#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdio.h>
BOOL LoadInfs( IN HWND hdlg );
BOOL BuildCopyList( IN HWND hdlg );
BOOL LoadAndRunMigrationDlls ( HWND hDlg );
BOOL ProcessCompatibilityData( HWND hDlg );
DWORD ProcessCompatibilitySection( LPVOID InfHandle, LPTSTR SectionName );
DWORD InspectAndLoadThread( IN PVOID ThreadParam ) { HWND hdlg; BOOL b;
// Thread parameter is the handle of the page in the wizard.
hdlg = ThreadParam; b = FALSE;
// If we're running the upgrade checker, fixup the title
// right away.
if (CheckUpgradeOnly) { FixUpWizardTitle(GetParent(hdlg)); PropSheet_SetTitle(GetParent(hdlg),0,UIntToPtr( IDS_APPTITLE_CHECKUPGRADE )); }
// Step 1: delete existing local sources.
#ifdef _X86_ //NEC98
// If NEC98, Backup NT4 files
// boot.ini, NTLDR, NTDETECT
if (IsNEC98() && Floppyless) { SaveRestoreBootFiles_NEC98(NEC98SAVEBOOTFILES); } #endif //NEC98
// Step 2: inspect for HPFS, etc.
if(!InspectFilesystems(hdlg)) { Cancelled = TRUE; } else {
// Step 3: load inf(s).
if(LoadInfs(hdlg)) {
// Put in an "|| CheckUpgradeOnly" on these
// function calls because if we're really only
// checking the ability to upgrade, we want
// to continue even if one of these guys fails.
// Step 4: Check memory resources.
if( EnoughMemory( hdlg, FALSE ) || CheckUpgradeOnly ) {
// check for services to disable
#if defined(UNICODE) && defined(_X86_)
// Run Migration DLLs.
LoadAndRunMigrationDlls (hdlg);
// migrate any important data in boot.ini (like the countdown)
if (Upgrade) { if (IsArc()) { MigrateBootVarData(); } else { #ifdef _X86_
MigrateBootIniData(); #endif
} }
// Step 5: build the master file copy list.
if(CheckUpgradeOnly || BuildCopyList(hdlg)) {
// Step 6: look for a valid local source and check disk space.
if(FindLocalSourceAndCheckSpace(hdlg, FALSE, 0) || CheckUpgradeOnly) {
// Step 7:
// At this point we actually know everything we need to know
// in order to pass parameters to text mode setup.
if( CheckUpgradeOnly ) { b = TRUE; } else { b = WriteParametersFile(hdlg);
if (IsArc()) { #ifdef UNICODE // Always true for ARC, never true for Win9x upgrade
if(b) { TCHAR Text[128];
LoadString(hInst,IDS_SETTING_NVRAM,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text);
b = SetUpNvRam(hdlg); } #endif // UNICODE
} // if (IsArc())
#ifdef UNICODE
if( b && Upgrade #ifdef _X86_
&& Floppyless #endif
) { //
// Do the migration of unsupported NT drivers.
// We can ignore the return code, since the fuction will inform the user if
// migration could not be done.
MigrateUnsupportedNTDrivers( hdlg, TxtsetupSif ); } #endif // UNICODE
} }
if(!b) { UnloadInfFile(MainInf); MainInf = NULL; if(TxtsetupSif) { UnloadInfFile(TxtsetupSif); TxtsetupSif = NULL; } } } } }
PostMessage(hdlg,WMX_INSPECTRESULT,(CheckUpgradeOnly ? TRUE : b),0); return(0); }
#if defined(UNICODE) && defined(_X86_)
LIST_ENTRY g_HandledData; TCHAR g_MigDllAnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD GlobalCompFlags; UINT g_MigDllIndex = 0;
#define HANDLED_FILE 2
typedef struct {
LONG Type;
PCTSTR RegKey; PCTSTR RegValue; PCTSTR File; PCTSTR Service;
BOOL ResolveHandledIncompatibilities ( VOID ) { //
// At this point, all incompatibilities that will exist in the list are in place.
