Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Public interfaces for managing cluster resources.
John Vert (jvert) 15-Jan-1996
Revision History:
--*/ #include "clusapip.h"
// Local function prototypes
HRESOURCE InitClusterResource( IN HRES_RPC hResource, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName, IN PCLUSTER pCluster );
HRESTYPEENUM ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceTypeName, IN DWORD dwType );
BOOL FindNetworkWorker( IN HRES_RPC hResource, IN PCLUSTER Cluster, OUT LPWSTR lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD nSize );
@func DWORD | ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate | Tries to enumerate the nodes that support a resource type using a candidate node in the cluster
@parm IN HCLUSTER | hCluster | Handle to the cluster @parm IN LPCWSTR | lpszResourceTypeName | Pointer to the name of the resource type @parm IN DWORD | dwType | A bitmask of the type of properties to be enumerated. Currently, the only defined type is CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM_NODES.
@rdesc Returns NULL if the operation is unsuccessful. For detailed information about the error, call the Win32 function GetLastError (). A handle to the enumeration on success.
@xref <f ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum> ****/
HRESTYPEENUM ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceTypeName, IN DWORD dwType ) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwEnumType; HCLUSENUM hNodeEnum = 0; WCHAR NameBuf[50]; DWORD NameLen, i, j; HCLUSTER hClusNode; PCLUSTER pClus; BOOL bFoundSp5OrHigherNode = FALSE; PENUM_LIST Enum = NULL; BOOL bNodeDown = FALSE;
// Open node enumeration in the cluster
hNodeEnum = ClusterOpenEnum(hCluster, CLUSTER_ENUM_NODE); if (hNodeEnum == NULL) { dwError = GetLastError(); TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum - ClusterOpenEnum failed %d\n", dwError)); goto error_exit; }
// Enumerate the nodes in the cluster. If you find a live node
// that is NT4Sp5 or higher, try to enumerate the resource types
// from that node
for (i=0; ; i++) { dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
NameLen = sizeof(NameBuf)/sizeof(WCHAR); dwError = ClusterEnum(hNodeEnum, i, &dwEnumType, NameBuf, &NameLen); if (dwError == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } else if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - ClusterEnum %d returned error %d\n", i,dwError)); goto error_exit; }
if (dwEnumType != CLUSTER_ENUM_NODE) { TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - Invalid Type %d returned from ClusterEnum\n", dwEnumType)); goto error_exit; }
hClusNode = OpenCluster(NameBuf); if (hClusNode == NULL) { bNodeDown = TRUE; dwError = GetLastError(); TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - OpenCluster %ws failed %d\n", NameBuf, dwError)); continue; }
pClus = GET_CLUSTER(hClusNode);
dwError = ApiCreateResTypeEnum(pClus->RpcBinding, lpszResourceTypeName, dwType, &Enum);
if (!CloseCluster(hClusNode)) { TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - CloseCluster %ws failed %d\n", NameBuf, GetLastError())); }
if (dwError == RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE) { TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - Node %ws is also NT4Sp3/Sp4, skipping...\n", NameBuf)); dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; continue; } else if ((dwError == ERROR_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_NOT_FOUND) || (dwError == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) || (dwError == ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY)) { //
// The above three error codes returned by the RPC
// are fatal and so it is not wise to continue any further.
TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - ApiCreateResTypeEnum fatally failed %d at node %ws\n", dwError,NameBuf)); goto error_exit; } else if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { bNodeDown = TRUE; TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - ApiCreateResTypeEnum failed %d (Node %ws down possibly)\n", dwError,NameBuf)); continue; } else { TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - Found node %ws NT4Sp5 or higher\n", NameBuf)); bFoundSp5OrHigherNode = TRUE; break; } }
if (!bFoundSp5OrHigherNode) { //
// Did not find a node higher than NT4Sp4.
if (!bNodeDown) { //
// Assume all nodes are NT4Sp3/Sp4. Send the open node enumeration
// back to the client since we assume NT4Sp3/Sp4 supports
// all resource types. The client is responsible for closing
// the open node enumeration. Note that before a handle to
// the enumeration is returned back, we need to fake the type
// of enumeration.
