// Copyright (C) 1996, Microsoft Corporation
// File: localvol.cxx
// Contents: Code to validate local volume knowledge with the root server
// of the Dfs
// Classes:
// Functions: DfsManagerValidateLocalVolumes
// DfspGetRemoteConfigInfo
// DfspValidateLocalPartition
// DfspPruneLocalPartition
// StringToGuid
// History: April 29, 1996 Milans Created
//#include <ntos.h>
//#include <ntrtl.h>
//#include <nturtl.h>
//#include <dfsfsctl.h>
//#include <windows.h>
#include <headers.hxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include "dfsmwml.h"
extern "C" NET_API_STATUS NetDfsManagerGetConfigInfo( LPWSTR wszServer, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, GUID guidLocalVolume, LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO *ppDfsmRelationInfo);
extern "C" NET_API_STATUS NetDfsManagerSendSiteInfo( LPWSTR wszServer, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO pSiteInfo);
DWORD DfspGetRemoteConfigInfo( LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeGuid, LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO *ppDfsmRelationInfo);
VOID DfspValidateLocalPartition( LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeGuid, LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO pDfsmRelationInfo);
VOID DfspPruneLocalPartition( LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeGuid);
VOID StringToGuid( IN PWSTR pwszGuid, OUT GUID *pGuid);
BOOLEAN DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo( LPWSTR ServerName, LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO *ppSiteInfo);
// Function: DfsManagerValidateLocalVolumes
// Synopsis: Validates the relation info of all local volumes with the
// Dfs Root server
// Arguments: None
// Returns: TRUE if validation attempt succeeded, FALSE if could not
// validate all local volumes
extern "C" BOOLEAN DfsManagerValidateLocalVolumes() { DWORD dwErr, i; HKEY hkeyLv, hkeyThisLv; WCHAR wszLocalVolGuid[ 2 * sizeof(GUID) + 1 ]; BOOLEAN fValidateNextVolume; BOOLEAN fHaveCoveredSiteInfo; LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO pSiteInfo = NULL;
if (pwszComputerName == NULL) return FALSE;
// Get covered site info
fHaveCoveredSiteInfo = DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo( pwszComputerName, &pSiteInfo);
// For each local volume, ask the root for its relation info and then
// fsctl it down to the driver so it can validate its relation info.
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsManagerValidateLocalVolumes()\n"));
if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (fHaveCoveredSiteInfo == TRUE) {
return( FALSE );
i = 0;
do {
WCHAR wszEntryPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO pDfsmRelationInfo;
fValidateNextVolume = TRUE;
// Local volumes are stored with their stringized guids as key names
dwErr = RegEnumKey( hkeyLv, i, wszLocalVolGuid, sizeof(wszLocalVolGuid) );
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkeyLv, wszLocalVolGuid, &hkeyThisLv);
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DWORD cbBuffer = sizeof(wszEntryPath); DWORD dwType;
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hkeyThisLv, REG_VALUE_ENTRY_PATH, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) wszEntryPath, &cbBuffer);
RegCloseKey( hkeyThisLv );
} else if (dwErr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) {
fValidateNextVolume = FALSE;
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
dwErr = DfspGetRemoteConfigInfo( wszEntryPath, wszLocalVolGuid, &pDfsmRelationInfo);
switch (dwErr) {
DfspValidateLocalPartition( wszEntryPath, wszLocalVolGuid, pDfsmRelationInfo);
case NERR_DfsNoSuchVolume: case NERR_DfsNoSuchShare:
DfspPruneLocalPartition( wszEntryPath, wszLocalVolGuid);
fValidateNextVolume = FALSE;
} //
// Tell the root what sites we cover
if (fHaveCoveredSiteInfo == TRUE && pwszComputerName != NULL) {
NetDfsManagerSendSiteInfo( pwszComputerName, // Who's sending this
wszEntryPath, // The dfs root to send to
pSiteInfo); // the site info itself
} while ( fValidateNextVolume );
RegCloseKey( hkeyLv );
if (fHaveCoveredSiteInfo == TRUE) {
IDfsVolInlineDebOut((DEB_TRACE, "DfsManagerValidateLocalVolumes: i=%d on exit\n", i));
return( TRUE );
BOOLEAN DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo( LPWSTR ServerName, LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO *ppSiteInfo) { DWORD status; LPWSTR ThisSite; LPWSTR CoveredSites = NULL; LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO pSiteInfo = NULL; ULONG Size; ULONG cSites; LPWSTR pSiteName; LPWSTR pNames; ULONG iSite; ULONG j; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwUnused; ULONG cbBuffer; HKEY hkey; BOOLEAN fUsingDefault = TRUE;
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo_Error_RegOpenKey, LOGSTATUS(status) LOGWSTR(ServerName));
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
status = RegQueryInfoKey( hkey, // Key
NULL, // Class string
NULL, // Size of class string
NULL, // Reserved
&dwUnused, // # of subkeys
&dwUnused, // max size of subkey name
&dwUnused, // max size of class name
&dwUnused, // # of values
&dwUnused, // max size of value name
&cbBuffer, // max size of value data,
NULL, // security descriptor
NULL); // Last write time
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo_Error_RegQueryInfoKey, LOGSTATUS(status) LOGWSTR(ServerName));
// Check if there's a value the same name as the servername passed in,
// if so, use it. Else default to value REG_VALUE_COVERED_SITES.
