#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof((x))/sizeof((x)[0]))
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// use the same name as the Win9x upgrade report
#define S_APPCOMPAT_DATABASE_FILE TEXT("compdata\\drvmain.chm")
#define S_APPCOMPAT_TEXT_FILE TEXT("compdata\\drvmain.inf")
LIST_ENTRY CompatibilityData; DWORD CompatibilityCount; DWORD IncompatibilityStopsInstallation = FALSE; DWORD GlobalCompFlags; BOOL g_DeleteRunOnceFlag;
// we use poor global variable instead of changing the COMPATIBILITY_CONTEXT
// structure, which would require a recompile of all the compatibility dlls.
// eventually this should move into that structure (and the structure should also have
// a Size member so we can version it in the future.)
DWORD PerCompatDllFlags;
BOOL AnyNt5CompatDlls = FALSE;
BOOL SaveCompatibilityData( IN LPCTSTR FileName, IN BOOL IncludeHiddenItems );
BOOL ProcessLine ( IN DWORD CompatFlags );
WNDPROC OldEditProc;
LRESULT CALLBACK TextEditSubProc( IN HWND hwnd, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { //
// For setsel messages, make start and end the same.
if ((msg == EM_SETSEL) && ((LPARAM)wParam != lParam)) { lParam = wParam; }
return CallWindowProc( OldEditProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); }
BOOL SetTextInDialog( HWND hwnd, PCOMPAT_TEXT_PARAMS Params ) { OldEditProc = (WNDPROC) GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC ); SetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)TextEditSubProc );
#ifdef UNICODE
if (Params->Unicode) { SendMessageW (hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)Params->Text); } else { SendMessageA (hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)Params->Text); }
MYASSERT (!Params->Unicode); if (Params->Unicode) { return FALSE; } SendMessageA (hwnd, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)Params->Text);
return TRUE; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK CompatibilityTextDlgProc( HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: SetTextInDialog( GetDlgItem( hwndDlg, IDC_TEXT ), (PCOMPAT_TEXT_PARAMS) lParam ); break;
case WM_COMMAND: if (wParam == IDOK) { EndDialog( hwndDlg, IDOK ); } break;
case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: SetBkColor( (HDC)wParam, GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); return (INT_PTR)GetSysColorBrush(COLOR_WINDOW); break;
case WM_CLOSE: EndDialog (hwndDlg, IDOK); break; }
return 0; }
BOOL LaunchIE4Instance( LPWSTR szResourceURL );
BOOL LaunchIE3Instance( LPWSTR szResourceURL );
BOOL pGetDisplayInfo ( IN PCTSTR Source, OUT PTSTR UrlName, IN DWORD UrlChars ) { TCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL b = TRUE;
if (!Source || !*Source) { return FALSE; }
if (*Source == DRVCOMPAT_FIELD_IDENTIFIER) { if (FindPathToWinnt32File (S_APPCOMPAT_DATABASE_FILE, filePath, MAX_PATH)) { _sntprintf (UrlName, UrlChars, TEXT("mk:@msitstore:%s::/%s"), filePath, Source + 1); } else { DebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Compatibility data file \"%1\" not found"), 0, S_APPCOMPAT_DATABASE_FILE ); b = FALSE; } } else { if (FindPathToWinnt32File (Source, filePath, MAX_PATH)) { _sntprintf (UrlName, UrlChars, TEXT("file://%s"), filePath); } else { DebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Compatibility data file \"%1\" not found"), 0, Source ); b = FALSE; } }
return b; }
BOOL pGetText ( IN PCTSTR TextSource, OUT PVOID* Text, OUT PBOOL Unicode ) { TCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD FileSize; HANDLE FileHandle; HANDLE MappingHandle; PVOID BaseAddress; HINF infAppCompat; INFCONTEXT ic; BOOL bValid; DWORD totalSize, size; PTSTR data, current; PSTR text; BOOL b = FALSE;
if (!TextSource || !*TextSource) { return FALSE; }
if (*TextSource == DRVCOMPAT_FIELD_IDENTIFIER) { if (FindPathToWinnt32File (S_APPCOMPAT_TEXT_FILE, filePath, MAX_PATH)) { infAppCompat = SetupapiOpenInfFile (filePath, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (infAppCompat != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bValid = TRUE; totalSize = 0; data = NULL; if (SetupapiFindFirstLine (infAppCompat, TextSource + 1, NULL, &ic)) { do { if (!SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, 1, NULL, 0, &FileSize)) { bValid = FALSE; break; } totalSize += FileSize + 2 - 1; } while (SetupapiFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); } if (bValid && totalSize > 0) { totalSize++; data = (PTSTR) MALLOC (totalSize * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (data) { current = data; size = totalSize; if (SetupapiFindFirstLine (infAppCompat, TextSource + 1, NULL, &ic)) { do { if (!SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, 1, current, size, NULL)) { bValid = FALSE; break; } lstrcat (current, TEXT("\r\n")); size -= lstrlen (current); current = _tcschr (current, 0); } while (SetupapiFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); } } }
SetupapiCloseInfFile (infAppCompat);
if (bValid) { if (data) { *Text = data; #ifdef UNICODE
*Unicode = TRUE; #else
*Unicode = FALSE; #endif
b = TRUE; } } else { FREE (data); } } if (!b) { DebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to read section [%1] from \"%2\""), 0, TextSource + 1, filePath ); } } else { DebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Compatibility data file \"%1\" not found"), 0, S_APPCOMPAT_DATABASE_FILE ); } } else { if (FindPathToWinnt32File (TextSource, filePath, MAX_PATH)) { if (MapFileForRead (filePath, &FileSize, &FileHandle, &MappingHandle, &BaseAddress) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { text = (PSTR) MALLOC (FileSize + 1); if (text) { CopyMemory (text, BaseAddress, FileSize); text[FileSize] = '\0'; *Text = text; *Unicode = FALSE; b = TRUE; } UnmapFile (MappingHandle, BaseAddress); CloseHandle (FileHandle); } } else { DebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Compatibility data file \"%1\" not found"), 0, TextSource ); } }
return b; }
VOID pShowDetails ( IN HWND Hdlg, IN PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData ) { TCHAR urlName[2 * MAX_PATH]; PWSTR Url; INT i; PVOID textDescription; BOOL bUnicode; BOOL UseText = FALSE;
// We check to see if the pointer as well as its contents are valid. If the contents are Null then we try
// the txt file before we decide to not do anything.
if (pGetDisplayInfo (CompData->HtmlName, urlName, 2 * MAX_PATH)) {
i = _tcslen( urlName ); Url = (LPWSTR)SysAllocStringLen( NULL, i );
if( Url ) { #ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy( Url, urlName ); #else
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, urlName, -1, Url, i); #endif
if (!LaunchIE4Instance(Url)) { // If we don't have IE4 or better, display text
UseText = TRUE; }
SysFreeString( Url ); } } else if( CheckUpgradeOnly ) {
TCHAR Caption[512];
// If we don't have a URL, and we're only checking
// the ability to upgrade, then this is probably
// an item from a message box that's been redirected
// to the compability list. Just display a message
// box with the full text.
if(!LoadString(hInst,AppTitleStringId,Caption,sizeof(Caption)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { Caption[0] = 0; }
MessageBox( Hdlg, CompData->Description, Caption, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING );
} else { UseText = TRUE; }
if (UseText) { if (pGetText (CompData->TextName, &textDescription, &bUnicode)) {
params.Text = textDescription; params.Unicode = bUnicode;
DialogBoxParam( hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_COMPATIBILITY_TEXT), NULL, CompatibilityTextDlgProc, (LPARAM)¶ms );
FREE (textDescription);
} else {
TCHAR Heading[512]; PTSTR Message;
// When there is no txt name present, as last resort we put up this message
if(!LoadString(hInst,AppTitleStringId,Heading,sizeof(Heading)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { Heading[0] = 0; }
if (FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE, hInst, MSG_NO_DETAILS, 0, (LPTSTR)&Message, 0, NULL )) { MessageBox (Hdlg, Message, Heading, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); LocalFree ((HLOCAL)Message); } } } }
BOOL CompatibilityWizPage( IN HWND hdlg, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH+8], *t; LPWSTR Url; BOOL b = FALSE; DWORD i; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; DWORD Index; static int CurrentSelectionIndex=0; static DWORD Count = 0; LV_ITEM lvi = {0}; HWND TmpHwnd; static BOOL WarningsPresent = FALSE; static BOOL ErrorsPresent = FALSE; static BOOL CheckUpgradeNoItems = TRUE; PPAGE_RUNTIME_DATA WizPage = (PPAGE_RUNTIME_DATA)GetWindowLongPtr(hdlg,DWLP_USER); TCHAR Buffer1[MAX_PATH] = {0};
switch(msg) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: if( ISNT() && CheckUpgradeOnly ) {
// Fix up the subtitle and buttons for Checkupgradeonly.