// Chittur Subbaraman (chitturs) - 09/08/98
// How do we know that the resource type parameter
// in this case is a valid one ?
TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - Assuming all nodes are NT4Sp3 ...\n")); Enum = (PENUM_LIST)hNodeEnum; for (j=0; j<i; j++) { TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - Faking type ...\n")); Enum->Entry[j].Type = CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM_NODES; } } else { //
// Atleast 1 node was unreachable. Can't enumerate properly.
dwError = ERROR_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE; TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - At least 1 node in this mixed mode/Sp3/Sp4 cluster is down ...\n")); TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate - Can't enumerate properly !!!\n")); goto error_exit; } } else { ClusterCloseEnum(hNodeEnum); } return((HRESTYPEENUM)Enum); error_exit: if (hNodeEnum != NULL) { ClusterCloseEnum(hNodeEnum); } SetLastError(dwError); return(NULL); }
HRESOURCE InitClusterResource( IN HRES_RPC hResource, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName, IN PCLUSTER pCluster ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocates and initializes a CRESOURCE. The initialized CRESOURCE is linked onto the cluster structure.
hResource - Supplies the RPC resource handle.
lpszResourceName - Supplies the name of the resource.
pCluster - Supplies the cluster
Return Value:
A pointer to the initialized CRESOURCE structure.
NULL on error.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource;
Resource = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof(CRESOURCE)); if (Resource == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(NULL); } Resource->Name = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, (lstrlenW(lpszResourceName)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Resource->Name == NULL) { LocalFree(Resource); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return(NULL); } lstrcpyW(Resource->Name, lpszResourceName); Resource->Cluster = pCluster; Resource->hResource = hResource; InitializeListHead(&Resource->NotifyList);
// Link new resource onto the cluster structure.
EnterCriticalSection(&pCluster->Lock); InsertHeadList(&pCluster->ResourceList, &Resource->ListEntry); LeaveCriticalSection(&pCluster->Lock);
return ((HRESOURCE)Resource);
HRESOURCE WINAPI CreateClusterResource( IN HGROUP hGroup, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceType, IN DWORD dwFlags )
Routine Description:
Creates a new resource in the cluster.
Arguments: hGroup - Supplies a handle to the group that the resource should be created in.
lpszResourceName - Supplies the new resource's name. The specified name must be unique within the cluster.
lpszResourceType - Supplies the new resource�s type. The specified resource type must be installed in the cluster.
dwFlags - Supplies optional flags. Currently defined flags are: CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SEPARATE_MONITOR - This resource should be created in a separate resource monitor instead of the shared resource monitor.
Return Value:
non-NULL - returns an open handle to the specified cluster.
NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError()
{ HRESOURCE Resource; HRES_RPC hRes; PCGROUP Group; error_status_t Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Group = (PCGROUP)hGroup; WRAP_NULL(hRes, (ApiCreateResource(Group->hGroup, lpszResourceName, lpszResourceType, dwFlags, &Status)), &Status, Group->Cluster);
if (hRes == NULL) { SetLastError(Status); return(NULL); }
// Initialize the newly created resource and return
Resource = InitClusterResource(hRes, lpszResourceName, Group->Cluster); if (Resource == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); ApiCloseResource(&hRes); SetLastError(Status); } return(Resource); }
HRESOURCE WINAPI OpenClusterResource( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName )
Routine Description:
Opens a handle to the specified resource
hCluster - Supplies a handle to the cluster
lpszResourceName - Supplies the name of the resource to be opened
Return Value:
non-NULL - returns an open handle to the specified cluster.
