// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// domain controller promotion wizard, Mark II
// 12-12-97 sburns
#include "headers.hxx"
#include "common.hpp"
#include "adpass.hpp"
#include "BadComputerNameDialog.hpp"
#include "CheckPortAvailability.hpp"
#include "ChildPage.hpp"
#include "CredentialsPage.hpp"
#include "ConfirmationPage.hpp"
#include "DemotePage.hpp"
#include "DynamicDnsPage.hpp"
#include "ConfigureDnsClientPage.hpp"
#include "DnsOnNetPage.hpp"
#include "FailurePage.hpp"
#include "finish.hpp"
#include "ForestPage.hpp"
#include "ForestVersionPage.hpp"
#include "GcConfirmationPage.hpp"
#include "NetbiosNamePage.hpp"
#include "NewDomainPage.hpp"
#include "NewSitePage.hpp"
#include "NonDomainNc.hpp"
#include "NonRfcComputerNameDialog.hpp"
#include "PathsPage.hpp"
#include "Paths2Page.hpp"
#include "PickSitePage.hpp"
#include "rasfixup.hpp"
#include "RebootDialog.hpp"
#include "ReplicaOrNewDomainPage.hpp"
#include "ReplicateFromMediaPage.hpp"
#include "ReplicaPage.hpp"
#include "ReplicaOrMemberPage.hpp"
#include "resource.h"
#include "safemode.hpp"
#include "state.hpp"
#include "InstallTcpIpPage.hpp"
#include "TreePage.hpp"
#include "WelcomePage.hpp"
HINSTANCE hResourceModuleHandle = 0; const wchar_t* HELPFILE_NAME = 0; // no context help available
// don't change this: it is also the name of a mutex that the net id ui
// uses to determine if dcpromo is running.
const wchar_t* RUNTIME_NAME = L"dcpromoui";
// a system modal popup thingy
Popup popup(IDS_WIZARD_TITLE, true);
// this is the mutex that indicates the dcpromo is running.
// these are the valid exit codes returned from the dcpromo.exe process
enum ExitCode { // the operation failed.
// the operation succeeded
// the operation succeeded, and the user opted not to have the wizard
// restart the machine, either manually or by specifying
// RebootOnSuccess=NoAndNoPromptEither in the answerfile
// the operation failed, but the machine needs to be rebooted anyway
// Checks the platform and os version number. Returns the resource ID of the
// string to present to the user if platform/os ver requirements are not met,
// or 0 if they are met.
unsigned CheckPlatform() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckPlatform);
unsigned retval = 0;
Computer::Role role = State::GetInstance().GetComputer().GetRole(); switch (role) { case Computer::STANDALONE_WORKSTATION: case Computer::MEMBER_WORKSTATION: { retval = IDS_WORKSTATION_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; } case Computer::STANDALONE_SERVER: case Computer::MEMBER_SERVER: case Computer::PRIMARY_CONTROLLER: case Computer::BACKUP_CONTROLLER: { // check OS version
OSVERSIONINFOEX info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); HRESULT hr = Win::GetVersionEx(info); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
if ( // require an NT-based OS
info.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
// require Whistler (version 5.1)
|| !(info.dwMajorVersion == 5 && info.dwMinorVersion == 1)) { retval = IDS_NT51_REQUIRED; break; }
if (info.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_BLADE) { // machine is a web blade. Don't allow promotion.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-195265-2001/04/03-sburns
retval = IDS_WEB_BLADE_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
break; } default: { ASSERT(false); break; } }
return retval; }
// Checks the role change state of the machine. Returns the resource ID of
// the string to present to the user if the state is such that another role
// change cannot be attempted, or 0 if a role change attempt may proceed.
unsigned CheckRoleChangeState() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckRoleChangeState);
unsigned retval = 0;
// check to see if a role change has taken place, or is in progress.
DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE_INFO* info = 0; HRESULT hr = MyDsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation(0, info); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && info) { switch (info->OperationState) { case DsRoleOperationIdle: { // do nothing
break; } case DsRoleOperationActive: { // a role change operation is underway
retval = IDS_ROLE_CHANGE_IN_PROGRESS; break; } case DsRoleOperationNeedReboot: { // a role change has already taken place, need to reboot before
// attempting another.
retval = IDS_ROLE_CHANGE_NEEDS_REBOOT; break; } default: { ASSERT(false); break; } }
::DsRoleFreeMemory(info); }
return retval; }
// Checks for the presence of at least 1 logical drive formatted with NTFS5.
