#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines related to event manipulation.
Sunil Pai (sunilp) 26-May-1992
Revision History:
extern BOOL FYield(VOID);
#define EVENT_SIGNALLED "EventSignalled"
#define EVENT_NOT_FOUND "EventNotFound"
#define EVENT_SET "EventSet"
#define EVENT_NOT_SET "EventNotSet"
#define EVENT_TIMEOUT "EventTimeout"
#define EVENT_FAILED "EventFailed"
#define EVENT_NO_FAIL "EventNoFailEvent"
HANDLE FOpenOrCreateEvent( IN LPSTR EventNameAscii, BOOL bCreateAllowed ) /*
Open or create an event; return a handle to the event. */ { HANDLE EventHandle; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES EventAttributes; UNICODE_STRING EventName; NTSTATUS NtStatus; ANSI_STRING EventName_A;
RtlInitAnsiString( & EventName_A, EventNameAscii ); NtStatus = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &EventName, &EventName_A, TRUE );
if ( ! NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus) ) return NULL ;
InitializeObjectAttributes( & EventAttributes, & EventName, 0, 0, NULL );
// First try to open the event; if failure, create it.
NtStatus = NtOpenEvent( &EventHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, &EventAttributes );
if ( (! NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus )) && bCreateAllowed ) { NtStatus = NtCreateEvent( &EventHandle, SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, &EventAttributes, NotificationEvent, FALSE // The event is initially not signaled
); }
RtlFreeUnicodeString( & EventName );
return NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ? EventHandle : NULL ; }
// Number of milliseconds we will wait before yielding.
// The value below is 10 ms expressed as a relative NT time.
#define TIME_SLICE (-100000)
VOID WaitForEventOrFailure( IN LPSTR EventName, IN BOOL WaitForFailureAlso, IN DWORD Timeout, IN LPSTR InfVar ) { SZ EventStatus; HANDLE EventHandles[2]; TIME timeSlice; LARGE_INTEGER timeRemaining; NTSTATUS NtStatus;
// Create a local variable containing the timeslice value
// (ie, max wait time before a yield and rewait).
timeSlice.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)TIME_SLICE;
if(EventHandles[0] = FOpenOrCreateEvent(EventName,FALSE)) {
if(!WaitForFailureAlso || (EventHandles[1] = FOpenOrCreateEvent(EVENT_NAME_SETUP_FAILED,TRUE))) {
// If the timeout passed by the caller is 0, then we want to keep waiting
// until one of the events becomes signalled.
// The multiplication of the caller's supplied Timeout value by -10000
// converts milliseconds to a relative NT time.
for(timeRemaining.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(Timeout,-10000); !Timeout || (timeRemaining.QuadPart < 0); timeRemaining.QuadPart -= timeSlice.QuadPart) { NtStatus = NtWaitForMultipleObjects( WaitForFailureAlso ? 2 : 1, EventHandles, WaitAny, TRUE, &timeSlice );
if(NtStatus != STATUS_TIMEOUT) { break; }
FYield(); }
switch(NtStatus) {
case STATUS_TIMEOUT: EventStatus = EVENT_TIMEOUT; break;
case STATUS_WAIT_0: EventStatus = EVENT_SET; break;
case STATUS_WAIT_1: default: EventStatus = EVENT_FAILED; break; }
if(WaitForFailureAlso) { NtClose(EventHandles[1]); }
} else { EventStatus = EVENT_NO_FAIL; }
} else { EventStatus = EVENT_NOT_FOUND; }
FAddSymbolValueToSymTab(InfVar,EventStatus); }
BOOL FWaitForEventOrFailure( IN LPSTR InfVar, IN LPSTR Event, IN DWORD Timeout ) { WaitForEventOrFailure(Event,TRUE,Timeout,InfVar);
return TRUE; }
BOOL FWaitForEvent( IN LPSTR InfVar, IN LPSTR Event, IN DWORD Timeout ) { WaitForEventOrFailure(Event,FALSE,Timeout,InfVar);
return TRUE; }
// Never allow a "Sleep" command of greater than a minute.
#define SLEEP_MS_MAXIMUM (60000)
#define SLEEP_MS_INTERVAL (10)
BOOL FSleep( DWORD dwMilliseconds ) { DWORD dwCycles;
if(dwMilliseconds > SLEEP_MS_MAXIMUM) { dwMilliseconds = SLEEP_MS_MAXIMUM; }
for(dwCycles = dwMilliseconds/SLEEP_MS_INTERVAL; dwCycles--; ) { Sleep(SLEEP_MS_INTERVAL); FYield(); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL FSignalEvent( IN LPSTR InfVar, IN LPSTR Event ) { SZ EventStatus = EVENT_SIGNALLED; HANDLE EventHandle;
// Open the event
EventHandle = FOpenOrCreateEvent( Event, FALSE ) ; if ( EventHandle == NULL ) { EventStatus = EVENT_NOT_FOUND; } else { if ( ! NT_SUCCESS( NtSetEvent( EventHandle, NULL ) ) ) EventStatus = EVENT_NOT_SET ;
NtClose( EventHandle ); }
FAddSymbolValueToSymTab(InfVar, EventStatus); return TRUE ; }