#include "imagpart.h"
// FAT boot sector.
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct FAT_BOOT_SECTOR { BYTE Jump[3]; // offset = 0x00 0
UCHAR Oem[8]; // offset = 0x03 3
USHORT BytesPerSector; // offset = 0x0b 11
BYTE SectorsPerCluster; // offset = 0x0d 13
USHORT ReservedSectors; // offset = 0x0e 14
BYTE Fats; // offset = 0x10 16
USHORT RootEntries; // offset = 0x11 17
USHORT Sectors; // offset = 0x13 19
BYTE Media; // offset = 0x15 21
USHORT SectorsPerFat; // offset = 0x16 22
USHORT SectorsPerTrack; // offset = 0x18 24
USHORT Heads; // offset = 0x1a 26
ULONG HiddenSectors; // offset = 0x1c 28
ULONG LargeSectors; // offset = 0x20 32
BYTE PhysicalDriveNumber; // offset = 0x24 36
BYTE Reserved; // offset = 0x25 37
BYTE Signature; // offset = 0x26 38
ULONG Id; // offset = 0x27 39
UCHAR VolumeLabel[11]; // offset = 0x2B 43
UCHAR SystemId[8]; // offset = 0x36 54
BYTE BootStrap[510-62]; // offset = 0x3e 62
BYTE AA55Signature[2]; // offset = 0x1fe 510
} FAT_BOOT_SECTOR,_far *FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR; #pragma pack()
typedef enum { Fat12, Fat16, Fat32 } FatSize;
FatSize pFatDetermineFatSize( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector );
ULONG pFatClusterCount( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector );
ULONG pFatFirstClusterSector( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector );
ULONG pFatSectorsPerFat( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector );
BOOL FatIsFat( IN HPARTITION PartitionHandle ) { FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector;
if(!ReadPartition(PartitionHandle,0,1,IoBuffer)) { return(FALSE); }
BootSector = IoBuffer;
if(BootSector->Sectors) { BootSector->LargeSectors = 0; }
// Check various fields for permissible values.
if((BootSector->Jump[0] != 0x49) // Fujitsu FMR
&& (BootSector->Jump[0] != 0xe9) && (BootSector->Jump[0] != 0xeb)) { return(FALSE); }
if(BootSector->BytesPerSector != 512) { return(FALSE); }
if((BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 1) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 2) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 4) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 8) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 16) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 32) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 64) && (BootSector->SectorsPerCluster != 128)) {
return(FALSE); }
if(!BootSector->ReservedSectors || !BootSector->Fats) { return(FALSE); }
if(!BootSector->Sectors && !BootSector->LargeSectors) { return(FALSE); }
if((BootSector->Media != 0x00) // FMR (formatted by OS/2)
&& (BootSector->Media != 0x01) // FMR (floppy, formatted by DOS)
&& (BootSector->Media != 0xf0) && (BootSector->Media != 0xf8) && (BootSector->Media != 0xf9) && (BootSector->Media != 0xfa) // FMR
&& (BootSector->Media != 0xfb) && (BootSector->Media != 0xfc) && (BootSector->Media != 0xfd) && (BootSector->Media != 0xfe) && (BootSector->Media != 0xff)) {
return(FALSE); }
if(BootSector->SectorsPerFat && !BootSector->RootEntries) { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL FatInitializeVolumeData( IN HPARTITION PartitionHandle, OUT ULONG *TotalSectorCount, OUT ULONG *NonClusterSectors, OUT ULONG *ClusterCount, OUT BYTE *SectorsPerCluster ) { FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector;
if(!ReadPartition(PartitionHandle,0,1,IoBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textReadFailedAtSector,0L); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
BootSector = IoBuffer;
*TotalSectorCount = BootSector->Sectors ? (ULONG)BootSector->Sectors : BootSector->LargeSectors;
*ClusterCount = pFatClusterCount(BootSector);
*NonClusterSectors = pFatFirstClusterSector(BootSector);
*SectorsPerCluster = BootSector->SectorsPerCluster;
return(TRUE); }
BOOL FatBuildClusterBitmap( IN HPARTITION PartitionHandle, IN UINT FileHandle, IN OUT PARTITION_IMAGE *PartitionImage ) { FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector; FatSize fatsize; ULONG CurrentFatSectorBase; ULONG FatSectorsLeft; ULONG CurrentCluster; ULONG SectorsPerFat; BYTE c; USHORT ClusterLimit; USHORT i; USHORT x1; ULONG x2;
printf(textScanningFat,0L); printf("\r");
if(!ReadPartition(PartitionHandle,0,1,IoBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textReadFailedAtSector,0L); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
BootSector = IoBuffer;
fatsize = pFatDetermineFatSize(BootSector);
CurrentFatSectorBase = BootSector->ReservedSectors; SectorsPerFat = pFatSectorsPerFat(BootSector); FatSectorsLeft = SectorsPerFat; CurrentCluster = 0;
InitClusterBuffer((FPBYTE)IoBuffer + (3*512),FileHandle);
while(CurrentCluster < PartitionImage->ClusterCount) { //
// Read next block of fat sectors. Deal with 3 at a time so
// we never get partial 12-bit fat entries.