// we can now compare this with our list of handled data and remove
// anything a migration dll is taking care of.
PLIST_ENTRY nextHandled; PLIST_ENTRY nextCompData; PHANDLED_DATA handledData; PCOMPATIBILITY_DATA compData; BOOL remove;
nextHandled = g_HandledData.Flink;
if (!nextHandled) { return TRUE; }
while ((ULONG_PTR)nextHandled != (ULONG_PTR)&g_HandledData) {
handledData = CONTAINING_RECORD (nextHandled, HANDLED_DATA, ListEntry); nextHandled = handledData->ListEntry.Flink;
nextCompData = CompatibilityData.Flink; if (!nextCompData) { return TRUE; }
while ((ULONG_PTR)nextCompData != (ULONG_PTR)&CompatibilityData) {
compData = CONTAINING_RECORD (nextCompData, COMPATIBILITY_DATA, ListEntry); nextCompData = compData->ListEntry.Flink; remove = FALSE;
if (handledData->Type == HANDLED_REGISTRY && compData->RegKey && *compData->RegKey) {
if (!lstrcmpi (compData->RegKey, handledData->RegKey)) {
if (!handledData->RegValue || !lstrcmpi (compData->RegValue, handledData->RegValue)) { remove = TRUE;
} } }
if (handledData->Type == HANDLED_SERVICE && compData->ServiceName && *compData->ServiceName) {
if (!lstrcmpi (compData->ServiceName, handledData->Service)) { remove = TRUE;
} }
if (handledData->Type == HANDLED_FILE && compData->FileName && *compData->FileName) {
if (!lstrcmpi (compData->FileName, handledData->File)) { remove = TRUE; } }
// Migration dll has handled something. Remove it from the compatibility list.
if (remove) {
RemoveEntryList (&compData->ListEntry); } } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CallMigDllEntryPoints ( PMIGDLLENUM Enum ) { MIGRATIONDLL dll; LONG rc;
if (!MigDllOpen (&dll, Enum->Properties->DllPath, GATHERMODE, FALSE, SOURCEOS_WINNT)) { return FALSE; }
__try {
rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (!MigDllInitializeSrc ( &dll, Enum->Properties->WorkingDirectory, NativeSourcePaths[0], Enum->Properties->SourceMedia, NULL, 0 )) {
rc = GetLastError (); }
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
if (!MigDllGatherSystemSettings ( &dll, g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, NULL, 0 )) {
rc = GetLastError (); }
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
} __finally { MigDllClose (&dll); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ParseMigrateInf ( PCWSTR MigInfPath ) {
PVOID migInf = NULL; LONG lineCount; LONG i; PCTSTR type; PHANDLED_DATA data; PCTSTR regKey; PCTSTR regValue; PCTSTR file; PCTSTR service;
if (LoadInfFile (MigInfPath, FALSE, &migInf) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
__try {
// Add any compatibility items to the list.
if( !CompatibilityData.Flink ) { InitializeListHead( &CompatibilityData ); }
GlobalCompFlags = COMPFLAG_STOPINSTALL; CompatibilityCount += ProcessCompatibilitySection (migInf, TEXT("ServicesToStopInstallation") ); if (CompatibilityCount) { IncompatibilityStopsInstallation = TRUE; }
GlobalCompFlags = 0; CompatibilityCount += ProcessCompatibilitySection (migInf, TEXT("ServicesToDisable") );
// Add Handled compatibility items to the list.