SetDlgItemText(hdlg,IDT_SUBTITLE,(PTSTR)TEXT("") );
// If we're doing a CheckUpgradeOnly, then
// we've been sending error popups to the compatibility
// list. It doesn't look like there were any problems or
// incompatibilities. We'll put in an "everything's okay"
// message.
Next = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink; if( (!(CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_HIDE)) && ProcessLine( CompData->Flags)) { CheckUpgradeNoItems = FALSE; } }
} if( CheckUpgradeNoItems ){
if (!CompatibilityData.Flink) { InitializeListHead (&CompatibilityData); }
CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA) MALLOC( sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA) ); if (CompData == NULL) { return 0; }
if(!LoadString(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_NOPROBLEMS,Desc_String,(sizeof(Desc_String)/sizeof(TCHAR)))) CompData->Description = 0; else CompData->Description = DupString(Desc_String);
CompData->Flags = 0; InsertTailList( &CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry ); CompatibilityCount++; } }
if (CompatibilityCount) {
HWND hList = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ); PLIST_ENTRY Next; HIMAGELIST himl; HICON hIcon; LV_COLUMN lvc = {0}; RECT rc;
GetClientRect( hList, &rc ); lvc.mask = LVCF_WIDTH; lvc.cx = rc.right - rc.left - 16; ListView_InsertColumn( hList, 0, &lvc );
Next = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (Next) { himl = ImageList_Create( GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), ILC_COLOR, 2, 0 ); ListView_SetImageList( hList, himl, LVSIL_SMALL ); hIcon = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_HAND ); ImageList_AddIcon( himl, hIcon ); hIcon = LoadIcon( NULL, IDI_EXCLAMATION ); ImageList_AddIcon( himl, hIcon );
lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE; lvi.state = 0; lvi.stateMask = 0; lvi.iItem = 0; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry );
Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if (ProcessLine( CompData->Flags)) { AnyNt5CompatDlls = TRUE; } else { goto NextIteration; }
if ((CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_HIDE) == 0) {
// Add the icon.
if( himl ) { if (ISNT() && CheckUpgradeOnly && CheckUpgradeNoItems) { lvi.iImage = -1; WarningsPresent = TRUE; } else { if( CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_STOPINSTALL ) { lvi.iImage = 0; ErrorsPresent = TRUE; } else { lvi.iImage = 1; WarningsPresent = TRUE; } } }
// And the text...
lvi.pszText = (LPTSTR)CompData->Description; lvi.lParam = (LPARAM)CompData; if (ListView_InsertItem( hList, &lvi ) != -1) { lvi.iItem++; }
Count += 1; }
// Log the items...
DebugLog( Winnt32LogInformation, CompData->Description, 0 ); DebugLog( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("\r\n"), 0 ); NextIteration: NOTHING; }
// If we have an item then make it the default selection
if( ErrorsPresent || WarningsPresent ){
SetFocus( hList ); ListView_SetItemState( hList, 0, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED, LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED); CurrentSelectionIndex = 0;
lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = 0; lvi.iSubItem = 0; ListView_GetItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), &lvi ); CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA)lvi.lParam;
TmpHwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_HAVE_DISK ); if (CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_USE_HAVEDISK) UnHideWindow( TmpHwnd ); else HideWindow( TmpHwnd );
} } break;
if( (pnmv->hdr.code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED) ) {
Index = ListView_GetNextItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), (int)-1, (UINT) (LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED | LVNI_FOCUSED) );
if( (Index != LB_ERR) && (pnmv->iItem != CurrentSelectionIndex)) {
CurrentSelectionIndex = Index;
// Select the item, and see if we need
// to display the "have disk" button.
lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = Index; lvi.iSubItem = 0; ListView_GetItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), &lvi ); CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA)lvi.lParam;
TmpHwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_HAVE_DISK ); HideWindow( TmpHwnd );
// Always set the Details button
TmpHwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_DETAILS ); EnableWindow( TmpHwnd, TRUE );
if (CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_USE_HAVEDISK) { TmpHwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_HAVE_DISK ); UnHideWindow( TmpHwnd ); } InvalidateRect( GetParent(hdlg), NULL, FALSE );
}else if((Index != LB_ERR) && (pnmv->uNewState == (LVIS_SELECTED|LVIS_FOCUSED))){
//Transition from nothing selected to previous selection
TmpHwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_DETAILS ); EnableWindow( TmpHwnd, TRUE );
}else if( Index == LB_ERR){
// Disable the "Details" button as nothing is selected
TmpHwnd = GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_DETAILS ); EnableWindow( TmpHwnd, FALSE );
} } } break; case WM_COMMAND:
if ((LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_HAVE_DISK) && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)) { Index = ListView_GetNextItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), (int)-1, (UINT) (LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED) ); if( Index != LB_ERR ) { //
// Select the item, and see if we need
// to display the "have disk" button.
lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = Index; lvi.iSubItem = 0; ListView_GetItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), &lvi ); CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA)lvi.lParam;
__try { i = CompData->CompHaveDisk(hdlg,CompData->SaveValue); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { i = GetExceptionCode(); } if (i == 0) { ListView_DeleteItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), Index ); RemoveEntryList( &CompData->ListEntry ); CompatibilityCount -= 1;
} else { MessageBoxFromMessageWithSystem( hdlg, i, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, CompData->hModDll ); } } break; }
if ((LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_DETAILS) && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)) {
Index = ListView_GetNextItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), (int)-1, (UINT) (LVNI_ALL | LVNI_SELECTED) ); if (Index == LB_ERR) { return FALSE; }
// Select the item, and see if we need
// to display the "have disk" button.
lvi.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lvi.iItem = Index; lvi.iSubItem = 0; if (!ListView_GetItem( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ), &lvi )) { break; } CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA)lvi.lParam; pShowDetails (hdlg, CompData); SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ) ); ListView_SetItemState( GetDlgItem( hdlg, IDC_ROOT_LIST ),Index, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); break; }
if ((LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_SAVE_AS) && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)) { OPENFILENAME ofn; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0}; TCHAR File_Type[MAX_PATH]; BOOL SaveFlag;
// Initialize OPENFILENAME
ZeroMemory( &ofn, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hdlg; ofn.lpstrFile = Buffer; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH;
if( LoadString(hInst, IDS_FILE_MASK_TYPES, File_Type, (sizeof(File_Type)/sizeof(TCHAR))) ){ lstrcpy((File_Type+lstrlen(File_Type)+1), TEXT("*.txt\0")); File_Type[lstrlen(File_Type)+7]='\0'; //We need to terminate the pair of strings with double null termination
ofn.lpstrFilter = File_Type; }
// Force to begin in %windir%
MyGetWindowsDirectory( Buffer1, MAX_PATH ); ofn.lpstrInitialDir = Buffer1; ofn.Flags = OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | // leave the CWD unchanged
// Let user select disk or directory
SaveFlag = GetSaveFileName( &ofn ); if( SaveFlag ) { //
// Save it...
p=_tcsrchr(ofn.lpstrFile,'.'); if( !p || (p && lstrcmpi(p, TEXT(".txt")))) lstrcat(ofn.lpstrFile,TEXT(".txt"));
SaveCompatibilityData( ofn.lpstrFile, FALSE); } else { i = CommDlgExtendedError(); } break; } break;
if (wParam) { if (ISNT ()) { MyGetWindowsDirectory (Buffer1, MAX_PATH); wsprintf (FullPath, TEXT("%s\\%s"), Buffer1, S_DEFAULT_NT_COMPAT_FILENAME); SaveCompatibilityData (FullPath, TRUE); }
if( CheckUpgradeOnly ) { //
// Fix up the buttons for Checkupgradeonly.
