#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
/*************************************************************************/ /***** Custom User Interface Library Sample ******************************/ /*************************************************************************/
DLGMP DialogMap[] = { (SZ)"Info", (WNDPROC)FGstInfoDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"Edit", (WNDPROC)FGstEditDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"MultiEdit", (WNDPROC)FGstMultiEditDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"Check", (WNDPROC)FGstCheckDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"Check1", (WNDPROC)FGstCheck1DlgProc, (PFNEVENT)EhrcGstCheck1EventHandler, (SZ)"Radio", (WNDPROC)FGstRadioDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"List", (WNDPROC)FGstListDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"Multi", (WNDPROC)FGstMultiDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"Dual", (WNDPROC)FGstDualDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"Dual1", (WNDPROC)FGstDual1DlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL, (SZ)"MultiCombo", (WNDPROC)FGstMultiComboDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)EhrcGstMultiComboEventHandler, (SZ)"Combination", (WNDPROC)FGstCombinationDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)EhrcGstMultiComboEventHandler, (SZ)"RadioCombination", (WNDPROC)FGstComboRadDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)EhrcGstMultiComboEventHandler, (SZ)"Maintenance", (WNDPROC)FGstMaintDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)EhrcGstMaintenanceEventHandler, (SZ)"Billboard", (WNDPROC)FGstBillboardDlgProc, (PFNEVENT)NULL };
** Purpose: ** To push the dialog szDlgName onto the top of the dialog stack if it ** is not already on top of the stack. if it is already on the top of ** the stack it merely ensures that the dialog is active and enabled. ** ** Arguments: ** szDlgName: the name of the dialog (not the dialog template name). ** hinst: Handle to instance of the APP (i.e. the shell). ** hwndShell: Handle to the main app window (i.e. the shell). ** ** Returns: ** fTrue if the operation succeeds, fFalse otherwise. ** ****************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY FDoDialog( IN SZ szDlgName, IN HANDLE hInst, IN HWND hwndShell )
{ BOOL fReturn; SZ szDlgType, szDlgTemplate; pDLGMP pdlgmp;
AssertDataSeg(); Assert(szDlgName != NULL);
// find the dialog type associated with this dialog and
// validate it
EvalAssert((szDlgType = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab(DLGTYPE)) != NULL);
// Handle the case when the dialog is already on the stack
if (SzStackTopName() != NULL && CrcStringCompare(szDlgName, SzStackTopName()) == crcEqual) {
if (FResumeStackTop()) { Assert(HdlgStackTop() != NULL); PostMessage(HdlgStackTop(), (UINT)STF_REINITDIALOG, 0, 0L); fReturn = fTrue; } else { fReturn = fFalse; }
else {
// find out if the dialog is a message box. message boxes are handled
// here.
