Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1985-1990. All rights reserved.
Title: joy.c - MMSYSTEM Joystick interface code
Version: 1.00
Date: 10-Jun-1990
Change log:
DATE REV DESCRIPTION -------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------------- 2/7/90 Changes to avoid a bug in Windows which won't allow FreeLibrary to be called during WEP.
10/11/90 .61 Use windows timer + general cleanup
#include <windows.h>
#include "mmsystem.h"
#include "mmddk.h"
#include "mmsysi.h"
#include "thunks.h"
// Put init and terminate code in correct segment.
static void NEAR PASCAL joyGetCalibration(void);
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, JoyInit )
#pragma alloc_text( INIT, joyGetCalibration)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Thunking stuff ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ extern JOYMESSAGEPROC PASCAL joy32Message;
extern char far szNull[]; // in INIT.C
extern char far szSystemIni[]; extern char far szJoystick[]; extern char far szJoystickDrv[]; extern char far szDrivers[];
char szJoyKey[] = "JoyCal ";
Joystick Capture Internal Structure
typedef struct joycapture_tag { HWND hWnd; UINT wPeriod; BOOL bChanged; UINT wThreshold; UINT wIDEvent; } JOYCAPTURE;
#define iJoyMax 2
// !!! Code assumes these constants equal 0 and 1
#if JOYSTICKID1 != 0
#if JOYSTICKID2 != 1
Local data
static JOYCAPTURE JoyCapture[iJoyMax]; static HDRVR hDrvJoy[iJoyMax]; static UINT wNumDevs = JOY_UNINITIALIZED;
void CALLBACK joyPollCallback(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, UINT wIDEvent, DWORD dwTime);
@api void | joyGetCalibration | Retrieve and set calibration from [joystick.drv] section of system.ini file.
// !!! need to do clean up of strings in all of mmsystem
static void NEAR PASCAL joyGetCalibration(void) { char szKeyName[sizeof(szJoyKey)];
#define hexval(h) (int)(h>='a'?h-'a'+10:h-'0')
UINT val[6]; UINT wDev,wVal; int hv; char c,sz[80],far *psz;
lstrcpy(szKeyName, szJoyKey); for (wDev=0; wDev < wNumDevs; wDev++) { szKeyName[sizeof(szKeyName)-2] = (char)(wDev + '0');
if (GetPrivateProfileString(szJoystickDrv, szKeyName,szNull,sz,sizeof(sz),szSystemIni)) { AnsiLower(sz); for (psz=sz,wVal=0; c = *psz, wVal < 6; psz++) { if (c != ' ') { hv=0;
do { hv = (hv << 4) + hexval(c); } while ((c=*++psz) && (c!=' '));
val[wVal++] = hv; } } joySetCalibration (wDev,val+0,val+1,val+2,val+3,val+4,val+5); } } }
@api BOOL | JoyInit | This function initializes the joystick services.
@rdesc The return value is TRUE if the services are initialised, FALSE if an error occurs
BOOL FAR PASCAL JoyInit(void) { // Only attempt initialization once.
if (wNumDevs != JOY_UNINITIALIZED) { return FALSE; } else { wNumDevs = 0; }
wNumDevs = joyMessage( (HDRVR)1, JDD_GETNUMDEVS, 0L, 0L );
// Make sure driver was installed.
if (joy32Message == NULL) { return FALSE; }
switch ( wNumDevs ) {
case 2: hDrvJoy[1] = (HDRVR)2; /* fall thru */
case 1: hDrvJoy[0] = (HDRVR)1; break;
default: return FALSE; }
// Initialize joycapture...
// Code relies on hWnd being NULL or an invalid window handle
// if joystick is not captured.
JoyCapture[0].hWnd = NULL; JoyCapture[1].hWnd = NULL;
// Code relies on joystick threshold being initialized to a rational
// value. 0 essentially turns threshold off - any change in joystick
// position will be reported.
JoyCapture[0].wThreshold= 0; JoyCapture[1].wThreshold= 0;
JoyCapture[0].wIDEvent= 0; JoyCapture[1].wIDEvent= 0;
// bChanged, and wPeriod do not need initializing.
joyGetCalibration ();
return TRUE;
* * MMSYSTEM JOYSTICK API'S * ****************************************************************************/
@api UINT | joyGetDevCaps | This function queries a joystick device to determine its capabilities.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the device to be queried. This value is either JOYSTICKID1 or JOYSTICKID2.
