Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains routines for processing the Search SMB.
David Treadwell (davidtr) 13-Feb-1990
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "smbsrch.tmh"
#pragma hdrstop
#define BugCheckFileId SRV_FILE_SMBSRCH
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, SrvSmbSearch )
Routine Description:
This routine processes the various search SMBs, including the core Search and the LM 1.0 Find, Find Unique, and Find Close.
SMB_PROCESSOR_PARAMETERS - See smbtypes.h for a description of the parameters to SMB processor routines.
Return Value:
{ PREQ_SEARCH request; PRESP_SEARCH response;
NTSTATUS status = STATUS_SUCCESS; SMB_STATUS SmbStatus = SmbStatusInProgress; UNICODE_STRING fileName; PSRV_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION directoryInformation = NULL; CLONG availableSpace; CLONG totalBytesWritten; BOOLEAN calledQueryDirectory; BOOLEAN findFirst; BOOLEAN isUnicode; BOOLEAN filterLongNames; BOOLEAN isCoreSearch; PTABLE_ENTRY entry = NULL; SHORT sidIndex; SHORT sequence; PSMB_RESUME_KEY resumeKey = NULL; PCCHAR s; PSMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION smbDirInfo; USHORT smbFileAttributes; PSEARCH search = NULL; PDIRECTORY_CACHE dirCache, dc; USHORT count; USHORT maxCount; USHORT i; USHORT resumeKeyLength; UCHAR command; CCHAR j; CLONG nonPagedBufferSize; ULONG resumeFileIndex; WCHAR nameBuffer[8 + 1 + 3 + 1]; OEM_STRING oemString;
PTREE_CONNECT treeConnect; PSESSION session; PCONNECTION connection; PPAGED_CONNECTION pagedConnection; HANDLE RootDirectoryHandle;
WCHAR unicodeResumeName[ sizeof( dirCache->UnicodeResumeName ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ]; USHORT unicodeResumeNameLength = 0;
PAGED_CODE( ); if (WorkContext->PreviousSMB == EVENT_TYPE_SMB_LAST_EVENT) WorkContext->PreviousSMB = EVENT_TYPE_SMB_SEARCH; SrvWmiStartContext(WorkContext);
connection = WorkContext->Connection; pagedConnection = connection->PagedConnection;
// HackHack: Check the flags2 field if dos client. Some dos clients
// set flags2 to 0xffff.
isUnicode = SMB_IS_UNICODE( WorkContext );
if ( isUnicode && IS_DOS_DIALECT(connection->SmbDialect) ) { WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags2 = 0; isUnicode = FALSE; }
filterLongNames = ((SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags2 ) & SMB_FLAGS2_KNOWS_LONG_NAMES) == 0) || IS_DOS_DIALECT(connection->SmbDialect);
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH1) { SrvPrint2( "Search request header at 0x%p, response header at 0x%p\n", WorkContext->RequestHeader, WorkContext->ResponseHeader ); SrvPrint2( "Search request params at 0x%p, response params%p\n", WorkContext->RequestParameters, WorkContext->ResponseParameters ); }
request = (PREQ_SEARCH)WorkContext->RequestParameters; response = (PRESP_SEARCH)WorkContext->ResponseParameters; command = WorkContext->RequestHeader->Command;
// Set up a pointer in the SMB buffer where we will write
// information about files. The +3 is to account for the
// SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE and the word that holds the data length.
smbDirInfo = (PSMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION)(response->Buffer + 3);
fileName.Buffer = NULL;
// If a session block has not already been assigned to the current
// work context , verify the UID. If verified, the address of the
// session block corresponding to this user is stored in the
// WorkContext block and the session block is referenced.
// Find tree connect corresponding to given TID if a tree connect
// pointer has not already been put in the WorkContext block by an
// AndX command.
status = SrvVerifyUidAndTid( WorkContext, &session, &treeConnect, ShareTypeDisk );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvSmbSearch: Invalid UID or TID\n" ); } SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; goto Cleanup; }
isCoreSearch = (BOOLEAN)(command == SMB_COM_SEARCH);
if( session->IsSessionExpired ) { status = SESSION_EXPIRED_STATUS_CODE; SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status ); SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; goto Cleanup; }
// Get necessary information from the request SMB before we start
// overwriting it.
maxCount = SmbGetUshort( &request->MaxCount );
// If they aren't asking for any files, then they are confused!
if( maxCount == 0 ) {
// We would log this, but certain linux clients mistakenly do this
// over and over and over...
goto error_exit; }
// If this is a core search, we don't want to get too many files,
// as we have to cache information about them between requests.
// A buffer of nonpaged pool is required by SrvQueryDirectoryFile.
// We need to use the SMB buffer for found file names and
// information, so allocate a buffer from nonpaged pool.
// If we don't need to return many files, we don't need to allocate
// a large buffer. The buffer size is the configurable size or
// enough to hold two more than the number of files we need to
// return. We get space to hold two extra files in case some files
// do not meet the search criteria (eg directories).
if ( isCoreSearch ) { maxCount = MIN( maxCount, (USHORT)MAX_DIRECTORY_CACHE_SIZE ); nonPagedBufferSize = MIN_SEARCH_BUFFER_SIZE;
} else {
if ( maxCount > MAX_FILES_FOR_MED_SEARCH ) { nonPagedBufferSize = MAX_SEARCH_BUFFER_SIZE; } else if ( maxCount > MAX_FILES_FOR_MIN_SEARCH ) { nonPagedBufferSize = MED_SEARCH_BUFFER_SIZE; } else { nonPagedBufferSize = MIN_SEARCH_BUFFER_SIZE; } }
// The response to a search is never unicode, though the request may be.
