Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Tool that allows you to edit/view EFI nvram entries.
Vijay Jayaseelan (vijayj) 02-Feb-2001
Revision History:
extern "C" { #include <efisbent.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <exception>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <locale>
#include "msg.h"
#include <libmsg.h>
#define MSFT_PREFIX L"Microsoft "
#define DEFAULT_NAME L"Windows"
// Global variables used to get formatted message for this program.
HMODULE ThisModule = NULL; WCHAR Message[4096];
// function prototypes
NTSTATUS QueryCanonicalName( IN PCWSTR Name, IN ULONG MaxDepth, OUT PWSTR CanonicalName, IN ULONG SizeOfBufferInBytes );
VOID GetFriendlyName( IN const std::wstring &InfFileName, OUT std::wstring &Buffer ); //
// Helper dump operators
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, const std::wstring &str) { FILE *OutStream = (&os == &std::cerr) ? stderr : stdout;
fwprintf(OutStream, (PWSTR)str.c_str()); return os; }
// Helper dump operators
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, WCHAR *Str) { std::wstring WStr = Str; os << WStr; return os; }
PWSTR GetOptionKey(ULONG MsgId) { Message[0] = TEXT('\0'); GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MsgId);
return Message; }
// Exceptions
struct ProgramException : public std::exception { virtual void Dump(std::ostream &os) = 0; };
// Abstracts a Win32 error
struct W32Error : public ProgramException { DWORD ErrorCode; W32Error(DWORD ErrCode = GetLastError()) : ErrorCode(ErrCode){} void Dump(std::ostream &os) { WCHAR MsgBuffer[4096];
MsgBuffer[0] = UNICODE_NULL; if (GetFormattedMessage(ThisModule, TRUE, MsgBuffer, sizeof(MsgBuffer)/sizeof(MsgBuffer[0]), ErrorCode)){ std::wstring Msg(MsgBuffer); os << Msg; } else { os << std::hex << ErrorCode; } } };
// Invalid arguments
struct InvalidArguments : public ProgramException { const char *what() const throw() { return "Invalid Arguments"; }
void Dump(std::ostream &os) { os << what() << std::endl; } };
// Invalid arguments
struct ProgramUsage : public ProgramException {
std::wstring PrgUsage;
ProgramUsage(const std::wstring &Usg) : PrgUsage(Usg) {} const char *what() const throw() { return "Program Usage exception"; }
void Dump(std::ostream &os) { os << PrgUsage << std::endl; } };
// Program Arguments abstraction
struct ProgramArguments { bool ShowUsage; bool ListEntries; bool AddNewEntry; bool DeleteBootEntry; bool QuiteMode; bool SetActive; bool SetOsLoadOptions; bool SetTimeout; std::wstring LoaderVolumeName; std::wstring LoaderPath; std::wstring BootVolumeName; std::wstring BootPath; std::wstring LoadOptions; std::wstring FriendlyName; std::wstring OsLoadOptions;
std::wstring AddOptionKey; std::wstring DeleteOptionKey; std::wstring ListOptionKey; std::wstring OptionsOptionKey; std::wstring SetActiveOptionKey; std::wstring TimeoutOptionKey; ULONG Timeout; ULONG EntryId; ProgramArguments(INT Argc, WCHAR *Argv[]) { ShowUsage = false; QuiteMode = false; ListEntries = AddNewEntry = DeleteBootEntry = false; SetActive = false; EntryId = -1; Timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; SetTimeout = false;
// get all the options
ListOptionKey = GetOptionKey(MSG_LIST_OPTION); AddOptionKey = GetOptionKey(MSG_ADD_OPTION); DeleteOptionKey = GetOptionKey(MSG_DELETE_OPTION); OptionsOptionKey = GetOptionKey(MSG_OPTIONS_OPTION); SetActiveOptionKey = GetOptionKey(MSG_SETACTIVE_OPTION); TimeoutOptionKey = GetOptionKey(MSG_TIMEOUT_OPTION); //
// parse the arguments
for (ULONG Index=1; !ShowUsage && (Index < Argc); Index++) { if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"/q")) { QuiteMode = true; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], AddOptionKey.c_str())) { std::wstring LoaderName; std::wstring BootVolName; AddNewEntry = true; ShowUsage = true;
if (Argc > 3) { Index++; LoaderName = Argv[Index++]; BootVolName = Argv[Index++]; ShowUsage = false;
for ( ; (Index < Argc) && (false == ShowUsage); Index++) { if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], SetActiveOptionKey.c_str())) { SetActive = true; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], OptionsOptionKey.c_str())) { SetOsLoadOptions = true; Index++;
if (Index < Argc) { OsLoadOptions = Argv[Index]; } else { ShowUsage = true; } } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], TimeoutOptionKey.c_str())) { SetTimeout = true; Index++;
