import "objidl.idl"; import "oleidl.idl"; import "oaidl.idl"; import "wbemsvc.idl";
typedef VARIANT WBEM_VARIANT; typedef [string] WCHAR* WBEM_WSTR;
enum _tag_ExtraErrorCodes { WBEM_S_ACCEPTS_NOTHING = 0x50001, WBEM_S_ACCEPTS_EVERYTHING,
//============================================================================== // // IWbemPropertySource // // Makes the object look like a property set to enable condition testing // (see IWbemCondition below). It is useful when a provider wants to test a // a condition without the expense of constructing IWbemClassObject. // // Used: by WBEMOM inside standard IWbemCondition implementation // Implemented: by providers who wish to check if their objects satisfy a // condition without constructing IWbemClassObjects. // //============================================================================== // // GetPropertyValue // // Retrieves the value of a property by name. In the case where embedded // objects may be present, the name can be a complex one, e.g. // "OldVersion.Manufacturer". // // PARAMETERS: // // WCHAR wszPropertyName The name of the property to retrieve // long lFlags Reserved. For future compatibility, use 0. // WBEM_VARIANT* pvValue Destination for the value of the property. The // caller must VariantClear it on success. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR On Success // WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND No such property // WBEM_E_NOT_AVAILABLE The value is not available. Condition // evaluators should attempt to evaluate the // condition without it. // WBEM_E_FAILED Other critical error. // //==============================================================================
typedef [switch_type(short)] union tag_NameElementUnion { [case(WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_PROPERTY)] WBEM_WSTR m_wszPropertyName; [case(WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_TYPE_INDEX)] long m_lArrayIndex; } WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_UNION;
typedef struct tag_NameElement { short m_nType; [switch_is(m_nType)] WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT_UNION Element; } WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT;
typedef struct _tag_WbemPropertyName { long m_lNumElements; [size_is(m_lNumElements)] WBEM_NAME_ELEMENT* m_aElements; } WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME;
[object, uuid(e2451054-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemPropertySource : IUnknown { HRESULT GetPropertyValue( [in] WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME* pName, [in] long lFlags, [in, unique, out] WBEM_WSTR* pwszCimType, [out] WBEM_VARIANT* pvValue); HRESULT InheritsFrom([in] WBEM_WSTR wszClassName); };
//============================================================================== // // Projection // //==============================================================================
[uuid(d36b512a-c03a-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff), pointer_default(unique)] interface IWbemPropertyList : IUnknown { HRESULT GetList( [in] long lFlags, [out] long* plNumProps, [out, size_is(, *plNumProps)] WBEM_WSTR **pawszProps); HRESULT IsSelected([in] WBEM_WSTR wszPropertyName); };
[uuid(d36b512b-c03a-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IConfigureWbemProjector : IUnknown { HRESULT RemoveAllProperties(); HRESULT AddProperties( [in] long lNumProps, [in, size_is(lNumProps)] WBEM_WSTR* awszProps); };
//============================================================================== // // IWbemFilter // // Exported by "filter" objects and allows other to test if a given object // (property set) satisfies this condition. The tests can be applied to // IWbemClassObject pointers or to IWbemPropertySetRO pointers. // // Used: by providers to perform filtering; by WBEMOM inside IWbemEventSink to // perform filtering. // Implemented: by WBEMOM on standard query objects. No plans for user-defined // query languages at this time. // //============================================================================== // // CheckObject // // Attempts to verify if a given objects satisfies the condition represented // by this interface pointer. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN IUnknown* pObject The object to test. Must implement // IWbemClassObject or IWbemPropertySetRO. // OUT IUnknown** ppHint If not NULL and the call is successful, // a pointer to a "hint" object may be placed // here, or NULL. If the out-pointer is not // NULL, the caller may use it in // IWbemCondition::IndicateWithHint later. In // any case, the caller is responsible for // Releasing the pointer that is returned. