#include <windows.h>
#include "faultrep.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "malloc.h"
BOOL g_fDebug = FALSE;
enum EFaultType { eftAV = 0, eftMisalign, eftArrayBound,
eftStackOverflowFunc, eftStackOverflowAlloc,
eftInstrPriv, eftInstrBad,
eftIntDivZero, eftIntOverflow, eftFltDivZero, eftFltOverflow, eftFltUnderflow, eftFltStack, eftFltInexact, eftFltDenormal, eftFltInvalid,
eftExBadRet, eftExNonCont, };
// ***************************************************************************
void ShowUsage(void) { printf("\n"); printf("gpfme [command] [exception type]\n"); printf("\nCommand options:\n"); printf(" -a: Access violation (default if no command is specified)\n"); #ifndef _WIN64
printf(" -b: Array bound violation\n"); #endif
printf(" -i: Integer divide by 0 (default)\n"); printf(" -iz: Integer divide by 0\n"); printf(" -io: Integer overflow\n"); #ifdef _WIN64
printf(" -m: Data misalignment fault (not available on x86)\n"); #endif
printf(" -s: Stack overflow via infinite recursion (default) \n"); printf(" -sa: Stack overflow via alloca\n"); printf(" -sf: Stack overflow via infinite recursion\n"); printf(" -f: Floating point divide by 0 (default)\n"); printf(" -fi: Floating point inexact result\n"); printf(" -fn: Floating point invalid operation\n"); printf(" -fo: Floating point overflow\n"); printf(" -fu: Floating point underflow\n"); printf(" -fz: Floating point divide by 0\n"); printf(" -n: Execute privilidged instruction (default)\n"); printf(" -ni: Execute invalid instruction\n"); printf(" -np: Execute privilidged instruction\n"); }
// ***************************************************************************
LONG MyFilter(EXCEPTION_POINTERS *pep) { static BOOL fGotHere = FALSE;
EFaultRepRetVal frrv; pfn_REPORTFAULT pfn = NULL; HMODULE hmodFaultRep = NULL; WCHAR szDebugger[2 * MAX_PATH]; BOOL fGotDbgr = FALSE; char wszMsg[2048];
if (g_fDebug && (pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT || pep->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_SINGLE_STEP)) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;
if (g_fDebug && fGotHere) return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH;
fGotHere = TRUE;
if (g_fDebug) DebugBreak();
if (GetProfileStringW(L"AeDebug", L"Debugger", NULL, szDebugger, sizeofSTRW(szDebugger) - 1)) fGotDbgr = TRUE;
hmodFaultRep = LoadLibrary("faultrep.dll"); if (hmodFaultRep != NULL) { pfn = (pfn_REPORTFAULT)GetProcAddress(hmodFaultRep, "ReportFault"); if (pfn != NULL) { frrv = (*pfn)(pep, fGotDbgr); } else { printf("Unable to get ReportFault function\n"); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; } }
else { printf("Unable to load faultrep.dll\n"); return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH; }
switch(frrv) { case frrvOk: printf("DW completed fine.\n"); break;
case frrvOkManifest: printf("DW completed fine in manifest mode.\n"); break;
case frrvOkQueued: printf("DW completed fine in queue mode.\n"); break;
case frrvLaunchDebugger: printf("DW completed fine & says to launch debugger.\n"); break;
case frrvErrNoDW: printf("DW could not be launched.\n"); break; case frrvErr: printf("An error occurred.\n"); break;
case frrvErrTimeout: printf("Timed out waiting for DW to complete.\n"); break;
default: printf("unexpected return value...\n"); break;
if (hmodFaultRep != NULL) FreeLibrary(hmodFaultRep);
// ***************************************************************************
void NukeStack(void) { DWORD rgdw[512]; DWORD a = 1;
// the compiler tries to be smart and not let me deliberately write a
// infinitely recursive function, so gotta do this to work around it.
