// Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
// Forward declarations
class CWMIManagement; class CWMIDataBlock; class CWMIProcessClass; class CNamespaceManagement;
#define RUNTIME_BINARY_MOFS_ADDED L"RuntimeBinaryMofsAdded"
#define RUNTIME_BINARY_MOFS_DELETED L"RuntimeBinaryMofsDeleted"
//#pragma warning( disable : 4005 )
#include <objbase.h>
//#pragma warning( default : 4005 )
// kill warning: "nonstandard extension ...
//#pragma warning( disable : 4200 )
#include "wmi\wmium.h"
//#pragma warning( default : 4200 )
#include <wbemint.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <wbemidl.h>
#include <GENLEX.H>
#include <OPATHLEX.H>
#include <OBJPATH.H>
#include <flexarry.h>
#include <oahelp.inl>
#include <mofcomp.h>
#include <wbemutil.h>
#include <cominit.h>
#define SERVICES m_pWMI->Services()
#define CONTEXT m_pWMI->Context()
#define HANDLER m_pWMI->Handler()
SAFEARRAY * OMSSafeArrayCreate( IN VARTYPE vt, IN int iNumElements); #define WMI_BINARY_MOF_GUID L"{05901221-D566-11d1-B2F0-00A0C9062910}"
// Defines
#define SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pv) \
{ if(pv) delete pv; \ pv = NULL; }
#define SAFE_RELEASE_PTR(pv) \
{ if(pv){ pv->Release(); } \ pv = NULL; }
#define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pv) \
{ if(pv) delete []pv; \ pv = NULL; } #define GUID_SIZE 128
#define NAME_SIZE 256*2
#define ProcessOneFixedInstance 1
#define ProcessUnfixedInstance 2
#define NoMore 3
#define MSG_SIZE 512
#define WMI_NO_MORE 0x80044001
#define WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_ADDED_GUID L"{B48D49A2-E777-11D0-A50C-00A0C9062910}"
#define WMI_RESOURCE_MOF_REMOVED_GUID L"{B48D49A3-E777-11d0-A50C-00A0C9062910}"
#define MSG_DATA_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND L"The instance name passed was not recognized as valid"
#define MSG_DATA_NOT_AVAILABLE L"The WDM data block is no longer available."
#define MSG_SUCCESS L"Operation completed successfully"
#define MSG_INVALID_BLOCK_POINTER L"WDM Buffer size and actual size of data do not match"
#define MSG_DRIVER_ERROR L"WDM specific error code: 4209 (Driver specific error, driver could not complete request)"
#define MSG_READONLY_ERROR L"WDM specific error code: 4213 (The WDM data item or data block is read-only)"
#define MSG_ARRAY_ERROR L"Array is the wrong size"
#define IDS_ImpersonationFailed "Impersonation failed - Access denied"
#define ANSI_MSG_DATA_INSTANCE_NOT_FOUND "The instance name passed was not recognized as valid"
#define ANSI_MSG_DRIVER_ERROR "WDM specific error code: 4209 (Driver specific error, driver could not complete request)"
#define ANSI_MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER "Invalid Parameter"
#define ANSI_MSG_INVALID_DATA "Invalid Data"
#define ANSI_MSG_INVALID_NAME_BLOCK "Invalid Name Block"
#define ANSI_MSG_INVALID_DATA_BLOCK "Invalid Data Block"
#define ANSI_MSG_ACCESS_DENIED "Access Denied"
#define MOF_ADDED 1
#define MOF_DELETED 2
// The Utility Functions
BOOL IsBinaryMofResourceEvent(LPOLESTR pGuid, GUID gGuid); bool IsNT(void); BOOL GetUserThreadToken(HANDLE * phThreadTok); void TranslateAndLog( WCHAR * wcsMsg ); BOOL SetGuid(WCHAR * wcsGuid, CLSID & Guid); HRESULT AllocAndCopy(WCHAR * wcsSource, WCHAR ** pwcsDest );
