULT hr; IExtendAccountMigration * pExtTemp; for ( int i = 0; i < myVal.lVal; i++ ) { // We need to look at all the extensions that are specified and then build a list of
// interfaces to it.
wsprintf(strKey, GET_STRING(DCTVS_AREXTENSIONS_D), i); var = pVs->get(strKey); if ( var.vt == VT_BSTR ) { // if the key is specified and it is a String then create the object and store its Iface,
::CLSIDFromProgID((WCHAR*)V_BSTR(&var), &clsid); hr = ::CoCreateInstance(clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IExtendAccountMigration, (void **) &pExtTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { TNodeInterface * pNode = new TNodeInterface(pExtTemp); if (pNode) m_listInterface.InsertBottom(pNode); } } } } m_listInterface.Sort(&TExtNodeSortBySequence); }
// DESTRUCTOR : Clears the list of interfaces.
CProcessExtensions::~CProcessExtensions() { TNodeInterface * pNode; TNodeInterface * tempNode;
pNode = (TNodeInterface *) m_listInterface.Head(); while ( pNode ) { tempNode = (TNodeInterface *)pNode->Next(); delete pNode; pNode = tempNode; } }
// Process: This function is called by the account replicator for every
// object that is copied. This function sets up the parameters and
// for every registered extension object it calls the Process method
// on that extension.
HRESULT CProcessExtensions::Process( TAcctReplNode * pAcctNode, //in- Account replication node
_bstr_t sTargetDomain, //in- Name of the target domain
Options * pOptions, //in- Options as set by the user
BOOL bPreMigration //in- Flag, whether to call pre or post task
) { IExtendAccountMigration * pExt; TNodeInterface * pNode = NULL; HRESULT hr; IUnknown * pSUnk = NULL; IUnknown * pTUnk = NULL; IUnknown * pMain = NULL; IUnknown * pProps = NULL; IVarSetPtr pVar(__uuidof(VarSet)); IObjPropBuilderPtr pProp(__uuidof(ObjPropBuilder)); IADs * pSource = NULL; IADs * pTarget = NULL; _variant_t var; IDispatch * pDisp = NULL;
// Get the IADs to both source and target accounts.
hr = ADsGetObject(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pAcctNode->GetSourcePath()), IID_IADs, (void**) &pSource); if ( FAILED(hr)) pSource = NULL;
hr = ADsGetObject(const_cast<WCHAR *>(pAcctNode->GetTargetPath()), IID_IADs, (void**) &pTarget); if ( FAILED(hr)) pTarget = NULL;
// Get IUnknown * s to everything... Need to marshal it that way
if ( pSource != NULL ) pSource->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pSUnk); else pSUnk = NULL;
if ( pTarget != NULL ) pTarget->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pTUnk); else pTUnk = NULL;
pVar->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pProps); m_pVs->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pMain);
if ( pOptions->bSameForest ) m_pVs->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); else m_pVs->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_IsIntraforest),GET_BSTR(IDS_No));
m_pVs->put(L"Options.SourceDomainVersion",(long)pOptions->srcDomainVer); m_pVs->put(L"Options.TargetDomainVersion",(long)pOptions->tgtDomainVer); // AccountNode into the Varset.
PutAccountNodeInVarset(pAcctNode, pTarget, m_pVs);
// Put the DB manager into the Varset
pOptions->pDb->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void**)&pDisp); var.vt = VT_DISPATCH; var.pdispVal = pDisp; m_pVs->putObject(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_DBManager), var); // Call the Process Object method on all registered objects.that we created
pNode = (TNodeInterface *) m_listInterface.Head(); while ( pNode ) { try { if ( pOptions->pStatus ) { LONG status = 0; HRESULT hr = pOptions->pStatus->get_Status(&status); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && status == DCT_STATUS_ABORTING ) break; } pExt = pNode->GetInterface(); if ( pOptions->bUndo ) { hr = pExt->ProcessUndo(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps); } else { BSTR sName; pExt->get_sName(&sName); if ( bPreMigration ) { hr = pExt->PreProcessObject(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps); if (hr == ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS) pAcctNode->SetHr(hr); } else { /* we need to run the DisAcct extension last, so don't run it in this loop
run it in the next loop by itself */ //if not DisAcct extension, process this extension
if (wcscmp((WCHAR*)sName, L"Disable Accounts")) hr = pExt->ProcessObject(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps); } } } catch (...) { BSTR sName; pExt->get_sName(&sName); err.LogOpen(pOptions->logFile,1); err.MsgWrite(ErrE, DCT_MSG_Extension_Exception_SS, (WCHAR*) sName, pAcctNode->GetTargetName()); err.LogClose(); hr = S_OK; } pNode = (TNodeInterface *)pNode->Next(); }
/* now run the DisAcct extension here to ensure it is run last, if not undo or premigration */ if ((!pOptions->bUndo) && (!bPreMigration)) { bool bDone = false; pNode = (TNodeInterface *) m_listInterface.Head(); while ((pNode) && (!bDone)) { try { if ( pOptions->pStatus ) { LONG status = 0; HRESULT hr = pOptions->pStatus->get_Status(&status); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && status == DCT_STATUS_ABORTING ) break; } pExt = pNode->GetInterface(); BSTR sName; pExt->get_sName(&sName); if (!wcscmp((WCHAR*)sName, L"Disable Accounts")) { bDone = true; hr = pExt->ProcessObject(pSUnk, pTUnk, pMain, &pProps); } } catch (...) { BSTR sName; pExt->get_sName(&sName); err.LogOpen(pOptions->logFile,1); err.MsgWrite(ErrE, DCT_MSG_Extension_Exception_SS, (WCHAR*) sName, pAcctNode->GetTargetName()); err.LogClose(); hr = S_OK; } pNode = (TNodeInterface *)pNode->Next(); }//end while not done and more
}//end if not undo or premigration
// Now we have the varset with all the settings that the user wants us to set.
