Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
ia64 pmc
KD Extension Api
Thierry Fevrier (v-thief)
User Mode.
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ia64.h"
// EmPmcFields: EM register fields for the Performance Monitor Counter register.
EM_REG_FIELD EmGenPmcFields[] = { { "plm", "Privilege Level Mask" , 0x4, 0 }, // 0-3
{ "ev", "External Visibility" , 0x1, 4 }, // 4
{ "oi", "Overflow Interrupt", 0x1, 5 }, // 5
{ "pm", "Privileged Monitor", 0x1, 6 }, // 6
{ "ig", "ignored1", 0x1, 7 }, // 7
{ "es", "Event Selection", 0x7, 8 }, // 8-14
{ "ig", "ignored2", 0x1, 15 }, // 15
{ "umk", "Unit Mask", 0x4, 16 }, // 16-19
{ "thr", "Event Threshold", 0x3, 20 }, // 20-[21-22]
{ "ig", "ignored3", 0x1, 23 }, // 23
{ "ism", "Instruction Set Mask", 0x2, 24 }, // 24-25
{ "ig", "ignored4", 0x26, 26 } // 26-63
EM_REG_FIELD EmBtbPmcFields[] = { { "plm", "Privilege Level Mask", 0x4, 0 }, // 0-3
{ "ign", "ignored1", 0x2, 4 }, // 4-5
{ "pm" , "Privileged Monitor", 0x1, 6}, // 6
{ "tar", "Target Address Register", 0x1, 7 }, // 7
{ "tm" , "Taken Mask", 0x2, 8 }, // 8-9
{ "ptm", "Predicted Target Address Mask", 0x2, 10 }, // 10-11
{ "ppm", "Predicted Predicate Mask", 0x2, 12 }, // 12-13
{ "bpt", "Branch Prediction Table", 0x1, 14 }, // 14
{ "bac", "Branch Address Calculator", 0x1, 15 }, // 15
{ "ign", "ignored2", 0x30, 16 } // 16-63
EM_REG_FIELD EmBtbPmdFields[] = { { "b", "Branch Bit", 0x1, 0 }, // 0
{ "mp", "Mispredit Bit", 0x1, 1 }, // 1
{ "slt", "Instruction Slot", 0x2, 2}, // 2-3
{ "add", "Address", 0x3c, 4 } // 4-63
EM_REG_FIELD EmBtbIndexPmdFields[] = { { "bbi", "Branch Buffer Index", 0x3, 0 }, // 0-2
{ "ful", "Full Bit", 0x1, 3 }, // 3
{ "ign", "ignored", 0x3c, 4 } // 4-63
typedef VOID (*PDISPLAY_PMC)( IN const PCHAR Header, IN ULONG64 PmcValue, IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode );
VOID DisplayPmcIA64( IN const PCHAR Header, IN ULONG64 PmcValue, IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode ) {
dprintf("%s0x%I64x\n", ( Header ? Header : " pmc: " ), PmcValue ); return;
} // DisplayPmcIA64()
VOID DisplayGenPmcIA64( IN const PCHAR Header, IN ULONG64 PmcValue, IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode ) { dprintf("%s", Header ? Header : "" ); if ( DisplayMode >= DISPLAY_MED ) { DisplayFullEmReg( PmcValue, EmGenPmcFields, DisplayMode ); } else { EM_PMC emPmc;
emPmc = ULong64ToEM_PMC( PmcValue ); dprintf( "plm ev oi pm es umk thr ism\n " "%1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %2I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x\n", emPmc.plm, emPmc.ev, emPmc.oi, emPmc.pm, emPmc.es, emPmc.umask, emPmc.threshold, emPmc.ism ); } return; } // DisplayGenPmcIA64()
VOID DisplayBtbPmcIA64( IN const PCHAR Header, IN ULONG64 PmcValue, IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode ) { dprintf("%s", Header ? Header : "" ); if ( DisplayMode >= DISPLAY_MED ) { DisplayFullEmReg( PmcValue, EmBtbPmcFields, DisplayMode ); } else { EM_BTB_PMC emPmc;
emPmc = ULong64ToEM_BTB_PMC( PmcValue ); dprintf( "plm pm tar tm ptm ppm bpt bac\n " "%1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x %1I64x\n", emPmc.plm, emPmc.pm, emPmc.tar, emPmc.tm, emPmc.ptm, emPmc.ppm, emPmc.bpt, emPmc.bac ); } return; } // DisplayBtbPmcIA64()
VOID DisplayBtbPmdIA64( IN const PCHAR Header, // Header string displayed before pmc.
IN ULONG64 PmdValue, // PMD value.
IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode // Display mode.
