#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// This thing is COMPLETELY single-threaded.
// Use no serialize to speed things up.
// Define structure used to track preallocations.
typedef struct _PREALLOC {
DWORD BlockSize; DWORD BlockCount;
PVOID BaseAddress; PVOID EndAddress;
LONG FreeIndex;
PVOID bitmap; RTL_BITMAP Bitmap;
// Just for statistics
DWORD NumUsed;
PREALLOC Prealloc[] = { { 32,1000 }, { 128,1000 }, { 512,20 }, { 4096,30 }, { 8192,10 }, { 16384 , 5 }, { 0 } };
PVOID pAllocPreAlloc( IN OUT PPREALLOC Prealloc );
VOID pFreePreAlloc( IN OUT PPREALLOC Prealloc, IN PVOID p );
BOOL SInit( IN BOOL Init ) { BOOL b; unsigned u; PPREALLOC p;
if(Init) { if(Heap) { b = TRUE; } else { if(Heap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,512*1024,0)) {
b = TRUE; for(u=0; b && Prealloc[u].BlockSize; u++) {
p = &Prealloc[u];
p->BaseAddress = HeapAlloc(Heap,0,p->BlockSize*p->BlockCount); if(p->BaseAddress) {
p->EndAddress = (PUCHAR)p->BaseAddress + (p->BlockSize*p->BlockCount);
p->FreeIndex = 0;
p->bitmap = HeapAlloc(Heap,HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,(p->BlockCount+7) / 8); if(p->bitmap) { RtlInitializeBitMap(&p->Bitmap,p->bitmap,p->BlockCount); } else { b = FALSE; } } else { b = FALSE; } } } else { b = FALSE; } } } else { //
// If heap is null this will return FALSE which is what we want.
b = HeapDestroy(Heap); Heap = NULL; }
return(b); }
PVOID SAlloc( IN DWORD Size ) { PVOID p; PPREALLOC prealloc;
if(!Heap) { return(NULL); }
// Determine which block size to use.
for(prealloc=Prealloc; prealloc->BlockSize; prealloc++) {
if(Size < prealloc->BlockSize) {
// Found the right size block.
p = pAllocPreAlloc(prealloc); if(!p) { //
// None available. Go to the heap.
break; }
return(p); } }
// No preallocated block will suffice. Go to the heap.
return(HeapAlloc(Heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,(DWORD)Size)); }
VOID SFree( IN PVOID Block ) { PPREALLOC prealloc;
if(!Heap) { return; }
// See whether the block comes from our prealloced memory.
for(prealloc=Prealloc; prealloc->BlockSize; prealloc++) {
if((Block >= prealloc->BaseAddress) && (Block < prealloc->EndAddress)) {
pFreePreAlloc(prealloc,Block); return; } }
// Not a preallocated block. Go to the heap.
HeapFree(Heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,Block); }
PVOID SRealloc( IN PVOID Block, IN DWORD NewSize ) { SIZE_T u; PVOID p; BOOL b; PPREALLOC NewPrealloc,OldPrealloc;
if(!Heap) { return(NULL); }
NewPrealloc = NULL; OldPrealloc = NULL; b = FALSE;
for(u=0; Prealloc[u].BlockSize; u++) {
// See whether the original block comes from this prealloc.
if((OldPrealloc == NULL) && (Block >= Prealloc[u].BaseAddress) && (Block < Prealloc[u].EndAddress)) {
OldPrealloc = &Prealloc[u]; }
// See whether we have a prealloc block appropriate
// to satisfy the request. Only the smallest appropriate
// size is allowed.
if(!b && (NewSize < Prealloc[u].BlockSize)) {
// Special case: the old block is from prealloc memory
// and the same size prealloc block would satisfy the request.
// Just reuse the existing block.
if(OldPrealloc == &Prealloc[u]) { return(Block); }
if(Prealloc[u].FreeIndex != -1) { NewPrealloc = &Prealloc[u]; } b = TRUE; } }
// See if the current block is from prealloc memory and we can
// satisfy the request from a different prealloc block size.
if(OldPrealloc && NewPrealloc) {
p = pAllocPreAlloc(NewPrealloc); if(!p) { //
// Something is very wrong, because NewPrealloc can be set
// only if there was a free block!
return(NULL); }
pFreePreAlloc(OldPrealloc,Block); return(p); }
// If the current block is from prealloc memory but we can't
// satisfy the request from prealloc memory, allocate memory from
// the heap.
if(OldPrealloc && !NewPrealloc) {
if(p = HeapAlloc(Heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,NewSize)) {
CopyMemory(p,Block,__min(OldPrealloc->BlockSize,NewSize)); pFreePreAlloc(OldPrealloc,Block); }
return(p); }
// If the current block is not from prealloc memory and we can
// satisy the request from prealloc memory, copy the current memory
// into the prealloc block and return the prealloc block.
if(!OldPrealloc && NewPrealloc) {
u = HeapSize(Heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,Block); if(u == (SIZE_T)(-1)) { return(NULL); }
p = pAllocPreAlloc(NewPrealloc); if(!p) { //
// Something is very wrong, because NewPrealloc can be set
// only if there was a free block!
return(NULL); }
HeapFree(Heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,Block); return(p); }
// The current block is not from prealloc memory and there's no
// preallocated memory to satisfy the request. Pass the request
// to the heap.
return(HeapReAlloc(Heap,HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE,Block,NewSize)); }
PVOID pAllocPreAlloc( IN OUT PPREALLOC Prealloc ) { PVOID p;
if(Prealloc->FreeIndex == -1) { return(NULL); }
// Calculate the address of the block.
p = (PUCHAR)Prealloc->BaseAddress + (Prealloc->FreeIndex * Prealloc->BlockSize);
// Mark the block we are going to return as used.
// Locate the next free block. This sets FreeIndex to -1
// if there are no more free blocks of this size.
Prealloc->FreeIndex = (LONG)RtlFindClearBits( &Prealloc->Bitmap, 1, Prealloc->FreeIndex );
return(p); }
VOID pFreePreAlloc( IN OUT PPREALLOC Prealloc, IN PVOID p ) { LONG Index;
// Figure out which block this is.
Index = (LONG)((LONG_PTR)p - (LONG_PTR)Prealloc->BaseAddress) / Prealloc->BlockSize;
// Mark the block free.
RtlClearBits(&Prealloc->Bitmap,Index,1); Prealloc->FreeIndex = Index; }