// So we can call the SetPropsFromVarset method in out GetProps object to set these
// properties.
hr = pProp->SetPropertiesFromVarset(pAcctNode->GetTargetPath(), /*sTargetDomain,*/ pProps, ADS_ATTR_UPDATE);
// Update the AccountNode with any changes made by the extensions
UpdateAccountNodeFromVarset(pAcctNode, pTarget, m_pVs);
// Cleanup time ...
if ( pSUnk ) pSUnk->Release(); if ( pTUnk ) pTUnk->Release(); if ( pProps ) pProps->Release(); if ( pMain ) pMain->Release(); if ( pSource ) pSource->Release(); if ( pTarget ) pTarget->Release();
return hr; }
// PutAccountNodeInVarset : Transfers all the account node info into the
// varset.
void CProcessExtensions::PutAccountNodeInVarset( TAcctReplNode *pNode, //in -Replicated account node to get info
IADs * pTarget, //in -IADs pointer to the target object for the GUID
IVarSet * pVS //out-Varset to put the information in
) { _variant_t var = L""; BSTR sGUID; DWORD lVal = 0; HRESULT hr; WCHAR strSid[MAX_PATH]; DWORD lenStrSid = DIM(strSid);
pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceName),pNode->GetName()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourcePath),pNode->GetSourcePath()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceProfile),pNode->GetSourceProfile()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceRID),(long)pNode->GetSourceRid()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam),pNode->GetSourceSam()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status),(long)pNode->GetStatus()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetName),pNode->GetTargetName()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetPath),pNode->GetTargetPath()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetProfile),pNode->GetTargetProfile()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetRID),(long)pNode->GetTargetRid()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetSam),pNode->GetTargetSam()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type),pNode->GetType()); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Operations),(long)pNode->operations); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_ExpDate),pNode->lExpDate); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags), pNode->lFlags); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceUPN),pNode->GetSourceUPN()); GetTextualSid(pNode->GetSourceSid(),strSid,&lenStrSid); pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceDomainSid),strSid);
// Get the GUID
if ( pTarget ) { hr = pTarget->get_GUID(&sGUID); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { var = sGUID; SysFreeString(sGUID); } } pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_GUID), var);
// Get the status
lVal = pNode->GetStatus(); var.Clear(); var.vt = VT_UI4; var.lVal = lVal; pVS->put(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status), var); }
// UpdateAccountNodeFromVarset : Updates the account node info with the data in the Transfers all the account node info into the
// varset.
void CProcessExtensions::UpdateAccountNodeFromVarset( TAcctReplNode *pNode, //in -Replicated account node to get info
IADs * pTarget, //in -IADs pointer to the target object for the GUID
IVarSet * pVS //out-Varset to put the information in
) { _variant_t var = L""; DWORD lVal = 0; _bstr_t text; long val;
text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceName)); pNode->SetName(text); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourcePath)); pNode->SetSourcePath(text); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceProfile)); pNode->SetSourceProfile(text); val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceRID)); pNode->SetSourceRid(val); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceSam)); pNode->SetSourceSam(text); val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Status)); pNode->SetStatus(val); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetName)); pNode->SetTargetName(text); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetPath)); pNode->SetTargetPath(text); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetProfile)); pNode->SetTargetProfile(text); val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetRID)); pNode->SetTargetRid(val); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_TargetSam)); pNode->SetTargetSam(text); text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Type)); pNode->SetType(text); val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_Operations)); pNode->operations = val; val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_ExpDate)); pNode->lExpDate = val; val = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_UserFlags)); pNode->lFlags = val; text = pVS->get(GET_WSTR(DCTVS_CopiedAccount_SourceDomainSid)); pNode->SetSourceSid(SidFromString((WCHAR*)text)); }