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CoveredSites = (LPWSTR)MIDL_user_allocate(cbBuffer);
if (CoveredSites != NULL) {
status = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, ServerName, NULL, &dwType, (PUCHAR)CoveredSites, &cbBuffer); DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo_Error_RegQueryValueEx, LOGSTATUS(status) LOGWSTR(ServerName));
if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_MULTI_SZ) {
fUsingDefault = FALSE;
} else {
status = RegQueryValueEx( hkey, REG_VALUE_COVERED_SITES, NULL, &dwType, (PUCHAR)CoveredSites, &cbBuffer); DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo_Error_RegQueryValueEx2, LOGSTATUS(status) LOGWSTR(ServerName));
if ( status != ERROR_SUCCESS || dwType != REG_MULTI_SZ) {
CoveredSites = NULL;
RegCloseKey( hkey ); }
// Size the return buffer
Size = 0;
for (cSites = 0, pNames = CoveredSites; pNames && *pNames; cSites++) {
Size += (wcslen(pNames) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
pNames += wcslen(pNames) + 1;
// Get site we belong to, if we're using the defaults
ThisSite = NULL;
if (fUsingDefault == TRUE) {
status = DsGetSiteName(NULL, &ThisSite); DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(status, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetCoveredSiteInfo_Error_DsGetSiteName, LOGSTATUS(status) LOGWSTR(ServerName));
if (status == NO_ERROR && ThisSite != NULL) {
Size += (wcslen(ThisSite) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
// If no sites are configured, and we couldn't determine our site,
// then we fail.
if (cSites == 0) {
goto ErrorReturn;
pSiteInfo = (LPDFS_SITELIST_INFO)MIDL_user_allocate(Size);
if (pSiteInfo == NULL) {
goto ErrorReturn;
RtlZeroMemory(pSiteInfo, Size);
pSiteInfo->cSites = cSites;
pSiteName = (LPWSTR) ((PCHAR)pSiteInfo + sizeof(DFS_SITELIST_INFO) + sizeof(DFS_SITENAME_INFO) * (cSites - 1));
// Marshall the site strings into the buffer
iSite = 0;
if (ThisSite != NULL) {
wcscpy(pSiteName, ThisSite);
pSiteInfo->Site[iSite].SiteFlags = DFS_SITE_PRIMARY;
pSiteInfo->Site[iSite++].SiteName = pSiteName;
pSiteName += wcslen(ThisSite) + 1;
for (pNames = CoveredSites; pNames && *pNames; pNames += wcslen(pNames) + 1) {
wcscpy(pSiteName, pNames);
pSiteInfo->Site[iSite++].SiteName = pSiteName;
pSiteName += wcslen(pSiteName) + 1;
*ppSiteInfo = pSiteInfo;
if (CoveredSites != NULL) {
return TRUE;
// Free anything we allocated
if (pSiteInfo != NULL) {
if (CoveredSites != NULL) {
return FALSE; }
// Function: DfspGetRemoteConfigInfo
// Synopsis: Gets the config info for a local volume from the Dfs root
// server.
// Arguments: [wszLocalVolumeEntryPath] -- Entry path of local volume.
// [wszLocalVolumeGuid] -- Stringized guid of local volume.
// [ppDfsmRelationInfo] -- On successful return, contains pointer
// to allocated DFSM_RELATION_INFO structure.