PropSheet_SetWizButtons( GetParent(hdlg), (WizPage->CommonData.Buttons | PSWIZB_FINISH) ); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),FALSE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(GetParent(hdlg),IDCANCEL),SW_HIDE); }
if(ISNT() && OsVersion.dwMajorVersion == 5 ){
if (!AnyNt5CompatDlls) { //
// sanity check
MYASSERT (!IncompatibilityStopsInstallation); return FALSE; }
if (Count) { //
// only need this page if there are incompatibities
if( (!CheckUpgradeOnly) && (UnattendedOperation) && (ErrorsPresent == FALSE) ) { //
// We're doing an unattended upgrade, and there are
// only warnings. Blow past the page.
b = FALSE;
} else { TCHAR Text[512];
// Customize the look of the page, depending on
// what we have to display. 3 cases are possible:
// 1. Warnings only (services we'll stop).
// 2. Errors only (items that will prevent installation).
// 3. combination of 1. and 2.
if( (CheckUpgradeOnly == TRUE) && (CheckUpgradeNoItems == TRUE) ) { LoadString(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_CHECKUPGRADE,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } else if( (WarningsPresent == TRUE) && (ErrorsPresent == TRUE) ) { LoadString(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_ERR_WRN,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } else if( WarningsPresent == TRUE ) { LoadString(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_WRN,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } else if( ErrorsPresent == TRUE ) { LoadString(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_ERR,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } SetDlgItemText(hdlg,IDC_INTRO_TEXT,Text);
b = TRUE;
if (BatchMode || (CheckUpgradeOnly && UnattendSwitchSpecified)) { //
// don't stop on this page in batch mode
UNATTENDED(PSBTN_NEXT); } else { // Stop the bill board and show the wizard again.
SendMessage(GetParent (hdlg), WMX_BBTEXT, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0); } } }
if (!b) { //
// sanity check
MYASSERT (!IncompatibilityStopsInstallation); }
} else { b = TRUE; } break;
if (IncompatibilityStopsInstallation) { SaveMessageForSMS( MSG_INCOMPATIBILITIES ); // Send the ID of the page we wish to advance to
*((LONG *)lParam) = IDD_CLEANING;
} break;
default: break; }
return(b); }
BOOL ProcessLine ( IN DWORD CompatFlags ) { DWORD currentVersion; //return (OsVersion.dwMajorVersion < 5) || (CompatFlags & COMPFLAG_ALLOWNT5COMPAT);
switch (OsVersionNumber) { case 400: return ( !(CompatFlags & COMPFLAG_SKIPNT40CHECK)); case 500: return ( !(CompatFlags & COMPFLAG_SKIPNT50CHECK)); case 501: // version 5.1
return ( !(CompatFlags & COMPFLAG_SKIPNT51CHECK)); default: return TRUE; } return TRUE; }
DWORD ProcessRegistryLine( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName, DWORD Index ) { LONG Error; HKEY hKey; DWORD Size, Reg_Type; LPBYTE Buffer; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; LPCTSTR RegKey; LPCTSTR RegValue; LPCTSTR RegValueExpect; LPCTSTR Flags; TCHAR Value[20]; PCTSTR Data; DWORD compatFlags = 0; BOOL bFail;
// first check if this line should be processed on NT5
Flags = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 9 ); if( Flags ){ StringToInt ( Flags, &compatFlags); } if (!ProcessLine (compatFlags)) { return 0; }
RegKey = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); RegValue = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2 ); RegValueExpect = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 3 );
// open the reg key
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ); if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// bogus reg key
return 0; }
// find out how much data there is
Error = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, RegValue, NULL, &Reg_Type, NULL, &Size ); if( Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// allocate the buffer
Buffer = (LPBYTE) MALLOC( Size ); if (Buffer == NULL) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 0; }
// read the data
Error = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, RegValue, NULL, NULL, Buffer, &Size );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { FREE( Buffer ); return 0; }
if( Reg_Type == REG_DWORD ){ _itot( *(DWORD*)Buffer, Value, 10 ); Data = Value; } else { Data = (PCTSTR)Buffer; }
bFail = RegValueExpect && *RegValueExpect && (lstrcmp( RegValueExpect, Data ) != 0);
FREE( Buffer );
if (bFail) { return 0; }
} else {
RegCloseKey( hKey );
if (RegValue && *RegValue) { return 0; } if (Error != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { return 0; } if (RegValueExpect && *RegValueExpect) { return 0; } }
CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA) MALLOC( sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA) ); if (CompData == NULL) { return 0; }
CompData->Type = TEXT('r'); CompData->RegKey = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); CompData->RegValue = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2 ); CompData->RegValueExpect = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 3 ); CompData->HtmlName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 4 ); CompData->TextName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 5 ); if (!(CompData->TextName && *CompData->TextName)) { CompData->TextName = CompData->HtmlName; } CompData->Description = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 6 ); CompData->InfName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 7 ); CompData->InfSection = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 8 ); CompData->Flags = compatFlags | GlobalCompFlags;
InsertTailList( &CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry );
return 1; }
DWORD ProcessServiceLine( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName, DWORD Index, BOOL SetCheckedFlag ) { TCHAR KeyName[MAX_PATH]; LONG Error; HKEY hKey; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; LPCTSTR ServiceName; LPDWORD RegData; DWORD Value; DWORD ValueSize; LPCTSTR FileName, FileVer, Flags; LPCTSTR linkDateStr, binProdVerStr; DWORD compatFlags = 0;
Flags = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 7 ); if( Flags ){ StringToInt ( Flags, &compatFlags); }
// first check if this line should be processed on NT5
if (!ProcessLine (compatFlags)) { return 0; }
ServiceName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); BuildPath (KeyName, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"), ServiceName); //
// get an open key to the services database
Error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyName, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &hKey ); if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return 0; }
// We'll ceate a key here so that others will know that we've
// already checked this service. We'll remove it later. We
// don't care about error codes here because this is only used
// as a safety net for checks that may come after us.
if( SetCheckedFlag ) { Value = 1; RegSetValueEx( hKey, TEXT("SetupChecked"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *)&Value, sizeof(DWORD) ); } else { //
// The user has asked us to simply remove these 'checked' flags
// from the services that we've examined.
RegDeleteValue( hKey, TEXT("SetupChecked") ); RegCloseKey( hKey ); return 0; }
// Check the start value of our target service.
ValueSize = sizeof(Value);
Error = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, TEXT("Start"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&Value, &ValueSize );
if( Error != ERROR_SUCCESS){ Value = (DWORD)-1; }
RegCloseKey( hKey );
// Have to check for the contents being NULL as InfGetFieldByIndex returns
// a valid pointer holding NULL if the field is blank. Also we need to go on in that case
// to look for Flags.
FileName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 5 ); FileVer = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 6 );
if( FileName && *FileName) {
linkDateStr = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 10); binProdVerStr = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 11);
if (!CheckForFileVersionEx ( FileName, FileVer, binProdVerStr, linkDateStr)) return 0; }
RegData = (LPDWORD)MALLOC( sizeof(DWORD) ); if (RegData == NULL) { return 0; }
CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA) MALLOC( sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA) ); if (CompData == NULL) { FREE(RegData); return 0; }
CompData->Type = TEXT('s'); CompData->Flags = compatFlags;
CompData->ServiceName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); CompData->HtmlName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2 ); CompData->TextName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 3 ); if (!(CompData->TextName && *CompData->TextName)) { CompData->TextName = CompData->HtmlName; } CompData->Description = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 4 ); CompData->RegKeyName = DupString( KeyName ); CompData->RegValName = DupString( TEXT("Start") ); RegData[0] = SERVICE_DISABLED; CompData->RegValData = RegData; CompData->RegValDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); CompData->Flags |= GlobalCompFlags; CompData->InfName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 8 ); CompData->InfSection = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 9 );
if( Value == SERVICE_DISABLED) { // Let's not block installation since we didn't before and doesn't need to be now either.
CompData->Flags &= ~COMPFLAG_STOPINSTALL; // Don't display any warnings since they can't do anything about it.
CompData->Flags |= COMPFLAG_HIDE; } InsertTailList( &CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry );
return 1; }
DWORD ProcessTextModeLine( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName, DWORD Index ) { //
// Format of line:
// 0, 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
// t,"fullpath","version.minor","html","text",%stringid%,flags,linkdate,binprodversion
// The only thing we need to start is the file name.
