#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Registry related functions in the setupdll
Detect Routines: ----------------
1. GetEnvVar <SYSTEM | USER> <VARNAME> returns List <ValueName, ValueTitle, ValueRegType, ValueData> The value data is decomposed into a list of the elements: e.g. val1;val2;val3 becomes {val1, val2, val3}
2. GetMyComputerName
Install Routines Workers: -------------------------
2. SetEnvVarWorker: To set a USER or SYSTEM environment variable
3. ExpandSzWorker: To expand all the expand sz components in an environment string.
General Subroutines: --------------------
1. GetValueEntry: To fetch a value entry given a key and a value name This is useful when we don't know the size of the value entry.
2. GetMaxSizeValueInKey: This is to find the maximum size needed to query a value in the key.
Sunil Pai (sunilp) April 1992
extern CHAR ReturnTextBuffer[];
// Detect Routines
CB GetEnvVar( IN RGSZ Args, IN USHORT cArgs, OUT SZ ReturnBuffer, IN CB cbReturnBuffer ) {
SZ sz, sz1, szEnv; HKEY hKey, hRootKey; DWORD cbData; CB Length; LONG Status; DWORD ValueType; PVOID ValueData; CHAR szValueType[25]; RGSZ rgsz;
#define UNDEF_VAR_VALUE "{}"
Unused( cbReturnBuffer );
// If the environment variable cannot be determine we
// return the empty list as the value of this call.
// Initialise this anyway to avoid doing this at a
// a number of places.
lstrcpy( ReturnBuffer, UNDEF_VAR_VALUE ); Length = lstrlen( UNDEF_VAR_VALUE ) + 1;
// Do parameter validation
if( cArgs < 2 ) { return( Length ); }
// Check to see if the user wants a system environment variable or
// a user environment variable. Accordingly find out the right
// place in the registry to look.
if ( !lstrcmpi( Args[0], "SYSTEM" ) ) { hRootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; szEnv = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"; } else if ( !lstrcmpi( Args[0], "USER" ) ) { hRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; szEnv = "Environment"; } else { return( Length ); }
// Open the environment variable key.
Status = RegOpenKeyEx( hRootKey, szEnv, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return( Length ); }
// Get the environment variable value
if( !GetMaxSizeValueInKey( hKey, &cbData ) || ( ValueData = SAlloc( cbData ) ) == NULL ) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return( Length ); }
Status = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, Args[1], NULL, &ValueType, ValueData, &cbData );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SFree( ValueData ); return( Length ); }
if ( ( sz = SzListValueFromPath( (SZ)ValueData ) ) == NULL ) { SFree( ValueData ); return( Length ); } SFree( ValueData );
_ultoa( ValueType, szValueType, 10 );
// Allocate an Rgsz structure: (Note same style as internal registry usage)
// Field 0: EnvVarValueName
// Field 1: EnvVarTitleIndex "0"
// Field 2: EnvVarValueType
// Field 3: EnvVarValue
if ( rgsz = RgszAlloc( 5 ) ) {
rgsz[0] = Args[1]; rgsz[1] = "0"; rgsz[2] = szValueType; rgsz[3] = sz; rgsz[4] = NULL;
sz1 = SzListValueFromRgsz( rgsz ); if( sz1 ) { lstrcpy( ReturnBuffer, sz1 ); Length = lstrlen( sz1 ) + 1; SFree( sz1 );
} SFree( rgsz ); } SFree( sz );
return( Length ); }
CB GetMyComputerName( IN RGSZ Args, IN USHORT cArgs, OUT SZ ReturnBuffer, IN CB cbReturnBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
DetectRoutine for GetComputerName. This finds out the computername of this machine in the current control set.
Args - C argument list to this detect routine (None exist)
cArgs - Number of arguments.
ReturnBuffer - Buffer in which detected value is returned.
cbReturnBuffer - Buffer Size.
Return value:
Returns length of detected value.
--*/ { CHAR ComputerName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD nSize = MAX_PATH; BOOL bStatus = FALSE; CB Length;
Unused(Args); Unused(cArgs); Unused(cbReturnBuffer);
if( GetComputerName( ComputerName, &nSize ) ) { lstrcpy( ReturnBuffer, ComputerName ); Length = lstrlen( ComputerName ) + 1; } else { lstrcpy( ReturnBuffer, DEFAULT_COMPUTERNAME ); Length = lstrlen( DEFAULT_COMPUTERNAME ) + 1; }
return( Length );
// Install Routines
BOOL SetEnvVarWorker( LPSTR UserOrSystem, LPSTR Name, LPSTR Title, LPSTR RegType, LPSTR Data ) { HKEY hKey, hRootKey; SZ szEnv; LONG Status;
// Check to see if the user wants to modify a system environment variable
// or a user environment variable. Accordingly find out the right
// place in the registry to look.
if ( !lstrcmpi( UserOrSystem, "SYSTEM" ) ) { hRootKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; szEnv = "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"; } else if ( !lstrcmpi( UserOrSystem, "USER" ) ) { hRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER; szEnv = "Environment"; } else { return( FALSE ); }
// Open the environment variable key.