if(a == 1) NukeStack(); }
// ***************************************************************************
typedef DWORD (*FAULT_FN)(void); void DoException(EFaultType eft) { switch(eft) { // access violation
default: case eftAV: { int *p = NULL;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an access violation\n"); *p = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
#ifdef _WIN64
// data misalignment
case eftMisalign: { DWORD *pdw; BYTE rg[8];
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an misalignment fault.\n"); pdw = (DWORD *)&rg[2]; *pdw = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; } #endif
#ifndef _WIN64
// array bounds failure
case eftArrayBound: { fprintf(stderr, "Generating an out-of-bounds exception\n");
__int64 li; DWORD *pdw = (DWORD *)&li;
*pdw = 1; pdw++; *pdw = 2;
// bound will throw an 'array out of bounds' exception
_asm mov eax, 0 _asm bound eax, li fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; } #endif
// stack overflow
case eftStackOverflowFunc: { fprintf(stderr, "Generating an stack overflow via recursion\n"); NukeStack(); fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// stack overflow
case eftStackOverflowAlloc: { LPVOID pv; DWORD i;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an stack overflow via alloca\n"); for (i = 0; i < 0xffffffff; i++) pv = _alloca(512); fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// integer divide by 0
case eftIntDivZero: { DWORD x = 4, y = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an integer div by 0\n"); x = x / y; fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// integer overflow
case eftIntOverflow: {
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an integer overflow\n"); #ifdef _WIN64
__int64 x = 0x7fffffffffffffff, y = 0x7fffffffffffffff; x = x + y; #else
DWORD x = 0x7fffffff, y = 0x7fffffff; x = x + y; _asm into #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// floating point divide by 0
case eftFltDivZero: { double x = 4.1, y = 0.0; WORD wCtl, wCtlNew;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an floating point div by 0\n");
#ifdef _WIN64
x = x / y; #else
// got to unmask the floating point exceptions so that the
// processor doesn't handle them on it's own
_asm fnstcw wCtl wCtlNew = wCtl & 0xffc0; _asm fldcw wCtlNew x = x / y; _asm fldcw wCtl #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// floating point stack overflow
case eftFltStack: { double x; WORD wCtl, wCtlNew;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an floating point stack overflow\n");
#ifdef _WIN64
// Got to unmask the floating point exceptions so that the
// processor doesn't handle them on it's own
_asm fnstcw wCtl wCtlNew = wCtl & 0xffc0; _asm fldcw wCtlNew
// there should be 8 floating point stack registers, so attempting
// to add a 9th element should nuke it
_asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fld x _asm fldcw wCtl #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; } // floating point overflow
case eftFltOverflow: { double x = 1.0, y = 10.0; WORD wCtl, wCtlNew; DWORD i;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an floating point overflow\n");
#ifdef _WIN64
// Got to unmask the floating point exceptions so that the
// processor doesn't handle them on it's own
_asm fnstcw wCtl wCtlNew = wCtl & 0xffe0; _asm fldcw wCtlNew #endif
for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) x = x * y;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// floating point invalid op
case eftFltInvalid: { double x = 1.0, y = 10.0; WORD wCtl, wCtlNew; DWORD i;
#ifdef _WIN64
// Got to unmask the floating point exceptions so that the
// processor doesn't handle them on it's own
_asm fnstcw wCtl wCtlNew = wCtl & 0xffe0; _asm fldcw wCtlNew #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an floating point invalid operation\n"); for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) x = x / y;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// floating point inexact result
case eftFltInexact: { double x = 1.0, y = 10.0; WORD wCtl, wCtlNew; DWORD i;
#ifdef _WIN64
// Got to unmask the floating point exceptions so that the