if (Index < Argc) { PWSTR EndChar = NULL; Timeout = wcstoul(Argv[Index], &EndChar, 10); if (errno) { ShowUsage = true; } } } else { ShowUsage = true; } } //
// Verify the arguments
if (!ShowUsage) { if (_waccess(LoaderName.c_str(), 0) || _waccess(BootVolName.c_str(), 0)) { throw new W32Error(::GetLastError()); } //
// Get the fully qualified NT name for
// the the loader volume and boot volume
// name
WCHAR CanonicalName[MAX_PATH]; NTSTATUS Status; std::wstring NtName; std::wstring DosDevices = L"\\DosDevices\\"; std::wstring::size_type LoaderColonPos = LoaderName.find(L':'); std::wstring::size_type BootColonPos = BootVolName.find(L':'); if (LoaderColonPos != LoaderName.npos) { NtName = DosDevices + LoaderName.substr(0, LoaderColonPos + 1);
Status = QueryCanonicalName(NtName.c_str(), -1, CanonicalName, sizeof(CanonicalName));
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { LoaderVolumeName = CanonicalName; LoaderPath = LoaderName.substr(LoaderColonPos + 1); } else { throw new W32Error(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); } } else { throw new W32Error(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); } if (BootColonPos != BootVolName.npos) { NtName = DosDevices + BootVolName.substr(0, BootColonPos + 1);
Status = QueryCanonicalName(NtName.c_str(), -1, CanonicalName, sizeof(CanonicalName));
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { BootVolumeName = CanonicalName; BootPath = BootVolName.substr(BootColonPos + 1); } else { throw new W32Error(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); } } else { throw new W32Error(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); }
if (BootVolName[BootVolName.length() - 1] != L'\\') { BootVolName += L"\\"; }
std::wstring LayoutInf = BootVolName + L"inf\\layout.inf"; //
// Verify the inf file path
if (_waccess(LayoutInf.c_str(), 0)) { throw new W32Error(::GetLastError()); }
// Extract the product friendly name for the inf file
GetFriendlyName(LayoutInf, FriendlyName); } }
break; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], ListOptionKey.c_str())) { ListEntries = true; break; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], DeleteOptionKey.c_str())) { DeleteBootEntry = true; Index++; if (Index < Argc) { PWSTR EndChar = NULL; EntryId = wcstoul(Argv[Index], &EndChar, 10); } break; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"/?") || !_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"-?") || !_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"?") || !_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"/h") || !_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], L"-h")) { ShowUsage = true; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], OptionsOptionKey.c_str())) { Index++; SetOsLoadOptions = true; if (Index < Argc) { OsLoadOptions = Argv[Index]; Index++;
if (Index < Argc) { PWSTR EndChar = NULL; EntryId = wcstoul(Argv[Index], &EndChar, 10); } }
break; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], SetActiveOptionKey.c_str())) { Index++; SetActive = true; if (Index < Argc) { PWSTR EndChar = NULL; EntryId = wcstoul(Argv[Index], &EndChar, 10);
if (errno) { ShowUsage = true; } } else { ShowUsage = true; } break; } else if (!_wcsicmp(Argv[Index], TimeoutOptionKey.c_str())) { Index++; SetTimeout = true; if (Index < Argc) { PWSTR EndChar = NULL; Timeout = wcstoul(Argv[Index], &EndChar, 10);
if (errno) { ShowUsage = true; } } else { ShowUsage = true; } } else { ShowUsage = true; } }
if (!ShowUsage) { ShowUsage = (!ListEntries && !AddNewEntry && !SetActive && !DeleteBootEntry && !SetOsLoadOptions && !SetTimeout); }
if (ShowUsage) { throw new ProgramUsage(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PGM_USAGE)); } }
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &os, ProgramArguments &Args) { os << "List Entries : " << Args.ListEntries << std::endl; os << "Add Entry : " << Args.AddNewEntry << std::endl; os << "Delete Entry : " << Args.DeleteBootEntry << std::endl; os << "QuiteMode : " << Args.QuiteMode << std::endl; os << "Loader Vol : " << Args.LoaderVolumeName << std::endl; os << "Loader Path : " << Args.LoaderPath << std::endl; os << "Boot Vol : " << Args.BootVolumeName << std::endl; os << "Boot Path : " << Args.BootPath << std::endl; os << "Friendly Name: " << Args.FriendlyName << std::endl; os << "Load Options : " << Args.OsLoadOptions << std::endl; os << "Timeout : " << std::dec << Args.Timeout << " Secs" << std::endl; return os; } };
