// Copyright (C) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: dfsminit.cxx
// Contents: Initialization code for Dfs Manager service.
// Classes:
// Functions: DfsManager --
// DfsInitGlobals --
// InitializeDfsManager --
// InitializeVolumeObject --
// DfsHandleKnowledgeInconsistency --
//#include <ntos.h>
//#include <ntrtl.h>
//#include <nturtl.h>
//#include <dfsfsctl.h>
//#include <windows.h>
#include <headers.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dfsfsctl.h> // For EA_NAME_OPENIFJP
#include <dfsmsrv.h> // For public function
#include <clusapi.h>
#include <resapi.h>
#include <winldap.h>
#include "cdfsvol.hxx" // prototypes
#include "localvol.hxx"
#include "security.hxx"
#include "dsgetdc.h"
#include "setup.hxx"
#include "dfsmwml.h"
extern "C" DWORD DfsGetFtServersFromDs( PLDAP pLDAP, LPWSTR wszDomainName, LPWSTR wszDfsName, LPWSTR **List);
DWORD DfspGetPdc(void);
// Debug variables
///GUID DfsmRtlTraceGuid = { // 08fbc600-67ac-4ae4-9f22-c51a4f82f6c9
// 0x08fbc600, 0x67ac, 0x4ae4,
// {
// 0x9f, 0x22, 0xc5, 0x1a, 0x4f, 0x82, 0xf6, 0xc9
// }
//WML_DATA wml;
// Global variables.
CRITICAL_SECTION globalCritSec; ULONG ulDfsManagerType; WCHAR wszComputerName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pwszComputerName = NULL; WCHAR wszDomainName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pwszDomainName = NULL; WCHAR wszDfsRootName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pwszDfsRootName = NULL; WCHAR wszDSMachineName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pwszDSMachineName = NULL;
// Contains the name of the FtDfs, if we are an FtDfs root
WCHAR wszFtDfsName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pwszFtDfsName = NULL;
// If an FtDfs, this is the ldap connection we're using
PLDAP pLdapConnection = NULL;
ULONG GTimeout = 0;
extern "C" { ULONG DfsSvcVerbose = 0; ULONG DfsSvcLdap = 0; ULONG DfsEventLog = 0; ULONG DfsDnsConfig = 0; }
HANDLE hSyncThread = NULL; HANDLE hSyncEvent = NULL; HANDLE hFrsSyncEvent = NULL; DWORD dwFrsSyncIntervalInMs = 1000 * 60; // 1 minute by default
DWORD dwSyncIntervalInMs = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour by default
DWORD dwSyncThreadId;
ULONG DcLockIntervalInMs = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2; // 2 hours by default
CStorageDirectory *pDfsmStorageDirectory = NULL; CSites *pDfsmSites = NULL;
#if (DBG == 1) || (_CT_TEST_HOOK == 1)
RECOVERY_BREAK_POINT gRecoveryBkptInfo; #endif
// The name of the Dfs configuration container
WCHAR DfsConfigContainer[] = L"CN=Dfs-Configuration,CN=System"; LPWSTR gConfigurationDN = NULL;
// Useful EA Buffer for opening Junction Points
DWORD InitializeVolumeObject( PWSTR pwszVolName, BOOLEAN bInitVol, BOOLEAN SyncRemoteServerName=FALSE);
DWORD InitializeDfsManager(void);
DWORD InitializeNetDfsInterface(void);
DWORD DfsManagerStartDSSync();
DWORD DfsManagerDSSyncThread( PVOID Context);
DWORD GetSyncInterval();
ULONG GetDcLockInterval();
DWORD GetEntryTimeout();
VOID GetDebugSwitches();
VOID GetEventLogSwitches();
VOID GetConfigSwitches();
DWORD DfspGetFtDfsName();
// Function: DfsManager
// Synopsis: Entry procedure for the main Dfs Manager service thread.
// Initializes the Dfs Manager structures, creates the RPC
// threads that will wait around listening for admin operation
// calls, and lastly, creates a thread to monitor Knowledge
// Sync calls from the driver.