lineCount = InfGetSectionLineCount (migInf, TEXT("Handled"));
if (lineCount && lineCount != -1) {
for (i=0; i < lineCount; i++) {
type = InfGetFieldByIndex (migInf, TEXT("Handled"), i, 0); if (!type) { continue; }
if (!lstrcmpi (type, TEXT("Registry"))) {
regKey = InfGetFieldByIndex (migInf, TEXT("Handled"), i, 1); regValue = InfGetFieldByIndex (migInf, TEXT("Handled"), i, 2);
if (regKey && *regKey) {
data = (PHANDLED_DATA) MALLOC (sizeof(HANDLED_DATA)); if (data == NULL) { return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory (data, sizeof (HANDLED_DATA));
data->Type = HANDLED_REGISTRY; data->RegKey = regKey; data->RegValue = regValue;
InsertTailList (&g_HandledData, &data->ListEntry); } } else if (!lstrcmpi (type, TEXT("File"))) {
file = InfGetFieldByIndex (migInf, TEXT("Handled"), i, 1); if (file && *file) {
data = (PHANDLED_DATA) MALLOC (sizeof(HANDLED_DATA)); if (data == NULL) { return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory (data, sizeof (HANDLED_DATA));
data->Type = HANDLED_FILE; data->File = file;
InsertTailList (&g_HandledData, &data->ListEntry); } } else if (!lstrcmpi (type, TEXT("Service"))) {
service = InfGetFieldByIndex (migInf, TEXT("Handled"), i, 1); if (service && *service) {
data = (PHANDLED_DATA) MALLOC (sizeof(HANDLED_DATA)); if (data == NULL) { return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory (data, sizeof (HANDLED_DATA));
data->Type = HANDLED_SERVICE; data->Service = service;
InsertTailList (&g_HandledData, &data->ListEntry); } } } } } __finally {
UnloadInfFile (migInf);
return TRUE; }
VOID SearchDirForMigDlls ( PCTSTR SearchDir, PCTSTR BaseDir, DLLLIST List
lstrcpy (searchPath, SearchDir); ConcatenatePaths (searchPath, TEXT("*"), MAX_PATH);
findHandle = FindFirstFile (searchPath, &findData); if (findHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
lstrcpy (path, SearchDir); p = _tcschr (path, 0); if (p) {
do {
if (!lstrcmpi (findData.cFileName, TEXT("migrate.dll"))) {
*p = 0; ConcatenatePaths (path, findData.cFileName, MAX_PATH);
if (!MigDllOpen (&dll, path, GATHERMODE, FALSE, SOURCEOS_WINNT)) { continue; }
if (!MigDllQueryMigrationInfo (&dll, TEXT("c:\\"), &migInfo)) { MigDllClose (&dll); continue; }
if (migInfo->SourceOs == OS_WINDOWS9X || migInfo->TargetOs != OS_WINDOWSWHISTLER) { continue; }
// Do we already have a version of this migration dll?
dllProps = MigDllFindDllInList (List, migInfo->StaticProductIdentifier);
if (dllProps && dllProps->Info.DllVersion >= migInfo->DllVersion) { MigDllClose (&dll); continue; } else if (dllProps) {
MigDllRemoveDllFromList (List, migInfo->StaticProductIdentifier); }
// Move dll locally.
wsprintf (workingDir, TEXT("%s\\mig%u"), BaseDir, g_MigDllIndex); g_MigDllIndex++;
MigDllMoveDllLocally (&dll, workingDir);
// Add the dll to the list.
MigDllAddDllToList (List, &dll); MigDllClose (&dll); } else if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && *findData.cFileName != TEXT('.')) {
*p = 0; ConcatenatePaths (path, findData.cFileName, MAX_PATH); SearchDirForMigDlls (path, BaseDir, List); }
} while (FindNextFile (findHandle, &findData)); }
FindClose (findHandle); } }
#endif // UNICODE
#if defined(UNICODE) && defined(_X86_)
BOOL LoadAndRunMigrationDlls ( HWND hDlg ) { HKEY regKey = NULL; DWORD index; DWORD nameSize; DWORD valueSize; DWORD type; TCHAR valueName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR value[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR baseDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR workingDir[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; LONG rc; DLLLIST list = NULL; MIGRATIONDLL dll; PMIGDLLPROPERTIES dllProps = NULL; MIGDLLENUM e; PMIGRATIONINFO migInfo; TCHAR migInfPath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE migInf; TCHAR searchDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tempDir[MAX_PATH];
*g_MigDllAnswerFilePath = 0;
// NT Upgrades only.