VOID DumpOsBootEntry( IN POS_BOOT_ENTRY Entry ) { if (Entry) { wprintf(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_BOOT_ENTRY, OSBEGetId(Entry), OSBEGetFriendlyName(Entry), OSBEGetOsLoaderVolumeName(Entry), OSBEGetOsLoaderPath(Entry), OSBEGetBootVolumeName(Entry), OSBEGetBootPath(Entry), OSBEGetOsLoadOptions(Entry))); } }
VOID DumpOsBootOptions( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS Options ) { if (Options) { ULONG Index; wprintf(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_TIMEOUT_AND_BOOT_ORDER, OSBOGetTimeOut(Options)));
for (Index=0; Index < OSBOGetOrderedBootEntryCount(Options); Index++) { wprintf(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ORDERED_BOOT_ENTRIES, OSBOGetBootEntryIdByOrder(Options, Index))); } wprintf(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_BOOT_ENTRIES));
POS_BOOT_ENTRY Entry = OSBOGetFirstBootEntry(Options, &Index); while (Entry) { DumpOsBootEntry(Entry); Entry = OSBOGetNextBootEntry(Options, &Index); } wprintf(GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ACTIVE_ENTRY));
DumpOsBootEntry(OSBOGetActiveBootEntry(Options)); } }
if (OsOptions) { DumpOsBootOptions(OsOptions); Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
return Result; }
DWORD AddNewEntry( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS OsOptions, IN ProgramArguments &Args ) { DWORD Result = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (OsOptions) { POS_BOOT_ENTRY NewEntry; BOOLEAN Status = TRUE; NewEntry = OSBOAddNewBootEntry(OsOptions, Args.FriendlyName.c_str(), Args.LoaderVolumeName.c_str(), Args.LoaderPath.c_str(), Args.BootVolumeName.c_str(), Args.BootPath.c_str(), Args.OsLoadOptions.c_str());
if (NewEntry) { if (Args.SetActive) { Status = (OSBOSetActiveBootEntry(OsOptions, NewEntry) != NULL); } if (Status && Args.SetTimeout) { OSBOSetTimeOut(OsOptions, Args.Timeout); }
if (Status) { Status = OSBOFlush(OsOptions); } } else { Status = FALSE; }
if (Status) { Result = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { Result = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } }
return Result; }
DWORD SetBootEntryOptions( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS OsOptions, IN const ProgramArguments &Args ) { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (OsOptions) { POS_BOOT_ENTRY BootEntry; BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
if (Args.EntryId != -1) { BootEntry = OSBOFindBootEntry(OsOptions, Args.EntryId); } else { BootEntry = OSBOGetActiveBootEntry(OsOptions); }
if (BootEntry) { Status = (OSBESetOsLoadOptions(BootEntry, Args.OsLoadOptions.c_str()) != NULL);
if (Status) { Status = OSBOFlush(OsOptions); } }
if (Status) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ErrorCode = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } }
return ErrorCode; }
DWORD SetBootEntryActive( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS OsOptions, IN ProgramArguments &Args ) { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (OsOptions && (Args.EntryId != -1)) { POS_BOOT_ENTRY BootEntry; BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
BootEntry = OSBOFindBootEntry(OsOptions, Args.EntryId);
if (BootEntry) { Status = (OSBOSetActiveBootEntry(OsOptions, BootEntry) != NULL);
if (Status) { Status = OSBOFlush(OsOptions); } }
if (Status) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ErrorCode = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } } return ErrorCode; }
DWORD DeleteBootEntry( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS OsOptions, IN ProgramArguments &Args ) { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (OsOptions) { POS_BOOT_ENTRY BootEntry; BOOLEAN Status = FALSE;
if (Args.EntryId != -1) { BootEntry = OSBOFindBootEntry(OsOptions, Args.EntryId); } else { BootEntry = OSBOGetActiveBootEntry(OsOptions); }
if (BootEntry) { Status = OSBODeleteBootEntry(OsOptions, BootEntry);
if (Status) { Status = OSBOFlush(OsOptions); } }
if (Status) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ErrorCode = ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } } return ErrorCode; }
DWORD SetTimeout( IN POS_BOOT_OPTIONS OsOptions, IN const ProgramArguments &Args ) { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (OsOptions && Args.SetTimeout) { OSBOSetTimeOut(OsOptions, Args.Timeout); ErrorCode = OSBOFlush(OsOptions) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : ERROR_CAN_NOT_COMPLETE; } return ErrorCode; }
// main() entry point
