Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation Copyright (c) 1998 Intel Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains low level I/O functions that are implemented with BIOS calls.
Allen Kay (akay) 04-Aug-97
#include "bldr.h"
#include "sudata.h"
#if defined(_IA64_)
#include "bootia64.h"
#include "bldria64.h"
#include "efi.h"
#include "extern.h"
ARC_STATUS RebootProcessor( ) { #if DBG
BlPrint(TEXT("About to call EfiRS->ResetSystem()")); #endif
return( (ARC_STATUS) EfiRS->ResetSystem(EfiResetCold, 0, 0, NULL) ); }
ARC_STATUS GetSector( ULONG Operation, ULONG Drive, ULONG Head, ULONG Cylinder, ULONG Sector, ULONG SectorCount, ULONG Buffer ) { //
// NOTE!: Need to remove this function
return (0); }
ARC_STATUS GetEddsSector( EFI_HANDLE Handle, ULONG SectorNumberLow, ULONG SectorNumberHigh, ULONG SectorCount, PUCHAR Buffer, UCHAR Write ) { EFI_BLOCK_IO *BlkDev; EFI_STATUS Status; ULONGLONG Lba;
// First go into physical mode since EFI calls can only be made in
// physical mode.
// convert virtual address to physical if it is virtual.
if (((ULONGLONG)Buffer & KSEG0_BASE) == KSEG0_BASE) { Buffer = (PUCHAR) ((ULONGLONG)Buffer & ~KSEG0_BASE); }
Lba = (SectorNumberHigh << 32) | SectorNumberLow;
Status = EfiBS->HandleProtocol( Handle, &EfiBlockIoProtocol, &BlkDev); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"GetEddSector: HandleProtocol failed\n\r"); return (EIO); EfiBS->Exit(EfiImageHandle, Status, 0, 0); }
if (Write == 0x43) { Status = BlkDev->WriteBlocks( BlkDev, BlkDev->Media->MediaId, Lba, SectorCount * BlkDev->Media->BlockSize, Buffer); } else { Status = BlkDev->ReadBlocks( BlkDev, BlkDev->Media->MediaId, Lba, SectorCount * BlkDev->Media->BlockSize, Buffer); }
if (EFI_ERROR(Status) && BlkDev->Media->RemovableMedia) { //
// Restore virtual mode before returning.
FlipToVirtual(); //
// NOTE!: A more appropriate error status equivalent to "No Media Present"
// needs to be returned
return (ENODEV); } else if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { EfiST->ConOut->OutputString(EfiST->ConOut, L"\nGetEddsSector: Error Reading Media!\r\n"); return (EIO); //EfiBS->Exit(EfiImageHandle, Status, 0, 0);
// Restore virtual mode before returning.
return(ESUCCESS); }
// First go into physical mode since EFI calls can only be made in
// physical mode.
// BiVerifyCursorPosition();
Input = EfiST->ConIn;
Status = Input->ReadKeyStroke(Input, &Key); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { FlipToVirtual(); return 0; }
if (Key.UnicodeChar) { // truncate unicode char to ascii
if (Key.UnicodeChar > 0xFF) { FlipToVirtual(); return 0; }
// Convert back spaces
if (Key.UnicodeChar == 0x08) { Key.UnicodeChar = 0x0E08; }
FlipToVirtual(); return Key.UnicodeChar; }
// Convert EFI keys to dos key codes
Code = 0; switch (Key.ScanCode) { #if 0
case SCAN_UP: Code = 0x4800; break; case SCAN_DOWN: Code = 0x5000; break; case SCAN_RIGHT: Code = 0x4d00; break; case SCAN_LEFT: Code = 0x4b00; break; case SCAN_HOME: Code = 0x4700; break; case SCAN_INSERT: Code = 0x5200; break; case SCAN_DELETE: Code = 0x5300; break; case SCAN_PAGE_UP: Code = 0x4900; break; case SCAN_PAGE_DOWN: Code = 0x5100; break; case SCAN_F1: Code = 0x3b00; break; case SCAN_F2: Code = 0x3c00; break; case SCAN_F3: Code = 0x3d00; break; case SCAN_F4: Code = 0x3e00; break; case SCAN_F5: Code = 0x3f00; break; case SCAN_F6: Code = 0x4000; break; case SCAN_F7: Code = 0x4100; break; case SCAN_F8: Code = 0x4200; break; case SCAN_F9: Code = 0x4300; break; case SCAN_F10: Code = 0x4400; break; case SCAN_ESC: Code = 0x001d; break; #else
case SCAN_UP: Code = UP_ARROW; break; case SCAN_DOWN: Code = DOWN_ARROW; break; case SCAN_RIGHT: Code = RIGHT_KEY; break; case SCAN_LEFT: Code = LEFT_KEY; break; case SCAN_HOME: Code = HOME_KEY; break; case SCAN_INSERT: Code = INS_KEY; break; case SCAN_DELETE: Code = DEL_KEY; break; // bugbug
case SCAN_PAGE_UP: Code = 0x4900; break; // bugbug
case SCAN_PAGE_DOWN: Code = 0x5100; break; case SCAN_F1: Code = F1_KEY; break; case SCAN_F2: Code = F2_KEY; break; case SCAN_F3: Code = F3_KEY; break; // bugbug
case SCAN_F4: Code = 0x3e00; break; case SCAN_F5: Code = F5_KEY; break; case SCAN_F6: Code = F6_KEY; break; case SCAN_F7: Code = F7_KEY; break; case SCAN_F8: Code = F8_KEY; break; // bugbug
case SCAN_F9: Code = 0x4300; break; case SCAN_F10: Code = F10_KEY; break; //bugbug different than 0x001d
case SCAN_ESC: Code = ESCAPE_KEY; break; #endif
// Restore virtual mode before returning.
return Code; }
ULONG Counter = 0;
ULONG GetCounter( ) { EFI_TIME Time; UINTN ms; static UINTN BaseTick, LastMs;
// First go into physical mode since EFI calls can only be made in
// physical mode.