// Returns the resource ID of the string to present to the user if no such
// drive is found (which implies that the user will not be able to pick a
// sysvol path that is formatted w/ NTFS5, which implies that proceeding would
// be a waste of time.
unsigned CheckForNtfs5() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckForNtfs5);
if (GetFirstNtfs5HardDrive().empty()) { return IDS_NO_NTFS5_DRIVES; }
return 0; }
// Checks if the machine is running in safeboot mode. You can run dcpromo
// while in safeboot mode.
unsigned CheckSafeBootMode() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckSafeBootMode);
static const String SAFEBOOT_KEY(L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Safeboot\\Option");
do { RegistryKey key;
DWORD mode = 0; hr = key.GetValue(L"OptionValue", mode);
if (mode) { return IDS_SAFEBOOT_MODE; } } while (0);
return 0; }
unsigned CheckCertService() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckCertService);
// If not a downlevel DC upgrade, then refuse to run until cert service
// is removed. 356399
State::RunContext context = State::GetInstance().GetRunContext(); if (context != State::BDC_UPGRADE && context != State::PDC_UPGRADE) { if (NTService(L"CertSvc").IsInstalled()) { return IDS_CERT_SERVICE_IS_INSTALLED; } }
return 0; }
unsigned CheckWindirSpace() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckWindirSpace);
// if you change this, change the error message resource too.
static const unsigned WINDIR_MIN_SPACE_MB = 20;
String windir = Win::GetSystemWindowsDirectory();
if (!CheckDiskSpace(windir, 20)) { return IDS_WINDIR_LOW_SPACE; }
return 0; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-199759-2000/10/27-sburns
unsigned CheckComputerWasRenamedAndNeedsReboot() { LOG_FUNCTION(CheckComputerWasRenamedAndNeedsReboot);
if (ComputerWasRenamedAndNeedsReboot()) { return IDS_NAME_CHANGE_NEEDS_REBOOT; }
return 0; }
// Start the Network Identification UI (aka Computer Name UI). After calling
// this function, the app must not initiate a role change. It should
// terminate.
void LaunchNetId() { LOG_FUNCTION(LaunchNetId); ASSERT(dcpromoRunningMutex != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
// net id ui attempts acquisition of our mutex to determine if we are
// running. So, before starting the net id ui, we need to close the
// mutex. Otherwise, we would create a race condition between the start of
// the net id ui and the closure of this app. (And yes, cynical reader, I
// did think of that before actually encountering a problem.)
do { Win::CloseHandle(dcpromoRunningMutex);
// It would be extraordinarily unlikely, but in case the mutex close
// fails, we're gonna start the net id ui anyway and risk the race
// condition.
String sys32Folder = Win::GetSystemDirectory();
String commandLine = String::format( IDS_LAUNCH_NETID_COMMAND_LINE, sys32Folder.c_str());
PROCESS_INFORMATION procInfo; ::ZeroMemory(&procInfo, sizeof(procInfo));
STARTUPINFO startup; ::ZeroMemory(&startup, sizeof(startup));
LOG(L"Calling CreateProcess"); LOG(commandLine);
HRESULT hr = Win::CreateProcess( commandLine, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, String(), startup, procInfo); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
Win::CloseHandle(procInfo.hThread); Win::CloseHandle(procInfo.hProcess); } while (0); }
// Return false if the local machine's dns hostname is bad, also pop up an
// error dialog. Return true if the name is OK. A bad name is one we believe
// will have problems being registered in DNS after a promotion. The user
// must fix a bad name before proceeding.
bool IsComputerNameOk() { LOG_FUNCTION(IsComputerNameOk);
bool result = true;
do { State::RunContext context = State::GetInstance().GetRunContext(); if ( context == State::BDC_UPGRADE || context == State::PDC_UPGRADE || context == State::NT5_DC || !IsTcpIpInstalled() ) { // If the machine is already a DC, then we don't worry about the name.
// If the machine is a downlevel DC undergoing upgrade, then the name
// can't be changed until dcpromo is complete. So, we say nothing now,
// but remind the user to rename the machine in the Finish Page.
// If TCP/IP is not installed, then the machine has no hostname
// to check. In this case, we will check for that with the
// InstallTcpIpPage
ASSERT(result == true); break; }
// Then check the computer name to ensure that it can be registered in
// DNS.