HRESULT CheckIfThisIsAValidKeyProperty(WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsProperty, IWbemServices * p); HRESULT GetParsedPath( BSTR ObjectPath,WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsInstance,IWbemServices * p); BOOL GetParsedPropertiesAndClass( BSTR Query,WCHAR * wcsClass );
// The Utility Classes / struct definitions
class CAutoWChar { WCHAR * m_pStr; public: CAutoWChar(int nSize) { m_pStr = new WCHAR[nSize+1]; if( m_pStr ) memset( m_pStr,NULL,nSize+1); } ~CAutoWChar() { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_pStr);} BOOL Valid() { if( !m_pStr ) return FALSE; return TRUE; } operator PWCHAR() { return m_pStr; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CCriticalSection { public: CCriticalSection() { } ~CCriticalSection() { } inline void Init() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_criticalsection); } inline void Delete() { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_criticalsection); } inline void Enter() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_criticalsection); } inline void Leave() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_criticalsection); }
private: CRITICAL_SECTION m_criticalsection; // standby critical section
class CAutoBlock { private:
CCriticalSection *m_pCriticalSection;
CAutoBlock(CCriticalSection *pCriticalSection) { m_pCriticalSection = NULL; if(pCriticalSection) { pCriticalSection->Enter(); } m_pCriticalSection = pCriticalSection; }
~CAutoBlock() { if(m_pCriticalSection) m_pCriticalSection->Leave();
} }; typedef struct _AccessList { CFlexArray m_List; HRESULT Add(IWbemObjectAccess * pPtr) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; pPtr->AddRef(); if(CFlexArray::out_of_memory == m_List.Add(pPtr)) { pPtr->Release(); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
return hr; } inline long Size() { return m_List.Size(); } inline void ** List() { return m_List.GetArrayPtr(); }
_AccessList() {} ~_AccessList(); // code elsewhere
typedef struct _IdList { CFlexArray m_List; // 170635
HRESULT Add( ULONG_PTR l) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG_PTR * lp = new ULONG_PTR; if(lp) { *lp = l; if(CFlexArray::out_of_memory == m_List.Add(lp)) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(lp); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
inline long Size() { return m_List.Size(); } inline void ** List() { return m_List.GetArrayPtr(); }
_IdList() {} ~_IdList(); // code elsewhere
} IdList;
typedef struct _HandleList { CFlexArray m_List; // 170635
HRESULT Add( HANDLE l ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HANDLE * lp = new HANDLE; if(lp) { *lp = l; if(CFlexArray::out_of_memory == m_List.Add(lp)) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(lp); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
inline long Size() { return m_List.Size(); } inline void ** List() { return m_List.GetArrayPtr(); }
_HandleList() {} ~_HandleList(); // code elsewhere
} HandleList;
typedef struct _KeyList { CWStringArray m_List;
// ================================================================
// Appends a new element to the end of the array. Copies the param.
// ================================================================
int Add(WCHAR * pStr) { return m_List.Add( pStr ); }
// ================================================================
// Locates a string or returns -1 if not found.
