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// Copyright (c) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// FSCache.cpp
// Description:
// Definition of the CFileShareCachingDlg class.
// Implementation File:
// FSCache.cpp
// Author:
// David Potter (DavidP) 13-MAR-2001
// Notes:
#pragma once
// Include Files
#include "resource.h"
// Forward Class Declarations
class CFileShareCachingDlg;
// CFileShareCachingDlg dialog
class CFileShareCachingDlg : public CDialog { // Construction
public: CFileShareCachingDlg( DWORD dwFlagsIn , CWnd * pParent = NULL );
// Dialog Data
enum { IDD = IDD_FILESHR_CACHE_SETTINGS }; CComboBox m_cboCacheOptions; CStatic m_staticHint; BOOL m_fAllowCaching; CString m_strHint; //}}AFX_DATA
DWORD m_dwFlags;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support
// Implementation
// Generated message map functions
afx_msg void OnCbnSelchangeCacheOptions(); afx_msg void OnBnClickedAllowCaching(); afx_msg void OnBnClickedHelp(); virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfoIn); //}}AFX_MSG
private: BOOL GetCachedFlag( DWORD dwFlagsIn, DWORD dwFlagToCheckIn ); void SetCachedFlag( DWORD * pdwFlagsInout, DWORD dwNewFlagIn );
}; //*** class CFileShareCachingDlg
// Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.