// Copyright (C) 1997, Microsoft Corporation
// File: csites.cxx
// Contents: This module contains the functions which deal with the site table
// History: 02-Dec-1997 JHarper Created.
#include "headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "dfsmsrv.h"
#include "csites.hxx"
#include "marshal.hxx"
NTSTATUS DfsSendDelete( LPWSTR ServerName);
// Function: CSites::CSites
// Synopsis: Constructor for CSites - Initializes, but does not load, the site table
// Arguments: [pwszFileName] -- Name of the folder/LDAP_OBJECT to use
// [pdwErr] -- On return, the result of initializing the instance
// Returns: Result returned in pdwErr argument:
// [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully initialized
// [ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY] -- Out of memory.
CSites::CSites( LPWSTR pwszFileName, LPDWORD pdwErr) { DWORD dwErr = 0;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "CSites::+CSites(0x%x)\n", this)); #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("+++CSites::CSites @0x%x\n", this); #endif
_cRef = 0; _fDirty = FALSE; RtlZeroMemory(&_SiteTableGuid, sizeof(GUID)); InitializeListHead(&_SiteTableHead);
_pwszFileName = new WCHAR [wcslen(pwszFileName) + 1];
if (_pwszFileName != NULL) { wcscpy(_pwszFileName, pwszFileName); } else { dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
*pdwErr = dwErr; }
// Function: CSites::~CSites
// Synopsis: Destructor for CSites - Deallocates the CSites object
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
CSites::~CSites() { PLIST_ENTRY pListHead; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "CSites::~CSites(0x%x)\n", this)); #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("---CSites::~CSites @0x%x\n", this); #endif
ASSERT (_cRef == 0);
if (_pwszFileName) { delete [] _pwszFileName; }
// Delete the linked list of SiteInfo's
pListHead = &_SiteTableHead;
while (pListHead->Flink != pListHead) { pSiteInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(pListHead->Flink, DFSM_SITE_ENTRY, Link); RemoveEntryList(pListHead->Flink); #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("CSites::~CSites: deleting SiteInfo@0x%x\n", pSiteInfo); #endif
delete [] pSiteInfo; } }
// Function: CSites::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increases the ref count on the in-memory site table. If the
// refcount is going from 0 to 1, an attempt is made to refresh
// the in-memory site table from storage.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CSites::AddRef() { DWORD dwErr = 0;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::AddRef()\n"));
if (_cRef == 1) {
dwErr = _ReadSiteTable();
_fDirty = FALSE;
// Function: CSites::Release
// Synopsis: Decrease the ref count on the in-memory site table. If the
// refcount is going from 1 to 0, then attempt to flush the
// table to storage, if something has changed.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CSites::Release() {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::Release()\n"));
ASSERT (_cRef > 0);
if (_cRef == 0) {
if (_fDirty == TRUE) {
_fDirty = FALSE;
// Function: CSites::AddOrUpdateSiteInfo
// Synopsis: Adds or updates an entry in the site table.
// Arguments: [pServerName] -- Server name to update
// [SiteCount] -- Number of entries in pSites
// [pSites] -- pointer to array of site information.
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully updated the table
DWORD CSites::AddOrUpdateSiteInfo( LPWSTR pServerName, ULONG SiteCount, PDFS_SITENAME_INFO pSites) { PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pExistingInfo; DWORD dwErr; ULONG i;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::AddOrUpdateSiteInfo(%ws)\n", pServerName));
dwErr = _AllocateSiteInfo( pServerName, SiteCount, pSites, &pSiteInfo);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Only put the new entry in if it supercedes one there,
// or is a new entry.
