#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
1. Contains routines to access symbolic link objects
2. Contains routines to convert between the DOS and ARC Name space
Sunil Pai (sunilp) 20-Nov-1991
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
#define SYMLINKTYPE L"SymbolicLink"
#define ARCNAMEOBJDIR L"\\ArcName"
#define DOSDEVOBJDIR L"\\DosDevices"
BOOL IsSymbolicLinkType( IN PUNICODE_STRING Type );
BOOL DosPathToNtPathWorker( IN LPSTR DosPath, OUT LPSTR NtPath ) { CHAR Drive[] = "\\DosDevices\\?:"; WCHAR NtNameDrive[MAX_PATH];
BOOL bStatus; NTSTATUS Status;
// Validate the DOS Path passed in
if (lstrlen(DosPath) < 2 || DosPath[1] != ':') { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_INVALIDDISK); return ( FALSE ); }
// Extract the drive
Drive[12] = DosPath[0];
// Get Unicode string for the drive
RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, Drive); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &Drive_U, &AnsiString, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM); return ( FALSE ); }
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the Nt Name for the Drive
NtNameDrive_U.Buffer = NtNameDrive; NtNameDrive_U.Length = 0; NtNameDrive_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Query symbolic link of the drive
bStatus = GetSymbolicLinkTarget(&Drive_U, &NtNameDrive_U); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Drive_U); if (!bStatus) { return ( FALSE ); }
// Convert the Unicode NtName for drive to ansi
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &NtNameDrive_A, &NtNameDrive_U, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM); return ( FALSE ); }
// Copy the drive to the output variable
NtNameDrive_A.Buffer[NtNameDrive_A.Length] = '\0'; //Null terminate
lstrcpy(NtPath, NtNameDrive_A.Buffer); RtlFreeAnsiString(&NtNameDrive_A);
// concatenate the rest of the DosPath to this ArcPath
lstrcat(NtPath, DosPath+2);
BOOL NtPathToDosPathWorker( IN LPSTR NtPath, OUT LPSTR DosPath ) { CHAR Drive; CHAR DriveStr[3] = "x:"; CHAR NtDevicePath[MAX_PATH]; unsigned MatchLen;
// Iterate through each potential drive letter.
for(Drive='A'; Drive<='Z'; Drive++) {
DriveStr[0] = Drive;
// Get the equivalent NT device path, if any.
if(DosPathToNtPathWorker(DriveStr,NtDevicePath)) {
MatchLen = lstrlen(NtDevicePath);
// If the NT Path we are trying to translate is a prefix
// of the NT path for the current drive, we've got a match.
if(!_strnicmp(NtDevicePath,NtPath,MatchLen)) {
lstrcpy(DosPath,DriveStr); lstrcat(DosPath,NtPath+MatchLen); return(TRUE); } } }
// Didn't find a drive letter that matches so there is no
// equivalent DOS path.
return(FALSE); }
BOOL DosPathToArcPathWorker( IN LPSTR DosPath, OUT LPSTR ArcPath ) { CHAR Drive[] = "\\DosDevices\\?:"; WCHAR NtNameDrive[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR ArcNameDrive[MAX_PATH];
UNICODE_STRING Drive_U, NtNameDrive_U, ObjDir_U, ArcNameDrive_U; ANSI_STRING ArcNameDrive_A;
BOOL bStatus; NTSTATUS Status;
// Validate the DOS Path passed in
if (lstrlen(DosPath) < 2 || DosPath[1] != ':') { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_INVALIDDISK); return ( FALSE ); }
// Extract the drive
Drive[12] = DosPath[0];
// Get Unicode string for the drive
RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, Drive); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &Drive_U, &AnsiString, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM); return ( FALSE ); }
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the Nt Name for the Drive
NtNameDrive_U.Buffer = NtNameDrive; NtNameDrive_U.Length = 0; NtNameDrive_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the ArcName for the drive
ArcNameDrive_U.Buffer = ArcNameDrive; ArcNameDrive_U.Length = 0; ArcNameDrive_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the \\ArcName objdir name
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjDir_U, ARCNAMEOBJDIR);
// Query symbolic link of the drive
bStatus = GetSymbolicLinkTarget(&Drive_U, &NtNameDrive_U); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Drive_U); if (!bStatus) { return ( FALSE ); }
// Find the object in the arcname directory
bStatus = GetSymbolicLinkSource(&ObjDir_U, &NtNameDrive_U, &ArcNameDrive_U); if (!bStatus) {
return ( FALSE ); }
// Convert the Unicode ArcName for drive to ansi
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &ArcNameDrive_A, &ArcNameDrive_U, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM); return ( FALSE ); }
// Copy the drive to the output variable
ArcNameDrive_A.Buffer[ArcNameDrive_A.Length] = '\0'; //Null terminate
lstrcpy(ArcPath, ArcNameDrive_A.Buffer); RtlFreeAnsiString(&ArcNameDrive_A);
// concatenate the rest of the DosPath to this ArcPath
lstrcat(ArcPath, DosPath+2);
BOOL ArcPathToDosPathWorker( IN LPSTR ArcPath, OUT LPSTR DosPath ) { CHAR ArcDir[] = "\\ArcName\\"; CHAR ArcFullPath[MAX_PATH]; SZ ArcDrive, FilePath;
CHAR ArcDriveObject[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR NtNameDrive[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR DosNameDrive[MAX_PATH];
UNICODE_STRING Drive_U, NtNameDrive_U, ObjDir_U, DosNameDrive_U; ANSI_STRING DosNameDrive_A;
BOOL bStatus; NTSTATUS Status;
// Validate the Arc Path passed in
if (lstrlen(ArcPath) >= MAX_PATH) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_INVALIDDISK); return ( FALSE ); }
