#include "enduser.h"
VOID UpdateMasterDiskState( IN HDISK DiskHandle, IN UINT NewState ) { MasterDiskInfo.State = NewState; memset(IoBuffer,0,512); memcpy(IoBuffer,&MasterDiskInfo,sizeof(MASTER_DISK)); if(!WriteDisk(DiskHandle,1,1,IoBuffer)) { FatalError(textWriteFailedAtSector,1,1L); } }
UINT LocateMasterDisk( IN UINT UserSpecifiedInt13Unit OPTIONAL ) { UINT DiskCount; UINT i; BYTE Int13Unit; BYTE spt; USHORT h,cyl; ULONG ext; BYTE UnitToMatch;
UnitToMatch = (BYTE)(UserSpecifiedInt13Unit ? UserSpecifiedInt13Unit : 0x80);
DiskCount = InitializeDiskList();
for(i=0; i<DiskCount; i++) {
if(IsMasterDisk(i,IoBuffer)) { //
// Want unit 80h
if(GetDiskInfoById(i,0,&Int13Unit,&spt,&h,&cyl,&ext) && (Int13Unit == UnitToMatch)) { return(i); } } }
FatalError(textCantFindMasterDisk); }
VOID FatalError( IN FPCHAR FormatString, ... ) { char strng[250]; va_list arglist; unsigned p;
DispWriteString(textFatalError1); DispWriteString("\n\n"); DispWriteString(textFatalError2);
va_start(arglist,FormatString); vsprintf(strng,FormatString,arglist); va_end(arglist);
DispWriteString("\n\n"); DispWriteString(strng);
// Hanging this way prevents control-c because DOS isn't involved.
// We allow a special way to get out of this screen and exit
// the program, for testing.
strcpy(strng,"I am TEDM"); p = (unsigned)strng;
_asm { y: mov si,p
x: push si
xor ax,ax ; get keystroke int 16h
pop si
push ss pop ds cmp byte ptr [si],0 ; reached and of match string? jnz not0 ; no, try to match chars cmp al,ASCI_CR ; see if user hit ENTER je bustout ; user entered magic code, exit to DOS jne y ; start all over
not0: cmp [si],al ; still on target for magic sequence? jne y ; no, start over inc si ; yes, set up for next iteration jmp short x
mov ax,3 int 10h }
exit(0); }
_asm { mov ah,0 int 16h mov c,ax }
switch(c) { case 0x5000: return(DN_KEY_DOWN); case 0x4800: return(DN_KEY_UP); case 0x4200: return(DN_KEY_F8); default: return(c & 0x00ff); } }
VOID DrainKeyboard( VOID ) { _asm { drain:
mov ah,1 ; get keyboard status int 16h ; zero flag set = no key waiting jz drained ; no key waiting, we're done mov ah,0 ; get keypress, we know one is there int 16h jmp short drain ; see if there are more keys waiting
drained: }