pExistingInfo = LookupSiteInfo(pServerName); if (pExistingInfo != NULL) { if (_CompareEntries(pSiteInfo,pExistingInfo) == TRUE ) { //
// Same info - no update needed
delete [] pSiteInfo; } else { //
// Remove the existing entry
RemoveEntryList(&pExistingInfo->Link); delete [] pExistingInfo; //
// Put the new one in
DfsSendUpdate(pServerName,SiteCount,pSites); InsertHeadList(&_SiteTableHead, &pSiteInfo->Link); _fDirty = TRUE; } } else { //
// Not in table - put it in
DfsSendUpdate(pServerName,SiteCount,pSites); InsertHeadList(&_SiteTableHead, &pSiteInfo->Link); _fDirty = TRUE; } } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// Function: CSites::LookupSiteInfo
// Synopsis: Finds a site table entry
// Arguments: [pServerName] -- Server name to look up
// Returns: [NULL] -- No entry found
// [PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY] -- pointer to found entry
PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY CSites::LookupSiteInfo( LPWSTR pServerName) { PLIST_ENTRY pListHead, pLink; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::LookupSiteInfo(%ws)\n", pServerName));
pListHead = &_SiteTableHead;
if (pListHead->Flink == pListHead) { // list empty
return NULL; }
for (pLink = pListHead->Flink; pLink != pListHead; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pSiteInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, DFSM_SITE_ENTRY, Link); if (_wcsicmp(pSiteInfo->ServerName,pServerName) == 0) { //
// If this was marked for delete, it isn't any more.
pSiteInfo->Flags &= ~DFSM_SITE_ENTRY_DELETE_PENDING; return pSiteInfo; } } return NULL; }
// Function: CSites::_AllocateSiteInfo, private
// Synopsis: Creates a DFSM_SITE_ENTRY struct, as one contiguous chunk of memory
// Arguments: [pServerName] -- Server name
// [SiteCount] -- Number of entries in pSites
// [pSites] -- pointer to array of site information.
// [ppSiteInfo] -- pointer to pointer for the results
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully allocated and filled in the structure
// [ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY] -- Couldn't allocate needed memory
DWORD CSites::_AllocateSiteInfo( PWSTR pServerName, ULONG SiteCount, PDFS_SITENAME_INFO pSites, PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY *ppSiteInfo) { PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo; WCHAR *wCp; ULONG i; ULONG Size = 0;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::_AllocateSiteInfo(%ws)\n", pServerName));
// Calculate the size chunk of mem we'll need
Size = FIELD_OFFSET(DFSM_SITE_ENTRY,Info.Site[SiteCount]);
// Add space for server name
Size += (wcslen(pServerName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// And space for all the sitenames
for (i = 0; i < SiteCount; i++) { if (pSites[i].SiteName != NULL) { Size += (wcslen(pSites[i].SiteName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } else { Size += sizeof(WCHAR); } }
pSiteInfo = (PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY) new CHAR [Size];
if (pSiteInfo == NULL) { *ppSiteInfo = NULL; return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
RtlZeroMemory(pSiteInfo, Size);
// Marshal the info into the buffer
pSiteInfo->Flags = 0; pSiteInfo->Info.cSites = SiteCount;
wCp = (WCHAR *) &pSiteInfo->Info.Site[SiteCount]; pSiteInfo->ServerName = wCp; wcscpy(wCp, pServerName); wCp += wcslen(pServerName) + 1;
for (i = 0; i < SiteCount; i++) { pSiteInfo->Info.Site[i].SiteFlags = pSites[i].SiteFlags; pSiteInfo->Info.Site[i].SiteName = wCp; if (pSites[i].SiteName != NULL) { wcscpy(wCp, pSites[i].SiteName); wCp += wcslen(pSites[i].SiteName) + 1; } else { *wCp++ = UNICODE_NULL; } }
*ppSiteInfo = pSiteInfo;
// Function: CSites::_ReadSiteTable,private
// Synopsis: Loads the site table from storage
// First we check if the GUID has changed. If it hasn't, we abort the
// load - the existing table is good.
// If the table is different (the GUID is different), we merge the new
// data in with the old. This allows us to track which entries need to
// be updated, which need to be deleted, and which haven't changed. The
// process is done in three steps:
// Step 1: Go through the table, marking all the entries DELETE_PENDING
// Step 2: Load the new entries. As they are loaded, the updated entries'
// DELETE_PENDING bit(s) are turned off.
