#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
/***************************************************************************/ /****************** Basic Class Dialog Handlers ****************************/ /***************************************************************************/
#define cchpMax 511
** Purpose: ** Edit, Checkbox & MultiComboBox Dialog procedure. ** *****************************************************************************/ INT_PTR APIENTRY FGstCombinationDlgProc (HWND hdlg, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
static WPARAM wSelStart = 0; static WPARAM wSelEnd = 0; CHP rgchNum[10]; CHP rgchText[cchpMax + 1]; CCHP cchp; SZ sz, szListIn, szListOut; RGSZ rgsz, rgszIn, rgszOut, rgszListIn; PSZ psz, pszIn, pszOut, pszListIn; LRESULT iItem; WORD idc; static BOOL fNotify[10]; INT i, nCount, nCurSel;
switch (wMsg) {
case STF_REINITDIALOG: if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ReInit")) == (SZ)NULL || (CrcStringCompareI(sz, "YES") != crcEqual)) {
return(fTrue); }
AssertDataSeg(); if( wMsg == WM_INITDIALOG ) { FCenterDialogOnDesktop(hdlg); }
// Initialise the edit box
// Find the limit on the edit box text
cchp = cchpMax; if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("EditTextLim")) != (SZ)NULL) { cchp = (CCHP) atoi(sz); }
SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_EDIT1, EM_LIMITTEXT, cchp, 0L);
// Find the text limit
if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("EditTextIn")) == (SZ)NULL) { sz = ""; }
Assert(sz != NULL); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, IDC_EDIT1, (LPSTR)sz);
// Find the focus string, default is END
cchp = strlen(sz); if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("EditFocus")) == (SZ)NULL) { sz = "END"; }
wSelStart = (WPARAM)cchp; wSelEnd = (WPARAM)cchp; if (CrcStringCompare(sz, "END") == crcEqual) { ; } else if (CrcStringCompare(sz, "ALL") == crcEqual) { wSelStart = 0; wSelEnd = INT_MAX; } else if (CrcStringCompare(sz, "START") == crcEqual) { wSelStart = 0; wSelEnd = 0; }
// Initialise the combo boxes
szListIn = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ComboListItemsIn"); szListOut = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ComboListItemsOut"); if (szListIn == (SZ)NULL || szListOut == (SZ)NULL ) { Assert(fFalse); return(fTrue); }
while ((pszIn = rgszIn = RgszFromSzListValue(szListIn)) == (RGSZ)NULL) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
while ((pszOut =rgszOut = RgszFromSzListValue(szListOut)) == (RGSZ)NULL) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
idc = IDC_COMBO1; while (*pszIn != (SZ)NULL) { Assert(*pszOut != (SZ)NULL);
if ((szListIn = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab(*pszIn)) == (SZ)NULL) { Assert(fFalse); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszIn)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOut)); return(fTrue); }
while ((pszListIn = rgszListIn = RgszFromSzListValue(szListIn)) == (RGSZ)NULL) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, idc, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); while (*pszListIn != (SZ)NULL) SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, idc, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)*pszListIn++);
// Try to find out the item to select from the combo list.
// If there are no items, set nCurSel to -1 to clear the combo
// If there are items, however the ListOut variable either doesn't
// exist or is "" then set the nCurSel to 0 ( the first element )
// If the ListOut var exists and is found in the list box then
// set the nCurSel to the index of the element found
nCount = (INT)SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, idc, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L); if ( nCount ) {
nCurSel = 0; if ((szListOut = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab(*pszOut)) != (SZ)NULL && CrcStringCompareI(szListOut, "") != crcEqual) { CHP szItemCur[256];
for (i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { if ( (SendDlgItemMessage( hdlg, idc, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)szItemCur ) != CB_ERR) && (CrcStringCompareI(szItemCur, szListOut) == crcEqual) ) {
nCurSel = i; break;
} } } } else { nCurSel = -1; } SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, idc, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)nCurSel, 0L);
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszListIn)); idc++; pszIn++; pszOut++; }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszIn)); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOut));
// Extract the information on which combo modifications should
// be modified
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { fNotify[i] = fFalse; }
if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("NotifyFields")) != (SZ)NULL) {
while ((psz = rgsz = RgszFromSzListValue(sz)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } }
for (i = 0; (i < 10) && (*psz != (SZ) NULL); i++) { fNotify[i] = (CrcStringCompareI(*(psz++), "YES") == crcEqual) ? fTrue : fFalse; }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgsz)); }
// Handle all the text status fields in this dialog
if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("TextFields")) != (SZ)NULL) { WORD idcStatus;