String hostname = Win::GetComputerNameEx(::ComputerNamePhysicalDnsHostname);
DNS_STATUS status = MyDnsValidateName(hostname, ::DnsNameHostnameLabel);
switch (status) { case DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME: { INT_PTR dlgResult = NonRfcComputerNameDialog(hostname).ModalExecute(0);
switch (dlgResult) { case NonRfcComputerNameDialog::CONTINUE: { // continue on with the non-rfc name
ASSERT(result == true); break; } default: { // close the wizard and rename.
result = false;
// after calling this, we must not allow any promote
// operation. We will fall out of this function, then
// end the app.
LaunchNetId(); break; } }
break; } case DNS_ERROR_NUMERIC_NAME: { result = false;
String message = String::format( IDS_COMPUTER_NAME_IS_NUMERIC, hostname.c_str());
break; } case DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR: case ERROR_INVALID_NAME: { result = false;
String message = String::format( IDS_COMPUTER_NAME_HAS_BAD_CHARS, hostname.c_str());
BadComputerNameDialog(message).ModalExecute(0); break; } case ERROR_SUCCESS: default: { break; } } } while (0);
LOG(result ? L"true" : L"false");
return result; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-346120-2001/04/04-sburns
ExitCode HandleRebootCases() { LOG_FUNCTION(HandleRebootCases); // There are two possible reasons for needing to reboot the machine:
// the operation was successful, or the operation failed, but in the
// attempt the machine's joined state changed.
State& state = State::GetInstance();
ExitCode exitCode = (state.GetOperationResultsCode() == State::SUCCESS) ? EXIT_CODE_SUCCESSFUL : EXIT_CODE_UNSUCCESSFUL_NEEDS_REBOOT;
switch (exitCode) { case EXIT_CODE_SUCCESSFUL: { if (state.RunHiddenUnattended()) { String option = state.GetAnswerFileOption(State::OPTION_REBOOT); if (option.icompare(State::VALUE_YES) == 0) { ASSERT(exitCode == EXIT_CODE_SUCCESSFUL); HRESULT hr = Reboot(); if (FAILED(hr)) { popup.Error( Win::GetDesktopWindow(), hr, IDS_CANT_REBOOT); } break; } else if (option.icompare(State::VALUE_NO_DONT_PROMPT) == 0) { // user opted not to reboot the machine via answerfile
LOG(L"Not rebooting, and not prompting either");
RebootDialog dlg(false); if (dlg.ModalExecute(0)) { // user opted to reboot the machine
HRESULT hr = Reboot();
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); ASSERT(exitCode == EXIT_CODE_SUCCESSFUL); } else { // user opted not to reboot the machine
exitCode = EXIT_CODE_SUCCESSFUL_NO_REBOOT; } break; } case EXIT_CODE_UNSUCCESSFUL_NEEDS_REBOOT: { // If the operation failed, then the wizard has gone into interactive
// mode.
RebootDialog dlg(true); if (dlg.ModalExecute(0)) { // user opted to reboot the machine
ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } else { // user opted not to reboot the machine
ASSERT(exitCode == EXIT_CODE_UNSUCCESSFUL_NEEDS_REBOOT); } break; } default: { ASSERT(false); break; } }
return exitCode; }
ExitCode RunWizard() { LOG_FUNCTION(RunWizard);
// this is necessary to use the hotlink-style static text control.
// //
// // BOOL b = LinkWindow_RegisterClass();
// // ASSERT(b);
// Welcome must be first
wiz.AddPage(new WelcomePage());
// These are not in any particular order...
wiz.AddPage(new AdminPasswordPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ChildPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ConfigureDnsClientPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ConfirmationPage()); wiz.AddPage(new CredentialsPage()); wiz.AddPage(new DemotePage()); wiz.AddPage(new DnsOnNetPage()); wiz.AddPage(new DynamicDnsPage()); wiz.AddPage(new FailurePage()); wiz.AddPage(new FinishPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ForestPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ForestVersionPage()); wiz.AddPage(new GcConfirmationPage()); wiz.AddPage(new InstallTcpIpPage()); wiz.AddPage(new NetbiosNamePage()); wiz.AddPage(new NewDomainPage()); wiz.AddPage(new NewSitePage()); wiz.AddPage(new Paths2Page()); wiz.AddPage(new PathsPage()); wiz.AddPage(new PickSitePage()); wiz.AddPage(new RASFixupPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ReplicaOrMemberPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ReplicaOrNewDomainPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ReplicaPage()); wiz.AddPage(new ReplicateFromMediaPage()); wiz.AddPage(new SafeModePasswordPage()); wiz.AddPage(new TreePage());
switch (wiz.ModalExecute(Win::GetDesktopWindow())) { case -1: { popup.Error( Win::GetDesktopWindow(), E_FAIL, IDS_PROP_SHEET_FAILED); break; } case ID_PSREBOOTSYSTEM: { exitCode = HandleRebootCases(); break; } default: { // do nothing.