// ================================================================
int Find(WCHAR * pStr) { int nFlags = 0; return m_List.FindStr( pStr, nFlags ); }
// ================================================================
// Removes a string
// ================================================================
HRESULT Remove(WCHAR * pStr) { int nIndex = Find(pStr); if( nIndex > -1 ) { m_List.RemoveAt( nIndex ); } return S_OK; } // ================================================================
// Removes a string
// ================================================================
BOOL OldDriversLeftOver() { if( m_List.Size() > 0 ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// ================================================================
// Get how many are in there
// ================================================================
int GetSize() { return m_List.Size(); }
// ================================================================
// Get at a specific position
// ================================================================
WCHAR * GetAt(int n) { return m_List.GetAt(n); } _KeyList() {} ~_KeyList(){} } KeyList;
typedef struct _InstanceList { CFlexArray m_List; // 170635
HRESULT Add( WCHAR * p ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR * pNew = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(hr = AllocAndCopy(p, &pNew))) { if(CFlexArray::out_of_memory == m_List.Add(pNew)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pNew); } } return hr; }
inline long Size() { return m_List.Size(); } inline void ** List() { return m_List.GetArrayPtr(); }
_InstanceList() {} ~_InstanceList(); // code elsewhere
} InstanceList;
typedef struct _OldClassInfo { WCHAR * m_pClass; WCHAR * m_pPath;
_OldClassInfo() { m_pClass = m_pPath = NULL; } ~_OldClassInfo(); // code elsewhere
} OldClassInfo;
typedef struct _OldClassList { CFlexArray m_List;
HRESULT Add( WCHAR * pClass, WCHAR * pPath ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ( !pClass ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ( !pPath) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
OldClassInfo * pInfo = new OldClassInfo; if( pInfo ) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = AllocAndCopy(pClass, &(pInfo)->m_pClass))) { if(SUCCEEDED(hr = AllocAndCopy(pPath, &(pInfo)->m_pPath))) { if(CFlexArray::out_of_memory == m_List.Add(pInfo)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pInfo); } } } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
WCHAR * GetClass( int nIndex ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; OldClassInfo * pInfo = NULL;
pInfo = (OldClassInfo *) m_List[nIndex]; return pInfo->m_pClass; }
WCHAR * GetPath( int nIndex ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; OldClassInfo * pInfo = NULL;
pInfo = (OldClassInfo *)m_List[nIndex]; return pInfo->m_pPath; }
inline long Size() { return m_List.Size(); } inline void ** List() { return m_List.GetArrayPtr(); }
_OldClassList() {} ~_OldClassList(); // code elsewhere
} OldClassList;
typedef struct _WMIEventRequest { DWORD dwId; WCHAR wcsGuid[GUID_SIZE]; WCHAR * pwcsClass; BOOL fHardCoded; CLSID gGuid; IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler; IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices; IWbemContext __RPC_FAR * pCtx;