while ((psz = rgsz = RgszFromSzListValue(sz)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } }
idcStatus = IDC_TEXT1; while (*psz != (SZ)NULL && GetDlgItem(hdlg, idcStatus)) { SetDlgItemText (hdlg, idcStatus++,*psz++); }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgsz)); }
// Initialise the check boxes, note that check boxes are optional
if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("CheckItemsIn")) == (SZ)NULL) { return(fTrue); }
while ((psz = rgsz = RgszFromSzListValue(sz)) == (RGSZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } }
idc = IDC_B1; while (*psz != (SZ)NULL) { WORD wCheck = 0;
if (CrcStringCompare(*(psz++), "ON") == crcEqual) wCheck = 1; CheckDlgButton(hdlg, idc++, wCheck); }
if ((sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("OptionsGreyed")) == (SZ)NULL) { PreCondition(fFalse, fTrue); return(fTrue); }
while ((psz = rgsz = RgszFromSzListValue(sz)) == (RGSZ)NULL) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
while (*psz != (SZ)NULL) { SZ sz = *(psz++); INT i = atoi(sz);
if (i > 0 && i <= 10) EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_B0 + i), 0); else if (*sz != '\0') PreCondition(fFalse, fTrue); }
case WM_CLOSE: PostMessage( hdlg, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(IDC_X, BN_CLICKED), 0L ); return(fTrue);
case WM_COMMAND: switch (idc = LOWORD(wParam)) {
// Edit Box Notification
case IDC_EDIT1: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_SETFOCUS) SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_EDIT1, EM_SETSEL, wSelStart, wSelEnd); else if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_KILLFOCUS) SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_EDIT1, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&wSelStart, (LPARAM)&wSelEnd); break;
// Check box Notification
case IDC_B1: case IDC_B2: case IDC_B3: case IDC_B4: case IDC_B5: case IDC_B6: case IDC_B7: case IDC_B8: case IDC_B9: case IDC_B10: CheckDlgButton(hdlg, LOWORD(wParam), (WORD)!IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, (int)wParam)); break;
case IDC_COMBO1: case IDC_COMBO2: case IDC_COMBO3: case IDC_COMBO4: case IDC_COMBO5: case IDC_COMBO6: case IDC_COMBO7: case IDC_COMBO8: case IDC_COMBO9:
switch (HIWORD(wParam)) {
case CBN_SELCHANGE: if (fNotify[idc-IDC_COMBO1] == fTrue) { break; }
default: return fFalse; }
// Other Buttons
case IDCANCEL: if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) {
if (!GetDlgItem(hdlg, IDC_B) || HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL)) || HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) || HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_MENU))) { break; } wParam = IDC_B;
} case IDC_O: case IDC_C: case IDC_M: case IDC_B: case IDC_X: case IDC_BTN0: case IDC_BTN1: case IDC_BTN2: case IDC_BTN3: case IDC_BTN4: case IDC_BTN5: case IDC_BTN6: case IDC_BTN7: case IDC_BTN8: case IDC_BTN9:
// Add the Button checked to the symbol table
_itoa((INT)wParam, rgchNum, 10); while (!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("ButtonPressed", rgchNum)) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
// Extract the text from the edit box and add it to the
// table
SendDlgItemMessage(hdlg, IDC_EDIT1, (WORD)WM_GETTEXT, cchpMax + 1, (LPARAM)rgchText); while (!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("EditTextOut", rgchText)) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
// Extract the checkbox states.
while ((psz = rgsz = (RGSZ)SAlloc((CB)(11 * sizeof(SZ)))) == (RGSZ)NULL) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
for (idc = IDC_B1; GetDlgItem(hdlg, idc); psz++, idc++) {
BOOL fChecked = IsDlgButtonChecked(hdlg, idc);
while ((*psz = SzDupl(fChecked ? "ON" : "OFF")) == (SZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } } }
*psz = (SZ)NULL;
while ((sz = SzListValueFromRgsz(rgsz)) == (SZ)NULL) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } }
while (!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("CheckItemsOut", sz)) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } }
SFree(sz); EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgsz));
// Extract the selections in the combo boxes and add them to the
// symbol table
if ((szListOut = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ComboListItemsOut")) == (SZ)NULL) { Assert(fFalse); break; }
while ((pszOut = rgszOut = RgszFromSzListValue(szListOut)) == (RGSZ)NULL) if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); }
idc = IDC_COMBO1; while (*pszOut != (SZ)NULL) { if ((iItem = SendDlgItemMessage( hdlg, idc, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0L )) == CB_ERR) { *rgchText = '\0'; } else { SendDlgItemMessage( hdlg, idc, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)iItem, (LPARAM)rgchText ); }
while (!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab(*pszOut, rgchText)) { if (!FHandleOOM(hdlg)) { DestroyWindow(GetParent(hdlg)); return(fTrue); } }
pszOut++; idc++; }
EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgszOut)); PostMessage(GetParent(hdlg), (WORD)STF_UI_EVENT, 0, 0L); break; } break;
case STF_DESTROY_DLG: PostMessage(GetParent(hdlg), (WORD)STF_MULTICOMBO_DLG_DESTROYED, 0, 0L); DestroyWindow(hdlg); return(fTrue); }
return(fFalse); }