// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Abstract:
// Contains CTriggerProvider implementation.
// Author:
// Vasundhara .G
// Revision History:
// Vasundhara .G 9-oct-2k : Created It.
#include "pch.h"
#include "General.h"
#include "EventConsumerProvider.h"
#include "TriggerConsumer.h"
#include "TriggerProvider.h"
#include "resource.h"
extern HMODULE g_hModule;
// general purpose macros
// ( some macros in this section might end abruptly ... this was done purposefully
// do not alter that part ... will result compiler errors
#define VALUE_GET( object, property, type, valueaddr, size ) \
hr = PropertyGet( object, property, type, valueaddr, size ); \ if ( FAILED( hr ) ) \ return hr;
// Routine Description:
// Constructor for CTriggerProvider class for initialization.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CTriggerProvider::CTriggerProvider() { // update the no. of provider instances count
InterlockedIncrement( ( LPLONG ) &g_dwInstances );
// initialize the reference count variable
m_dwCount = 0;
// initializations
m_pContext = NULL; m_pServices = NULL; m_pwszLocale = NULL; m_dwNextTriggerID = 0; }
// Routine Description:
// Destructor for CTriggerProvider class.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
CTriggerProvider::~CTriggerProvider() { // release the services / namespace interface ( if exist )
SAFERELEASE( m_pServices );
// release the context interface ( if exist )
SAFERELEASE( m_pContext );
// if memory is allocated for storing locale information, free it
if ( m_pwszLocale != NULL ) { delete [] m_pwszLocale; } // update the no. of provider instances count
InterlockedDecrement( ( LPLONG ) &g_dwInstances ); }
// Routine Description:
// Returns a pointer to a specified interface on an object
// to which a client currently holds an interface pointer.
// Arguments:
// riid [in] : Identifier of the interface being requested.
// ppv [out] : Address of pointer variable that receives the
// interface pointer requested in riid. Upon
// successful return, *ppvObject contains the
// requested interface pointer to the object.
// Return Value:
// NOERROR if the interface is supported.
// E_NOINTERFACE if not.
STDMETHODIMP CTriggerProvider::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv ) { // initialy set to NULL
*ppv = NULL;
// check whether interface requested is one we have
if ( riid == IID_IUnknown ) { // need IUnknown interface
*ppv = this; } else if ( riid == IID_IWbemEventConsumerProvider ) { // need IEventConsumerProvider interface
*ppv = static_cast<IWbemEventConsumerProvider*>( this ); } else if ( riid == IID_IWbemServices ) { // need IWbemServices interface
*ppv = static_cast<IWbemServices*>( this ); } else if ( riid == IID_IWbemProviderInit ) { // need IWbemProviderInit
*ppv = static_cast<IWbemProviderInit*>( this ); } else { // request interface is not available
// update the reference count
reinterpret_cast<IUnknown*>( *ppv )->AddRef(); return NOERROR; // inform success
// Routine Description:
// The AddRef method increments the reference count for
// an interface on an object. It should be called for every
// new copy of a pointer to an interface on a given object.
// Arguments:
// none.
// Return Value:
// Returns the value of the new reference count.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTriggerProvider::AddRef( void ) { // increment the reference count ... thread safe
return InterlockedIncrement( ( LPLONG ) &m_dwCount ); }
// Routine Description:
// The Release method decreases the reference count of the object by 1.
// Arguments:
// none.
// Return Value:
// Returns the new reference count.
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CTriggerProvider::Release( void ) { // decrement the reference count ( thread safe ) and check whether
// there are some more references or not ... based on the result value
DWORD dwCount = 0; dwCount = InterlockedDecrement( ( LPLONG ) &m_dwCount ); if ( dwCount == 0 ) { // free the current factory instance
delete this; } // return the no. of instances references left
return dwCount; }
// Routine Description:
// This is the implemention of IWbemProviderInit. The
// method is need to initialize with CIMOM.
// Arguments:
// wszUser [in] : pointer to user name.
// lFlags [in] : Reserved.
// wszNamespace [in] : contains the namespace of WMI.
// wszLocale [in] : Locale Name.
// pNamespace [in] : pointer to IWbemServices.
// pCtx [in] : IwbemContext pointer associated for initialization.
// pInitSink [out] : a pointer to IWbemProviderInitSink for
// reporting the initialization status.
// Return Value:
// returns HRESULT value.
STDMETHODIMP CTriggerProvider::Initialize( LPWSTR wszUser, LONG lFlags, LPWSTR wszNamespace, LPWSTR wszLocale, IWbemServices* pNamespace, IWbemContext* pCtx, IWbemProviderInitSink* pInitSink ) { HRESULT hRes = 0; IEnumWbemClassObject *pINTEConsumer = NULL; DWORD dwReturned = 0; DWORD dwTrigId = 0; VARIANT varTrigId; DWORD i = 0;
try { // save the namespace interface ... will be useful at later stages
m_pServices = pNamespace; m_pServices->AddRef(); // update the reference
// also save the context interface ... will be userful at later stages ( if available )
if ( pCtx != NULL ) { m_pContext = pCtx; m_pContext->AddRef(); }
// save the locale information ( if exist )
if ( wszLocale != NULL ) { m_pwszLocale = new WCHAR [ wcslen( wszLocale ) + 1 ]; if ( m_pwszLocale == NULL ) { // update the sink accordingly
pInitSink->SetStatus( WBEM_E_FAILED, 0 );
// return failure
return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } }
// Enumerate TriggerEventConsumer to get the Maximum trigger Id which can be later
// used to generate unique trigger id value.
