#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to handle VDM config files
Detect Routines: ----------------
1. GetDosPathVar: This finds out the value of the DOS Path variable
2. GetWindowsPath: THis finds out the directory where windows in installed on the current system
3. GetInstalledOSNames: Finds out all the OSs installed on current system.
Install Routines Workers: -------------------------
1. VdmFixupWorker: This forms the NT VDM configuration files from DOS configuration files and NT VDM template config files.
2. MigrateWinIniWorker: This migrates windows ini configuration from win.ini files. BUGBUG**REMOVED
General Subroutines: --------------------
1. FFileExist: Whether a file exists or not.
2. FileSize: The size of a file.
Sunil Pai (sunilp) Mar 31, 1992
#define WIN_COM "WIN.COM"
#define INI ".INI"
#define TMP ".TMP"
#define IO_SYS "C:\\IO.SYS"
#define OS2LDR "C:\\OS2LDR"
#define DOS "DOS"
#define OS2 "OS2"
// Local prototypes
BOOL FilterDosConfigFile(LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDst, LPSTR szTemplate); BOOL DosConfigFilter(IN OUT TEXTFILE *SrcText, IN OUT FILE *f, OUT RGSZ *rgszFound); DWORD FileSize(SZ szFile); BOOL AppendSzToFile( SZ szFileName, SZ szAddOnSz ); SZ SzGetDosPathVar(DWORD MaxLength); BOOL GetPathVarFromLine( SZ, SZ, DWORD ); BOOL CheckDosConfigModified( IN LPSTR szConfig);
#if 0
BOOL FilterDosBatchFile(LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDst, LPSTR szTemplate); BOOL DosBatchFilter( TEXTFILE*, FILE* ); BOOL FixConfigFileMacroChar(SZ szConfigFile, CHAR cReplaceChar, SZ szSystemDir);
BOOL FFindAndCopyIniFiles( SZ szSrcDir, SZ szDstDir ); BOOL FMigrateStandardIniData( SZ szWindowsDir ); BOOL FMigrateWinIniAppSections( SZ szWindowsDir ); SZ SzMapStandardIni( SZ szIniFile ); VOID CleanupIniFiles( SZ szWindowsDir ); BOOL FIsStandardWinIniSection( SZ szSection ); #endif
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL VdmFixupWorker( LPSTR szAddOnConfig, LPSTR szAddOnBatch ) { CHAR szConfigVDM[MAX_PATH], szBatchVDM[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szConfigTmp[MAX_PATH], szBatchTmp[MAX_PATH]; SZ szConfigDOS, szBatchDOS; CHAR szSystemDir[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD dwDosConfigAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; DWORD dwDosBatchAttr = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; DWORD dw; BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
// A. Determine names to use: no renaming any more. Config.sys and
// autoexec.bat on root of C drive are the files to use for DOS,
// config.nt and autoexec.nt in the system directory are the files
// to use for nt. the template config.nt and autoexec.nt are
// still copied into the root of the C drive for reference.
GetSystemDirectory( szSystemDir, MAX_PATH );
lstrcpy( szConfigVDM, szSystemDir ); lstrcat( szConfigVDM, CONFIG_NT );
lstrcpy( szBatchVDM, szSystemDir ); lstrcat( szBatchVDM, BATCH_NT );
lstrcpy( szConfigTmp, szSystemDir ); lstrcat( szConfigTmp, CONFIG_TMP );
lstrcpy( szBatchTmp, szSystemDir ); lstrcat( szBatchTmp, BATCH_TMP );
// Verify that the template files exist, else
if ( !(FFileExist( szConfigTmp ) && FFileExist( szBatchTmp )) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OPENFAIL); return( fFalse ); } else { SetFileAttributes ( szConfigTmp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); SetFileAttributes ( szBatchTmp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); }
// Fix the attributes of the DOS CONFIG FILES so that we can look at
// them henceforth
if ( FFileExist(szConfigDOS) ) { if ( (dw = GetFileAttributes( szConfigDOS )) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { dwDosConfigAttr = dw; } SetFileAttributes( szConfigDOS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); }
if ( FFileExist(szBatchDOS) ) { if ( (dw = GetFileAttributes( szBatchDOS )) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { dwDosBatchAttr = dw; } SetFileAttributes( szBatchDOS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); }
// Delete the existing config files for the vdm - no upgrade supported
// at this moment.