_WMIEventRequest(); ~_WMIEventRequest(); void AddPtrs( IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler,IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices,IWbemContext __RPC_FAR * pCtx); BOOL SetClassName( WCHAR * p ) { SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(pwcsClass); return SUCCEEDED(AllocAndCopy( p, &pwcsClass)) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
} WMIEventRequest;
typedef struct _WMIHandleMap { HANDLE WMIHandle; GUID Guid; ULONG uDesiredAccess; LONG RefCount;
void AddRef(); LONG Release(); _WMIHandleMap() { WMIHandle = 0; uDesiredAccess = 0; RefCount = 0; } ~_WMIHandleMap() { }
typedef struct _WMIHiPerfHandleMap { WMIHANDLE WMIHandle; ULONG_PTR lHiPerfId; BOOL m_fEnumerator; CWMIProcessClass * m_pClass; IWbemHiPerfEnum * m_pEnum;
_WMIHiPerfHandleMap(CWMIProcessClass * p, IWbemHiPerfEnum * pEnum); ~_WMIHiPerfHandleMap();
typedef struct _IDOrder { WCHAR * pwcsPropertyName; WCHAR * pwcsEmbeddedObject; long lType; int nWMISize; long lHandle; DWORD dwArraySize; BOOL fPutProperty;
_IDOrder() { pwcsPropertyName = NULL; pwcsEmbeddedObject = NULL; lHandle = 0; } ~_IDOrder() { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pwcsPropertyName); SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pwcsEmbeddedObject); } BOOL SetPropertyName( WCHAR * p ) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pwcsPropertyName); return SUCCEEDED(AllocAndCopy( p, &pwcsPropertyName)) ? TRUE : FALSE; } BOOL SetEmbeddedName( WCHAR * p ) { SAFE_DELETE_PTR(pwcsEmbeddedObject);return SUCCEEDED(AllocAndCopy( p, &pwcsEmbeddedObject)) ? TRUE : FALSE; }
} IDOrder;
class CAnsiUnicode { public: CAnsiUnicode() {} ~CAnsiUnicode() {} HRESULT UnicodeToAnsi(WCHAR * pszW, char *& pAnsi); HRESULT AllocateAndConvertAnsiToUnicode(char * pstr, WCHAR *& pszW); };
class CAutoChangePointer { private: CWMIProcessClass * m_pTmp; CWMIProcessClass ** m_pOriginal; public: CAutoChangePointer(CWMIProcessClass ** ppOriginal, CWMIProcessClass * pNew) { m_pTmp = *ppOriginal; m_pOriginal = ppOriginal; *ppOriginal = pNew; }
~CAutoChangePointer() { *m_pOriginal = m_pTmp; } };
// The Common Base Classes
// Common functions regarding binary mof processing & security
class CHandleMap { protected:
CFlexArray m_List; CCriticalSection m_HandleCs;
CHandleMap() { m_HandleCs.Init(); } ~CHandleMap() { CloseAllOutstandingWMIHandles(); m_HandleCs.Delete();}
inline CCriticalSection * GetCriticalSection() { return (CCriticalSection*)&m_HandleCs;} HRESULT Add(CLSID Guid, HANDLE hCurrent, ULONG uDesiredAccess);
int ExistingHandleAlreadyExistsForThisGuidUseIt(CLSID Guid, HANDLE & hCurrentWMIHandle, BOOL & fCloseHandle, ULONG uDesiredAccess); void CloseAllOutstandingWMIHandles(); int ReleaseHandle( HANDLE hCurrentWMIHandle ); int GetHandle(CLSID Guid, HANDLE & hCurrentWMIHandle ); }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CHiPerfHandleMap : public CHandleMap { private: int m_nIndex;
CHiPerfHandleMap() { m_nIndex = 0; } ~CHiPerfHandleMap(){CloseAndReleaseHandles();}
HRESULT Delete( HANDLE & hCurrent, ULONG_PTR lHiPerfId ); HRESULT Add( HANDLE hCurrent, ULONG_PTR lHiPerfId, CWMIProcessClass * p, IWbemHiPerfEnum * pEnum );
HRESULT FindHandleAndGetClassPtr( HANDLE & lWMIHandle, ULONG_PTR lHiPerfId,CWMIProcessClass *& p); HRESULT GetFirstHandle(HANDLE & hCurrent,CWMIProcessClass *& p, IWbemHiPerfEnum *& pEnum); HRESULT GetNextHandle(HANDLE & hCurrent,CWMIProcessClass *& p, IWbemHiPerfEnum *& pEnum); void CloseAndReleaseHandles();
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CWMI_IDOrder { private:
int m_nTotal; int m_nCurrent; int m_nStartingPosition; // CWMIProcessClass * m_pObj;