Status = RegOpenKeyEx( hRootKey, szEnv, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_REGOPEN ); return( FALSE ); }
// Write the value given
Status = RegSetValueEx( hKey, Name, 0, (DWORD)atol( RegType ), (LPBYTE)Data, lstrlen( Data ) + 1 );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if( Status != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_REGSETVALUE ); return( FALSE ); }
// Send a WM_WININICHANGE message so that progman picks up the new
// variable
SendMessageTimeout( (HWND)-1, WM_WININICHANGE, 0, (LPARAM)"Environment", SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, NULL );
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL ExpandSzWorker( LPSTR EnvironmentString, LPSTR ReturnBuffer, DWORD cbReturnBuffer ) { DWORD cbBuffer;
cbBuffer = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( (LPCSTR)EnvironmentString, ReturnBuffer, cbReturnBuffer );
if ( cbBuffer > cbReturnBuffer ) { SetErrorText( IDS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ); return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL SetMyComputerNameWorker( LPSTR ComputerName ) /*++
Routine Description:
To set the computername value in the services tree.
ComputerName - Value to set as the computername
Return value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { if( !SetComputerName( ComputerName ) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_SETCOMPUTERNAME); return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE ); }
// The following are registry access subroutines..
BOOL GetMaxSizeValueInKey( HKEY hKey, LPDWORD cbData ) { LONG Status; CHAR szKClass[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD cbKClass = MAX_PATH; DWORD KSubKeys; DWORD cbKMaxSubKeyLen; DWORD cbKMaxClassLen; DWORD KValues; DWORD cbKMaxValueNameLen; DWORD SizeSecurityDescriptor; FILETIME KLastWriteTime;
Status = RegQueryInfoKey ( hKey, szKClass, &cbKClass, NULL, &KSubKeys, &cbKMaxSubKeyLen, &cbKMaxClassLen, &KValues, &cbKMaxValueNameLen, cbData, &SizeSecurityDescriptor, &KLastWriteTime );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return( FALSE ); }
return( TRUE );
PVOID GetValueEntry( HKEY hKey, LPSTR szValueName ) { LONG Status; CHAR szKClass[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD cbKClass = MAX_PATH; DWORD KSubKeys; DWORD cbKMaxSubKeyLen; DWORD cbKMaxClassLen; DWORD KValues; DWORD cbKMaxValueNameLen; DWORD cbData; DWORD SizeSecurityDescriptor; FILETIME KLastWriteTime; DWORD ValueType;
PVOID ValueData;
Status = RegQueryInfoKey ( hKey, szKClass, &cbKClass, NULL, &KSubKeys, &cbKMaxSubKeyLen, &cbKMaxClassLen, &KValues, &cbKMaxValueNameLen, &cbData, &SizeSecurityDescriptor, &KLastWriteTime );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return( NULL ); }
if ( ( ValueData = SAlloc( cbData ) ) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); }
Status = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, szValueName, NULL, &ValueType, ValueData, &cbData );
if (Status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SFree( ValueData ); return( NULL ); } else { return( ValueData ); }
BOOL GenerateUniqueFileName( IN LPSTR TempPath, IN LPSTR Prefix, IN OUT LPSTR TempFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
To generate a unique filename (with no extension) in the TempPath Directory with the Prefix given and digits from 1 to 99999
TempPath - string containing a valid directory path ending in a backslash.
Prefix - a prefix string no longer than 3 characters.
TempFile - buffer to return the full path to the temp file
Return value:
TRUE if succeds in finding, FALSE otherwise. If TRUE, TempFile buffer has the full path to the temp file.
{ CHAR Number[6]; DWORD i;
// Check parameters
if ( TempPath == (LPSTR)NULL || Prefix == (LPSTR)NULL || TempFile == (LPSTR)NULL || lstrlen( Prefix ) > 3
) {
return( FALSE ); }
// go through all numbers upto 5 digits long looking
// for file which doesn't exist
for( i = 1; i <99999; i++ ) { lstrcpy( TempFile, TempPath); lstrcat( TempFile, "\\" ); lstrcat( TempFile, Prefix ); sprintf( Number, "%d", i ); lstrcat( TempFile, Number ); if (!FFileExist( TempFile ) ) { return( TRUE ); } }
// not found, return false
return( FALSE );