FileName = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1);
// If there was a filename, then see if its version and whatnot actually
// match
if ( FileName && *FileName ) { LPCTSTR linkDateStr, binProdVerStr;
FileVer = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2); linkDateStr = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 7); binProdVerStr = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 8);
if ( !CheckForFileVersionEx( FileName, FileVer, binProdVerStr, linkDateStr ) ) return 0; } else { return 0; }
Flags = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 6);
if ( Flags != NULL ){ StringToInt(Flags, &CompatFlags); }
CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA)MALLOC(sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA)); if ( CompData == NULL ) return 0;
// Now fill out the compdata structure
ZeroMemory(CompData, sizeof(*CompData)); CompData->FileName = FileName; CompData->FileVer = FileVer; CompData->HtmlName = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 3); CompData->TextName = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 4); if ( ( CompData->TextName == NULL ) || !CompData->TextName[0] ) CompData->TextName = CompData->HtmlName; CompData->Description = InfGetFieldByIndex(InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 5);
CompData->Flags = CompatFlags | GlobalCompFlags | COMPFLAG_HIDE; CompData->Type = TEXT('t'); InsertTailList(&CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry);
return 1; }
DWORD ProcessFileLine( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName, DWORD Index ) {
PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; LPCTSTR FileName; LPCTSTR FileVer; LPCTSTR Flags; LPCTSTR linkDateStr, binProdVerStr; DWORD compatFlags = 0;
// first check if this line should be processed on NT5
Flags = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 8); if( Flags ){ StringToInt ( Flags, &compatFlags); } if (!ProcessLine (compatFlags)) { return 0; }
FileName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); FileVer = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2 );
if( FileName && *FileName ){
linkDateStr = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 9); binProdVerStr = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 10);
if (!CheckForFileVersionEx ( FileName, FileVer, binProdVerStr, linkDateStr)) { return 0; } }else{ return 0; }
CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA) MALLOC( sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA) ); if (CompData == NULL) { return 0; }
CompData->Type = TEXT('f'); CompData->FileName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); CompData->FileVer = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2 ); CompData->HtmlName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 3 ); CompData->TextName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 4 ); if (!(CompData->TextName && *CompData->TextName)) { CompData->TextName = CompData->HtmlName; } CompData->Description = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 5 ); CompData->InfName = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 6 ); CompData->InfSection = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 7 ); CompData->Flags = compatFlags | GlobalCompFlags;
InsertTailList( &CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry );
return 1; }
// parameter validation
if (CompEntry->Description == NULL || CompEntry->Description[0] == 0) { //
// who did this?
if (CompEntry->TextName == NULL || CompEntry->TextName[0] ==0) { //
// who did this?
if (CompEntry->RegKeyName) { if (CompEntry->RegValName == NULL) { //
// who did this?
MYASSERT (FALSE); SetLastError( COMP_ERR_REGVALNAME_MISSING ); return FALSE; } if (CompEntry->RegValData == NULL) { //
// who did this?
if (CompEntry->InfName) { if (CompEntry->InfSection == NULL) { //
// who did this?
#ifdef UNICODE
if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->Description, wcslen(CompEntry->Description)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { //
// who did this?
MYASSERT (FALSE); SetLastError( COMP_ERR_DESC_NOT_UNICODE ); return FALSE; } if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->TextName, wcslen(CompEntry->TextName)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { //
// who did this?
MYASSERT (FALSE); SetLastError( COMP_ERR_TEXTNAME_NOT_UNICODE ); return FALSE; } if (CompEntry->HtmlName) { if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->HtmlName, wcslen(CompEntry->HtmlName)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { SetLastError( COMP_ERR_HTMLNAME_NOT_UNICODE ); return FALSE; } } if (CompEntry->RegKeyName) { if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->RegKeyName, wcslen(CompEntry->RegKeyName)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { //
// who did this?
MYASSERT (FALSE); SetLastError( COMP_ERR_REGKEYNAME_NOT_UNICODE ); return FALSE; } if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->RegValName, wcslen(CompEntry->RegValName)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { //
// who did this?
MYASSERT (FALSE); SetLastError( COMP_ERR_REGVALNAME_NOT_UNICODE ); return FALSE; } } if (CompEntry->InfName) { if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->InfName, wcslen(CompEntry->InfName)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { //
// who did this?
MYASSERT (FALSE); SetLastError( COMP_ERR_INFNAME_NOT_UNICODE ); return FALSE; } if (IsTextUnicode( CompEntry->InfSection, wcslen(CompEntry->InfSection)*sizeof(WCHAR), NULL ) == 0) { //
// who did this?
// allocate the compatibility structure
ZeroMemory(CompData, sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA));
// save the sata
CompData->Description = DupString( CompEntry->Description ); CompData->HtmlName = CompEntry->HtmlName ? DupString( CompEntry->HtmlName ) : NULL; CompData->TextName = DupString( CompEntry->TextName ); CompData->SaveValue = CompEntry->SaveValue; CompData->Flags = CompEntry->Flags; CompData->Flags |= PerCompatDllFlags; CompData->Flags |= GlobalCompFlags; CompData->CompHaveDisk = CompContext->CompHaveDisk; CompData->hModDll = CompContext->hModDll; if (CompEntry->RegKeyName) { CompData->RegKeyName = DupString( CompEntry->RegKeyName ); CompData->RegValName = DupString( CompEntry->RegValName ); CompData->RegValDataSize = CompEntry->RegValDataSize; CompData->RegValData = MALLOC(CompEntry->RegValDataSize); if (CompData->RegValData) { CopyMemory( CompData->RegValData, CompEntry->RegValData, CompEntry->RegValDataSize ); } } if (CompEntry->InfName){ CompData->InfName = DupString( CompEntry->InfName ); CompData->InfSection = DupString( CompEntry->InfSection );
InsertTailList( &CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry );
CompContext->Count += 1;
return TRUE;
DWORD ProcessDLLLine( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName, DWORD Index ) { TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hMod; CHAR CompCheckEntryPoint[MAX_PATH]; CHAR HaveDiskEntryPoint[MAX_PATH]; PCOMPAIBILITYCHECK CompCheck; PCOMPAIBILITYHAVEDISK CompHaveDisk; LPTSTR DllName; LPTSTR CompCheckEntryPointW; LPTSTR HaveDiskEntryPointW; LPTSTR ProcessOnCleanInstall; LPTSTR Flags; COMPATIBILITY_CONTEXT CompContext; BOOL Rslt; DWORD Status; DWORD compatFlags = 0;
PerCompatDllFlags = 0; DllName = (LPTSTR)InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 1 ); if (!DllName) return 0; CompCheckEntryPointW = (LPTSTR)InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 2 ); HaveDiskEntryPointW = (LPTSTR)InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 3 ); if((HaveDiskEntryPointW != NULL) && (lstrlen(HaveDiskEntryPointW) == 0)) { //
// If HaveDiskEntryPointW points to an empty string, then make it NULL.
// This is necessary because since this field is optional, the user may have specified
// it in dosnet.inf as ,, and in this case the winnt32 parser will translate the info in
// filed as an empty string.
HaveDiskEntryPointW = NULL; } ProcessOnCleanInstall = (LPTSTR)InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 4 );
if( !Upgrade && ((ProcessOnCleanInstall == NULL) || (lstrlen( ProcessOnCleanInstall ) == 0) || (_ttoi(ProcessOnCleanInstall) == 0)) ) { //
// On clean install, we don't process the dll if 'ProcessOnCleanInstall' was not
// specified, or if it was specified as 0.