// Step 3: Go though the table again, removing any entries that still
// have the DELETE_PENDING bit on, and issuing an FSCTL to dfs.sys
// to have it remove the entry from its table.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully loaded the table
// [ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY] -- Not enough memory
// [other] -- returned from LdapGetData/RegGetData/DfsRtlXXX
DWORD CSites::_ReadSiteTable() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD cbBuffer; PBYTE pBuffer = NULL; PBYTE bp; ULONG cObjects = 0; ULONG i; ULONG j; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo; MARSHAL_BUFFER marshalBuffer; GUID TempGuid;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::_ReadSiteTable()\n"));
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
dwErr = LdapGetData( _pwszFileName, &cbBuffer, (PCHAR *)&pBuffer);
} else {
dwErr = RegGetData( _pwszFileName, SITE_VALUE_NAME, &cbBuffer, &pBuffer);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && cbBuffer >= sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(GUID)) {
// Unmarshal all the objects (DFS_SITENAME_INFO's) in the buffer
// We marshal into a temporary buffer, big enough to hold whatever is
// in the buffer.
pSiteInfo = (PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY) new BYTE [cbBuffer + sizeof(DFSM_SITE_ENTRY)];
if (pSiteInfo == NULL) {
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MarshalBufferInitialize( &marshalBuffer, cbBuffer, pBuffer);
DfsRtlGetGuid(&marshalBuffer, &TempGuid);
// If the Guid hasn't changed, we abort the load.
if (RtlCompareMemory(&TempGuid, &_SiteTableGuid, sizeof(GUID)) == sizeof(GUID)) {
delete [] pSiteInfo; delete [] pBuffer; goto NoLoadNecessary;
// Ok, we're committed to loading this (supposedly different) version
// of the site table. Mark all the existing entries DFSM_SITE_ENTRY_DELETE_PENDING.
// Grab the Guid
RtlCopyMemory(&_SiteTableGuid, &TempGuid, sizeof(GUID));
// Get number of entries we'll be loading
DfsRtlGetUlong(&marshalBuffer, &cObjects);
// Now unmarshal each object/entry
for (j = 0; dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && j < cObjects; j++) {
dwErr = DfsRtlGet(&marshalBuffer,&MiDfsmSiteEntry, pSiteInfo);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// And put it in the site table
AddOrUpdateSiteInfo( pSiteInfo->ServerName, pSiteInfo->Info.cSites, &pSiteInfo->Info.Site[0]);
// The unmarshalling routines allocate buffers; we need to
// free them.
for (i = 0; i < pSiteInfo->Info.cSites; i++) { MarshalBufferFree(pSiteInfo->Info.Site[i].SiteName); }
// Now sync up the PKT in dfs.sys with this table
delete [] pSiteInfo;
if (pBuffer != NULL) {
delete [] pBuffer;
return dwErr; }
// Function: CSites::_WriteSiteTable,private
// Synopsis: Writes the site table to storage
// Arguments: None
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- Successfully write the table
// [ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY] -- Not enough memory
// [other] -- returned from LdapGetData/RegGetData/DfsRtlXXX
DWORD CSites::_WriteSiteTable() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD cbBuffer; PBYTE pBuffer; ULONG cObjects; ULONG i; PLIST_ENTRY pListHead, pLink; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo; MARSHAL_BUFFER marshalBuffer;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::_WriteSiteTable()\n"));
// Create a new Guid
// The cObjects count
cbBuffer = sizeof(ULONG) + sizeof(GUID);
// Add up the number of entries we need to store, and the total size of all
// of them.
