Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-2001.
// File: ACRGenPg.cpp
// Contents:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ACRGenPg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef ALPHA
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CACRGeneralPage property page
CACRGeneralPage::CACRGeneralPage(CAutoCertRequest& rACR) : CHelpPropertyPage(CACRGeneralPage::IDD), m_rACR (rACR) { m_rACR.AddRef (); //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CACRGeneralPage)
CACRGeneralPage::~CACRGeneralPage() { m_rACR.Release (); }
void CACRGeneralPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CHelpPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CACRGeneralPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CERT_TYPE, m_certTypeEdit); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CERT_PURPOSES, m_purposesEditControl); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CA_LIST, m_caListbox); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CACRGeneralPage, CHelpPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CACRGeneralPage)
// CACRGeneralPage message handlers
BOOL CACRGeneralPage::OnInitDialog() { CHelpPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); CString purposes; HRESULT hResult = m_rACR.GetUsages (purposes); if ( SUCCEEDED (hResult) ) { if ( purposes.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (purposes.LoadString (IDS_ANY)); m_purposesEditControl.SetWindowText (purposes); } else { CString error;
VERIFY (error.LoadString (IDS_ERROR_READING_ACR_PURPOSES)); m_purposesEditControl.SetWindowText (error); }
CString certTypeName; hResult = m_rACR.GetCertTypeName (certTypeName); if ( !SUCCEEDED (hResult) ) { VERIFY (certTypeName.LoadString (IDS_ERROR_READING_ACR_CERTTYPE)); } m_certTypeEdit.SetWindowText (certTypeName);
// We want the display names
CStringList& CANameList = m_rACR.GetCANameList (TRUE); CString CAName; POSITION pos = CANameList.GetHeadPosition ();
for (; pos; ) { CAName = CANameList.GetNext (pos); m_caListbox.AddString (CAName); }
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CACRGeneralPage::DoContextHelp (HWND hWndControl) { _TRACE (1, L"Entering CACRGeneralPage::DoContextHelp\n"); static const DWORD help_map[] = { IDC_CERT_TYPE, IDH_ACRPAGE_CERT_TYPE, IDC_CERT_PURPOSES, IDH_ACRPAGE_CERT_PURPOSES, IDC_CA_LIST, IDH_ACRPAGE_CA_LIST, 0, 0 };
// Display context help for a control
if ( !::WinHelp ( hWndControl, GetF1HelpFilename(), HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR) help_map) ) { _TRACE (0, L"WinHelp () failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); } _TRACE (-1, L"Leaving CACRGeneralPage::DoContextHelp\n"); }