// processor doesn't handle them on it's own
_asm fnstcw wCtl wCtlNew = wCtl & 0xffc0; _asm fldcw wCtlNew #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an floating point underflow\n"); for(i = 0; i < 100000; i++) x = x / y;
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// floating point denormal value
case eftFltDenormal: { double x = 1.0; DWORD i; WORD wCtl, wCtlNew; BYTE rg[8] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0 };
fprintf(stderr, "Generating a floating point denormal exception\n");
#ifdef _WIN64
// Got to unmask the floating point exceptions so that the
// processor doesn't handle them on it's own
memcpy(&x, rg, 8); _asm fnstcw wCtl wCtlNew = wCtl & 0xf2fc; _asm fldcw wCtlNew _asm fld x #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// executing a privilidged instruction
case eftInstrPriv: { fprintf(stderr, "Generating an privilidged instruction exception\n");
#ifdef _WIN64
// must be ring 0 to execute HLT
_asm hlt #endif
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
// executing an invalid instruction
case eftInstrBad: { FAULT_FN pfn; BYTE rgc[2048];
FillMemory(rgc, sizeof(rgc), 0); pfn = (FAULT_FN)(DWORD_PTR)rgc;
fprintf(stderr, "Generating an invalid instruction exception\n"); (*pfn)();
fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
case eftExNonCont: { fprintf(stderr, "Generating an non-continuable exception- **not implemented**\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; }
case eftExBadRet: { fprintf(stderr, "Generating an bad exception filter exception- **not implemented**\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Error: No exception thrown.\n"); break; } } }
// ***************************************************************************
int __cdecl main(int argc, char **argv) { EFaultType eft = eftAV; BOOL fCheckDebug = FALSE; BOOL fUseTry = FALSE; BOOL fUseFilter = FALSE;
if (argc >= 3 && (argv[2][0] == '/' || argv[2][0] == '-')) { switch(argv[2][1]) { case 't': case 'T': if (argv[2][2] == 'D' || argv[2][2] == 'd') g_fDebug = TRUE; fUseTry = TRUE; break; case 'g': case 'G': if (argv[2][2] == 'D' || argv[2][2] == 'd') g_fDebug = TRUE; fUseFilter = TRUE; break; } }
if (argc >= 2 && (argv[1][0] == '/' || argv[1][0] == '-')) { switch(argv[1][1]) { case 't': case 'T': if (argv[1][2] == 'D' || argv[1][2] == 'd') g_fDebug = TRUE; fUseTry = TRUE; break; case 'g': case 'G': if (argv[1][2] == 'D' || argv[1][2] == 'd') g_fDebug = TRUE; fUseFilter = TRUE; break;
// AV
default: case 'a': case 'A': eft = eftAV; break; #ifndef _WIN64
// array bounds
case 'b': case 'B': eft = eftArrayBound; break; #endif
#ifdef _WIN64
// Misalignment
case 'm': case 'M': eft = eftMisalign; break; #endif
// Stack overflow
case 's': case 'S': switch(argv[1][2]) { default: case 'f': case 'F': eft = eftStackOverflowFunc; break;
case 'a': case 'A': eft = eftStackOverflowAlloc; break; }; break;
// integer exceptions
case 'i': case 'I': switch(argv[1][2]) { default: case 'z': case 'Z': eft = eftIntDivZero; break;
case 'o': case 'O': eft = eftIntOverflow; break; }; break;
// floating point exceptions
case 'f': case 'F': switch(argv[1][2]) { default: case 'z': case 'Z': eft = eftFltDivZero; break;
case 'o': case 'O': eft = eftFltOverflow; break;
case 'u': case 'U': eft = eftFltUnderflow; break;
case 'S': case 's': eft = eftFltStack; break;
case 'I': case 'i': eft = eftFltInexact; break;
case 'D': case 'd': eft = eftFltDenormal; break;
case 'N': case 'n': eft = eftFltInvalid; break; }; break;
// CPU instruction exceptions
case 'n': case 'N': switch(argv[1][2]) { default: case 'p': case 'P': eft = eftInstrPriv; break;
case 'i': case 'I': eft = eftInstrBad; break; }; break;
case 'E': case 'e': switch(argv[1][2]) { default: case 'n': case 'N': eft = eftExNonCont; break;
case 'i': case 'I': eft = eftExBadRet; break; }; break;
// help
case '?': ShowUsage(); return 0; } } else { eft = eftAV; }
if (fUseFilter) { fUseTry = FALSE; SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(MyFilter); }
if (fUseTry) { __try { DoException(eft); } __except(MyFilter(GetExceptionInformation())) { } }
else { DoException(eft); }
return 0; }