if ( FFileExist( szConfigVDM ) ) { SetFileAttributes ( szConfigVDM, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( szConfigVDM ); }
if ( FFileExist( szBatchVDM ) ) { SetFileAttributes ( szBatchVDM, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( szBatchVDM ); }
// Check if configuration information exists, else just rename
// the default temporary configuration files to the final names.
if ((!FFileExist(szConfigDOS)) || (!CheckConfigTypeWorker(szConfigDOS)) ) { if( !( MoveFile( szConfigTmp, szConfigVDM ) && MoveFile( szBatchTmp, szBatchVDM ))) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_WRITE); bStatus = fFalse; goto cleanup; } } else { if( !FilterDosConfigFile(szConfigDOS, szConfigVDM, szConfigTmp) ) { bStatus = fFalse; goto cleanup; }
// Nothing is being migrated from the DOS batch file, so we
// can just rename the temporary file to the permanent one
if( !MoveFile( szBatchTmp, szBatchVDM ) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_WRITE); bStatus = fFalse; goto cleanup; }
// Append the NT Signature blocks onto the existing config files. If
// files don't exist then create them
if(!CheckDosConfigModified(szConfigDOS) ) { if( !AppendSzToFile( szConfigDOS, szAddOnConfig ) ) { //
// Silently fail if unable to append the signature.
// Failure will occur if c: is not formatted.
// bStatus = fFalse;
goto cleanup; } }
if(!CheckDosConfigModified(szBatchDOS) ) { if( !AppendSzToFile( szBatchDOS, szAddOnBatch ) ) { //
// Silently fail if unable to append the signature.
// Failure will occur if c: is not formatted.
// bStatus = fFalse;
goto cleanup; } }
// If autoexec.nt and config.nt files not found, try creating them from
// the tmp files if possible
if( !FFileExist( szConfigVDM ) ) { MoveFile( szConfigTmp, szConfigVDM ); } if( !FFileExist( szBatchVDM ) ) { MoveFile( szBatchTmp, szBatchVDM ); }
// Remove the temporary config files if they exist.
DeleteFile( szConfigTmp ); DeleteFile( szBatchTmp );
// reset the attributs on the DOS config files, if they exist
if ( FFileExist( szConfigDOS ) ) { SetFileAttributes( szConfigDOS, dwDosConfigAttr ); }
if ( FFileExist( szBatchDOS ) ) { SetFileAttributes( szBatchDOS, dwDosBatchAttr ); }
#if 0
// If the NT config files have been created, set the attributes of these
// to system and readonly
if( FFileExist( szConfigVDM ) ) { SetFileAttributes( szConfigVDM, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ); } if( FFileExist( szBatchVDM ) ) { SetFileAttributes( szBatchVDM, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ); } #endif
return( bStatus ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// copy a DOS config file REMing out any line that is not a
// SET or a PATH command
// szSrc: Source batch file (DOS c:\autoexec.bat )
// szDst: Destination batch file (NT VDM c:\autoexec.nt )
BOOL FilterDosConfigFile( LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDst, LPSTR szTemplate
) { TEXTFILE SrcText, TemplateText; FILE* f; size_t Idx; RGSZ rgszFound = NULL; BOOL bStatus = TRUE; SZ sz, szLine; CHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ];
// If destination already exists get rid of it
if (FFileExist( szDst )) { bStatus = SetFileAttributes ( szDst, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); if (bStatus) { bStatus = DeleteFile( szDst ); } }
if (!bStatus) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_WRITE); return (fFalse); }
// Open destination file for writing.