// Arguments: [wszRootName] -- Name of dfs root for which this Dfs Manager
// is being instantiated.
// [dwType] -- Type of Dfs Manager being instantiated -
// Returns: [ERROR_SUCCESS] -- If Dfs Manager started correctly.
// [ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY] -- If globals could not be allocated.
// Error from reading the Dfs Volume Objects.
// Win32 error from registering the RPC interface.
// Win32 error from creating the knowledge sync thread.
DWORD DfsManager( LPWSTR wszRootName, DWORD dwType) { HANDLE hthreadSync; DWORD idThread; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkey; DFS_NAME_CONVENTION NameType;
// Initialize the global data structures of Dfs Manager...
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsManager(%ws,0x%x)\n", wszRootName, dwType));
if (dwType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) { dwErr = DfsInitGlobals(wszRootName, dwType); } else { NameType = DFS_NAMETYPE_EITHER; dwErr = GetDomAndComputerName(NULL, wszComputerName, &NameType); dwErr = DfsInitGlobals(wszComputerName, dwType); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "DfsInitGlobals failed %08lx\n", dwErr)); return(dwErr); }
// Initialize the NetDfs RPC interface...
dwErr = InitializeNetDfsInterface();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "InitializeNetDfsInterface failed %08lx\n", dwErr)); return dwErr; }
// Read in all the Dfs volume objects and initialize them
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR, &hkey ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey( hkey ); DfsmStopDfs(); DfsmResetPkt(); DfsmInitLocalPartitions(); DfsmMarkStalePktEntries(); InitializeVolumeObject( DOMAIN_ROOT_VOL, TRUE, (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS)?TRUE:FALSE ); DfsmFlushStalePktEntries(); } DfsmStartDfs(); DfsmPktFlushCache();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "InitializeDfsManager failed %08lx\n", dwErr)); return dwErr; }
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
// Start the thread that does the DS sync
dwErr = DfsManagerStartDSSync();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "DfsManagerStartDSSync failed %08lx\n", dwErr)); return(dwErr); }
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsManager exit\n"));
} // DfsManager
DWORD ClusCallBackFunction( HRESOURCE hSelf, HRESOURCE hResource, LPVOID lpNull) { DWORD Value = 0; DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY hParamKey = NULL; WCHAR wszClusterName[MAX_PATH]; ULONG cSize = MAX_PATH;
hKey = GetClusterResourceKey(hResource, KEY_READ);
if (hKey != NULL) { dwStatus = ClusterRegOpenKey( hKey, L"Parameters", KEY_READ, &hParamKey ); DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(dwStatus, ALL_ERROR, ClusCallBackFunction_Error_ClusterRegOpenKey, LOGSTATUS(dwStatus)); }
if (dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ExitWithStatus;
ResUtilGetDwordValue(hParamKey, L"IsDfsRoot", &Value, 0); if (Value == 1 && GetClusterResourceNetworkName(hResource, wszClusterName, &cSize) == TRUE ) { #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("ClusCallBackFunction: ClusterName = [%ws]\n", wszClusterName); #endif
wcscpy(wszDfsRootName, wszClusterName); wcscpy(wszComputerName, wszClusterName); } else { #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("ClusCallBackFunction: Not a root on a cluster.\n"); #endif
ExitWithStatus: if (hKey != NULL) ClusterRegCloseKey(hKey); if (hParamKey != NULL) ClusterRegCloseKey(hParamKey); return dwStatus; }
// Function: DfsInitGlobals
// Synopsis: Initialize the Dfs Manager globals.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
extern "C" DWORD DfsInitGlobals( LPWSTR pwszRootName, DWORD dwType) { static BOOLEAN fInitDone = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulSize = MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR); DFS_NAME_CONVENTION NameType;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsInitGlobals(%ws, %x)\n", pwszRootName, dwType));
// Only do init once.