hRes = m_pServices ->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t(CONSUMER_CLASS), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, m_pContext, &pINTEConsumer); if (SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { dwReturned = 1;
// Final Next will return with ulReturned = 0
while ( dwReturned != 0 ) { IWbemClassObject *pINTCons[5];
// Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pINTEConsumer->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 5, // return just one Logfile
pINTCons, // pointer to Logfile
&dwReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { // Get the trigger id value
for( i = 0; i < dwReturned; i++ ) { VariantInit( &varTrigId ); hRes = pINTCons[i]->Get( TRIGGER_ID, 0, &varTrigId, 0, NULL ); SAFERELEASE( pINTCons[i] ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { dwTrigId = ( DWORD )varTrigId.lVal; if( dwTrigId > m_dwNextTriggerID ) { m_dwNextTriggerID = dwTrigId; } } else { VariantClear( &varTrigId ); break; } VariantClear( &varTrigId ); } } else { break; } } //while
// got triggerId so set it
SAFERELEASE( pINTEConsumer ); } //Let CIMOM know your initialized
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { // update the m_dwTrigId value
m_dwNextTriggerID = m_dwNextTriggerID + 1; hRes = pInitSink->SetStatus( WBEM_S_INITIALIZED, 0 ); } else { hRes = pInitSink->SetStatus( WBEM_E_FAILED, 0); } } catch(_com_error& e) { hRes = pInitSink->SetStatus( WBEM_E_FAILED, 0); return hRes; } return hRes; }
// Routine Description:
// This is the Async function implementation.
// The methods supported is named CreateETrigger and DeleteETrigger.
// Arguments:
// bstrObjectPath [in] : path of the object for which the method is executed.
// bstrMethodName [in] : Name of the method for the object.
// lFlags [in] : WBEM_FLAG_SEND_STATUS.
// pICtx [in] : a pointer to IWbemContext.
// pIInParams [in] : this points to an IWbemClassObject object
// that contains the properties acting as
// inbound parameters for method execution.
// pIResultSink [out] : The object sink receives the result of the method call.
// Return Value:
// returns HRESULT.
STDMETHODIMP CTriggerProvider::ExecMethodAsync( const BSTR bstrObjectPath, const BSTR bstrMethodName, long lFlags, IWbemContext* pICtx, IWbemClassObject* pIInParams, IWbemObjectSink* pIResultSink ) { HRESULT hRes = 0; HRESULT hRes1 = NO_ERROR; IWbemClassObject *pIClass = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pIOutClass = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pIOutParams = NULL; VARIANT varTriggerName, varTriggerAction, varTriggerQuery, varTriggerDesc, varTemp, varRUser, varRPwd, varScheduledTaskName; DWORD dwTrigId = 0; try { //set out parameters
hRes = m_pServices->GetObject( CONSUMER_CLASS, 0, pICtx, &pIClass, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { pIResultSink->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL ); return hRes; } // This method returns values, and so create an instance of the
// output argument class.
hRes = pIClass->GetMethod( bstrMethodName, 0, NULL , &pIOutClass ); SAFERELEASE( pIClass ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { pIResultSink->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL ); return hRes; }
hRes = pIOutClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &pIOutParams ); SAFERELEASE( pIOutClass ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { pIResultSink->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL ); return hRes; } VariantInit( &varTriggerName ); //Check the method name
if( _wcsicmp( bstrMethodName, CREATE_METHOD_NAME ) == 0 ) { // if client has called CreateETrigger then
// parse input params to get trigger name, trigger desc, trigger action
// and trigger query for creating new instances of TriggerEventConsumer,
// __EventFilter and __FilterToConsumerBinding classes
//initialize variables
VariantInit( &varTriggerAction ); VariantInit( &varTriggerQuery ); VariantInit( &varTriggerDesc ); VariantInit( &varRUser ); VariantInit( &varRPwd );
//Retrieve Trigger Name parameter from input params
hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_NAME, 0, &varTriggerName, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { //Retrieve Trigger Action parameter from input params
hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_ACTION, 0, &varTriggerAction, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { //Retrieve Trigger Query parameter from input params
hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_QUERY, 0, &varTriggerQuery, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { //Retrieve Trigger Description parameter from input params
hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_DESC, 0, &varTriggerDesc, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { EnterCriticalSection( &g_critical_sec ); hRes = ValidateParams( varTriggerName, varTriggerAction, varTriggerQuery ); if( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_USER, 0, &varRUser, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_PWD, 0, &varRPwd, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { //call create trigger function to create the instances
hRes = CreateTrigger( varTriggerName, varTriggerDesc, varTriggerAction, varTriggerQuery, varRUser, varRPwd, &hRes1 ); if( ( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) || ( hRes == WARNING_INVALID_USER ) ) { // increment the class member variable by one to get the new unique trigger id
//for the next instance
m_dwNextTriggerID = m_dwNextTriggerID + 1; } } } } LeaveCriticalSection( &g_critical_sec ); } } } } VariantClear( &varTriggerAction ); VariantClear( &varRUser ); VariantClear( &varRPwd ); VariantClear( &varTriggerDesc ); VariantClear( &varTriggerQuery ); } else if( _wcsicmp( bstrMethodName, DELETE_METHOD_NAME ) == 0 ) { //Retrieve Trigger ID parameter from input params
hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_NAME, 0, &varTriggerName, NULL, NULL );
if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { EnterCriticalSection( &g_critical_sec ); //call Delete trigger function to delete the instances
hRes = DeleteTrigger( varTriggerName, &dwTrigId ); LeaveCriticalSection( &g_critical_sec ); } } else if( _wcsicmp( bstrMethodName, QUERY_METHOD_NAME ) == 0 ) { VariantInit( &varScheduledTaskName ); VariantInit( &varRUser ); //Retrieve schedule task name parameter from input params
hRes = pIInParams->Get( IN_TRIGGER_TSCHDULER, 0, &varScheduledTaskName, NULL, NULL ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { EnterCriticalSection( &g_critical_sec ); //call query trigger function to query the runasuser
CHString szRunAsUser = NULL_STRING; hRes = QueryTrigger( varScheduledTaskName, szRunAsUser ); varRUser.vt = VT_BSTR; varRUser.bstrVal = SysAllocString( szRunAsUser ); hRes = pIOutParams->Put( OUT_RUNAS_USER , 0, &varRUser, 0 ); LeaveCriticalSection( &g_critical_sec ); } VariantClear( &varScheduledTaskName ); VariantClear( &varRUser ); } else { hRes = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if( _wcsicmp( bstrMethodName, CREATE_METHOD_NAME ) == 0 ) { LPTSTR lpResStr = NULL; lpResStr = ( LPTSTR ) __calloc( MAX_RES_STRING1 + 1, sizeof( TCHAR ) );
if ( lpResStr != NULL ) { if( ( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) || ( hRes == WARNING_INVALID_USER ) ) { LoadStringW( g_hModule, IDS_CREATED, lpResStr, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); if( hRes1 != NO_ERROR )// write invalid user into log file
{ LPTSTR lpResStr1 = NULL; BOOL bFlag = FALSE; lpResStr1 = ( LPTSTR ) __calloc( MAX_RES_STRING1 + 1, sizeof( TCHAR ) ); if ( lpResStr1 != NULL ) { if( hRes1 == ERROR_TASK_SCHDEULE_SERVICE_STOP ) { hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; LoadStringW( g_hModule,IDS_INFO_SERVICE_STOPPED, lpResStr1, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); lstrcat( lpResStr, lpResStr1 ); } else if( hRes1 == ERROR_SCHDEULE_TASK_INVALID_USER ) { hRes = WARNING_INVALID_USER; LoadStringW( g_hModule, IDS_INFO_INVALID_USER, lpResStr1, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); lstrcat( lpResStr, lpResStr1 ); } free( lpResStr1 ); } } ErrorLog( lpResStr, ( LPWSTR )_bstr_t( varTriggerName ), ( m_dwNextTriggerID - 1 ) ); } else { LoadStringW( g_hModule, IDS_CREATE_FAILED, lpResStr, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); ErrorLog( lpResStr, ( LPWSTR )_bstr_t( varTriggerName ), ( m_dwNextTriggerID - 1 ) ); } free( lpResStr ); } else { hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else if( _wcsicmp( bstrMethodName, DELETE_METHOD_NAME ) == 0 ) { LPTSTR lpResStr = NULL; lpResStr = ( LPTSTR ) __calloc( MAX_RES_STRING1 + 1, sizeof( TCHAR ) );
if ( lpResStr != NULL ) { if( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { LoadStringW( g_hModule, IDS_DELETED, lpResStr, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); ErrorLog( lpResStr, ( LPWSTR )_bstr_t( varTriggerName ), dwTrigId ); } else { LoadStringW( g_hModule, IDS_DELETE_FAILED, lpResStr, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); ErrorLog( lpResStr,( LPWSTR )_bstr_t( varTriggerName ), dwTrigId ); } free( lpResStr ); } else { hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
} VariantInit( &varTemp ); V_VT( &varTemp ) = VT_I4; V_I4( &varTemp ) = hRes;
// set out params
hRes = pIOutParams->Put( RETURN_VALUE , 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { // Send the output object back to the client via the sink. Then
hRes = pIResultSink->Indicate( 1, &pIOutParams ); } //release all the resources
SAFERELEASE( pIOutParams ); hRes = pIResultSink->SetStatus( 0, WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); } catch(_com_error& e) { pIResultSink->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL ); return hRes; } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { hRes = E_OUTOFMEMORY; pIResultSink->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL ); return hRes; }
return hRes; }
// Routine Description:
// This routine creates the instance of TriggerEventConsumer,
// __EventFilter and __FilterToConsumerBinding classes.
// Arguments:
// varTName [in] : Trigger Name.
// varTDesc [in] : Trigger Description.
// varTAction [in] : Trigger Action.
// varTQuery [in] : Trigger Query.
// Return Value:
// S_OK if successful.
// Otherwise failure error code.
HRESULT CTriggerProvider::CreateTrigger( VARIANT varTName, VARIANT varTDesc, VARIANT varTAction, VARIANT varTQuery, VARIANT varRUser, VARIANT varRPwd, HRESULT *phRes ) { IWbemClassObject *pINtLogEventClass = 0; IWbemClassObject *pIFilterClass = 0; IWbemClassObject *pIBindClass = 0; IWbemClassObject *pINewInstance = 0; IEnumWbemClassObject *pIEnumClassObject = 0; HRESULT hRes = 0; DWORD dwTId = 0; VARIANT varTemp; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING1]; TCHAR szTemp1[MAX_RES_STRING1]; TCHAR szFName[MAX_RES_STRING1]; SYSTEMTIME SysTime; BOOL bInvalidUser = FALSE;
try { _bstr_t bstrcurInst; _bstr_t bstrcurInst1; //initialize memory for temporary variables
memset( szTemp, 0, sizeof( szTemp ) ); memset( szTemp1, 0, sizeof(szTemp1 ) ); memset( szFName, 0, sizeof( szFName ) ); VariantInit( &varTemp ); if ( phRes != NULL ) { *phRes = NO_ERROR; }
***************************************************************************/ // get EventFilter class object
hRes = m_pServices->GetObject( FILTER_CLASS, 0, 0, &pIFilterClass, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; }
// Create a new instance.