if ( !(f = fopen( szDst, "w" )) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_WRITE); return( FALSE ); }
// Open source file and filter it
if ( FFileExist( szSrc ) && TextFileOpen( szSrc, &SrcText ) ) {
bStatus = DosConfigFilter( &SrcText, f, &rgszFound ); TextFileClose( &SrcText );
if( !bStatus ) { goto err; }
// Now add on the default config file from the template file
if ( !TextFileOpen( szTemplate, &TemplateText ) ) { bStatus = fFalse; SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OPENFAIL); goto err; }
while ( TextFileReadLine( &TemplateText ) ) { BOOL fFound = FALSE;
szLine = TextFileGetLine( &TemplateText ); sz = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine );
// If blank line, ignore
if ( sz && *sz != '\0' && rgszFound ) { Idx = strcspn( sz, " \t=" ); if ( Idx <= strlen(sz) ) {
PSZ psz;
memcpy( Buffer, sz, Idx ); Buffer[Idx] = '\0';
// If one of the entries we have found from a dos config file
// set fFound to true so that we don't copy this file
psz = rgszFound;
while ( *psz ) { if ( !lstrcmpi( Buffer, *psz ) ) { fFound = fTrue; break; } psz++; }
} }
if( !fFound ) { fprintf( f, "%s\n", szLine ); }
} TextFileClose( &TemplateText ); bStatus = fTrue; err: fclose( f ); if( rgszFound ) { RgszFree( rgszFound ); }
return(bStatus); }
BOOL DosConfigFilter( IN OUT TEXTFILE * SrcText, IN OUT FILE* f, OUT RGSZ* rgszFound ) { SZ szLine; SZ sz; CHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ]; size_t Idx; int i; RGSZ rgsz;
if( !(rgsz = RgszAlloc(1)) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); return( FALSE ); }
while ( TextFileReadLine( SrcText ) ) {
szLine = TextFileGetLine( SrcText ); sz = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine );
// If blank line, ignore
if ( !sz || *sz == '\0' ) { continue; }
Idx = strcspn( sz, " \t=" ); if ( Idx <= strlen(sz) ) {
memcpy( Buffer, sz, Idx ); Buffer[Idx] = '\0';
// If one of the entries we respect, copy the line out verbatim
for (i = 0; i<NUM_RESPECTED_ENTRIES; i++) {
if(!ConfEntryFound[i] && !lstrcmpi( Buffer, ConfEntry[i] ) ) {
ConfEntryFound[i] = TRUE;
if( !RgszAdd( &rgsz, SzDup(Buffer) ) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); return( FALSE ); } fprintf( f, "%s\n", szLine ); break; } }
} }
*rgszFound = rgsz; return fTrue; }
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
list of installed OS names (DOS / OS2) */ CB GetInstalledOSNames( IN RGSZ Args, IN USHORT cArgs, OUT SZ ReturnBuffer, IN CB cbReturnBuffer ) {
RGSZ rgsz; SZ sz; CB cbRet;
Unused(Args); Unused(cArgs); Unused(cbReturnBuffer);
rgsz = RgszAlloc(1);
// Check for DOS first
if ( FFileExist( CONFIG_SYS ) ) {
// Look for Kernel and IO files to see if DOS installed
if ( (FFileExist(MSDOS_SYS) && FFileExist(IO_SYS)) || (FFileExist(IBMDOS_COM) && FFileExist(IBMBIO_COM)) ) {
RgszAdd ( &rgsz, SzDup( DOS ) ); }
// Look at OS2LDR and STARTUP.CMD to see if OS2 installed
if ( FFileExist( OS2LDR ) && FFileExist( STARTUPCMD ) ) { RgszAdd ( &rgsz, SzDup( OS2 ) ); } }
sz = SzListValueFromRgsz( rgsz );
if ( sz ) {
lstrcpy( ReturnBuffer, sz ); cbRet = lstrlen( sz ) + 1; SFree( sz );
} else { lstrcpy(ReturnBuffer,TEMP_INSTALLEDOSNAMES); cbRet = lstrlen( TEMP_INSTALLEDOSNAMES ) + 1; }
if ( rgsz ) { RgszFree( rgsz ); }
return ( cbRet ); }
BOOL CheckConfigTypeWorker( IN LPSTR szConfig ) { TEXTFILE SrcText; SZ szLine; SZ sz; CHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ]; size_t Idx; BOOL DosType = FALSE; INT i;
// Open source file
if ( FFileExist( szConfig ) && TextFileOpen( szConfig, &SrcText ) ) {
DosType = TRUE;
// Process config file, line by line
while ( TextFileReadLine( &SrcText ) && DosType ) {
szLine = TextFileGetLine( &SrcText ); sz = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine );
// If blank line, skip
if ( !sz || *sz == '\0' ) { continue; }
// Get first field
Idx = strcspn( sz, " \t=" ); if ( Idx <= strlen(sz) ) {
memcpy( Buffer, sz, Idx ); Buffer[Idx] = '\0';
// Compare against list of known key words for OS2
for (i = 0; ConfEntry[i] != NULL; i++) { if ( !lstrcmpi( Buffer, ConfEntry[i] ) ) { DosType = FALSE; break; } } } } TextFileClose(&SrcText); }
return( DosType ); }
BOOL CheckDosConfigModified( IN LPSTR szConfig ) { TEXTFILE SrcText; SZ szLine; SZ sz; BOOL Modified = FALSE;
#define SEARCH_STRING "REM Windows NT DOS subsystem"
// Open source file
if ( FFileExist( szConfig ) && TextFileOpen( szConfig, &SrcText ) ) {
// Process config file, line by line
while ( TextFileReadLine( &SrcText ) ) {
szLine = TextFileGetLine( &SrcText ); sz = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine );
// If blank line, skip
if ( !sz || *sz == '\0' ) { continue; }
// Search for search_string. If this is found it means that
// the config file has already been modified during an
// earlier installation.
