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  1. dsmod failed:OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:Directory object not found.
  2. Description: dsadd will add objects to the directory
  3. Syntax: dsadd OBJECTTYPE [-s SERVER | -d DOMAIN]
  4. [-u USERNAME] [-w {PASSWORD | *}] [-q] ARGUMENTS
  5. Parameters:
  6. Value Description
  7. -s SERVER Connect to the DC with name SERVER [Default: this system]
  8. -d DOMAIN Connect to a DC in domain DOMAIN [Default: Logon domain]
  9. -u USERNAME Connect as USERNAME [Default: the logged in user]
  10. -w PASSWORD Password for the user USERNAME [if * then prompt for pwd]
  11. -q Quiet mode: suppress all output to STDOUT
  12. OBJECTTYPE Type of object to add which is one of {user,
  13. computer,group,contact, ou, subnet, site,
  14. slink, slinkbr, conn}
  15. ARGUMENTS Parameters specific to the object type being added.
  16. For details, type "dsadd OBJECTTYPE -h" where OBJECTTYPE is
  17. one of the valid object types listed above
  18. Description: dsadd will add objects to the directory
  19. Syntax: dsadd OBJECTTYPE [-s SERVER | -d DOMAIN]
  20. [-u USERNAME] [-w {PASSWORD | *}] [-q] ARGUMENTS
  21. Parameters:
  22. Value Description
  23. -s SERVER Connect to the DC with name SERVER [Default: this system]
  24. -d DOMAIN Connect to a DC in domain DOMAIN [Default: Logon domain]
  25. -u USERNAME Connect as USERNAME [Default: the logged in user]
  26. -w PASSWORD Password for the user USERNAME [if * then prompt for pwd]
  27. -q Quiet mode: suppress all output to STDOUT
  28. OBJECTTYPE Type of object to add which is one of {user,
  29. computer,group,contact, ou, subnet, site,
  30. slink, slinkbr, conn}
  31. ARGUMENTS Parameters specific to the object type being added.
  32. For details, type "dsadd OBJECTTYPE -h" where OBJECTTYPE is
  33. one of the valid object types listed above
  34. dsadd failed:CN=nnGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  35. dsadd failed:CN=ooGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  36. dsadd failed:CN=ppGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  37. dsadd failed:CN=qqGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  38. dsadd failed:CN=rrGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  39. dsadd failed:CN=ssGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  40. dsadd failed:CN=ttGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  41. dsadd failed:CN=uuGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  42. dsadd failed:CN=vvGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  43. dsadd failed:CN=wwGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  44. dsadd failed:CN=xxGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  45. dsadd failed:CN=yyGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  46. dsadd failed:OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.
  47. dsadd failed:CN=aGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The specified group already exists.
  48. dsadd failed:CN=aUser,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The specified user already exists.
  49. dsadd failed:CN=aComp,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The specified user already exists.
  50. dsadd failed:CN=aCont,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:An attempt was made to add an object to the directory with a name that is already in use.
  51. Description: dsmod modifies existing objects in the directory
  52. Syntax: dsmod [-s SERVER | -d DOMAIN] [-u USERNAME] [-w {PASSWORD | *}]
  54. Parameters:
  55. Value Description
  56. -s SERVER Connect to the DC with name SERVER [Default: this system]
  57. -d DOMAIN Connect to a DC in domain DOMAIN [Default: this domain]
  58. -u USERNAME Connect as USERNAME [Default: the logged in user]
  59. -w PASSWORD Password for the user USERNAME [if * then prompt for pwd]