break; } }
return exitCode; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-350777-2001/04/24-sburns
bool ShouldCancelBecauseMachineIsAppServer() { LOG_FUNCTION(ShouldCancelBecauseMachineIsAppServer);
bool result = false; do { State& state = State::GetInstance(); State::RunContext context = state.GetRunContext(); if (context == State::NT5_DC) { // already a DC: nothing to gripe about.
break; } OSVERSIONINFOEX info; ::ZeroMemory(&info, sizeof(info)); HRESULT hr = Win::GetVersionEx(info); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// you're running app server if you're running terminal server and
// not single user terminal server.
bool isAppServer = (info.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_TERMINAL) && !(info.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SINGLEUSERTS);
if (isAppServer) { // warn the user that promotion will whack the ts policy settings
LOG(L"machine has app server installed");
if (!state.RunHiddenUnattended()) { if ( popup.MessageBox( Win::GetDesktopWindow(), IDS_APP_SERVER_WARNING, MB_OKCANCEL) == IDCANCEL) { // user wishes to bail out.
result = true; break; } } } } while (0);
return result; }
ExitCode Start() { LOG_FUNCTION(Start);
ExitCode exitCode = EXIT_CODE_UNSUCCESSFUL; unsigned id = 0; do { // do the admin check first of all, cause others may fail for non-admin
// 292749
id = IsCurrentUserAdministrator() ? 0 : IDS_NOT_ADMIN; if (id) { break; }
// If cert service is installed, we will probably break it on promote
// or demote.
// 324653
id = CheckCertService(); if (id) { break; }
id = CheckSafeBootMode(); if (id) { break; }
// do the role change check before the platform check, as the platform
// check may be unreliable after a demote.
id = CheckRoleChangeState(); if (id) { break; }
id = CheckPlatform(); if (id) { break; }
id = CheckForNtfs5(); if (id) { break; }
id = CheckWindirSpace(); if (id) { break; }
id = CheckComputerWasRenamedAndNeedsReboot(); if (id) { break; } } while(0);
do { if (id) { popup.Error( Win::GetDesktopWindow(), String::load(id)); break; }
if (!IsComputerNameOk()) { break; }
if (ShouldCancelBecauseMachineIsAppServer()) { break; } // NTRAID#NTBUG9-129955-2000/11/02-sburns left commented out until
// PM decides what the real fix to this bug is.
// if (!AreRequiredPortsAvailable())
// {
// break;
// }
// there's always one more thing to check. 120143
if (IsLastReplicaOfNonDomainNamingContexts()) { break; }
exitCode = RunWizard(); } while (0);
LOG(String::format(L"exitCode = %1!d!", static_cast<int>(exitCode))); return exitCode; }
void ShowCommandLineHelp() { // CODEWORK: replace this with WinHelp, someday
popup.MessageBox(Win::GetDesktopWindow(), IDS_COMMAND_LINE_HELP, MB_OK); }
int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE /* hPrevInstance */ , PSTR /* lpszCmdLine */ , int /* nCmdShow */) { hResourceModuleHandle = hInstance;
HRESULT hr = Win::CreateMutex(0, true, RUNTIME_NAME, dcpromoRunningMutex); if (hr == Win32ToHresult(ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)) { popup.Error(Win::GetDesktopWindow(), IDS_ALREADY_RUNNING); } else { hr = ::CoInitialize(0); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
// change structure instance name so as not to accidentally offend
// the sensibilities of the delicate reader.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-382719-2001/05/01-sburns
INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX init_structure_not_to_contain_a_naughty_word; init_structure_not_to_contain_a_naughty_word.dwSize = sizeof(init_structure_not_to_contain_a_naughty_word); init_structure_not_to_contain_a_naughty_word.dwICC = ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS | ICC_USEREX_CLASSES;
BOOL init = ::InitCommonControlsEx(&init_structure_not_to_contain_a_naughty_word); ASSERT(init); State::Init();
if (State::GetInstance().NeedsCommandLineHelp()) { ShowCommandLineHelp(); } else { exitCode = Start(); }
State::Destroy(); }
return static_cast<int>(exitCode); }