if ( !fInitDone ) {
#if DBG
GetDebugSwitches(); if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfsInitGlobals(%ws,%d)\n", pwszRootName, dwType); #endif
GetEventLogSwitches(); GetConfigSwitches();
pwszDSMachineName = NULL;
GTimeout = GetEntryTimeout();
DcLockIntervalInMs = GetDcLockInterval();
ulDfsManagerType = dwType;
pOpenIfJPEa->NextEntryOffset = 0; pOpenIfJPEa->Flags = 0; pOpenIfJPEa->EaNameLength = strlen(EA_NAME_OPENIFJP); pOpenIfJPEa->EaValueLength = 0; strcpy(pOpenIfJPEa->EaName, EA_NAME_OPENIFJP);
// Must enforce exclusivity before the service starts.
#if (DBG == 1) || (_CT_TEST_HOOK == 1)
gRecoveryBkptInfo.BreakPt = 0xFFFFFFFF; gRecoveryBkptInfo.pwszApiBreak = NULL; #endif
wcscpy(wszDfsRootName, pwszRootName); pwszDfsRootName = wszDfsRootName;
// Get computer and domain names
NameType = (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) ? DFS_NAMETYPE_DNS : DFS_NAMETYPE_EITHER; dwErr = GetDomAndComputerName(wszDomainName, wszComputerName, &NameType);
if (dwErr == NERR_Success) { pwszDomainName = wszDomainName; pwszComputerName = wszComputerName; } else { pwszDomainName = NULL; pwszComputerName = NULL; }
// Figure out the root of the namespace.
// The root name is the cluster name on clusters, if
// this is a machine-based Dfs.
if (dwErr == NERR_Success && ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_SERVER) {
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfsInitGlobals: calling ResUtilEnumResources()\n"); #endif
ResUtilEnumResources(NULL, L"File Share", ClusCallBackFunction, NULL);
// Initialize the ACLs and other global security datastructures needed
// for Access Validation
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (DfsInitializeSecurity()) dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; else dwErr = ERROR_UNEXP_NET_ERR; }
// Initialize the LDAP storage
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
dwErr = InitializeLdapStorage( wszDfsRootName);
// Initialize the CSites class/storage
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
pDfsmSites = new CSites(LDAP_VOLUMES_DIR SITE_ROOT, &dwErr);
} else {
pDfsmSites = new CSites(VOLUMES_DIR SITE_ROOT, &dwErr);
if (pDfsmSites != NULL) {
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
delete pDfsmSites;
pDfsmSites = NULL;
} else {
// Initialize the Dfs Manager Storage Directory
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
pDfsmStorageDirectory = new CStorageDirectory( &dwErr );
if (pDfsmStorageDirectory != NULL) {
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
fInitDone = TRUE;
} else {
delete pDfsmStorageDirectory;
pDfsmStorageDirectory = NULL;
delete pDfsmSites;
pDfsmSites = NULL;
fInitDone = FALSE; }
} else {
delete pDfsmSites;
pDfsmSites = NULL;
fInitDone = FALSE;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsInitGlobals() exit\n"));
return dwErr;
} // DfsInitGlobals
// Function: DfsReinitGlobals
// Synopsis: ReInitialize the Dfs Manager globals.
// Arguments:
// Returns:
DWORD DfsReInitGlobals( LPWSTR pwszRootName, DWORD dwType) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulSize = MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR); DFS_NAME_CONVENTION NameType;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsReInitGlobals(%ws, %x)\n", pwszRootName, dwType));
#if DBG
GetDebugSwitches(); if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfsReInitGlobals(%ws, %d)\n", pwszRootName, dwType); #endif
GetEventLogSwitches(); GetConfigSwitches();
// Get rid of Dfs Manager storage & site info
if (pDfsmStorageDirectory != NULL) {
delete pDfsmStorageDirectory; pDfsmStorageDirectory = NULL;
if (pDfsmSites != NULL) {
delete pDfsmSites; pDfsmSites = NULL;
// Get rid of Ldap storage
ulDfsManagerType = dwType;
wcscpy(wszDfsRootName, pwszRootName); pwszDfsRootName = wszDfsRootName;
// Get computer and domain names
NameType = (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) ? DFS_NAMETYPE_DNS : DFS_NAMETYPE_EITHER; dwErr = GetDomAndComputerName(wszDomainName, wszComputerName, &NameType);
if (dwErr == NERR_Success) { pwszDomainName = wszDomainName; pwszComputerName = wszComputerName; } else { pwszDomainName = NULL; pwszComputerName = NULL; }
// Figure out the root of the namespace.