@parm LPJOYCAPS | lpCaps | Specifies a far pointer to a <t JOYCAPS> data structure. This structure is filled with information about the capabilities of the joystick device.
@parm UINT | wSize | Specifies the size of the <t JOYCAPS> structure.
@rdesc Returns JOYERR_NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following error codes:
@flag MMSYSERR_NODRIVER | The joystick driver is not present.
@flag JOYERR_PARMS | The specified joystick device ID <p wId> is invalid.
@comm Use <f joyGetNumDevs> to determine the number of joystick devices supported by the driver.
@xref joyGetNumDevs ****************************************************************************/
if ((!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) || (wId >= iJoyMax)) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
return joyMessage( hDrvJoy[wId], JDD_GETDEVCAPS, (DWORD)lpCaps, (DWORD)wSize ); }
@api UINT | joyGetNumDevs | This function returns the number of joystick devices supported by the system.
@rdesc Returns the number of joystick devices supported by the joystick driver. If no driver is present, the function returns zero.
@comm Use <f joyGetPos> to determine whether a given joystick is actually attached to the system. The <f joyGetPos> function returns a JOYERR_UNPLUGGED error code if the specified joystick is not connected.
@xref joyGetDevCaps joyGetPos
UINT WINAPI joyGetNumDevs(void) { // Return 0 on error (Can't return JOYERR_NODRIVER
// since no way to distinguish error code from valid count.)
if (!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) return 0;
return wNumDevs; }
@api UINT | joyGetPos | This function queries for the position and button activity of a joystick device.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the joystick device to be queried. This value is either JOYSTICKID1 or JOYSTICKID2.
@parm LPJOYINFO | lpInfo | Specifies a far pointer to a <t JOYINFO> data structure. This structure is filled with information about the position and button activity of the joystick device.
@rdesc Returns JOYERR_NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following error codes:
@flag MMSYSERR_NODRIVER | The joystick driver is not present.
@flag JOYERR_PARMS | The specified joystick device ID <p wId> is invalid.
@flag JOYERR_UNPLUGGED | The specified joystick is not connected to the system.
if ((!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) || (wId >= iJoyMax)) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
return joyMessage( hDrvJoy[wId], JDD_GETPOS, (DWORD)lpInfo, 0L ); }
@api UINT | joyGetThreshold | This function queries the current movement threshold of a joystick device.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the joystick device to be queried. This value is either JOYSTICKID1 or JOYSTICKID2.
@parm UINT FAR* | lpwThreshold | Specifies a far pointer to a UINT variable that is filled with the movement threshold value.
@rdesc Returns JOYERR_NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following error codes:
@flag MMSYSERR_NODRIVER | The joystick driver is not present.
@flag JOYERR_PARMS | The specified joystick device ID <p wId> is invalid.
@comm The movement threshold is the distance the joystick must be moved before a WM_JOYMOVE message is sent to a window that has captured the device. The threshold is initially zero.
@xref joySetThreshold
UINT WINAPI joyGetThreshold(UINT wId, UINT FAR* lpwThreshold) { V_WPOINTER(lpwThreshold, sizeof(UINT), MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM);
if (!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= iJoyMax) return MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
*lpwThreshold = (JoyCapture[wId].wThreshold);
@api UINT | joyReleaseCapture | This function releases the capture set by <f joySetCapture> on the specified joystick device.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the joystick device to be released. This value is either JOYSTICKID1 or JOYSTICK2.
@rdesc Returns JOYERR_NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following error codes:
@flag MMSYSERR_NODRIVER | The joystick driver is not present.
@flag JOYERR_PARMS | The specified joystick device ID <p wId> is invalid.
@xref joySetCapture ****************************************************************************/
UINT WINAPI joyReleaseCapture(UINT wId) { if (!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= iJoyMax) return MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
if (JoyCapture[wId].hWnd == NULL) return JOYERR_NOERROR;
KillTimer (NULL, JoyCapture[wId].wIDEvent); JoyCapture[wId].wIDEvent = 0; JoyCapture[wId].hWnd = NULL;
@api UINT | joySetCapture | This function causes joystick messages to be sent to the specified window.
@parm HWND | hWnd | Specifies a handle to the window to which messages are to be sent.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the joystick device to be captured. This value is either JOYSTICKID1 or JOYSTICKID2.