if( isUnicode ) { USHORT flags2 = SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags2 ); flags2 &= ~SMB_FLAGS2_UNICODE; SmbPutAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->ResponseHeader->Flags2, flags2 ); }
// If there was a resume key, verify the SID. If there was no
// resume key, allocate a search block. The first two bytes after
// the format token are the length of the resume key. If they are
// both zero, then the request was a find first.
count = SmbGetUshort( &request->ByteCount );
if( isUnicode ) { PWCHAR p;
for( p = (PWCHAR)((PCCHAR)request->Buffer+1), i = 0; i < count && SmbGetUshort(p) != UNICODE_NULL; p++, i += sizeof(*p) );
s = (PCCHAR)(p + 1); // skip past the null to the next char
} else {
for ( s = (PCCHAR)request->Buffer, i = 0; i < count && *s != (CCHAR)SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE; s++, i += sizeof(*s) ); }
// If there was no SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE token in the buffer, fail.
if ( i == count || *s != (CCHAR)SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE ) {
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvSmbSearch: no SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE token.\n" ); }
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext );
status = STATUS_INVALID_SMB; goto error_exit; }
resumeKeyLength = SmbGetUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)(s+1) );
if ( resumeKeyLength == 0 ) {
// There was no resume key, so either a Find First or a Find
// Unique was intended. If it was actually a Find Close, return
// an error to the client.
if ( command == SMB_COM_FIND_CLOSE ) {
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvSmbSearch: Find Close sent w/o resume key.\n" ); }
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); goto error_exit; }
findFirst = TRUE; calledQueryDirectory = FALSE;
// Initialize the string containing the path name. The +1 is to
// account for the ASCII token in the Buffer field of the
// request SMB.
status = SrvCanonicalizePathName( WorkContext, treeConnect->Share, NULL, (PVOID)(request->Buffer + 1), END_OF_REQUEST_SMB( WorkContext ), FALSE, isUnicode, &fileName );
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { goto error_exit; }
// If the volume attribute bit is set, just return the volume name.
if ( SmbGetUshort( &request->SearchAttributes ) == SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUME ) {
// Use NtQueryVolumeInformationFile to get the volume name.
// Allocate enough space to store the volume information structure
// and MAXIMUM_FILENAME_LENGTH bytes for the volume label name.
volumeInformation = ALLOCATE_HEAP( VOLUME_BUFFER_SIZE, BlockTypeVolumeInformation );
if ( volumeInformation == NULL ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvSmbSearch: Unable to allocate memory from server heap", NULL, NULL );
status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto error_exit; }
RtlZeroMemory( volumeInformation, VOLUME_BUFFER_SIZE );
// Get the Share root handle.
status = SrvGetShareRootHandle( treeConnect->Share );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvSmbSearch: SrvGetShareRootHandle failed %x.\n", status ); }
FREE_HEAP( volumeInformation ); goto error_exit; } //
// Handle SnapShot case
status = SrvSnapGetRootHandle( WorkContext, &RootDirectoryHandle ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { FREE_HEAP( volumeInformation ); goto error_exit; }
status = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile( RootDirectoryHandle, &ioStatusBlock, volumeInformation, VOLUME_BUFFER_SIZE, FileFsVolumeInformation );
// If the media was changed and we can come up with a new share root handle,
// then we should retry the operation
if( SrvRetryDueToDismount( treeConnect->Share, status ) ) {
status = SrvSnapGetRootHandle( WorkContext, &RootDirectoryHandle ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { FREE_HEAP( volumeInformation ); goto error_exit; }
status = NtQueryVolumeInformationFile( RootDirectoryHandle, &ioStatusBlock, volumeInformation, VOLUME_BUFFER_SIZE, FileFsVolumeInformation ); }
// Release the share root handle
SrvReleaseShareRootHandle( WorkContext->TreeConnect->Share );
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_UNEXPECTED, "SrvSmbSearch: NtQueryVolumeInformationFile returned %X", status, NULL );
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_NT_QUERY_VOL_INFO_FILE, status );
FREE_HEAP( volumeInformation ); goto error_exit; }
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint2( "NtQueryVolumeInformationFile succeeded, name = %ws, " "length %ld\n", volumeInformation->VolumeLabel, volumeInformation->VolumeLabelLength ); }
// Check if we have a volume label
if ( volumeInformation->VolumeLabelLength > 0 ) {
// Build the response SMB.
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->Count, 1 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, 3 + sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) ); response->Buffer[0] = SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)(response->Buffer+1), sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) );
// *** Is there anything that we must set in the resume key?
smbDirInfo->FileAttributes = SMB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VOLUME; SmbZeroTime( &smbDirInfo->LastWriteTime ); SmbZeroDate( &smbDirInfo->LastWriteDate ); SmbPutUlong( &smbDirInfo->FileSize, 0 );
{ UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; OEM_STRING oemString;
// Volume labels may be longer than 11 bytes, but we
// truncate then to this length in order to make sure that
// the label will fit into the 8.3+NULL -byte space in the
// SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION structure. Also, the LM 1.2
// ring 3 and Pinball servers do this.
unicodeString.Length = (USHORT) MIN( volumeInformation->VolumeLabelLength, 11 * sizeof(WCHAR) );
unicodeString.MaximumLength = 13; unicodeString.Buffer = volumeInformation->VolumeLabel;
oemString.MaximumLength = 13; oemString.Buffer = (PCHAR)smbDirInfo->FileName;
RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemString, &unicodeString, FALSE );
// If the volume label is greater than 8 characters, it
// needs to be turned into 8.3 format.
if( oemString.Length > 8 ) { //
// Slide the last three characters one position to the
// right and insert a '.' to formulate an 8.3 name
smbDirInfo->FileName[11] = smbDirInfo->FileName[10]; smbDirInfo->FileName[10] = smbDirInfo->FileName[9]; smbDirInfo->FileName[9] = smbDirInfo->FileName[8]; smbDirInfo->FileName[8] = '.'; oemString.Length++; }
smbDirInfo->FileName[oemString.Length] = '\0';
// Blank pad space after the volume label.
for ( i = (USHORT)(oemString.Length + 1); i < 13; i++ ) { smbDirInfo->FileName[i] = ' '; }
// Store the resume key in the response packet. DOS redirs
// actually use this!