// The root name is the cluster name on clusters, if
// this is a machine-based Dfs.
if (dwErr == NERR_Success && ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_SERVER) {
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfsReInitGlobals: calling ResUtilEnumResources()\n"); #endif
ResUtilEnumResources(NULL, L"File Share", ClusCallBackFunction, NULL);
// Initialize the LDAP storage
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
dwErr = InitializeLdapStorage( wszDfsRootName);
// Initialize the CSites class/storage
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
pDfsmSites = new CSites(LDAP_VOLUMES_DIR SITE_ROOT, &dwErr);
} else {
pDfsmSites = new CSites(VOLUMES_DIR SITE_ROOT, &dwErr);
if (pDfsmSites != NULL) {
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
delete pDfsmSites; pDfsmSites = NULL; dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
} else {
// Initialize the Dfs Manager Storage Directory
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
pDfsmStorageDirectory = new CStorageDirectory( &dwErr );
if (pDfsmStorageDirectory != NULL) {
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
delete pDfsmStorageDirectory; pDfsmStorageDirectory = NULL; delete pDfsmSites; pDfsmSites = NULL;
} else {
delete pDfsmSites; pDfsmSites = NULL; dwErr = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (dwType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS && hSyncThread == NULL) {
// Start the thread that does the DS sync
dwErr = DfsManagerStartDSSync();
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "DfsManagerStartDSSync failed %08lx\n", dwErr)); return(dwErr); }
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsReInitGlobals() exit\n"));
return dwErr;
} // DfsReInitGlobals
// Function: InitializeDfsManager
// Synopsis: This method initializes the PKT with the volume objects
// Arguments: None
// Returns:
// Notes:
DWORD InitializeDfsManager(void) {
DWORD dwErr; HKEY hkey;
GetEventLogSwitches(); GetConfigSwitches();
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
RegCloseKey( hkey );
dwErr = InitializeVolumeObject( DOMAIN_ROOT_VOL, TRUE );
} else {
return(dwErr); }
// Function: InitializeVolumeObject
// Synopsis: This function initializes a volume object and hence all
// objects underneath that one.
// Arguments: [pwszVolName] -- Volume Object's Name.
// [bInitVol] -- If TRUE call UpdatePktEntry on this object also.
DWORD InitializeVolumeObject( PWSTR pwszVolName, BOOLEAN bInitVol, BOOLEAN SyncRemoteServerName) {
ULONG count = 0; DWORD dwErr; CDfsVolume *tempCDfs; WCHAR wszVolObjName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE PktHandle = NULL; NTSTATUS status;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut( (DEB_TRACE, "InitializeVolumeObject(%ws,%d)\n", pwszVolName, bInitVol));
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("InitializeVolumeObject(%ws,%s)\n", pwszVolName, bInitVol == TRUE ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); #endif
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) { wcscpy(wszVolObjName, LDAP_VOLUMES_DIR); } else { wcscpy(wszVolObjName, VOLUMES_DIR); } wcscat(wszVolObjName, pwszVolName);
IDfsVolInlineDebOut( (DEB_TRACE, "wszVolObjName=%ws\n", wszVolObjName));
tempCDfs = new CDfsVolume();
if (tempCDfs == NULL) {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "InitializeVolumeObject Exit\n"));
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("InitializeVolumeObject exit %d\n", dwErr); #endif
return dwErr;
dwErr = tempCDfs->LoadNoRegister(wszVolObjName, 0);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// We'll be sync'ing the site table, so be sure it's ready
pDfsmSites->AddRef(); pDfsmSites->MarkEntriesForMerge();
// We have to update the PKT entry first since InitializePkt
// will not bother about that part.
if (bInitVol) { status = PktOpen(&PktHandle, 0, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) PktHandle = NULL; dwErr = tempCDfs->UpdatePktEntry(PktHandle); }
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// We log an EVENT here since this needs admin intervention
// but we go on however.