IWbemObjectAccess * m_pAccess; IWbemClassObject * m_pClass;
IDOrder * m_pWMIDataIdList;
DWORD GetSizeOfArray(LPCWSTR bProp, LONG lType); HRESULT ProcessPropertyQualifiers(LPCWSTR bstrPropName, int nMax,BOOL fHiPerf);
public: // CWMI_IDOrder(CWMIProcessClass * p);
CWMI_IDOrder(IWbemClassObject * p, IWbemObjectAccess * p2); ~CWMI_IDOrder();
WCHAR * GetFirstID(); WCHAR * GetNextID(); void InitMemberVars();
HRESULT ProcessMethodProperties(); HRESULT GetPropertiesInIDOrder(BOOL HiPerf); inline long PropertyType() { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].lType;} inline int PropertySize() { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].nWMISize;} inline int ArraySize() { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].dwArraySize; } inline WCHAR * PropertyName() { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].pwcsPropertyName;} inline WCHAR * EmbeddedClassName() { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].pwcsEmbeddedObject;} inline ULONG WMIDataId() { return m_nCurrent; } inline void SetPutProperty(BOOL fV) { m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].fPutProperty = fV;} inline BOOL GetPutProperty(void) { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].fPutProperty;} inline LONG GetPropertyHandle() { return m_pWMIDataIdList[m_nCurrent].lHandle;} }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CWMIManagement { protected:
IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * m_pHandler; IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * m_pServices; IWbemContext __RPC_FAR * m_pCtx;
CHandleMap * m_pHandleMap; //======================================================
// ************** PUBLIC ********************
CWMIManagement(); ~CWMIManagement();
inline IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * Handler() { return m_pHandler;} inline IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * Services() { return m_pServices;} inline IWbemContext __RPC_FAR * Context() { return m_pCtx;} inline CHandleMap * HandleMap() { return m_pHandleMap;}
inline void SetWMIPointers(CHandleMap * pList, IWbemServices __RPC_FAR * pServices, IWbemObjectSink __RPC_FAR * pHandler, IWbemContext __RPC_FAR *pCtx) { m_pHandleMap = pList; m_pServices = pServices; m_pHandler = pHandler; m_pCtx = pCtx; }
// THE Event Group
BOOL CancelWMIEventRegistration( GUID gGuid , ULONG_PTR uContext );
// Cleanup Group
void CloseAllOutstandingWMIHandles();
// Error message processing/checking access
void SendPrivilegeExtendedErrorObject(HRESULT hrToReturn,WCHAR * wcsClass); HRESULT SetErrorMessage(HRESULT hrToReturn, WCHAR * wcsClass, WCHAR * wcsMsg);
HRESULT GetListOfUserPrivileges(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *& ptPriv); void ProcessPrivileges(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES *ptPriv, SAFEARRAY *& psaPrivNotHeld, SAFEARRAY * psaPrivReq );
}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class CWMIProcessClass { protected:
CWMIManagement * m_pWMI; CWMI_IDOrder * m_pCurrentProperty; WCHAR * m_pwcsClassName; IWbemClassObject * m_pClass; IWbemClassObject * m_pClassInstance; IWbemObjectAccess * m_pAccess; IWbemObjectAccess * m_pAccessInstance; CLSID m_Guid; WORD m_wHardCodedGuid; BOOL m_fHiPerf; BOOL m_fGetNewInstance; BOOL m_fInit; //=============================================
// Private functions
void InitMemberVars(); void ReleaseInstancePointers(); HRESULT GetPropertiesInIDOrder(BOOL fHiPerf);