if ( CrcStringCompare(szDlgType, "MessageBox") == crcEqual ) {
fReturn = FHandleUIMessageBox(hwndShell); PostMessage(hwndShell, (UINT) STF_SHL_INTERP, 0, 0L); return(fReturn);
else { //
// find the dialog template associated with this dialog and
// validate it. see if what we are doing is enough
EvalAssert((szDlgTemplate = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab(DLGTEMPLATE)) != NULL);
// map the dialog type into a dialog procedure
EvalAssert((pdlgmp = pdlgmpFindDlgType (szDlgType, DialogMap)) != NULL);
// start the dialog
fReturn = (HdlgPushDbcb( hInst, szDlgName, szDlgTemplate, hwndShell, pdlgmp->FGstDlgProc, (DWORD)0, pdlgmp->EhrcEventHandler, (SZ)"", (WNDPROC)NULL ) != NULL); } }
if ( CrcStringCompare( szDlgType, "Billboard" ) == crcEqual ) { PostMessage(hwndShell, (UINT) STF_SHL_INTERP, 0, 0L); }
return( fReturn ); }
pDLGMP pdlgmpFindDlgType( IN SZ szDlgType, IN pDLGMP DialogMap )
{ while ( DialogMap!=NULL && CrcStringCompare(szDlgType, DialogMap->szDlgType) != crcEqual ) {
return (DialogMap); }
** Purpose: ** To destroy the top N dialogs on the dialog stack and free the storage ** occupied by their DBCB's (dialog box context blocks). ** ** Arguments: ** n: The number of dialogs to be destroyed. ** fResume: Indicates if the dialog on top of the dialog stack after ** killing N dialogs should be resumed. fResume = fTrue means ** that it should be resumed, fFalse means that it should not ** be resumed. ** ** Returns: ** fTrue if the operation is completely successful (i.e. all n of the ** dialogs are successfully destroyed and the top of stack is resumed if ** appropriate), fFalse otherwise. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY FKillNDialogs(USHORT n,BOOL fResume) { BOOL fReturn;
AssertDataSeg(); Assert(n > 0);
if ((fReturn = (FPopNDbcb(n) != fFalse)) && fResume) { Assert(!FStackEmpty()); fReturn = FResumeStackTop(); }
return(fReturn); }
** Purpose: ** Display a message box whose characteristics are drawn from the ** symbol table. ** Arguments: ** hwndParent: non-NULL handle to parent's window. ** Symbol Table Inputs: ** STF_MB_TITLE: string to display as title - can be blank. ** STF_MB_TEXT: string to display as text - should not be blank. ** STF_MB_TYPE: 1 -> MB_OK; 2 -> MB_OKCANCEL; 3 -> MB_YESNO; ** 4 -> MB_YESNOCANCEL; 5 -> MB_RETRYCANCEL; 6 -> MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE. ** STF_MB_ICON: 1 -> none; 2 -> info; 3 -> stop; 4 -> ?; 5 -> ! ** STF_MB_DEF: default button - 1 (default), 2, or 3. ** Symbol Table Outputs: ** DLGEVENT: "ABORT", "CANCEL", "IGNORE", "NO", "OK", "RETRY", or "YES". ** Returns: ** fFalse for undefined input symbols or OOM; fTrue otherwise. ****************************************************************************/ BOOL APIENTRY FHandleUIMessageBox(hwndParent) HWND hwndParent; { INT imbReturn; UINT wType = MB_TASKMODAL; SZ szTitle, szText; BOOL fRet = fFalse; HWND aw;
ChkArg(hwndParent != NULL, 1, fFalse);
if ((szText = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("STF_MB_TYPE")) == NULL) { Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
switch (*szText) { case '1': wType |= MB_OK; break; case '2': wType |= MB_OKCANCEL; break; case '3': wType |= MB_YESNO; break; case '4': wType |= MB_YESNOCANCEL; break; case '5': wType |= MB_RETRYCANCEL; break; case '6': wType |= MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE; break; default: Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
if ((szText = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("STF_MB_ICON")) == NULL) { Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
switch (*szText) { case '1': break; case '2': wType |= MB_ICONINFORMATION; break; case '3': wType |= MB_ICONSTOP; break; case '4': wType |= MB_ICONQUESTION; break; case '5': wType |= MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; break; default: Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
if ((szText = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("STF_MB_DEF")) == NULL) { Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