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Could not UpdatePkt on %ws %08lx\n", pwszVolName, dwErr));
} else #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("InitializevolumeObject:Calling InitializePkt\n"); #endif
if (PktHandle == NULL) { status = PktOpen(&PktHandle, 0, 0, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) PktHandle = NULL; } dwErr = tempCDfs->InitializePkt(PktHandle); if (PktHandle != NULL) PktClose(PktHandle); #if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("InitializevolumeObject:InitializePkt returned %d\n", dwErr); #endif
// The site table should now be in sync
pDfsmSites->SyncPktSiteTable(); pDfsmSites->Release();
} else {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "Unable to get to %ws %08lx\n", pwszVolName, dwErr)); }
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "InitializeVolumeObject Exit\n"));
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("InitializeVolumeObject exit %d\n", dwErr); #endif
return( dwErr ); }
// Function: InitializeNetDfsInterface
// Synopsis: Initializes the NetDfs RPC interface, so this Dfs Manager can
// start servicing the NetDfsXXX APIs.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: DWORD_FROM_WIN32 of the RPC status from registering the
// RPC interface.
DWORD InitializeNetDfsInterface() { RPC_STATUS status; LPWSTR wszProtocolSeq = L"ncacn_np"; LPWSTR wszEndPoint = L"\\pipe\\netdfs";
if (NetDfsInitDone == TRUE) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
status = RpcServerUseProtseqEpW( (USHORT *)wszProtocolSeq, // Named Pipe protocol
20, // Max # of calls
(USHORT *)wszEndPoint, // Name of named pipe
NULL); // Security Descriptor
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, InitializeNetDfsInterface_Error_RpcServerUseProtseqEpW, LOGSTATUS(status));
if (status) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "RpcServerUseProtseqEpW failed %08lx\n", status)); return(status); }
// Register the DfsAdministration interface with the RPC runtime library
status = RpcServerRegisterIf(netdfs_ServerIfHandle, 0, 0); DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, InitializeNetDfsInterface_Error_RpcServerRegisterIf, LOGSTATUS(status));
if (status) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "RpcServerRegisterIf failed %08lx\n", status)); return(status); }
// Wait for client calls...
status = RpcServerListen( 1, // Minimum # of calls
1); // Don't wait...
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, InitializeNetDfsInterface_Error_RpcServerListen, LOGSTATUS(status)); if (status) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_ERROR, "RpcServerListen failed %08lx\n", status)); }
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NetDfsInitDone = TRUE; }
return( status );
// Function: DfsManagerHandleKnowledgeInconsistency
// Synopsis: Routine to handle knowledge inconsistencies being reported by
// Dfs clients.
// Arguments: [Buffer] -- Pointer to marshalled Volume Verify Arg
// [cbMessage] -- size in bytes of pBuffer
// Returns: [STATUS_SUCCESS] -- Knowledge inconsistency fixed.
// [STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL] -- Unable to fix Knowledge inconsistency.
// Problem has been logged to event log.
extern "C" NTSTATUS DfsManagerHandleKnowledgeInconsistency( PBYTE Buffer, ULONG cbMessage) {
PWSTR pwszVolName; CDfsVolume *pcdfsvol;
pcdfsvol = new CDfsVolume();
if (pcdfsvol != NULL) {
MarshalBufferInitialize(&MarshalBuffer, cbMessage, Buffer);
Status = DfsRtlGet(&MarshalBuffer, &MiVolumeVerifyArg, &arg);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "GotParameters: %ws\n", arg.ServiceName.Buffer));
dwErr = GetVolObjForPath(arg.Id.Prefix.Buffer, TRUE, &pwszVolName);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "GotVolObjName: %ws\n", pwszVolName));
dwErr = pcdfsvol->LoadNoRegister(pwszVolName, 0);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Remember that the ID actually has the serviceName.