CWMIProcessClass(BOOL b); ~CWMIProcessClass();
enum __PropertyCategory{ EmbeddedClass = 0, // For the property categories
Array = 1, Data = 2 } _PropertyCategory;
HRESULT Initialize();
// inline functions
inline BOOL SetHiPerf(BOOL f) { return m_fHiPerf = f;} inline BOOL GetNewInstance(BOOL f) { return m_fGetNewInstance = f;} inline CWMIManagement * WMI() { return m_pWMI;} inline void SetWMIPointers(CWMIProcessClass * p) { if( m_pWMI ){m_pWMI->SetWMIPointers(p->WMI()->HandleMap(),p->WMI()->Services(),p->WMI()->Handler(),p->WMI()->Context()); } }
inline CWMIManagement * GetWMIManagementPtr() { return m_pWMI; } inline void SetHardCodedGuidType( WORD wValue ) { m_wHardCodedGuid= wValue; } inline WORD GetHardCodedGuidType() { return m_wHardCodedGuid;}
inline CLSID * GuidPtr() { return &m_Guid;} inline IWbemObjectAccess * GetAccessInstancePtr() { return m_pAccessInstance; } inline WCHAR * EmbeddedClassName() { return m_pCurrentProperty->EmbeddedClassName();} inline WCHAR * FirstProperty() { return m_pCurrentProperty->GetFirstID(); } inline WCHAR * NextProperty() { return m_pCurrentProperty->GetNextID(); } inline int ArraySize() { return m_pCurrentProperty->ArraySize(); } inline int PropertySize() { return m_pCurrentProperty->PropertySize(); } inline long PropertyType() { return m_pCurrentProperty->PropertyType(); } inline WCHAR * GetClassName() { return m_pwcsClassName;} inline IWbemClassObject * ClassPtr() { return m_pClass; } inline long GetPropertyHandle() { return m_pCurrentProperty->GetPropertyHandle(); }
// Basic class manipulation
BOOL GetANewAccessInstance(); BOOL GetANewInstance() ; inline BOOL ValidClass() { if( m_pClass && m_pCurrentProperty){return TRUE;} return FALSE;} int PropertyCategory();
HRESULT SetClassName(WCHAR * wcsName); HRESULT SetClass(WCHAR * wcsClass); HRESULT SetClass(IWbemClassObject * pPtr); HRESULT SetAccess(IWbemObjectAccess * pPtr); HRESULT SetClassPointerOnly(IWbemClassObject * pPtr); HRESULT SetClassPointerOnly(IWbemObjectAccess * pPtr); HRESULT GetGuid(void); HRESULT SetKeyFromAccessPointer(); HRESULT GetKeyFromAccessPointer(CVARIANT * v); HRESULT InitializeEmbeddedClass(CWMIProcessClass * Em ); //=============================================
// Property manipulation
void SetActiveProperty(); HRESULT SetHiPerfProperties(LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp) ;
inline HRESULT PutPropertyInInstance(VARIANT * vToken) { return ( m_pClassInstance->Put(m_pCurrentProperty->PropertyName(), 0, vToken, NULL));}
inline HRESULT GetPropertyInInstance(WCHAR * pwcsProperty,CVARIANT & vValue, LONG & lType) { return m_pClass->Get(pwcsProperty, 0, &vValue, &lType, NULL);} HRESULT GetSizeOfArray(long & lType, DWORD & dwCount, BOOL & fDynamic);
// Embedded classes
HRESULT ReadEmbeddedClassInstance( IUnknown * pUnknown, CVARIANT & v ); HRESULT GetLargestDataTypeInClass(int & nSize); void SaveEmbeddedClass(CVARIANT & v); HRESULT GetSizeOfClass(DWORD & dwSize);
// Send the instance back to WBEM
inline ULONG WMIDataId() { return m_pCurrentProperty->WMIDataId();} inline void SetPutProperty(BOOL fV) { m_pCurrentProperty->SetPutProperty(fV);} inline BOOL GetPutProperty() { return m_pCurrentProperty->GetPutProperty();}
HRESULT SendInstanceBack(); HRESULT SetInstanceName(WCHAR * wName,BOOL); HRESULT GetInstanceName(WCHAR *& p);
// Class functions, providing access to the
// properties, qualifiers in a class.
// NOTE: Properties are in WMI order