NULL - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError()
{ HRESOURCE Resource; HRES_RPC hRes; error_status_t Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; PCLUSTER Cluster = (PCLUSTER)hCluster;
WRAP_NULL(hRes, (ApiOpenResource(Cluster->RpcBinding, lpszResourceName, &Status)), &Status, Cluster);
if ((hRes == NULL) || (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { SetLastError(Status); return(NULL); }
// Initialize the newly created resource and return
Resource = InitClusterResource(hRes, lpszResourceName, Cluster); if (Resource == NULL) { Status = GetLastError(); ApiCloseResource(&hRes); SetLastError(Status); } return(Resource); }
BOOL WINAPI CloseClusterResource( IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description:
Closes a resource handle returned from OpenClusterResource
hResource - Supplies the resource handle
Return Value:
TRUE - The operation was successful.
FALSE - The operation failed. Extended error status is available using GetLastError()
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; PCLUSTER Cluster;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; Cluster = (PCLUSTER)Resource->Cluster;
// Unlink resource from cluster list.
EnterCriticalSection(&Cluster->Lock); RemoveEntryList(&Resource->ListEntry);
// Remove any notifications posted against this resource.
RundownNotifyEvents(&Resource->NotifyList, Resource->Name);
//if the cluster is dead and the reconnect has failed,
//the Resource->hResource might be NULL if s_apiopenresource for
//this group failed on a reconnect
//the cluster may be dead and hresource may be non null, say
//if reconnectgroups succeeded but the reconnect resources
//At reconnect, the old context is saved in the obsolete
//list for deletion when the cluster handle is closed or
//when the next api call is made
if ((Cluster->Flags & CLUS_DEAD) && (Resource->hResource)) { RpcSmDestroyClientContext(&Resource->hResource); LeaveCriticalSection(&Cluster->Lock); goto FnExit; }
// Close RPC context handle
FnExit: //
// Free memory allocations
LocalFree(Resource->Name); LocalFree(Resource);
// Give the cluster a chance to clean up in case this
// resource was the only thing keeping it around.
CleanupCluster(Cluster); return(TRUE); }
DWORD WINAPI DeleteClusterResource( IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description:
Permanently deletes a resource from the cluster. The specified resource must be offline.
hResource - Supplies the resource to be deleted
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
If the resource is not currently offline, the error value is ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_OFFLINE.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource;
WRAP(Status, (ApiDeleteResource(Resource->hResource)), Resource->Cluster);
Routine Description:
Returns the resource's current state and the node where it is currently online.
hResource - Supplies a handle to a cluster resource
lpszNodeName - Returns the name of the node in the cluster where the given resource is currently online
lpcchNodeName - Points to a variable that specifies the size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the lpszNodeName parameter. This size should include the terminating null character. When the function returns, the variable pointed to by lpcchNodeName contains the number of characters stored in the buffer. The count returned does not include the terminating null character.
lpszGroupName - Returns the name of the group that the resource is a member of.
lpcchGroupName - Points to a variable that specifies the size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the lpszGroupName parameter. This size should include the terminating null character. When the function returns, the variable pointed to by lpcchGroupName contains the number of characters stored in the buffer. The count returned does not include the terminating null character.
Return Value:
Returns the resource's current state. Currently defined resource states include:
ClusterResouceInitializing ClusterResouceOnline ClusterResouceOffline ClusterResouceFailed
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; WRAP(Status, (ApiGetResourceState(Resource->hResource, (LPDWORD)&State, // cast for win64 warning
&NodeName, &GroupName)), Resource->Cluster); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszNodeName)) { lstrcpynW(lpszNodeName, NodeName, *lpcchNodeName); Length = lstrlenW(NodeName); if (Length >= *lpcchNodeName) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; State = ClusterResourceStateUnknown; } *lpcchNodeName = Length; } if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszGroupName)) { lstrcpynW(lpszGroupName, GroupName, *lpcchGroupName); Length = lstrlenW(GroupName); if (Length >= *lpcchGroupName) { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; State = ClusterResourceStateUnknown; } *lpcchGroupName = Length; } MIDL_user_free(NodeName); MIDL_user_free(GroupName); } else { State = ClusterResourceStateUnknown; } SetLastError( Status ); return( State ); }
DWORD WINAPI SetClusterResourceName( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the friendly name of a cluster resource
hResource - Supplies a handle to a cluster resource
lpszResourceName - Supplies the new name of the cluster resource
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; WRAP(Status, (ApiSetResourceName(Resource->hResource, lpszResourceName)), Resource->Cluster);
return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI FailClusterResource( IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description:
Initiates a resource failure. The specified resource is treated as failed. This causes the cluster to initiate the same failover process that would result if the resource actually failed.