if (!ISNT() || !Upgrade) { return TRUE; }
// Win2k > Upgrades only.
if (BuildNumber <= NT40) { return TRUE; } */ __try {
if (!MigDllInit ()) { return TRUE; }
list = MigDllCreateList (); if (!list) { return TRUE; }
InitializeListHead (&g_HandledData);
MyGetWindowsDirectory (baseDir, MAX_PATH); ConcatenatePaths (baseDir, TEXT("Setup"), MAX_PATH); lstrcpy (g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, baseDir); lstrcpy (tempDir, baseDir); ConcatenatePaths (g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, TEXT("migdll.txt"), MAX_PATH); if(ActualParamFile[0]){ CopyFile(ActualParamFile, g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, FALSE); }
// Scan registry for migration dlls and load them.
// Enumerate Values.
index = 0; do {
nameSize = MAX_PATH; valueSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof (TCHAR);
rc = RegEnumValue ( regKey, index, valueName, &nameSize, NULL, &type, (PBYTE) value, &valueSize );
if (rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { continue; }
if (rc == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { break; }
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (!MigDllOpen (&dll, value, GATHERMODE, FALSE, SOURCEOS_WINNT)) { continue; }
if (!MigDllQueryMigrationInfo (&dll, tempDir, &migInfo)) { MigDllClose (&dll); continue; }
if (migInfo->SourceOs == OS_WINDOWS9X || migInfo->TargetOs != OS_WINDOWSWHISTLER) { continue; }
// Do we already have a version of this migration dll?
dllProps = MigDllFindDllInList (list, migInfo->StaticProductIdentifier);
if (dllProps && dllProps->Info.DllVersion >= migInfo->DllVersion) { MigDllClose (&dll); continue; } else {
MigDllRemoveDllFromList (list, migInfo->StaticProductIdentifier); }
// Move dll locally.
wsprintf (workingDir, TEXT("%s\\mig%u"), baseDir, g_MigDllIndex); g_MigDllIndex++;
MigDllMoveDllLocally (&dll, workingDir); //
// Add the dll to the list.
MigDllAddDllToList (list, &dll); MigDllClose (&dll);
} while (1); }
// Now, look for dlls shipped with the source.
GetModuleFileName (NULL, searchDir, MAX_PATH); p = _tcsrchr (searchDir, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { p++; lstrcpy (p, TEXT("WINNTMIG")); }
SearchDirForMigDlls (searchDir, baseDir, list);
// All dlls are now in the list. Lets run them.
ConcatenatePaths (baseDir, TEXT("dlls.inf"), MAX_PATH); if (MigDllEnumFirst (&e, list)) {
WritePrivateProfileString ( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("Signature"), TEXT("\"$Windows NT$\""), baseDir );
do {
wsprintf (migInfPath, TEXT("%s\\migrate.inf"), e.Properties->WorkingDirectory); migInf = CreateFile ( migInfPath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
if (migInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { continue; }
CloseHandle (migInf);
WritePrivateProfileString ( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("Signature"), TEXT("\"$Windows NT$\""), migInfPath );
if (!CallMigDllEntryPoints (&e)) { MigDllRemoveDllInEnumFromList (list, &e); } else {
ParseMigrateInf (migInfPath);
WritePrivateProfileString ( TEXT("DllsToLoad"), e.Properties->Info.StaticProductIdentifier, e.Properties->DllPath, baseDir ); }
} while (MigDllEnumNext (&e));
WritePrivateProfileString (NULL, NULL, NULL, baseDir);
// Get rid of compatibility messages handled by migration dlls.
ResolveHandledIncompatibilities (); } } __finally {
if (regKey) { RegCloseKey (regKey); }
if (list) { MigDllFreeList (list); }
return TRUE; }
VOID CleanUpOldLocalSources( IN HWND hdlg )
Routine Description:
Locate and delete old local source trees. All local fixed drives are scanned for \$win_nt$.~ls, and if present, delnoded. On x86, we also check the system partition for \$win_nt$.~bt and give it the same treatment.