SrvGetBaseFileName( &fileName, &baseFileName );
SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3( &baseFileName, (PSZ)smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.FileName, FALSE );
// I set Sid = 1 because the next 5 bytes should
// be nonzero and we don't really have a sid.
smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.Sid = 0x01; SmbPutUlong( &smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.FileIndex, 0);
} else {
// There is no volume label.
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->Count, 0 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, 3 ); response->Buffer[0] = SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)(response->Buffer+1), 0 );
WorkContext->ResponseParameters = NEXT_LOCATION( response, RESP_SEARCH, SmbGetUshort( &response->ByteCount ) );
FREE_HEAP( volumeInformation );
if ( !isUnicode && fileName.Buffer != NULL && fileName.Buffer != nameBuffer ) { RtlFreeUnicodeString( &fileName ); }
SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; goto Cleanup; }
// If this is a core search without patterns, short circuit the
// whole thing right here.
if( isCoreSearch && fileName.Length <= sizeof( nameBuffer ) && ( fileName.Length == 0 || !FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards( &fileName )) ) {
IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatus; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; ULONG attributes; ULONG inclusiveSearchAttributes, exclusiveSearchAttributes; USHORT searchAttributes; UNICODE_STRING baseFileName; BOOLEAN returnDirectories, returnDirectoriesOnly; FILE_NETWORK_OPEN_INFORMATION fileInformation; PSZ dirInfoName; SMB_DATE dosDate; SMB_TIME dosTime; UNICODE_STRING foundFileName;
ObjectNameString.Buffer = fileName.Buffer; ObjectNameString.Length = fileName.Length; ObjectNameString.MaximumLength = fileName.Length;
if( fileName.Length == 0 ) {
// Since we are opening the root of the share, set the attribute to
// case insensitive, as this is how we opened the share when it was added
status = SrvSnapGetNameString( WorkContext, &filePathName, &FreePathName ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto error_exit; }
ObjectNameString = *filePathName; attributes = OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE;
} else {
attributes = (WorkContext->RequestHeader->Flags & SMB_FLAGS_CASE_INSENSITIVE || WorkContext->Session->UsingUppercasePaths ) ? OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE : 0;
SrvInitializeObjectAttributes_U( &objectAttributes, &ObjectNameString, attributes, NULL, NULL );
status = IMPERSONATE( WorkContext );
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
status = SrvGetShareRootHandle( treeConnect->Share );
if( NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) {
// The file name is always relative to the share root
status = SrvSnapGetRootHandle( WorkContext, &objectAttributes.RootDirectory ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto SnapError; }
// Get the attributes of the object
if( IoFastQueryNetworkAttributes( &objectAttributes, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, 0, &ioStatus, &fileInformation ) == FALSE ) {
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_IO_FAST_QUERY_NW_ATTRS, 0 ); ioStatus.Status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; }
status = ioStatus.Status;
// If the media was changed and we can come up with a new share root handle,
// then we should retry the operation
if( SrvRetryDueToDismount( treeConnect->Share, status ) ) {
status = SrvSnapGetRootHandle( WorkContext, &objectAttributes.RootDirectory ); if( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { goto SnapError; }
// Get the attributes of the object
if( IoFastQueryNetworkAttributes( &objectAttributes, FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES, 0, &ioStatus, &fileInformation ) == FALSE ) {
SrvLogServiceFailure( SRV_SVC_IO_FAST_QUERY_NW_ATTRS, 0 ); ioStatus.Status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; } }
SrvReleaseShareRootHandle( treeConnect->Share ); }
// Free up the string
if( FreePathName ) { FREE_HEAP( filePathName ); filePathName = NULL; }
if( !NT_SUCCESS( status ) ) { //
// Do error mapping to keep the DOS clients happy
if ( status == STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE || status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND ) { status = STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES; } goto error_exit; }
// The file or directory exists, now we need to see if it matches the
// criteria given by the client
SRV_SMB_ATTRIBUTES_TO_NT( searchAttributes & 0xff, &returnDirectories, &inclusiveSearchAttributes );
SRV_SMB_ATTRIBUTES_TO_NT( searchAttributes >> 8, &returnDirectoriesOnly, &exclusiveSearchAttributes );
exclusiveSearchAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
// See if the returned file meets our objectives
if( //
// If we're only supposed to return directories, then we don't want it
returnDirectoriesOnly ||
// If there are bits set in FileAttributes that are
// not set in inclusiveSearchAttributes, then we don't want it
((fileInformation.FileAttributes << 24 ) | ( inclusiveSearchAttributes << 24 )) != ( inclusiveSearchAttributes << 24 )
|| //
// If the file doesn't have attribute bits specified as exclusive
// bits, we don't want it
( ((fileInformation.FileAttributes << 24 ) | (exclusiveSearchAttributes << 24 )) != (fileInformation.FileAttributes << 24) )
) { //
// Just as though the file was never there!
status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; goto error_exit; }
// We want this entry!
// Fill in the response
// Switch over to a private name buffer, to avoid overwriting info
// in the SMB buffer.