hResource - Supplies a handle to the resource to be failed over
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; WRAP(Status, (ApiFailResource(Resource->hResource)), Resource->Cluster);
return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI OnlineClusterResource( IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description:
Brings an offline resource online.
If hDestinationNode is specified, but the resource is not capable of being brought online there, this API fails.
If NULL is specified as the hDestinationNode, the best possible node is chosen by the cluster software.
If NULL is specified but no node where this resource can be brought online is currently available, this API fails.
hResource - Supplies a handle to the resource to be failed over
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value. If a suitable host node is not availabe, the error value is ERROR_HOST_NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; WRAP(Status, (ApiOnlineResource(Resource->hResource)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI OfflineClusterResource( IN HRESOURCE hResource )
Routine Description:
Brings an online resource offline.
hResource - Supplies a handle to the resource to be taken offline
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; WRAP(Status, (ApiOfflineResource(Resource->hResource)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI ChangeClusterResourceGroup( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN HGROUP hGroup )
Routine Description:
Moves a resource from one group to another.
hResource - Supplies the resource to be moved. If the resource depends on any other resources, those resources will also be moved. If other resources depend on the specified resource, those resources will also be moved.
hGroup - Supplies the group that the resource should be moved into. If the resource is online, the specified group must be online on the same node.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; DWORD Status; PCGROUP Group;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; Group = (PCGROUP)hGroup;
WRAP(Status, (ApiChangeResourceGroup(Resource->hResource,Group->hGroup)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI AddClusterResourceNode( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN HNODE hNode )
Routine Description:
Adds a node to the list of possible nodes that the specified resource can run on.
hResource - Supplies the resource whose list of potential host nodes is to be changed.
hNode - Supplies the node which should be added to the resource's list of potential host nodes.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; PCNODE Node = (PCNODE)hNode; DWORD Status;
WRAP(Status, (ApiAddResourceNode(Resource->hResource, Node->hNode)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI RemoveClusterResourceNode( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN HNODE hNode )
Routine Description:
Removes a node from the list of possible nodes that the specified resource can run on.
hResource - Supplies the resource whose list of potential host nodes is to be changed.
hNode - Supplies the node which should be removed from the resource's list of potential host nodes.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; PCNODE Node = (PCNODE)hNode; DWORD Status;
WRAP(Status, (ApiRemoveResourceNode(Resource->hResource, Node->hNode)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI AddClusterResourceDependency( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN HRESOURCE hDependsOn )
Routine Description:
Adds a dependency relationship between two resources.
hResource - Supplies the dependent resource.
hDependsOn - Supplies the resource that hResource depends on. This resource must be in the same group as hResource. If hResource is currently online, this resource must also be currently online.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; PCRESOURCE DependsOn; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; DependsOn = (PCRESOURCE)hDependsOn;
WRAP(Status, (ApiAddResourceDependency(Resource->hResource,DependsOn->hResource)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI RemoveClusterResourceDependency( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN HRESOURCE hDependsOn )
Routine Description:
Removes a dependency relationship between two resources
hResource - Supplies the dependent resource
hDependsOn - Supplies the resource that hResource is currently dependent on.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ PCRESOURCE Resource; PCRESOURCE DependsOn; DWORD Status;
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; DependsOn = (PCRESOURCE)hDependsOn;
WRAP(Status, (ApiRemoveResourceDependency(Resource->hResource,DependsOn->hResource)), Resource->Cluster); return(Status); }
BOOL WINAPI CanResourceBeDependent( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN HRESOURCE hResourceDependent ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines if the resource identified by hResource can depend on hResourceDependent. In order for this to be true, both resources must be members of the same group and the resource identified by hResourceDependent cannot depend on the resource identified by hResource, whether directly or indirectly.