// extract the arc drive and filename
lstrcpy (ArcFullPath, ArcPath); ArcDrive = ArcFullPath; FilePath = strchr (ArcFullPath, '\\'); if (FilePath != NULL) { *FilePath = '\0'; FilePath++; }
// Form the full spec for the ArcDrive object name
lstrcpy (ArcDriveObject, ArcDir); lstrcat (ArcDriveObject, ArcDrive);
// Get Unicode string for the drive
RtlInitAnsiString(&AnsiString, ArcDriveObject); Status = RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &Drive_U, &AnsiString, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM); return ( FALSE ); }
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the Nt Name for the Drive
NtNameDrive_U.Buffer = NtNameDrive; NtNameDrive_U.Length = 0; NtNameDrive_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the ArcName for the drive
DosNameDrive_U.Buffer = DosNameDrive; DosNameDrive_U.Length = 0; DosNameDrive_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Initialise Unicode string to hold the \\DosDevices objdir name
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ObjDir_U, DOSDEVOBJDIR);
// Query symbolic link of the drive
bStatus = GetSymbolicLinkTarget(&Drive_U, &NtNameDrive_U); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&Drive_U); if (!bStatus) { return ( FALSE ); }
// Find the object in the dosdevices directory
bStatus = GetSymbolicLinkSource(&ObjDir_U, &NtNameDrive_U, &DosNameDrive_U); if (!bStatus) {
return ( FALSE ); }
// Convert the Unicode ArcName for drive to ansi
Status = RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString( &DosNameDrive_A, &DosNameDrive_U, TRUE );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_RTLOOM); return ( FALSE ); }
// Copy the drive to the output variable
DosNameDrive_A.Buffer[DosNameDrive_A.Length] = '\0'; //Null terminate
lstrcpy(DosPath, DosNameDrive_A.Buffer); RtlFreeAnsiString(&DosNameDrive_A);
// concatenate the rest of the DosPath to this ArcPath
if (FilePath != NULL) { lstrcat (DosPath, "\\"); lstrcat (DosPath, FilePath); }
BOOL IsDriveExternalScsi( IN LPSTR DosDrive, OUT BOOL *IsExternal ) { CHAR ArcNameDrive[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bStatus;
// Set IsExternal to false
*IsExternal = FALSE;
// Query the ArcName for the DOS Drive
bStatus = DosPathToArcPathWorker(DosDrive, ArcNameDrive); if (!bStatus) { return (FALSE); }
// Find out if the Arcname first four letters are scsi
ArcNameDrive[4] = '\0'; // Only interested in first four letters
if(!lstrcmpi(ArcNameDrive, "scsi")) { *IsExternal = TRUE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetSymbolicLinkSource( IN PUNICODE_STRING pObjDir_U, IN PUNICODE_STRING pTarget_U, OUT PUNICODE_STRING pSource_U ) { PCHAR Buffer, FullNameObject, ObjectLink, SavedMatch; UNICODE_STRING ObjName_U, ObjLink_U;
HANDLE DirectoryHandle; ULONG Context = 0; ULONG ReturnedLength; BOOLEAN RestartScan = TRUE; BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry = TRUE; //LATER change this to FALSE
NTSTATUS Status; BOOL bStatus;
// Open the object directory.
InitializeObjectAttributes( &Attributes, pObjDir_U, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
Status = NtOpenDirectoryObject( &DirectoryHandle, DIRECTORY_ALL_ACCESS, &Attributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OBJDIROPEN); return ( FALSE ); }
// Find the symbolic link objects in the directory and query them for
// a match with the string passed in
// Allocate a buffer to query the directory objects
if ((Buffer = SAlloc(BUFFER_SIZE)) == NULL) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); NtClose(DirectoryHandle); return ( FALSE ); }
// Form a Unicode string object to hold the symbolic link objects found
// in the object directory
if ((FullNameObject = SAlloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))) == NULL) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); SFree (Buffer); NtClose (DirectoryHandle); return ( FALSE ); }
ObjName_U.Buffer = (PWSTR)FullNameObject; ObjName_U.Length = 0; ObjName_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Form a Unicode string object to hold the symbolic link objects found
// in the object directory
if ((ObjectLink = SAlloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))) == NULL) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); SFree (Buffer); SFree (FullNameObject); NtClose (DirectoryHandle); return ( FALSE ); }
ObjLink_U.Buffer = (PWSTR)ObjectLink; ObjLink_U.Length = 0; ObjLink_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
if ((SavedMatch = SAlloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR))) == NULL) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); SFree (Buffer); SFree (FullNameObject); SFree (ObjectLink); NtClose (DirectoryHandle); return ( FALSE ); }
SavedMatch_U.Buffer = (PWSTR)SavedMatch; SavedMatch_U.Length = 0; SavedMatch_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
while (TRUE) { //
// Clear the buffer
RtlZeroMemory( Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
// repeatedly Query the directory objects till done
Status = NtQueryDirectoryObject( DirectoryHandle, Buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, ReturnSingleEntry, // fetch more than one entry
RestartScan, // start rescan true on first go
&Context, &ReturnedLength );
// Check the Status of the operation.