@parm UINT | wPeriod | Specifies the polling rate, in milliseconds.
@parm BOOL | bChanged | If this parameter is set to TRUE, then messages are sent only when the position changes by a value greater than the joystick movement threshold.
@rdesc Returns JOYERR_NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following error codes:
@flag MMSYSERR_NODRIVER | The joystick driver is not present.
@flag JOYERR_PARMS | The specified window handle <p hWnd> or joystick device ID <p wId> is invalid.
@flag JOYERR_NOCANDO | Cannot capture joystick input because some required service (for example, a Windows timer) is unavailable.
@flag JOYERR_UNPLUGGED | The specified joystick is not connected to the system.
@comm This function fails if the specified joystick device is currently captured. You should call the <f joyReleaseCapture> function when the joystick capture is no longer needed. If the window is destroyed, the joystick will be released automatically.
@xref joyReleaseCapture joySetThreshold joyGetThreshold
UINT WINAPI joySetCapture(HWND hwnd, UINT wId, UINT wPeriod, BOOL bChanged ) { JOYINFO joyinfo; LPJOYINFO lpinfo = &joyinfo; UINT w; JOYCAPS JoyCaps;
if (!hwnd || !IsWindow(hwnd)) return JOYERR_PARMS;
if (!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= iJoyMax) return MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
if (JoyCapture[wId].hWnd) if (IsWindow(JoyCapture[wId].hWnd)) return JOYERR_NOCANDO; else joyReleaseCapture(wId);
if (joyGetDevCaps (wId, &JoyCaps, sizeof(JOYCAPS)) == 0) wPeriod = min(JoyCaps.wPeriodMax,max(JoyCaps.wPeriodMin,wPeriod)); else return JOYERR_NOCANDO;
// ensure that position info. is ok.
if (w = joyGetPos(wId, lpinfo)) return (w);
JoyCapture[wId].wPeriod = wPeriod; JoyCapture[wId].bChanged = bChanged;
if (!(JoyCapture[wId].wIDEvent = SetTimer(NULL, 0, wPeriod, (TIMERPROC)joyPollCallback))) { DOUT("MMSYSTEM: Couldn't allocate timer in joy.c\r\n"); return JOYERR_NOCANDO; }
JoyCapture[wId].hWnd = hwnd; return JOYERR_NOERROR; }
@api UINT | joySetThreshold | This function sets the movement threshold of a joystick device.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the joystick device. This value is either JOYSTICKID1 or JOYSTICKID2.
@parm UINT | wThreshold | Specifies the new movement threshold.
@rdesc Returns JOYERR_NOERROR if successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following error codes:
@flag MMSYSERR_NODRIVER | The joystick driver is not present.
@flag JOYERR_PARMS | The specified joystick device ID <p wId> is invalid.
@comm The movement threshold is the distance the joystick must be moved before a MM_JOYMOVE message is sent to a window that has captured the device.
@xref joyGetThreshold joySetCapture
UINT WINAPI joySetThreshold(UINT wId, UINT wThreshold) { if (!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= iJoyMax) return MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
JoyCapture[wId].wThreshold = wThreshold; return JOYERR_NOERROR; }
@api UINT | joySetCalibration | This function sets the values used to convert the values returned by the joystick drivers GetPos function to the range specified in GetDevCaps.
@parm UINT | wId | Identifies the joystick device
@parm UINT FAR* | pwXbase | Specifies the base value for the X pot. The previous value will be copied back to the variable pointed to here.
@parm UINT FAR* | pwXdelta | Specifies the delta value for the X pot. The previous value will be copied back to the variable pointed to here.
@parm UINT FAR* | pwYbase | Specifies the base value for the Y pot. The previous value will be copied back to the variable pointed to here.
@parm UINT FAR* | pwYdelta | Specifies the delta value for the Y pot. The previous value will be copied back to the variable pointed to here.
@parm UINT FAR* | pwZbase | Specifies the base value for the Z pot. The previous value will be copied back to the variable pointed to here.
@parm UINT FAR* | pwZdelta | Specifies the delta value for the Z pot. The previous value will be copied back to the variable pointed to here.
@rdesc The return value is zero if the function was successful, otherwise it is an error number.