Return Value:
{ TCHAR Drive; TCHAR Text[250]; TCHAR Filename[128];
LoadString(hInst,IDS_INSPECTING,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text);
for(Drive=TEXT('A'); Drive<=TEXT('Z'); Drive++) { if(MyGetDriveType(Drive) != DRIVE_FIXED) { continue; }
Filename[0] = Drive; Filename[1] = TEXT(':'); Filename[2] = 0; ConcatenatePaths(Filename,LOCAL_SOURCE_DIR,sizeof(Filename)/sizeof(TCHAR));
if(FileExists(Filename, NULL)) {
LoadString(hInst,IDS_REMOVING_OLD_TEMPFILES,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text);
LoadString(hInst,IDS_INSPECTING,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text); } }
if (!IsArc()) { #ifdef _X86_
MYASSERT (SystemPartitionDriveLetter); Filename[0] = SystemPartitionDriveLetter; Filename[1] = TEXT(':'); Filename[2] = TEXT('\\'); lstrcpy(Filename+3,LOCAL_BOOT_DIR);
LoadString(hInst,IDS_REMOVING_OLD_TEMPFILES,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text);
// Clean up backup directory, if it exists.
if(IsNEC98() && Floppyless) {
Filename[0] = SystemPartitionDriveLetter; Filename[1] = TEXT(':'); Filename[2] = TEXT('\\'); lstrcpy(Filename+3,LOCAL_BACKUP_DIR);
MyDelnode(Filename); } #endif // _X86_
} // if (!IsArc())
BOOL InspectSources( HWND ParentWnd )
Routine Description:
Check all sources given to ensure that they contain a valid windows NT distribution. We do this simply by looking for DOSNET.INF on each source.
ParentWnd - Specifies the handle of the parent window for any error messages.
Return Value:
{ UINT i,j; TCHAR Filename[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR Text[512]; UINT OriginalCount; HCURSOR OldCursor; BOOL b = TRUE;
OldCursor = SetCursor (LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_WAIT));
OriginalCount = SourceCount;
// if we have a good alternate path then there
// is no need to verify the source paths
if (AlternateSourcePath[0]) { lstrcpy(Filename,AlternateSourcePath); ConcatenatePaths(Filename,InfName,MAX_PATH); if(FileExists (Filename, NULL)) { SetCursor (OldCursor); return TRUE; } }
// verify each path
for (i=0; i<SourceCount; ) {
lstrcpy(Filename,NativeSourcePaths[i]); ConcatenatePaths(Filename,InfName,MAX_PATH);
if(!FileExists (Filename, NULL)) { //
// Source doesn't exist or isn't valid.
// Adjust the list.
for(j=i+1; j<SourceCount; j++) { lstrcpy(NativeSourcePaths[j-1],NativeSourcePaths[j]); lstrcpy(SourcePaths[j-1],SourcePaths[j]); } SourceCount--; } else { i++; } }
if (!SourceCount) {
// No sources are valid.
MessageBoxFromMessage( ParentWnd, (OriginalCount == 1) ? MSG_INVALID_SOURCE : MSG_INVALID_SOURCES, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING | MB_TASKMODAL, NativeSourcePaths[0] );
// Set it to look like one source that is the empty string,
// so logic elsewhere will work correctly without special casing.