RtlCopyMemory( nameBuffer, fileName.Buffer, fileName.Length ); foundFileName.Buffer = nameBuffer; foundFileName.Length = fileName.Length; foundFileName.MaximumLength = fileName.MaximumLength;
SrvGetBaseFileName( &foundFileName, &baseFileName ); SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3( &baseFileName, (PSZ)smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.FileName, TRUE );
// Resume Key doesn't matter, since the client will not come back. But
// just in case it does, make sure we have a bum resume key
SET_RESUME_KEY_INDEX( (PSMB_RESUME_KEY)smbDirInfo, 0xff ); SET_RESUME_KEY_SEQUENCE( (PSMB_RESUME_KEY)smbDirInfo, 0xff ); SmbPutUlong( &((PSMB_RESUME_KEY)smbDirInfo)->FileIndex, 0 ); SmbPutUlong( (PSMB_ULONG)&((PSMB_RESUME_KEY)smbDirInfo)->Consumer[0], 0 );
// Fill in the name (even though they knew what it was!)
oemString.Buffer = smbDirInfo->FileName; oemString.MaximumLength = sizeof( smbDirInfo->FileName ); RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemString, &baseFileName, FALSE );
// Null terminate and blank-pad the name
oemString.Buffer[ oemString.Length ] = '\0';
for( i=(USHORT)oemString.Length+1; i < sizeof( smbDirInfo->FileName); i++ ) { oemString.Buffer[i] = ' '; }
SRV_NT_ATTRIBUTES_TO_SMB( fileInformation.FileAttributes, fileInformation.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &smbFileAttributes ); smbDirInfo->FileAttributes = (UCHAR)smbFileAttributes;
SrvTimeToDosTime( &fileInformation.LastWriteTime, &dosDate, &dosTime );
SmbPutDate( &smbDirInfo->LastWriteDate, dosDate ); SmbPutTime( &smbDirInfo->LastWriteTime, dosTime );
SmbPutUlong( &smbDirInfo->FileSize, fileInformation.EndOfFile.LowPart );
totalBytesWritten = sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION); count = 1; goto done_core; }
directoryInformation = ALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( nonPagedBufferSize, BlockTypeDirectoryInfo );
if ( directoryInformation == NULL ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvSmbSearch: unable to allocate nonpaged pool", NULL, NULL );
status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto error_exit; }
directoryInformation->DirectoryHandle = NULL;
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint2( "Allocated buffer space of %ld bytes at 0x%p\n", nonPagedBufferSize, directoryInformation ); }
// Allocate a search block. The search block is used to retain
// state information between search or find SMBs. The search
// blocks for core and regular searches are slightly different,
// hence the BOOLEAN parameter to SrvAllocateSearch.
// If we've reached our max, start closing searches.
if ( SrvStatistics.CurrentNumberOfOpenSearches >= SrvMaxOpenSearches ) {
SrvForceTimeoutSearches( connection ); }
SrvAllocateSearch( &search, &fileName, isCoreSearch );
if ( search == NULL ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvSmbSearch: unable to allocate search block.\n" ); }
status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto error_exit; }
search->Pid = SmbGetAlignedUshort( &WorkContext->RequestHeader->Pid );
// Set up referenced session and tree connect pointers and
// increment the count of open files on the session. This
// prevents an idle session with an open search from being
// autodisconnected.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
if ( isCoreSearch ) { pagedConnection->CurrentNumberOfCoreSearches++; }
search->Session = WorkContext->Session; SrvReferenceSession( WorkContext->Session );
search->TreeConnect = WorkContext->TreeConnect; SrvReferenceTreeConnect( WorkContext->TreeConnect );
// If this is not a find unique, put the search block in the
// search table. Otherwise, just set the sidIndex and sequence
// variables to 0 to distinguish between a valid resumable
// search block.
if ( command == SMB_COM_FIND_UNIQUE ) {
WorkContext->Session->CurrentSearchOpenCount++; RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
sequence = sidIndex = -1;
} else { NTSTATUS TableStatus; PTABLE_HEADER searchTable = &pagedConnection->SearchTable;
// If there are no free entries in the table, attempt to
// grow the table. If we are unable to grow the table,
// attempt to timeout a search block using the shorter
// timeout period. If this fails, reject the request.
if ( searchTable->FirstFreeEntry == -1 && SrvGrowTable( searchTable, SrvInitialSearchTableSize, SrvMaxSearchTableSize, &TableStatus ) == FALSE && SrvTimeoutSearches( NULL, connection, TRUE ) == 0 ) {
IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) SrvPrint0( "SrvSmbSearch: Connection searchTable full.\n" );
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
if( TableStatus == STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES ) { SrvLogTableFullError( SRV_TABLE_SEARCH ); status = STATUS_OS2_NO_MORE_SIDS; } else { status = TableStatus; }
goto error_exit;
} else if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE( session ) != BlockStateActive ) {
// If the session is closing do not insert this search
// on the search list, because the list may already
// have been cleaned up.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
status = STATUS_SMB_BAD_UID; goto error_exit;
} else if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE( treeConnect ) != BlockStateActive ) {
// Tree connect is closing. Don't insert the search block
// so the tree connect can be cleaned up immediately.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
status = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID; goto error_exit;
// increment the count of open searches
sidIndex = searchTable->FirstFreeEntry;
// A free SID was found. Remove it from the free list and set
// its owner and sequence number.
entry = &searchTable->Table[sidIndex];
searchTable->FirstFreeEntry = entry->NextFreeEntry; DEBUG entry->NextFreeEntry = -2; if ( searchTable->LastFreeEntry == sidIndex ) { searchTable->LastFreeEntry = -1; }
INCREMENT_SID_SEQUENCE( entry->SequenceNumber );
// SID = sequence | sidIndex == 0 is illegal. If this is
// the current value, increment the sequence.
if ( entry->SequenceNumber == 0 && sidIndex == 0 ) { INCREMENT_SID_SEQUENCE( entry->SequenceNumber ); }
sequence = entry->SequenceNumber; entry->Owner = search;
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock ); }
// Fill in other fields of the search block.
search->SearchAttributes = SmbGetUshort( &request->SearchAttributes ); search->TableIndex = sidIndex;
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint3( "Allocated search block at 0x%p. Index = 0x%lx, sequence = 0x%lx\n", search, sidIndex, sequence ); }
} else {
// The resume key length was nonzero, so this should be a find
// next. Check the resume key length to be safe.