// Returns: Error code from NetDfsManagerGetConfigInfo or
DWORD DfspGetRemoteConfigInfo( LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeGuid, LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO *ppDfsmRelationInfo) { DWORD dwErr; GUID guidLocalVolume;
if (pwszComputerName == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
StringToGuid( wszLocalVolumeGuid, &guidLocalVolume );
dwErr = NetDfsManagerGetConfigInfo( pwszComputerName, wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, guidLocalVolume, ppDfsmRelationInfo);
DFSM_TRACE_ERROR_HIGH(dwErr, ALL_ERROR, DfspGetRemoteConfigInfo_Error_NetDfsManagerGetConfigInfo, LOGSTATUS(dwErr) LOGWSTR(wszLocalVolumeEntryPath));
return( dwErr );
// Function: DfspValidateLocalPartition
// Synopsis: Given a remote config info, this API will fsctl to the local
// dfs driver to take actions and match up its local volume info
// with the remote one.
// Arguments: [wszLocalVolumeEntryPath] -- local volume entry path to
// validate
// [wszLocalVolumeGuid] -- Guid of local volume to validate
// [pDfsmRelationInfo] -- The DFSM_RELATION_INFO that this local
// volume should have.
// Returns: Nothing
VOID DfspValidateLocalPartition( LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeGuid, LPDFSM_RELATION_INFO pDfsmRelationInfo) { DFS_PKT_RELATION_INFO DfsRelationInfo; DWORD i;
StringToGuid( wszLocalVolumeGuid, &DfsRelationInfo.EntryId.Uid );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DfsRelationInfo.EntryId.Prefix, wszLocalVolumeEntryPath);
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DfsRelationInfo.EntryId.ShortPrefix, NULL );
DfsRelationInfo.SubordinateIdList = new DFS_PKT_ENTRY_ID[ pDfsmRelationInfo->cSubordinates ];
if (DfsRelationInfo.SubordinateIdList == NULL) return;
DfsRelationInfo.SubordinateIdCount = pDfsmRelationInfo->cSubordinates;
for (i = 0; i < pDfsmRelationInfo->cSubordinates; i++) {
DfsRelationInfo.SubordinateIdList[i].Uid = pDfsmRelationInfo->eid[i].idSubordinate;
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DfsRelationInfo.SubordinateIdList[i].Prefix, pDfsmRelationInfo->eid[i].wszSubordinate);
RtlInitUnicodeString( &DfsRelationInfo.SubordinateIdList[i].ShortPrefix, NULL);
PktValidateLocalVolumeInfo( &DfsRelationInfo );
// Function: DfspPruneLocalPartition
// Synopsis: Deletes a local volume that the root server says is an extra
// volume.
// Arguments: [wszLocalVolumeEntryPath] -- local volume entry path to
// delete
// [wszLocalVolumeGuid] -- Guid of local volume to delete
// Returns: Nothing
VOID DfspPruneLocalPartition( LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeEntryPath, LPWSTR wszLocalVolumeGuid) { DFS_PKT_ENTRY_ID EntryId;
RtlZeroMemory(&EntryId, sizeof(EntryId));
StringToGuid( wszLocalVolumeGuid, &EntryId.Uid );
RtlInitUnicodeString( &EntryId.Prefix, wszLocalVolumeEntryPath );
PktPruneLocalPartition( &EntryId );
// Function: StringToGuid
// Synopsis: Converts a 32 wchar null terminated string to a GUID.
// Arguments: [pwszGuid] -- the string to convert
// [pGuid] -- Pointer to destination GUID.
// Returns: Nothing
#define HEX_DIGIT_TO_INT(d, i) \
ASSERT(((d) >= L'0' && (d) <= L'9') || \ ((d) >= L'A' && (d) <= L'F')); \ if ((d) <= L'9') { \ i = (d) - L'0'; \ } else { \ i = (d) - L'A' + 10; \ }
VOID StringToGuid( IN PWSTR pwszGuid, OUT GUID *pGuid) { PBYTE pbBuffer = (PBYTE) pGuid; USHORT i, n;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(GUID); i++) { HEX_DIGIT_TO_INT(pwszGuid[2 * i], n); pbBuffer[i] = n << 4; HEX_DIGIT_TO_INT(pwszGuid[2 * i + 1], n); pbBuffer[i] |= n; } }