hResource - Supplies a handle to the resource to be dependent.
hResourceDependent - Supplies a handle to the resource on which the resource identified by hResource can depend.
Return Value:
If the resource identified by hResource can depend on the resource identified by hResourceDependent, the return value is TRUE. Otherwise, the return value is FALSE.
{ DWORD Status; PCRESOURCE Resource1 = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; PCRESOURCE Resource2 = (PCRESOURCE)hResourceDependent;
WRAP(Status, (ApiCanResourceBeDependent(Resource1->hResource,Resource2->hResource)), Resource1->Cluster);
if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(TRUE); } else { return(FALSE); } }
HRESENUM WINAPI ClusterResourceOpenEnum( IN HRESOURCE hResource, IN DWORD dwType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initiates an enumeration of a cluster resource's properties
hResource - Supplies a handle to the resource.
dwType - Supplies a bitmask of the type of properties to be enumerated. Currently defined types include
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS - All resources the specified resource depends on. CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_PROVIDES - All resources that depend on the specified resource. CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_NODES - All nodes that this resource can run on.
Return Value:
If successful, returns a handle suitable for use with ClusterResourceEnum
If unsuccessful, returns NULL and GetLastError() returns a more specific error code.
if ((dwType & CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_ALL) == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(NULL); } if ((dwType & ~CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_ALL) != 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return(NULL); }
Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource;
WRAP(Status, (ApiCreateResEnum(Resource->hResource, dwType, &Enum)), Resource->Cluster); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Status); return(NULL); } return((HRESENUM)Enum); }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceGetEnumCount( IN HRESENUM hResEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the number of items contained the the enumerator's collection.
hEnum - a handle to an enumerator returned by ClusterResourceOpenEnum.
Return Value:
The number of items (possibly zero) in the enumerator's collection. --*/ { PENUM_LIST Enum = (PENUM_LIST)hResEnum; return Enum->EntryCount; }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceEnum( IN HRESENUM hResEnum, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPDWORD lpdwType, OUT LPWSTR lpszName, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcchName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the next enumerable resource property.
hResEnum - Supplies a handle to an open cluster resource enumeration returned by ClusterResourceOpenEnum
dwIndex - Supplies the index to enumerate. This parameter should be zero for the first call to the ClusterResourceEnum function and then incremented for subsequent calls.
dwType - Returns the type of property.
lpszName - Points to a buffer that receives the name of the resource property, including the terminating null character.
lpcchName - Points to a variable that specifies the size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the lpszName parameter. This size should include the terminating null character. When the function returns, the variable pointed to by lpcchName contains the number of characters stored in the buffer. The count returned does not include the terminating null character.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
{ DWORD Status; DWORD NameLen; PENUM_LIST Enum = (PENUM_LIST)hResEnum;
if (dwIndex >= Enum->EntryCount) { return(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS); }
NameLen = lstrlenW(Enum->Entry[dwIndex].Name); lstrcpynW(lpszName, Enum->Entry[dwIndex].Name, *lpcchName); if (*lpcchName < (NameLen + 1)) { if (lpszName == NULL) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*lpdwType = Enum->Entry[dwIndex].Type; *lpcchName = NameLen;
DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceCloseEnum( IN HRESENUM hResEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Closes an open enumeration for a resource.
hResEnum - Supplies a handle to the enumeration to be closed.
Return Value:
If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.
If the function fails, the return value is an error value.