return 0; }
Flags = (LPTSTR)InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, Index, 5 ); if( Flags ){ //check return value
StringToInt ( Flags, &compatFlags); } PerCompatDllFlags = compatFlags;
if (!ExpandEnvironmentStrings( DllName, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer)/sizeof(TCHAR) )) { return 0; }
if (!FindPathToWinnt32File (Buffer, FullPath, MAX_PATH) || !(hMod = LoadLibrary (FullPath))) { return 0; }
#ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, CompCheckEntryPointW, -1, CompCheckEntryPoint, sizeof(CompCheckEntryPoint), NULL, NULL ); if (HaveDiskEntryPointW) { WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, HaveDiskEntryPointW, -1, HaveDiskEntryPoint, sizeof(HaveDiskEntryPoint), NULL, NULL ); } #else
lstrcpy( CompCheckEntryPoint, CompCheckEntryPointW ); if (HaveDiskEntryPointW) { lstrcpy( HaveDiskEntryPoint, HaveDiskEntryPointW ); } #endif
CompCheck = (PCOMPAIBILITYCHECK) GetProcAddress( hMod, CompCheckEntryPoint ); if (CompCheck == NULL) { FreeLibrary( hMod ); return 0; }
if (HaveDiskEntryPointW) { CompHaveDisk = (PCOMPAIBILITYHAVEDISK) GetProcAddress( hMod, HaveDiskEntryPoint ); if (CompHaveDisk == NULL) { FreeLibrary( hMod ); return 0; } }
CompContext.Count = 0; CompContext.CompHaveDisk = CompHaveDisk; CompContext.hModDll = hMod;
if ( !ProcessLine( compatFlags )) { Rslt = FALSE; } else { __try { Rslt = CompCheck( (PCOMPAIBILITYCALLBACK)CompatibilityCallback, (LPVOID)&CompContext ); } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Status = GetExceptionCode(); Rslt = FALSE; } }
PerCompatDllFlags = 0;
if (!Rslt) { FreeLibrary( hMod ); return 0; }
if (CompContext.Count == 0) { FreeLibrary( hMod ); }
return CompContext.Count; }
DWORD ProcessCompatibilitySection( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName ) { DWORD LineCount; DWORD Count; DWORD i; LPCTSTR Type; DWORD Good;
// get the section count, zero means bail out
LineCount = InfGetSectionLineCount( InfHandle, SectionName ); if (LineCount == 0 || LineCount == 0xffffffff) { return 0; }
for (i=0,Count=0; i<LineCount; i++) {
Type = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, i, 0 ); if (Type == NULL) { continue; }
// On clean install we only process dll line.
// (We need to process the line that checks for unsupported architectures)
if( !Upgrade && ( _totlower(Type[0]) != TEXT('d') ) ) { continue; } switch (_totlower(Type[0])) { case TEXT('r'): //
// registry value
Count += ProcessRegistryLine( InfHandle, SectionName, i ); break;
case TEXT('s'): //
// service or driver
Count += ProcessServiceLine( InfHandle, SectionName, i, TRUE ); break;
case TEXT('f'): //
// presence of a file
Count += ProcessFileLine( InfHandle, SectionName, i ); break;
case TEXT('d'): //
// run an external dll
Count += ProcessDLLLine( InfHandle, SectionName, i ); break;
case TEXT('t'): //
// Textmode should know to overwrite this file
Count += ProcessTextModeLine( InfHandle, SectionName, i ); break;
default: break; } }
return Count; }
VOID RemoveCompatibilityServiceEntries( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName ) { DWORD LineCount; DWORD Count; DWORD i; LPCTSTR Type; DWORD Good;
// get the section count, zero means bail out
LineCount = InfGetSectionLineCount( InfHandle, SectionName ); if (LineCount == 0 || LineCount == 0xffffffff) { return; }
for (i=0,Count=0; i<LineCount; i++) {
Type = InfGetFieldByIndex( InfHandle, SectionName, i, 0 ); if (Type == NULL) { continue; }
// On clean install we only process dll line.
// (We need to process the line that checks for unsupported architectures)
if( !Upgrade && ( _totlower(Type[0]) != TEXT('d') ) ) { continue; } switch (_totlower(Type[0])) { case TEXT('s'): //
// service or driver
Count += ProcessServiceLine( InfHandle, SectionName, i, FALSE ); break;
default: break; } } }
// HACKHACK - NT4's explorer.exe will fail to properly process runonce values
// whose value name is > 31 characters. We call this function to
// workaround this NT4 bug. It basically truncates any value names
// so that explorer will process and delete them.
void FixRunOnceForNT4(DWORD dwNumValues) { HKEY hkRunOnce; int iValueNumber = 20; // start this at 20 to minimize chance of name collision.
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce"), 0, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hkRunOnce) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR szValueName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szValueContents[MAX_PATH * 3]; // big enough to hold a large regsvr32 command
DWORD dwValueIndex = 0; DWORD dwSanityCheck = 0; DWORD dwNameSize = MAX_PATH; DWORD dwValueSize = sizeof(szValueContents); DWORD dwType;
while (RegEnumValue(hkRunOnce, dwValueIndex, szValueName, &dwNameSize, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szValueContents, &dwValueSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // increment our counters
dwValueIndex++; dwSanityCheck++;
// reset these for the next RegEnumValue call
dwNameSize = MAX_PATH; dwValueSize = sizeof(szValueContents);
if ((dwType == REG_SZ) && (lstrlen(szValueName) > 31)) { TCHAR szNewValueName[32]; TCHAR szTemp[32];
// we have a value name that is too big for NT4's explorer.exe,
// so we need to truncate to 10 characters and add a number on the
// end to insure that it is unique.
lstrcpyn(szTemp, szValueName, 10); wsprintf(szNewValueName, TEXT("%s%d"), szTemp, iValueNumber++);
RegDeleteValue(hkRunOnce, szValueName);
RegSetValueEx(hkRunOnce, szNewValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)szValueContents, (lstrlen(szValueContents) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
// backup our regenum index to be sure we don't miss a value (since we are adding/deleteing
// values during the enumeration, its kinda messy)
dwValueIndex--; }
if (dwSanityCheck > (2 * dwNumValues)) { // something has gone terribly wrong, we have looped in RegEnumValue *way* to
// many times!
break; } }
RegCloseKey(hkRunOnce); } }
BOOL pCheckForPendingRunOnce ( VOID ) { LONG Error; HKEY hKey = NULL; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; HKEY setupKey = NULL; DWORD dataSize; BOOL result = FALSE; TCHAR textBuffer[512]; TCHAR exeBuffer[512]; DWORD exeBufferSize; DWORD type; DWORD valueNumber; BOOL foundValues = FALSE; INF_ENUM e; BOOL warningIssued = FALSE; BOOL ignore;
__try { //
// Open regisry keys.
// ISSUE: Should this be expanded to include HKCU?
Error = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\RunOnce"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKey );
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// no RunOnce key [this should exist in all cases]
__leave; }
Error = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup"), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &setupKey );
// Did we already provide a warning?
if (setupKey) { dataSize = sizeof (textBuffer);
Error = RegQueryValueEx ( setupKey, S_WINNT32_WARNING, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) textBuffer, &dataSize );
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Warning was issued. Did user reboot as instructed? If they
// did, then the RunOnce entry should be gone. Otherwise, we
// will not provide the warning again if someone keeps
// putting junk in RunOnce.
dataSize = sizeof (textBuffer);
Error = RegQueryValueEx ( hKey, S_WINNT32_WARNING, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE) textBuffer, &dataSize );
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { foundValues = TRUE; } else { __leave; } } }
// The warning has never been issued. Check if there are any RunOnce
// entries present. Skip excluded entries.
// NOTE: We restrict the loop to 10000, in line with existing code that
// is protecting itself from enumerations that never end on NT
// 4. It is not clear this is needed, but 10000 should be high
// enough to take care of this risk without introducing other
// problems.
if (!foundValues) {
for (valueNumber = 0 ; valueNumber < 10000 ; valueNumber++) {
dataSize = sizeof (textBuffer) / sizeof (TCHAR); exeBufferSize = sizeof (exeBuffer);
Error = RegEnumValue ( hKey, valueNumber, textBuffer, &dataSize, NULL, &type, (PBYTE) exeBuffer, &exeBufferSize );
if (Error == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; }
if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Test registry value against pattern list
ignore = FALSE; if (EnumFirstInfLine (&e, MainInf, TEXT("RunOnceExclusions.Value"))) { do { if (IsPatternMatch (e.FieldZeroData, textBuffer)) { AbortInfLineEnum (&e); ignore = TRUE; break; } } while (EnumNextInfLine (&e)); }
if (ignore) { continue; }
// Test command line against pattern list
if (EnumFirstInfLine (&e, MainInf, TEXT("RunOnceExclusions.ValueData"))) { do { if (IsPatternMatch (e.FieldZeroData, exeBuffer)) { AbortInfLineEnum (&e); ignore = TRUE; break; } } while (EnumNextInfLine (&e)); }
if (ignore) { continue; }
// Found a RunOnce entry that should be executed before upgrading
foundValues = TRUE; break; } }
// If no RunOnce values found, don't provide the warning.
if (!foundValues) { __leave; } }
// Otherwise, provide the warning, and write Winnt32Warning to the Setup
// key and RunOnce key.
CompData = (PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA) MALLOC( sizeof(COMPATIBILITY_DATA) ); if (CompData == NULL) { __leave; }
if(!LoadString(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_PENDING_REBOOT,textBuffer,sizeof(textBuffer)/sizeof(TCHAR))) { CompData->Description = 0; } else { CompData->Description = DupString(textBuffer); }
CompData->Flags |= GlobalCompFlags; CompData->HtmlName = DupString( TEXT("compdata\\runonce.htm") ); CompData->TextName = DupString( TEXT("compdata\\runonce.txt") );
InsertTailList( &CompatibilityData, &CompData->ListEntry );
if (ISNT() && BuildNumber <= 1381) { //
// Get the number of values for the worker fn, so it
// can protect itself against a runaway enumeration.