c = 3; if((ULONG)c > FatSectorsLeft) { c = (BYTE)FatSectorsLeft; }
if(!ReadPartition(PartitionHandle,CurrentFatSectorBase,c,IoBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,textReadFailedAtSector,CurrentFatSectorBase); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); return(FALSE); }
// Figure out how many clusters are described by the 3 sectors
// of the FAT we just read in
switch(fatsize) { case Fat12: ClusterLimit = 1024; break; case Fat16: ClusterLimit = 768; break; case Fat32: ClusterLimit = 384; break; }
if((CurrentCluster + ClusterLimit) > PartitionImage->ClusterCount) { ClusterLimit = (USHORT)(PartitionImage->ClusterCount - CurrentCluster); }
// Fat values:
// 0 - free cluster
// 1 - (unused)
// [ffff]ff0 - [ffff]ff6 - (reserved)
// [ffff]ff7 - bad cluster
// [ffff]ff8 - [ffff]fff - last cluster of file
// All other values - used cluster
switch(fatsize) {
case Fat12:
for(i=0; i<ClusterLimit; i++,CurrentCluster++) {
x1 = *(FPUSHORT)((FPBYTE)IoBuffer + (3 * i / 2)); if(i & 1) { x1 >>= 4; } else { x1 &= 0xfffU; }
if((((x1 > 1) && (x1 <= 0xfefU)) || (x1 >= 0xff8U)) && (CurrentCluster >= 2)) { PartitionImage->LastUsedCluster = CurrentCluster-2; PartitionImage->UsedClusterCount++; if(!MarkClusterUsed(CurrentCluster-2)) { return(FALSE); } } } break;
case Fat16:
for(i=0; i<ClusterLimit; i++,CurrentCluster++) {
x1 = ((FPUSHORT)IoBuffer)[i];
if((((x1 > 1) && (x1 <= 0xffefU)) || (x1 >= 0xfff8U)) && (CurrentCluster >= 2)) { PartitionImage->LastUsedCluster = CurrentCluster-2; PartitionImage->UsedClusterCount++; if(!MarkClusterUsed(CurrentCluster-2)) { return(FALSE); } } } break;
case Fat32:
for(i=0; i<ClusterLimit; i++,CurrentCluster++) {
x2 = ((FPULONG)IoBuffer)[i] & 0xfffffffU;
if((((x2 > 1) && (x2 <= 0xfffffefUL)) || (x2 >= 0xffffff8UL)) && (CurrentCluster >= 2)) { PartitionImage->LastUsedCluster = CurrentCluster-2; PartitionImage->UsedClusterCount++; if(!MarkClusterUsed(CurrentCluster-2)) { return(FALSE); } } } break; }
CurrentFatSectorBase += c; FatSectorsLeft -= c;
printf(textScanningFat,100 * (SectorsPerFat - FatSectorsLeft) / SectorsPerFat); printf("\r"); }
if(!FlushClusterBuffer()) { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
FatSize pFatDetermineFatSize( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector ) { //
// For fat32 the # of root dir entries in the bpb is 0.
if(!BootSector->SectorsPerFat) { return(Fat32); }
// See whether we overflow a 12-bit fat and return result.
return((pFatClusterCount(BootSector) < 4087L) ? Fat12 : Fat16); }
ULONG pFatClusterCount( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector ) { ULONG s;
// Calculate the number of sectors that are in the data area,
// which is the size of the volume minus the number of sectors
// that are not in the data area.
s = BootSector->Sectors ? (ULONG)BootSector->Sectors : BootSector->LargeSectors; s -= pFatFirstClusterSector(BootSector);
return(s / BootSector->SectorsPerCluster); }
ULONG pFatFirstClusterSector( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector ) { ULONG s;
// Calculate the number of sectors that are not
// part of the data area. This includes reserved sectors,
// sectors used for the fats, and in the non-fat32 case,
// sectors used for the root directory.
// Note that for fat32 the # of root dir entries in the bpb is 0.
s = BootSector->ReservedSectors; s += BootSector->Fats * pFatSectorsPerFat(BootSector); s += BootSector->RootEntries / 16;
return(s); }
ULONG pFatSectorsPerFat( IN FPFAT_BOOT_SECTOR BootSector ) { ULONG SectorsPerFat;
SectorsPerFat = BootSector->SectorsPerFat ? (ULONG)BootSector->SectorsPerFat : *(FPULONG)((FPBYTE)BootSector + 0x24); // large sectors per fat
return(SectorsPerFat); }