// Walk through enumeration freeing all the names
for (i=0; i<Enum->EntryCount; i++) { MIDL_user_free(Enum->Entry[i].Name); } MIDL_user_free(Enum); return(ERROR_SUCCESS); }
DWORD WINAPI CreateClusterResourceType( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszTypeName, IN LPCWSTR lpszDisplayName, IN LPCWSTR lpszDllName, IN DWORD dwLooksAlive, IN DWORD dwIsAlive ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates a new resource type in the cluster. Note that this API only defines the resource type in the cluster registry and registers the resource type with the cluster service. The calling program is responsible for installing the resource type DLL on each node in the cluster.
hCluster - Supplies a handle to a previously opened cluster.
lpszResourceTypeName - Supplies the new resource type�s name. The specified name must be unique within the cluster.
lpszDisplayName - Supplies the display name for the new resource type. While lpszResourceTypeName should uniquely identify the resource type on all clusters, the lpszDisplayName should be a localized friendly name for the resource, suitable for displaying to administrators
lpszResourceTypeDll - Supplies the name of the new resource type�s DLL.
dwLooksAlivePollInterval - Supplies the default LooksAlive poll interval for the new resource type in milliseconds.
dwIsAlivePollInterval - Supplies the default IsAlive poll interval for the new resource type in milliseconds.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCLUSTER Cluster; error_status_t Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Cluster = (PCLUSTER)hCluster;
WRAP(Status, (ApiCreateResourceType(Cluster->RpcBinding, lpszTypeName, lpszDisplayName, lpszDllName, dwLooksAlive, dwIsAlive)), Cluster);
return(Status); }
DWORD WINAPI DeleteClusterResourceType( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszTypeName ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deletes a resource type in the cluster. Note that this API only deletes the resource type in the cluster registry and unregisters the resource type with the cluster service. The calling program is responsible for deleting the resource type DLL on each node in the cluster. If any resources of the specified type exist, this API fails. The calling program is responsible for deleting any resources of this type before deleting the resource type.
hCluster - Supplies a handle to a previously opened cluster.
lpszResourceTypeName - Supplies the name of the resource type to be deleted.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
Win32 error code otherwise
{ PCLUSTER Cluster; error_status_t Status = ERROR_SUCCESS;
Cluster = (PCLUSTER)hCluster;
WRAP(Status, (ApiDeleteResourceType(Cluster->RpcBinding,lpszTypeName)), Cluster);
@func HRESTYPEENUM | ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum | Initiates an enumeration of a cluster resource type's properties.
@parm IN HCLUSTER | hCluster | Handle to the cluster @parm IN LPCWSTR | lpszResourceTypeName | Pointer to the name of the resource type @parm IN DWORD | dwType | A bitmask of the type of properties to be enumerated. Currently, the only defined type is CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM_NODES. @comm This function opens an enumerator for iterating through a resource type's nodes
@rdesc Returns NULL if the operation is unsuccessful. For detailed information about the error, call the Win32 function GetLastError (). A handle to the enumeration on success.
@xref <f ClusterResourceTypeEnum> <f ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum> ****/ HRESTYPEENUM WINAPI ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum( IN HCLUSTER hCluster, IN LPCWSTR lpszResourceTypeName, IN DWORD dwType ) { PCLUSTER pCluster; PENUM_LIST Enum = NULL; DWORD Status;
pCluster = (PCLUSTER)hCluster;
if ((dwType & CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM_ALL) == 0) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error_exit; } if ((dwType & ~CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM_ALL) != 0) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error_exit; }
WRAP(Status, (ApiCreateResTypeEnum(pCluster->RpcBinding, lpszResourceTypeName, dwType, &Enum)), pCluster);
if (Status == RPC_S_PROCNUM_OUT_OF_RANGE) { //
// The current node is NT4Sp4 or lower. Try
// some other node in the cluster
TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum - Current Cluster Node is NTSp4 or lower !!!\n")); TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum - Trying some other candidate ...\n")); Enum = (PENUM_LIST)ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate(hCluster, lpszResourceTypeName, dwType); if (Enum == NULL) { //
// Did not find a node NT4Sp5 or higher AND at least
// one node is down. Can't enumerate.