dwErr = pcdfsvol->FixServiceKnowledge(arg.ServiceName.Buffer);
} else {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Could not bind to Vol object\n"));
delete [] pwszVolName;
} else {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Could not get volume objectName\n"));
if (arg.Id.Prefix.Buffer != NULL) {
if (arg.ServiceName.Buffer != NULL) {
} else {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( DEB_TRACE, "Error (NTSTATUS) unmarshalling Knowledge Sync Params %08lx\n", Status));
} else {
return(Status); }
// Function: DfsManagerStartDSSync
// Synopsis: Starts a thread that will periodically sync up with the PKT
// in the DS. Used on FT-Dfs root servers.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Win32 error from result of allocating necessary resources to
// do DS sync
DWORD DfsManagerStartDSSync() {
ASSERT( ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS );
InitializeObjectAttributes(&obja, NULL, OBJ_OPENIF, NULL, NULL); Status = NtCreateEvent( &hSyncEvent, SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_QUERY_STATE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, &obja, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE);
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { Status = NtCreateEvent( &hFrsSyncEvent, SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_QUERY_STATE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, &obja, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); }
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(Status, ALL_ERROR, DfsManagerStartDSSync_Error_NtCreateEvent, LOGSTATUS(Status));
if (Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
hSyncThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, DfsManagerDSSyncThread, NULL, 0, &dwSyncThreadId);
if (hSyncThread == NULL) dwErr = GetLastError();
} else {
dwErr = GetLastError(); hSyncEvent = NULL;
return( dwErr );
// Function: DfsManagerDSSyncThread
// Synopsis: Periodically syncs the local metadata with the DS
// Arguments: [Context] -- Ignored
// Returns: Nothing
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD DfsManagerDSSyncThread( PVOID Context) { DWORD dwErr; HKEY hkey;
while (1) {
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfsManagerDSSyncThread()\n"); #endif
dwSyncIntervalInMs = GetSyncInterval();
dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(hSyncEvent, dwSyncIntervalInMs);
if (dwErr != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { WaitForSingleObject(hFrsSyncEvent, dwFrsSyncIntervalInMs); }
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsManagerDSSyncThread()\n"));
if (ulDfsManagerType == DFS_MANAGER_FTDFS) {
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR, &hkey ); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RegCloseKey( hkey ); LdapIncrementBlob(TRUE); dwErr = LdapDecrementBlob(); }
return( 0 );
} #if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
// Function: DfspGetPdc
// Synopsis: Sets the global pwszDSMachineName to the PDC
// Arguments: None
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS or failure
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfspGetPdc()\n"); #endif
dwErr = DsGetDcName( NULL, // Computer to remote to
NULL, // Domain - use local domain
NULL, // Domain Guid
NULL, // Site Guid
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(dwErr, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetPdc_Error_DsGetDcName, LOGULONG(dwErr) );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (pwszDSMachineName == NULL) pwszDSMachineName = wszDSMachineName; wcscpy(pwszDSMachineName, &pDCInfo->DomainControllerName[2]); NetApiBufferFree( pDCInfo );
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("DfspGetPdc() returning %d\n", dwErr); #endif
return( dwErr ); }
// Function: GetSyncInterval
// Synopsis: Returns the interval at which to sync with the DS
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Returns the interval at which to sync with the DS
DWORD GetSyncInterval() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIntervalInSeconds = 60 * 60; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkey;
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_DFSSVC, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(dwIntervalInSeconds);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, SYNC_INTERVAL_NAME, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwIntervalInSeconds, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) {
dwIntervalInSeconds = 60 * 60;
return( dwIntervalInSeconds * 1000 );
// Function: GetDcLockInterval
// Synopsis: Returns the interval to lock onto a DC
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Returns the interval to lock onto a DC
ULONG GetDcLockInterval() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIntervalInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 2; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkey;