SourceCount = 1; NativeSourcePaths[0][0] = 0; SourcePaths[0][0] = 0; b = FALSE; }
SetCursor (OldCursor);
return b; }
BOOL LoadInfs( IN HWND hdlg )
Routine Description:
Load dosnet.inf from source 0. If upgrading and we're running on NT then also load txtsetup.sif. If running on NT, load ntcompat.inf
hdlg - supplies handle of dialog to which progress messages should be directed.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating outcome. If FALSE then the user will have been informed.
if (!MainInf) { b = LoadInfWorker(hdlg,InfName,&MainInf, TRUE); if(!b) { MessageBoxFromMessage( NULL, MSG_INVALID_INF_FILE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_TASKMODAL, InfName ); DebugLog( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("ERROR: Could not load dosnet.inf!"), 0); goto c0; } } else { b = TRUE; }
if(p = InfGetFieldByKey(MainInf,TEXT("Miscellaneous"),TEXT("ProductType"),0)) { ProductFlavor = _tcstoul(p,NULL,10);
Server = (ProductFlavor != PROFESSIONAL_PRODUCTTYPE && ProductFlavor != PERSONAL_PRODUCTTYPE); UpgradeProductType = Server ? NT_SERVER : NT_WORKSTATION;
if( CheckUpgradeOnly ) { AppTitleStringId = IDS_APPTITLE_CHECKUPGRADE; } else if( ProductFlavor == PROFESSIONAL_PRODUCTTYPE ) { AppTitleStringId = IDS_APPTITLE_WKS; } else if( ProductFlavor == SERVER_PRODUCTTYPE ) { AppTitleStringId = IDS_APPTITLE_SRV; } else if( ProductFlavor == ADVANCEDSERVER_PRODUCTTYPE ) { AppTitleStringId = IDS_APPTITLE_ASRV; } else if( ProductFlavor == DATACENTER_PRODUCTTYPE ) { AppTitleStringId = IDS_APPTITLE_DAT; } else if( ProductFlavor == BLADESERVER_PRODUCTTYPE ) { AppTitleStringId = IDS_APPTITLE_BLADE; }
// AppTitleStringId = Server ? IDS_APPTITLE_SRV : IDS_APPTITLE_WKS;
FixUpWizardTitle(GetParent(hdlg)); PropSheet_SetTitle(GetParent(hdlg),0,UIntToPtr( AppTitleStringId )); }
if(Upgrade && ISNT()) { //
// If upgrading NT, pull in txtsetup.sif.
b = LoadInfWorker(hdlg,TEXTMODE_INF,&TxtsetupSif, FALSE); if(!b) { MessageBoxFromMessage( NULL, MSG_INVALID_INF_FILE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_TASKMODAL, TEXTMODE_INF ); TxtsetupSif = NULL; DebugLog( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("ERROR: Could not load txtsetup.sif!"), 0); goto c1; } } if( ISNT()) { b = FindPathToWinnt32File(NTCOMPAT_INF, szPath, MAX_PATH); if(!b) { NtcompatInf = NULL; DebugLog( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("ERROR: Could not find ntcompat.inf!"), 0); goto c2; } if(LoadInfFile( szPath,TRUE, &NtcompatInf) != NO_ERROR) { MessageBoxFromMessage( NULL, MSG_INVALID_INF_FILE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_TASKMODAL, szPath ); b = FALSE; NtcompatInf = NULL; DebugLog( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("ERROR: Could not load ntcompat.inf!"), 0); goto c2; } DebugLog (Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("NTCOMPAT: Using %1"), 0, szPath); } return(b);
c2: if( TxtsetupSif) { UnloadInfFile(TxtsetupSif); TxtsetupSif = NULL; } c1: UnloadInfFile(MainInf); MainInf = NULL; c0: return(b); }
BOOL BuildCopyList( IN HWND hdlg ) { TCHAR Text[256];
LoadString(hInst,IDS_BUILDING_COPY_LIST,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text); SaveLanguageDirs();
return(BuildCopyListWorker(hdlg)); }
BOOL FindLocalSourceAndCheckSpace( IN HWND hdlg, IN BOOL QuickTest, IN LONGLONG AdditionalPadding ) { TCHAR Text[256];
if (!QuickTest) { LoadString(hInst,IDS_CHECKING_SPACE,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text); }
return FindLocalSourceAndCheckSpaceWorker(hdlg, QuickTest, AdditionalPadding); }
BOOL EnoughMemory( IN HWND hdlg, IN BOOL QuickTest ) { LPCTSTR p; MEMORYSTATUS MemoryStatus; DWORD RequiredMemory; SIZE_T RequiredMB, AvailableMB; TCHAR buffer[64];
UpgRequiredMb = 0; UpgAvailableMb = 0;
// Load the minimum memory requirements from the inf
if(GetMainInfValue (TEXT("Miscellaneous"),TEXT("MinimumMemory"), 0, buffer, 64)) { RequiredMemory = _tcstoul(buffer,NULL,10); //
// Got it. Now figure out how much we've got.