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) && (Status != STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES)) { if (Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES || Status == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_INVALIDDISK); } else { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OBJDIRREAD); } SFree(Buffer); SFree(FullNameObject); SFree(ObjectLink); if(IsMatchSaved) { RtlCopyUnicodeString (pSource_U, &SavedMatch_U); SFree(SavedMatch); return(TRUE); } SFree(SavedMatch); return(FALSE); }
// Make sure that restart scan is false for next go
RestartScan = FALSE;
// For every record in the buffer, see if the type of the object
// is a symbolic link
// Point to the first record in the buffer, we are guaranteed to have
// one otherwise Status would have been No More Files
while (TRUE) {
// Check if there is another record. If there isn't, break out of
// the loop now
if (DirInfo->Name.Length == 0) { break; }
// See if the object type is a symbolic link
if (IsSymbolicLinkType(&(DirInfo->TypeName))) {
// get full pathname of object
// Check if we will overflow our buffer
if (( pObjDir_U->Length + sizeof(WCHAR) + DirInfo->Name.Length + sizeof(WCHAR) ) > ObjName_U.MaximumLength ) {
SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OBJNAMOVF); SFree(Buffer); SFree(FullNameObject); SFree(ObjectLink);
if(IsMatchSaved) { RtlCopyUnicodeString (pSource_U, &SavedMatch_U); SFree(SavedMatch); return(TRUE); } SFree(SavedMatch); return( FALSE );
// Copy the current object name over the the buffer prefixing
// it with the \ArcName\ object directory name
RtlCopyUnicodeString ( &ObjName_U, pObjDir_U ); RtlAppendUnicodeToString ( &ObjName_U, L"\\" ); RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString ( &ObjName_U, &(DirInfo->Name));
// query the symbolic link target
ObjLink_U.Buffer = (PWSTR)ObjectLink; ObjLink_U.Length = 0; ObjLink_U.MaximumLength = MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR);
bStatus = GetSymbolicLinkTarget (&ObjName_U, &ObjLink_U); if (bStatus != TRUE) { SFree(Buffer); SFree(FullNameObject); SFree(ObjectLink);
if(IsMatchSaved) { RtlCopyUnicodeString (pSource_U, &SavedMatch_U); SFree(SavedMatch); return(TRUE); } SFree(SavedMatch); return FALSE; }
// see if it compares to the name we are looking for
if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (pTarget_U, &ObjLink_U, TRUE)) {
#if i386
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Multi_U,L"multi("); if(RtlPrefixUnicodeString(&Multi_U,&DirInfo->Name,TRUE)) {
RtlCopyUnicodeString(&SavedMatch_U,&DirInfo->Name); IsMatchSaved = TRUE;
} else // scsi, just return it. Favor scsi over multi.
{ RtlCopyUnicodeString (pSource_U, &(DirInfo->Name)); SFree(Buffer); SFree(FullNameObject); SFree(ObjectLink); SFree(SavedMatch); return TRUE; } }
// There is another record so advance DirInfo to the next entry
} // while
} // while
return ( FALSE );
} // getarcname
/* Checks to see if a given object type is a symbolic link type */
// Check the length of the string
if (Type->Length == 0) { return FALSE; }
// compare it to the symbolic link type name
RtlInitUnicodeString(&TypeName, SYMLINKTYPE); return (RtlEqualUnicodeString(Type, &TypeName, TRUE)); }
BOOL GetSymbolicLinkTarget( IN PUNICODE_STRING pSourceString_U, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING pDestString_U ) {
OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; HANDLE ObjectHandle;
// Initialise the object attributes structure for the symbolic
// link object
InitializeObjectAttributes( &Attributes, pSourceString_U, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL );
// Open the symbolic link for link_query access
Status = NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject( &ObjectHandle, READ_CONTROL | SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, &Attributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_SYMLNKOPEN); return ( FALSE ); }
// query the symbolic link target
Status = NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject( ObjectHandle, pDestString_U, NULL );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_SYMLNKREAD); NtClose(ObjectHandle); return(FALSE); }
// close the link object
// return the link target
return ( TRUE ); }