page ,132 subttl emlsint.asm - Load/Store 16/32-bit integers ;*** ;emlsint.asm - Load/Store 16/32-bit integers ; ; Copyright (c) 1986-89, Microsoft Corporation ; ;Purpose: ; Load/Store 16/32-bit integers ; ; This Module contains Proprietary Information of Microsoft ; Corporation and should be treated as Confidential. ; ;Revision History: ; See emulator.hst ; ;*******************************************************************************
;*********************************************************************; ; ; ; Load Single (16 Bit) Integer ; ; ; ;*********************************************************************;
; ES:SI: memory address of 16 bit integer
ProfBegin LSINT
pub eFLDsi LDUS2AX ; Fetch the integer MOV DI,AX ; into DI:BP:BX:DX OR DI,DI JZ short LoadZero XOR BP,BP MOV BX,BP MOV DX,BX
MOV AX,15 ; Exponent would be 15 if no shifts needed PUSHST ; Get a new TOS XOR CL,CL MOV Tag[esi],CL ; Tag number as valid non-zero MOV CX,DI ; Sign of Integer to CH AND CH,Sign if fastSP OR CH,Single endif JNS short SETFLAG16 ; If positive integer set the flag
NEG DI ; Otherwise compliment the number first
pub SETFLAG16 MOV Flag[esi],CH JMP IntegerToInternal
pub LoadZero PUSHST ; Get a new TOS XOR AX,AX MOV MB0[esi],AX MOV MB2[esi],AX MOV MB4[esi],AX MOV MB6[esi],AX MOV Expon[esi],IexpMin - IexpBias MOV Flag[esi],AH MOV AH,ZROorINF MOV Tag[esi],AH RET PAGE ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ; Store Single (16 Bit) Integer ; ; ; ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ES:SI: memory address of 16 bit integer
pub eFSTsi PUSH esi ; Save memory address for store MOV esi,[CURstk] ; Test for special conditions TEST byte ptr Tag[esi],Special ; If number is not in range it is overflow JNZ short IntegerOverflow16 TEST byte ptr Tag[esi],ZROorINF JNZ short StoreIntegerZero16 ; Fetch Exponent & test fo blatent overflow MOV CX,Expon[esi] CMP CX,15 JG short IntegerOverflow16
if fastSP MOV BX,MB4[esi] ; Fetch mantissa to DI:BP:BX:DX MOV DI,MB6[esi] TEST byte ptr Flag[esi],Single JZ SSID XOR BL,BL MOV BP,BX XOR BX,BX MOV DX,BX SSI: else MOV BP,MB4[esi] ; Fetch mantissa to DI:BP:BX:DX MOV DI,MB6[esi] MOV DX,MB0[esi] MOV BX,MB2[esi] endif CALL InternalToInteger ; Integer now in BX:DX (not yet 2's compliment) OR BX,BX ; Test again for Overflow JNZ short IntegerOverflow16 MOV AH,Flag[esi] ; See if we need to compliment OR AH,AH JNS short Int16in2sComp
NEG DX JZ short Store16 ; Special case 0
pub Int16in2sComp XOR AX,DX ; If Signs agree we did not overflow JS short IntegerOverflow16
pub Store16 POP edi ; Restore Memory address MOV AX,DX STAX2US RET
if fastSP SSID: MOV BP,BX MOV DX,MB0[esi] MOV BX,MB2[esi] JMP SSI endif
pub StoreIntegerZero16 XOR DX,DX JMP Store16
pub IntegerOverflow16 OR [CURerr],Invalid MOV DX,8000H ; Integer Indefinite JMP Store16
page ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ; Load Double (32 Bit) Integer ; ; ; ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ES:SI: memory address of 32 bit integer
pub eFLDdi LDUS2AX ; Fetch the integer MOV BP,AX ; into DI:BP:BX:DX LDUS2AX MOV DI,AX
OR AX,BP JZ short JMPLoadZeroBecauseThisLanguageHasNoFarConditionalJump XOR BX,BX MOV DX,BX
MOV AX,31 ; Exponent would be 31 if no shifts needed PUSHST ; Get a new TOS XOR CL,CL MOV Tag[esi],CL ; Tag number as valid non-zero MOV CX,DI ; Sign of Integer to CH AND CH,Sign JNS short SETFLAG32 ; If positive integer set the flag
XOR DI,0FFFFH ; Otherwise compliment the number first XOR BP,0FFFFH ADD BP,1 ADC DI,0
pub SETFLAG32 MOV Flag[esi],CH OR DI,DI JZ short SPEEDSHIFT32 JMP IntegerToInternal
JMPLoadZeroBecauseThisLanguageHasNoFarConditionalJump: JMP LoadZero
page ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ; Store Double (32 Bit) Integer ; ; ; ;*********************************************************************; ; ; ES:SI: memory address of 32 bit integer
pub eFSTdi PUSH esi call TOSto32int ; convert TOS to 32-bit integer POP edi ; Restore Memory address MOV AX,DX STAX2US MOV AX,BX STAX2US RET
pub TOSto32int MOV esi,[CURstk] ; Test for special conditions TEST byte ptr Tag[esi],Special ; If number is not in range it is overflow JNZ short IntegerOverflow32 TEST byte ptr Tag[esi],ZROorINF JNZ short StoreIntegerZero32 ; Fetch Exponent & test fo blatent overflow MOV CX,Expon[esi] CMP CX,31 JG short IntegerOverflow32
if fastSP MOV BX,MB4[esi] ; Fetch mantissa to DI:BP:BX:DX MOV DI,MB6[esi] TEST byte ptr Flag[esi],Single JZ SDID XOR BL,BL MOV BP,BX XOR BX,BX MOV DX,BX SDI: else MOV BP,MB4[esi] ; Fetch mantissa to DI:BP:BX:DX MOV DI,MB6[esi] MOV DX,MB0[esi] MOV BX,MB2[esi] endif CALL InternalToInteger ; Integer in BP:BX:DX (not yet 2's compliment) OR BP,BP ; Test again for Overflow JNZ short IntegerOverflow32 MOV AH,Flag[esi] ; See if we need to compliment OR AH,AH JNS short Int32in2sComp
XOR BX,0FFFFH ; 2's Compliment of BX:DX XOR DX,0FFFFH ADD DX,1 ADC BX,0
pub Int32in2sComp XOR AX,BX ; If Signs agree we did not overflow JS short IntOverOrZero32 ; Special case is -0 which we let pass
pub Store32 ret
if fastSP SDID: MOV BP,BX MOV DX,MB0[esi] MOV BX,MB2[esi] JMP SDI endif
pub StoreIntegerZero32 XOR DX,DX MOV BX,DX ret
pub IntOverOrZero32 OR BX,DX JZ Store32
pub IntegerOverflow32 OR CURerr,Invalid MOV BX,8000H ; Integer Indefinite XOR DX,DX ret