USHORT resumeSequence;
if ( resumeKeyLength != sizeof(SMB_RESUME_KEY) ) {
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint2( "Resume key length was incorrect--was %ld instead " "of %ld\n", resumeKeyLength, sizeof(SMB_RESUME_KEY) ); }
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext );
status = STATUS_INVALID_SMB; goto error_exit; }
findFirst = FALSE;
resumeKey = (PSMB_RESUME_KEY)(s + 3);
// Set up the sequence number and index. These are used for the
// return resume keys.
sequence = SID_SEQUENCE( resumeKey ); sidIndex = SID_INDEX( resumeKey );
directoryInformation = ALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( nonPagedBufferSize, BlockTypeDirectoryInfo );
if ( directoryInformation == NULL ) {
INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvSmbSearch: unable to allocate nonpaged pool", NULL, NULL );
status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto error_exit; }
directoryInformation->DirectoryHandle = NULL;
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint2( "Allocated buffer space of %ld bytes at 0x%p\n", nonPagedBufferSize, directoryInformation ); } //
// Verify the SID in the resume key. SrvVerifySid also fills in
// fields of directoryInformation so it is ready to be used by
// SrvQueryDirectoryFile.
search = SrvVerifySid( WorkContext, sidIndex, sequence, directoryInformation, nonPagedBufferSize );
if ( search == NULL ) {
if (0) IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint2( "SrvSmbSearch: Invalid resume key (SID): index = " "%lx, seq. = %lx\n", sidIndex, sequence ); }
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto error_exit; }
// If this is a core search, take the search block off its last-use
// list. We will return it to the end of the list when we are
// done processing this SMB.
if ( isCoreSearch ) {
USHORT dirCacheIndex;
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// If the reference count on the search block is not 2,
// somebody messed up and we could run into problems,
// because the timeout code assumes that dereferencing a
// search block will kill it. The reference count is 2--one
// for our pointer, one for the active status.
ASSERT( search->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 2 );
// If the search block has already been taken off the LRU
// list, then the client has attempted two simultaneous core
// searches with the same search block. This is an error on
// the part of the client.
if ( search->LastUseListEntry.Flink == NULL ) {
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock ); status = STATUS_INVALID_SMB;
IF_DEBUG(SMB_ERRORS) { SrvPrint0( "SrvSmbSearch: Attempt to do two simultaneuos core searches on same search block.\n" ); }
SrvLogInvalidSmb( WorkContext ); goto error_exit; }
SrvRemoveEntryList( &pagedConnection->CoreSearchList, &search->LastUseListEntry );
DECREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.CoreSearches );
// Set the entry pointer fields to NULL so that if another
// core search comes in for this search block we will know
// there is an error.
search->LastUseListEntry.Flink = NULL; search->LastUseListEntry.Blink = NULL;
// Get the information from the directory cache
// corresponding to this file and put it into the resume key
// so that SrvQueryDirectoryFile has the proper information
// in the resume key. Core clients do not return the
// correct file name in the resume key, and have special
// requirements for the file index in the resume key.
resumeFileIndex = SmbGetUlong( &resumeKey->FileIndex ); resumeSequence = (USHORT)((resumeFileIndex & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16);
dirCacheIndex = (USHORT)(resumeFileIndex & (USHORT)0xFFFF);
// If the directory cache pointer in the search block
// indicates that there is no directory cache, then we
// returned no files last time, so return no files this
// time. This is due to DOS weirdness.
if ( search->DirectoryCache == NULL || dirCacheIndex >= search->NumberOfCachedFiles ) {
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint0( "Core request for rewind when no dircache exists.\n" ); }
// Put the search block back on the LRU list if the
// session and tree connect is still active.
if ((GET_BLOCK_STATE( session ) == BlockStateActive) && (GET_BLOCK_STATE( treeConnect ) == BlockStateActive)) {
KeQuerySystemTime( &search->LastUseTime ); SrvInsertTailList( &pagedConnection->CoreSearchList, &search->LastUseListEntry ); INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.CoreSearches );
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
} else {
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// Not needed any more since session is closing.
SrvCloseSearch( search ); }
// Remove our pointer's reference.
SrvDereferenceSearch( search );
// Build the response SMB.
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->Count, 0 ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, 3 ); response->Buffer[0] = SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)(response->Buffer+1), 0 );
WorkContext->ResponseParameters = NEXT_LOCATION( response, RESP_SEARCH, 3 );
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( directoryInformation );
SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; goto Cleanup; }
dirCache = &search->DirectoryCache[dirCacheIndex];
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint3( "Accessing dircache, real file = %ws, index = 0x%lx, " "cache index = %ld\n", dirCache->UnicodeResumeName, dirCache->FileIndex, dirCacheIndex ); }
SmbPutUlong( &resumeKey->FileIndex, dirCache->FileIndex ); unicodeResumeNameLength = dirCache->UnicodeResumeNameLength;
ASSERT( unicodeResumeNameLength <= sizeof( unicodeResumeName ) );
RtlCopyMemory( unicodeResumeName, dirCache->UnicodeResumeName, unicodeResumeNameLength );
// Free the directory cache--it is no longer needed.
FREE_HEAP( search->DirectoryCache ); search->DirectoryCache = NULL; search->NumberOfCachedFiles = 0;
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
} else if ( command == SMB_COM_FIND_CLOSE ) {
// If this is a find close request, close the search block and
// dereference it. Close out the directory query, and send the
// response SMB.