hRes = pIFilterClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &pINewInstance ); SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); // Don't need the class any more
//return error if unable to spawn a new instance of EventFilter class
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; }
// set query property for the new instance
hRes = pINewInstance->Put( FILTER_QUERY, 0, &varTQuery, 0 ); //if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
VariantInit( &varTemp ); varTemp.vt = VT_BSTR; varTemp.bstrVal = SysAllocString( QUERY_LANGUAGE ); // set query language property for the new instance .
hRes = pINewInstance->Put( FILTER_QUERY_LANGUAGE, 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); //if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
//generate unique name for name key property of EventFilter class by concatinating
// current system date and time
GetSystemTime( &SysTime ); wsprintf ( szTemp, FILTER_UNIQUE_NAME, m_dwNextTriggerID, SysTime.wHour, SysTime.wMinute, SysTime.wSecond, SysTime.wMonth, SysTime.wDay, SysTime.wYear ); //set Filter name property
VariantInit( &varTemp ); varTemp.vt = VT_BSTR; varTemp.bstrVal = SysAllocString( szTemp ); hRes = pINewInstance->Put( FILTER_NAME, 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); //if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
// Write the instance to WMI.
hRes = m_pServices->PutInstance( pINewInstance, 0, NULL, NULL ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance );
//if putinstance failed return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; }
//get the current Eventfilter instance for binding filter to consumer
wsprintf( szTemp1, BIND_FILTER_PATH ); bstrcurInst = _bstr_t(szTemp1) + _bstr_t(szTemp) + _bstr_t(BACK_SLASH); pIFilterClass = NULL; hRes = m_pServices->GetObject( bstrcurInst, 0L, NULL, &pIFilterClass, NULL );
//unable to get the current instance object return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; }
CREATING TriggerEventConsumer INSTANCE
//get NTEventConsumer class object
hRes =m_pServices->GetObject( CONSUMER_CLASS, 0, 0, &pINtLogEventClass, NULL );
//if unable to get the object of TriggerEventConsumer return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pINtLogEventClass );// safer side
SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); return hRes; }
// Create a new instance.
pINewInstance = NULL; hRes = pINtLogEventClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &pINewInstance ); SAFERELEASE( pINtLogEventClass ); // Don't need the class any more
// if unable to spawn a instance return back to caller
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); return hRes; }
//get the unique trigger id from CMethodPro memeber variable
hRes = m_pServices->ExecQuery( QUERY_LANGUAGE, INSTANCE_EXISTS_QUERY, WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY, NULL, &pIEnumClassObject ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
DWORD dwReturned = 0; IWbemClassObject *pINTCons = NULL; // Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pIEnumClassObject->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, // return just one service
&pINTCons, // pointer to service
&dwReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) && ( dwReturned == 1 ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pINTCons ); } // If Service Succeeded
else { m_dwNextTriggerID = 1; }
SAFERELEASE( pIEnumClassObject );
dwTId = m_dwNextTriggerID;
VariantInit(&varTemp); varTemp.vt = VT_I4; varTemp.lVal = dwTId;
// set the trigger id property of NTEventConsumer
hRes = pINewInstance->Put( TRIGGER_ID, 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp );
//if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
// set Triggername property.
hRes = pINewInstance->Put( TRIGGER_NAME, 0, &varTName, 0 ); //if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
// set action property
hRes = pINewInstance->Put( TRIGGER_ACTION, 0, &varTAction, 0 ); //if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
//set desc property
hRes = pINewInstance->Put( TRIGGER_DESC, 0, &varTDesc, 0 ); //if failed to set the property return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
CHString szScheduler = NULL_STRING; CHString szRUser = (LPCWSTR)_bstr_t(varRUser.bstrVal); if( ( varRUser.vt != VT_NULL ) && ( varRUser.vt != VT_EMPTY ) && ( szRUser.GetLength() > 0 ) ) { GetUniqueTScheduler( szScheduler, m_dwNextTriggerID, varTName ); hRes = SetUserContext( varRUser, varRPwd, varTAction, szScheduler ); *phRes = hRes; if( hRes == ERROR_SCHDEULE_TASK_INVALID_USER || ( hRes == ERROR_TASK_SCHDEULE_SERVICE_STOP ) ) //to send a warning msg to client
{ bInvalidUser = TRUE; } if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { //if user is not existing or service is stopped skip
if( ( hRes != ERROR_SCHDEULE_TASK_INVALID_USER ) && ( hRes != ERROR_TASK_SCHDEULE_SERVICE_STOP ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; } } }
VariantInit(&varTemp); varTemp.vt = VT_BSTR; varTemp.bstrVal = SysAllocString( szScheduler ); hRes = pINewInstance->Put( TASK_SHEDULER, 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); return hRes; }
// Write the instance to WMI.