) {
dprintf("%s", Header ? Header : "" ); if ( DisplayMode >= DISPLAY_MED ) { DisplayFullEmReg( PmdValue, EmBtbPmdFields, DisplayMode ); } else { EM_BTB_PMD btbPmd; ULONG64 brAddress; btbPmd = ULong64ToEM_BTB_PMD( PmdValue ); #define ITANIUM_PA_ADDRESSING_MASK 0x80000FFFFFFFFFFFUI64
#define ITANIUM_BTB_PMD_ADDRESS_MASK( _pmdValue) \
( ((_pmdValue) & 0xfffffffffffffff0UI64) & ITANIUM_VA_ADDRESSING_MASK )
brAddress = ITANIUM_BTB_PMD_ADDRESS_MASK( PmdValue ); dprintf( "%1I64x %1I64x %1I64x 0x%016I64x ", btbPmd.b, btbPmd.mp, btbPmd.slot, brAddress );
#if 0
// Thierry 03/19/2001 - BUGBUG
// Itanium Processor Programmer's guide does not present the
// PMD[8-15] branch/interrupt mode 2 formats.
// I am disabling this check until I can implement it correctly with a context
// that can distinguish between mode 1 and mode 2 at the time this history was created.
if ( (btbPmd.b == 0) && (btbPmd.mp == 0)) { dprintf("<invalid entry>"); } else #endif
{ CCHAR symbol[256]; PCHAR s; ULONG64 displacement;
symbol[0] = '!'; GetSymbol( brAddress, symbol, &displacement); s = (PCHAR)symbol + strlen( (PCHAR)symbol ); if (s == (PCHAR)symbol ) { sprintf( s, (IsPtr64() ? "0x%016I64x" : "0x%08x"), brAddress ); } else { if ( displacement ) { sprintf( s, (IsPtr64() ? "+0x%I64x" : "+0x%x"), displacement ); } } dprintf( "%s", symbol ); } dprintf("\n"); }
} // DisplayBtbPmdIA64()
VOID DisplayBtbIndexPmdIA64( IN const PCHAR Header, IN ULONG64 PmcValue, IN DISPLAY_MODE DisplayMode ) { dprintf("%s", Header ? Header : "" ); if ( DisplayMode >= DISPLAY_MED ) { DisplayFullEmReg( PmcValue, EmBtbIndexPmdFields, DisplayMode ); } else { EM_BTB_INDEX_PMD emPmd;
emPmd = ULong64ToEM_BTB_INDEX_PMD( PmcValue ); dprintf( "bbi full\n " "%1I64x %1I64x\n", emPmd.bbi, emPmd.full ); } return; } // DisplayBtbIndexPmdIA64()
PDISPLAY_PMC GetPmcDisplayFunction( char *Str ) { LONG pmc; char *c;
c = Str; while( isalnum( (int)(*c) ) ) { c++; } *c = '\0'; pmc = atol( Str ); switch( pmc ) { case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: return( (PDISPLAY_PMC)DisplayGenPmcIA64 );
case 12: return( (PDISPLAY_PMC)DisplayBtbPmcIA64 );
default: if ( !strcmp( Str, "gen" ) ) { return( (PDISPLAY_PMC)DisplayGenPmcIA64 ); } if ( !strcmp( Str, "btb" ) ) { return( (PDISPLAY_PMC)DisplayBtbPmcIA64 ); } return ( (PDISPLAY_PMC)DisplayPmcIA64 ); } } // IsPmcSupported()
Routine Description:
Dumps a IA-64 Processor PMC Register. // Thierry 11/2000: The following scheme could also be used for PMD registers.
args - Supplies the address in hex.
Return Value:
{ ULONG64 pmcValue = 0; ULONG result; ULONG flags = 0; char *option = NULL; PDISPLAY_PMC displayPmc = DisplayGenPmcIA64; // Default display function.
char *header;
if ( TargetMachine != IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64 ) { dprintf("!pmc not implemented for this architecture.\n"); return S_OK; }
option = strchr( args, '-' ); if ( option ) { displayPmc = GetPmcDisplayFunction( ++option ); args += (strlen(option) + 2); } result = sscanf(args,"%I64lx %lx", &pmcValue, &flags); if ((result != 1) && (result != 2)) { //
// If user specified "@kpfc*"...
char kpfcStr[16]; BOOLEAN valid = FALSE;
result = sscanf(args,"%s %lx", kpfcStr, &flags); if ( (result == 1) || (result == 2) ) { if ( option == NULL ) { // If we did not force the display format.
char *str;
str = strstr( kpfcStr, "@kpfc" ); if ( str ) { str += strlen("@kpfc"); displayPmc = GetPmcDisplayFunction( str ); } } } else { dprintf( "USAGE: !pmc [-opt] 0xValue [display_mode:0,1,2]\n" "USAGE: !pmc @kpfc* [display_mode:0,1,2]\n" "where currently supported option:\n" "\tgen [or 4,5,6,7] - generic PMC registers\n" "\tbtb [or 12] - branch trace buffer PMC register\n" "\tEx: !pmc -btb @r2 2\n" ); return E_INVALIDARG; } pmcValue = GetExpression(kpfcStr); } header = (flags > DISPLAY_MIN) ? NULL : " pmc: "; (*displayPmc)( header, pmcValue, flags );
return S_OK;
} // !pmc