Error = RegQueryInfoKey ( hKey, NULL, // class
NULL, // class size
NULL, // reserved
NULL, // subkey count
NULL, // max subkeys
NULL, // max class
&valueNumber, // value count
NULL, // max value name len
NULL, // max value data len
NULL, // security desc
NULL // last write time
if (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { valueNumber = 100; // some random count, doesn't really matter because failure case is impracticle
FixRunOnceForNT4 (valueNumber); }
RegSetValueEx ( setupKey, S_WINNT32_WARNING, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) TEXT(""), // value is all that matters, data is irrelevant
sizeof (TCHAR) );
RegSetValueEx ( hKey, S_WINNT32_WARNING, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) TEXT("user.exe"), // this EXE exists on all machines, terminates right away
// and produces no UI
sizeof (TEXT("user.exe")) );
result = TRUE; } __finally { if (!result && setupKey) { //
// Clean up warning flag at the end of WINNT32
g_DeleteRunOnceFlag = TRUE; }
if (hKey) { RegCloseKey (hKey); }
if (setupKey) { RegCloseKey (setupKey); } }
return result; }
BOOL ProcessCompatibilityData( HWND hDlg ) { DWORD Count;
if( !CompatibilityData.Flink ) { InitializeListHead( &CompatibilityData ); }
// On clean install we have to process [ServicesToStopInstallation].
// This section will contain at least the check for unsupported architectures that has to be
// executed onb clean install.
// please don't reset this variable; it may be > 0 intentionally!
// CompatibilityCount = 0;
// check for "RunOnce" Stuff
if( (Upgrade) && !(CheckUpgradeOnly) ) { if (pCheckForPendingRunOnce()) { CompatibilityCount++; IncompatibilityStopsInstallation = TRUE; } }
if (ISNT()) {
CompatibilityCount += ProcessCompatibilitySection( NtcompatInf, TEXT("ServicesToStopInstallation") ); if (CompatibilityCount) { IncompatibilityStopsInstallation = TRUE; }
GlobalCompFlags = 0; CompatibilityCount += ProcessCompatibilitySection( NtcompatInf, TEXT("ServicesToDisable") );
// Now cleanup any turds we left in the registry on the services we checked.
RemoveCompatibilityServiceEntries( NtcompatInf, TEXT("ServicesToStopInstallation") ); RemoveCompatibilityServiceEntries( NtcompatInf, TEXT("ServicesToDisable") ); }
if( CompatibilityCount ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL WriteTextmodeReplaceData( IN HANDLE hTargetFile ) { CHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH*2]; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; BOOL Result = FALSE; DWORD Bytes; //
// For textmode "overwriting" files, write them out to the
// WINNT_OVERWRITE_EXISTING (IncompatibleFilesToOverWrite) section
// of this compatibility data file.
// Textmode just needs to know the name of the file.
SetFilePointer(hTargetFile, 0, 0, FILE_END); sprintf(Buffer, "\r\n[%s]\r\n", WINNT_OVERWRITE_EXISTING_A); WriteFile(hTargetFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL);
// Loop down the list of items
if ( ( Next = CompatibilityData.Flink ) != NULL ) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD(Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if (!ProcessLine(CompData->Flags)) continue;
// The set string is:
// "shortfilename" = "fullpathname","version.string"
// ExpandEnvironmentStrings to ensure that the full path for any
// 't' line is expanded properly
if ((CompData->Type == TEXT('t')) && CompData->FileName) { static TCHAR tchLocalExpandedPath[MAX_PATH*2]; PTSTR ptszFileNameBit = NULL; DWORD dwResult = 0;
dwResult = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( CompData->FileName, tchLocalExpandedPath, MAX_PATH );
// Did we run out of characters expanding the path? Wierd...
if ( dwResult > MAX_PATH*2 ) goto Exit;
// Find the actual file name by looking backwards from the end of
// the string.
ptszFileNameBit = _tcsrchr( tchLocalExpandedPath, TEXT('\\') ); if ( ptszFileNameBit == NULL ) ptszFileNameBit = _tcsrchr( tchLocalExpandedPath, TEXT('/') );
// Form up this buffer containing the details Texmode will want.
// If there's no filenamebit, use the full path name. Textmode
// will likely fail to find the file, but Nothing Bad will happen.
// If the version is missing (strange....) then use a blank string
// to avoid upsetting textmode.
wsprintfA( Buffer, #ifdef UNICODE
"\"%ls\" = \"%ls\",\"%ls\"\r\n", #else
"\"%s\" = \"%s\",\"%s\"\r\n", #endif
ptszFileNameBit ? ptszFileNameBit + 1 : tchLocalExpandedPath, CompData->FileVer ? CompData->FileVer : TEXT(""), tchLocalExpandedPath );
// Spit the buffer (in ansi chars, no less) into the file.
if (!WriteFile(hTargetFile, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL )) goto Exit;
} } }
Result = TRUE; Exit: return Result;
#ifdef UNICODE
BOOL pIsOEMService ( IN PCTSTR ServiceKeyName, OUT PTSTR OemInfPath, OPTIONAL IN INT BufferSize OPTIONAL ); //This function is defined in unsupdrv.c
BOOL WriteCompatibilityData( IN LPCTSTR FileName ) { TCHAR Text[MAX_PATH*2]; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; HANDLE hFile; CHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH*2]; DWORD Bytes; PSTRINGLIST listServices = NULL, p; PCTSTR serviceName; BOOL b = FALSE;
if (CompatibilityCount == 0) { return FALSE; }
__try { SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, 0, FILE_END );
sprintf( Buffer, "\r\n[%s]\r\n", WINNT_COMPATIBILITY_A ); WriteFile( hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL );
Next = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if( !( ProcessLine( CompData->Flags) )) continue;
if (CompData->RegKeyName) { if (CompData->RegValDataSize == sizeof(DWORD)) { wsprintf( Text, TEXT("HKLM,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x%08x,%d\r\n"), CompData->RegKeyName, CompData->RegValName, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_DWORD, *(LPDWORD)CompData->RegValData ); if (*(LPDWORD)CompData->RegValData == SERVICE_DISABLED) { //
// also record this as a service to be disabled
// for additional service-specific processing during textmode setup
serviceName = _tcsrchr (CompData->RegKeyName, TEXT('\\')); if (!serviceName) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DATA); __leave; } if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&listServices, (PGENERIC_LIST)CreateStringCell (serviceName + 1) )) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } } } else { wsprintf( Text, TEXT("HKLM,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x%08x,\"%s\"\r\n"), CompData->RegKeyName, CompData->RegValName, FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_SZ, (LPTSTR)CompData->RegValData ); } #ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, Text, -1, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), NULL, NULL ); if (!WriteFile( hFile, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL )) { __leave; } #else
if (!WriteFile( hFile, Text, strlen(Text), &Bytes, NULL )) { __leave; } #endif
} } }
if (listServices) { sprintf (Buffer, "\r\n[%s]\r\n", WINNT_SERVICESTODISABLE_A); if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; } for (p = listServices; p; p = p->Next) { #ifdef UNICODE
wsprintfA (Buffer, "\"%ls\"\r\n", p->String); #else
wsprintfA (Buffer, "\"%s\"\r\n", p->String); #endif
if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; } } }
#ifdef UNICODE
Next = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if( !( ProcessLine( CompData->Flags) )) continue;
if (CompData->ServiceName && (CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_DELETE_INF)) { TCHAR oemInfFileName[MAX_PATH];
if (pIsOEMService(CompData->ServiceName, oemInfFileName, ARRAYSIZE(oemInfFileName))) {
// Write the following in the answer file
// note that 17 is the code for %windir%\INF
[DelInf.serv] Delfiles=DelInfFiles.serv
[DelInfFiles.serv] "oem0.inf"
[DestinationDirs] DelInfFiles.serv= 17 */ if(_snprintf(Buffer, ARRAYSIZE(Buffer), "\r\n[DelInf.%ls]\r\n" "Delfiles=DelInfFiles.%ls\r\n" "\r\n[DelInfFiles.%ls]\r\n", CompData->ServiceName, CompData->ServiceName, CompData->ServiceName) < 0) { Buffer[ARRAYSIZE(Buffer) - 1] = '\0'; MYASSERT(FALSE); continue; }
if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; }
if(_snprintf(Buffer, ARRAYSIZE(Buffer), "\"%ls\"\r\n" "\r\n[DestinationDirs]\r\n" "DelInfFiles.%ls= 17\r\n", oemInfFileName, CompData->ServiceName) < 0) { Buffer[ARRAYSIZE(Buffer) - 1] = '\0'; MYASSERT(FALSE); continue; }