hRes = m_pServices->PutInstance( pINewInstance, 0, 0, NULL ); SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance );
//if putinstance failed return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); return hRes; }
//get the current instance for binding it with __FilterToConsumerBinding class
wsprintf( szTemp, BIND_CONSUMER_PATH, dwTId);
bstrcurInst1 = _bstr_t( szTemp ); pINtLogEventClass = NULL; hRes = m_pServices->GetObject( bstrcurInst1, 0L, NULL, &pINtLogEventClass, NULL );
//if unable to get the current instance return error
if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); return hRes; }
// if association class exists...
if( ( hRes = m_pServices->GetObject( BINDINGCLASS, 0L, NULL, &pIBindClass, NULL ) ) == S_OK ) { // spawn a new instance.
pINewInstance = NULL; if( ( hRes = pIBindClass->SpawnInstance( 0, &pINewInstance ) ) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { // set consumer instance name
if ( ( hRes = pINtLogEventClass->Get( REL_PATH, 0L, &varTemp, NULL, NULL ) ) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { hRes = pINewInstance->Put( CONSUMER_BIND, 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); // set Filter ref
if ( ( hRes = pIFilterClass->Get( REL_PATH, 0L, &varTemp, NULL, NULL ) ) == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { hRes = pINewInstance->Put( FILTER_BIND, 0, &varTemp, 0 ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); // putInstance
hRes = m_pServices->PutInstance( pINewInstance, WBEM_FLAG_CREATE_OR_UPDATE, NULL, NULL ); } } SAFERELEASE( pINewInstance ); SAFERELEASE( pINtLogEventClass ); // Don't need the class any more
SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); // Don't need the class any more
SAFERELEASE( pIBindClass ); } else { SAFERELEASE( pINtLogEventClass ); // Don't need the class any more
SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); // Don't need the class any more
SAFERELEASE( pIBindClass ); }
} else { SAFERELEASE( pINtLogEventClass ); // Don't need the class any more
SAFERELEASE( pIFilterClass ); // Don't need the class any more
} } catch(_com_error& e) { return hRes; } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } if( ( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) && ( bInvalidUser == TRUE ) ) { return WARNING_INVALID_USER; }
return hRes; }
// Routine Description:
// This routine deletes the instance of TriggerEventConsumer,
// __EventFilter and __FilterToConsumerBinding classes.
// Arguments:
// varTName [in] : Trigger Name.
// dwTrigId [in\out] : Trigger id.
// Return Value:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful.
// Otherwise failure error code.
HRESULT CTriggerProvider::DeleteTrigger( VARIANT varTName, DWORD *dwTrigId ) { HRESULT hRes = 0; IEnumWbemClassObject *pIEventBinder = NULL; IWbemClassObject *pINTCons = NULL; DWORD dwReturned = 1; DWORD i =0; DWORD j = 0; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING1]; TCHAR szTemp1[MAX_RES_STRING1]; VARIANT varTemp; BSTR bstrFilInst = NULL; DWORD dwFlag = 0; wchar_t *szwTemp2 = NULL; wchar_t szwFilName[100]; try { _bstr_t bstrBinInst; CHString strTScheduler = NULL_STRING;
memset( szTemp, 0, sizeof( szTemp ) ); memset( szTemp1, 0, sizeof( szTemp1 ) ); memset( szwFilName, 0, sizeof( szwFilName ) );
wsprintf( szTemp, TRIGGER_INSTANCE_NAME, varTName.bstrVal ); hRes = m_pServices->ExecQuery( QUERY_LANGUAGE, _bstr_t( szTemp ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY| WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pIEventBinder );
memset( szTemp, 0, sizeof( szTemp ) ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; } while ( ( dwReturned == 1 ) && ( dwFlag == 0 ) ) { // Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pIEventBinder->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, // return just one service
&pINTCons, // pointer to service
&dwReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) && ( dwReturned == 1 ) ) { dwFlag = 1; } // If Service Succeeded
} SAFERELEASE( pIEventBinder );
if( dwFlag == 0 ) { SAFERELEASE( pINTCons ); return ERROR_TRIGGER_NOT_FOUND; }
VariantInit( &varTemp ); hRes = pINTCons->Get( TRIGGER_ID, 0, &varTemp, 0, NULL ); if (FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIEventBinder ); SAFERELEASE( pINTCons ); return hRes; } *dwTrigId = ( DWORD )varTemp.lVal; VariantClear( &varTemp );
hRes = pINTCons->Get( TASK_SHEDULER, 0, &varTemp, 0, NULL ); if (FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIEventBinder ); SAFERELEASE( pINTCons ); return hRes; } SAFERELEASE( pINTCons ); strTScheduler = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t(varTemp.bstrVal); VariantClear( &varTemp ); if( strTScheduler.GetLength() > 0 ) { hRes = DeleteTaskScheduler( strTScheduler ); if ( hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { return hRes; } }
wsprintf( szTemp, BIND_CONSUMER_PATH, *dwTrigId );
//enumerate the binding class
hRes = m_pServices->CreateInstanceEnum( _bstr_t(BINDINGCLASS), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY | WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pIEventBinder );
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { dwReturned = 1; dwFlag = 0; //loop through all the instances of binding class to find that trigger