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint1( "FIND CLOSE: Closing search block at 0x%p\n", search ); }
SrvCloseQueryDirectory( directoryInformation ); search->DirectoryHandle = NULL;
SrvCloseSearch( search );
// Dereference the search block. SrvCloseSearch has already
// dereferenced it once, so it will be deallocated when we
// dereference it here.
SrvDereferenceSearch( search );
DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( directoryInformation );
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, 3 ); response->Buffer[0] = SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)(response->Buffer+1), 0 );
WorkContext->ResponseParameters = NEXT_LOCATION( response, RESP_SEARCH, 0 );
SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; goto Cleanup; }
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint1( "FIND NEXT: Resuming search with file %s\n", resumeKey->FileName ); }
// Set the filename string so that SrvQueryDirectoryFile knows
// what search to resume on.
if( unicodeResumeNameLength != 0 ) {
fileName.Buffer = unicodeResumeName; fileName.Length = fileName.MaximumLength = unicodeResumeNameLength;
} else {
fileName.Buffer = nameBuffer;
Srv8dot3ToUnicodeString( (PSZ)resumeKey->FileName, &fileName ); }
// Set calledQueryDirectory to TRUE will indicate to
// SrvQueryDirectoryFile that it does not need to parse the
// input name for the directory in which the search occurs, nor
// does it need to open the directory.
calledQueryDirectory = TRUE;
// Get the resume file index in an aligned field for later use.
resumeFileIndex = SmbGetUlong( &resumeKey->FileIndex );
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint1( "Found search block at 0x%p\n", search ); } }
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint2( "Sequence # = %ld, index = %ld\n", sequence, sidIndex ); }
// Find the amount of space we have available for writing file
// entries into. The total buffer size available (includes space
// for the SMB header and parameters) is the minimum of our buffer
// size and the client's buffer size. The available space is the
// total buffer space less the amount we will need for the SMB
// header and parameters.
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint4( "BL = %ld, MBS = %ld, r->B = 0x%p, RB->Buffer = 0x%p\n", WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->BufferLength, session->MaxBufferSize, (PSZ)response->Buffer, (PSZ)WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer ); }
availableSpace = MIN( WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->BufferLength, (CLONG)session->MaxBufferSize ) - PTR_DIFF(response->Buffer, WorkContext->ResponseBuffer->Buffer );
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint1( "Available buffer space: %ld\n", availableSpace ); }
// Simplify the search patterns if possible. This makes the filesystems more
// efficient, as they special case the '*' pattern
if ( (fileName.Length >= (12 * sizeof(WCHAR))) && (RtlEqualMemory( &fileName.Buffer[fileName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) - 12], StrQuestionMarks, 12 * sizeof(WCHAR)))) {
if( fileName.Length == (12 * sizeof( WCHAR )) || fileName.Buffer[ fileName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) - 13 ] == L'\\' ) {
// The search name ends in ????????.???, replace it with *
fileName.Buffer[fileName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)-12] = L'*'; fileName.Length -= 11 * sizeof(WCHAR);
} else if ((fileName.Length >= (3 * sizeof(WCHAR))) && (RtlEqualMemory( &fileName.Buffer[fileName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) - 3], StrStarDotStar, 3 * sizeof(WCHAR)))) {
if( fileName.Length == (3 * sizeof( WCHAR )) || fileName.Buffer[ fileName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR) - 4 ] == L'\\' ) {
// The search name ends in *.*, replace it with *
fileName.Length -= 2 * sizeof(WCHAR);
} }
if( isCoreSearch ) { dirCache = (PDIRECTORY_CACHE)ALLOCATE_HEAP( maxCount * sizeof(DIRECTORY_CACHE), BlockTypeDirCache );
if( dirCache == NULL ) { INTERNAL_ERROR( ERROR_LEVEL_EXPECTED, "SrvSmbSearch: Unable to allocate %d bytes from heap", maxCount * sizeof(DIRECTORY_CACHE), NULL );
status = STATUS_INSUFF_SERVER_RESOURCES; goto error_exit; }
RtlZeroMemory( dirCache, maxCount * sizeof(DIRECTORY_CACHE) ); }
// Now we can start getting files. We do this until one of three
// conditions is met:
// 1) There are no more files to return.
// 2) We have obtained as many files as were requested.
// 3) The SMB buffer is full.
count = 0; totalBytesWritten = 0; dc = dirCache;
do {
PSZ dirInfoName; UNICODE_STRING name; PFILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION bothDirInfo; SMB_DATE dosDate; SMB_TIME dosTime; ULONG effectiveBufferSize;
// Since the file information returned by NtQueryDirectoryFile is
// about twice the size of the information we must return in the SMB
// (SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION), use a buffer size equal to twice the
// available space if the available space is getting small. This
// optimization means that NtQueryDirectoryFile will return unused
// files less often. For example, if there is only space left in
// the SMB buffer for a single file entry, it does not make sense
// for NtQueryDirectoryFile to completely fill up the buffer--all it
// really needs to return is a single file.
effectiveBufferSize = MIN( nonPagedBufferSize, availableSpace * 2 );
// Make sure that there is at least enough room to hold a single
// file.
effectiveBufferSize = MAX( effectiveBufferSize, MIN_SEARCH_BUFFER_SIZE );
status = SrvQueryDirectoryFile( WorkContext, (BOOLEAN)!calledQueryDirectory, TRUE, // filter long names
FALSE, // not for backup intent
FileBothDirectoryInformation, 0, &fileName, (PULONG)( (findFirst || count != 0) ? NULL : &resumeFileIndex ), search->SearchAttributes, directoryInformation, effectiveBufferSize );
calledQueryDirectory = TRUE;
if ( status == STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE ) { status = STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES; } else if ( status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND ) { status = STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND; }
if ( status == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES ) {
if ( findFirst && count == 0 ) {
// If no files matched on the find first, close out
// the search.