if( strstr( sz, SEARCH_STRING ) ) { Modified = TRUE; break; }
} TextFileClose(&SrcText); } return( Modified ); }
BOOL AppendSzToFile( SZ szFileName, SZ szAddOnSz ) { DWORD BytesWritten; HANDLE hfile;
// Open the file
if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OPENFAIL); return FALSE; }
// Go to end of file
SetFilePointer ( hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_END );
// Append string passed in at the end of the file
WriteFile ( hfile, szAddOnSz, lstrlen( szAddOnSz ), &BytesWritten, NULL );
CloseHandle (hfile); return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Get the PATH environment variable used in AUTOEXEC.BAT
CB GetDosPathVar( IN RGSZ Args, IN USHORT cArgs, OUT SZ ReturnBuffer, IN CB cbReturnBuffer ) { #define NODOSPATH "{}"
SZ sz; SZ PathVar; RGSZ rgszDosPath; BOOL fOkay = fFalse;
Unused( Args ); Unused( cArgs );
if ( PathVar = SzGetDosPathVar(cbReturnBuffer-1) ) { if (lstrcmpi( PathVar, "" )) { if ( rgszDosPath = RgszFromPath( PathVar ) ) {
sz = SzListValueFromRgsz( rgszDosPath ); RgszFree( rgszDosPath );
if ( sz ) { strncpy( ReturnBuffer, sz, cbReturnBuffer-1 ); ReturnBuffer[cbReturnBuffer-1] = 0; SFree( sz ); fOkay = fTrue; } } }
SFree( PathVar ); }
if ( !fOkay ) { lstrcpy(ReturnBuffer, NODOSPATH); }
return(lstrlen(ReturnBuffer)+1); }
// Get the PATH environment variable used in AUTOEXEC.BAT
SZ SzGetDosPathVar( IN DWORD MaxLength ) { TEXTFILE AutoexecBat; SZ szPath = (SZ)NULL; SZ szConfigDOS, szBatchDOS; BOOL fOkay = fFalse;
if (szPath = SAlloc( MaxLength )) {
*szPath = '\0';
// Open AUTOEXEC.BAT file
if ( FFileExist(szConfigDOS) && CheckConfigTypeWorker(szConfigDOS) && FFileExist( szBatchDOS ) && TextFileOpen( szBatchDOS, &AutoexecBat ) ) {
// Read all lines in the file and update the PATH
// environment variable
while ( TextFileReadLine( &AutoexecBat ) ) {
GetPathVarFromLine( TextFileGetLine( &AutoexecBat ), szPath, MaxLength ); }
TextFileClose( &AutoexecBat ); } }
return szPath; }
// Parse a line and update the PATH variable
BOOL GetPathVarFromLine( IN SZ szLine, OUT SZ szPath, IN DWORD MaxLength ) {
#define PATH "PATH"
PCHAR PrevPath = NULL; CHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ]; size_t Idx; BOOL fSet = fFalse; SZ pBegin, pEnd, pLast; DWORD PrevPathLen,BeginLen;
// Skip blanks. return if blank line
szLine = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine ); if( !szLine || *szLine == '\0') { return( fFalse ); }
// If "no echo" command, skip the '@'
if ( *szLine == '@' ) { szLine++; }
Idx = strcspn( szLine, " \t=" ); if ( Idx < strlen(szLine) ) {
// If this is a SET command, skip over the SET and set the
// fSet flag.
memcpy( Buffer, szLine, Idx ); Buffer[Idx] = '\0';
if ( !_strcmpi( Buffer, "SET" ) ) {
// SET command
fSet = fTrue; szLine = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine+Idx ); if( !szLine || *szLine == '\0' ) { return ( fFalse ); }
Idx = strcspn( szLine, " \t=" );
if ( Idx >= strlen(szLine) ) { return fFalse; }
memcpy( Buffer, szLine, Idx ); Buffer[Idx] = '\0';
} else if (*(szLine + Idx) == '=') {
// This is a command of type Var=Value ( A Set command without
// the "SET" keyword
fSet = fTrue; }
// At this point we should be pointing to "PATH" and fSet tells
// us whether this is a SET command or not.