//id specified. If found loop out and proceed else return error
// Final Next will return with ulReturned = 0
while ( ( dwReturned == 1 ) && ( dwFlag == 0 ) ) { IWbemClassObject *pIBind = NULL;
// Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pIEventBinder->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, // return just one Logfile
&pIBind, // pointer to Logfile
&dwReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) && ( dwReturned == 1 ) ) { VariantInit(&varTemp); //get consumer property of binding class
hRes = pIBind->Get( CONSUMER_BIND, 0, &varTemp, 0, NULL ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { if (varTemp.vt != VT_NULL && varTemp.vt != VT_EMPTY) { CHString strTemp; strTemp = varTemp.bstrVal;
//compare with the inputed value
if( wcscmp( szTemp, strTemp ) == 0 ) { VariantClear( &varTemp ); //get the filter property
hRes = pIBind->Get( FILTER_BIND, 0, &varTemp, 0, NULL ); if ( hRes != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { SAFERELEASE( pIBind ); break; } bstrFilInst = SysAllocString( varTemp.bstrVal ); dwFlag = 1; } } else { SAFERELEASE( pIBind ); break; } } else { SAFERELEASE( pIBind ); break; } SAFERELEASE( pIBind ); VariantClear( &varTemp ); } else { break; } } //end of while
SAFERELEASE( pIEventBinder ); } else { return( hRes ); }
//if instance has been found delete the instances from consumer,filter
// and binding class
if( dwFlag == 1 ) { //get the key properties for binding class
wsprintf( szTemp1, FILTER_PROP, szTemp ); szwTemp2 = (wchar_t *) bstrFilInst; //manpulate the filter property value to insert the filter name property
// value in quotes
i =0; while( szwTemp2[i] != EQUAL ) { i++; } i += 2; j = 0; while( szwTemp2[i] != DOUBLE_QUOTE ) { szwFilName[j] = ( wchar_t )szwTemp2[i]; i++; j++; } szwFilName[j] = END_OF_STRING; bstrBinInst = _bstr_t( szTemp1 ) + _bstr_t( szwFilName ) + _bstr_t(DOUBLE_SLASH);
//got it so delete the instance
hRes = m_pServices->DeleteInstance( bstrBinInst, 0, 0, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SysFreeString( bstrFilInst ); return hRes; } //deleting instance from EventFilter class
hRes = m_pServices->DeleteInstance( bstrFilInst, 0, 0, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SysFreeString( bstrFilInst ); return hRes; }
//deleting instance from TriggerEventConsumer Class
hRes = m_pServices->DeleteInstance( _bstr_t(szTemp), 0, 0, NULL ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SysFreeString( bstrFilInst ); return hRes; } SysFreeString( bstrFilInst ); } else return( ERROR_TRIGGER_NOT_DELETED ); } catch(_com_error& e) { return hRes; } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
// Routine Description:
// This routine queries task scheduler for account information
// Arguments:
// varScheduledTaskName [in] : Task scheduler name.
// szRunAsUser [out] : stores account information.
// Return Value:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful.
// Otherwise failure error code.
HRESULT CTriggerProvider::QueryTrigger( VARIANT varScheduledTaskName, CHString &szRunAsUser ) {
HRESULT hRes = 0; ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler = NULL; IEnumWorkItems *pIEnum = NULL; ITask *pITask = NULL;
LPWSTR *lpwszNames = NULL; DWORD dwFetchedTasks = 0; TCHAR szActualTask[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] = NULL_STRING; try { pITaskScheduler = GetTaskScheduler(); if ( pITaskScheduler == NULL ) { hRes = E_FAIL; return hRes; }
hRes = pITaskScheduler->Enum( &pIEnum ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; } while ( SUCCEEDED( pIEnum->Next( 1, &lpwszNames, &dwFetchedTasks ) ) && (dwFetchedTasks != 0)) { while (dwFetchedTasks) { // Check whether the TaskName is present, if present
// then return arrJobs.
// Convert the Wide Charater to Multi Byte value.
GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( lpwszNames[ --dwFetchedTasks ], szActualTask, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szActualTask ) );
// Parse the TaskName to remove the .job extension.
szActualTask[lstrlen(szActualTask ) - lstrlen(JOB) ] = NULL_CHAR; StrTrim( szActualTask, TRIM_SPACES ); CHString strTemp; strTemp = varScheduledTaskName.bstrVal; if( lstrcmpi( szActualTask, strTemp ) == 0 ) { hRes = pITaskScheduler->Activate( szActualTask, IID_ITask, (IUnknown**) &pITask ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { LPWSTR lpwszUser = NULL; hRes = pITask->GetAccountInformation( &lpwszUser ); if( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) ) { szRunAsUser = ( LPWSTR ) lpwszUser; } } } CoTaskMemFree( lpwszNames[ dwFetchedTasks ] ); }//end while
CoTaskMemFree( lpwszNames ); } pIEnum->Release(); } catch(_com_error& e) { return hRes; } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hRes; }
// Routine Description:
// This routine validates input parameters trigger name,
// Trigger Query, Trigger Desc, Trigger Action.
// Arguments:
// varTrigName [in]: Trigger Name.
// varTrigAction [in] : Trigger Action.
// varTrigQuery [in] : Trigger Query.
// Return Value:
// WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful.
// WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER if invalid inputs.
