Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
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@setlocal @if "%_echo%" == "" echo off
set bldtools=%~dp0 path %bldtools%;%path%
call %1 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5
set logfile=%logpath%\%~n0.log
for %%f in (%logfile%) do mkdir %%~dpf 2>nul echo %~n0: start %date% %time% > %logfile% if not "%cache%"=="" for %%f in (%cache%\z) do mkdir %%~dpf 2>nul if not "%psfname%"=="" for %%f in (%psfname%) do mkdir %%~dpf 2>nul if not "%psfname%"=="" if exist "%psfname%" erase "%psfname%" call %bldtools%\setlog %loglinkpath% %logpath%
rem We don't want any unexpected mpatches env values to affect what we're rem doing, so delete all mpatches env values, then set the ones we do want.
set mpatches_xxx=1 for /F "delims==" %%i in ('set mpatches_') do @set %%i=
rem Set all needed mpatches options
set mpatches_nocompare=1 set mpatches_nosymfail=1 set mpatches_nochecksum=1 set mpatches_crcname=1 set mpatches_subdirs=1 set mpatches_forest=1 if not "%cache%"=="" set mpatches_cache=%cache% if "%oldsympath%"=="" set mpatches_nosymwarn=1 if not "%oldsympath%"=="" set mpatches_oldsympath=%oldsympath% if not "%newsympath%"=="" set mpatches_newsympath=%newsympath% set mpatches_fallbacks=1 set mpatches_map=%logpath%\ set mpatches_mspatcha_winxp=1 set mpatches_psymcache=%symcache% set mpatches_noaffinity=1
rem Clean out any existing files in the target pool
rd %targetpool% /s /q 2>nul md %targetpool%
rem Build patches
set mpatches_ >> %logfile% echo mpatches %forest% %newfiles% %targetpool% -files:%sourcelist% >> %logfile% mpatches %forest% %newfiles% %targetpool% -files:%sourcelist% >> %logfile% if not errorlevel 1 goto buildpsf
echo %~n0: MPATCHES failed: errorlevel %errorlevel% findstr /i "mpatches:" %logfile% > %logfile%.tmp type %logfile%.tmp >> %logfile% erase %logfile%.tmp goto leave
rem Build the PSF
if not exist %targetpool%\*._p* goto failedmpatches
if "%psfname%"=="" goto nopsf
if not "%psfcomment%"=="" set psfcomment=/Comment:"%psfcomment%"
echo psfbuild /baselist:%sourcelist% %targetpool% %psfname% /subdirs %psfcomment% >> %logfile% psfbuild /baselist:%sourcelist% %targetpool% %psfname% /subdirs %psfcomment% >> %logfile% if not errorlevel 1 goto done
echo %~n0: PSFBUILD failed: errorlevel %errorlevel% goto leave
echo %~n0 finished, no PSF generated goto leave
if not exist %psfname% goto psffail
echo %~n0 finished %psfname%
echo %~n0: end %date% %time% >> %logfile%