  60. -q Quiet mode
  61. OBJECTTYPE Type of object to modify which is one of
  62. {user, computer, group, contact, ou, subnet, site, slink, slinkbr, conn}
  63. OBJECTDN ... The LDAP distinguished name of the object being modified
  64. -desc DESCRIPTION Set the description attribute for the object specified
  65. by OBJECTDN
  66. ARGUMENTS Parameters specific to the object type being modified.
  67. For details, type dsmod OBJECTTYPE h where OBJECTTYPE is
  68. one of the valid object types listed above
  69. Description: dsmod modifies existing objects in the directory
  70. Syntax: dsmod [-s SERVER | -d DOMAIN] [-u USERNAME] [-w {PASSWORD | *}]
  72. Parameters:
  73. Value Description
  74. -s SERVER Connect to the DC with name SERVER [Default: this system]
  75. -d DOMAIN Connect to a DC in domain DOMAIN [Default: this domain]
  76. -u USERNAME Connect as USERNAME [Default: the logged in user]
  77. -w PASSWORD Password for the user USERNAME [if * then prompt for pwd]
  78. -q Quiet mode
  79. OBJECTTYPE Type of object to modify which is one of
  80. {user, computer, group, contact, ou, subnet, site, slink, slinkbr, conn}
  81. OBJECTDN ... The LDAP distinguished name of the object being modified
  82. -desc DESCRIPTION Set the description attribute for the object specified
  83. by OBJECTDN
  84. ARGUMENTS Parameters specific to the object type being modified.
  85. For details, type dsmod OBJECTTYPE h where OBJECTTYPE is
  86. one of the valid object types listed above
  87. Description: dsmod ou will modify an existing organizational unit in the
  88. directory
  89. Syntax: dsmod ou {<NAME > | <OBJECTDN ...>}
  90. [-name NEWNAME] [-desc DESCRIPTION]
  91. Parameters:
  92. Value Description
  93. NAME Common name of one or more OUs to modify
  94. OBJECTDN ... DNs of one or more OUs to modify
  95. -name NEWNAME Rename the OU to NEWNAME
  96. -desc DESCRIPTION Set OU description to DESCRIPTION
  97. Description: dsmod group modifies an existing group in the directory
  98. Syntax: dsmod group <OBJECTDN ......>
  99. [-samid SAMNAME] [-desc DESCRIPTION]
  100. [-secgrp yes|no] [-scope l|g|u]
  101. dsmod group {-addmbr|-rmmbr|-chmbr}
  102. OBJECTDN ...<MEMBER ...>
  103. Parameters:
  104. Value Description
  105. NAME Common name of one or more groups to modify
  106. OBJECTDN ...... DNs of one or more groups to modify
  107. -name NEWNAME Rename the group to NEWNAME
  108. -samname SAMNAME Set the SAM account name of group to SAMNAME
  109. -desc DESCRIPTION Set group description to DESCRIPTION
  110. -secgrp yes|no Set the group type to security or non-security
  111. -scope l|g|u Set the scope of group to local/global/universal
  112. -memberof GROUP; Make group a member of one or more groups GROUP;
  113. Description: dsmod user will modify an existing user in the directory
  114. Syntax: dsmod user {<NAME > | <OBJECTDN ...>}
  115. [-name NEWNAME]
  116. [-upn UPN] [-fn FIRSTNAME] [-mi INITIAL] [-ln LASTNAME]
  117. [-display DISPLAYNAME] [-pwd PASSWORD] [-desc DESCRIPTION]
  118. [-office OFFICE] [-tel PHONE#] [-email EMAIL]
  119. [-hometel HOMEPHONE#] [-pager PAGER#] [-mobile CELLPHONE#]
  120. [-fax FAX#] [-iptel IPPHONE#]
  121. [-title TITLE] [-dept DEPARTMENT] [-company COMPANY]
  122. [-mustchpwd yes|no] [-canchpwd yes|no] [-pwdneverexpires
  123. yes|no] [-acctexpires NUMDAYS] [-disabled yes|no]
  124. Parameters:
  125. Value Description
  126. NAME Common name of one or more users to modify
  127. OBJECTDN ... DNs of one or more users to modify
  128. -name NEWNAME Rename the user to NEWNAME
  129. -upn UPN Set the upn value to UPN
  130. -fn FIRSTNAME Set user first name to FIRSTNAME
  131. -mi INITIAL Set user middle initial to INITIAL
  132. -ln LASTNAME Set user last name to LASTNAME
  133. -display DISPLAYNAME Set user display name to DISPLAYNAME
  134. -pwd PASSWORD Reset user password to PASSWORD
  135. -desc DESCRIPTION Set user description to DESCRIPTION
  136. -office OFFICE Set user office location to OFFICE
  137. -tel PHONE# Set user telephone# to PHONE#
  138. -email EMAIL Set user e-mail address to EMAIL
  139. -hometel HOMEPHONE# Set user home phone# to HOMEPHONE#
  140. -pager PAGER# Set user pager# to PAGER#
  141. -mobile CELLPHONE# Set user mobile# to CELLPHONE#
  142. -fax FAX# Set user fax# to FAX#
  143. -title TITLE Set user title to TITLE