GlobalMemoryStatus( &MemoryStatus );
// Convert to MB, rounding up to nearest 4MB boundary...
RequiredMB = ((RequiredMemory + ((4*1024*1024)-1)) >> 22) << 2; AvailableMB = ((MemoryStatus.dwTotalPhys + ((4*1024*1024)-1)) >> 22) << 2;
// Allow for UMA machine which may reservce 8MB for video
if( AvailableMB < (RequiredMB-8) ) {
if (!QuickTest) { UpgRequiredMb = (DWORD)RequiredMB; UpgAvailableMb = (DWORD)AvailableMB; //
// Fail.
DebugLog( Winnt32LogInformation, NULL, MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, AvailableMB, RequiredMB );
MessageBoxFromMessage( hdlg, MSG_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING, AvailableMB, RequiredMB );
return( FALSE ); } else { if (!QuickTest) { TCHAR Buffer[MAX_PATH]; _stprintf( Buffer, TEXT("Detected %dMB of RAM.\n"), AvailableMB ); DebugLog( Winnt32LogInformation, Buffer, 0 ); } } }
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL LoadInfWorker( IN HWND hdlg, IN LPCTSTR FilenamePart, OUT PVOID *InfHandle, IN BOOL Winnt32File ) { DWORD d; UINT u; UINT Id; TCHAR infPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR FormatString[128]; TCHAR Text[MAX_PATH+128]; BOOL b;
LoadString(hInst,IDS_LOADINGINF,Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR)); SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_SETPROGRESSTEXT,0,(LPARAM)Text);
// use standard searching algorithm to get to the right INF
if (Winnt32File) { b = FindPathToWinnt32File (FilenamePart, infPath, MAX_PATH); } else { b = FindPathToInstallationFile (FilenamePart, infPath, MAX_PATH); }
if (b) { d = LoadInfFile(infPath,TRUE,InfHandle); if (d == NO_ERROR) { return TRUE; } } else { d = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; }
switch(d) {
case NO_ERROR:
Id = 0; break;
Id = MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break;
// I/O error.
if(Id) { SendMessage(hdlg,WMX_ERRORMESSAGEUP,TRUE,0);
MessageBoxFromMessage( hdlg, Id, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, infPath );
return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL WriteFileToLog( const PTCHAR pszFileMetaName, const PTCHAR pszActualFileName ) { HANDLE hActualFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL fResult = FALSE; DWORD cbBootIniSize, cbReadBootIniSize; PUCHAR pszBuffer = NULL; PTCHAR pszActualBuffer = NULL;
// Open the boot.ini file, get its size, convert it to the proper
// string type internally, and then log it out.
hActualFile = CreateFile( pszActualFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
if ( hActualFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) goto Exit;
cbBootIniSize = GetFileSize( hActualFile, NULL );
// Buffer we'll be reading the boot.ini into
if ((pszBuffer = MALLOC(cbBootIniSize)) == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto Exit; } if ( !ReadFile( hActualFile, pszBuffer, cbBootIniSize, &cbReadBootIniSize, NULL ) ) goto Exit;
// Ensure that we read as much as we really wanted.
