#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
1. Contains code to perform simple text substitutions on a text file. 2. Contains code to append text entries to a text file.
This module has no external dependencies and is not statically linked to any part of Setup.
Ted Miller (tedm) July 1991
BOOL WriteData(HANDLE Handle,PVOID Data,DWORD DataSize);
BOOL ConfigFileSubstWorker( IN LPSTR File, IN DWORD NumSubsts, IN LPSTR *Substs ) { LPSTR CharPtr,old; LPSTR FileBuf=NULL,FileBufEnd; DWORD *StrLenArray; DWORD FileLength = 0xffffffff; HANDLE FileHandle = (HANDLE)(-1); DWORD rcID; BOOL Match; DWORD x,i; char CRLF[2]; BOOL IsCFGFile;
#define ORIGINAL_TEXT(i) Substs[(2*i)]
#define REPLACEMENT_TEXT(i) Substs[(2*i)+1]
#define ORIGINAL_TEXT_LENGTH(i) StrLenArray[i]
CRLF[0] = '\r'; CRLF[1] = '\n';
if((StrLenArray = SAlloc(NumSubsts * sizeof(DWORD))) == NULL) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); return(FALSE); }
for(i=0; i<NumSubsts; i++) { ORIGINAL_TEXT_LENGTH(i) = lstrlen(ORIGINAL_TEXT(i)); }
if(((FileHandle = CreateFile(File,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL)) == (HANDLE)(-1)) || ((FileLength = GetFileSize(FileHandle,NULL)) == 0xffffffff) || ((FileBuf = SAlloc(FileLength+1)) == NULL) || (ReadFile(FileHandle,FileBuf,FileLength,&i,NULL) == FALSE)) { if(FileBuf != NULL) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_READFAILED; SFree(FileBuf); } else if(FileLength != 0xffffffff) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM; } else if(FileHandle != (HANDLE)-1) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_NOSIZE; } else { rcID = IDS_ERROR_BADFILE; } if(rcID != IDS_ERROR_BADFILE) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); } SFree(StrLenArray); SetErrorText(rcID); return(FALSE); } CloseHandle(FileHandle);
if((FileHandle = CreateFile(File,GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,TRUNCATE_EXISTING,0,NULL)) == (HANDLE)(-1)) { // truncate
SFree(StrLenArray); SFree(FileBuf); SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADFILE); return(FALSE); }
FileBufEnd = FileBuf + FileLength - 1;
if(*FileBufEnd != '\n') { *(FileBufEnd+1) = '\n'; }
for(CharPtr = FileBuf; CharPtr <= FileBufEnd; CharPtr++) { if(*CharPtr == '\n') { *CharPtr = '\0'; } }
if((x = lstrlen(File)) > 4) { IsCFGFile = !lstrcmpi(&File[x-4],".cfg"); }
CharPtr = FileBuf-1;
while(++CharPtr <= FileBufEnd) { // skips NUL
while(*CharPtr) {
if(*CharPtr == '\r') { CharPtr++; continue; }
// ignore comments in .cfg files
if(IsCFGFile && (*CharPtr == '/') && (*(CharPtr+1) == '/')) { old = CharPtr; while(*CharPtr && (*CharPtr != '\r')) { CharPtr++; } if(!WriteData(FileHandle,old,(DWORD)(CharPtr - old))) { goto xxx_err1; } if(*CharPtr == '\r') { CharPtr++; } continue; }
Match = FALSE;
for(i=0; i<NumSubsts && !Match; i++) {
if(!strncmp(ORIGINAL_TEXT(i),CharPtr,ORIGINAL_TEXT_LENGTH(i))) {
Match = TRUE;
if(!WriteData(FileHandle,REPLACEMENT_TEXT(i),lstrlen(REPLACEMENT_TEXT(i)))) { goto xxx_err1; }
if(!Match) { if(!WriteData(FileHandle,CharPtr,1)) { goto xxx_err1; } CharPtr++; }
} if(!WriteData(FileHandle,CRLF,sizeof(CRLF))) { goto xxx_err1; } }
xxx_err1: FlushFileBuffers(FileHandle); CloseHandle(FileHandle); SFree(StrLenArray); SFree(FileBuf);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL BinaryFileSubstWorker( IN LPSTR File, IN DWORD NumSubsts, IN LPSTR *Substs ) { LPSTR CharPtr; LPSTR FileBuf=NULL; DWORD *StrLenArray; DWORD FileLength = 0xffffffff; HANDLE FileHandle = (HANDLE)(-1); DWORD rcID; BOOL Match; DWORD i;
if((StrLenArray = SAlloc(NumSubsts * sizeof(DWORD))) == NULL) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); return(FALSE); }
// make sure original and replacement text are the same length
// within a given pair
for(i=0; i<NumSubsts; i++) { ORIGINAL_TEXT_LENGTH(i) = lstrlen(ORIGINAL_TEXT(i)); if(ORIGINAL_TEXT_LENGTH(i) != (DWORD)lstrlen(REPLACEMENT_TEXT(i))) { SFree(StrLenArray); SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADARGS); return(FALSE); } }