if ( !_strcmpi( Buffer, PATH ) ) {
szLine = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine+Idx ); if( !szLine || *szLine == '\0' ) { return ( fFalse ); }
// If SET, skip the "="
if ( fSet ) { if ( *szLine != '=' ) { return fFalse; } szLine = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine+1 ); if( !szLine || *szLine == '\0' ) { return ( fFalse ); } }
// Now we point at the value of PATH.
// Remember all value of PATH
PrevPathLen = lstrlen(szPath); PrevPath = SAlloc(PrevPathLen+1); strcpy( PrevPath, szPath ); szPath[0] = '\0';
pBegin = szLine; pLast = pBegin + strlen( pBegin );
// Copy the new value of PATH, one directory at a time
do {
pEnd = strchr(pBegin, ';' );
if ( pEnd == NULL ) { pEnd = pBegin + strlen( pBegin ); } *pEnd = '\0';
if ( (BeginLen = strlen(pBegin)) > 0 ) {
// If a variable substitution, only do it if it is
// substituting "PATH"
if ( *pBegin == '%' && *(pEnd-1) == '%' ) {
memcpy( Buffer, pBegin+1, (size_t)(pEnd-pBegin-2) ); Buffer[pEnd-pBegin-2] = '\0';
if ( !_strcmpi( Buffer, PATH ) ) { if(lstrlen(szPath)+PrevPathLen < MaxLength) { strcat( szPath, PrevPath ); if ( pEnd != pLast ) { strcat( szPath, ";" ); } } }
} else {
if(lstrlen(szPath)+BeginLen < MaxLength) { strcat( szPath, pBegin ); if ( pEnd != pLast ) { strcat( szPath, ";" ); } } } }
pBegin = pEnd+1;
} while ( pBegin < pLast );
SFree(PrevPath); } }
return fFalse; }
// Get Windows Path, "" if not installed
CB GetWindowsPath( IN RGSZ Args, IN USHORT cArgs, OUT SZ ReturnBuffer, IN CB cbReturnBuffer ) {
#define WIN_PTH_NONE ""
SZ szDosPath; RGSZ rgszDosPath; INT i; CHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL fOkay = fFalse; SZ szEnd;
Unused( Args ); Unused( cArgs );
if ( szDosPath = SzGetDosPathVar(cbReturnBuffer-1) ) {
if ( rgszDosPath = RgszFromPath( szDosPath ) ) {
for ( i=0; rgszDosPath[i]; i++ ) {
strcpy( szFile, rgszDosPath[i] ); if ( szFile[strlen(szFile)-1] != '\\' ) { strcat( szFile, "\\" ); } szEnd = szFile + strlen(szFile); strcat( szFile, WIN_COM );
if ( FFileExist( szFile ) ) { *szEnd = '\0'; strcpy( ReturnBuffer, szFile ); fOkay = fTrue; break; } }
RgszFree( rgszDosPath );
if ( !fOkay ) { strcpy( ReturnBuffer, WIN_PTH_NONE ); fOkay = fTrue; } }
SFree( szDosPath ); }
if ( fOkay ) { return lstrlen( ReturnBuffer )+1; } else { return 0; } }
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Determine if the specified file is present.