if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////
if ( !WriteTextmodeReplaceData(hFile) ) __leave; b = TRUE; } __finally { DWORD rc = GetLastError (); CloseHandle( hFile ); if (listServices) { DeleteStringList (listServices); } SetLastError (rc); }
return b; }
BOOL pIsValidService ( IN PCTSTR ServiceName ) { TCHAR KeyName[MAX_PATH]; HKEY key; DWORD rc; BOOL b = FALSE;
BuildPath (KeyName, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services"), ServiceName); //
// get an open key to the services database
rc = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyName, 0, KEY_READ, &key );
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { b = TRUE; RegCloseKey (key); }
return b; }
BOOL WriteTextmodeClobberData ( IN LPCTSTR FileName ) { HANDLE hFile; CHAR Buffer[50]; DWORD LineCount, Bytes; TCHAR keyGuid[200]; PCTSTR guidClass; PSTRINGLIST listServices = NULL, listLines = NULL, e; PCTSTR service; PTSTR upperFilters = NULL, upperFiltersNew = NULL, lowerFilters = NULL, lowerFiltersNew = NULL, line; HKEY key; INT i, j; PTSTR p, q; PSTR ansi = NULL; DWORD rc, size, type; BOOL modified, found; BOOL b = FALSE;
MYASSERT (NtcompatInf);
LineCount = InfGetSectionLineCount (NtcompatInf, S_SECTION_CHECKCLASSFILTERS); if (LineCount == 0 || LineCount == 0xffffffff) { return TRUE; }
__try { //
// first check if any data needs to be written
for (i = 0; i < (INT)LineCount; i++) { guidClass = InfGetFieldByIndex (NtcompatInf, S_SECTION_CHECKCLASSFILTERS, i, 0); if (guidClass == NULL) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } BuildPath (keyGuid, TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Class"), guidClass); rc = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyGuid, 0, KEY_READ, &key); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; } upperFilters = NULL; rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, TEXT("UpperFilters"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { MYASSERT (size >= 2); upperFilters = MALLOC (size); upperFiltersNew = MALLOC (size * 2); if (!upperFilters || !upperFiltersNew) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, TEXT("UpperFilters"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)upperFilters, &size); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FREE (upperFilters); upperFilters = NULL; FREE (upperFiltersNew); upperFiltersNew = NULL; } } lowerFilters = NULL; rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, TEXT("LowerFilters"), NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_MULTI_SZ) { MYASSERT (size >= 2); lowerFilters = MALLOC (size); lowerFiltersNew = MALLOC (size * 2); if (!lowerFilters || !lowerFiltersNew) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, TEXT("LowerFilters"), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)lowerFilters, &size); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FREE (lowerFilters); lowerFilters = NULL; FREE (lowerFiltersNew); lowerFiltersNew = NULL; } }
RegCloseKey (key);
if (!(upperFilters || lowerFilters)) { continue; }
j = 1; do { service = InfGetFieldByIndex (NtcompatInf, S_SECTION_CHECKCLASSFILTERS, i, j++); if (service && *service) { if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&listServices, (PGENERIC_LIST)CreateStringCell (service) )) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } } } while (service);
if (upperFilters) { modified = FALSE; *upperFiltersNew = 0; for (p = upperFilters, q = upperFiltersNew; *p; p = _tcschr (p, 0) + 1) { if (listServices) { found = FindStringCell (listServices, p, FALSE); } else { found = !pIsValidService (p); } if (found) { DebugLog ( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("NTCOMPAT: Removing \"%1\" from %2 of %3"), 0, p, TEXT("UpperFilters"), guidClass ); modified = TRUE; } else { q = q + wsprintf (q, TEXT(",\"%s\""), p); } } if (modified) { //
// tell textmode setup to overwrite this value
line = MALLOC ( sizeof (TCHAR) * (1 + sizeof("HKLM,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x%08x%s\r\n") - 1 + lstrlen (keyGuid) + sizeof ("UpperFilters") - 1 + 2 + 8 + lstrlen (upperFiltersNew) )); if (!line) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } wsprintf ( line, TEXT("HKLM,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x%08x%s\r\n"), keyGuid, TEXT("UpperFilters"), FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ, upperFiltersNew ); if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&listLines, (PGENERIC_LIST)CreateStringCell (line) )) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } FREE (line); line = NULL; } }
if (lowerFilters) { modified = FALSE; *lowerFiltersNew = 0; for (p = lowerFilters, q = lowerFiltersNew; *p; p = _tcschr (p, 0) + 1) { if (listServices) { found = FindStringCell (listServices, p, FALSE); } else { found = !pIsValidService (p); } if (found) { DebugLog ( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("NTCOMPAT: Removing \"%1\" from %2 of %3"), 0, p, TEXT("LowerFilters"), guidClass ); modified = TRUE; } else { q = q + wsprintf (q, TEXT(",\"%s\""), p); } } if (modified) { //
// tell textmode setup to overwrite this value
line = MALLOC ( sizeof (TCHAR) * (1 + sizeof("HKLM,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x%08x%s\r\n") - 1 + lstrlen (keyGuid) + sizeof ("LowerFilters") - 1 + 2 + 8 + lstrlen (lowerFiltersNew) )); if (!line) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } wsprintf ( line, TEXT("HKLM,\"%s\",\"%s\",0x%08x%s\r\n"), keyGuid, TEXT("LowerFilters"), FLG_ADDREG_TYPE_MULTI_SZ, lowerFiltersNew ); if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&listLines, (PGENERIC_LIST)CreateStringCell (line) )) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } FREE (line); line = NULL; } } if (listServices) { DeleteStringList (listServices); listServices = NULL; } if (upperFilters) { FREE (upperFilters); upperFilters = NULL; } if (upperFiltersNew) { FREE (upperFiltersNew); upperFiltersNew = NULL; } if (lowerFilters) { FREE (lowerFilters); lowerFilters = NULL; } if (lowerFiltersNew) { FREE (lowerFiltersNew); lowerFiltersNew = NULL; } }
b = TRUE; } __finally { rc = GetLastError (); if (listServices) { DeleteStringList (listServices); } if (upperFilters) { FREE (upperFilters); } if (upperFiltersNew) { FREE (upperFiltersNew); } if (lowerFilters) { FREE (lowerFilters); } if (lowerFiltersNew) { FREE (lowerFiltersNew); } if (!b) { if (listLines) { DeleteStringList (listLines); listLines = NULL; } } SetLastError (rc); }
if (listLines) {
b = FALSE;
__try {
SetFilePointer (hFile, 0, 0, FILE_END);
sprintf (Buffer, "\r\n[%s]\r\n", WINNT_COMPATIBILITY_A); if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; }
for (e = listLines; e; e = e->Next) { #ifdef UNICODE
ansi = MALLOC ((lstrlen (e->String) + 1) * 2); if (!ansi) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); __leave; } if (!WideCharToMultiByte ( CP_ACP, 0, e->String, -1, ansi, lstrlen (e->String) + 1, NULL, NULL )) { __leave; } if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)ansi, strlen(ansi), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; } FREE (ansi); ansi = NULL; #else
if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)e->String, strlen(e->String), &Bytes, NULL)) { __leave; } #endif
b = TRUE; } __finally { DWORD rc = GetLastError (); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (hFile); } if (ansi) { FREE (ansi); } DeleteStringList (listLines); SetLastError (rc); } }
return b; }
BOOL SaveCompatibilityData( IN LPCTSTR FileName, IN BOOL IncludeHiddenItems ) /*++
Routine Description:
We call this function when the user has asked us to save the contents of the Compatibility page to a file.
FileName - supplies filename of file to be used for our output. IncludeHiddenItems - if set, hidden items are also saved
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether we succeeded.
{ #define WRITE_TEXT( s ) { strcpy( AnsiMessage, s ); \
WriteFile( hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA(AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL ); }
HANDLE hFile; CHAR AnsiMessage[5000]; DWORD Written; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData; DWORD i; TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH+8], *t; PVOID textDescription; BOOL bUnicode; BOOL bEmpty = TRUE;
// Open the file. NOTE THAT WE DON'T APPEND.