int __cdecl wmain( int Argc, wchar_t *Argv[] ) { int Result = 0; ThisModule = GetModuleHandle(NULL); try { DWORD ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; ProgramArguments Args(Argc, Argv); POS_BOOT_OPTIONS BootOptions = NULL;
// Initialize the library
if (OSBOLibraryInit((SBEMemAllocateRoutine)malloc, (SBEMemFreeRoutine)free)) { BootOptions = EFIOSBOCreate(); }
if (!BootOptions) { std::cout << GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_ERROR_READING_BOOT_ENTRIES) << std::endl; Result = 1; } else { if (Args.ListEntries) { ErrorCode = ListEntries(BootOptions); } else if (Args.AddNewEntry) { ErrorCode = AddNewEntry(BootOptions, Args); } else if (Args.DeleteBootEntry) { ErrorCode = DeleteBootEntry(BootOptions, Args); } else if (Args.SetOsLoadOptions) { ErrorCode = SetBootEntryOptions(BootOptions, Args); } else if (Args.SetActive) { ErrorCode = SetBootEntryActive(BootOptions, Args); } else if (Args.SetTimeout) { ErrorCode = SetTimeout(BootOptions, Args); }
OSBODelete(BootOptions); }
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { throw new W32Error(ErrorCode); } } catch(ProgramArguments *pArgs) { Result = 1; std::cout << GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PGM_USAGE) << std::endl;
if (pArgs) { delete pArgs; } } catch(W32Error *W32Err) { if (W32Err) { // to make prefix happy :(
W32Err->Dump(std::cout); std::cout << GetFormattedMessage( ThisModule, FALSE, Message, sizeof(Message)/sizeof(Message[0]), MSG_PGM_USAGE) << std::endl; delete W32Err; }
Result = 1; } catch(ProgramException *PrgExp) { Result = 1; PrgExp->Dump(std::cout); delete PrgExp; } catch (exception *Exp) { Result = 1; std::cout << Exp->what() << std::endl; }
return Result; }
NTSTATUS QueryCanonicalName( IN PCWSTR Name, IN ULONG MaxDepth, OUT PWSTR CanonicalName, IN ULONG SizeOfBufferInBytes ) /*++
Routine Description:
Resolves the symbolic name to the specified depth. To resolve a symbolic name completely specify the MaxDepth as -1
Name - Symbolic name to be resolved MaxDepth - The depth till which the resolution needs to be carried out
CanonicalName - The fully resolved name
SizeOfBufferInBytes - The size of the CanonicalName buffer in bytes
Return Value:
Appropriate NT status code
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING name, canonName; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; NTSTATUS status; HANDLE handle; ULONG CurrentDepth;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&name, Name);
canonName.MaximumLength = (USHORT) (SizeOfBufferInBytes - sizeof(WCHAR)); canonName.Length = 0; canonName.Buffer = CanonicalName;
if (name.Length >= canonName.MaximumLength) { return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; }
RtlCopyMemory(canonName.Buffer, name.Buffer, name.Length); canonName.Length = name.Length; canonName.Buffer[canonName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0;
for (CurrentDepth = 0; CurrentDepth < MaxDepth; CurrentDepth++) {
InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa, &canonName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, 0, 0);
status = NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject(&handle, READ_CONTROL | SYMBOLIC_LINK_QUERY, &oa); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { break; }
status = NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(handle, &canonName, NULL); NtClose(handle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return status; } canonName.Buffer[canonName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; }
#define PRODUCT_NAME_KEY TEXT("productname")
VOID GetFriendlyName( IN const std::wstring &InfFileName, OUT std::wstring &FriendlyName ) { UINT ErrorLine = 0; BOOL Status = FALSE; HINF InfHandle = ::SetupOpenInfFile(InfFileName.c_str(), NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, &ErrorLine);
if (InfHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { INFCONTEXT InfContext = {0}; WCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0};
// get the key
Status = SetupFindFirstLine(InfHandle, TEXT("Strings"), PRODUCT_NAME_KEY, &InfContext);
if (Status) { //
// If we found the key extract the description
Status = SetupGetStringField(&InfContext, 1, Buffer, ARRAY_SIZE(Buffer), NULL);
if (Status) { FriendlyName = Buffer; } } SetupCloseInfFile(InfHandle); }
// If we didn't find the description use default description
if (!Status) { FriendlyName = DEFAULT_NAME; }
FriendlyName = MSFT_PREFIX + FriendlyName; }