TIME_PRINT(("ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum - ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnumFromCandidate failed !!!\n")); Status = GetLastError (); goto error_exit; } Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto error_exit; } return((HRESTYPEENUM)Enum); error_exit: SetLastError(Status); return(NULL); }
DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceTypeGetEnumCount( IN HRESTYPEENUM hResTypeEnum ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the number of items contained the the enumerator's collection.
hEnum - a handle to an enumerator returned by ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum.
Return Value:
The number of items (possibly zero) in the enumerator's collection. --*/ { PENUM_LIST Enum = (PENUM_LIST)hResTypeEnum; return Enum->EntryCount; }
@func DWORD | ClusterResourceTypeEnum | Enumerates a resource type's nodes, returning the name of one object per call.
@parm IN HRESTYPEENUM | hResTypeEnum | Supplies a handle to an open cluster resource enumeration returned by ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum. @parm IN DWORD | dwIndex | Supplies the index to enumerate. This parameter should be zero for the first call to the ClusterResourceTypeEnum function and then incremented for subsequent calls. @parm OUT DWORD | lpdwType | Returns the type of property. Currently, the only defined type is CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM_NODES. @parm OUT LPWSTR | lpszName | Points to a buffer that receives the name of the resource type. @parm IN OUT LPDWORD | lpcchName | Points to a variable that specifies the size, in characters, of the buffer pointed to by the lpszName parameter. This size should include the terminating null character. When the function returns, the variable pointed to by lpcchName contains the number of characters stored in the buffer. The count returned does not include the terminating null character. property, including the terminating null character. @comm This function opens an enumerator for iterating through a resource type's nodes. @rdesc Returns a Win32 error code if the operation is unsuccessful. ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
@xref <f ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum> <f ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum> ****/ DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceTypeEnum( IN HRESTYPEENUM hResTypeEnum, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT LPDWORD lpdwType, OUT LPWSTR lpszName, IN OUT LPDWORD lpcchName ) { DWORD Status; DWORD NameLen; PENUM_LIST Enum = (PENUM_LIST)hResTypeEnum;
if ((Enum == NULL) || (lpcchName == NULL) || (lpdwType == NULL)) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error_exit; } if (dwIndex >= Enum->EntryCount) { Status = ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; goto error_exit; }
NameLen = lstrlenW(Enum->Entry[dwIndex].Name); lstrcpynW(lpszName, Enum->Entry[dwIndex].Name, *lpcchName); if (*lpcchName < (NameLen + 1)) { if (lpszName == NULL) { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Status = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } } else { Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*lpdwType = Enum->Entry[dwIndex].Type; *lpcchName = NameLen; error_exit: return(Status); }
@func DWORD | ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum | Closes an open enumeration for a resource type.
@parm IN HRESTYPEENUM | hResTypeEnum | Handle to the enumeration to be closed. @comm This function closes an open enumeration.
@rdesc Returns ERROR_SUCCESS on success. A Win32 error code otherwise.
@xref <f ClusterResourceTypeEnum> <f ClusterResourceTypeOpenEnum> ****/ DWORD WINAPI ClusterResourceTypeCloseEnum( IN HRESTYPEENUM hResTypeEnum ) { DWORD i; PENUM_LIST Enum = (PENUM_LIST)hResTypeEnum; DWORD Status;
if (Enum == NULL) { Status = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error_exit; } //
// Walk through enumeration freeing all the names
for (i=0; i<Enum->EntryCount; i++) { MIDL_user_free(Enum->Entry[i].Name); } MIDL_user_free(Enum); Status = ERROR_SUCCESS; error_exit: return(Status); }
BOOL WINAPI GetClusterResourceNetworkName( IN HRESOURCE hResource, OUT LPWSTR lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD nSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Enumerates the dependencies of a resource in an attempt to find a network name that the resource depends on. If a network name is found, this function returns TRUE and fills in lpBuffer with the network name. If a network name is not found, this function returns FALSE.
hResource - Supplies the resource.
lpBuffer - Points to a buffer to receive the null-terminated character string containing the network name.
nSize - Points to a variable that specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the buffer. This value should be large enough to contain MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 characters.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful
FALSE if unsuccessful
{ BOOL Success; PCRESOURCE Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource;
// Call a recursive worker to do the search.