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR The object matches the condition. // WBEM_S_FALSE The object does not match the condition. // WBEM_S_INCONCLUSIVE Unavailability of certain properties in // the object made it impossible to check the // condition at this time. TBD: the hint // in this case may contain information about // what properties are needed. Maybe not. // //============================================================================== // // IsSpecial // // Checks if this filter is of one of two special types: one that // accepts everything and one that accepts nothing. // // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_ACCEPTS_EVERYTHING // WBEM_S_ACCEPTS_NOTHING // WBEM_S_FALSE Not special // WBEM_E_FAILED Internal error. // //==============================================================================
[object, uuid(e2451055-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemFilter : IUnknown { HRESULT CheckObject( [in] IWbemPropertySource* pObject, [in, out, unique] IWbemPropertyList** ppList, [in, out, unique] IUnknown** ppHint);
HRESULT IsSpecial(); HRESULT GetType([out] IID* piid); HRESULT GetSelectedPropertyList( [in] long lFlags, // necessary, sufficient [out] IWbemPropertyList** ppList); };
[uuid(d36b512c-c03a-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemParse : IUnknown { HRESULT Parse([in] WBEM_WSTR wszText, [in] long lFlags); };
//============================================================================== // // Class Info // //==============================================================================
typedef struct _tag_ClassInfo { WBEM_WSTR m_wszClassName; boolean m_bIncludeChildren; long m_lNumSelectedProperties; [size_is(m_lNumSelectedProperties)] WBEM_WSTR* m_awszSelected; } WBEM_CLASS_INFO;
[object, uuid(e245105b-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemClassInfoFilter : IWbemFilter { HRESULT GetClassInfos( [in] long lFirstIndex, [in] long lNumInfos, [out] long* plInfosReturned, [out, size_is(lNumInfos), length_is(*plInfosReturned)] WBEM_CLASS_INFO* aInfos); };
[uuid(d36b512d-c03a-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IConfigureWbemClassInfoFilter : IUnknown { HRESULT AddClassInfos([in] long lNumInfos, [in, size_is(lNumInfos)] WBEM_CLASS_INFO* aInfos); HRESULT RemoveAllInfos(); };
//============================================================================== // // QL operators // //==============================================================================
typedef enum _tag_Ql1TokenType { QL1_NONE = 0, QL1_OR = 1, QL1_AND, QL1_NOT, QL1_OP_EXPRESSION } WBEM_QL1_TOKEN_TYPE; typedef struct _tag_WbemQl1Token { long m_lTokenType; // WbemSql1TokenType
WBEM_PROPERTY_NAME m_PropertyName; long m_lOperator; // WbemSql1ComparisonOperator WBEM_VARIANT m_vConstValue; long m_lPropertyFunction; // WbemSql1Function long m_lConstFunction; // WbemSql1Function } WBEM_QL1_TOKEN;
typedef struct _tag_WbemQl1Tolerance { boolean m_bExact; double m_fTolerance; } WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE;
[object, uuid(e245105c-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemQl1Filter : IWbemFilter { HRESULT GetTargetClass([out] WBEM_CLASS_INFO* pTargetClass, [out] WBEM_QL1_TOLERANCE* pTolerance); HRESULT GetTokens( [in] long lFirstIndex, [in] long lNumTokens, [out] long* plTokensReturned, [out, size_is(lNumTokens), length_is(*plTokensReturned)] WBEM_QL1_TOKEN* aTokens); };
[uuid(0682f5d6-c03b-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IConfigureWbemQl1Filter : IConfigureWbemProjector { HRESULT SetTargetClass([in] WBEM_CLASS_INFO* pTargetClass); HRESULT AddTokens( [in] long lNumTokens, [in, size_is(lNumTokens)] WBEM_QL1_TOKEN* aToken); HRESULT RemoveAllTokens(); // From ICreateWbemProjector // AddProperties, RemoveAllProperties. }; [pointer_default(unique), uuid(10cd7c50-c03b-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemMultiFilter : IWbemFilter { HRESULT FindAllMatches( [in] IWbemPropertySource* pObject, [out] long* plNumMatches, [out, size_is(, *plNumMatches)] long **paMatches);
HRESULT GetFilter([in] long lIndex, [out] IWbemFilter** ppFilter); };
[uuid(10cd7c51-c03b-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] interface ICreateWbemMultiFilter : IUnknown { HRESULT AddFilter([in] IWbemFilter* pFilter, [out] long* plIndex); };