HRESULT CTriggerProvider::ValidateParams( VARIANT varTrigName, VARIANT varTrigAction, VARIANT varTrigQuery ) { //local variables
HRESULT hRes = 0; IEnumWbemClassObject *pINTEConsumer = NULL; DWORD dwReturned = 0; DWORD dwFlag = 0; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_RES_STRING1]; TCHAR szTemp1[MAX_RES_STRING1]; LPTSTR lpSubStr = NULL; try { CHString strTemp = NULL_STRING;
//check if input values are null
if ( varTrigName.vt == VT_NULL ) { return ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } if ( varTrigAction.vt == VT_NULL ) { return ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); } if( varTrigQuery.vt == VT_NULL ) { return ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
//validate trigger name
strTemp = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t(varTrigName.bstrVal); dwReturned = strTemp.FindOneOf( L"[]:|<>+=;,?$#{}~^'@`!()*%\\/" ); if( dwReturned != -1 ) { return ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
//validate trigger query
memset( szTemp, 0, sizeof( szTemp ) ); memset( szTemp1, 0, sizeof( szTemp1 ) );
strTemp = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t(varTrigQuery.bstrVal); GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( ( LPCWSTR )strTemp, szTemp, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); lpSubStr = _tcsstr( szTemp, _T( "__instancecreationevent where targetinstance isa \"win32_ntlogevent\"" ) );
if( lpSubStr == NULL ) { return ( WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ); }
//make the SQL staements to query trigger event consumer class to check whether
//an instance with the inputted trigger is already exists
strTemp = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t(varTrigName.bstrVal); memset( szTemp, 0, sizeof( szTemp ) ); GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( (LPCWSTR)strTemp, szTemp, MAX_RES_STRING1 ); wsprintf(szTemp1, CONSUMER_QUERY, szTemp ); //query triggereventconsumer class
hRes = m_pServices->ExecQuery( QUERY_LANGUAGE, _bstr_t( szTemp1 ), WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY| WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY, NULL, &pINTEConsumer );
//enumerate the result set of execquery for trigger name
dwReturned = 1; if ( hRes == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ) { while ( ( dwReturned == 1 ) && ( dwFlag == 0 ) ) { IWbemClassObject *pINTCons = NULL;
// Enumerate through the resultset.
hRes = pINTEConsumer->Next( WBEM_INFINITE, 1, // return just one service
&pINTCons, // pointer to service
&dwReturned ); // number obtained: one or zero
if ( SUCCEEDED( hRes ) && ( dwReturned == 1 ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pINTCons ); dwFlag = 1; } // If Service Succeeded
} SAFERELEASE( pINTEConsumer ); }
if( dwFlag == 1 ) { return ERROR_TRIGNAME_ALREADY_EXIST; } else { return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; } } catch(_com_error& e) { return hRes; } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } //return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// Routine Description:
// This routine creates task scheduler.
// Arguments:
// varTName [in] : Trigger Name.
// varRUser [in] : User name.
// varRPwd [in] : Password.
// varTAction [in] : TriggerAction.
// szscheduler [in] : Task scheduler name.
// Return Value:
// Returns HRESULT value.
HRESULT CTriggerProvider::SetUserContext( VARIANT varRUser, VARIANT varRPwd, VARIANT varTAction, CHString &szscheduler ) { HRESULT hRes = 0; ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler = NULL; ITaskTrigger *pITaskTrig = NULL; ITask *pITask = NULL; IPersistFile *pIPF = NULL; try { CHString strTemp = NULL_STRING; CHString strTemp1 = NULL_STRING;
SYSTEMTIME systime = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; WORD wTrigNumber = 0; WCHAR wszCommand[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ] = NULL_STRING; WCHAR wszApplName[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ] = NULL_STRING; WCHAR wszParams[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ] = L""; WORD wStartDay = 0; WORD wStartMonth = 0; WORD wStartYear = 0; WORD wStartHour = 0; WORD wStartMin = 0;
TASK_TRIGGER TaskTrig; ZeroMemory(&TaskTrig, sizeof (TASK_TRIGGER)); TaskTrig.cbTriggerSize = sizeof (TASK_TRIGGER); TaskTrig.Reserved1 = 0; // reserved field and must be set to 0.
TaskTrig.Reserved2 = 0; // reserved field and must be set to 0.
strTemp = (LPCWSTR) _bstr_t(varTAction.bstrVal); if( GetAsUnicodeString( (LPCWSTR) strTemp, wszCommand, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszCommand ) ) == NULL ) { return E_FAIL; }
pITaskScheduler = GetTaskScheduler( ); if ( pITaskScheduler == NULL ) { return E_FAIL; } hRes = pITaskScheduler->NewWorkItem( szscheduler, CLSID_CTask, IID_ITask, ( IUnknown** )&pITask ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { return hRes; } hRes = pITask->QueryInterface( IID_IPersistFile, ( void ** ) &pIPF ); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); return hRes; } BOOL bRet = ProcessFilePath( wszCommand, wszApplName, wszParams );
hRes = pITask->SetApplicationName( wszApplName ); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); return hRes; }
wchar_t* wcszStartIn = wcsrchr( wszApplName, _T('\\') ); if( wcszStartIn != NULL ) *( wcszStartIn ) = _T( '\0' ); hRes = pITask->SetWorkingDirectory( wszApplName ); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); return hRes; }
hRes = pITask->SetParameters( wszParams ); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); return hRes; }
DWORD dwMaxRunTimeMS = INFINITE; hRes = pITask->SetMaxRunTime(dwMaxRunTimeMS); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); return hRes; } if( varRUser.vt != VT_NULL && varRUser.vt != VT_EMPTY ) { strTemp = (LPCWSTR)_bstr_t(varRUser.bstrVal); strTemp1 = (LPCWSTR)_bstr_t(varRPwd.bstrVal); hRes = pITask->SetAccountInformation( ( LPCWSTR ) strTemp, ( LPCWSTR )strTemp1 ); } else { strTemp = (LPCWSTR)_bstr_t(varRUser.bstrVal); hRes = pITask->SetAccountInformation( ( LPCWSTR )strTemp, NULL_STRING ); } if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); return hRes; } GetLocalTime(&systime); wStartDay = systime.wDay; wStartMonth = systime.wMonth; wStartYear = systime.wYear - 1; GetLocalTime(&systime); wStartHour = systime.wHour; wStartMin = systime.wMinute; hRes = pITask->CreateTrigger( &wTrigNumber, &pITaskTrig ); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); SAFERELEASE( pITaskTrig ); return hRes; } TaskTrig.TriggerType = TASK_TIME_TRIGGER_ONCE; TaskTrig.wStartHour = wStartHour; TaskTrig.wStartMinute = wStartMin; TaskTrig.wBeginDay = wStartDay; TaskTrig.wBeginMonth = wStartMonth; TaskTrig.wBeginYear = wStartYear;
hRes = pITaskTrig->SetTrigger( &TaskTrig ); if ( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); SAFERELEASE( pITaskTrig ); return hRes; } hRes = pIPF->Save( NULL,TRUE ); SAFERELEASE( pIPF ); SAFERELEASE( pITask ); SAFERELEASE( pITaskTrig ); } catch(_com_error& e) { return hRes; } catch( CHeap_Exception ) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hRes; }
// Routine Description:
// This routine deletes task scheduler.