Success = FindNetworkWorker(Resource->hResource, Resource->Cluster, lpBuffer, nSize); return(Success); }
BOOL FindNetworkWorker( IN HRES_RPC hResource, IN PCLUSTER Cluster, OUT LPWSTR lpBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD nSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Recursive worker to search a resource's dependency tree for a network name resource.
Resource - Supplies the resource.
Cluster - Supplies the cluster.
lpBuffer - Points to a buffer to receive the null-terminated character string containing the network name.
nSize - Points to a variable that specifies the maximum size, in characters, of the buffer. This value should be large enough to contain MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1 characters.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful
FALSE if unsuccessful
// Create a dependency enumeration
WRAP(Status, (ApiCreateResEnum(hResource, CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM_DEPENDS, &Enum)), Cluster); if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Status); return(FALSE); }
// Open each resource in the dependency and see if it is a network name
// resource.
for (i=0; i<Enum->EntryCount; i++) { WRAP_NULL(hRes, (ApiOpenResource(Cluster->RpcBinding, Enum->Entry[i].Name, &Status)), &Status, Cluster); if (hRes != NULL) { TypeName = NULL; WRAP(Status, (ApiGetResourceType(hRes, &TypeName)), Cluster); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// See if this type name matches.
if (lstrcmpiW(TypeName, CLUS_RESTYPE_NAME_NETNAME) == 0) { HRESOURCE NetResource; HKEY NetKey; HKEY NetParamKey; //
// We have a match, pull out the Name parameter.
// Go ahead and really open the resource so we
// can use the registry functions on it.
NetResource = OpenClusterResource((HCLUSTER)Cluster, Enum->Entry[i].Name); if (NetResource != NULL) { NetKey = GetClusterResourceKey(NetResource, KEY_READ); CloseClusterResource(NetResource); if (NetKey != NULL) { Status = ClusterRegOpenKey(NetKey, CLUSREG_KEYNAME_PARAMETERS, KEY_READ, &NetParamKey); ClusterRegCloseKey(NetKey); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD cbData;
cbData = *nSize * sizeof(WCHAR); Status = ClusterRegQueryValue(NetParamKey, CLUSREG_NAME_RES_NAME, NULL, (LPBYTE)lpBuffer, &cbData); ClusterRegCloseKey(NetParamKey); if (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { Success = TRUE; *nSize = wcslen(lpBuffer); } } } }
} else {
// Try the dependents of this resource
Success = FindNetworkWorker(hRes, Cluster, lpBuffer, nSize); } MIDL_user_free(TypeName); }
ApiCloseResource(&hRes); if (Success) { break; } } }
if (!Success && (Status == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { Status = ERROR_DEPENDENCY_NOT_FOUND; } if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(Status); }
MIDL_user_free(Enum); return(Success); }
HCLUSTER WINAPI GetClusterFromResource( IN HRESOURCE hResource ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the cluster handle from the associated resource handle.
hResource - Supplies the resource.
Return Value:
Handle to the cluster associated with the resource handle.
{ DWORD nStatus; PCRESOURCE Resource = (PCRESOURCE)hResource; HCLUSTER hCluster = (HCLUSTER)Resource->Cluster;
nStatus = AddRefToClusterHandle( hCluster ); if ( nStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetLastError( nStatus ); hCluster = NULL; } return( hCluster );
} // GetClusterFromResource()