@comm The base represents the lowest value the joystick driver returns, whereas the delta represents the multiplier to use to convert the actual value returned by the driver to the valid range for the joystick API's. i.e. If the driver returns a range of 43-345 for the X pot, and the valid mmsystem API range is 0-65535, the base value will be 43, and the delta will be 65535/(345-43)=217. Thus the base, and delta convert 43-345 to a range of 0-65535 with the formula: ((wXvalue-43)*217) , where wXvalue was given by the joystick driver.
UINT WINAPI joySetCalibration( UINT wId, UINT FAR* pwXbase, UINT FAR* pwXdelta, UINT FAR* pwYbase, UINT FAR* pwYdelta, UINT FAR* pwZbase, UINT FAR* pwZdelta ) { JOYCALIBRATE oldCal,newCal; UINT w;
if (!hDrvJoy[0] && !JoyInit()) return MMSYSERR_NODRIVER;
if (wId >= wNumDevs) return JOYERR_PARMS;
newCal.wXbase = *pwXbase; newCal.wXdelta = *pwXdelta;
newCal.wYbase = *pwYbase; newCal.wYdelta = *pwYdelta;
newCal.wZbase = *pwZbase; newCal.wZdelta = *pwZdelta;
w = joyMessage( hDrvJoy[wId], JDD_SETCALIBRATION, (DWORD)(LPSTR)&newCal, (DWORD)(LPSTR)&oldCal );
*pwXbase = oldCal.wXbase; *pwXdelta = oldCal.wXdelta;
*pwYbase = oldCal.wYbase; *pwYdelta = oldCal.wYdelta;
*pwZbase = oldCal.wZbase; *pwZdelta = oldCal.wZdelta;
return w; }
@api void | joyPollCallback | Function called for joystick timer polling scheme initiated from SetCapture call. @parm HWND | hWnd | Identifies the window associated with the timer event.
@parm UINT | wMsg | Specifies the WM_TIMER message.
@parm UINT | wIDEvent | Specifies the timer's ID.
@parm DWORD | dwTime | Specifies the current system time.
void CALLBACK joyPollCallback(HWND hWnd, UINT wMsg, UINT wIDEvent, DWORD dwTime) { #define diff(w1,w2) (UINT)(w1 > w2 ? w1-w2 : w2-w1)
static JOYINFO oldInfo[2] = {{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },{ 0, 0, 0, 0 }}; JOYINFO Info;
UINT w ,fBtnMask;
if (wIDEvent == JoyCapture[0].wIDEvent) wIDEvent = 0; else if (wIDEvent == JoyCapture[1].wIDEvent) wIDEvent = 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
else { DOUT("MMSYSTEM: Invalid timer handle in joy.c\r\n"); KillTimer (NULL, wIDEvent); } #endif
if (!JoyCapture[wIDEvent].hWnd || !IsWindow(JoyCapture[wIDEvent].hWnd)) joyReleaseCapture(wIDEvent);
if (!joyMessage( hDrvJoy[wIDEvent], JDD_GETPOS, (DWORD)(LPJOYINFO)&Info, 0L )) {
for (w=0,fBtnMask=1; w < 4; w++,fBtnMask <<=1) { if ((Info.wButtons ^ oldInfo[wIDEvent].wButtons) & fBtnMask) { PostMessage( JoyCapture[wIDEvent].hWnd, wIDEvent + ((Info.wButtons & fBtnMask) ? MM_JOY1BUTTONDOWN : MM_JOY1BUTTONUP ), (WPARAM)(Info.wButtons | fBtnMask << 8), MAKELPARAM(Info.wXpos,Info.wYpos)); } }
if (!JoyCapture[wIDEvent].bChanged || diff(Info.wXpos,oldInfo[wIDEvent].wXpos)>JoyCapture[wIDEvent].wThreshold || diff(Info.wYpos,oldInfo[wIDEvent].wYpos)>JoyCapture[wIDEvent].wThreshold) { PostMessage( JoyCapture[wIDEvent].hWnd, MM_JOY1MOVE+wIDEvent, (WPARAM)(Info.wButtons), MAKELPARAM(Info.wXpos,Info.wYpos));
else if (!JoyCapture[wIDEvent].bChanged || diff(Info.wZpos,oldInfo[wIDEvent].wZpos)>JoyCapture[wIDEvent].wThreshold) { PostMessage( JoyCapture[wIDEvent].hWnd, MM_JOY1ZMOVE+wIDEvent, (WPARAM)Info.wButtons, MAKELPARAM(Info.wZpos,0)); } oldInfo[wIDEvent] = Info; } #undef diff