// Copyright (C) 1995, Microsoft Corporation
// File: jnpt.cxx
// Contents: Junction point creation/deletion/modification related
// functions
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 8-2-95 Sudk Created
// 12-27-95 Milans Modified for NT/SUR
#include "headers.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
extern "C" { #include <string.h>
#include <nodetype.h>
#include <fsctrl.h>
#include <dfsmrshl.h>
#include <upkt.h>
#include <ntddnfs.h>
#include <dfsgluon.h>
#include <dfserr.h>
} #include "service.hxx"
// Function: IsValidWin32Path
// Synopsis: Given a prefix, determines if it is a valid win32 path. This
// routine checks for invalid names in win32, like com1 etc. It
// also checks to see if the prefix, canonicalized for spaces,
// ., and .. is still a valid prefix.
// Arguments: [pwszPrefix] -- The prefix to check
// Returns: TRUE if valid win32 path, FALSE otherwise
BOOLEAN IsValidWin32Path( IN LPWSTR pwszPrefix) { BOOLEAN fIsValid = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING ustrWin32, ustrRoot; ULONG cwPrefix; WCHAR wszWin32Path[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR wszRoot = L"C:\\"; LPWSTR wszRootAndPrefix;
cwPrefix = wcslen( pwszPrefix );
// We don't allow the last character to be a backslash
if (cwPrefix == 0 || pwszPrefix[cwPrefix-1] == UNICODE_PATH_SEP) {
return( FALSE ); }
// Form a dummy path that looks like "c:\<pwszPrefix>"
if (cwPrefix < (MAX_PATH - 3)) {
wszRootAndPrefix = wszWin32Path;
} else {
wszRootAndPrefix = new WCHAR[ 3 + cwPrefix + 1 ];
if (wszRootAndPrefix == NULL) {
return( FALSE );
} }
wcscpy( wszRootAndPrefix, wszRoot );
if (pwszPrefix[0] == UNICODE_PATH_SEP) wcscat( wszRootAndPrefix, &pwszPrefix[1] ); else wcscat( wszRootAndPrefix, pwszPrefix );
// Convert the dummy path to an NT path and compare against the root
if (RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(wszRootAndPrefix, &ustrWin32, 0, 0)) {
if (RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(wszRoot, &ustrRoot, 0, 0)) {
fIsValid = !RtlEqualUnicodeString(&ustrRoot, &ustrWin32, TRUE);
RtlFreeUnicodeString( &ustrRoot ); }
RtlFreeUnicodeString( &ustrWin32 ); }
if (wszRootAndPrefix != wszWin32Path) delete [] wszRootAndPrefix;
return( fIsValid );
// Function: DfsGetDSMachine
// Synopsis: This function sets DS_MACHINE property on machine object
// Arguments: [pwszServer] -- NetBIOS name of server for which DS_MACHINE
// is required.
// [ppMachine] -- On successful return, contains pointer to
// allocated DS_MACHINE.
// History: 8-2-94 SudK Created
// 12-27-95 Milans Modified for NT/SUR.
(sizeof(DS_MACHINE) + sizeof(LPWSTR) + sizeof(DS_TRANSPORT) + sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS))
DWORD DfsGetDSMachine( LPWSTR pwszServer, PDS_MACHINE *ppMachine ) { DWORD dwErr; PDS_MACHINE pdsMachine; PDS_TRANSPORT pdsTransport; PTDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS ptdiNB; LPWSTR wszPrincipalName; LPWSTR pwszNetBIOSName;
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsGetDSMachine(%ws)\n", pwszServer));
ASSERT( pwszServer != NULL );
pwszNetBIOSName = pwszServer;
pdsMachine = (PDS_MACHINE) MarshalBufferAllocate( SIZE_OF_DS_MACHINE_WITH_1_ADDR + wcslen(pwszServer) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
if (pdsMachine != NULL) {
ZeroMemory( pdsMachine, sizeof(DS_MACHINE) );
// Insert the principal name - simply domain\machine
pdsMachine->cPrincipals = 1;
wszPrincipalName = (LPWSTR) (((PCHAR) pdsMachine) + SIZE_OF_DS_MACHINE_WITH_1_ADDR);
wcscpy( wszPrincipalName, pwszServer );
pdsMachine->prgpwszPrincipals = (LPWSTR *) (pdsMachine + 1);
pdsMachine->prgpwszPrincipals[0] = wszPrincipalName;
// Build the NetBIOS DS_TRANSPORT structure
pdsMachine->cTransports = 1;
pdsTransport = (PDS_TRANSPORT) (pdsMachine + 1);
pdsTransport = (PDS_TRANSPORT) (((PUCHAR) pdsTransport) + sizeof(LPWSTR));
pdsMachine->rpTrans[0] = pdsTransport;
pdsTransport->usFileProtocol = FSP_SMB;
pdsTransport->iPrincipal = 0;
pdsTransport->grfModifiers = 0;
pdsTransport->taddr.AddressLength = sizeof(TDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS);
pdsTransport->taddr.AddressType = TDI_ADDRESS_TYPE_NETBIOS;
ptdiNB = (PTDI_ADDRESS_NETBIOS) &pdsTransport->taddr.Address[0];
FillMemory( &ptdiNB->NetbiosName[0], 16, ' ' );
wcstombs( (PCHAR) &ptdiNB->NetbiosName[0], pwszNetBIOSName, wcslen(pwszNetBIOSName));
*ppMachine = pdsMachine;
} else {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsGetDSMachine() exit\n"));
return( dwErr );
// Function: DfsMachineFree
// Synopsis: Deallocates a DS_MACHINE allocated by DfsGetDSMachine.
// Arguments: [pMachine] -- Pointer to DS_MACHINE returned by
// DfsGetDSMachine.
// Returns: Nothing
VOID DfsMachineFree( PDS_MACHINE pMachine) { ULONG i;