//============================================================================== // // Condition conversion flags. // // Can be either: // WBEM_CONVERT_EXACT to indicate that the conversion may not // change the semantics of the condition (the new condition must accept // exactly the same set as the old one), or // WBEM_CONVERT_MAY_WEAKEN to indicate that the conversion may weaken the // condition (the new condition must accept all the objects that the old // one accepted, but may accept some other ones). // WBEM_CONVERT_MAY_STRENGTHEN to indicate that the conversion may strengthen // the condition (the new condition must reject all objects that were // rejected by the old condition, but may reject some that were accepted). // //==============================================================================
//============================================================================== // // IWbemFilterServices // // Exported by WBEMOM to provide generic filter examination and manipulation // services to providers. This interface is available from the standard // CLSID_WbemFilterServices object which can be instantiated by any provider. // // Used: by providers to learn enough about user registrations to perform // appropriate registration with their own data sources. // Implemented: by WBEMOM. No plans for user-defined query languages at this time // //============================================================================== // // ParseCondition // // Parses a textual representation of a condition in a given query language, // like SQL. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN WCHAR* wszQueryLanguage The language of the query, e.g. "SQL". // IN WCHAR* wszQuery The textual representation of the // query. // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0 for future // compatibility. // OUT IWbemFilter** ppFilter Destination for the parsed condition. // OUT IUnknown** ppError If a syntax error is discovered, this // pointer may receive an interface to the // object describing the error. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Query successfully parsed. // WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY_TYPE Query language is not supported. // WBEM_E_INVALID_QUERY Syntax error. ppError may have received more // information. // WBEM_E_FAILED Internal failure. // //============================================================================== // // ConvertCondition // // Attempts to convert a condition to a different format. Since different // condition formats have different powers of expression, this operation may // change the semantics of the condition. The user specifies if the method // may weaken or strengthen the condition. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN IWbemCondition* pOriginal The condition to convert. // IN long lNumFormats The number of elements in the // awszFormats array. // IN WCHAR* awszFormat[] The list of formats requested by the // caller. The list corresponds to the // caller's preference, but the callee has // the right to choose any one of them. // Supported formats include: // ClassInfo, SQL1, SIMPLE-OR. // // IN long lConversionFlags WBEM_CONVERSION_FLAGS_TYPE describing // how the semantics of the condition is // allowed to change. // IN REFIID ariids[] The list of interface ids to use: one // for each format. // OUT long* plFormat Destination for the index of the format // chosen by the callee. // OUT IWbemCondition** ppConverted Destination for the converted condition. // This pointer will actually point to the // interface identified by // ariids[*plFormat] // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_EXACT The condition was converted without // changes in semantics. // WBEM_S_WEAKENED The condition was weakened by the // conversion. // WBEM_S_STREGTHENED The condition was strngthened by the // conversion. // WBEM_E_INVALID_FORMAT This condition format is not supported. // WBEM_E_NOINTERFACE This interface is not available for this // query format. // WBEM_E_FAILED Internal error. // //============================================================================== // // RestrictCondition // // Restricts the condition to a subset of the domain. The entire domain // consists of objects (property sets). This function restricts the condition // to a set of properties of this object. For instance, it can create a // condition on two given properties such that if this new condition is // satisfied (and you only need the values of those two properties to check // that) then the entire condition is satisfied. Similarily, it can handle the // necessity case. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN IWbemCondition* pOriginal The condition to restrict // IN long lNumProperties The number of properties in the // restricted domain (awszPropertyNames). // IN WCHAR** awszPropertyNames The array (of size lNumProperties) of // names of the properties to restrict on. // Complex names (like "OldVal.Index") are // allowed. If a property is an embedded // object, the condition can may apply to // the properties of that object as well. // IN long lFlags WBEM_CONVERSION_FLAGS_TYPE (see above). // OUT IWbemCondition** ppRestricted Destination for the restricted // condition. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_EXACT The condition was restricted without // changes in semantics. This means that no // actual restriction occurred. // WBEM_S_WEAKENED The condition was weakened by the // restriction. // WBEM_S_STREGTHENED The condition was strngthened by the // restriction. // WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMEYER One or more parameters are invalid // WBEM_E_INVALID_PROPERTY One or more property names are invalid // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // GetDifference // // Similar to the notion of conditional probability, given conditions A // (pSubtractFromWhat) and B (pSubtractWhat), it returns condition C such that // if B AND C = A. Intuitively, C is what we need to check to be assured of // A, given that B is guaranteed to hold. // // This constructs is very important for optimizing delivery. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN IWbemCondition* pConditionWhat "A" // IN IWbemCondition* pConditionOnWhat "B" // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0 for compatibility // OUT IWbemCondition** ppConditional Destination for "C". // // RETURN VALUES: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Success. // WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // InteresectConditions // // AND's several conditions together to produce a new one condition which will // only be satisfied if all the members are. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN long lConditionCount The number of conditions to intersect. // IN IWbemCondition** aConditions The array of conditions to intersect. // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0. // OUT IWbemCondition* ppIntersection Destination for the intersection. // // RETURN VALUES: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Success. // WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // UnionConditions // // OR's several conditions together to produce a new one condition which will // be satisfied if any of the members are. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN long lConditionCount The number of conditions to union. // IN IWbemCondition** aConditions The array of conditions to union. // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0. // OUT IWbemCondition* ppIntersection Destination for the union. // // RETURN VALUES: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Success. // WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER // WBEM_E_FAILED // //==============================================================================
[object, uuid(e2451056-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemFilterServices : IUnknown { HRESULT ParseFilter( [in] WBEM_WSTR wszQueryLanguage, [in] WBEM_WSTR wszQuery, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemFilter** ppFilter, [out] IUnknown** ppError);
HRESULT ConvertFilter( [in] IWbemFilter* pOriginal, [in] long lNumFormats, [in, size_is(lNumFormats)] WBEM_WSTR* awszFormat, [in] long lFlags, [in, size_is(lNumFormats)] IID *aiids, [out] long* plFormat, [out, iid_is(aiids + *plFormat)] IWbemFilter** ppConverted );
HRESULT RestrictFilter( [in] IWbemFilter* pOriginal, [in] long lNumProperties, [in, size_is(lNumProperties)] WBEM_WSTR* awszPropertyNames, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemFilter** ppRestricted);
HRESULT GetFilterDifference( [in] IWbemFilter* pSubtractFromWhat, [in] IWbemFilter* pSubtractWhat, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemFilter** ppDifference);
HRESULT IntersectFilters( [in] long lConditionCount, [in, size_is(lConditionCount)] IWbemFilter** apFilters, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemFilter** ppIntersection);