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_DFSSVC, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(dwIntervalInSeconds);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, DCLOCK_INTERVAL_NAME, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwIntervalInSeconds, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) {
dwIntervalInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 2;
return( dwIntervalInSeconds * 1000 );
// Function: GetEntryTimeout
// Synopsis: Returns the timeout (in seconds) for jp's
// Arguments: None
DWORD GetEntryTimeout() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwTimeoutInSeconds = DEFAULT_PKT_ENTRY_TIMEOUT; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkey;
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(dwTimeoutInSeconds);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_TIMETOLIVE, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &dwTimeoutInSeconds, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) {
return( dwTimeoutInSeconds );
// Function: DfspGetFtDfsName
// Synopsis: Gets the FtDfs name from the registry
// Arguments: None
DWORD DfspGetFtDfsName() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbName; HKEY hkey;
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, VOLUMES_DIR, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbName = sizeof(wszFtDfsName);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, FTDFS_VALUE_NAME, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) wszFtDfsName, &cbName);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType != REG_SZ) {
RegCloseKey( hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
pwszFtDfsName = wszFtDfsName;
} else {
pwszFtDfsName = NULL;
return dwErr;
// Function: GetConfigSwitches
// Synopsis: Get configuration switches from the registry
// Arguments: None
VOID GetConfigSwitches() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkey;
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_DFSSVC, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(DfsDnsConfig); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_DFSDNSCONFIG, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &DfsDnsConfig, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) DfsDnsConfig = 0;
cbData = sizeof(DfsSvcLdap); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_LDAP, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &DfsSvcLdap, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) DfsSvcLdap = 0;
// Function: GetEventLogSwitches
// Synopsis: Gets the event log switch values
// Arguments: None
VOID GetEventLogSwitches() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkey = NULL;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(DfsEventLog);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_EVENTLOG_GLOBAL, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &DfsEventLog, &cbData);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) goto Cleanup;
DfsEventLog = 0;
cbData = sizeof(DfsEventLog);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_EVENTLOG_DFS, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &DfsEventLog, &cbData);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD) goto Cleanup;
// Could not find either the global nor the dfs event log setting
DfsEventLog = 0;
#if DBG
if (DfsSvcVerbose) DbgPrint("Dfssvc:DfsEventLog = 0x%x\n", DfsEventLog); #endif
if (hkey != NULL) RegCloseKey(hkey);
#if DBG
// Function: GetDebugSwitches
// Synopsis: Gets the debug switch values
// Arguments: None
VOID GetDebugSwitches() { DWORD dwErr; DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData; HKEY hkey;
dwErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_KEY_DFSSVC, &hkey );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
cbData = sizeof(DfsSvcVerbose);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_VERBOSE, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &DfsSvcVerbose, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) {
DfsSvcVerbose = 0;
cbData = sizeof(IDfsVolInfoLevel);
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_IDFSVOL, NULL, &dwType, (PBYTE) &IDfsVolInfoLevel, &cbData);
if (!(dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_DWORD)) {
} #endif
// Function: LogMessage()
// Synopsis: This method takes an error code and a list of strings and
// displays the right message for now. Later on this will have
// to raise an event and do the appropriate stuff actually.
// Arguments: [ErrNum] -- Error Number (SCODE). This identifies message to
// pick up.
// [pwcstrs] -- The strings that are to be displayed.
// [count] -- Number of strings in above array.
// [Severity] -- The severity of the error so that we can turn
// off debuggin selectively.
// Returns: Nothing.
// Notes:
// History: 10-Feb-1993 SudK Created.
VOID LogMessageFull( DWORD Severity, PWCHAR pwcstrs[], DWORD count, DWORD ErrNum) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( Severity, " [%ws] \n", DfsErrString[ErrNum] ));
for (ULONG _i=0; _i<count; _i++) { IDfsVolInlineDebOut(( Severity, "Str%d : [%ws] \n", _i, pwcstrs[_i] )); } IDfsVolInlineDebOut((Severity, "***%s @ %d *****\n", __FILE__, __LINE__)); }