BOOL FFileExist( IN LPSTR szFile ) { DWORD Attr;
Attr = GetFileAttributes( szFile );
return ((Attr != -1) && !(Attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ));
// File Size
DWORD FileSize( SZ szFile ) { DWORD Size = 0xFFFFFFFF; FILE* f;
if( f = fopen( szFile, "r" ) ) { if( !fseek( f, 0L, SEEK_END ) ) { Size = (DWORD) ftell( f ) ; } fclose( f ); } return ( Size ); }
// BUGBUG** Following code has been removed because it is no longer needed
// It is still being kept in the file till it is determined that it
// is definitely not needed
#if 0
#define MAX_CONFIG_SIZE 1024
BOOL FixConfigFileMacroChar( SZ szConfigFile, CHAR cReplaceChar, SZ szSystemDir ) {
CHAR Buffer [MAX_CONFIG_SIZE]; DWORD len,i; DWORD BytesRead,BytesWritten; HANDLE hfile;
if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OPENFAIL); return FALSE; }
if (!ReadFile(hfile, Buffer, MAX_CONFIG_SIZE, &BytesRead, NULL)){ CloseHandle (hfile); SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_READFAILED ); return FALSE; }
if (BytesRead == MAX_CONFIG_SIZE) { CloseHandle (hfile); SetErrorText( IDS_ERROR_READFAILED ); return FALSE; }
SetFilePointer ( hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
len = strlen (szSystemDir);
for (i=0; i < BytesRead; i++) { if (Buffer [i] != cReplaceChar){ WriteFile ( hfile, &Buffer[i], 1, &BytesWritten, NULL ); } else { WriteFile ( hfile, szSystemDir, len, &BytesWritten, NULL ); } }
CloseHandle (hfile); return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// copy a DOS batch file REMing out any line that is not a
// SET or a PATH command
// szSrc: Source batch file (DOS c:\autoexec.bat )
// szDst: Destination batch file (NT VDM c:\autoexec.nt )
BOOL FilterDosBatchFile( LPSTR szSrc, LPSTR szDst, LPSTR szTemplate ) { TEXTFILE SrcText, TemplateText; FILE* f; BOOL bStatus = TRUE; SZ szLine; CHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ];
// Open the destination file for write access
if (FFileExist( szDst )) { bStatus = SetFileAttributes ( szDst, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); if (bStatus) { bStatus = DeleteFile( szDst ); } }
if(!bStatus) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_WRITE); return( FALSE ); }
if ( !(f = fopen( szDst, "w" )) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OPENFAIL); return( FALSE ); }
// Open source file
if ( FFileExist( szSrc ) && TextFileOpen( szSrc, &SrcText ) ) {
SZ TempBuffer = " @echo off\n";
// First put an echo off command here
fputs( TempBuffer, f );
// Then migrate the existing batch file
bStatus = DosBatchFilter( &SrcText, f ); TextFileClose( &SrcText ); }
if(!bStatus) { fclose( f ); return( FALSE ); }
// Now add on the default autoexec file from the template file
if ( !TextFileOpen( szTemplate, &TemplateText ) ) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_OPENFAIL); return( FALSE ); }
while ( TextFileReadLine( &TemplateText ) ) {
szLine = TextFileGetLine( &TemplateText ); sprintf( Buffer, " %s\n", szLine ); fputs( Buffer, f ); }
TextFileClose( &TemplateText ); fclose( f ); return( fTrue ); }
BOOL DosBatchFilter( IN OUT TEXTFILE * SrcText, IN OUT FILE* f ) { SZ szLine; SZ sz; CHAR Buffer[ MAX_PATH ],*temp; size_t Idx;
while ( TextFileReadLine( SrcText ) ) {
szLine = TextFileGetLine( SrcText ); sz = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine );
// If blank line, ignore it
if ( !sz || *sz == '\0' || *sz == EOF ) { // fputs( " \n", f );
// fprintf( f, "\n" );
continue; }
// If this is a comment line, a SET or a PATH command, we
// write it verbatim, otherwise we REM it out
// If "no echo" command, skip the '@'
if ( *sz == '@' ) { sz++; }
Idx = strcspn( sz, " \t" ); if ( Idx <= strlen(sz) ) {
memcpy( Buffer, sz, Idx ); Buffer[Idx] = '\0';
if ( !_strcmpi( Buffer, "SET" ) ) {
// special hack to take out comspec line. we dont need
// this one for nt dos.