// NB. the NT loader only uses this to count seconds
// this function only works if called at least every hour
// Get the current calendar time
EfiRS->GetTime (&Time, NULL);
// Compute a millisecond value for the time
ms = Time.Minute * 60 * 1000 + Time.Second * 1000 + Time.Nanosecond / 1000000; if (ms < LastMs) { BaseTick += 65520; // 60 * 60 * 18.2
LastMs = ms;
// Restore virtual mode before returning.
return (ULONG) (( (ms * 182) / 10000) + BaseTick); }
// Transfer control to a loaded boot sector
VOID Reboot( ULONG BootType ) { //
// First go into physical mode since EFI calls can only be made in
// physical mode.
EfiBS->Exit(EfiImageHandle, 0, 0, 0); }
VOID HardwareCursor( ULONG YCoord, ULONG XCoord ) { //
// NOTE!: Need to be implemented
VOID GetDateTime( PULONG Date, PULONG Time ) { //
// NOTE!: Need to implement
VOID DetectHardware( ULONG HeapStart, ULONG HeapSize, ULONG ConfigurationTree, ULONG HeapUsed, ULONG OptionString, ULONG OptionStringLength ) { //
// NOTE!: needed to remove
VOID ComPort( LONG Port, ULONG Function, UCHAR Arg ) { //
// NOTE!: needed to remove
ULONG GetStallCount( ) { #if defined(VPC_PHASE2)
ULONGLONG Frequency;
// First go into physical mode since EFI calls can only be made in
// physical mode.
IA32RegisterState.esp = SAL_PROC_SP; IA32RegisterState.ss = SAL_PROC_SS; IA32RegisterState.eflags = SAL_PROC_EFLAGS;
SAL_PROC(SAL_FREQ_BASE,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,RetVals); Frequency = RetVals->RetVal1;
// Restore virtual mode before returning.
return ((ULONG) Frequency / 1000); // Convert ticks/sec to ticks/usec
return ((ULONG) 1000000); // Convert ticks/sec to ticks/usec
VOID InitializeDisplayForNt( ) { //
// NOTE!: Need to implement
VOID GetMemoryDescriptor( ) { //
// NOTE!: need to remove
BOOLEAN GetElToritoStatus( PUCHAR Buffer, UCHAR DriveNum ) { //
// NOTE!: need to remove
return(0); }
BOOLEAN GetExtendedInt13Params( PUCHAR Buffer, UCHAR Drive ) { return(1); }
USHORT NetPcRomServices( ULONG FunctionNumber, PVOID CommandPacket ) { return (USHORT)0; }
ULONG GetRedirectionData( ULONG Command ) /* ++
Routine Name:
Get parameters of bios redirection.
Command - 1: Get Com Port Number 2: Get Baud Rate 3: Get Parity 4: Get Stop Bits
Value, or -1 if an error.
-- */ { //
// should never call this from EFI app.
ASSERT(FALSE); return(-1); }
VOID APMAttemptReconect( VOID ) { //
// should never call this from EFI app.
ASSERT(FALSE); return; }
VOID SuFillExportTable( ) { ExportEntryTable[ExRebootProcessor] = (PVOID) &RebootProcessor; ExportEntryTable[ExGetSector] = (PVOID) &GetSector; ExportEntryTable[ExGetKey] = (PVOID) &GetKey; ExportEntryTable[ExGetCounter] = (PVOID) &GetCounter; ExportEntryTable[ExReboot] = (PVOID) &Reboot; ExportEntryTable[ExDetectHardware] = (PVOID) &DetectHardware; ExportEntryTable[ExHardwareCursor] = (PVOID) &HardwareCursor; ExportEntryTable[ExGetDateTime] = (PVOID) &GetDateTime; ExportEntryTable[ExComPort] = (PVOID) &ComPort; ExportEntryTable[ExGetStallCount] = (PVOID) &GetStallCount; ExportEntryTable[ExInitializeDisplayForNt] = (PVOID) &InitializeDisplayForNt; ExportEntryTable[ExGetMemoryDescriptor] = (PVOID) &GetMemoryDescriptor; ExportEntryTable[ExGetEddsSector] = (PVOID) &GetEddsSector; ExportEntryTable[ExGetElToritoStatus] = (PVOID) &GetElToritoStatus; ExportEntryTable[ExGetExtendedInt13Params] = (PVOID) &GetExtendedInt13Params; ExportEntryTable[ExNetPcRomServices] = (PVOID) &NetPcRomServices; ExportEntryTable[ExAPMAttemptReconnect] = (PVOID) &APMAttemptReconect; ExportEntryTable[ExBiosRedirectService] = (PVOID) &GetRedirectionData; }