// Header...
WRITE_TEXT( "\r\n********************************************************************\r\n\r\n" );
LoadStringA(hInst,IDS_COMPAT_REPORTHEADER,AnsiMessage,(sizeof(AnsiMessage)/sizeof(CHAR))); WRITE_TEXT( AnsiMessage );
WRITE_TEXT( "\r\n\r\n********************************************************************\r\n\r\n" );
// Body...
Next = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if( CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_HIDE ) continue;
if( !ProcessLine(CompData->Flags)) continue;
// Convert the description to ANSI and write it.
#ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, CompData->Description, -1, AnsiMessage, sizeof(AnsiMessage), NULL, NULL ); #else
lstrcpyn(AnsiMessage,CompData->Description, 5000); #endif
strcat( AnsiMessage, "\r\n" ); WriteFile( hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA(AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL );
// Underline the description.
Written = strlen( AnsiMessage ); AnsiMessage[0] = 0; for( i = 0; i < (Written-2); i++ ) { strcat( AnsiMessage, "=" ); } strcat( AnsiMessage, "\r\n\r\n" ); WriteFile( hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA(AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL );
// Append the text file that this entry points to.
if (pGetText (CompData->TextName, &textDescription, &bUnicode)) { if (bUnicode) { #ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, textDescription, -1, AnsiMessage, sizeof(AnsiMessage), NULL, NULL ); #else
lstrcpyn(AnsiMessage, textDescription, 5000); #endif
WriteFile (hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA (AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL );
} else { WriteFile (hFile, textDescription, lstrlenA (textDescription), &Written, NULL ); }
FREE (textDescription); }
// Buffer space...
WRITE_TEXT( "\r\n\r\n\r\n" );
bEmpty = FALSE; } }
if (IncludeHiddenItems) { //
// Hidden Items Header...
// Body...
Next = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (Next) { BOOL bFirst = TRUE; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if (!(CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_HIDE )) continue;
if( !ProcessLine(CompData->Flags)) continue;
if (bFirst) { WRITE_TEXT( "\r\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n" ); bFirst = FALSE; }
// Convert the description to ANSI and write it.
#ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, CompData->Description, -1, AnsiMessage, sizeof(AnsiMessage), NULL, NULL ); #else
lstrcpy(AnsiMessage,CompData->Description); #endif
strcat( AnsiMessage, "\r\n" ); WriteFile( hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA(AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL );
// Underline the description.
Written = strlen( AnsiMessage ); AnsiMessage[0] = 0; for( i = 0; i < (Written-2); i++ ) { strcat( AnsiMessage, "=" ); } strcat( AnsiMessage, "\r\n\r\n" ); WriteFile( hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA(AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL );
// Append the text file that this entry points to.
if( (CompData->TextName) && *(CompData->TextName) ) { if (FindPathToWinnt32File (CompData->TextName, FullPath, MAX_PATH)) { ConcatenateFile( hFile, FullPath ); } else { DebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Compatibility data file \"%1\" not found"), 0, CompData->TextName ); } }
// Buffer space...
WRITE_TEXT( "\r\n\r\n\r\n" );
bEmpty = FALSE; } }
if (bEmpty) { if (LoadStringA (hInst, IDS_COMPAT_NOPROBLEMS, AnsiMessage, (sizeof(AnsiMessage)))) { strcat (AnsiMessage, "\r\n"); WriteFile (hFile, AnsiMessage, lstrlenA(AnsiMessage), &Written, NULL); } }
CloseHandle( hFile ); return TRUE; }
SetFilePointer( hFile, 0, 0, FILE_END );
Next_Link = CompatibilityData.Flink;
if( Next_Link ){
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next_Link != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) {
CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next_Link, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next_Link = CompData->ListEntry.Flink;
if( FirstTime ){ sprintf( Buffer, "[%s]\r\n", WINNT_COMPATIBILITYINFSECTION_A ); WriteFile( hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL ); FirstTime = FALSE; }
if(CompData->InfName && CompData->InfSection && *CompData->InfName && *CompData->InfSection){
//Add the information for GUI setup.
#ifdef _X86_
lstrcpy( Temp, LocalBootDirectory ); #else
lstrcpy( Temp, LocalSourceWithPlatform ); #endif
p = _tcsrchr (CompData->InfName, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { p++; } else { p = CompData->InfName; } ConcatenatePaths( Temp, p, MAX_PATH );
wsprintf( Text, TEXT("%s,%s\r\n"), Temp, CompData->InfSection );
#ifdef UNICODE
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, Text, -1, Buffer, sizeof(Buffer), NULL, NULL ); WriteFile( hFile, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL ); #else
WriteFile( hFile, Text, strlen(Text), &Bytes, NULL ); #endif
#ifdef UNICODE
if (CompData->ServiceName && (CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_DELETE_INF)) { TCHAR oemInfFileName[MAX_PATH];
if (pIsOEMService(CompData->ServiceName, oemInfFileName, ARRAYSIZE(oemInfFileName))) { if(_snprintf(Buffer, ARRAYSIZE(Buffer), "%ls, DelInf.%ls\r\n", WINNT_GUI_FILE_W, CompData->ServiceName) < 0) { Buffer[ARRAYSIZE(Buffer) - 1] = '\0'; MYASSERT(FALSE); continue; }
if (!WriteFile (hFile, (LPBYTE)Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Bytes, NULL)) { MYASSERT(FALSE); continue; } } } #endif
} }
CloseHandle( hFile );
BOOL IsIE4Installed( VOID );
BOOL IsIE3Installed( VOID );
BOOL ServerWizPage( IN HWND hdlg, IN UINT msg, IN WPARAM wParam, IN LPARAM lParam ) { /*++
Routine Description:
This routine notifies the user about the existance of the ever-so-official-sounding "Directory of Applications for Windows 2000".
Note that we'll only run this page on server installs/upgrades.
TCHAR FullPath[1024]; LPWSTR Url; DWORD i; BOOL b;
switch(msg) {
// Nothing to do here.
b = FALSE; break;
if (Winnt32Restarted ()) { return FALSE; }
// We're going to skip this page if we're installing
// a PROFESSIONAL product.
if( !Server ) { return FALSE; }
// Don't do this if we're on OSR2 because it
// will AV sometimes when we fire IE3 w/o an internet
// connection.
if( !ISNT() ) { return FALSE; }
// If we don't have IE, skip this page.
b = (IsIE4Installed() || IsIE3Installed()); SetForegroundWindow(hdlg); if( !b ) { return FALSE; } b = TRUE;
// If we're unattended, skip this page.
if( UnattendedOperation ) { return FALSE; }
if(wParam) { } b = TRUE; // Stop the bill board and show the wizard again.
SendMessage(GetParent (hdlg), WMX_BBTEXT, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0);
if ((LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_DIRECTORY) && (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED)) {
// The user wants to go look at the directory.
// Fire IE.
// Depending on which flavor we're upgrading to, we need
// to go to a different page.
b = TRUE; // silence PREfix. Not relevant, but presumably,
// if the directory is being opened, it must exist.
// So we return TRUE.
if( Server ) { if( !LoadString(hInst,IDS_SRV_APP_DIRECTORY,FullPath,sizeof(FullPath)/sizeof(TCHAR))) break; } else { if( !LoadString(hInst,IDS_PRO_APP_DIRECTORY,FullPath,sizeof(FullPath)/sizeof(TCHAR))) break; }
i = _tcslen( FullPath ); Url = (LPWSTR)SysAllocStringLen( NULL, i );
if(Url) { #ifdef UNICODE
wcscpy( Url, FullPath ); #else
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, FullPath, -1, Url, i ); #endif
if (!LaunchIE4Instance(Url)) { if (!LaunchIE3Instance(Url)) { //
// Sniff... the user doesn't have IE
// on his machine. Quietly move on.
} }
SysFreeString( Url ); } } else b = FALSE; break;
b = TRUE; break;
default: b = FALSE; break;
return b;
BOOL AnyBlockingCompatibilityItems ( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next = CompatibilityData.Flink;
if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) { PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA CompData = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry ); Next = CompData->ListEntry.Flink; if ((!(CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_HIDE)) && ProcessLine( CompData->Flags)) { if( CompData->Flags & COMPFLAG_STOPINSTALL ) { return TRUE; } } } } return FALSE; }