if(((FileHandle = CreateFile(File,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL)) == (HANDLE)(-1)) || ((FileLength = GetFileSize(FileHandle,NULL)) == 0xffffffff) || ((FileBuf = SAlloc(FileLength)) == NULL) || (ReadFile(FileHandle,FileBuf,FileLength,&i,NULL) == FALSE)) { if(FileBuf != NULL) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_READFAILED; SFree(FileBuf); } else if(FileLength != 0xffffffff) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM; } else if(FileHandle != (HANDLE)-1) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_NOSIZE; } else { rcID = IDS_ERROR_BADFILE; } if(rcID != IDS_ERROR_BADFILE) { CloseHandle(FileHandle); } SFree(StrLenArray); SetErrorText(rcID); return(FALSE); } CloseHandle(FileHandle);
if((FileHandle = CreateFile(File,GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,TRUNCATE_EXISTING,0,NULL)) == (HANDLE)(-1)) { // truncate
SFree(StrLenArray); SFree(FileBuf); SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADFILE); return(FALSE); }
for(CharPtr=FileBuf; CharPtr<FileBuf+FileLength; ) {
for(Match=FALSE,i=0; i<NumSubsts && !Match; i++) {
if(!strncmp(ORIGINAL_TEXT(i),CharPtr,ORIGINAL_TEXT_LENGTH(i))) {
Match = TRUE;
if(!WriteData(FileHandle,REPLACEMENT_TEXT(i),lstrlen(REPLACEMENT_TEXT(i)))) { goto xxx_err2; }
if(!Match) { if(!WriteData(FileHandle,CharPtr,1)) { goto xxx_err2; } CharPtr++; } }
xxx_err2: FlushFileBuffers(FileHandle); CloseHandle(FileHandle); SFree(StrLenArray); SFree(FileBuf);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL ConfigFileAppendWorker( IN LPSTR File, IN DWORD NumSubsts, IN LPSTR *Substs ) { HANDLE FileHandle; DWORD rcID; DWORD i; char CRLF[2]; DWORD OriginalAttributes; OFSTRUCT ReOpen;
CRLF[0] = '\r'; CRLF[1] = '\n';
// See if file exists, if it doesn't open it with create option. else
// Open existing after modifying attributes to FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL
if (OpenFile(File,&ReOpen,OF_EXIST) == -1) { OriginalAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; FileHandle = CreateFile( File, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_NEW, OriginalAttributes, NULL );
if (FileHandle == (HANDLE)-1) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADFILE); return(FALSE); } } else { // 1. Modify Attributes
if (!( ((OriginalAttributes = GetFileAttributes(File)) != -1L) && ( OriginalAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL || SetFileAttributes(File, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) ) ) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADFILE); return(FALSE); }
// 2. Open the file
if((FileHandle = CreateFile( File, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL )) == (HANDLE)(-1)) { rcID = IDS_ERROR_BADFILE; SetErrorText(rcID); return(FALSE); }
// 3. Shift file pointer to end
if(SetFilePointer( FileHandle, // The File Handle
0L, // Distance to move, low dword
0L, // Distance to move, high dword
FILE_END // Move Method, (relative to eof)
) == (DWORD)-1L){ rcID = IDS_ERROR_BADFILE; CloseHandle(FileHandle); SetErrorText(rcID); return(FALSE); }
} // end of else
// Append all the text entries to the end of the file
for (i = 0; i < NumSubsts; i++) if(!WriteData (FileHandle, Substs[i], lstrlen(Substs[i])) || !WriteData(FileHandle,CRLF,sizeof(CRLF))) break;
// Clean up
FlushFileBuffers(FileHandle); CloseHandle(FileHandle);
// reset the attributes to the previous attributes
if(!(OriginalAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL || SetFileAttributes(File, OriginalAttributes))) SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_BADFILE);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL WriteData( IN HANDLE Handle, IN PVOID Data, IN DWORD DataSize ) { BOOL rc; DWORD bw;
if(!(rc = WriteFile(Handle,Data,DataSize,&bw,NULL))) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_WRITE); } return(rc); }