HRESULT GetQualifierString( WCHAR * pwcsPropertyName, WCHAR * pwcsQualifierName, WCHAR * pwcsExternalOutputBuffer,int nSize); HRESULT GetQualifierValue( WCHAR * pwcsPropertyName, WCHAR * pwcsQualifierName, CVARIANT * vQual); HRESULT GetPrivilegesQualifer(SAFEARRAY ** psaPrivReq);
// Methods
ULONG GetMethodId(LPCWSTR bProp); HRESULT GetMethodProperties(); };
class CWMIDataBlock { protected: BOOL m_fUpdateNamespace; BOOL m_fMofHasChanged;
CWMIProcessClass * m_Class;
HANDLE m_hCurrentWMIHandle; BOOL m_fCloseHandle;
BYTE * m_pbDataBuffer,* m_pbCurrentDataPtr,* m_pbWorkingDataPtr; DWORD m_dwDataBufferSize; ULONG * m_upNameOffsets; ULONG * m_pMaxPtr; ULONG m_ulVersion,m_uInstanceSize; int m_nCurrentInstance; int m_nTotalInstances; BOOL m_fFixedInstance; PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE m_pSingleWnode; PWNODE_ALL_DATA m_pAllWnode; WNODE_HEADER* m_pHeaderWnode; DWORD m_dwCurrentAllocSize; DWORD m_dwAccumulativeSizeOfBlock; BOOL m_fMore; WCHAR m_wcsMsg[MSG_SIZE]; ULONG m_uDesiredAccess;
// Initializing member variables
void InitMemberVars(); HRESULT SetAllInstanceInfo(); HRESULT SetSingleInstanceInfo();
// Get the data from WMI
BOOL InitializeDataPtr(); void GetNextNode(); BOOL ParseHeader(); HRESULT ProcessArrayTypes(VARIANT & vToken,WCHAR * pwcsProperty); HRESULT WriteArrayTypes(WCHAR * pwcsProperty,CVARIANT & v); HRESULT FillInProperty();
BOOL GetDataBlockReady(DWORD dwSize,BOOL ); HRESULT ReAllocateBuffer(DWORD wCount); HRESULT AllocateBuffer(DWORD dwSize); inline BOOL PtrOk(ULONG * pPtr,ULONG uHowMany); int AssignNewHandleAndKeepItIfWMITellsUsTo();
// Mapping return code and dumping out
// WNODE info
HRESULT MapReturnCode(ULONG uRc); HRESULT DumpWnodeInfo(char * pwcsMsg); void DumpAllWnode(); void DumpSingleWnode(); void DumpWnodeMsg(char * wcsMsg) ;
public: CWMIDataBlock(); ~CWMIDataBlock();
void UpdateNamespace(BOOL fUpdate) { m_fUpdateNamespace = fUpdate;} BOOL UpdateNamespace() { return m_fUpdateNamespace; } BOOL HasMofChanged() { return m_fMofHasChanged; }
inline void SetClassProcessPtr(CWMIProcessClass * Class) { m_Class = Class;}
// Open and Close WMI ... :)
void CloseAllOutstandingWMIHandles(void); HRESULT OpenWMI(); HRESULT OpenWMIForBinaryMofGuid();
// Setting up and cancelling Events
// Setting ptrs to the data sent by the event
HRESULT RegisterWMIEvent( WCHAR * wcsGuid, ULONG_PTR uContext, CLSID & Guid, BOOL fRegistered); HRESULT SetAllInstancePtr( PWNODE_ALL_DATA pwAllNode );
// Processing the data we got back and putting
// it into WBEM
virtual HRESULT FillOutProperties()=0;
HRESULT ProcessBinaryMof(); HRESULT ReadWMIDataBlockAndPutIntoWbemInstance(); inline BOOL MoreToProcess() { return m_fMore;}
// Embedded Class
HRESULT ProcessEmbeddedClass(CVARIANT & v);
// The Put Instance Group
HRESULT WriteEmbeddedClass(IUnknown * pUnknown,CVARIANT & v);
HRESULT ConstructDataBlock(BOOL fInit); HRESULT WriteDataToBufferAndIfSinglePropertySubmitToWMI(BOOL fInit,BOOL fPutProperty); HRESULT SetSingleInstancePtr( PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE pwSingleNode); HRESULT SetSingleItem(); HRESULT PutSingleProperties(); BOOL GetListOfPropertiesToPut(int nWhich, CVARIANT & vList); //=====================================================
// Manipulate data in the data block