// Arguments:
// szTScheduler [in] : Task Scheduler name.
// Return Value:
// Returns HRESULT value.
HRESULT CTriggerProvider::DeleteTaskScheduler( CHString strTScheduler ) { HRESULT hRes = 0; ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler = NULL; IEnumWorkItems *pIEnum = NULL; LPWSTR *lpwszNames = NULL; DWORD dwFetchedTasks = 0; TCHAR szActualTask[MAX_RES_STRING1] = NULL_STRING;
try { pITaskScheduler = GetTaskScheduler(); if ( pITaskScheduler == NULL ) { return E_FAIL; } // Enumerate the Work Items
hRes = pITaskScheduler->Enum( &pIEnum ); if( FAILED( hRes ) ) { SAFERELEASE( pIEnum ); return hRes; }
while ( SUCCEEDED( pIEnum->Next( 1, &lpwszNames, &dwFetchedTasks ) ) && (dwFetchedTasks != 0)) { while (dwFetchedTasks) { // Check whether the TaskName is present, if present
// then return arrJobs.
// Convert the Wide Charater to Multi Byte value.
if ( GetCompatibleStringFromUnicode( lpwszNames[ --dwFetchedTasks ], szActualTask, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szActualTask ) ) == NULL ) { CoTaskMemFree( lpwszNames[ dwFetchedTasks] ); SAFERELEASE( pIEnum ); return hRes; }
// Parse the TaskName to remove the .job extension.
szActualTask[lstrlen(szActualTask ) - lstrlen(JOB) ] = NULL_CHAR;
StrTrim( szActualTask, TRIM_SPACES ); if( lstrcmpi( szActualTask, strTScheduler ) == 0 ) { hRes = pITaskScheduler->Delete( szActualTask ); CoTaskMemFree( lpwszNames[ dwFetchedTasks ] ); SAFERELEASE( pIEnum ); return hRes; } }//end while
} } catch(_com_error& e) { return hRes; } return ERROR_TRIGGER_NOT_DELETED;
// Routine Description:
// This routine gets task scheduler interface.
// Arguments:
// none.
// Return Value:
// Returns ITaskScheduler interface.
ITaskScheduler* CTriggerProvider::GetTaskScheduler() { HRESULT hRes = S_OK; ITaskScheduler *pITaskScheduler = NULL;
hRes = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_CTaskScheduler, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITaskScheduler,(LPVOID*) &pITaskScheduler ); if( FAILED(hRes)) { return NULL; } hRes = pITaskScheduler->SetTargetComputer( NULL ); return pITaskScheduler; }
// Routine Description:
// This routine generates unique task scheduler name.
// Arguments:
// szScheduler [in\out] : Unique task scheduler name.
// dwTrigID [in] : Trigger id.
// varTrigName [in] : Trigger name.
// Return Value:
// none.
VOID CTriggerProvider::GetUniqueTScheduler( CHString& szScheduler, DWORD dwTrigID, VARIANT varTrigName ) { DWORD dwTickCount = 0; TCHAR szTaskName[ MAX_RES_STRING1 ] = NULL_STRING; CHString strTemp = NULL_STRING;
strTemp = (LPCWSTR)_bstr_t(varTrigName.bstrVal); dwTickCount = GetTickCount(); wsprintf( szTaskName, UNIQUE_TASK_NAME, ( LPCWSTR )strTemp, dwTrigID, dwTickCount ); szScheduler = szTaskName; }
// Routine Description:
// When Windows Management needs to deliver events to a
// particular logical consumer, it will call the
// IWbemEventConsumerProvider::FindConsumer method so that
// the consumer provider can locate the associated consumer event sink.
// Arguments:
// pLogicalConsumer [in] : Pointer to the logical consumer object
// to which the event objects are to be delivered.
// ppConsumer [out]: Returns an event object sink to Windows
// Management. Windows Management calls
// AddRef for this pointer and deliver the
// events associated with the logical
// consumer to this sink.
// Return Value:
// returns an HRESULT object that indicates the status of the method call.
STDMETHODIMP CTriggerProvider::FindConsumer( IWbemClassObject* pLogicalConsumer, IWbemUnboundObjectSink** ppConsumer ) { // create the logical consumer.
CTriggerConsumer* pSink = new CTriggerConsumer(); // return it's "sink" interface.
return pSink->QueryInterface( IID_IWbemUnboundObjectSink, ( LPVOID* ) ppConsumer ); }