cObjects = 0; pListHead = &_SiteTableHead; for (pLink = pListHead->Flink; pLink != pListHead; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pSiteInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, DFSM_SITE_ENTRY, Link); DfsRtlSize(&MiDfsmSiteEntry, pSiteInfo, &cbBuffer); cObjects++; }
// Get a buffer big enough
pBuffer = new BYTE [cbBuffer];
if (pBuffer == NULL) {
// Put the guid, then the object count in the beginning of the buffer
MarshalBufferInitialize( &marshalBuffer, cbBuffer, pBuffer);
DfsRtlPutGuid(&marshalBuffer, &_SiteTableGuid); DfsRtlPutUlong(&marshalBuffer, &cObjects);
// Walk the linked list of objects, marshalling them into the buffer.
for (pLink = pListHead->Flink; pLink != pListHead; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pSiteInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, DFSM_SITE_ENTRY, Link); DfsRtlPut(&marshalBuffer,&MiDfsmSiteEntry, pSiteInfo); }
// Push out to storage
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
dwErr = LdapPutData( _pwszFileName, cbBuffer, (PCHAR)pBuffer);
} else {
dwErr = RegPutData( _pwszFileName, SITE_VALUE_NAME, cbBuffer, pBuffer);
// ...and free the marshal buffer we created.
delete [] pBuffer;
return dwErr; }
// Function: CSites::_CompareEntries,private
// Synopsis: Compare two site table entries - case insensitive, and allows the site
// lists to be in different order.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: [TRUE] -- The entries are essentially identical
// [FALSE] -- The entries differ in some important way
BOOLEAN CSites::_CompareEntries( PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pDfsmInfo1, PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pDfsmInfo2) { ULONG i; ULONG j; BOOLEAN fFound;
// cSites has to be the same
if (pDfsmInfo1->Info.cSites != pDfsmInfo2->Info.cSites) { goto ReturnFalse; }
// Server name has to be identical (why are we calling this
// if they aren't?)
if (_wcsicmp(pDfsmInfo1->ServerName,pDfsmInfo2->ServerName) != 0) { goto ReturnFalse; }
// Check that every Site in pDfsmInfo1 is in pDfsmSiteInfo2
for (i = 0; i < pDfsmInfo1->Info.cSites; i++) { fFound = FALSE; for (j = 0; fFound == FALSE && j < pDfsmInfo2->Info.cSites; j++) { if (_wcsicmp( pDfsmInfo1->Info.Site[i].SiteName, pDfsmInfo2->Info.Site[j].SiteName) == 0) { fFound = TRUE; } } if (fFound == FALSE) { goto ReturnFalse; } } //
// ...and check that every site in pDfsmInfo2 is in pDfsmInfo1
for (i = 0; i < pDfsmInfo2->Info.cSites; i++) { fFound = FALSE; for (j = 0; fFound == FALSE && j < pDfsmInfo1->Info.cSites; j++) { if (_wcsicmp( pDfsmInfo2->Info.Site[i].SiteName, pDfsmInfo1->Info.Site[j].SiteName) == 0) { fFound = TRUE; } } if (fFound == FALSE) { goto ReturnFalse; } }
return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// Function: CSites::MarkEntriesForMerge
// Synopsis: Mark all entries in preparation for a merge.