switch (*szText) { case '1': break; case '2': wType |= MB_DEFBUTTON2; break; case '3': wType |= MB_DEFBUTTON3; break; default: Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
if ((szText = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("STF_MB_TEXT")) == NULL) { Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
if ((szTitle = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("STF_MB_TITLE")) == NULL) szTitle = "";
aw = GetActiveWindow(); if ( aw == NULL || aw == GetDesktopWindow() ) { aw = hwndParent; }
while ((imbReturn = MessageBox(aw, szText, szTitle, wType)) == 0) { if (!FHandleOOM(hwndParent)) { goto LHUIMBError; } }
switch (imbReturn) { case IDABORT: szText = "ABORT"; break; case IDCANCEL: szText = "CANCEL"; break; case IDIGNORE: szText = "IGNORE"; break; case IDNO: szText = "NO"; break; case IDOK: szText = "OK"; break; case IDRETRY: szText = "RETRY"; break; case IDYES: szText = "YES"; break; default: Assert(fFalse); goto LHUIMBError; }
while (!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("DLGEVENT", szText)) if (!FHandleOOM(hwndParent)) goto LHUIMBError;
fRet = fTrue;
return(fRet); }
** Purpose: ** ?? ** Arguments: ** ?? ** Returns: ** ?? ****************************************************************************/ EHRC APIENTRY EhrcGstCheck1EventHandler(HANDLE hInst, HWND hwndShell, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam) {
SZ sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ButtonPressed"); WORD idc; INT iButton; CHP rgchNum[10];
Unused(hInst); Unused(hwndShell); Unused(wMsg); Unused(wParam); Unused(lParam);
Assert(sz != NULL);
switch (idc = (WORD)atoi(sz)) { case IDC_B1: case IDC_B2: case IDC_B3: case IDC_B4: case IDC_B5: case IDC_B6: case IDC_B7: case IDC_B8: case IDC_B9: case IDC_B10: sz = "NOTIFY"; iButton = (INT) (idc - IDC_B1 + 1); break;
case IDC_SP1: case IDC_SP2: case IDC_SP3: case IDC_SP4: case IDC_SP5: case IDC_SP6: case IDC_SP7: case IDC_SP8: case IDC_SP9: case IDC_SP10: sz = "CUSTOMISE"; iButton = (INT) (idc - IDC_SP1 + 1); break;
default: return(ehrcNotHandled); }
_itoa(iButton, rgchNum, 10); if(!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("ButtonChecked", rgchNum) || !FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("DLGEVENT", sz)) return(ehrcError); else return(ehrcPostInterp);
** Purpose: ** ?? ** Arguments: ** ?? ** Returns: ** ?? ****************************************************************************/ EHRC APIENTRY EhrcGstMultiComboEventHandler(HANDLE hInst, HWND hwndShell, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam) { SZ sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ButtonPressed"); WORD idc; INT iButton; CHP rgchNum[10];
Unused(hInst); Unused(hwndShell); Unused(wMsg); Unused(wParam); Unused(lParam);
Assert(sz != NULL);
switch (idc = (WORD)atoi(sz)) { case IDC_COMBO1: case IDC_COMBO2: case IDC_COMBO3: case IDC_COMBO4: case IDC_COMBO5: case IDC_COMBO6: case IDC_COMBO7: case IDC_COMBO8: case IDC_COMBO9: sz = "NOTIFY"; iButton = (INT) (idc - IDC_COMBO1 + 1); break;
default: return(ehrcNotHandled);
_itoa(iButton, rgchNum, 10); if(!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("ButtonChecked", rgchNum) || !FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("DLGEVENT", sz)) return(ehrcError); else return(ehrcPostInterp);
** Purpose: ** ?? ** Arguments: ** ?? ** Returns: ** ?? ****************************************************************************/ EHRC APIENTRY EhrcGstMaintenanceEventHandler( HANDLE hInst, HWND hwndShell, UINT wMsg, WPARAM wParam, LONG lParam ) { SZ sz = SzFindSymbolValueInSymTab("ButtonPressed"); WORD idc; INT iButton; CHP rgchNum[10];
Unused(hInst); Unused(hwndShell); Unused(wMsg); Unused(wParam); Unused(lParam);
Assert(sz != NULL);
switch (idc = (WORD)atoi(sz)) {
case MENU_CHANGE: sz = "SYSTEM"; iButton = 1; break;
default: return(ehrcNotHandled); }
_itoa(iButton, rgchNum, 10); if(!FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("ButtonChecked", rgchNum) || !FAddSymbolValueToSymTab("DLGEVENT", sz)) { return(ehrcError); } else { return(ehrcPostInterp); }