if ( cbBootIniSize != cbReadBootIniSize ) { DebugLog( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Error: %1 unable to be read entirely.\n"), 0, pszFileMetaName); goto Exit; }
#ifdef UNICODE
pszActualBuffer = MALLOC( (cbBootIniSize + 3) * sizeof(TCHAR) );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, pszBuffer, cbBootIniSize, pszActualBuffer, cbBootIniSize ); #else
pszActualBuffer = pszBuffer; #endif
pszActualBuffer[cbBootIniSize] = 0;
// And write it out
DebugLog( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("%1 ----\n%2\n---- (from %3)\n"), 0, pszFileMetaName, pszActualBuffer, pszActualFileName);
fResult = TRUE; SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); Exit: if ( hActualFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle( hActualFile ); hActualFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #ifdef UNICODE
if ( pszActualBuffer != NULL ) #else
if ( ( pszActualBuffer != pszBuffer ) && ( pszActualBuffer != NULL ) ) #endif
{ FREE(pszActualBuffer); pszActualBuffer = NULL; } if ( pszBuffer != NULL ) { FREE(pszBuffer); pszBuffer = NULL; } return fResult; }
BOOL InspectFilesystems( IN HWND hdlg ) { TCHAR DriveRoot[4]; BOOL b; TCHAR VolumeName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD SerialNumber; DWORD MaxComponent; BOOL Bogus[26]; TCHAR Filesystem[100]; TCHAR Drive; DWORD Flags; int i;
DriveRoot[1] = TEXT(':'); DriveRoot[2] = TEXT('\\'); DriveRoot[3] = 0;
for(Drive=TEXT('A'); Drive<=TEXT('Z'); Drive++) {
if(MyGetDriveType(Drive) != DRIVE_FIXED) { continue; }
DriveRoot[0] = Drive;
b = GetVolumeInformation( DriveRoot, VolumeName,MAX_PATH, &SerialNumber, &MaxComponent, &Flags, Filesystem, sizeof(Filesystem)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
if(b) { //
// On NT, we want to warn about HPFS.
// On Win9x, we want to warn about doublespace/drivespace.
if(ISNT()) { if(!lstrcmpi(Filesystem,TEXT("HPFS"))) { Bogus[Drive-TEXT('A')] = TRUE; } } else { if(Flags & FS_VOL_IS_COMPRESSED) { Bogus[Drive-TEXT('A')] = TRUE; } } } }
#ifdef _X86_
if(ISNT()) { TCHAR BootIniName[16]; DWORD dwAttributes;
// Disallow HPFS system partition. If someone figured out how
// to get an HPFS system partition on an ARC machine, more power
// to 'em.
MYASSERT (SystemPartitionDriveLetter); if(SystemPartitionDriveLetter && Bogus[SystemPartitionDriveLetter-TEXT('A')]) {
MessageBoxFromMessage( hdlg, MSG_SYSPART_IS_HPFS, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, SystemPartitionDriveLetter );
return(FALSE); }
If we're upgrading NT, then log the existing boot.ini to the logfiles for this pass. However, if that failed, then there was something wrong - a missing boot.ini during an upgrade is really a bad thing that should be snipped in the bud before we go much further and copy files down, change system state, etc. */ #ifdef PRERELEASE
if (Upgrade) { _stprintf(BootIniName, TEXT("%c:\\BOOT.INI"), SystemPartitionDriveLetter); if ( !WriteFileToLog( TEXT("Boot configuration file while inspecting filesystems"), BootIniName ) ) { MessageBoxFromMessage( hdlg, MSG_UPGRADE_INSPECTION_MISSING_BOOT_INI, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, BootIniName ); return FALSE; } } #endif
} #endif
// User cannot upgrade a system on an HPFS/DriveSpace drive
MyGetWindowsDirectory(VolumeName,MAX_PATH); if(Upgrade && Bogus[VolumeName[0]-TEXT('A')]) {
return(FALSE); }
// General case, HPFS data partition/compressed drive.
for(b=FALSE,Drive=0; !b && (Drive<26); Drive++) { if(Bogus[Drive]) { b = TRUE; } } if(b) { i = MessageBoxFromMessage( hdlg, ISNT() ? MSG_HPFS_DRIVES_EXIST : MSG_CVFS_EXIST, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_TASKMODAL );
if(i == IDNO) { return(FALSE); } }
return(TRUE); }