Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
** Purpose: ** Allocates a new SDLE record from memory. ** Arguments: ** none ** Returns: ** non-Null empty SDLE if successful; Null otherwise (OOM). ** *********************************************************************/ PSDLE APIENTRY PsdleAlloc() { PSDLE psdle;
if ((psdle = (PSDLE)SAlloc((CB)sizeof(SDLE))) != (PSDLE)NULL) { psdle->psdleNext = (PSDLE)NULL; psdle->did = (DID)0; psdle->didGlobal = (DID)0; psdle->szLabel = (SZ)NULL; psdle->szTagFile = (SZ)NULL; psdle->szNetPath = (SZ)NULL; }
return(psdle); }
** Purpose: ** Frees a previously allocated SDLE record. ** Arguments: ** none ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful; fFalse otherwise. ** *********************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY FFreePsdle(PSDLE psdle) { ChkArg(psdle != (PSDLE)NULL, 1, fFalse);
if(psdle->szLabel) { SFree(psdle->szLabel); }
if(psdle->szTagFile) { SFree(psdle->szTagFile); }
if(psdle->szNetPath) { SFree(psdle->szNetPath); }
return(fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Finds the [Source Media Descriptions] section of the INF File, and ** fills the Source Description List. ** Arguments: ** none ** Notes: ** Requires that the memory INF has been properly initialized. ** Returns: ** grcOkay if successful; grcOutOfMemory or grcINFSrcDescrSect otherwise. ** *********************************************************************/ GRC APIENTRY GrcFillSrcDescrListFromInf() { PPSDLE ppsdle; GRC grc = grcINFSrcDescrSect; RGSZ rgsz = (RGSZ)NULL; SZ szKey = (SZ)NULL; INT Line; PINFPERMINFO pPermInfo = pLocalInfPermInfo();
EvalAssert(pPermInfo->psdleHead == (PSDLE)NULL || FFreeSrcDescrList(pPermInfo));
Assert(pPermInfo->psdleHead == (PSDLE)NULL && pPermInfo->psdleCur == (PSDLE)NULL);
ppsdle = &(pPermInfo->psdleHead); if((Line = FindFirstLineFromInfSection("Source Media Descriptions")) == -1) goto LSrcDescrErr;
do { UINT cFields; USHORT iTag = 0, iNet = 0; DID did;
if (!FKeyInInfLine(Line) || ((cFields = CFieldsInInfLine(Line)) != 1 && cFields != 4 && cFields != 7)) goto LSrcDescrErr;
if ((rgsz = RgszFromInfScriptLine(Line,cFields)) == (RGSZ)NULL || (szKey = SzGetNthFieldFromInfLine(Line,0)) == (SZ)NULL) { grc = grcOutOfMemory; goto LSrcDescrErr; }
if ((did = (DID)atoi(szKey)) < didMin || did > didMost || PsdleFromDid(did, pPermInfo) != (PSDLE)NULL) goto LSrcDescrErr;
SFree(szKey); szKey = (SZ)NULL;
if (cFields == 4 || cFields == 7) { if (CrcStringCompare(rgsz[2], "=") != crcEqual) goto LSrcDescrErr; else if (CrcStringCompare(rgsz[1], "TAGFILE") == crcEqual) iTag = 3; else if (CrcStringCompare(rgsz[1], "NETPATH") == crcEqual) iNet = 3; else goto LSrcDescrErr; }
if (cFields == 7) { if (CrcStringCompare(rgsz[5], "=") != crcEqual) goto LSrcDescrErr; else if (iTag == 0 && CrcStringCompare(rgsz[4], "TAGFILE") == crcEqual) iTag = 6; else if (iNet == 0 && CrcStringCompare(rgsz[4], "NETPATH") == crcEqual) iNet = 6; else goto LSrcDescrErr;
Assert(iTag != 0 && iNet != 0); }
if ((*ppsdle = PsdleAlloc()) == (PSDLE)NULL || ((*ppsdle)->szLabel = SzDupl(rgsz[0])) == (SZ)NULL || (iTag != 0 && ((*ppsdle)->szTagFile = SzDupl(rgsz[iTag])) == (SZ)NULL) || (iNet != 0 && ((*ppsdle)->szNetPath = SzDupl(rgsz[iNet])) == (SZ)NULL)) { grc = grcOutOfMemory; goto LSrcDescrErr; }
SFree(rgsz); rgsz = (RGSZ)NULL; (*ppsdle)->did = did;
ppsdle = &((*ppsdle)->psdleNext); Assert(pPermInfo->psdleHead != (PSDLE)NULL); pPermInfo->psdleCur = pPermInfo->psdleHead; Assert(*ppsdle == (PSDLE)NULL); } while ((Line = FindNextLineFromInf(Line)) != -1);
pPermInfo->psdleCur = pPermInfo->psdleHead;
LSrcDescrErr: if (szKey != (SZ)NULL) SFree(szKey); if (rgsz != (RGSZ)NULL) EvalAssert(FFreeRgsz(rgsz)); EvalAssert(FFreeSrcDescrList(pPermInfo));
return(grc); }
** Purpose: ** Frees each element in the Source Description List. ** Arguments: ** none ** Returns: ** fTrue if successful; fFalse otherwise. ** *********************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY FFreeSrcDescrList( PINFPERMINFO pPermInfo) { while ((pPermInfo->psdleCur = pPermInfo->psdleHead) != (PSDLE)NULL) { pPermInfo->psdleHead = pPermInfo->psdleCur->psdleNext; EvalAssert(FFreePsdle(pPermInfo->psdleCur)); }
return(fTrue); }
** Purpose: ** Search for a corresponding Source Description List Element. ** Arguments: ** did: did to search for. ** Notes: ** Requires that the Source Description List was initialized with a ** successful call to GrcFillSrcDescrListFromInf(). ** Returns: ** non-Null SDLE if successful; Null otherwise (not in list). ** *********************************************************************/ PSDLE APIENTRY PsdleFromDid(DID did, PINFPERMINFO pPermInfo) { ChkArg(did >= didMin && did <= didMost, 1, (PSDLE)NULL);
if (pPermInfo->psdleHead == (PSDLE)NULL) return((PSDLE)NULL); Assert(pPermInfo->psdleCur != (PSDLE)NULL);
if (pPermInfo->psdleCur->did == did) return(pPermInfo->psdleCur); pPermInfo->psdleCur = pPermInfo->psdleHead; while (pPermInfo->psdleCur != (PSDLE)NULL && pPermInfo->psdleCur->did != did) pPermInfo->psdleCur = pPermInfo->psdleCur->psdleNext; return(pPermInfo->psdleCur); }