// Copyright (C) 1992, Microsoft Corporation
// File: registry.h
// Contents: Module to interface with the NT registry. This is a free
// standing module that one should be able to cut and paste
// into any kernel/user application.
// To use this module (and the associated regsups.c and regkeys.c)
// in another project, one needs to do the following:
// o #define kreg_debug_out, kreg_alloc, and kreg_free, as
// appropriate for the application/kernel component.
// o If linking into a device driver or some kernel component,
// compile with the -D KERNEL_MODE
// Classes:
// Functions: KRegInit()
// KRegSetRoot()
// KRegCloseRoot()
// KRegGetValue()
// KRegGetNumValuesAndSubKeys()
// KRegEnumValueSet()
// KRegEnumSubKeySet()
// History: 18 Sep 92 Milans created
#ifndef _REGISTRY_
#define _REGISTRY_
#include <wchar.h> // For wstring routines
#include "dfsprocs.h" // For DebugTrace definition
// only. Replace at will.
// The following are needed to use registry.h in an application. Change as
// appropriate for the particular situation.
// Define KREG_DEBUG_OUT(x,y) appropriately for your application. x,y are like
// a pair of arguments to printf, the first a format string and the second a
// single argument.
#define kreg_debug_out(x,y) DebugTrace(0, DEBUG_TRACE_REGISTRY, x, y)
// Define KREG_ALLOC and KREG_FREE appropriately for your application.
// Semantics are exactly like malloc and free
#define kreg_alloc(x) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(PagedPool, (x), ' sfD')
#define kreg_free(x) DfsFree(x)
// End of application dependent stuff.
#define NtClose ZwClose
#define NtCreateKey ZwCreateKey
#define NtDeleteKey ZwDeleteKey
#define NtDeleteValueKey ZwDeleteValueKey
#define NtEnumerateKey ZwEnumerateKey
#define NtEnumerateValueKey ZwEnumerateValueKey
#define NtFlushKey ZwFlushKey
#define NtOpenKey ZwOpenKey
#define NtQueryKey ZwQueryKey
#define NtQueryValueKey ZwQueryValueKey
#define NtSetValueKey ZwSetValueKey
#endif // KERNEL_MODE
// Some types used by registry calls.
typedef unsigned char BYTE; typedef unsigned char *PBYTE; // Pointer to bytes
typedef PWSTR *APWSTR; // Array of PWSTR
typedef PBYTE *APBYTE; // Array of PBYTES
NTSTATUS KRegInit(void);
NTSTATUS KRegSetRoot( IN PWSTR wszRootName);
void KRegCloseRoot(void);
NTSTATUS KRegCreateKey( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN PWSTR wszNewKey);
NTSTATUS KRegDeleteKey( IN PWSTR wszKey);
NTSTATUS KRegGetValue( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN PWSTR wszValueName, OUT PBYTE *ppValueData);
NTSTATUS KRegSetValue( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN PWSTR wszValueName, IN ULONG ulType, IN ULONG cbSize, IN PBYTE pValueData);
NTSTATUS KRegDeleteValue( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN PWSTR wszValueName);
NTSTATUS KRegGetValueSet( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN ULONG lNumValues, IN PWSTR wszValueNames[], OUT PBYTE lpbValueData[], OUT NTSTATUS aValueStatus[]);
NTSTATUS KRegGetNumValuesAndSubKeys( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, OUT PULONG plNumValues, OUT PULONG plNumSubKeys);
NTSTATUS KRegEnumValueSet( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN OUT PULONG plMaxElements, OUT APWSTR *pawszValueNames, OUT APBYTE *palpbValueData, OUT ANTSTATUS *paValueStatus);
NTSTATUS KRegEnumSubKeySet( IN PWSTR wszSubKey, IN OUT PULONG plMaxElements, OUT APWSTR *pawszSubKeyNames);
VOID KRegFreeArray( IN ULONG cElements, IN APBYTE pa);
#endif // ifndef _REGISTRY_