temp = &sz[Idx+1]; // point after set
// skip blanks
while (*temp && (*temp == ' ' || *temp == '\t')) { temp++; }
if (*temp == '\0') { continue; }
if (_strnicmp (temp,"comspec",7) == 0) { // ignore comspec
continue; }
// SET line, copy verbatim
sprintf( Buffer, " %s\n", szLine ); fputs( Buffer, f ); //fprintf( f, "%s\n", szLine );
} else if ( !_strcmpi( Buffer, "PATH" ) ) {
// PATH line, copy verbatim
sprintf( Buffer, " %s\n", szLine ); fputs( Buffer, f ); //fprintf( f, "%s\n", szLine );
} else {
// Any other, ignore
// sprintf( Buffer, " REM %s\n", szLine );
// fputs( Buffer, f );
// fprintf( f, "REM %s\n", szLine );
} } }
return fTrue; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Windows Ini File Migration
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL MigrateWinIniWorker( LPSTR szWin31Dir ) { CHAR szPath[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szWindowsDir[ MAX_PATH ]; BOOL bStatus = FALSE;
// Check validity of windows directory
if ( !lstrcmpi( szWin31Dir, "" ) ) { return ( TRUE ); }
lstrcpy( szPath, szWin31Dir ); lstrcat( szPath, WIN_COM ); if ( !FFileExist( szPath ) ) { return( TRUE ); }
// Initialize local variables
if( !GetWindowsDirectory( szWindowsDir, MAX_PATH ) ) { // BUGBUG -- Some error here
return( FALSE ); } lstrcat ( szWindowsDir, "\\" );
// If win31 directory and NT windows directory the same then we don't
// have to do anything
if( !lstrcmpi( szWin31Dir, szWindowsDir ) ) { return( TRUE ); }
// -------------------
// We will copy over any ini files found in the win31 directory over
// to the NT Windows directory. standard ini files that ship with win31 are
// copied over under alternate names so that when we access these with
// profile api, these do not map to the registry. Then we will use
// private profile api to migrate information selectively from the
// standard set to the nt ini files. Lastly the win3.1 win.ini is search
// for sections which do not ship with the default win.ini and these
// sections are transferred over to the NT win.ini useing private profile
// api
// Locate all ini files and copy over ini files from win31 directory to
// nt windows directory
if( !FFindAndCopyIniFiles( szWin31Dir, szWindowsDir ) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Migrate over all information we need to from infs in standard set
if( !FMigrateStandardIniData( szWindowsDir ) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Go through win.ini using Rtl routines and migrate information to
// our win.ini
if( !FMigrateWinIniAppSections( szWindowsDir ) ) { goto cleanup; }
// Do Ini cleanup where all the temporary ini files that were
bStatus = TRUE; cleanup: CleanupIniFiles( szWindowsDir ); return ( bStatus ); }
BOOL FFindAndCopyIniFiles( SZ szSrcDir, SZ szDstDir ) { HANDLE hff; CHAR szFindFile[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szSrcFile[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szDstFile[ MAX_PATH ]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
// Do find first, find next search and copy over any infs found which
// are not in the standard set under the same name and any under the
// standard set with a tmp extenstion
lstrcpy( szFindFile, szSrcDir ); lstrcat( szFindFile, "*.ini" );
if ((hff = FindFirstFile( szFindFile, &FindFileData )) != (HANDLE)-1) {
do { SZ sz;
lstrcpy( szSrcFile, szSrcDir ); lstrcat( szSrcFile, (SZ)FindFileData.cFileName ); lstrcpy( szDstFile, szDstDir );
if ( sz = SzMapStandardIni( (SZ)FindFileData.cFileName ) ) { if( !lstrcmpi( sz, "" ) ) { continue; } lstrcat( szDstFile, sz ); } else { lstrcat( szDstFile, (SZ)FindFileData.cFileName ); }
if( FFileExist( szDstFile ) ) { SetFileAttributes ( szDstFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( szDstFile ); }
if (!CopyFile( szSrcFile, szDstFile, FALSE )) { SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_COPYFILE); FindClose( hff ); return( FALSE ); }
} while (FindNextFile(hff, &FindFileData));
FindClose( hff ); }
return ( TRUE ); }
// The following is the data the migration routines work off