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH1) { SrvPrint1( "SrvSmbSearch: no matching files (%wZ).\n", &fileName ); }
if( isCoreSearch ) { FREE_HEAP( dirCache ); } goto error_exit; }
} else if ( !NT_SUCCESS(status) ) { IF_DEBUG(ERRORS) { SrvPrint1( "SrvSmbSearch: SrvQueryDirectoryFile returned %X\n", status ); }
if( isCoreSearch ) { FREE_HEAP( dirCache ); }
goto error_exit; }
// Set the resumeKey pointer to NULL. If this is a find next, we
// have already resumed/rewound the search, so calls to
// NtQueryDirectoryFile during this search should continue where
// the last search left off.
resumeKey = NULL;
// If this is a Find command, then put the 8dot3 (no ".")
// representation of the file name into the resume key. If
// this is a search command, then put the 8dot3 representation of
// the search specification in the resume key.
bothDirInfo = (PFILE_BOTH_DIR_INFORMATION) directoryInformation->CurrentEntry;
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH2) { SrvPrint3( "SrvQueryDirectoryFile--name %ws, length = %ld, " "status = %X\n", bothDirInfo->FileName, bothDirInfo->FileNameLength, status ); SrvPrint1( "smbDirInfo = 0x%p\n", smbDirInfo ); }
// Use the FileName, unless it is not legal 8.3
name.Buffer = bothDirInfo->FileName; name.Length = (SHORT)bothDirInfo->FileNameLength;
if( bothDirInfo->ShortNameLength != 0 ) {
if( !SrvIsLegalFatName( bothDirInfo->FileName, bothDirInfo->FileNameLength ) ) {
// FileName is not legal 8.3, so switch to the
// ShortName
name.Buffer = bothDirInfo->ShortName; name.Length = (SHORT)bothDirInfo->ShortNameLength; } }
name.MaximumLength = name.Length;
if ( isCoreSearch ) {
SrvGetBaseFileName( &search->SearchName, &baseFileName );
SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3( &baseFileName, (PSZ)smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.FileName, filterLongNames );
// Save the unicode version of the 8.3 name in the dirCache
dc->UnicodeResumeNameLength = name.Length; RtlCopyMemory( dc->UnicodeResumeName, name.Buffer, name.Length ); dc->FileIndex = bothDirInfo->FileIndex;
} else {
SrvUnicodeStringTo8dot3( &name, (PSZ)smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.FileName, filterLongNames ); }
// Generate the resume key for this file.
// *** This must be done AFTER setting the file name in the resume
// key, as setting the resume key name would overwrite some
// of the sequence bytes which are stored in the high bits
// of the file name bytes.
// Put the file index in the resume key.
SmbPutUlong( &((PSMB_RESUME_KEY)smbDirInfo)->FileIndex, bothDirInfo->FileIndex );
SmbPutUlong( (PSMB_ULONG)&((PSMB_RESUME_KEY)smbDirInfo)->Consumer[0], 0 );
// Load the file name into the SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION structure.
dirInfoName = (PSZ)smbDirInfo->FileName;
oemString.Buffer = dirInfoName; oemString.MaximumLength = (USHORT)RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize( &name );
if ( filterLongNames ) {
// If the client doesn't understand long names, upcase the file
// name. This is necessary for compatibility reasons. Note
// that the FAT file system returns upcased names anyway.
RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemString, &name, FALSE );
} else {
RtlUnicodeStringToOemString( &oemString, &name, FALSE );
// Blank-pad the end of the filename in order to be compatible with
// prior redirectors.
// !!! It is not certain whether this is required.
for ( i = (USHORT)(oemString.MaximumLength); i < 13; i++ ) { dirInfoName[i] = ' '; }
// Fill in other fields in the file entry.
SRV_NT_ATTRIBUTES_TO_SMB( bothDirInfo->FileAttributes, bothDirInfo->FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &smbFileAttributes );
smbDirInfo->FileAttributes = (UCHAR)smbFileAttributes;
SrvTimeToDosTime( &bothDirInfo->LastWriteTime, &dosDate, &dosTime );
SmbPutDate( &smbDirInfo->LastWriteDate, dosDate ); SmbPutTime( &smbDirInfo->LastWriteTime, dosTime );
// *** NT file sizes are LARGE_INTEGERs (64 bits), SMB file sizes
// are longwords (32 bits). We just return the low 32 bits
// of the NT file size, because that is all we can do.
SmbPutUlong( &smbDirInfo->FileSize, bothDirInfo->EndOfFile.LowPart );
// Find the space left in the SMB buffer.
availableSpace -= sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION);
totalBytesWritten += sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION);
// Set up the smbDirInfo pointer for the next file. There is
// no padding for alignment between files, so just increment
// the pointer.
} while ( ( availableSpace > sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) ) && ( count < maxCount ) );
SrvPrint0( "Stopped putting entries in buffer. Reason:\n" );
if ( status == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES ) { SrvPrint0( "status = STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES\n" ); } else if ( count >= maxCount ) { SrvPrint2( "count = %ld, maxCount = %ld\n", count, maxCount ); } else { SrvPrint1( "Available space = %ld\n", availableSpace ); } }
// Store information in the search block.
search->DirectoryHandle = directoryInformation->DirectoryHandle; search->Wildcards = directoryInformation->Wildcards;
// If this was a core search, store information about the files that
// were returned in a directory cache. Also, modify the information
// in the SMB buffer, as it is slightly different for core searches.
if ( isCoreSearch ) {
if ( count == 0 ) {
FREE_HEAP( dirCache );
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH1) { SrvPrint3( "SrvSmbSearch: prematurely closing search %p, index %lx sequence %lx\n", search, sidIndex, sequence ); }
SrvCloseSearch( search ); goto done_core; }
// Modify the CoreSequence field of the search block. This is
// done because core searches demand that the FileIndex field of
// the resume key always increase.