HRESULT UnionFilters( [in] long lConditionCount, [in, size_is(lConditionCount)] IWbemFilter** apFilters, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemFilter** ppIntersection); };
//============================================================================== //============================================================================== // // Event-provider specific interfaces. // //============================================================================== //==============================================================================
//============================================================================== // // interface IWbemRequirementChangeSink // // Receives notifications when the requirements for events on a given event // sink (IWbemEventSink) changes. // // Used: by WBEMOM to notify providers of requirement changes. // Implemented: by providers to recieve these notifications. registered using // IWbemEventSink::SetRequirementChangeSink. // //============================================================================== // // OnRequirementChange // // This method is called by WBEMOM on the IWbemRequirementChangeSink pointer // registered with a given IWbemEventSink when the requirements attached to that // event sink change. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0. // IN IWbemFilter* pNewRequirements Condition corresponding to the new // requirement. This condition is // also available from IWbemEventSink:: // GetRequirements. // IN IWbemFilter* pToAdd Condition describing what new objects are // now required which were not required before. // Formally, it is guaranted that // (pOld OR pToAdd) IMPLIES pNew, but it is not // guaranteed that // pOld AND pToAdd = <empty> // IN IWbemFilter* pToDelete Condition describing what objects that were // required are no longer required. Formally, // it is guaranteed that // (pNew OR pToDelete) IMPLIES pOld, but it is // not guaranteed that // pNew AND pDelete = <empty> // // It is also guaranteed that // (pOld AND NOT pToDelete) OR pToAdd = // pNew // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Provider accepted the change // WBEM_E_FAILED Provider encountered an error. // //============================================================================== [object, uuid(e2451058-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemRequirementChangeSink : IUnknown { HRESULT OnRequirementChange( [in] long lFlags, [in] IWbemFilter* pNewRequirement, [in] IWbemFilter* pToAdd, [in] IWbemFilter* pToDelete, [in] IUnknown* pContext // reserved for operation context ); };
//============================================================================== // // interface IWbemEventSink // // What providers stuff events into. Encapsulates a filter which it uses to // filter incoming events. // // Used: by providers to provide events and learn about registrations. // Implemented: by WBEMOM on event sink objects it gives out in // IWbemEventProvider::ProvideForNamespace. // //============================================================================== // // GetRequiremets // // Returns the condition this sink uses to filter events // // PARAMETERS: // // IWbemFilter** ppRequirements // // RETURN VALUES: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // SetRequirementChangeSink // // Sets the interface pointer that will be informed when the requirements for // this sink are changed. See IWbemRequirementChangeSink above for details. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN IWbemRequirementChangeSink* pNewSink // The pointer to inform of changes // OUT IWbemRequirementChangeSink** ppOldSink // Destination for the old pointer. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // GetOptimizedSink // // Called by providers who have the knowledge that events coming from a // particular source (internal to the provider) always satisfy a certain // condition. Such a provider may want to get a specialized sink for this // event source, so that WBEMOM would have less checking to do when events // arrive. This is related to IWbemQueryServices::GetDifference method, but is // not the same! // // Note: by providing events into the optimized sink, the provider takes on // the responsibility for not lying to WBEMOM --- the guaranteed condition must // really be guaranteed! // // PARAMETERS: // // IN IWbemFilter* pGuaranteedCondition The condition that the provider // guarantees will be satisfied by // all events it will stuff into // the resulting sink. // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0. // OUT IWbemEventSink** ppOptimizedSink Destination for the optimized // sink. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // GetUsefulSubsink // // Only for providers doing all their filtering by themselves (WBEMOM chaining // is the only justifyable case of such behavior that I can see). In // addition to determining whether an event is useful, WBEMOM also needs to // determine which clients it needs to be dispatched to. If provider does its // own filtering, WBEMOM will still have to repeat that work if the event is to // be dispatched. // // This method allows such providers to learn about sub-conditions of the // big condition which WBEMOM is interested in. Using this information, providers // can do perfect filtering requiring no additional work from WBEMOM. // // It is guaranteed that the union of the conditions on all the subsinks // returned by this method implies the condition on the original sink. However, // the conditions on the sinks are not at all guaranteed to be disjoint. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN long lIndex The index of the "useful subsink" to return. // IN long lFlags // OUT IWbemEventSink** ppSink Destination for the subsink. Provider can // examine the sink and decide to supply // events into it, instead of the main sink. // NOTE: this sink is NOT optimized, i.e. it // will check all incoming events against its // condition. Use GetOptimizedSink on it to // promise to do all the filtering yourself. // RETURNS: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Success // WBEM_S_NO_MORE_DATA lIndex is larger than the number of useful // sinks. // WBEM_E_FAILED // //============================================================================== // // IndicateWithHint // // Used by providers who tested their event against the condition of the sink // before constructing it (see IWbemFilter::CheckObject and // IWbemPropertySetRO above). When doing so, such a provider might have // recieved a "hint" (see again). Now that the provider is ready to supply // that event to WBEMOM, it can give the hint to WBEMOM so that WBEMOM would not // duplicate the work done in CheckObject. // // Note: it is the provider's responsibility to not lie to WBEMOM about the // hint, e.g., not to give the hint for the wrong object. // // Parameters: // // IWbemClassObject* pEvent The event to indicate // IUnknown* pHint The hint. // // RETURN VALUES: // // WBEM_S_NO_ERROR Success // ??? TBD: may want to handle acknowledgement problem here??? // //==============================================================================
[object, uuid(e2461059-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemRawObjectSink : IUnknown { HRESULT IndicateRaw( [in] long lNumObjects, [in, size_is(lNumObjects)] IWbemPropertySource** apObjects); };
[object, uuid(e2451059-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemEventSink : IWbemRawObjectSink { HRESULT IndicateWithHint( [in] long lNumObjects, [in] IWbemClassObject* pObject, [in] IUnknown* pHint); HRESULT CheckObject( [in] IWbemPropertySource* pSource, [out] IWbemPropertyList** ppList, [out] IUnknown** ppHint); HRESULT GetRequirements( [out] IWbemFilter** ppRequirements); HRESULT SetRequirementChangeSink( [in] IWbemRequirementChangeSink* pNewSink, [out] IWbemRequirementChangeSink** ppOldSink); HRESULT GetOptimizedSink( [in] IWbemFilter* pGuaranteedCondition, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemEventSink** ppOptimizedSink); HRESULT GetUsefulSubsink( [in] long lIndex, [in] long lFlags, [out] IWbemEventSink** ppSubsink); };
//============================================================================== // // interface IWbemEventProvider // // Primary event provider interface. // // Used: by WBEMOM to initiate communication with a provider. // Implemented: by providers. Accessible from their class factory. // //============================================================================== // // ProvideForNamespace // // Instructs the provider to begin providing events for a particular namespace. // Provider can learn more about what to provide from pSink. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN WCHAR* wszNamespaceName The full name of the namespace to provide // events for. // IN IWbemServices* pNamespace The pointer to the namespace object. Use // this pointer for all operations on the // namespace, rather than ConnectServer. // IN IWbemEventSink* pSink Where to supply events. Providers can also // learn about requirements from this sink, see // IWbemEventSink. // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0. // //============================================================================== // // StopProvidingForNamespace // // Instructs the provide to stop providing events for this namespace. All // parameters are guaranteed to be the same as in the corresponding // ProvideForNamespace call. Provider should release any ref counts it has // on both pNamespace and pSink in response to this call, however, it does not // need to finish that before returning from this call. // // PARAMETERS: // // IN WCHAR* wszNamespaceName The full name of the namespace to stop // providing for. // IN IWbemServices* pNamespace The pointer to the namespace object. Use // this pointer for all operations on the // namespace, rather than ConnectServer. // IN IWbemEventSink* pSink Where to stop supplying events. // IN long lFlags Reserved. Set to 0. // //==============================================================================
[object, uuid(e245105a-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemEventProvider : IUnknown { HRESULT ProvideForNamespace( [in] WBEM_WSTR wszNamespaceName, [in] IWbemServices* pNamespace, [in] IWbemObjectSink* pSink, [in] WBEM_WSTR wszLocale, [in] long lFlags ); };
[object, uuid(a553f3f0-3805-11d0-b6b2-00aa003240c7)] interface IWbemEventSubsystem_m4 : IUnknown { HRESULT ProcessInternalEvent( [in] LONG lSendType, [in] BSTR strReserved1, [in] BSTR strReserved2, [in] BSTR strReserved3, [in] unsigned long dwReserved1, [in] unsigned long dwReserved2, [in] unsigned long dwNumObjects, [in, size_is(dwNumObjects)] IWbemClassObject** apObjects );
HRESULT VerifyInternalEvent( [in] LONG lSendType, [in] BSTR strReserved1, [in] BSTR strReserved2, [in] BSTR strReserved3, [in] unsigned long dwReserved1, [in] unsigned long dwReserved2, [in] unsigned long dwNumObjects, [in, size_is(dwNumObjects)] IWbemClassObject** apObjects );
HRESULT RegisterNotificationSink( [in] WBEM_WSTR wszNamespace, [in] WBEM_WSTR wszQueryLanguage, [in] WBEM_WSTR wszQuery, [in] long lFlags, [in] IWbemContext* pContext, [in] IWbemObjectSink* pSink);
HRESULT RemoveNotificationSink( [in] IWbemObjectSink* pSink);
HRESULT GetNamespaceSink( [in] WBEM_WSTR wszNamespace, [out] IWbemObjectSink** ppNamespaceSink); };
[object, uuid(e245107a-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemEventSubsystem : IUnknown { typedef struct { long lNumSinks; [size_is(lNumSinks)] IWbemRawObjectSink** apSinks; } WBEM_SINK_TABLE;
HRESULT Startup( [in] IWbemLocator* pLocator, [in] WBEM_WSTR wszServerName, [in] IWbemClassObject* pIdentification); HRESULT Shutdown(); HRESULT OpenNamespace( [in] WBEM_WSTR wszNamespaceName, [in] IWbemServices* pNamespace, [out] IWbemRawObjectSink** ppGenericSink, [out] WBEM_SINK_TABLE* pIntrinsicTable); HRESULT CloseNamespace( [in] WBEM_WSTR wszNamespaceName, [in] IWbemServices* pNamespace, [out] long* plNamespaceFlags); };
//============================================================================ // // Consumer interfaces // //============================================================================
[object, uuid(e246107a-b06e-11d0-ad61-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemEventConsumerProvider : IUnknown { HRESULT FindConsumer( [in] IWbemClassObject* pLogicalConsumer, [out] IWbemUnboundObjectSink** ppConsumer); };
[object, uuid(a57be31e-efe3-11d0-ad71-00c04fd8fdff)] interface IWbemCausalityAccess : IUnknown { HRESULT GetCausalityId([out] unsigned long* pdwId); HRESULT SetCausalityId([in] unsigned long dwId); };
[uuid(9ee8e422-c115-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] library WbemQuery { interface IWbemObjectSink; [uuid(02c72e3e-c109-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] coclass WbemClassInfoFilter { interface IWbemClassInfoFilter; interface IConfigureWbemClassInfoFilter; }; [uuid(254896c8-c109-11d0-ad64-00c04fd8fdff)] coclass WbemQl1Filter { interface IWbemQl1Filter; interface IConfigureWbemQl1Filter; interface IWbemParse; }; [uuid(08a59b5c-dd50-11d0-ad6b-00c04fd8fdff)] coclass ComEventConsumerProvider { interface IWbemEventConsumerProvider; }; [uuid(5d08b586-343a-11d0-ad46-00c04fd8fdff)] coclass WbemEventSubsystem { interface IWbemEventSubsystem_m4; }; [uuid(08a59b5d-dd50-11d0-ad6b-00c04fd8fdff)] coclass WbempEventConsumerProvider { interface IWbemUnboundObjectSink; }; }