  144. -dept DEPARTMENT Set user department to DEPARTMENT
  145. -company COMPANY Set user company info to COMPANY
  146. -mustchpwd yes|no Set if user must change password at next logon
  147. -canchpwd yes|no Set if user can change password or not
  148. -pwdneverexpires yes|no Set if user password never expires or not
  149. -acctexpires NUMDAYS Set user account to expire in NUMDAYS days from
  150. today [a value of 0 implies account never expires]
  151. -disabled yes|no Set if user account is disabled or not
  152. Examples:
  153. Resetting a user password can be accomplished by running
  154. dsmod user USERDN -pwd NEW_PASSWORD -mustchpwd yes
  155. Passwords of multiple users can be reset at the same time to a common password
  156. forcing them to change their password the next time they logon by running
  157. dsmod user USERDN1 USERDN2 USERDN3 -pwd NEW_PASSWORD -mustchpwd yes
  158. Disabling multiple user accounts at the same time can be accomplished by running
  159. dsmod user USERDN1 USERDN2 USERDN3 -disabled yes
  160. Description: dsmod computer will modify an existing computer in the directory
  161. Syntax: dsmod computer {<NAME > | <OBJECTDN ...>}
  162. [-name NEWNAME]
  163. [-desc DESCRIPTION] [-disabled yes|no] [-reset]
  164. Parameters:
  165. Value Description
  166. NAME Common name of one or more computers to modify
  167. OBJECTDN ... DNs of one or more computers to modify
  168. -name NEWNAME Rename the computer to NEWNAME
  169. -desc DESCRIPTION Set computer description to DESCRIPTION
  170. -disabled yes|no Set if computer account is disabled or not
  171. -reset Reset computer account
  172. Examples:
  173. Disabling (or reseting) multiple computer accounts at the same time can be
  174. accomplished by running
  175. dsmod computer DN1 DN2 DN3 -disabled yes
  176. dsmod computer DN1 DN2 DN3 -reset
  177. Description: dsmod contact will modify an existing contact in the directory
  178. Syntax: dsmod contact {<NAME > | <OBJECTDN ...>}
  179. [-name NEWNAME]
  180. [-fn FIRSTNAME] [-mi INITIAL] [-ln LASTNAME]
  181. [-full FULLNAME] [-desc DESCRIPTION]
  182. [-office OFFICE] [-tel PHONE#] [-email EMAIL]
  183. [-hometel HOMEPHONE#] [-pager PAGER#] [-mobile CELLPHONE#]
  184. [-fax FAX#] [-iptel IPPHONE#]
  185. [-title TITLE] [-dept DEPARTMENT] [-company COMPANY]
  186. Parameters:
  187. Value Description
  188. NAME Common name of one or more contacts to modify
  189. OBJECTDN ... DNs of one or more contacts to modify
  190. -name NEWNAME Rename the contact to NEWNAME
  191. -fn FIRSTNAME Set contact first name to FIRSTNAME
  192. -mi INITIAL Set contact middle initial to INITIAL
  193. -ln LASTNAME Set contact last name to LASTNAME
  194. -full FULLNAME Set contact full name to FULLNAME
  195. -desc DESCRIPTION Set contact description to DESCRIPTION
  196. -office OFFICE Set contact office location to OFFICE
  197. -tel PHONE# Set contact telephone# to PHONE#
  198. -email EMAIL Set contact e-mail address to EMAIL
  199. -hometel HOMEPHONE# Set contact home phone# to HOMEPHONE#
  200. -pager PAGER# Set contact pager# to PAGER#
  201. -mobile CELLPHONE# Set contact mobile# to CELLPHONE#
  202. -fax FAX# Set contact fax# to FAX#
  203. -title TITLE Set contact title to TITLE
  204. -dept DEPARTMENT Set contact department to DEPARTMENT
  205. -company COMPANY Set contact company info to COMPANY
  206. dsmod failed:CN=LocalSec4,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  207. dsmod failed:CN=LocalSec6,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  208. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec4,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  209. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec6,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  210. dsmod failed:CN=LocalDist4,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  211. dsmod failed:CN=LocalDist6,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  212. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist4,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  213. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist6,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  214. dsmod failed:CN=dGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  215. dsmod failed:CN=dGroup,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:The request is not supported.