// Set up the pointer to the file information now stored in the
// SMB buffer and save the location of the directory cache.
// Store the number of files in the directory cache.
smbDirInfo = (PSMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION)(response->Buffer + 3); search->DirectoryCache = dirCache; search->NumberOfCachedFiles = count;
// Loop through the files changing information about the files
// in the SMB buffer to conform to what the core client expects.
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
SmbPutUlong( &smbDirInfo->ResumeKey.FileIndex, (search->CoreSequence << 16) + i );
smbDirInfo++; dirCache++; }
// If this was a core search, put the search block back on the
// appropriate search block list. If no files were found for this
// SMB, put the search block on the complete list. Also, set the
// last use time field of the search block.
// If this is a find first to which we responded with
// one file AND either more than one file was requested or this
// is a unique search (no wildcards) AND there was space in the
// buffer for more, close out the search. This saves the memory
// associated with an open handle and frees up the search table
// entry. Also close the search if zero files are being returned.
// We can do this safely because we know that the client would
// not be able to do a rewind or resume with these conditions
// and get back anything other than NO_MORE_FILES, which is what
// we'll return if the client attempts to resume or rewind to an
// invalid SID.
if ( (count == 1 && findFirst && ( maxCount > 1 || !search->Wildcards ) && availableSpace > sizeof(SMB_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION) ) ) {
IF_SMB_DEBUG(SEARCH1) { SrvPrint3( "SrvSmbSearch: prematurely closing search %p, index %lx sequence %lx\n", search, sidIndex, sequence ); }
SrvCloseSearch( search );
} else {
PLIST_ENTRY hashEntry;
// Put the search on the core search list.
ACQUIRE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE( session ) != BlockStateActive ) {
// The session is closing. Do not insert this search
// on the search list, because the list may already
// have been cleaned up.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock ); status = STATUS_SMB_BAD_UID; goto error_exit;
} else if ( GET_BLOCK_STATE( treeConnect ) != BlockStateActive ) {
// Tree connect is closing. Don't insert the search block
// so the tree connect can be cleaned up immediately.
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock ); status = STATUS_SMB_BAD_TID; goto error_exit; }
KeQuerySystemTime( &search->LastUseTime );
SrvInsertTailList( &pagedConnection->CoreSearchList, &search->LastUseListEntry );
INCREMENT_DEBUG_STAT2( SrvDbgStatistics.CoreSearches );
// Insert this into the hash table.
hashEntry = &search->HashTableEntry;
if ( hashEntry->Flink == NULL ) { SrvAddToSearchHashTable( pagedConnection, search ); } else {
listHead = &pagedConnection->SearchHashTable[ search->HashTableIndex].ListHead;
if ( listHead->Flink != hashEntry ) {
// remove it and put it back on the front of the queue.
SrvRemoveEntryList( listHead, hashEntry );
SrvInsertHeadList( listHead, hashEntry ); } }
RELEASE_LOCK( &connection->Lock );
// Make sure the reference count will be 2. 1 for out pointer,
// and one for the active status.
ASSERT( search->BlockHeader.ReferenceCount == 2 ); }
} else if ( command == SMB_COM_FIND_UNIQUE ) {
// If this was a find unique, get rid of the search block by
// closing the query directory and the search block.
search->DirectoryHandle = NULL; SrvCloseQueryDirectory( directoryInformation ); SrvCloseSearch( search ); }
// Set up the response SMB.
response->WordCount = 1; SmbPutUshort( &response->Count, count ); SmbPutUshort( &response->ByteCount, (USHORT)(totalBytesWritten+3) ); response->Buffer[0] = SMB_FORMAT_VARIABLE; SmbPutUshort( (PSMB_USHORT)(response->Buffer+1), (USHORT)totalBytesWritten );
WorkContext->ResponseParameters = NEXT_LOCATION( response, RESP_SEARCH, SmbGetUshort( &response->ByteCount ) );
// Remove our pointer's reference.
if( search ) { search->InUse = FALSE; SrvDereferenceSearch( search ); }
if ( !isUnicode && fileName.Buffer != NULL && fileName.Buffer != nameBuffer && fileName.Buffer != unicodeResumeName ) {
RtlFreeUnicodeString( &fileName ); }
if( directoryInformation ) { DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( directoryInformation ); }
SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse; goto Cleanup;
if ( search != NULL ) {
// If findFirst == TRUE, then we allocated a search block which
// we have to close.
// If findFirst == TRUE and calledQueryDirectory == TRUE, then
// we also opened the directory handle and need to close it.
// If findFirst == FALSE, then then we got an existing search
// block with an existing directory handle.
if ( findFirst) { if ( calledQueryDirectory ) { SrvCloseQueryDirectory( directoryInformation ); search->DirectoryHandle = NULL; } SrvCloseSearch( search ); }
search->InUse = FALSE;
// Remove our pointer's reference.
SrvDereferenceSearch( search ); }
// Deallocate the directory information block. We do not need
// to close the directoryhandle here since we should have already
// closed it (if we need to) in the preceding code.
if ( directoryInformation != NULL ) { DEALLOCATE_NONPAGED_POOL( directoryInformation ); }
if ( !isUnicode && fileName.Buffer != NULL && fileName.Buffer != nameBuffer && fileName.Buffer != unicodeResumeName ) {
RtlFreeUnicodeString( &fileName ); }
if( status == STATUS_PATH_NOT_COVERED ) { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, status );
} else { SrvSetSmbError( WorkContext, isCoreSearch && (status != STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) ? STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES : status ); }
SmbStatus = SmbStatusSendResponse;
Cleanup: SrvWmiEndContext(WorkContext); return SmbStatus;
} // SrvSmbSearch