// (1) Mark all entries with delete_pending on
// (2) Load a new table - duplicate entries remove the delete_pending bit
// (3) Call SyncPktSiteTable(), which will bring the PKT in dfs.sys up to date,
// by deleting delete_pending entries
// Arguments: None
// Returns: nothing
VOID CSites::MarkEntriesForMerge() { PLIST_ENTRY pListHead, pLink; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo; ULONG i;
pListHead = &_SiteTableHead;
for (pLink = pListHead->Flink; pLink != pListHead; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pSiteInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, DFSM_SITE_ENTRY, Link); pSiteInfo->Flags |= DFSM_SITE_ENTRY_DELETE_PENDING; } }
// Function: CSites::SyncPktSiteTable
// Synopsis: Step 3 of a table merge. Walk the table, removing any entries
// with the DFSM_SITE_ENTRY_DELETE_PENDING (and telling dfs.sys
// to do so)
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CSites::SyncPktSiteTable() { PLIST_ENTRY pListHead; PLIST_ENTRY pLink; PLIST_ENTRY pNext; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::SyncPktSiteTable()\n")); pListHead = &_SiteTableHead;
for (pLink = pListHead->Flink; pLink != pListHead; pLink = pNext) {
// Save next in case we delete this one
pNext = pLink->Flink;
if ((pSiteInfo->Flags & DFSM_SITE_ENTRY_DELETE_PENDING) != 0) { //
// call dfs.sys with the update
DfsSendDelete(pSiteInfo->ServerName); RemoveEntryList(pLink); delete [] pSiteInfo; _fDirty = TRUE; } } IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "CSites::SyncPktSiteTable exit\n")); }
// Function: CSites::_DumpSiteTable
// Synopsis: Spill dfs's guts about site table entries.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
VOID CSites::_DumpSiteTable() { PLIST_ENTRY pListHead, pLink; PDFSM_SITE_ENTRY pSiteInfo; ULONG i;
pListHead = &_SiteTableHead;
// Print them (for debugging)
for (pLink = pListHead->Flink; pLink != pListHead; pLink = pLink->Flink) { pSiteInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD(pLink, DFSM_SITE_ENTRY, Link); DbgPrint("\tpSiteInfo(%ws)\n", pSiteInfo->ServerName); for (i = 0; i < pSiteInfo->Info.cSites; i++) { DbgPrint("\t\t%02d:%ws\n", i, pSiteInfo->Info.Site[i].SiteName); } } }
// Function: DfsSendDelete, private
// Synopsis: Send a DFS_DELETE_SITE_ARG down to dfs.sys
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
size = sizeof(DFS_DELETE_SITE_INFO_ARG) + wcslen(ServerName) * sizeof(WCHAR);
arg = (PDFS_DELETE_SITE_INFO_ARG) new CHAR [size];
if (arg == NULL) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
arg->ServerName.Buffer = (WCHAR *) &arg[1]; arg->ServerName.Length = wcslen(ServerName) * sizeof(WCHAR); arg->ServerName.MaximumLength = arg->ServerName.Length; RtlCopyMemory(arg->ServerName.Buffer, ServerName, arg->ServerName.Length);
dwErr = DfsDeleteSiteEntry((PCHAR)arg, size);
delete [] arg;
return dwErr; }
// Function: DfsSendUpdate, private
// Synopsis: Send a DFS_CREATE_SITE_ARG down to dfs.sys
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
size = FIELD_OFFSET(DFS_CREATE_SITE_INFO_ARG,SiteName[SiteCount]) + wcslen(ServerName) * sizeof(WCHAR);
for (i = 0; i < SiteCount; i++) { size += wcslen(pSites[i].SiteName) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
arg = (PDFS_CREATE_SITE_INFO_ARG) new CHAR [size];
if (arg == NULL) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
wCp = (WCHAR *)(&arg->SiteName[SiteCount]);
arg->ServerName.Buffer = wCp; wCp += wcslen(ServerName); arg->ServerName.Length = wcslen(ServerName) * sizeof(WCHAR); arg->ServerName.MaximumLength = arg->ServerName.Length; RtlCopyMemory(arg->ServerName.Buffer, ServerName, arg->ServerName.Length); LPWSTR_TO_OFFSET(arg->ServerName.Buffer,arg); arg->SiteCount = SiteCount;
for (i = 0; i < SiteCount; i++) { arg->SiteName[i].Buffer = wCp; wCp += wcslen(pSites[i].SiteName); arg->SiteName[i].Length = wcslen(pSites[i].SiteName) * sizeof(WCHAR); arg->SiteName[i].MaximumLength = arg->SiteName[i].Length; RtlCopyMemory(arg->SiteName[i].Buffer, pSites[i].SiteName, arg->SiteName[i].Length); LPWSTR_TO_OFFSET(arg->SiteName[i].Buffer,arg); }
dwErr = DfsCreateSiteEntry((PCHAR)arg, size);
delete [] arg;
return dwErr; }