  216. Description: dsmod user will modify an existing user in the directory
  217. Syntax: dsmod user {<NAME > | <OBJECTDN ...>}
  218. [-name NEWNAME]
  219. [-upn UPN] [-fn FIRSTNAME] [-mi INITIAL] [-ln LASTNAME]
  220. [-display DISPLAYNAME] [-pwd PASSWORD] [-desc DESCRIPTION]
  221. [-office OFFICE] [-tel PHONE#] [-email EMAIL]
  222. [-hometel HOMEPHONE#] [-pager PAGER#] [-mobile CELLPHONE#]
  223. [-fax FAX#] [-iptel IPPHONE#]
  224. [-title TITLE] [-dept DEPARTMENT] [-company COMPANY]
  225. [-mustchpwd yes|no] [-canchpwd yes|no] [-pwdneverexpires
  226. yes|no] [-acctexpires NUMDAYS] [-disabled yes|no]
  227. Parameters:
  228. Value Description
  229. NAME Common name of one or more users to modify
  230. OBJECTDN ... DNs of one or more users to modify
  231. -name NEWNAME Rename the user to NEWNAME
  232. -upn UPN Set the upn value to UPN
  233. -fn FIRSTNAME Set user first name to FIRSTNAME
  234. -mi INITIAL Set user middle initial to INITIAL
  235. -ln LASTNAME Set user last name to LASTNAME
  236. -display DISPLAYNAME Set user display name to DISPLAYNAME
  237. -pwd PASSWORD Reset user password to PASSWORD
  238. -desc DESCRIPTION Set user description to DESCRIPTION
  239. -office OFFICE Set user office location to OFFICE
  240. -tel PHONE# Set user telephone# to PHONE#
  241. -email EMAIL Set user e-mail address to EMAIL
  242. -hometel HOMEPHONE# Set user home phone# to HOMEPHONE#
  243. -pager PAGER# Set user pager# to PAGER#
  244. -mobile CELLPHONE# Set user mobile# to CELLPHONE#
  245. -fax FAX# Set user fax# to FAX#
  246. -title TITLE Set user title to TITLE
  247. -dept DEPARTMENT Set user department to DEPARTMENT
  248. -company COMPANY Set user company info to COMPANY
  249. -mustchpwd yes|no Set if user must change password at next logon
  250. -canchpwd yes|no Set if user can change password or not
  251. -pwdneverexpires yes|no Set if user password never expires or not
  252. -acctexpires NUMDAYS Set user account to expire in NUMDAYS days from
  253. today [a value of 0 implies account never expires]
  254. -disabled yes|no Set if user account is disabled or not
  255. Examples:
  256. Resetting a user password can be accomplished by running
  257. dsmod user USERDN -pwd NEW_PASSWORD -mustchpwd yes
  258. Passwords of multiple users can be reset at the same time to a common password
  259. forcing them to change their password the next time they logon by running
  260. dsmod user USERDN1 USERDN2 USERDN3 -pwd NEW_PASSWORD -mustchpwd yes
  261. Disabling multiple user accounts at the same time can be accomplished by running
  262. dsmod user USERDN1 USERDN2 USERDN3 -disabled yes
  263. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  264. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  265. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  266. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  267. dsmod failed:CN=UniSec1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  268. dsmod failed:CN=UniSec1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  269. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  270. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  271. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  272. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  273. dsmod failed:CN=UniDist1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  274. dsmod failed:CN=UniDist1,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  275. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  276. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  277. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  278. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalSec2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  279. dsmod failed:CN=UniSec2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  280. dsmod failed:CN=UniSec2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  281. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  282. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  283. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a local group as a member.
  284. dsmod failed:CN=GlobalDist2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A global group cannot have a universal group as a member.
  285. dsmod failed:CN=UniDist2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.
  286. dsmod failed:CN=UniDist2,OU=aTest,DC=jeffjontst,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com:A universal group cannot have a local group as a member.