typedef struct _inifilenames { SZ szIniFileName; SZ szIniTmpFileName; } INIFILENAMES;
INIFILENAMES IniList[] = { {"win.ini" , "win.tmp" }, {"system.ini" , "" }, {"mouse.ini" , "" }, {"winfile.ini" , "" }, {"control.ini" , "" }, {"msd.ini" , "" }, {"dosapp.ini" , "" }, {"progman.ini" , "" } };
INT nIniList = sizeof(IniList) / sizeof( INIFILENAMES ) ;
typedef struct _inimigratedata { SZ szSrcIniFile; SZ szSrcSection; SZ szSrcKey; SZ szDstIniFile; SZ szDstSection; SZ szDstKey; } INIMIGRATEDATA;
INIMIGRATEDATA IniMigrateList[] = { {"win.tmp", "windows", "NullPort" , "win.ini", "windows", "NullPort" }, };
INT nIniMigrateList = sizeof( IniMigrateList ) / sizeof( INIMIGRATEDATA );
// BUGBUG ** Post BETA enumerate them from the registry
SZ WinIniStandardSections[] = { "windows" , "Desktop" , "intl" , "ports" , "Sounds" , "Compatibility" , "fonts" , "Network" , "Windows Help" , "spooler" , "MS Proofing Tools" , "devices" , "Winlogon" , "Console" , "Extensions" , "MCI Extensions" , "Clock" , "Terminal" , "FontSubstitutes" , "FontCache" , "TrueType" , "Colors" , "Sounds" , "MMDEBUG" , NULL };
// Migration worker routines
BOOL FMigrateStandardIniData( SZ szWindowsDir ) { CHAR szValue[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szSrcFile[ MAX_PATH ];
INT i;
for( i = 0; i < nIniMigrateList; i++ ) { lstrcpy( szSrcFile, szWindowsDir ); lstrcat( szSrcFile, IniMigrateList[i].szSrcIniFile );
if( FFileExist( szSrcFile ) && GetPrivateProfileString( IniMigrateList[i].szSrcSection, IniMigrateList[i].szSrcKey, "", (LPSTR)szValue, (DWORD)MAX_PATH, szSrcFile ) ) {
if( !WritePrivateProfileString( IniMigrateList[i].szDstSection, IniMigrateList[i].szDstKey, szValue, IniMigrateList[i].szDstIniFile ) ) { //
// BUGBUG .. what do we do here .. do we quit or do
// we continue
KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: Failed to migrate ini entry.")); } } } return ( TRUE ); }
BOOL FMigrateWinIniAppSections( SZ szWindowsDir ) { CHAR szConfig[ MAX_PATH ]; CHAR szSection[ MAX_PATH ]; TEXTFILE SrcText; SZ szLine; SZ sz, szEnd; DWORD dwSize;
#define MAX_SECTION_BUFFER 10 * 1024
PVOID Buffer;
lstrcpy( szConfig, szWindowsDir ); lstrcat( szConfig, "win.tmp" );
// Open source file
if ( FFileExist( szConfig ) && TextFileOpen( szConfig, &SrcText ) ) {
// Allocate section buffer
if ( !(Buffer = SAlloc((CB) MAX_SECTION_BUFFER))) { TextFileClose(&SrcText); SetErrorText(IDS_ERROR_DLLOOM); return( FALSE ); }
// Process config file, line by line
while ( TextFileReadLine( &SrcText ) ) {
szLine = TextFileGetLine( &SrcText ); sz = TextFileSkipBlanks( szLine );
// If first character not [ get next line
if ( !sz || *sz != '[' ) { continue; }
sz++; szEnd = strchr( sz, ']' ); if ( szEnd ) {
dwSize = szEnd - sz; if ( dwSize > MAX_PATH ) { continue; }
memcpy( szSection, sz, dwSize ); *(szSection + dwSize) = '\0';
// If section name one of standard set ignore
if( FIsStandardWinIniSection( szSection ) ) { continue; }
// Read the entire section corresponding to the section
// from the source file and transfer it to the destination
// file using profile api
if( GetPrivateProfileSection( szSection, (LPSTR)Buffer, MAX_SECTION_BUFFER, szConfig ) ) {
if (!WriteProfileSection( szSection, Buffer ) ) { // BUGBUG Do we quit here??
KdPrint(("SETUPDLL: Failed to migrate ini section.")); } }
} SFree( Buffer ); TextFileClose(&SrcText); }
return ( TRUE ); }
SZ SzMapStandardIni( SZ szIniFile ) { INT i;
for ( i = 0; i < nIniList; i++ ) {
if( !lstrcmpi(szIniFile, IniList[i].szIniFileName ) ) { return( IniList[i].szIniTmpFileName ); } }
return( NULL ); }
VOID CleanupIniFiles( SZ szWindowsDir ) { CHAR szFile[ MAX_PATH ];
INT i;
for ( i = 0; i < nIniList; i++ ) { if ( lstrcmpi( IniList[i].szIniTmpFileName, "" ) ) {
lstrcpy( szFile, szWindowsDir ); lstrcat( szFile, IniList[i].szIniTmpFileName );
if( FFileExist( szFile ) ) { SetFileAttributes ( szFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ); DeleteFile( szFile ); }
} }
BOOL FIsStandardWinIniSection( SZ szSection ) { PSZ psz;
psz = WinIniStandardSections; while ( *psz ) { if( !lstrcmpi( *psz++, szSection ) ) { return ( TRUE ); } } return( FALSE );