void GetWord(WORD & wWord) ; void GetDWORD(DWORD & dwWord) ; void GetFloat(float & fFloat) ; void GetDouble(DOUBLE & dDouble) ; void GetSInt64(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer) ; void GetUInt64(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer) ; void GetQWORD(unsigned __int64 & uInt64); void GetString(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer,WORD wCount, WORD wBufferSize) ; void GetByte(BYTE & bByte) ; void SetWord(WORD wWord) ; void SetDWORD(DWORD dwWord) ; void SetFloat(float fFloat) ; void SetDouble(DOUBLE dDouble) ; void SetSInt64(__int64 Int64) ; void SetUInt64(unsigned __int64 UInt64) ; void SetString(WCHAR * pwcsBuffer,WORD wCount) ; void SetByte(byte bByte) ;
void AddPadding(DWORD dwBytesToPad); BOOL CurrentPtrOk(ULONG uHowMany); HRESULT GetBufferReady(DWORD wCount); //=======================================================
// Utility functions
inline void InitDataBufferToNull() { m_dwDataBufferSize = 0; m_pbDataBuffer = NULL;} BOOL ResetMissingQualifierValue(WCHAR * pwcsProperty, SAFEARRAY *& pSafe); BOOL ResetMissingQualifierValue(WCHAR * pwcsProperty, CVARIANT & vToken);
HRESULT ProcessDataBlock(); int AdjustDataBlockPtr(HRESULT & hr); HRESULT ProcessNameBlock(BOOL f);
// Binary mof processing
HRESULT ExtractImageAndResourceName(CVARIANT & vImagePath,CVARIANT & vResourceName); HRESULT AddBinaryMof(CVARIANT & vImagePath,CVARIANT & vResourceName); HRESULT DeleteBinaryMof(CVARIANT & vImagePath,CVARIANT & vResourceName); HRESULT ProcessBinaryMofDataBlock(CVARIANT & vResourceName, WCHAR * w);
// Cleanup
void ResetDataBuffer();
// Error Message
inline WCHAR * GetMessage() { return m_wcsMsg; }
inline void SetDesiredAccess(ULONG u) { m_uDesiredAccess = u; }
// The Standard Provider Classes
class CProcessStandardDataBlock : public CWMIDataBlock { private:
HRESULT FillOutProperties(); CWMIProcessClass * m_pMethodInput; CWMIProcessClass * m_pMethodOutput;
CProcessStandardDataBlock(); ~CProcessStandardDataBlock() ;
inline void SetMethodInput( CWMIProcessClass * p ) { m_pMethodInput = p;} inline void SetMethodOutput( CWMIProcessClass * p ) { m_pMethodOutput = p;}
// Getting the data to process in response to
// a request for enumeration. We either get
// a single guy, or a bunch of guys
ULONG GetDataBufferAndQueryAllData(DWORD dwSize); ULONG GetDataBufferAndQuerySingleInstance(DWORD dwSize,WCHAR * wcsInstanceName);
HRESULT QueryAllData(); HRESULT QuerySingleInstance(WCHAR * wcsInstanceName); HRESULT SetSingleInstance();
// Methods
HRESULT ProcessMethodInstanceParameters(); HRESULT ExecuteMethod(ULONG MethodId, WCHAR * MethodInstanceName, ULONG InputValueBufferSize,BYTE * InputValueBuffer);
// Methods
ULONG GetMethodId(LPCWSTR bProp); HRESULT CreateOutParameterBlockForMethods(); HRESULT CreateInParameterBlockForMethods( BYTE *& Buffer, ULONG & uBufferSize); HRESULT AllocateBlockForMethodOutput(DWORD & dwSize,CWMIProcessClass & Class); HRESULT GetEmbeddedClassSize(WCHAR * wcsEmbedded, DWORD & dwSize);
// The Hi Performance Classes
class CProcessHiPerfDataBlock : public CWMIDataBlock { private:
ULONG GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQueryAllData(DWORD dwSize, WMIHANDLE * List, long lHandleCount); ULONG GetDataBufferAndHiPerfQuerySingleInstance( DWORD dwSize,WMIHANDLE *List, PWCHAR * pInstances, long lHandleCount);
CProcessHiPerfDataBlock() { m_fCloseHandle = FALSE;} ~CProcessHiPerfDataBlock() {}
HRESULT HiPerfQuerySingleInstance(WMIHANDLE *List, PWCHAR * pInstances, DWORD dwInstanceNameSize, long lHandleCount); HRESULT HiPerfQueryAllData(WMIHANDLE * List,long lHandleCount); HRESULT OpenHiPerfHandle(); HRESULT GetWMIHandle(HANDLE & lWMIHandle);
HRESULT FillOutProperties();